Overview: Cycloferon for children is a soft protection against viral attacks. Cycloferon: instructions for use and what it is for, price, reviews, analogues

Cycloferon is an analogue of antiviral agents with immunomodulating properties. This drug is used for a variety of infections, bacterial and viral infections. It is considered the most popular interferon inducer with a triple action. Cycloferon helps eliminate inflammation, limit the spread of the virus and stimulate the immune system.

The composition of the product

This drug is produced in the form solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections, as well as in the form of tablets. 1 ml of injection contains 125 mg of meglumine acridone acetate and water. Sell ​​a solution of Cycloferon in ampoules of 2 mm.

The tablet of the drug contains, in addition to 150 mg of meglumine acridone acetate, excipients such as:

  • Povidone;
  • Copolymer of methacrylic acid;
  • calcium stearate;
  • Polysorbate 80 and propylene glycol.

Cycloferon indications for use

This medication is antiviral and immunomodulatory agent, which is a high-molecular inducer of endogenous interferon production. It has antiproferative, antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and even antitumor effects.

Cycloferon leads to clinical improvements in hepatitis, tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, enterovirus and papillomatous infections. Another drug, due to the activation of immunity, has an antimicrobial and anti-chlamydial effect. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of tumor processes in the body as a result of anticarcinogenic and antimetastatic effects.

After taking Cycloferon tablets at the maximum dose, the active substance can be detected in plasma concentrations after 2-3 hours. A day later, the drug is found in the body in trace concentrations. Within 4 hours, the half-life of the drug occurs. When taking Cycloferon in the recommended dosages, the presence of the active substance is not observed.

Forms of drug release

This drug is available in the following forms:

  • Solution for injections;
  • Tablets;
  • Ointment for external use.

Cycloferon is not produced in the form of drops or suppositories.

Cycloferon (injections): instructions for use

The active substance in the ampoules of the drug is acridoneacetic acid. Such a component is a low molecular weight interferon inducer. It is due to him that the drug has immunomodulatory, antitumor and antiviral activity.

The active ingredient of Cycloferon, after penetration into the cell, promotes the formation of all possible types of human interferons. At the same time, the drug, unlike similar drugs, is not a derivative of genetic engineering and does not contain foreign proteins. In addition, it lacks many of the side effects inherent in medicines with a similar composition.

Of course, such a drug does not directly affect bacteria, however, it activates killer cells and T-lymphocytes, which helps to increase the body's immune forces. As a result, various fungi, as well as bacteria, die. That is why the drug is considered effective not only in the fight against pathologies of viral origin, but also in the treatment of bacterial infections.

Cycloferon in injections is indicated for use in a wide range of diseases. It is often used in therapy, gynecology, pediatrics and neurology, as well as in autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency. The drug is used to treat the following ailments:

  • Bacterial diseases. Cycloferon enhances the body's defenses in the fight against E. coli, chlamydia, vaginitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis and urethritis.
  • Any viral infections. Thanks to its immunomodulating properties, the drug increases the body's resistance to influenza, all types of herpes, viral hepatitis, papillomatosis and enterovirus.
  • Arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. In the elimination of these pathologies, the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is in demand.
  • Neuroinfections: encephalitis or meningitis. The low molecular weight substance of Cycloferon has a high penetrating power, so the drug is effective in combating these diseases.

For the prevention of viral diseases, this medication is used only when there is a threat of infection. In other words, if there was contact with a carrier of an infectious agent and there is a real danger of getting a pathology. As a rule, Cycloferon is not recommended for common colds. It is worth resorting to immunomodulators only in case of serious diseases and weakening of the defenses. When the body copes with the disease on its own, you should not speed up recovery.

The scheme of application of injections of the drug

Cycloferon injections are done most often intramuscularly or intravenously. For an adult, the basic scheme involves the administration of the drug once a day according to the following principle: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23 days.

But the course of therapy and dosage for different diseases is slightly different. For example, with viral hepatitis, it is recommended to give 10 injections according to the basic scheme. The dosage can be increased to 4 ml, and after 14 days, the treatment is repeated.

To eliminate herpes prescribe 10 injections of 2 ml, which are done according to the basic scheme, and treatment should be started immediately when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

For chlamydial infection injections are made according to the scheme, as in the case of hepatitis of a viral nature. True, in the treatment of chlamydia, Cycloferon is combined with antibiotics, which begin to be used after the second injection of the drug. But from the 11th day they should be changed.

In an immunocompromised state first, 10 injections of 2 ml are prescribed, and then a course of maintenance treatment is performed - 1 injection every 10 days for 6 months.

For the treatment of articular and rheumatic diseases it is recommended to take 2-4 courses with an interval of 14 days, consisting of 5 injections of Cycloferon 2 ml each.

Depending on the severity of the pathology or the condition of the patient, doctors may deviate from the standard treatment regimen. Despite the fact that immunostimulants in injections are considered more effective than in tablets, only a doctor can choose the appropriate dosage form.

Cycloferon tablets

They are usually used for respiratory problems because they have less therapeutic efficacy. After taking the tablet, it passes through the entire food tract and enters the bloodstream only after 30 minutes, while losing some of the nutrients.

To improve the effect of this form of Cycloferon, it is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before meals. The tablets of this drug are coated, soluble only in the intestines. It is necessary to protect the drug from splitting by the hydrochloric acid of the stomach. For this reason, the medicine must be swallowed whole without chewing.

One tablet contains 150 mg of acridoneacetic acid. The amount of the active substance that enters the blood from the intestines is determined condition of the mucosal layer of the colon. If there are fecal deposits, scars or ulcers, then the absorption of the medicinal component worsens. As a result, the effectiveness of therapy is reduced.

Cycloferon: instructions for use for children

Tablets of this drug are allowed to be given to babies who have reached 4 years of age. Young children should not take Cycloferon. It is necessary to drink pills half an hour before meals 1 time per day, drinking the medicine with distilled water.

The duration of taking this medicine depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the small patient. To exclude the possibility of an overdose, you should not give the drug to a child on your own. It is better to first show it to the doctor so that he can choose the most appropriate treatment regimen.

As a rule, doctors prescribe to children from 4-6 years old 1 tablet 30 minutes before meals. But for kids from 7-11 years old, 300–450 mg of the drug are prescribed, in other words, 2-3 pills, which are consumed at a time at lunchtime. Persons over 12 years old are recommended to take 3-4 tablets.

Cycloferon liniment: indication for use

Medicine in the form of an ointment used locally. It is convenient to apply a thin layer directly to the affected area. During the treatment of genital herpes, intraurethral and intravaginal installations are made, 5 ml once a day. The duration of therapy is at least 10 days. In this case, in addition to Cycloferon, other drugs are also used: Zovirax, Valtrex and.

Another ointment is usually used to eliminate vaginosis, inflammation of the glans penis, various types of urethritis, chronic periodontitis and bacterial vaginitis.

Cycloferon during pregnancy

The instructions for this drug indicate that it is contraindicated when carrying a child, since large-scale studies of its effect on the baby have not been conducted. Therefore, manufacturers for reinsurance warn that the drug should not be used by expectant mothers.

But a pregnant woman is unlikely to overdose when taking Cycloferon, and in small quantities its effect on a child is negligible. If the effect on the baby in the first trimester is significant, then a miscarriage cannot be avoided. That is why expectant mothers who decide to take this drug need to wait until the eighth week of pregnancy. In the event that nothing happened during this period, then, most likely, everything worked out. Of course, it is better to register with the antenatal clinic and undergo the necessary examinations on time.

Side effects

Like other immunostimulants, Cycloferon is a toxic substance. True, in comparison with other antiviral drugs, it is less dangerous. That is why the list of negative consequences after taking it is small. This drug causes fewer complications during therapy than with a synthetic foreign protein, which often leads to apathy, diarrhea, drowsiness or depression.

After using Cycloferon, an allergic reaction may occur. This side effect has the form of itching, rash and swelling at the injection site. Allergy can cause not only the active substance, but also additional ingredients. In most cases, the cause of its appearance is methylglucamine, which is a formative substance in the tablets of the drug. The ointment does not contain such a component, so it does not cause an allergic reaction.

Who is contraindicated in the use of Cycloferon?

This drug should be discontinued during breastfeeding. During pregnancy, it is also not recommended to use it. There are also others more specific contraindications:

It should also be noted that the drug should be used carefully when duodenal ulcer and stomach, severe allergies and gastritis. If the doctor has prescribed treatment with tablets and injection solution for a patient suffering from thyroid dysfunction, then the treatment must be carried out under the supervision of an endocrinologist. The price of Cycloferon ranges from 188 to 765 rubles.

The basis of good health and the immunity of the body to infections and foreign substances for a person is the presence of a strong immune system. But sometimes it can be weakened by seasonal diseases, an unhealthy lifestyle, or a diet that does not contain important and necessary nutrients. In such cases, taking vitamins sometimes becomes insufficient and immunostimulants created with the help of modern pharmacy come to the rescue. One of these "assistants" for activating immunity is Cycloferon.

Dosage forms of Cycloferon

Cycloferon is available in several forms:

  • tablets - for oral use;
  • ointment - for local external application;
  • Injections are used to inject a drug into a muscle or vein.

Cycloferon in ampoules can be produced:

  1. In the form of a lyophilizate - a dry substance of Cycloferon, which has undergone a soft drying process in a vacuum apparatus. The lyophilisate is used for long-term storage and, for injections, is pre-diluted with a special liquid.
  2. In the form of ready-made injections that do not require additional dilution - this form of release is convenient for self-use at home, with medical experience.

Diseases for which Cycloferon is used in ampoules

Cycloferon is prescribed to enhance the activity of the immune system in the complex treatment for colds, flu and during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases (autumn-spring). Also, indications for the use of Cycloferon injections are diseases:

  • human immunodeficiency virus (stages 2A-2B);
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes;
  • the presence of chlamydia and CMV infection;
  • secondary immunodeficiencies;
  • neuroinfections;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • rheumatic and.

Side effects of Cycloferon

Since Cycloferon belongs to the pharmacological group of interferons, i.e. in essence, it is a protein synthesized by the human body in response to the invasion of the virus and preventing its development, no side effects of this drug were noted. The only undesirable effect of taking Cycloferon may be individual intolerance to his body, manifested by allergic reactions.

Interfering factors for the use of Cycloferon

The drug is not allowed for use during pregnancy and lactating women, as well as children under the age of four.

With caution, Cycloferon is used in the diagnosis of cirrhosis of the liver. In the presence of problems associated with the endocrine system, the use of the drug requires constant monitoring by a specialist doctor (endocrinologist).

How to inject Cycloferon in ampoules?

To activate immunity in case of “mild” diseases (flu,) Cycloferon injections are made intramuscularly according to the main scheme: 0.25-0.5 g once a day for two days in a row and then they switch to injections every other day.

It should be noted that, for various diseases, the optimal treatment regimen for Cycloferon in ampoules is established by the attending physician, based on the severity of the course of the disease, the general indicators of the body and the main treatment.

Approximate injection schemes of Cycloferon:

  1. Herpes. Injections are made according to the main scheme indicated above. The total number of injections is ten, then a break is made for 14 days and another course of 7 injections is given.
  2. Hepatitis. In the acute form, the main scheme is applied, 6 grams per course. In the chronic form of the disease, as maintenance therapy, 0.25 g (one ampoule) once every five days for three months.
  3. Neurovirus infections. The main scheme is 0.6 g of the drug, then maintenance therapy is also 0.6 g every five days, for 2.5-3 months.

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Injection.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active substance: 1 ml of solution contains: active substance - meglumine acridone acetate in terms of acridoneacetic acid - 125 mg; excipient - water for injection. Description: clear yellow liquid.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Cycloferon is a low molecular weight interferon inducer, which determines a wide range of its biological activity (antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, etc.). The main cells-producers of interferon after the introduction of Cycloferon are macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes. Depending on the type of infection, there is a predominance of the activity of one or another link of immunity. The drug induces high titers of interferon in organs and tissues containing lymphoid elements (spleen, liver, lungs), activates bone marrow stem cells, stimulating the formation of granulocytes. Cycloferon activates T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, normalizes the balance between subpopulations of T-helpers and T-suppressors. Enhances the activity of α-interferons.

Cycloferon is effective against viruses, herpes, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, papillomavirus and other viruses. In acute viral hepatitis, Cycloferon prevents the transition of diseases into a chronic form. At the stage of primary manifestations, it contributes to the stabilization of immunity indicators.

The high efficiency of the drug in the complex therapy of acute and chronic bacterial infections (neuroinfections, chlamydia, bronchitis, postoperative complications, urogenital infections, peptic ulcer) as a component of immunotherapy has been established.

Cycloferon is highly effective in rheumatic and systemic diseases of the connective tissue, suppressing autoimmune reactions and providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Pharmacokinetics. With the introduction of the maximum allowable dose, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 1-2 hours, after 24 hours the drug is detected in trace amounts. Crosses the blood-brain barrier. The half-life is 4-5 hours. Does not accumulate in the body with prolonged use.

Indications for use:

In adults in complex therapy:

HIV infection (stages 2A - 2B); : serous meningitis and encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease);

Viral hepatitis A, B, C, D; herpes and; secondary immunodeficiencies associated with acute and chronic bacterial and fungal infections;

Degenerative-dystrophic: and others.

In children in complex therapy:

Viral hepatitis A, B, C, D;

herpetic infection;

HIV - infection (stages 2A-2B);

Important! Get to know the treatment

Dosage and administration:

In adults: Cycloferon is used intramuscularly or intravenously once a day according to the basic scheme: every other day. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease.

1 For herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, according to the basic scheme, 10 injections of 0.25 g each. The total dose is 2.5 g. Treatment is most effective at the beginning of an exacerbation of the disease.

2 In case of neuroinfections, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme. The course of treatment is 12 injections of 0.25-0.5 g in combination with etiotropic therapy. The total dose is 3-6 g. Repeat courses as needed.

3 In case of chlamydial infection, it is administered according to the basic scheme. The course of treatment is 10 injections of 0.25 g each. The total dose is 2.5 g. The second course of treatment is in 10-14 days. It is advisable to combine Cycloferon with antibiotics.

4 In acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 0.5 g each. The total dose is 5.0 g. In case of a protracted infection, the course is repeated after 10-14 days. In chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 0.5 g, then according to the maintenance scheme 3 times a week for three months as part of complex therapy. Recommended in combination with interferons and chemotherapy. Repetition of the course in 10 - 14 days.

5 With HIV infection (2A-2B) according to the basic scheme, 10 injections of 0.5 g each, and then according to the maintenance regimen once every three days for 2.5 months. Repeat course after 10 days.

6 In immunodeficiency states, the course of treatment is 10 intramuscular injections according to the basic scheme in a single dose of 0.25 g. The total dose is 2.5 g. A second course is carried out after 6-12 months.

7 In rheumatic and systemic connective tissue diseases 4 courses of 5 injections according to the basic scheme of 0.25 g with a break of 10-14 days. Repeated course on the recommendation of a doctor.

8 In case of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, 2 courses of 5 injections of 0.25 g each with a break of 10-14 days according to the basic scheme. Repeated course on the recommendation of a doctor.

In children: In pediatric practice, Cycloferon is used intramuscularly or intravenously once a day according to the basic scheme: every other day. The daily therapeutic dose is 6-10 mg/kg of body weight.

1 In acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 15 injections. With a protracted course of infection, repeat the course in 10-14 days.

2 In chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections and then according to the maintenance scheme three times a week for three months as part of complex therapy. Recommended in combination with interferons and chemotherapy.

3 With HIV infection (stages 2A-2B), a course of 10 injections according to the basic scheme and then according to the maintenance scheme once every three days for three months. Repeated course in 10 days.

4 In case of herpetic infection, a course of 10 injections according to the basic scheme. While maintaining the replicative activity of the virus, the course of treatment is continued according to the maintenance regimen with the introduction of every three days for four weeks.

Application Features:

Cycloferon does not affect the ability to drive vehicles. In the treatment of influenza and respiratory viral infections, symptomatic therapy is carried out. In case of thyroid diseases, consultation of an endocrinologist is necessary.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.

Interaction with other drugs:

Cycloferon is compatible and well combined with all drugs traditionally used in the treatment of these diseases (interferons, chemotherapeutic drugs, etc.). Enhances the action of interferons and nucleoside analogues. Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy, interferon therapy.


Pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, decompensated, children under 4 years of age.


There is no information about drug overdose.

Storage conditions:

List B. In a place protected from light, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 0 - 25 C. Freezing the solution during transportation at low temperatures does not change the properties of the drug. Thawed at room temperature, the drug retains its biological and physico-chemical properties. If the color of the solution changes and a precipitate forms, the use of the drug is unacceptable. EXPIRY DATE 3 years. After the expiration date, the use of the drug is not allowed.

Leave conditions:

On prescription


Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 125 mg / ml in 2 ml ampoules. 5 ampoules in a one-sided blister pack, 1 blister pack together with instructions for use and a knife for opening ampoules or an ampoule scarifier (in the absence of a point or a break line on the ampoule) in a cardboard box.

Registration number:

P N001049/03 dated 28.08.2007

Trade name:


Group name:

Meglumine Acridone Acetate

Dosage form:

solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.


Active substance:

Meglumine acridonacetate in terms of acridoneacetic acid 125.0 mg, obtained according to the following recipe:
Acridoneacetic acid 125.0 mg
N-methylglucamine (meglumine) 96.3 mg

Auxiliary substance:
Water for injection up to 1.0 ml


clear yellow liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

immunostimulating agent.

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties


Cycloferon is a low molecular weight interferon inducer, which determines a wide range of its biological activity (antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, etc.).

The main cells-producers of interferon after the introduction of Cycloferon are macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes. Depending on the type of infection, there is a predominance of the activity of one or another link of immunity. The drug induces high titers of interferon in organs and tissues containing lymphoid elements (spleen, liver, lungs), activates bone marrow stem cells, stimulating the formation of granulocytes. Cycloferon activates T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, normalizes the balance between subpopulations of T-helpers and T-suppressors. Enhances the activity of α-interferons.

Cycloferon is effective against tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, papillomavirus and other viruses. In acute viral hepatitis, Cycloferon prevents the transition of diseases into a chronic form.

At the stage of primary manifestations of HIV infection, it contributes to the stabilization of immunity indicators.

The high efficiency of the drug in the complex therapy of acute and chronic bacterial infections (neuroinfections, chlamydia, bronchitis, pneumonia, postoperative complications, urogenital infections, peptic ulcer) as a component of immunotherapy has been established.

Cycloferon is highly effective in rheumatic and systemic diseases of the connective tissue, suppressing autoimmune reactions and providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.


With the introduction of the maximum allowable dose, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 1-2 hours, after 24 hours the drug is detected in trace amounts. Crosses the blood-brain barrier. The half-life is 4-5 hours. Does not accumulate in the body with prolonged use.

Indications for use

In adults in complex therapy:
- HIV infection (stages 2A - 2B); – neuroinfections: serous meningitis and encephalitis, tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease);

- herpes and cytomegalovirus infection;
– secondary immunodeficiencies associated with acute and chronic bacterial and fungal infections;
- chlamydial infections;
- rheumatic and systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
- degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints: deforming osteoarthritis, etc.

In children in complex therapy:
- viral hepatitis A, B, C, D;
- herpetic infection;
- HIV infection (stages 2A - 2B).


Pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, decompensated liver cirrhosis, children under 4 years of age.

Dosage and administration

In adults:

Cycloferon is used intramuscularly or intravenously once a day according to the basic scheme: every other day. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease.

1. For herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 0.25 g each. The total dose is 2.5 g. Treatment is most effective at the beginning of an exacerbation of the disease.

2. In case of neuroinfections, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme. The course of treatment is 12 injections of 0.25-0.5 g in combination with etiotropic therapy. The total dose is 3-6 g. Repeated courses are carried out as needed.

3. In case of chlamydial infection, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme. The course of treatment is 10 injections of 0.25 g each. The total dose is 2.5 g. A second course of treatment is carried out after 10-14 days. It is advisable to combine Cycloferon with antibiotics.

4. In acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 0.5 g each. The total dose is 5.0 g. In case of a protracted infection, the course is repeated after 10–14 days.
In chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 0.5 g, then according to the maintenance regimen 3 times a week for three months as part of complex therapy. Recommended in combination with interferons and chemotherapy. Repeat the course in 10-14 days.

5. In case of HIV infection (stages 2A - 2B), the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections of 0.5 g each, and then according to the maintenance regimen once every three days for 2.5 months. Repeat the course after 10 days.

6. In immunodeficiency states, the course of treatment is 10 intramuscular injections according to the basic scheme in a single dose of 0.25 g. The total dose is 2.5 g. A second course is carried out after 6–12 months.

7. For rheumatic and systemic diseases of the connective tissue 4 courses of 5 injections of 0.25 g each according to the basic scheme with a break of 10-14 days. A second course is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.

8. For degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, 2 courses of 5 injections of 0.25 g each according to the basic scheme with a break of 10-14 days. A second course is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.

In children:

In pediatric practice, Cycloferon is used intramuscularly or intravenously once a day according to the basic scheme: every other day. The daily therapeutic dose is 6-10 mg/kg of body weight.

1. In acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and mixed forms, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 15 injections.
With a protracted course of infection, the course is repeated after 10-14 days.

2. In chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, the drug is administered according to the basic scheme of 10 injections and then according to the maintenance scheme three times a week for three months as part of complex therapy. Recommended in combination with interferons and chemotherapy.

3. With HIV infection (stages 2A - 2B), a course of 10 injections according to the basic scheme and then according to the maintenance regimen once every three days for three months. A second course is carried out after 10 days.

4. In case of herpetic infection, a course of 10 injections according to the basic scheme. While maintaining the replicative activity of the virus, the course of treatment is continued according to the maintenance regimen with the introduction every three days for four weeks.

Side effect

Allergic reactions.
If any of the undesirable effects indicated in the instructions are aggravated or you notice any other undesirable effects that are not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor about it.


There is no information about drug overdose.

Interaction with other drugs

Cycloferon is compatible and well combined with all drugs traditionally used in the treatment of these diseases (interferons, chemotherapeutic drugs, etc.).
Enhances the action of interferons and nucleoside analogues. Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy, interferon therapy.

special instructions

Cycloferon does not affect the ability to drive vehicles. In case of thyroid diseases, consultation of an endocrinologist is necessary. It is possible to stain urine in a violet-blue color (luminescence).

Release form

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection 125 mg / ml in 2 ml ampoules of colorless or brown glass. The ampoule has a self-adhesive label. 5 ampoules in a blister pack made of PVC film. Blisters thermally bonded with cover film or aluminum foil or open. 1 blister pack with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

There are many drugs that help get rid of the same problem. Now I want to talk about such a drug as "Cycloferon": instructions for use. Injections and tablets - all forms of this medication will be discussed further.

Basic information about this medicine

The drug "Cycloferon" has a very wide spectrum of action. So, it is an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drug.

Also, this drug has an antitumor and antiproliferative effect, that is, it fights against the growth of various cells.

After administration in the human body, namely in the spleen, lungs, liver, intestinal mucosa, the amount of interferons increases. At the same time, the drug also activates brain stem cells and corrects the immune status, increasing the body's defenses.

Indications for the use of the drug

In what situations can doctors prescribe this drug?

  • With herpetic or cytomegalovirus infection.
  • With various respiratory diseases, influenza.
  • With various infections: intestinal, neuroinfections.
  • In the case when bacterial or fungal infections lead to immunodeficiency.
  • With chronic hepatitis, as well as HIV infections.
  • With chlamydia.
  • In diseases of the joints of a degenerative-dystrophic nature.

This drug can also be used in the treatment of children. In this case, it is prescribed as part of complex therapy for babies whose age exceeds 4 years. It is used for viral hepatitis, herpetic infection and HIV infection.

The drug "Cycloferon": instructions for use (injections)

Having figured out in what cases this drug can be prescribed, you must also tell how it should be used correctly. What you need to know before using the drug "Cycloferon"?

Instructions for the use of injections says: the medicine is administered intramuscularly or intravenously once a day. There is also a basic scheme for administering a drug, but it can be adjusted depending on the disease and the appointment of the attending doctor.

Basic scheme. The drug is not administered daily, but on the following days, starting from the first day of treatment and then on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 20th, 23rd, 26th, 29th days. The dosage may vary depending on the disease:

  • In viral hepatitis, the amount of the drug should not exceed 250-500 mg. The course will require 10 injections. You can repeat the treatment after 10-14 days.
  • For herpetic infection: dosage - 250 mg, number of injections - 10. The drug is most effective at the onset of the disease.
  • With chlamydia, a single dose is 500 mg once a day. The total number is also 10 injections. A second course is prescribed mainly in a month. Prior to this, supportive drugs are taken.
  • With immunodeficiency, the course is also a ten-time administration of the drug, once a day. A second course of therapy can be carried out in half a year or even a year.

For other diseases (for example, HIV infection), the dosage is individual and is determined by the attending doctor.

"Cycloferon": tablets. Instructions for use of the drug

Having considered how to take - intravenously or intramuscularly - the drug "Cycloferon", tablets - instructions for using the drug in this form - this must also be told.

Generally speaking, the tablet is taken once a day, half an hour before a meal. The pill should be washed down well with water, while not chewing. The dosage will depend on the disease that the patient is trying to cope with.

  1. With a herpes infection, you need to take 2-4 tablets according to the basic scheme (described above). It is best to start treatment at the time of exacerbation of the disease.
  2. With acute respiratory infections and influenza, the dose is the same - 2-4 pills. A full course may include 10 to 20 tablets. The medication begins immediately after the onset of the very first symptoms.
  3. For viral hepatitis, the medicine is taken 4 pills a day according to the basic scheme.
  4. Intestinal infections can be cured by taking 2 pills as described above. The course of treatment is 20 tablets.
  5. With immunodeficiency, two tablets per day should be taken according to the basic scheme.

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