Folk remedies for high bilirubin. How to lower bilirubin folk remedies

- this is an increased level of bilirubin in human blood. Most often, it is easy to identify by the yellow tint of the eyes and skin, this color is not natural for a person, so it is impossible not to notice it. Bilirubin rises most often due to problems with the human organ - the liver, since it is the liver that is responsible for removing this pigment from the body. However, you should not self-diagnose and start treatment, it is important to pass all the necessary tests in the hospital, and after consulting a doctor, act accordingly.

What is bilirubin?

Bilirubin is a hemoglobinogenic pigment that is formed in the human body due to breakdown in the blood, and this also happens due to the destruction of myoglobin and cytochromes. Accumulation occurs in the gallbladder and blood. Most often, the liver very quickly cleanses the blood of all toxins, but if the liver cannot cope, and the concentration of bilirubin increases for a rather long period of time, then jaundice develops. This pigment is quite toxic and dangerous to human tissues, so its excess should be disposed of as soon as possible.

A routine blood test shows which type of pigment is present:

  • direct bilirubin - this type is the safest and most non-toxic, most often its level remains within the normal range, excess accumulations are immediately neutralized in the liver. Its norm is about 4.5 µmol / l.
  • indirect bilirubin is more toxic, quickly destroys heme substances, and is significantly reduced. This condition is extremely dangerous, since human cells cease to function properly and begin to break down without prolonged medical intervention. The norm in a healthy person is 17 µmol / l.

  • plasmapheresis - cleansing the blood of toxins
  • infusion therapy - to support the body, the following components are injected with a dropper - glucose and albumin
  • phototherapy - irradiation of the affected area of ​​​​the skin with ultraviolet light (this method is most often used to treat infants). Due to radiation, toxic bilirubin goes into a state of direct type
  • drug therapy - taking drugs and enzymes to improve liver function or to remove from the body

Sometimes surgery is required when large stones are found in the bile duct.

Special food

In order for the metabolism in the liver and gallbladder to quickly return to normal, a special diet should be followed for the period of treatment. The main thing to understand is that the diet does not mean starvation, on the contrary, starvation and poor nutrition are completely contraindicated.

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What is necessary:

  1. Drink water as much and as often as possible (a person should drink at least 2 liters per day). Partially, the liquid can be replaced with decoctions of herbs, however, drinking purified water is the most effective option.
  2. Eat only gray bread on the second or third day of production, eat cereals: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. There are foods that are high in fiber.
  3. Eat at least 5-6 times a day, in small portions, with an interval of every 2.5-3 hours.

  • Sweets (sweets, ice cream, cakes, chocolate).
  • You should definitely avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  • You can not eat spicy and smoked (sausages, meat, fish, ketchups, spicy sauces and mayonnaise).
  • You should eat as little salt as possible, bread and other products should have a minimum concentration of it.
  • Refuse blanks for a while, no marinades are also allowed, sauerkraut and pickles are not acceptable.
  • Coffee and strong teas.
  • Fatty and fried foods, sweet pastries.
  • Do not eat: sorrel, spinach, radishes and green onions.
  • Sour berries and, exclude citrus fruits.
  • Oysters and mussels.

From this we can conclude that you should abandon those foods that have a heavy burden on the biliary tract, pancreas and liver. A proper daily diet will allow you to quickly recover.

Folk prevention and home treatment

The next way to reduce the level of bilirubin is to use traditional medicine.

The most common method is phytotherapy. You can use various herbal tinctures or drinks brewed with boiling water. Suitable herbs:

  1. . St. John's wort serves as an antiseptic and cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances. Moreover, St. John's wort strengthens the immune system and improves the metabolism of the stomach, intestines and gallbladder. Method of preparation: for 1 cup of boiling water - 2 teaspoons of herbs. Infused for 20 minutes, drink half a glass 2 times a day.
  2. Chamomile. Field chamomile flowers are always famous for their beneficial properties, a decoction of them is useful even for children. It is enough to take a few pinches of the plant, pour boiling water and wait half an hour. Drink the infusion during the day in three divided doses.
  3. Mint. Drink throughout the day as tea, brew to taste.
  4. motherwort. Reduces bilirubin, serves as a sedative and improves the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous system. Method of preparation: 2 teaspoons of herbs per 250 ml of boiling water, you can buy a ready-made tincture in a pharmacy. Drink 100 milligrams before meals, three times a day.

All of the herbs listed above can be drunk individually or all together. Such a herbal collection will always only benefit, the main thing is not to abuse and not exceed the norm during cooking, since some herbs, such as St. John's wort, are poisonous in large quantities.

The next method is sedative therapy. Exposing yourself to stress and other mental disorders as little as possible, more positive emotions. You can seek advice from a psychologist or drink sedatives.

Violation of the norm of the permissible content of bilirubin indicates the presence of problems or abnormalities in the body, leading to the occurrence of serious diseases. To avoid such consequences, you need to know how to reduce bilirubin in the blood.

Folk remedies to lower bilirubin

Traditional for treatment are folk remedies. Only with an integrated approach, including drug therapy, proper nutrition and traditional medicine, can the pathology be eliminated in a short time. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to lower bilirubin in the blood with folk remedies.

One of the most effective remedies is birch leaf tincture. For its preparation, you need to prepare dry crushed raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons and put it in a mug of boiling water. Drinking tincture is recommended in the evening, before going to bed. It has sedative properties, due to which toxic substances, including indirect bilirubin, are well introduced from the body.

Also, if possible, you need to use beetroot juice, which has a choleretic effect and contributes to the normalization of bilirubin in the blood. To do this, drink juice before every meal.

A good effect can be achieved if you take decoctions or tinctures prepared on the basis of medicinal plants (chamomile, motherwort, St. John's wort, birch leaves, calendula). Their preparation is possible at home and is quite simple. Ready broth should be taken several times a day.


Motherwort is an effective remedy that helps to provide a diuretic effect, improve digestion. This plant is often used to cleanse the blood of excess bilirubin. The alkaloids and leonurinin contained in the motherwort tincture ensure the removal of the pigment from the body.

For self-preparation of tincture, it is necessary to prepare the dried motherwort herb. It is enough to take it in the amount of 1 teaspoon and pour boiling water in a glass. After that, you need to let the tool brew. It is recommended to insulate it and leave it for 30 minutes. After the specified time, strain the tincture. You can use it 3 times a day before each meal. The duration of therapy based on motherwort treatment should be no more than 1 month. It should be borne in mind that under reduced pressure motherwort is contraindicated.

In addition, motherwort is sold in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made tincture.

St. John's wort

A natural blood purifier and antiseptic is a plant such as St. John's wort. It is indicated for use if a person is diagnosed with elevated bilirubin. The use of St. John's wort helps to strengthen the overall immune system. In folk medicine, it is often used to treat the organs of the digestive system.

To prepare the product, dried grass is required in the amount of 2 tablespoons, which is poured with boiling water (1 cup). After 20 minutes, it is necessary to carefully filter the tincture, using gauze for this purpose. It is recommended to take the prepared decoction at least 2 times a day for half a cup after meals. The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 month.

A decoction based on motherwort and St. John's wort has a beneficial effect. In order to cook it at home, you need to prepare the same amount of two herbs in dry crushed form. Take the resulting mixture (15 grams) and boil it in water (200 milliliters). For complete readiness, it is better to place the broth in a warm place and leave for an hour so that it is well infused. A filtered healing drink can be used 2 times a day.

Corn silk

To reduce bilirubin in the blood, it is recommended to use such plant materials as corn stigmas. Due to the content of biologically active substances, the intake of the product contributes to the removal of excess amounts of pigment from the body. This leads to blood purification and provides better clotting.

The preparation of the infusion is as follows: you need to take dried crushed raw materials (100 grams) and brew it in 200 milliliters of water. After the product has cooled, it must be well filtered. Drink a filtered medicinal infusion 5 times a day, the interval between doses should be at least 1 hour. The duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks.


Chamomile is one of the popular folk remedies. Due to its diverse properties, this plant is used in almost any disease, including being used to lower bilirubin. The flavonoids contained in chamomile ensure the improvement of the digestion process, the normal functioning of the liver, which, in turn, contributes to the rapid and good digestion of food.

An infusion prepared on the basis of chamomile also helps well with neuroses, which are among the reasons due to which bilirubin can increase. It is recommended to use the infusion for both adults and children.

The preparation of such a decoction is as follows: take the plant in the amount of 2 tablespoons and brew it in boiling water. After 20 minutes, the infusion is ready for use. You need to drink it at least 3 times a day.


Mint is a sedative and choleretic agent. It is also a natural drug for lowering bilirubin. Due to its beneficial properties, mint is found in many medicines.

For self-preparation of a decoction, it is necessary to brew mint in boiling water and let it brew. There are no admission restrictions. Mint is often used as a regular tea drink.

In addition, mint is used for chamomile-mint infusion, which is indicated for high bilirubin. It is necessary to prepare an equal number of plants and mix them. Take 2 teaspoons of the resulting mixture and brew it in boiling water. Leave the product to infuse for at least 30 minutes, then strain thoroughly. Drink the infusion should be 2 times a day: in the morning before meals and at bedtime.

milk thistle

Milk thistle infusion also helps when you need to quickly lower bilirubin in the blood. The seeds of the plant have useful properties, therefore, to prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 teaspoon of the seeds and pour them with boiling water. Let the remedy infuse. After 20 minutes, strain well, after which you can take it throughout the day. The duration of treatment should be no more than 3 weeks. If necessary, repetition of therapy is possible.


Calendula is one of the natural medicines that reduce the level of bilirubin in the blood. The preparation of the decoction is simple: you need to prepare the dried raw materials (1 tablespoon), place it in a glass and brew. Leave for an hour so that the product is well infused, then carefully filter. Drink the resulting decoction 3 times a day before meals.

For enhanced withdrawal of excess amounts of a substance, the use of special herbal teas is recommended. The most effective for these purposes is herbal tea based on chamomile, St. John's wort or motherwort.

To reduce bilirubin with folk remedies, you must first consult with your doctor. It must be remembered that alternative treatment is auxiliary, especially in severe cases.


Treatment with folk remedies is only one of the components of the complex of actions necessary to reduce bilirubin.

Only drugs are difficult to achieve a decrease in the content of bilirubin in the blood. It is also necessary to eat according to a special diet, which is based on the use of healthy foods that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and the removal of excess load from it.

Proper nutrition helps to reduce bilirubin at home. This requires the inclusion in the diet of lean meat, dairy products, fruits, egg white, dairy and vegetable soups, herbal teas. The following recommendations are also recommended:

  • reducing the consumption of salty products and coffee;
  • exclusion from the diet of fried and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages;
  • daily use of buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge;
  • drinking sufficient liquids, including herbal teas, fruit drinks, mineral water.

Increased bilirubin in newborns

With increased bilirubin in infants, treatment with folk remedies can only be carried out in severe cases, after consulting a doctor, since often the presence of increased bilirubin in newborns is a natural process and, as a rule, passes without intervention.

The most common folk remedies used for elevated bilirubin in children include decoctions based on corn stigmas, chamomile and mint.

Decreased bilirubin level

For the treatment of a reduced concentration of bilirubin, it is necessary to prescribe medications, folk remedies, special diets, determined by the doctor for each patient individually. Among the traditional medicine shows the use of natural pomegranate juice, animal liver.

With the breakdown of hemoglobin, a yellowish-brown pigment is formed. Under the influence of various processes in the body, it is converted into a soluble form - bilirubin, which is necessary for a person to maintain life.

Its concentration should be moderate, its violation is fraught with various deviations in the human condition. Before normalizing bilirubin in the blood, special tests are carried out to determine its exact value.

Factors causing an increase in the indicator can be liver diseases, antibiotics, pancreatic ailments, damage to the circulatory system, impaired bile outflow, etc. Treatment is prescribed after determining the cause.

Types of indicator - direct and indirect

Total bilirubin is formed in the liver during the breakdown of red blood cells. At first, it acts in an indirect form, being a toxic component that is practically not excreted from the body and is poorly soluble in water. Subsequently, it changes its structure and becomes direct.

As a result, it gets the opportunity to dissolve in the aquatic environment and be excreted from the body with the help of feces and urine.

This is not a pathology, physiological jaundice usually resolves on its own.

Medical adjustment is applied only when the permissible level, hepatitis, is exceeded.

Causes of high bilirubin

Most often, a change in the norm is observed when there is a malfunction in the liver. This can happen due to various inflammatory processes, chronic pathologies, and the impact of external factors on the organ.

Other causes of the disease are:

  • Decreased flow of bile.
  • Increase in erythrocytes.
  • Accelerating the breakdown of red blood cells.
  • Congenital diseases of the liver.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Tumors and other pathologies of the pancreas.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Anemia.
  • Lack of vitamins, in particular B12.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Very often, newborns suffer from physiological jaundice, this is due to the imperfection of incompletely formed organs and malfunctions in their functioning. Premature babies are the most predisposed to this. Although the pathology in early childhood may disappear on its own, nevertheless, the child must undergo a special examination and be under the supervision of a doctor until the moment of recovery.

But a decrease in the level is observed very rarely. This mainly occurs in acute leukemia, renal failure, tuberculosis intoxication. The process of a sharp drop in bilirubin is associated with a rapid decrease in the erythrocyte level in the blood.

Condition symptoms

The intensity of the signs is determined by the degree of pathology, the amount of pigment and the individual characteristics of the organism. The main manifestations of the disease are:

  • Migraine.
  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Yellowness of the skin and sclera.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Fatigue, fatigue, lethargy.
  • Change in color of urine to darker.
  • Increased temperature or pulse.
  • Discomfort in the liver or left hypochondrium, hepatic colic.

Increasing value during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, women are sometimes worried about an increase in the indicator. This is due to the growth of the uterus and fetus, which causes significant compression of the internal organs. In this case, the outflow of bile is difficult, stagnation occurs.

Treatment during pregnancy is mainly carried out with herbs and diet. Such sparing measures help protect both the mother and the baby from negative consequences.

Ways to reduce bilirubin

First of all, the problem is to understand the true cause that caused the complications. Assign a biochemical blood test, a study of urine and feces. After that, the specialist may recommend the following:

  • Treatment with medications that will help eliminate anemia or hepatitis.
  • Taking choleretic drugs. They help speed up the production and excretion of bile.
  • Hepaprotectors. These tablets contribute to the normalization of the liver.
  • Diet.
  • Abstinence from alcohol.
  • Cleansing the intestines and gallbladder.
  • The use of herbal infusions at home.

Medical treatment

Self-selection of drugs can adversely affect the state of the body, so the doctor must choose a comprehensive treatment based on the results of the examination and the causes that caused the problem.

It can be:

  • Absorbents that help eliminate toxins from the body. The most popular are Enterosgel and activated carbon.
  • Choleretic drugs. Allochol and Hofitol help to activate the process of bile secretion.
  • Antibiotics such as diazepam.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Pancreatin has proven itself well.
  • An agent to protect the liver from damage, such as Karsil.
  • Medications to improve digestion. In this case, it is best to take Festal, Mezim, Creon enzymes.

The choice of drug will always depend on the cause of the problem:

  1. In case of violation of the outflow of bile, the patient is recommended to take cholagogues.
  2. If there is a hereditary predisposition, then it would be useful to take sorbents, choleretic drugs, vitamin complexes and agents to reduce bilirubin.
  3. If inflammation is present or immunity is impaired, then a course of antiviral, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, enzymatic agents, and hepatoprotectors is indicated.
  4. Gilbert's syndrome is treated with Phenobarbital and Zixorin, enzyme preparations, drugs that activate and support the liver with natural ingredients, for example, Essentiale, Karsil. With severe intoxication, take Absorbent, activated charcoal.

Home methods of dealing with pathology

The basis of folk methods is treatment with herbal preparations. The most popular are:

  • Decoction of motherwort. For this, 1 teaspoon of grass is poured with one glass of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, drained and taken on an empty stomach for 14 days.
  • Collection of chamomile, St. John's wort and motherwort. All herbs are taken in equal proportions, after which 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture is steamed with 250 ml of boiling water. After insisting 30 minutes, strain, take 125 ml twice a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Decoction of birch leaves. A tablespoon of herbs is poured with one glass of boiling water, insisted for 25 minutes. After straining, take the infusion at bedtime for 7 days. This decoction is useful for poisoning and malfunction of the digestive system. Birch leaf is used to make activated carbon.
  • Chamomile tea. It is allowed even for children, which makes the remedy quite popular in the treatment of babies. A spoonful of dry chamomile is poured with boiling water and drunk like regular tea. This plant has anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects.
  • Mint tea. Brew it, like the previous grass. This tool helps not only to reduce bilirubin, but also to calm down. The infusion has a choleretic effect. Mint is also used in the treatment of ulcers, kidney stones.

Beetroot juice can also be called a folk remedy. To do this, twice a day before meals, take it 80 ml. Beetroot has a diuretic effect and due to this it effectively reduces the level of bilirubin.

Special herbal teas can be purchased ready-made in pharmacy chains. If herbal treatment is ineffective, then barbiturates are prescribed.

The benefits of proper nutrition with an increase in the indicator

Diet along with medications helps to remove excess load from the liver and stabilize its work. It is very important in the course of treatment to minimize the use of coffee and salt. These substances contribute to the formation of direct bilirubin.

It is necessary to abandon the use of fried, fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods. The patient is contraindicated:

  • Fatty meats.
  • Alcohol.
  • Millet.
  • Black bread.
  • Citrus.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Radish.
  • Dishes with baking powder.
  • acidic foods.

It is necessary to introduce into the diet:

  • Buckwheat, rice, herculean porridge.
  • Egg white.
  • Dairy.
  • Vegetables.
  • Sweet fruits.

You need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. It can be fruit drink, tea, compote, mineral water. Black and green tea should be consumed in a minimum amount, it is better to choose a herbal tea.

Preventive measures

To avoid an increase in bilirubin and prevent the negative consequences of the disease, you need to:

  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Eat properly and in a balanced way, observing the diet.
  • Timely treat diseases of internal organs, especially the gallbladder, pancreatic liver.
  • To live an active lifestyle.

Complications of the disease

If the level of bilirubin is not reduced in a timely manner, then a violation of the activity of the brain may occur. This is due to the toxic effects of substances released from metabolic products. In addition, the liver suffers very much, which increases the intoxication of the body and often causes the appearance of:

  • cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Tumors.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Liver disease entails damage to the kidneys, which cease to cope with their original task.

An increase in bilirubin is very dangerous for human health. If treatment does not occur even at this stage, then the brain is quickly affected due to intoxication of the whole organism.

At an early stage, you can get by with the use of sorbents and choleretic drugs. In addition, sometimes antibiotics, enzymes, hepatoprotectors are needed. On average, if you follow the doctor's recommendations and eat right, recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks.

Essentially, bilirubin is breakdown product of hemoglobin, one of the most important liver enzymes found in bile and blood. In normal metabolism, bilirubin easily changes from direct to free form, becomes water-soluble and is excreted without problems with bile through the intestines.

An increase in bilirubin in the blood is externally manifested by jaundice - gaining yellowish skin tone and eyeballs.

This pathology often acts as a symptom of blood diseases and hepatitis; an increased content of bilirubin has a toxic effect on the body.

That is why the indicator of this component in the blood, exceeding 20.5 µmol/l, is a reason to suspect a clear health problem and requires urgent action. Lowering bilirubin in the blood is not such a difficult task, except in cases where jaundice is due to a hereditary feature.

Measures aimed at reducing the concentration of bilirubin in the blood should be carried out comprehensively and be aimed not only at eliminating symptoms, but also elimination of causes high content of this substance. So, to reduce bilirubin in the blood in general, the following is necessary:

  • Taking medication for a disease that caused a jump in bilirubin. In most cases, these diseases are hemolytic anemia or hepatitis;
  • Taking medications and dietary supplements to normalize the functioning of the liver - hepatrin, Essentiale, phenobarbital and various hepaprotectors;
  • The use of choleretic agents - to stimulate the production of bile and its removal from the body along with excess bilirubin;
  • Compliance with the correct diet;
  • Complete rejection of alcoholic beverages;
  • Carrying out a phased cleaning of the gallbladder and intestines.

In no case should you engage in self-treatment of hyperbilirubinemia, since without accurate clinical diagnosis and prescribing drugs and procedures by a specialist, such actions can only do harm.

Proper use of the diet

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of elevated bilirubin. It is known that proper and healthy food It has a beneficial effect on the liver, relieves it of an extra load and, in combination with medications, helps to normalize its work. Diet to reduce bilirubin in the blood has the following rules:

  • minimize the use of salt and coffee - they contribute to the increase of the direct substance;
  • refuse fried and heavy dishes, fatty meat, millet, pickles and smoked meats, alcohol;
  • instead of black bread, eat gray;
  • include buckwheat, oatmeal and rice porridge in the daily menu to lower direct bilirubin;
  • drink enough liquid, up to 2-2.5 liters per day in the form of herbal teas, fruit drinks, mineral water, excluding gas, compotes;
  • try not to abuse black and green tea.

Compliance with the above recommendations will not only reduce the amount of bilirubin in the blood, but will also have the most positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, the work of the circulatory system and general well-being.

What to do at home?

Drawing up and following a competent diet is only half the battle in the treatment of elevated bilirubin. The result will certainly be, but it will take a long time to wait.

To accelerate the removal of excess bilirubin from the body, you should take special herbal teas, which can be purchased at every pharmacy, after consulting with a pharmacist. St. John's wort, chamomile and motherwort have the greatest effect. The effect can be seen after 11-14 days from the start of application However, the dosage indicated in the instructions should not be exceeded.

Among drugs for protecting the liver, it is very popular among patients and doctors. Karsil - a drug on a natural basis milk thistle fruit. The remedy restores damaged liver cells, promotes the proper production of enzymes and the timely outflow of bile.

It will also be useful use of absorbents, because they have a good ability to bind bilirubin and remove it from the body. An example of such a drug can be Enterosgel. To prevent flatulence, it is worth taking Activated carbon in tablets. It is also important to monitor the timely emptying of the intestines.

With insufficient effectiveness of such treatment, you should start taking barbiturates- of course, with the approval of the attending physician and strictly in the prescribed dosage.

Folk medicine

To stimulate the output of bile, you can do it yourself infusion of herbs if for any reason you do not wish to use the pharmacy product. Dried grass hypericum, chamomile and mint you need to scald with boiling water in an amount of 250 mg, leave for half an hour, covered with a saucer and drink before meals twice a day. Before each use, a new drink is prepared.

Traditional medicine also offers a recipe for tincture on a birch leaf. A tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials should be brewed in a cup of boiling water, insist until tender and drink in the evening, preferably before bedtime. This tincture has sedative properties and assists in the removal of toxic substances from the body, including indirect bilirubin.

If you have a juicer, you can fresh beetroot juice. The drink has a choleretic effect and gradually normalizes bilirubin in the blood. You need to drink beetroot juice before meals for 1/3 cup.

Folk remedies are completely safe, but do not always bring the desired effect in relation to lowering bilirubin. If jaundice is caused by a specific disease, then emphasis should be placed on drug therapy, and alternative medicine methods should be used as ancillary.

How to lower bilirubin in the blood? This question is quite logical if a person received a bad analysis result with overestimated indicators. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown pigment found in bile. This is a kind of waste product of red blood cells, which is formed when they go through the process of destruction.

Bilirubin is present in the blood in two forms. This is indirect bilirubin, which does not have the ability to dissolve in water. However, after passing through a certain cycle of processing in the liver, it becomes water-soluble. The second form dissolves in water and is obtained, just after the release of indirect bilirubin from the liver. If its level rises, you can notice the yellowness of the skin and eye proteins. However, before you figure out how to lower bilirubin in the blood, you need to understand why it increased at all.

An indicator of the norm of bilirubin is a figure of approximately 300 mg per day. If we talk about the content of bilirubin in the blood, then the level should be in the range from 3.4 to 17 mmol per liter. When the liver has no problems, nothing interferes with its functioning, the pigment is constantly excreted with bile.

If problems arise in the process of removing bilirubin, then its content quickly grows in the blood. This is due to the fact that after processing in the liver, it is not excreted in the bile. As a result, there is an accumulation in the body, penetration into the tissues. It is because of this that, if the elevated bilirubin level is not treated long enough, the skin can take on an icteric color. In addition, such a pigment obtained from the liver, in the absence of a conclusion, is dangerous for the whole organism, as it is toxic.

Reasons for the increase

Before lowering bilirubin in the blood, it is necessary to establish the reasons why its amount has increased. In particular, there are six main reasons why the level of bilirubin inevitably rises. First of all, it is necessary to exclude a violation of the output of bile. Quite often, in the presence of a disease with stones in the gallbladder, clogging of the biliary tract occurs. The same effect is given to the inflamed pancreas, which swells and squeezes the paths.

The reasons for the increase may also lie in liver disorders directly. Particularly when a parenchymal lesion is present. The same effect turns out to be impaired synthesis of glucuronoids if the body lacks the necessary enzymes. Quite often this is manifested in cirrhosis and hepatitis.

The reasons for the increase in bilirubin may also lie in the too rapid destruction of red blood cells. This releases hemoglobin. Most often, the causes of such rapid destruction lie in anemia of a hemolytic nature. Often it is useless to treat such problems, since they are congenital.

The reasons for such processes may lie in the serious destruction of muscles. This happens with injuries or oncological lesions. The reasons for the increase in pigment lie in the disturbed conversion of the direct fraction in the liver directly. You should also not forget that some drugs can make the level of bilirubin higher, as they negatively affect the liver.

If we are talking about an increase in indirect bilirubin, then the reasons may lie in liver failure. There is also Gilbert's syndrome, which shows a permanent decrease in liver enzyme. If we are talking about direct bilirubin, the problems are associated with a disease of the biliary tract.

Decrease in bilirubin

When it comes to questions of how to reduce bilirubin, it is often suggested to use folk remedies. However, first of all, it is necessary to undergo a full examination in order to understand how best to reduce the indicators. Treatment of elevated bilirubin is prescribed depending on the primary pathology, since an increase in the enzyme itself is not a disease, it is the body's reaction to pathologies.

Quite often, in the treatment of folk remedies, attention is paid to herbs. This helps to unload the liver, make the removal of bilirubin faster. It is worth noting that in the treatment of folk remedies it is not at all necessary to engage in self-collection of herbs.

Many pharmacies produce various fees that reduce the amount of toxic substances in the body. In particular, one of these options is a mixture of mint, motherwort, St. John's wort and chamomile flowers. This mixture is poured with boiling water and infused. After this, it is necessary to strain the mixture and consume it twice a day before meals.

When using folk remedies, do not forget about decoctions of a birch leaf. This component helps to perfectly reduce the level of bilirubin. An additional plus will be the normalization of bowel function.

Do not forget also about tea, as the basis for which motherwort, chamomile or St. John's wort is used. All these products have a diuretic effect. It is he who helps to reduce toxic substances in the body.

Diet and medication

Nutrition with elevated bilirubin occupies an important place in matters of rapid and effective treatment. If you want to achieve a quick result, it is worth knowing which foods can be consumed and which are not. This must be done, as the wrong diet with high bilirubin can exacerbate the problem.

A diet with elevated bilirubin involves the rejection of salt, including pickles and preservatives, fermented foods. When choosing products such as bread, it is best to opt for a salt-free option.

A diet with elevated bilirubin involves the exclusion from the diet of flour products, for which soda or baking powder is used. Products such as biscuits, cakes and pastries should be excluded.

A diet with elevated bilirubin is based on the principles of using only healthy foods. The diet should not contain such foods as smoked meats, very acidic fruits, spicy and fatty sauces, including tomato-based ones.

You will have to give up strong, sharp vegetables, such as radishes or green onions. Mushrooms and garlic are also on the list of forbidden pleasures.

A diet with elevated bilirubin suggests an exception:

  • rich broths;
  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • refractory fats;
  • seafood such as mussels and oysters;
  • canned food;
  • any alcohol;
  • fatty meat;
  • cheeses, especially spicy ones;
  • ice cream.

If you want to make a diet for yourself, then you should give preference to milk, which is characterized by a low percentage of fat, juices, compotes and jelly, non-carbonated water should be used. From oils, you can use vegetable and creamy.

It is better to take lean meat in boiled form, adding to vegetables. A variant of sweets can be honey or jam. It is necessary to add a minimum amount of salt to cereals. Load up on sweet fruits and fish. In addition, it is important to observe a plentiful drinking regimen. Food should be fractional. In particular, it is best to break the usual diet into six doses, the breaks between which should not be more than two and a half hours.

Medications are an essential element in the treatment of elevated bilirubin. We are talking about choleretic drugs. If we are talking about diseases of a hereditary nature, then symptomatic treatment is recommended. In particular, preference is given to sorbents, vitamins.

If the cause of high bilirubin is infection or inflammation of the liver, then the use of hepatoprotectors, drugs, antiviral, antibacterial orientation will be required. First of all, of course, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, which help to improve the condition of the liver and normalize its work.

If elevated bilirubin has caused intoxication, then antioxidants and sorbents will help improve metabolism and reduce the amount of toxins. In addition, infusions of special antitoxic drugs or glucose can be tried. However, this treatment is required only in severe cases.

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