Jaundice prevention and treatment. Is jaundice contagious? Symptoms of obstructive jaundice

  • Medical indications
  • Ways of infection
  • Principles of classification
  • Diagnostics and therapy
    • Other Therapies
    • Phototherapy and nutrition
  • Preventive measures

With jaundice, the symptoms in adults have their own characteristics. Need to find out what is causing pathological change liver or other organ. In jaundice, the cause of development is a disturbed metabolism of bilirubin.

Medical indications

Jaundice appears when the patient:

The risk group includes:

  • a relative of those infected with the virus;
  • persons who had sexual contact with the patient;
  • drug addicts.

The condition under consideration is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • yellowness of the sclera and mucous membranes;
  • skin coloring.

The above symptoms of jaundice appear on the background excess accumulation bilirubin in the body. Normally, it is released during the breakdown of red blood cells. Then it moves to the liver, participating in metabolic processes.

Due to a violation of any stage of the release of the substance, the mucous membranes and sclera are stained in an icteric hue. What a person with jaundice looks like can be seen in the photo.

Why yellow? Normally, the yellow pigment is excreted from the body during bowel movements. With the pathology under consideration, a lot of bilirubin remains in the blood.

Jaundice can occur like hepatitis A, B and C. Everyone should know how long it lasts incubation period liver disease. In jaundice, the virus is in active phase within a few months. Given the duration, the pathology can be acute, long-term or chronic.

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Ways of infection

Hepatitis A is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Jaundice can be caused intestinal infection. For 10–45 days, the disease proceeds acutely and cyclically. An infected person may complain of impaired liver function and nervous system. Relapse is not possible.

How can you get hepatitis B? This disease is transmitted by parenteral route. Pathology proceeds slowly, but for a long time. Transition to a chronic form is possible. Often people with hepatitis B suffer from cirrhosis of the liver.

Hepatitis C proceeds, like hepatitis B. More often, the disease manifests itself in chronic form which causes cirrhosis of the liver. How is jaundice transmitted from person to person? Hepatitis C can be transmitted parenterally.

Delta jaundice is transmitted simultaneously with hepatitis B. For viral jaundice E characteristic severe course, which can lead to lethal outcome especially in pregnant women. Hepatitis C and B can be transmitted through blood and sexual contact.

To general symptoms jaundice experts include:

  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • yellow skin;
  • high concentration of erythrocytes.

The first signs of jaundice in adults are manifested in the form of severe pain in the right hypochondrium, lack of appetite. This changes the color of urine and feces.

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Principles of classification

Symptoms and treatment of jaundice in adults depend on the stage and type of disease. Conjugative jaundice is not an independent disease. This pathology develops against the background of a violation of the process of converting indirect bilirubin.

This phenomenon is more often observed in newborns (due to the imperfection metabolic processes). In adults this pathology occurs as a result of exposure to the liver of negative factors. Conjugation pathology is a consequence of a congenital disease.

The hemolytic form of the disease is associated with the pathological destruction of red blood cells. This condition is associated with anemia, tropical malaria, lymphocytic leukemia and other pathologies. The physiological form develops against the background of the immaturity of the enzyme system, therefore it is more often diagnosed in children. Neonatal jaundice is manifested due to the immaturity of hepatocytes. For such jaundice, treatment is urgent, as indirect bilirubin is a neurotoxic poison that affects the cerebral cortex.

Parenchymal disease is a common type of jaundice associated with a violation of the functionality and structure of hepatocytes. The main pathologies that provoke this disease, doctors include:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute form of viral hepatitis.

The patient increases the size of the liver, changes the color of the skin. Telangiectasias appear on the body, presented in the form spider veins. Hepatic jaundice in adults is a consequence of impaired functioning of liver cells. More often, this pathology is accompanied by yellow skin, pain in the right hypochondrium. To cure hepatic jaundice, the doctor finds out the cause of its development.

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Diagnostics and therapy

If jaundice occurs, urgent medical advice is required. Research methods include:

  • laboratory methods of examination;
  • biopsy and examination of the liver (determining the nature of the pathology and assessing the degree of damage to the organ).

Before treating jaundice, the doctor determines the tactics of therapy. If the disease is severe, an organ transplant is performed. In the treatment of jaundice conservative method are used:

Purpose of therapy:

  • destruction of the virus;
  • prevention of liver cirrhosis.

Chronic autoimmune hepatitis is treated with corticosteroids. With absence timely treatment dangerous complications begin to develop, the elimination of which will require organ transplantation. In this case, there is no remission period.

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Other Therapies

At easy course disease, expectant management is used. The therapy is done at home. If jaundice is provoked by a drug, then it is necessary to stop using it. With cirrhosis, treatment with lactulose and diuretics is indicated. Antibiotic therapy is carried out if jaundice has infectious cause occurrence.

Patients suffering from cancer need to consult an oncologist. Invasive manipulations and operations are performed on a patient with jaundice and stones in the bladder. A person may experience obstructive jaundice associated with impaired outflow of bile.

In a benign course of the disease, endoscopic papillosphincterotomy is indicated. Manipulation is aimed at removing about 90% of the stones in the duct. If the mechanical form of the disease is malignant, then the patient is prescribed a radical treatment (palliative manipulation that reduces the level of cholestasis).

If hepatitis A is detected, treatment is not carried out. In this case, do not apply antiviral drugs. Patients with hepatitis A are prescribed medications that reduce the concentration and cleanse the body of harmful substances. These drugs include detoxification solutions, vitamins and glucose.

It is recommended to take hepatoprotectors (Sirepar, Silibor) - drugs that protect liver cells. Additionally, antispasmodics are taken (No-shpa, Papaverine). In severe cases, similar principles of therapy apply.

With the help of yellowing, more than one disease can manifest itself, so it is always worth remembering that jaundice in adults is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. It is often customary to call hepatitis A jaundice, but this is also not a true statement, but rather, “ folk diagnosis". But it is worth taking into account that the symptoms characteristic of this phenomenon can also appear in cases of other diseases, which gives only the doctor the full right to make a diagnosis. Manifestations of jaundice cannot be overlooked, the skin, mucous membranes and whites of the eyes change shade. Especially often newborn babies suffer from this phenomenon, but, at the same time, it is not a disease.

Symptoms of jaundice in adults

Jaundice in adults has the following symptoms:

  • yellow skin tone, especially pronounced on the palms and feet;
  • venous mesh on the abdomen and on the sides;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • the skin, at the same time, itches;
  • excreted urine darkens, up to a burgundy hue;
  • and the stool unnaturally brightens, acquiring a gray color;
  • no appetite;
  • in the right side, a slight pain of a pulling nature can be felt.

Confirmation of symptoms will be an increased level of red blood cells in the patient's blood test.

Is jaundice hepatitis A?

In the most frequent cases, jaundice (as it is customary) is called hepatitis A or, in the common people, Botkin's disease. But jaundice also appears with viral hepatitis B and C, as well as hepatitis of a toxic or autoimmune, or medicinal nature, which does not cause jaundice hallmark it is with hepatitis A. Therefore, answering the question: “Is jaundice hepatitis A?”, You can affirmatively answer that it is not.

What diseases can occur with jaundice?

The most common diseases, one of the symptoms of which is jaundice, are:

  • liver hepatitis;
  • alcoholism;
  • anemia;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stones in gallbladder or blockage of the bile duct by a stone;
  • syphilis;
  • autoimmune diseases of the body;
  • oncology of the liver and pancreas, as well as metastases in them.

Why does jaundice appear?

The cause of jaundice in an adult is an increase in the level of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the patient's blood. Bilirubin is produced during the division of red blood cells normal condition it is processed, neutralized and excreted together with bile from the body through the intestines and with liquid through the urinary tract, turning into stercobilin and urobilin. Therefore, with impaired liver function and the accumulation of bilirubin, urine and feces change color.

When there are malfunctions in the body that affect the processing of bilirubin, it accumulates in the liver cells and is absorbed back into the blood. The accumulation of indirect bilirubin is especially unsafe for a person, because. he is toxic substance. As soon as its accumulation in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes reaches the maximum volume, they acquire a characteristic yellow tint. This process may take more than one month, but since each organism is individual, there are no specific terms for the manifestation of jaundice in adults.

Jaundice is provoked by many reasons, some of this list may be:

As already mentioned, some drugs are able to cause symptoms of jaundice. In particular, these are:

  • antibiotic drugs Bactrim or Biseptol;
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • contraceptives hormonal preparations(mini-drank);
  • Niacin or A nicotinic acid- a vitamin that takes part in reduction-type reactions, as well as metabolism and lipids, in particular;
  • Phenothiazines - drugs used to increase excitability in mental disorders, especially Prolexin or Triftazin;
  • Purineol is a drug used to treat leukemia;
  • steroid drugs.

Types of jaundice

Symptoms of jaundice in adults may vary in their course due to the type of phenomenon. Types of jaundice are distinguished depending on the reasons that induce the process. Therefore, they distinguish:

  • conjugation;
  • hemolytic;
  • physiological;
  • neonatal;
  • parenchymal;
  • as well as hepatic jaundice.

But doctors also identified three types based on the processes occurring in a sick human body:

  • suprahepatic jaundice - developing due to an excessive amount of bilirubin;
  • hepatic - occurring due to an incorrect process of its processing;
  • as well as subhepatic - diagnosed in case of incomplete excretion of bilirubin with bile.


Conjugative jaundice is directly associated with a violation of the processing of indirect bilirubin. Most often, this process is diagnosed in newborns and self-medicating adults, because. some drugs can provoke conjugative jaundice. Not less often this type of jaundice is diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome.

Hemolytic jaundice

Hemolytic jaundice is the result of a pathology of destruction of red blood cells, as a result of which the excretion of bilirubin does not occur. Such a pathology can be:

Also, the effect of hemolytic jaundice is possible with a fair amount toxic effect some drugs.


Physiological jaundice is also more typical for newborns and is associated with the child's adaptation to new conditions. environment. To be more precise, this is how the immature enzyme system of a premature or weak newborn reacts to new living conditions. Also lingering physiological jaundice can talk about congenital disorders in the exchange of bilirubin. This condition is expressed in jaundice skin and baby sleepiness.

neonatal jaundice

Neonatal jaundice appears immediately after the birth of the baby and is associated with the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood of the newborn. This phenomenon occurs very often, which may indicate both the immaturity of the liver cells and insufficient binding of bilirubin to blood components. When the course of jaundice threatens the health of the child, it is urgently carried out special treatment, because accumulated toxic indirect bilirubin can lead to sad consequences.


Hepatic jaundice is a consequence of improper functioning of the liver cells. Their incorrect work may be based on ingestion of:

  • hepatitis viruses;
  • excessive doses medicines or long-term treatment with them;
  • high doses of alcohol.

Also, pathology is able to develop in parallel with cirrhosis of the liver and malignant tumor in organ tissues.

Characteristic of hepatic jaundice is the presence of nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium. Jaundice is manifested by changes in skin tone, mucous membranes, whites of the eyes, and excreted feces and urine.

What are the consequences of jaundice?

If the diseases that provoke the symptoms of jaundice are not treated in a timely manner, then quite serious consequences may appear.

Any viral hepatitis can have life-threatening consequences. The most terrible is the development of a fulminant form of the disease, which happens, fortunately, rarely, in 1% of cases of hepatitis A and B. No less dangerous is the development of cirrhosis of the liver and its cancer, which happens much more often. A complication in the form of cirrhosis has a chance of developing in 20% of cases in patients diagnosed with viral hepatitis B and the same prospect can be expected in patients with hepatitis C.

Jaundice in pregnancy

Unfortunately, no pregnant woman can be completely immune from the symptoms of jaundice, even if normal course pregnancy and overall health. In some cases, yellowing is noted on early dates pregnancy, along with toxicosis, and, in some, occurs during the third trimester, when the liver, squeezed by the growing uterus, cannot cope with its natural functions.


It is impossible to ignore or skip jaundice during pregnancy, the symptoms are very pronounced:

  • yellow sclera of the eyes;
  • yellow skin tone;
  • skin itching;
  • feeling of heartburn and nausea;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss against this background.

What is terrible jaundice for pregnant women?

At untimely appeal per medical assistance there is a risk of unwanted bleeding, as well as the accumulation of fluids in the serous cavities, which is deadly for an unborn baby.

Treatment of jaundice in pregnant women

self-medication in given period it is a priori forbidden to engage in, and, if the above symptoms occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for medicinal purpose. The doctor has the right to prescribe both medication and non drug treatment.

Non-drug treatment consists in compliance special diet, which is strictly prohibited fatty varieties meat and fish, saturated with fats milk, smoked meats, canned food, as well as dishes prepared by frying. The ban also includes confectionery. The menu is made up of low-fat (fat-free) foods, boiled or steamed in a double boiler, cereals, vegetables and sweet fruits. Divide portions small, but the frequency of nutrition should be more than 5 meals per day.

It is important to change a lazy lifestyle even for a pregnant woman to an active one, spending more time in hiking on the fresh air. Limit yourself from stress, surround yourself with only positive emotions.

Medical treatment of jaundice in pregnancy consists of prescribing choleretic agents, intravenously administered sorbents and other drugs that relieve active symptoms. Once again, I would like to emphasize the importance of timely treatment in order to prevent deplorable complications.

How to treat jaundice in adults?

Treatment of jaundice is prescribed after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor must find out the cause of the patient's yellowing. And only after that proceed to the treatment of the established disease. If required, one of the traditional way treatment:

  • medication;
  • phototherapeutic;
  • or surgical - if a liver transplant or surgery is needed.

Any of the selected therapies requires a diet that excludes all fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, sour and canned foods.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of jaundice is to take hepatoprotectors. The most commonly prescribed preparations with milk thistle extract (silymarin):

  • Silibinin;
  • Silibor;
  • Karsil;
  • Sirepar.

Also, in view of the sensation of pain, antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Papaverine) can be prescribed.

Otherwise, medication is performed in connection with traditional treatment regimens for the causes of jaundice. Supplemented appointment biologically active additives and vitamin and mineral complexes.


Phototherapy is the main way to deal with jaundice in newborns. Ultraviolet helps dissolve the cells of bilirubin deposited in the skin and remove it from the baby's body. Another name for therapy is phototherapy.

It is appointed in connection with the ban on the use of many adult treatments for children. The physiotherapeutic approach is to use an ultraviolet lamp with imitation of daylight, the permissible wavelength of which is from 400 to 550 nm. A similar light wave converts bilirubin into an isomer, which children's body output along with stool. Moreover, breast-feeding there is no need to stop, because breast milk will be additional method fight.

Many people have been familiar with jaundice since childhood, as newborns are the most affected. But in modern world it has become not uncommon for adults who have jaundice - it is rather not individual disease, but a complex of signs that signal damage to the liver or blood due to the accumulation of bilirubin in them. Therefore, the skin and sclera of the eyes become yellow, which is perceived as symptoms of jaundice in adults. There are two types of it - true (due to physiological disorders of the liver), and false (manifested due to the use a large number yellow products).

Malfunctions in the outflow of bile in the adult population are more often manifested due to infection of the liver or chronic pathologies.

If someone close has jaundice syndrome, the rest of the family begins to think about the risk of infection. By itself, this disease is not contagious, but the fact that it is a consequence of some disease indicates the possibility of contracting it with it and gaining the first signs of jaundice.

At viral nature disease (hepatitis), the following mechanisms of penetration are distinguished:

  1. ate unwashed food, drink poor-quality water;
  2. upon contact with the carrier, which can be not only a person, but also dogs with cats;
  3. through unwashed hands and contaminated food;
  4. when using other people's personal hygiene products;
  5. through blood and other body fluids.

Jaundice is not transmitted when it:

Jaundice, in most cases, does not pose a danger to infection of others from the patient.

  1. caused by hereditary predisposition;
  2. associated with normal hormonal changes(in the first days of life and during pregnancy);
  3. the carrier did not acquire it from a third-party pathogen;
  4. occurs due to obstruction of the bile ducts;
  5. gets out of problems with the destruction of red blood cells, etc.

Risk factors

The appearance of jaundice most often threatens those who:

  1. has hereditary conditions, is in the group high risk the development of this disease;
  2. consumes a lot of alcohol;
  3. frequents public places or works there;
  4. travels to endemic areas where it is uncomfortable to live;
  5. eats raw oysters;
  6. practicing oral, anal sex or ordinary with unverified partners, without protection;
  7. suffers from drug addiction;
  8. uses other people's personal hygiene products;
  9. enjoys piercings, tattoos;
  10. works in medical institutions;
  11. underwent hemodialysis;
  12. received a blood transfusion;
  13. born in places with high endemicity, lives there permanently.

The risk of jaundice is quite high for everyone who is related to the above areas, because it is transmitted imperceptibly to the eyes.

Types and causes

There are a number of reasons why people get jaundice.

  • liver cells poorly capture, neutralize toxic bilirubin;
  • increased production of bilirubin along with greater destruction of red blood cells;
  • bile, together with bilirubin, is problematically excreted into the intestine, being absorbed into the blood.

Each of these causes corresponds to a specific type of jaundice.


Hepatic in three forms:

  • hepatic - cellular;
  • cholestatic;
  • enzymopathic.
Jaundice often develops from intoxication, alcoholism, hepatitis.

Technical side The first comes from diseases such as cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, alcohol and drug intoxication that affects the liver tissue.

Cholestatic, the internal nature of which is associated with cholestasis, develops against the background negative impact drugs, viral hepatitis, toxic substances cirrhosis and hepatosis.

Enzymopathic is based on insufficient activity of enzymes designed to search for, capture, and excrete bilirubin.


It occurs due to increased destruction of red blood cells, an increase in the level of bilirubin, which inhibits the ability of liver cells to produce the correct metabolism of the latter. A blood test will show how much is in the body. The conditions for this process are created in malaria, hereditary spherocytosis, autoimmune disorders, thalassemia.


Among its main differences is recognition in the blood, in addition to bilirubin, cholesterol and bile acids due to a disorder in the work of the biliary tract. Many people live with gallstones and do not get rid of them, as a result of which they develop acute inflammation organ. A rash may appear sharp pains right and weight loss. Favorable conditions:


Develops due to decreased activity or total absence some enzymes that retain the conjugation (compound) of bilirubin with glucuronic acid. It is congenital and acquired.

Statistics highlights another type - catarrhal jaundice, which occurs due to the identification of such basic pathologies as:

  • Botkin's disease (jaundice, hepatitis A). It is transmitted through unwashed hands. It should be treated with rest, vitamins, balanced food intake, taking medications to relieve the negative effects on the liver cells.

  • Hepatitis B. Transmitted through blood and other fluids (for example, during childbirth in women), has a more severe course. Due to its viral nature, antiviral drugs are used for treatment.
  • Hepatitis C. Transmission is possible only through body fluids, open wounds, for example, from mother to child in the womb, through saliva, etc. At first, it is asymptomatic, but treatment must be started at the first signs, otherwise cancer or cirrhosis may follow.

Signs and symptoms in adults

As already mentioned, jaundice is not called independent disease, she is only visible sign some pathological process. All types of jaundice have their own manifestations, which make it possible to determine them with greater accuracy.

The most characteristic signs are a yellowish tint that stains the mucous membranes, the whites of the eyes, and the skin. The color may vary depending on the type.

  • has a yellow-olive hue, turning into brown;
  • hepatic - orange-yellow;
  • hemolytic - lemon yellow with a noticeable pallor.
Lack of bile secretion provokes pain in the right side, enlargement of the liver and spleen, digestive disorders, skin rashes.

Besides, clinical symptoms looks like that:

  1. heat, general weakness, headache;
  2. skin rash;
  3. unwillingness to eat;
  4. weight loss;
  5. urine becomes dark, and feces become paler;
  6. pain on the right side;
  7. swollen legs, stomach;
  8. enlarged liver and spleen;
  9. appear vein grids in the abdomen;
  10. rectal bleeding, diarrhea;
  11. nausea with vomiting.

These are far from all the symptoms, but the presence of even a small part of them helps a lot to find out. true reason occurrence of a particular disease.

flow process

Each of the types of jaundice has its own differences, dictating development options.

The hemolytic type affects red blood cells, removing a huge amount of hemoglobin into the blood, which must be converted to bilirubin, and subsequently excreted from the body. But the liver cannot cope with the increasing amount of work to convert the latter into a non-toxic form, as a result of which an excess amount of bilirubin is distributed through the tissues. The latter penetrates the intestines, as a result of which urine and feces acquire an unusual shade.

The process of hepatic jaundice is a little different. Liver cells are damaged along with the intrahepatic bile ducts, so bile excretion is disrupted in parallel with the production a large number bilirubin. Some of it enters the urine and feces, a little - into the blood, resulting in a rash.

The subhepatic type occurs due to a violation of the outflow of bile and is characterized by the following processes:

  • no output of bile and bilirubin;
  • in the urine there is the presence of bilirubin and the absence of urobilin;
  • feces become discolored;
  • bile appears in the blood, bile acids and direct bilirubin.

Jaundice during pregnancy

At any stage of pregnancy, women may experience jaundice, the symptoms of which are accompanied by heartburn, rash and toothache of the skin, nausea, vomiting, and excessive arousal.

There are two types of pathogenesis:

  1. in the first period, jaundice manifests itself in the first trimester with a characteristic decrease in appetite, vomiting, weight loss;
  2. in the second pronounced renal or hepatic insufficiency comes to light.

Using all the methods of diagnosis and treatment in time, it is possible to avoid such consequences as the accumulation of fluid in the serous cavity, bleeding, peripheral edema, and fetal death.

In any case, it is necessary urgent hospitalization to find causes and cures.


Undertreatment jaundice can lead to liver cancer, CNS damage, hepatitis.

Thanks to modern methods, treating jaundice in adults has become easier by creating favorable conditions for its course without consequences for the patient. If treatment is neglected, the consequences of jaundice may not be the most pleasant:

  1. damage to liver cells, after which it is difficult to restore their work to their original level;
  2. lifelong hepatitis;
  3. infection (sepsis);
  4. liver failure, coma;
  5. anemia;
  6. abnormal levels of red blood cells in the blood;
  7. bleeding;
  8. kidney failure;
  9. inflammatory or functional diseases biliary tract;
  10. brain dysfunction.

Most dangerous complication- Possibility of death.


Many people live with jaundice without even knowing it exists until the first signs. If there are obvious manifestations of jaundice in the form of yellowing, you should immediately go to the doctor to find the cause of the disease with the help of diagnostic examination. This will help to correctly reveal the pathogenesis of jaundice, prescribe adequate treatment.

The pathophysiology of jaundice, its study, includes several stages, the first of which is diagnosis. The diagnostic mechanism consists of four main stages.

Finding out the history of the patient's diseases, studying the anamnesis.

At this stage, a table is compiled from the words of the patient, in which the answers to such questions are entered:

  • how many changes are observed in the body;
  • is there a rash, itching, what is their nature;
  • whether there was contact with poisons;
  • whether there is alcohol abuse;
  • whether there were operations.

This list may be expanded.

Physical examination

Examination for suspected jaundice should show scratching on the integument, an increase in retinal vascular secretions, and swelling on the skin.

In its course, you can visually assess the condition to search for the source of jaundice:

  • cholestasis is indicated by a rash and scratching on the hands;
  • spider veins are characteristic of chronic lesions the examined organ;
  • visible subcutaneous deposits - excess cholesterol;
  • tumors and metastases are identified with with the help of a light palpation of the liver and resemble small indurations.

Laboratory research

People who develop jaundice should definitely do tests:

  • total blood and urine;
  • feces;
  • blood to determine the level of bilirubin;
  • blood for antibodies to various viruses, infections;
  • biochemistry.

Biochemistry makes it clear how much and what enzymatic inclusions of protein, cholesterol are contained in the blood, liver. There is a special table in which all the norms are entered and how many deviations can be.

Internal check of the state of organs

There are such diagnostic methods:

  • endoscopy with X-ray;
  • tomography;
  • biopsy;
  • duodenal scan.

The algorithm of actions is determined by the doctor, who connects everything necessary funds For search the right way to a person's recovery.

Last time, on the topic of health, we told you about. This time, as if continuing the logical chain of articles about health, we want to talk about such a phenomenon as jaundice. Many consider jaundice to be a disease, but this is not true, jaundice is a symptom that can be caused by a consequence of various diseases. In the article, we would like to talk in more detail about this symptom complex: what causes it to appear, how it proceeds and how to treat it.

The big problem of our society is that we always try to be treated at home, despite the fact that we have absolutely no idea about the diseases that we suffer from and which we try to treat on our own. This includes jaundice, as many believe that this is an independent disease.

What is jaundice

Jaundice is a complex of symptoms caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the tissues and blood, which manifests itself in the form of staining of the body and whites of the eyes in yellow. Absolutely everyone can get sick with jaundice: both adults and children. Jaundice can provoke a lot of diseases and they are all quite different.

There are 2 types of jaundice: true and false. True jaundice is caused by the reasons described above, and false jaundice is manifested for harmless reasons, the symptoms of which are visually similar to it. For example, false jaundice can cause prolonged and abundant consumption of yellow foods: carrots, pumpkins, beets, oranges, etc., when true jaundice has more complex causes, such as liver dysfunction.

Causes of jaundice

In our body there are erythrocytes - red blood cells. Red blood cells are very necessary for us, as they distribute oxygen throughout our body and carbon dioxide. Red blood cells themselves live up to 120 days, and in view of their large number, they die almost every day - about 1% of total erythrocytes. Broken red blood cells contain a substance called bilirubin.

Bilirubin itself is a yellow pigment and is poisonous. Accordingly, if it is poisonous, it is dangerous for our body. Therefore, this toxicity must somehow be suppressed by the body. Knowledgeable readers of our site immediately guessed that the suppression of the toxicity of bilirubin occurs due to the liver - and they will be absolutely right. The only organ that is a filter in our body is the liver, it is it that neutralizes the “bad” bilirubin, making it “good”, after which it is excreted from the body. Actually, the violation of the formation of bilirubin, its neutralization and excretion - can lead to the appearance of jaundice. As you understand, jaundice is a symptom of some disease that disrupts the bilirubin system in the body. In fact, there can be a lot of reasons for jaundice, which is why it is called a symptom complex. We will try to consider all the complexes of symptoms a little lower, briefly talking about their treatment.

How does jaundice appear?

Many girls and women are interested in: is jaundice contagious? If you carefully read the article, then you probably answered this question for yourself, but if not, then we will help you. So, if jaundice is not a disease, but only a symptom of some disease, then logically it is clear that jaundice itself is not contagious. If we talk about diseases that cause jaundice, then in some cases there are diseases that are still contagious.

How is jaundice transmitted?

Most often, jaundice is a sign of “unwashed hands” and contaminated foods that we eat. One of the most common causes of jaundice is hepatitis A, which can be found in water or on unwashed fruits and vegetables.

Can you get jaundice? - Yes! Jaundice can be contracted, but only the kind that occurs with hepatitis A or Botkin's disease. Infection can occur when you kiss or if you eat from the same dish with a person with hepatitis A. The hepatitis A virus can persist in water for about 3 months. Most often, due to hepatitis A, children become infected with jaundice, since it is difficult to get them to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, the most common cause the appearance of jaundice in them - eating dirty hands. Of course, this also applies to adults, but to a lesser extent. In other cases, diseases caused by jaundice are not transmitted from person to person.

Obstructive jaundice - when jaundice occurs when bile ducts are obstructed, it appears due to disturbances in the functioning of the body, and accordingly it cannot be transmitted in any way. The same applies to problems with the destruction of red blood cells.

Signs of jaundice

Let us now consider the first symptoms of jaundice. At first, jaundice begins with the usual symptomatic picture: weakness, malaise, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

Clear signs of jaundice

How does jaundice manifest itself? Of course, one of the most obvious causes of jaundice itself is the discoloration of the skin of the body and eyeballs into yellow. Also a sign of jaundice is dark urine (it resembles the color of dark beer), as well as discolored feces.

If you find yourself in the above symptoms, then be sure to consult a doctor, and limit communication with people. It is also necessary to eat with separate dishes, and after eating the dishes must be thoroughly washed and treated with boiling water. Jaundice is diagnosed only by a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment. It is important to note that diseases that cause jaundice are treated in a hospital, so you will most likely need hospitalization. Jaundice lasts from one to three weeks.

Treatment of jaundice

Treatment of jaundice is carried out in the form of treatment of the diseases that caused it. Basically, the body itself is cured of jaundice, but in difficult cases can be applied additional measures in treatment. If you do not pay due attention to jaundice, it can lead to very serious consequences, in the most difficult case - from the need for a transplant new liver up to and including death.

How to treat jaundice in complex forms

At infectious hepatitis it is necessary to treat the infection that has entered the body, for this antiviral drugs are used. There is also toxic hepatitis, in which an antidote must be introduced into the body.

If the cause of jaundice is a violation of the outflow of bile, then it is necessary to establish its cause and, if necessary, perform medical treatment or surgery to eliminate this cause.

In the case when the cause of jaundice is a violation of the destruction of red blood cells, then it is necessary to establish the cause this violation. This can be eliminated both with medication, and in especially difficult cases with a blood transfusion.

Very often, parents find signs of jaundice in their child. Of course, vigilance must be maintained in any case, but at the same time it should not be too fanatical. Often parents confuse jaundice and symptoms similar to it. Children often have elevated bilirubin levels, and this is quite normal, in most cases this is a consequence of Gilbert's Syndrome - a syndrome advanced level bilirubin. There is nothing wrong with this, we repeat again - this is quite normal phenomenon, and if this diagnosis is made to your child, then this syndrome must be controlled occasionally, and then everything will be in order. Jaundice occurs in children as well as in adults, there are no differences here.

diet for jaundice

Now let's look at what you can eat with jaundice. Since the liver suffers greatly with jaundice, and the food we consume directly interacts with the liver, nutrition should be given Special attention. As you understand, in order to make life easier for the liver, it is necessary to eat “light foods”. Your diet should be for the most part carbohydrate products and very preferably low fat. Fruits and vegetables should form the basis of your diet and should be thoroughly washed before eating. In no case do not eat heavy food: fatty, fried, smoked, spicy, sweet, and alcohol. Drink as much as possible mineral water and freshly squeezed fruit juices.

The established opinion calls to consider jaundice as a disease, however, this is not entirely true. Jaundice (jaundice) is a set of symptoms that indicate a disease.

Treatment of jaundice is carried out necessarily, including at home, a set of measures is provided for this. But first you need to establish the reasons for its occurrence.

in adults, it occurs when bilirubin accumulates in the blood and tissues. Bilirubin is the main component of bile, which is formed as a result of the natural destruction of red blood cells that have served their time. The latter help move oxygen and carbon dioxide around the body.

By itself, bilirubin is a toxic substance, and the liver is responsible for processing poisons in the body. When the process of processing bilirubin by the liver is disturbed, jaundice occurs. It is called true and in this case treatment is prescribed.

But there is also false jaundice - for example, it occurs when eating bright yellow or orange foods in excessive quantities. Carotenes (pigments) accumulate in the body, which give the icteric color to the skin. Treatment of jaundice in adults should be timely, including the treatment of concomitant diseases.

Principles of treatment of jaundice

Features and principles of treatment of jaundice in adults is that home therapy depends on several factors, primarily on the type of jaundice:

  • - occurs in adults due to the development of any pathologies (among them - a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, lymphocytic leukemia, tropical malaria, etc.);
  • - associated with liver damage and often develops against the background of and;
  • - occurs due to a violation of the passage of bile against the background of the formation of stones or tumors.

The decision on how to treat jaundice in adults, the doctor takes and depending on the degree of intensity and duration of the disease. Important for the treatment of adults at home are the results of tests - blood (for the presence of hepatitis, including), urine and feces.

Assign an ultrasound internal organs, and in difficult cases additional research- endoscopy, computed tomography sometimes a liver biopsy for proper treatment jaundice in adults.

Therapy carried out at home should be aimed at preserving the liver, preventing cirrhosis, as well as protecting others from infection with viral hepatitis. Common treatments for jaundice:

  • diet therapy;
  • taking drugs to increase immunity, relieve itching, and in some cases, painkillers;
  • taking vitamins and hepatoprotectors;
  • plasmapheresis - blood purification, its filtration;
  • phototherapy - exposure of the pigment to ultraviolet light.


A comprehensive treatment of jaundice at home in adults prescribed by a gastroenterologist includes, first of all, a diet.

The diet should be high-calorie, balanced, consisting of dishes that will not harm the liver. Meals should be eaten only fresh and warm. In the patient's diet must be present in enough proteins, vitamin D (found in meat and animal products), and iron.

You need to eat at home often in small portions, at least 5 times a day. A diet for the treatment of jaundice in adults is prescribed, which consists of three stages.

The first stage (about two days) involves the consumption of a glucose solution, fruits, sweet compotes and tea. Due to the intake of glucose, there is a normalization of processes in the liver cells. solid food during this period is not welcome, liquids contribute to the removal of toxins from the body.

The second stage (about a week) involves the inclusion of vegetable broths and cereals in the diet, as well as a small amount solid food.

The third stage (until recovery) allows you to eat diet foods allowed in liver diseases.

What can be done during the treatment of jaundice in adults:

  • dry bread, crackers, biscuits;
  • vegetable and cereal soups, stewed vegetables and cereals;
  • lean meat, poultry and fish only in boiled or baked form, steamed cutlets from them;
  • low-fat milk, kefir and cottage cheese, casseroles and puddings from them, hard cheeses;
  • sweet compotes, jelly, marmalade, jam, caramel.

In the treatment of jaundice at home in adults, the consumption of fresh berries- raspberries and strawberries, herbs - dill and parsley.

What is not allowed during the treatment of jaundice in adults:

  • canned food, smoking, pickles and marinades, fried foods;
  • fatty meat, poultry and fish, broths from them;
  • spices, chocolate, spices, coffee, alcohol (under a particularly strict ban);
  • legumes, radishes and radishes, mushrooms;
  • fresh bread, cream cakes, pastries.

Medical support

When answering the question of how to treat jaundice at home in adults, one should not forget about medications in addition to diet.

  1. Etiotropic (eliminating the cause) therapy - a cure for jaundice in viral hepatitis (lamivudine) and ( antiviral drugs based on sofosbuvir, daclatasvir; ribavirin, interferon), with inflammatory process in the gallbladder - antibacterial drugs.
  2. Improving digestion - intake enzyme preparations(Creon, Pancreatin, etc.).
  3. Vitamins A, K and D.
  4. Immunity boost.
  5. An increase in the concentration of active acids, a decrease in the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver - (ursodeoxycholic acid - UDCA).
  6. Removal of skin itching (antihistamines).
  7. Strengthening the exchange (Essentiale, Heptral, etc.).
  8. Antispasmodics in case of obstructive jaundice (No-shpa, Dibazol, etc.).

Treatment of adults for the disease includes the installation of droppers and injections of drugs. These manipulations belong to classical drug therapy.


Medication support for adult home treatment will be effective in conjunction with phototherapy sessions for jaundice. At such sessions, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the pigment is destroyed and the patient feels better.

In phototherapy for the treatment of adults are used ultraviolet lamps. Bright sunlight can also bring a positive effect.

A treatment procedure is applied. However, in the treatment of jaundice in adults, phototherapy enjoys well-deserved popularity.

The lamp for the treatment of jaundice in adults has an optimal radiation spectrum, as a result of its exposure, bilirubin acquires a water-soluble form and becomes non-toxic.

Non-traditional methods of treatment

folk, unconventional ways for the treatment of adults at home can alleviate the patient's condition during the period of attenuation of the disease or during the course chronic jaundice. However, you need to know how to treat jaundice at home with non-traditional methods.

juice therapy

Usually used beetroot juice with the addition of a few drops of lemon. Squeeze juice from bright burgundy fruits, without streaks, let the drink stand in the refrigerator for about 3 hours. Every morning take about 100 g of juice. Useful pumpkin juice, it is recommended to take up to 200 g per day.

Healing herbs

Well helps to cleanse the liver of toxins collection of herbs - mint, yarrow and chamomile. Mint is a medicinal, essential oil plant, is a choleretic and analgesic. The phylloquinones contained in yarrow actively dissolve fats. pharmacy chamomile relieves internal swelling, spasms and inflammation.

Sauerkraut brine

horseradish root

The plant itself and its root are extremely rich in vitamins B and C. It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, contains essential oils. The crushed root is poured with a liter of well-boiled water. Insist day, during the day you need to drink a glass of tincture, dividing its contents into 4 parts.


Lice treatment for jaundice has been known for a long time. Lice are rolled into a bread crumb and eaten, recovery, according to reviews, comes rapidly. evidence-based medicine does not consider this way treatments are effective. Moreover, lice are carriers of various infectious diseases: Eating them may not be safe.

Prevention of jaundice

Preventive measures against are simple and accessible to everyone at home. They help avoid conservative therapy with jaundice.

  1. Maintaining personal hygiene and keeping a meaningful, healthy lifestyle life. An image that does not allow the use of suspicious, harmful substances, close contacts with little-known people.
  2. Foods that are eaten on a daily basis require attention. Vegetables and fruits should be washed well. Use exclusively for drinking boiled water, tap water is prohibited.
  3. Modern disinfectants good help with large cluster people. They wipe hands, work surfaces, stationery items.
  4. Vaccination - famous modern way the fight against hepatitis, causing various. Vaccination against jaundice (from,) guarantees that there is no danger of getting hepatitis for 5-10 years.
  5. Demonstration of accuracy when visiting tattoo and piercing parlors. Listen to feedback regarding the operation of these establishments and observe the manipulation and hygiene of employees.
  6. Caution during sexual intercourse, the use of protective equipment, with people whose past is little known.

Useful video

For more information about jaundice, see the following video:


  1. Jaundice is not considered a disease in the full sense of the word. Jaundice is a syndrome or set of some disease that causes it.
  2. To understand how to treat jaundice in adults, you need to determine the reasons that caused it. For this you need to go comprehensive examination in medical institution. When the results are obtained, proceed to the treatment of jaundice.
  3. The main component of treatment is a diet, it is mandatory to take medication, phototherapy and, if desired, - folk methods getting rid of jaundice. All these measures, applied at home, in combination will lead to a complete recovery (except chronic hepatitis AT).
  4. Prevention of the disease in adults is much more important: special preventive measures available to everyone.
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