White rice: the pros and cons of your favorite cereal. Short rice diet. How to get the product

Like any weight loss technique, the rice diet for weight loss helps to effectively lose weight, but with one “BUT” - there is no physical activity and constant control for their own nutrition - the weight will return.

Let's discuss how to correctly apply all the benefits of the rice diet and not harm your body. At the moment, the rice diet is relevant, as fasting is in progress. And what could be better than lean rice with vegetables and fruits.

Here are the first two pluses: we will cleanse the body, and we will spend the whole fast for the benefit of the spirit.


1. Needed to cleanse the body. The fact is that rice is a natural absorbent, in other words, it is like, for example, Activated carbon able to remove all toxins from the body.

Based on this, following the rice program for at least three days will positively affect all systems of our body. That is why many people note an improvement in the appearance and structure of nails, hair and skin after the rice diet is over. This is especially noticeable in those who suffer from acne.

2. It is seen that with osteochondrosis it has positive effect on the skeletal system. The accumulated deposits of salts between the joints and in the cartilage and the crunch characteristic of them when the neck is turned or the back is tilted forward go away if rice is used correctly as a medicine.

This must be done in the morning on an empty stomach - eat 2 tablespoons of boiled rice, without drinking anything and without seasoning anything. And at the end, withstand at least 2 hours without food and water.

The longer you hold out, the better the benefits. At the end of vegetables and fruits, but no later than 19.00. My advice and experience in relative health: 40 days of fasting on such a program allow you not to feel heaviness in the joints for about six months.

3. rice diet for weight loss is especially effective in the first week, since rice well removes accumulated excess fluid in the skin. Due to this, the weight is reduced. Make no mistake that maybe eat rice all day by the mountains and lose weight.

No, the intake of rice volume is also limited - no more than one glass of dry rice per day. Rice is a pure carbohydrate and unless you accompany copious reception rice physical activity, then carbohydrates accumulate at your waist or a little lower.

Some of the less fortunate dieters have noted that the weight did not drop for a long time, for almost seven days at a time. permanent reception rice. Rice is not buckwheat, there is a need for much less and in without fail dilute with silage (vegetables and fruits).


Breakfast: boiled rice with various additives such as lemon or orange peel, raisins or dried apricots, dates or bananas, tea or fruit salad.

Dinner: rice soup only with rice and vegetable broth as an accompaniment to any one boiled vegetable: carrot, broccoli, zucchini, beans, plus vegetable salad with greens, perhaps a little seasoned with olive oil or low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: repetition of lunch with other variations of vegetables.

This diet lasts 14 days, but it is possible to fast for 4 days. By the way, read how to cook delicious rice in several ways here.


  1. Weight returns quickly if you return to the previous diet immediately.
  2. An unlimited amount of rice will turn the diet into a speedy weight gain.
  3. In case there are any chronic diseases, then it is fundamentally important to monitor the non-specialized state, so as not to complicate health troubles.
  4. Rice strengthens, watch the chair. It is not very good if the body cleanses itself irregularly (at least 1 daily). This leads to the stagnation of toxins, which, thanks to this diet, must leave the body.

In general, the rice diet leaves mostly good feedback: good health during the diet, no feeling of hunger, dizziness, the improving condition of the whole organism at the end of it and, of course, overweight quickly thrown off.

Rice diet. Up to -5 kg ​​per WEEK. Rice diet menu for 3 days.

One of the most popular weight loss programs is the rice diet. It is based on the use of brown (brown) or wild (black) rice dishes. They differ from white in an impressive content of fiber and useful trace elements. This is achieved by the absence of grinding grains. After all, after it, there is very little left in the rice that we usually consume. useful substances.

The rice diet is a complex carbohydrate, low fat diet With low content fat and low sodium. It is intended for rapid decline weight for 2-4 weeks or more with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and kidney failure.

History of the origin of the rice diet

For the first time this diet was developed in 1939 by the American doctor Duke Walter Kempner, who was born in Germany in 1903, for the treatment of obesity. While researching the effect of diet on diseases, he found that people who eat rice as a staple are less likely to become obese and suffer from diseases that lead to overweight.

Based on his research, he developed a diet of rice, fruits, juices, sugar with added iron and vitamins to help people deal with their health problems.

This diet gained new popularity in 2006.

What is the essence of the rice diet

The rice diet is based on healthy carbohydrates, low in salt and fat. The main part of it is vegetables, fruits and grains with a high fiber content. In the first days of cleansing, you need to eat only rice and fruits.

Rice is one of the most common cereal crops, accounting for nearly 50 percent of the diet in some countries.

Brown and black rice are unpeeled whole grains. They are nutritious, rich in fiber and antioxidants.

White rice is a refined grain, during the processing of which some of the beneficial substances have been removed. it tastes better, but less useful. As a result, he was left with mostly carbohydrates, and long chains of glucose.

Different types of rice contain different amount these starches, which affects their texture and digestibility. Rice that does not stick together after cooking contains more amylose, while sticky rice (cleaned white) has more amylopectin.

Due to these changes in the composition of starch different kinds rice can have different health effects.

Rice cleanses the body of toxins and salts, eliminating excess fluid. Due to this, the process of weight loss occurs. Thanks to a rice-based diet, you can get the job done not only digestive system but also nervous.

After all, in it great content B vitamins and magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system due to the content of potassium and iron. And phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the formation and maintenance of bone tissue.

Principles of the rice diet

The rice diet is quite easy to follow, as it is very nutritious in itself. During the diet, losing weight will not be constantly pursued by the feeling of hunger. With the help of rice, you can really throw off very well overweight, if you comply with the requirements of a specific program.

In order for the result to really make you rejoice, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. On an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast, every morning you need to drink a glass cool water. It will start the process of digestion. This rule can be followed further, after the end of the diet.
  2. Stick to a specific, selected program during the entire time of the diet.
  3. It is better to exclude any sauces, especially those based on mayonnaise and spicy. Replace them vegetable oils(olive), soy sauce or balsamic vinegar.
  4. Limit your salt intake.
  5. Drink enough plain water.
  6. Avoid sweets: sweets and desserts such as chocolate, cakes, pies, ice cream, etc.
  7. Avoid pork and fatty meats.

You can eat:

brown rice It is rich in carbohydrates and is more effective for weight loss. But its consumption should not be too large.

Fruit. Control your intake of snacks that are high in calories and fat. Instead, include more fruits like grapes, pineapples, apples, and oranges. You can eat fruits or drink juice from them. It is better to cook it yourself, rather than buying ready-made bags that contain a lot of sugar.

Nuts and dried fruits. Add nuts such as almonds, apricots, and raisins to help reduce weight and control appetite.

Dairy. Include low fat yogurt and milk boiled eggs nutritious and useful for diets.

The rice diet menu is divided into starches, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

Starch can be one slice of bread, 1/3 cup rice, or 1/2 cup pasta.

A fruit is one whole fruit or a cup of fruit.

One vegetable is one cup, raw or half a cup cooked.

Dairy is one cup of milk, yogurt, or half a cup of cottage cheese.

it rough plan menu for the phase that limits protein intake. Later, you can include eggs, fish and lean meats in it.

In the early days sample menu should consist of:

Breakfast: one serving of starches, low-fat dairy products and fruits;

Lunch: three servings of starch, three vegetables and one fruit;

Dinner: the same as for lunch.

Sample menu for 7 days

The program of this diet is designed for 2 weeks. The menu compiled for 7 days is repeated in a circle.

At the first meal, you need to eat 100 grams of brown rice, with dressing from lemon juice, then you can drink unsweetened green tea.

The second breakfast will consist of one green apple.

Lunch includes a serving of brown rice with olive oil and a vegetable salad dressed with low-fat yogurt.

For dinner, a portion of brown rice with boiled carrots. You can drink vegetable broth.

Breakfast: a serving of brown rice with low-fat yogurt, green tea without sugar.

For lunch: one grapefruit.

At lunch, 200 ml of vegetable soup, a serving of 100 grams of brown rice. Green tea or water.

Dinner duplicates lunch: vegetable soup and a portion of rice. Tomato juice.

Sweet breakfast brown rice with apple and cinnamon. Tea.

For lunch, rice with mushrooms, celery salad dressed with olive oil. Low fat yogurt.

For dinner, rice with cauliflower, steamed and vegetable broth.

In the morning, milk rice porridge and green tea without sugar.

The second breakfast consists of low-fat cottage cheese with a chopped apple.

At lunch, a serving of rice steamed with broccoli. Fresh radish and lettuce.

For dinner, brown rice with fresh herbs, with the addition of lemon juice. Celery fresh.

Breakfast. Portion of brown rice with almonds and raisins. unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Dinner. 100 grams of brown rice, steamed with vegetables and herbs. Herbal infusion.

Dinner. Portion of rice with asparagus stewed in olive oil. Tomato juice.

In the morning, brown rice and a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, green or herbal tea without sugar.

For lunch, 100 grams of brown rice seasoned with olive oil. Salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Low fat yogurt.

For dinner, brown rice and chopped apple, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. Vegetable broth.

First meal 100 grams of brown rice seasoned with low-fat yogurt. Unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Lunch. Fresh fruit salad dressed with honey-lemon dressing.

Lunch: 100 grams of brown rice steamed with green beans. Celery fresh.

Dinner: 100 grams of brown rice with stewed squash in olive oil. Vegetable broth.

This rice diet program, compiled for 2 weeks, is the maximum allowable without the supervision of a specialist. If it seems too heavy, then you can add to the menu lean fish steamed.

In the program, as can be seen from the menu plan, only brown rice is used, since white rice, which is familiar to everyone, does not have the necessary cleansing properties and is noticeably inferior in terms of the content of useful substances.

One indicator of the usefulness of this diet is that it is often prescribed for medical reasons.

There are more gentle options for the rice diet. Some programs add lean meat. Fasting rice days are also popular, the essence of which is to choose any day, once a week, when a person will eat only brown rice. But, do not be afraid, you can snack on fruits, as well as drink green tea without added sugar and water.

Pros and cons of the rice diet

A rice-based diet has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, the effectiveness of the diet should be noted. Per short span time it allows you to achieve very good results, and in combination with physical activity, its effectiveness will be even stronger.

The big advantage is the presence a large number vitamins and beneficial trace elements. Because of this, there is no need to take multivitamin complexes additionally.

During the diet, the whole body is cleansed of toxins. After that, the digestive system and liver begin to work better.

It helps to get rid of edema, due to the withdrawal excess salt and, accordingly, excess fluid, which also stabilizes the pressure. Helps relieve joint and back pain.

Most of the people who have adhered to this program speak positively about this method weight loss.

The disadvantages include big list contraindications, which include all acute diseases digestive system, tendency to constipation, pregnancy and lactation.

If you find at least one of them in this list, it must be stopped immediately.

Of course, as with any diet, it is also important to finish this one correctly. Although it does not belong to the type of very tough, but after any restrictions there is always a risk of breaking loose and attacking the nearest “forbidden fruit”.

It is necessary to gradually increase the calorie content of dishes and try to eat small portions.

Of course, even after the release, you must adhere to healthy lifestyle life in general, and proper nutrition, in particular.

The diet should mainly be diet foods. Of course, one cannot demand an eternal rejection of sweet and fatty foods but food needs to be controlled.

The advantages of the rice diet are much greater than the disadvantages. She is perfect choice for those who want not only to lose extra pounds, but also to do it right, for the benefit of the body.

Many who have passed it note an improvement in performance blood pressure and general condition health.


One of effective methods to get rid of excess weight is the rice diet. Besides the fact that it helps to gain harmony, it also cleanses the body. This system designed for three and seven days, but in order to achieve more best result, it is allowed to adhere to such a diet for half a month.

Rice diet "10 kg per week"

If you use a pure cereal without oil and salt, in addition to being absorbed body fat, the body is cleansed of cholesterol deposits in the vessels, of toxins, toxins, cellulite disappears, excess fluid is removed.

This type of nutrition is well tolerated by almost everyone and gives excellent results. If you strictly follow all the rules, a rice diet will save you ten kilograms (it all depends on the initial weight) in just seven days.

Choice of cereal

Nutritionists who developed this technique advise choosing the right rice and taking into account the degree of its cleaning. According to them, the less cleaning the grains are subjected to, the more they retain in themselves useful elements. For weight loss, you should not use round white rice, as it contains carbohydrates and starch.

Brown and parboiled rice are ideal. It is desirable to alternate these types of cereals.


The correct rice diet contains several points that must be followed:

  1. The basic rule is a daily breakfast consisting of soaked or boiled rice. The rest of the time, normal meals are allowed with reduced amount calories and salt consumed.
  2. Throughout the diet, it is important to monitor your body. At the slightest indisposition, it is better to immediately return to the usual diet.
  3. The diet menu should include protein food. You can not eat only rice, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables, but with a low sugar content.
  4. Every day you need to consume at least two, and preferably even three liters of fluid. In addition to water, it is allowed to drink tea, natural juice or compote.
  5. Under strict prohibition sweets, pastries and products that have high content fast carbohydrates.

According to women and men who have already tried this program weight loss, it gives lightness, improves well-being, gives the body beauty. This is what the rice diet is good for. Losing 10 kg in a week is quite realistic and not very difficult.

Meal Options

Consider several diet menu options. We will do this so that any person can choose the right one for himself. So let's get started.

Classic Diet

The classic salt-free rice diet involves 3 meals a day, each meal consists of a serving of unsalted rice. You can add some vegetables and herbs to the cereal. Snacks are allowed throughout the day low calorie fruit. It is also not forbidden to drink unsweetened tea and water in the amount that you need to quench your thirst.

Strict taboo classic version diet imposes on salt and seasonings. To replace them, you can use natural olive oil, as well as soy sauce, but, of course, in reasonable quantities.

Rice diet, weekly menu

  • The first day.

Breakfast menu: boiled rice, bread, half an apple, cheese slice.

Snack: small banana.

Snack: seafood and vegetable salad (100 g).

Dinner: a portion of rice with chicken white meat, kefir.

  • Day five.

Breakfast menu: rice with honey - 100 g, fruit - 200 g.

Snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: steam fish, rice, vegetable salad.

Snack: half a boiled egg.

Dinner: rice + stewed vegetables, 150 g of cottage cheese.

  • Menu of the penultimate day.

Breakfast: fruit salad ik with yoghurt dressing.

Snack: pineapple (100 g).

Lunch: rice + steamed vegetables.

Snack: a piece of bread with a red fish.

Dinner: rice and peas, kefir.

  • Final day.

For breakfast we eat 100 g of cottage cheese + fruit.

Snack: salad of greens and 3 proteins.

Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken breast, 100 g of rice.

Snack: dried fruits, a glass of kefir.

Dinner: our cereal and seafood.

Is not tough rice diet, and if desired, the sequence of meals from the above menu can be interchanged.

Three Day Diet

In addition to the seven-day diet, there is a three-day fast rice diet.

It is quite tough, but with it the long-awaited result will be achieved even faster.

In accordance with her rules, only boiled rice is eaten throughout the day, without any additives. In the morning you take a glass of rice, wash it under running water, boil it and consume it all day. At the same time, you can eat 300 grams of fruit and the same amount of stewed vegetables per day. You need to drink 2 liters of non-carbonated water daily, but you should not drink it with food or drink after meals - ideally, the interval between a meal and drinking water should be at least an hour.

If you follow this scheme, then in three days you can lose three kilograms.

Pros and cons

What is good rice diet? 10 kg per week go away forever, which proves its effectiveness. It helps to improve the body, cleanses the blood, joints, improves skin condition, supports vitality, the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Rice is a powerful enterosorbent, so porridge from this cereal is recommended even for those people who restore the body in case of poisoning. The cereal removes those present in the intestines harmful substances. The diet is balanced, easily tolerated, good for unloading days which need to be arranged no more than twice a month.

The disadvantages of a mono-diet on rice include the fact that it long-term use can cause stones to form gallbladder, cause constipation, lower the content of hemoglobin in the blood. You can only contact her healthy people and only after consulting a doctor! Rice washes out human body potassium, so it is advisable to take a complex of vitamins during the diet.

The rice diet refers to the mono-diet, which is designed for two weeks and promises weight loss from three to five kilograms. Its popularity is due unique properties main product is rice. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves intestinal motility and normalizes its work. Moreover, this cereal contains a sufficient amount nutrients and micronutrients. 100 grams of the product contains only 109 kcal. Therefore, the results of losing weight on a rice diet are not a myth. In today's publication, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with two options for such diet food, familiarize yourself with the menu and evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages.

Diet Features

Most mono diets offer hard and soft diet options. Rice is no exception. If you want to lose 3 kg in three days, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a hard type of diet. If your goal is to lose weight slowly and effectively, then the soft option is what you need.

The main feature of the rice diet is that when you eat unpeeled grains that are rich in vitamins and minerals, you can easily get rid of excess weight without harming your health. Moreover, this cereal goes well with others. useful products, which allows you to eat varied, even on a mono-diet.

Rice Diet Menu

The rigid version of the rice diet implies next diet food that should be followed for three days: a glass of cereal should be boiled in water with a minimum addition of salt, divided into 4-5 meals and eaten throughout the day. In addition to the main product, it is allowed to drink Apple juice and eat two green apples a day. Pure water and green tea without sugar - without restrictions.

The soft version of the rice diet involves eating 500 grams of cereal per day, which is also divided into three to four meals. In addition to rice, you can cook vegetables. It is allowed to drink water without gas and apple juice per day - up to 0.5 liters per day. As a snack, you can eat 3-4 apples. The duration of such nutrition is from 7 to 10 days, during which you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

Rice diet menu for a week

  • First day:
  1. breakfast: a serving of rice, an apple and green tea;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth, a portion of rice with greens and olive oil, Vegetable Salad;
  3. dinner: steamed rice with carrots and zucchini, vegetable broth.
  • Second day:
  1. breakfast: one orange, rice orange peel seasoned with a spoonful of sour cream, green tea or coffee;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth with vegetables and rice;
  3. rice with fruits.
  • Third day:
  1. breakfast: one pear, a portion of rice with cinnamon;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth, cucumber salad, rice with mushrooms;
  3. vegetable broth, rice porridge with steamed broccoli.
  • Fourth day:
  1. breakfast: rice porridge, orange;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth, radish salad with lettuce, rice garnish with carrots;
  3. dinner: vegetable broth, rice with herbs.
  • Fifth day:
  1. breakfast: rice with grapes and raisins, a cup of tea;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth, rice with herbs and steamed vegetables;
  3. dinner: vegetable broth, rice porridge with walnuts and herbs, spinach salad.
  • Sixth day:
  1. breakfast: rice with dates, walnuts, figs and pears, tea or coffee;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth, rice with cucumber and sweet pepper, mint and olive oil;
  3. dinner: vegetable broth, rice porridge with apples and honey.
  • Seventh day:
  1. breakfast: rice with apple and pear seasoned with lemon and honey;
  2. lunch: vegetable broth, steamed rice side dish with tomato and green beans, a serving of green salad;
  3. dinner: vegetable broth, rice porridge with steamed zucchini, seasoned with oil, 5 olives.

Pros and cons of the rice diet

Both the first and second diet options are quite well tolerated, since rice is a satisfying product. A gentle option for such weight loss is especially suitable for those who wants not only to quickly lose weight, but also to normalize metabolism. This option helps you stick to the suggested diet. long time without harm to health.

As for the shortcomings, in a hard version of the rice diet, with limited quantity caloric content of the diet may worsen the state of health and appear weakness. Therefore, sticking to the hard option for more than 5 days is not recommended.

Today, across the planet, billions of people are celebrating the grain that has become their staple in their diet - rice. Its in huge quantities used by the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Afghans, Uzbeks and Tajiks. And it is from it that many delicious dishes: risotto, pilaf, sushi and, of course, pilaf.

However, this is a rather controversial product. On the one hand, it contains almost no vitamins and nutrients, and on the other hand, it is well suited for those who have problems with the pancreas or suffer from poisoning. About what is and should not be feared when eating rice, the correspondent of "VM" talked with nutritionist Elena Solomatina.

First of all, you need to understand what kind of rice we are talking about and what we eat it with. Most often it means White rice, which lies on the shelves of stores and is the basis for most Asian dishes. But there it is eaten with many seasonings. Rice itself is the basis on which, for example, fish is placed, where there is a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Or, as in Indian cuisine, seasonings are added, mixed with legumes. Unlike our style of consumption, this is not a “naked” product, like rice porridge, - Elena Solomatina explained. - By itself, white rice is not far from semolina, which, in turn, is extremely close to white bread and sugar. Rice is quite high glycemic index. It can increase the level of leukemia in the blood.

White rice is completely cleaned of almost everything. There is no fiber, all vitamins, micro and macro elements are removed along with the shell. It remains a small amount of vitamins of group B, but so little that rice cannot be considered a source for the body, the nutritionist noted. Along with an increase in the amount of leukemia in the blood, additional insulin begins to be released, and, accordingly, we want to eat again faster, and the processing of what we eat into fat also accelerates, because we cannot immediately spend the energy received.

On the other hand, rice is an excellent absorbent. Rice porrige, for example, well absorbs toxins and salts heavy metals. However, it also absorbs moisture well. Therefore, when cleansing the intestines, rice and a lot of water are used, - Elena Solomatina added. - One more useful property rice is its slimy consistency. Soups and cereals made on this basis are very easy to digest and are well suited for people with diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Mucus protects the stomach from the damaging effects of acidic foods and excess gastric juice. It also digests quickly.

Nevertheless, Elena Solomatina reminded, there are also brown and red rice. They have a much lower glycemic index. They saturate with energy for a long time, which is spent longer and is not so actively converted into energy. adipose tissue. Since it is not purified, it retains essential vitamins and micronutrients. In white rice, unfortunately, when cooked, starch quickly breaks down and becomes, in fact, sugar.

However, there is a way to deal with it. The experience of Asians should be taken into account and rice should be consumed in a cooled state. Starchy foods, cooked and chilled, are not as digestible small intestine, which does not raise glucose levels as much. So you can weaken side effects, from which we get fat or just spoil our health. Therefore, white rice is best eaten cold along with vegetables.

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