Treatment of intestinal colitis at home. General manifestations of ulcerative inflammation. Clinical signs of acute colitis

A disease accompanied by acute inflammation of the colon. Acute colitis is a disease caused by pathological condition large intestine. What caused this disease? This disease is caused by the introduction of various infections into the human body.

What kind of infections cause inflammation of the colon. The most common infections that caused the disease include:

  • dysentery;
  • paratyphoid A;
  • tuberculosis;
  • poisoning

Poisoning may be due to the presence in the body of various poisons. However, they enter the body through inhalation or ingestion. What kind of poisons cause disease?

The most common poisons include lead, copper, mercury, and many others. Products with their poor quality composition also cause acute colitis. More precisely provoke acute inflammation of the colon.

Helminths can cause intestinal damage. Since some types of worms are localized directly in the large intestine. cause defeat this department intestines. The intestines are often irritated.

The course of the disease can be acute or chronic. Acute course diseases are easily cured. rather than chronic course acute colitis. chronic stage disease has more subtle symptoms.

Also, the chronic stage is characterized by a long course. It also contributes to various complications. The disease can predominantly begin with loose stools. However, when loose stool it is worth distinguishing acute colitis from other diseases.

For diseases such as acute intestinal infection most often characterized by loose stools. But it is not the only symptom acute colitis. Most often, the stool may be accompanied by the release of mucus, pus and blood. which often indicates serious defeat large intestine.

The disease is also characterized by a certain smell of stool. At the same time, it is putrid and rotten. What most often indicates inflammation of the colon, caused by poisoning or poor-quality food.


What is the main symptomatology of the disease? Acute colitis begins with cramping pain, bloating. However, this is not the only clinical sign. The most common symptoms include:

  • urge to defecate;
  • abdominal pain;
  • putrid feces;
  • secretion of pus and mucus

If acute colitis is caused infectious process, then the patient has a certain reaction of the body to the infection. It is expressed in the predominance of the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • temperature rise;
  • dry mouth;
  • coated tongue

An increase in temperature is caused by an inflammatory process. This inflammatory process is characterized by the presence of body temperature from thirty-nine to forty degrees. Which certainly requires a decrease in body temperature.

Nausea and vomiting also possible symptoms illness. But they are rare. Bloating is usually caused by the presence of flatulence. On palpation, there is rumbling and pain in the intestine.

In dysentery there is cramping pain. False urge to defecate frequent sign acute colitis in dysentery. The most common symptom of acute colitis is severe pain in.

Even with severe pain in the rectum, the presence of loose stools is not necessary. The chair can be decorated. The formed stool is not considered pathological. But, if there is blood or mucus in it, then this is already a pathology.

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Acute colitis is diagnosed through history taking. However, most often it is not the main method of diagnosis. Since the disease is mostly acquired.

Are diagnosed possible reasons diseases, that is, the factors that caused the disease. Acute colitis is the result of intestinal damage. This defeat is related to the introduction. Therefore, consultation with an infectious disease specialist may be necessary.

Examination of the patient plays an important role in the diagnosis of acute colitis. In this case, it is necessary to palpate the intestinal area. As a result, a diagnosis can be made. But even this is not enough.

It is necessary to diagnose the disease with the help of a laboratory test. It consists of a blood and urine test. In this case, leukocytosis is noted. An increase in ESR may be observed.

Of great importance is the analysis of bowel movements. In this case, it is advisable to analyze the feces for the presence of helminths. This analysis carried out three times. Adhesive tape can also be used, i.e. directly from the perinatal fold.

Additional diagnostic methods are colonoscopy. This allows you to determine the degree of damage to the colon. This diagnostic method is more informative.

A biopsy may be used during a colonoscopy. To identify pathological tissue large intestine. Tumors may be identified.

Dysentery and tuberculosis are detected through the use of various techniques. Wherein great importance has radiography. Also diaskintest. and other research methods.


To prevent acute colitis, it is advisable to carry out some preventive actions. They consist in carrying out specific prevention. Vaccinations are necessary to build immunity.

Activation immune properties the body to prevent these infections. For example, they include dysentery. Due to which it is formed defensive reaction organism.

Personal hygiene is of great importance. It allows you to prevent various infections. If the causative agent of the disease is flies, then personal hygiene can prevent dysentery.

Food plays an important role in disease prevention. Only good quality products proper nutrition able to cope with acute colitis. Since exactly poor quality food is the source of intestinal inflammation.

If there are such infectious diseases like tuberculosis, it is necessary to apply medical therapy in time. The neglected form of tuberculosis is a consequence various complications. In addition, with a running variant of tuberculosis, drug resistance develops.

If acute colitis is caused by the introduction of helminths, then it is necessary to get rid of them in time. The necessary anthelmintic drugs are used. As well as folk methods treatment.

Various poisonings can cause acute colitis. The general is developing. At the same time, it inflames colon. After all, poisons and other substances are excreted with bowel movements.


Therapeutic therapy for acute colitis will be aimed at eliminating the underlying causes of the disease. That is, prescribed drugs are directly used to treat the underlying cause of acute colitis.

If the etiology of the disease is associated with poisoning, then it is necessary to apply following methods treatment. They are as follows:

  • rinse the stomach with soda;
  • rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • drink a laxative;
  • put an enema;
  • starvation;
  • diet

Let's take a closer look this technique treatment. Gastric lavage with soda is carried out by using one tablespoon of soda per three liters of water. If a solution of potassium permanganate is used, then one gram of potassium per ten liters of water is taken.

It is best to flush through a probe. This is the most effective method removal of poisons from the body. It is also effective to artificially induce vomiting after drinking a liquid.

After that, give a saline laxative. And they put a siphon enema. which is also the most effective measure to fight poisoning.

After the medical measures it is advisable to follow fasting. Then a strict diet. What are these dietary measures? The diet includes the following foods:

  • Tea with lemon;
  • mucous soups;
  • meat broths;
  • white crackers;
  • jelly;
  • pureed cereals

To reduce pain, you need to apply a heating pad. Bed rest must be followed. In the presence of putrefactive dyspepsia, it is important to observe apple diet. If colitis is caused by dysentery, then apply.

If the cause of the disease is not identified, a course is prescribed drug treatment. It is aimed at the use of the following drugs:

  • sulfonamides;
  • atropine;
  • papaverine;
  • bismuth

In adults

Acute colitis is a fairly common pathology of the large intestine. It is associated with the influence various factors. These factors include heredity. What plays a big role in this case.

This disease occurs in adults different ages. It can be elderly people, middle-aged people and young people. At unhealthy way life, the colon can also become inflamed. But usually this occurs due to intoxication of the body.

With timely treatment of this kind of intoxication, acute colitis is successfully cured. What contributes rapid healing mucosa of the large intestine. Even sometimes stressful situations can cause inflammation of the colon. In this case, the following signs of the disease are observed:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pain:
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • indigestion

All these factors most pathologically affect the intestines. But with adequate medical therapy his mucosa is restored. In adults, antibiotics may be the cause. They destroy the natural balance intestinal microflora.

Adults often have errors in nutrition. Especially if store food prevails. Since often the products can be of poor quality. This factor often leads to the development of acute colitis.

In children

Acute colitis in children is accompanied not only by the presence of an inflammatory reaction, but also by the presence of a process dystrophic changes. What exactly are the symptoms that accompany acute colitis in children?

Acute colitis in children is quite acute. The child may experience pain in the abdomen. The following features are also of great importance:

  • nausea;
  • stool of various consistency;
  • malaise

The malaise is usually manifested by the presence elevated temperature body. Which often causes headaches. The nature of food is changing. The child eats little or no food. Therefore, it is important to establish a list of acceptable products.

Dairy products are definitely excluded from the diet. Mostly milk, kefir, cheese and the like. Features of acute colitis childhood in the presence of lesions of all parts of the intestine. Therefore, the treatment is complicated.

In children school age usually affects either the thick or small intestine. But it is also possible to develop a chronic stage. Subject to inadequate medical therapy and untimely treatment.

Often chronic colitis is a consequence of acute colitis. In turn, acute colitis in children is caused by the introduction of infections. Or the effect of helminths and medicines.


Acute colitis is predicted ambiguously. But more often the prognosis is favorable. This is due to the timely treatment of the underlying disease. What is the most necessary in this case.

The prognosis is unfavorable with the development of various complications. Which is the transition to the chronic stage. That is, to a long or lifelong period of the disease. In this case, periods of exacerbation may develop.

The chronic stage causes a lot of consequences. That negatively affects the formulation of the forecast. The prognosis in this case is very deplorable. It is important to treat the underlying disease.


Acute colitis may result in the development of a liver abscess. What affects the life of the patient. The disease in this case is characterized by a fatal outcome.

Peritonitis may require surgical intervention. In the case of a suppurative process. Peritonitis is a complication of acute colitis. Only timely diagnosis and treatments can prevent unwanted effects.

Recovery is also possible with acute colitis. But it usually comes acute period. The chronic stage is cured quite difficult.


Life expectancy in acute colitis may be shortened. But only in severe cases. Usually acute colitis is not a formidable disease. Much also depends on the causes of colitis.

If the cause of acute colitis is a severe infection. That life expectancy is reduced. For example, with tuberculosis. Since the disease is quite serious.

Much depends on the prescribed treatment. Get treated in a hospital. home treatment and self-medication will not lead to good outcomes. This means it will reduce total duration of your life!

One of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract today is acute colitis. Often, the disease develops in parallel with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa or stomach. It is necessary to cure colitis in order to avoid a number of unpleasant consequences.

Acute colitis is an intestinal disease that occurs as a result of the activity of microorganisms, usually salmonella and shigella. Sometimes an ailment is a consequence of the development of a pathogenic environment in an organ or develops under the influence of a virus.

The cause of the disease can be a violation of the regime and quality of nutrition, as well as poisoning bacterial nature. Sometimes the disease is provoked food allergies, toxins, infectious diseases.

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - the result of acupressure harmful factors on the membrane or dysfunction is provoked by bacteria. Such microorganisms enter the human body, and when mucus is produced, they begin to act actively and negatively.


Acute colitis can be identified by specific symptoms.

The first signs of the presence of an ailment are sharp pain in the abdomen, which acquires a "pulling" character or manifests itself in the form of spasms. In addition, a person with colitis loses interest in food, his stomach often growls, loose stools are observed, and also general weakness and malaise.

Mucus is clearly visible in liquid stools. At severe course colitis is watery, contains a lot of mucus and blood. The frequency of urges can reach 20 times a day. The disease usually causes an increase in the patient's body temperature up to 38 °.

With a severe form of the disease general intoxication manifests itself in specific symptoms. Usually it is a "dry" language with gray coating, severe swelling abdomen, which are replaced by "retraction" due to frequent urges to a bowel movement. With the doctor's palpation of the intestine, pain and rumbling appear in some parts of the organ.


At the beginning of the diagnosis, the doctor usually asks the patient about the manifestation of the disease and takes an anamnesis. Such simple actions help to identify the cause, which became the "push" for the development of the disease. But also the doctor performs palpation of the abdomen in the intestinal area. If pain and rumbling appear in the left half of the organ, then, most likely, acute colitis occurs.

For diagnosis, methods of instrumental and laboratory type are used. most effective instrumental diagnostics is endoscopy. As a result of such an examination, hyperemia and swelling of the intestinal mucosa can be detected. In a severe form of the disease, as a result of endoscopy, pus, blood, erosion, and even ulcers can be found on the walls of the organ.

The most common and frequently used laboratory method is general analysis blood and fecal analysis. The intestine can “stab” if a large number of leukocytes are found in the blood and the ESR is accelerated. All these are signs of inflammation, which is in the human body.

Examining the feces, experts pay attention to the amount of mucus and blood elements. The stool is often watery. In the feces, you can also find a large number of leukocytes, which indicates inflammation bacterial type. To identify the causative agent, microbiological examination feces. In addition to detecting the pathogen, this analysis is able to determine the degree of impact of the antibiotic on the microorganism.

Video “How to treat colitis”

In this video, you will learn what symptoms may indicate the development of acute colitis, and how to treat it.


Acute colitis should be treated in stages, depending on the severity of the disease. Since diarrhea usually accompanies the disease, the patient must definitely drink plenty of fluids. This is explained by the fact that with loose stools, an excessive amount of water is excreted from the body, which negatively affects the work of all organs and systems, and not just the gastrointestinal tract.

To restore the balance of water in the body, it is advisable to use aqueous solutions with sugar and salt. You can drink mineral water and weak tea if the amount of moisture lost is not critical. The solution can enter the body naturally, and maybe through the blood, through intravenous administration. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

The effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the patient's diet. Correct Mode nutrition not only unloads the intestines, but also dulls the pain spasm. As a result, the patient's condition improves.

The diet for patients with colitis is quite strict: you can not eat foods that irritate the walls of the stomach or intestines and are poorly digested. Food that provokes rotting and fermentation in the body is also prohibited.

You can not eat fried, sour, spicy, smoked. It is worth refraining from taking raw fruits and vegetables, as well as milk and other “milk”.

If the disease is acute, it is advisable to completely refuse food for two days at the beginning of the attack.

Patients with acute colitis are prescribed treatment, which includes the administration of absorbent drugs to the patient. After all, the disease appears due to the activity of bacteria, which as a result provokes intoxication of the body. And absorbent drugs can eliminate symptoms and the inflammatory process.

If the colitis is minor, let's take activated carbon. Therapy with enveloping preparations is often used: Phosphalugel and Almagel.

Frequent and enzyme therapy. This treatment is designed to normalize the activity digestive system. Festal and Pancreatin are usually used.

In mild cases, an attack of the disease is defeated in two days. A significant role in this case belongs to the diet and taking the necessary medications. In more severe forms it will take several weeks to get rid of the disease.

Colitis can be treated both in the hospital and at home. It all depends on the symptoms and the strength of their manifestation.

If you find yourself showing signs of a disease, consult a doctor immediately, because without proper therapy, colitis can provoke severe complications developing into other diseases. Sometimes such negligence can cause death.

So, if you see a doctor on time, colitis and its attacks can be stopped quickly and absolutely safely for the body. The main thing is to take care of your health.

Acute colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that can be acute or chronic. It is wrong to think that such a disease is associated precisely with the occurrence of colic in the abdomen.

Often, acute inflammation of the large intestine occurs simultaneously with a disease of the small intestine (then enterocolitis occurs) or with pathologies of the stomach. Consider the main causes and signs of this disease, its forms, features of treatment and prevention.

The main causes of pathology

Causes of colitis include:

  1. Penetration into the intestines of infection. It can be bacterial or viral, fungal, etc.
  2. Long-term use of antibiotics (the most dangerous - Lincomycin), antipsychotics, laxatives.
  3. Blood malnutrition (this may occur in older patients).
  4. Poor quality and irrational nutrition (for example, increased amount floury, spicy). Animal foods can also cause inflammatory phenomena in the large intestine.
  5. Radiation effects on the body.
  6. Dysbacteriosis.
  7. Exposure to certain allergens.
  8. Worm invasion.
  9. Intoxication (lead, mercury, arsenic).
  10. Unfavorable genetic disposition.
  11. The presence of infectious foci in the pancreas or in the gallbladder.
  12. Overstrain (both physical and mental), irrational daily routine.
  13. Crohn's syndrome. In this case, it is customary to talk about idiopathic colitis, the symptoms of which cannot be established.


The basis of this disease is damage to the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The acute form of the disease most often occurs when an infection enters this organ.

When microorganisms enter the mucous membrane, an inflammatory process occurs. In this case, the wall of the organ thickens, swells, and peristalsis is disturbed. In some cases, there is a violation of the waste of mucus.

because of pathological processes the patient feels the urge to empty the bowels. And since in any inflammatory process, toxic substances, a person feels pain, there is an increase in temperature.

Signs of pathology

The symptoms of acute colitis are very different from those of chronic colitis. So, acute inflammation is characterized by the formation of pronounced mucosal edema.

Among other things, the results diagnostic examination indicate that there is a lot of mucus in the intestines. The walls of the organ are usually hyperemic.

At laboratory research there is an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an increase in the number of white blood cells.

Other signs of acute colitis are:

  • severe pain;
  • flatulence;
  • the appearance of secretions from the intestines in which blood is present;
  • appearance in stool a large number mucus;
  • painful urge to defecate;
  • all of the above manifestations can be combined with diarrhea.

Some patients also experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness and fatigue. Due to the deterioration of the patient's appetite, weight can be significantly reduced.

Typically, the above symptoms may persist for several weeks.

If the acute colitis diet is followed and adequately treated, the patient usually recovers. If you do not follow all the measures indicated by the doctor, the disease may become chronic.

For chronic colitis characteristic changes in the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the organ.

The intestines can narrow and shorten. Perhaps the formation of ulcers, erosion and other defects in it. Sometimes polyps can form in the large intestine.

In most cases, patients feel satisfactory. However, sometimes they may be disturbed by the appearance of bitterness in the mouth, the presence of water in the stool.

Even if the stool does not change in such cases, patients may experience symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite and other signs indicating that in gastrointestinal tract certain destructive changes occur.

Common manifestations of peptic ulcer

With such a disease, the patient develops a hemorrhagic focus. It is most often diagnosed in patients aged 20 to 40 years. Women get sick more often than men.

The general symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • joint pain;
  • phenomena of anemia.

During the period of exacerbation, these signs, as a rule, increase. During remission, the patient may feel some relief. In case of absence proper treatment such complications may occur. ulcerative colitis, how:

  • expansion of the intestinal lumen;
  • internal bleeding;
  • peritonitis;
  • acute intestinal obstruction.

Manifestations of spastic and ischemic forms of the disease

The bloating comes to the fore. A person may feel a significant violation of bowel movement. As a rule, in this case, defecation can occur very rarely, while a small amount of feces. Often a doctor can detect this disease against the background of a person’s general overwork or stress.

The characteristic symptoms of this form of colitis are:

  • flatulence (bloating);
  • constipation (rarely - diarrhea);
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the appearance of a large amount of gas in the intestines.

When painful phenomena occur primarily as a result of a violation of the blood supply to the specified section of the gastrointestinal tract. The so-called splenic curvature is often affected. Less commonly affected areas of the sigmoid, descending colon.

Often, patients experience attacks of severe pain. Added to this are signs acute obstruction, rectal bleeding. With absence adequate treatment The patient may develop peritonitis.


Treatment of acute colitis can occur only after a thorough diagnosis. The patient should definitely consult a coloproctologist or gastroenterologist.

First of all, the doctor collects the anamnesis and complaints of the patient. Stool analysis is quite informative: in this case, the specialist can judge how well the large intestine works in the patient being examined.

In addition, the following methods are used to diagnose acute or chronic colitis:

  1. Irrigoscopy. To do this, the doctor examines the large intestine with the help of x-ray radiation. Often used to clarify the diagnosis contrast agent(it is safe for the patient and is completely excreted from the body).
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. In this case, a small area of ​​the large intestine is examined using an endoscope. It is injected into the patient through the anus.
  3. Colonoscopy is almost the same examination, however, for this, the doctor examines an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intestine about one meter.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the large intestine.
  5. Proctological examination.
  6. Biopsy of the large intestine. This procedure allows you to exclude oncological damage.

Before conducting such examinations, the patient must carefully prepare (first of all, clean the large intestine).

Features of treatment

You can relieve pain during such a disease (including in a child) with the help of a diet. It should be noted that without improving nutrition, it is often impossible to achieve progress in recovery.

The purpose of the diet for such a disease is to minimize the chemical and physical effects on the affected organ. This means that all food must be pureed. In addition, the food should be rich in all the necessary nutrients.

Temporarily, until the onset of recovery, the following should be excluded from the diet:

  • all foods enriched with vegetable fiber;
  • peanut;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • smoked meats and marinades;
  • pickles;
  • acidic foods;
  • fried foods.

The same products should be excluded when colitis occurs in children. In this case, more careful adherence to the diet is necessary. Boiled, steamed and stewed food is allowed.

Recommended fractional nutrition(up to 6 times a day). So you can minimize harmful effect on the intestines, because it will be less irritated. It is not recommended to use products with laxative properties.


Antibiotics for such a disease should be used only if it was caused by microorganisms. Absolutely forbidden self-treatment medicines. It is very important to drink enough water, as the body can become dehydrated as a result of diarrhea.

Antispasmodics are used to relieve pain. When infected with helminths, the use of drugs against worms is indicated. They can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. Related complications are treated only in a hospital, as they can pose a serious threat to life.

Forbidden independent application drugs to normalize the stool, as they can lead to the development of obstruction.

Prevention of colitis is to follow the rules healthy lifestyle life, smoking cessation and consumption alcoholic beverages. An annual preventive examination by a proctologist is recommended in order to early detection pathologies of the large intestine.


Acute - acute inflammation of the large intestine, most often resulting from dysinteria.


Acute colitis is most often combined with gastritis and enteritis. Clinical picture depends on the etiology and localization of the process. Common features are: acute onset with diarrhea, fever, colicky pains localized in different parts of the colon. The most intense pain in the form of colic and pain along the colon, as well as ( false urges) are observed when the process is localized in the left part of the colon. The chair is frequent, up to 20 or more times a day; at first it has a fecal fetid character, later mucus is released with an admixture of pus, scraps of the mucous membrane. The temperature reaches 38-39°, the tongue is dry and coated, there is no appetite, patients complain of headaches.

Acute colitis proceeds somewhat differently with its predominant localization in the right half of the colon. The disease begins less acutely, the pain is not so intense and is given to the lower back, to the right thigh. Stools no more than 10 times a day and without tenesmus, stools are liquid and fetid, but without visible mucus, blood, pus, since they are digested in the right side of the abdomen. The temperature is predominantly subfebrile, but there is sharp body(general weakness, headaches). There is neutrophilic and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation (ROE). The abdomen is swollen, palpation of the colon is painful. With damage to the caecum in the right iliac region painful pain is felt. A similar cord is palpable in the left iliac region with left-sided colitis.

Acute colitis lasts from several days to 2 weeks and ends with recovery or passes into chronic condition with a tendency to relapse. They can give a variety of complications - narrowing of the lumen sigmoid colon, purulent, gangrenous inflammation with perforation of the intestine, etc.

Causes of occurrence:

Acute colitis most often occurs as a consequence, less often, etc. Acute colitis as comorbidity occurs when eating food contaminated with salmonella, staphylococci, streptococci, bacteria of the Proteus group, Escherichia and paraintestinal coli, with typhoid, paratyphoid, influenza and septic conditions. Sometimes acute colitis develops after eating a rich, poorly cooked and irritating, mainly carbohydrate, food, as well as after taking a number of medicinal substances, in relation to which it is noted hypersensitivity organism. Colitis is also of a toxic nature in case of poisoning with mercury, arsenic, benzene, when toxic substances are released into the lumen of the colon.


For treatment appoint:

Treatment should be etiological. However, regardless of etiology, the following are necessary: ​​a) strict bed rest, and with dysentery, isolation of the patient; b) on the stomach - heating pads and warming compresses; c) the appointment of a complete mechanically and chemically sparing diet and drug therapy.

In the first days of the disease, the patient is given only warm tea without sugar, from the 3rd day mucous decoctions are added. After the diarrhea subsides, broth, vegetable, flour and meat mashed dishes, soups are added to the mucous decoctions. meat broth, fish broths, carrot, fruit juices. Whole fresh milk, black bread, muffins, sausages, legumes, spices, canned food, snacks, raw vegetables and fruits should be excluded from food. The diet should contain 120-150 g of protein, 60-70 g of fat and 300-400 g of carbohydrates, table salt 10 g and vitamins of groups B, C, A. Of the medications, a laxative is prescribed once. In severe cases, it is recommended to use it fractionally for 1-2 days in the form of a 2% solution. magnesium sulfate or sodium in the amount of 1 liter per day. Mandatory appointment sulfa drugs- disulfan, sulgin, ftalazol, slowly absorbed from the intestine, 1 g 5-6 times a day for 5-7 days. The use of sulfa drugs is combined with the appointment of antibiotics a wide range actions - chloramphenicol (synthomycin) 0.5 g 3 times a day orally, streptomycin, biomycin, and tetracycline.

With strong tenesmus, suppositories with belladonna or antipyrine microclysters are prescribed (0.5 g per 10 ml of water after a cleansing enema). In case of dehydration of the body, intravenously or subcutaneously administered saline, 5% glucose solution in an amount of 500 ml. With a fall in cardiac activity, caffeine, cardiasol, cordiamine, etc. are prescribed subcutaneously. In amoebic colitis (amebiasis), emetine sulfate is prescribed at a dose of 0.05 g subcutaneously 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days, and after a five-day break, this treatment repeated 2-3 times.

Acute colitis occurs due to inflammatory process in the large intestine. The causes of the disease are viral, infectious or other factors. Colitis is accompanied by certain signs that require treatment. At untimely therapy the disease turns into complications, which requires prompt assistance.

Presentation of acute colitis

Acute colitis appears in the large intestine. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane. This causes disruption of the work of this department. The risk group includes young people under 40 years old and teenagers from 15 years old. The disease does not bypass the elderly under the age of 80 years.

It develops due to the ingestion of infectious pathogens into the intestines. Irritation can start after frequent use. On the initial stage the development of symptoms is not pronounced and the patient is not aware of the presence of the disease in violation of the stool.

Acute colitis is treatable with correct therapy. If the help was provided unprofessionally, then the disease becomes chronic. Treatment of the patient is difficult and is carried out constantly with the advent of relapses.

What are the factors in the development of the disease?

Before starting treatment for acute colitis, the causes of its occurrence should be identified. The main factors include viral and infectious lesions of the intestine.

Acute colitis develops after medications the following groups:

  • laxatives;
  • neuroleptics;
  • lincomycin.

Inflammatory reaction occurs due to the course of intestinal ischemia. AT individual cases cause of acute colitis is malnutrition. This applies to those who consume excessive flour and spicy dishes as well as alcoholic drinks. If the balance of the intestinal microflora is disturbed, irritation of the intestinal mucosa occurs, which causes colitis.

Clinical manifestations of acute inflammation

Symptoms and signs of acute colitis are not pronounced. The disease is accompanied by:

  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and on the sides;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • painful defecation;
  • stool with mucus impurities;
  • increase in body temperature.

The first symptoms and manifestations of acute colitis are difficult for the patient to notice in time. Therefore, they begin to pay attention to soreness after eating, manifested by the release of gases or after the act of defecation. Signs of constipation in acute colitis are associated with the release of sheep feces. Otherwise, the mass has a ribbon-like shape with mucus inclusions.

If the disease is severe, then the symptom of constipation in adults is manifested with interspersed blood along with mucus. At the same time, the frequency of the urge to empty the intestines increases.

At acute inflammation patients have constipation along with diarrhea. Violation of the stool can be delayed for several days. Diarrhea is characterized by the urge to go to the toilet up to 6-10 times a day. Because of this, an increase in body temperature can be observed.

Signs of the course of dysentery acute colitis

The disease is characterized by a violation of the stool. During the day, the patient is able to visit the toilet up to 25 times. Due to the inflammatory process, the temperature begins to rise. When the doctor conducts an examination, the stomach is swollen, and palpation for the patient passes with pain.

Symptoms of gastritis

Acute inflammatory bowel disease, together with gastritis, can manifest itself in several different symptoms. It depends on the characteristics of the patient's body. First comes pain syndrome in the abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea, and the temperature rises. With the development of acute colitis, these signs appear after 3-4 hours.

Before the manifestations of stool disorders, the patient has weakness, decreased appetite and felt headache. In this case, the sequence of symptoms may change, and the disease manifests itself immediately with diarrhea.

How is the diagnosis made?

In order not to confuse acute colitis with the manifestation of another disease, the doctor conducts complete diagnostics patient. The patient makes palpation of the intestinal passage. After that, instrumental and laboratory examination methods are prescribed to confirm the disease. This will help to establish the root cause of the inflammatory process.

The patient is given a blood test, which indicates the number and speed of connection of red blood cells. Additionally, a study of feces is carried out to determine the inclusions of blood or pathogenic microorganisms in it.

From instrumental methods diagnostics are:

  • irrigoscopy;
  • fibroileocolonoscopy;
  • endoscopy.

For acute colitis treatment to provide the patient with positive result, he is sent for examinations to specialized specialists. Additional diagnostics will identify chronic forms the course of other diseases.

Specificity of treatment

Due to diarrhea in acute colitis, there is a violation water balance organism. At long-term loss fluid disrupts the work of organs. Therefore, first of all, it is required to replenish the water balance.

  • Glucosolan;
  • Citroglucosolan.

If the patient has Hard case, then he is shown intravenous administration solutions. If diarrhea prevention is ineffective, Imodium is recommended. The drug will help normalize the absorption of water and electrolytes by the intestines. After restoring the balance of fluids, the patient undergoes complex treatment acute colitis. To do this, you will need to normalize nutrition, physiotherapy and medications are prescribed.

Diet food

The doctor recommends a diet for acute colitis. When the diet includes a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the load on the stomach is reduced. The diet for the treatment of the disease is compiled by a doctor or nutritionist. Foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa are excluded from the menu.

Under strict ban dishes come in calling processes fermentation and decay. After diagnosing colitis, the doctor recommends not eating any food for 2 days. This is aimed at restoring the water balance.

The menu for the treatment of acute colitis at home should include lean varieties fish and meat. During this period, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal and rice porridge. Kissel, herbal tea and rosehip broth are prepared from drinks. Dishes are made boiled or steamed. Eat food in small portions.

FT is carried out in a hospital due to the use of special devices for influencing sore spot. In acute colitis, the doctor writes out referrals for the following types of therapy:

  • currents with ultrahigh frequency;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy.

Procedures are performed before lunch after a snack. To cure the disease, you will need to attend 10 sessions.


The drug treatment of acute colitis is carried out along with diet and physiotherapy. The drugs are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Doctors prescribe medications to prevent spasms, which include No-Shpa or Drotaverine. If the inflammatory process is caused by infections in digestive tract then antibiotics are prescribed. In case of violation beneficial microflora intestines are prescribed probiotics.

When the disease is being treated, the patient is recommended to take a saline laxative once. To relieve pain, you can use Papaverine.

Possible consequences

At untimely treatment complications begin to develop. That's why dangerous manifestation narrowing of the intestinal lumen is considered. Growths or scars form on the walls of the intestine. Inflammation can bring an infection into the bloodstream, which causes sepsis.

Complications include hemorrhage from the intestines after defecation. Otherwise, peritonitis develops abdominal cavity. The inflammatory process can spread to other organs, which causes kidney pyelitis or a purulent lesion.

The prevention of acute colitis includes personal hygiene. It's connected with infectious cause occurrence of the disease. To prevent the development of inflammation, it is worth not only washing your hands, but also eating clean vegetables and fruits. In order not to develop inflammatory processes, it is required to undergo preventive examinations at the doctor's. In addition, do not take drugs without reading the instructions for use. In most cases, serious medications need to be used after consulting a doctor.

The appearance of the inflammatory process of the rectal mucosa occurs suddenly. Patients do not notice the first signs of the disease, referring to other causes of their occurrence. The main factor is infection due to pathogens or due to another disease. Treatment of acute colitis is required after establishment accurate diagnosis. To do this, the doctor complex therapy. If the treatment was not on time, this leads to unpleasant consequences.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

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