Digestion and bowel care. Sheep feces in an adult and a child: treatment with folk remedies, diet

In the intestine, the digestive slurry - chyme - is mixed and moved by contractions of the annular and longitudinal layers of the smooth muscles of the intestine. There are three types of bowel movements that begin 15 minutes after the start of a meal.

1. Peristaltic contractions of the circular muscles, undulating along the intestines and squeezing and moving its contents only towards the anus.

2. Segmentation contractions of the circular muscles, simultaneously mixing the contents of the intestine in several places.

3. Pendulum-like rhythmic contractions of the longitudinal and annular muscles, occurring alternately and mixing the contents of the intestine.

Bowel movements are automatic due to biochemical processes in the smooth muscle itself.

Smooth muscles are always in a state of some tension, tone, increasing and decreasing. The listed bowel movements occur against the background of this tone. The network of nerve cells of the Auerbach plexus that is located in it participates in the regulation of bowel movements and the coordination of contractions of the longitudinal and annular layers of the muscles.

The contractions of the small intestine depend on the physical and chemical properties of the food. In the ileum, the contents move more slowly than in the duodenum and jejunum, and then through the ileocecal sphincter, or Bauhin's valve, passes into the large intestine.

Food masses cause intestinal movements by mechanical irritation, stretching of the intestine. The coarser the food, the greater the mechanical irritation produced by it and the stronger the bowel movements.

The introduction of physiological saline into the intestine causes slow peristalsis, and the appearance of air in it causes rapid peristalsis. The large intestine is particularly sensitive to air accumulation.

The smooth muscles of the intestine also contract with chemical irritation of the mucous membrane with acids, alkalis and salts. Weak acid and gastric juice increase contraction, while concentrated acid inhibits them. Ionizing radiation inhibits bowel movements.

An increase in bowel movements is caused by the products of protein digestion, extractives, salts, digestive juices, especially bile containing choline, after they are absorbed into.

The contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine are reflexively self-regulating due to mechanical and chemical irritations of the receptors of the stomach and intestines with food.

Irritation of the vagus nerve enhances intestinal contractions and increases muscle tone, while sympathetic nerve inhibits intestinal contractions and lowers tone.

Irritation of both nerves causes the formation of mediators in their endings, which have a corresponding effect on smooth muscles and through the blood.

With emotions of fear, anger, pain, and others, the flow of the adrenal hormone adrenaline into the blood increases, which acts like a sympathetic nerve and inhibits bowel movements. In other cases, with some emotions, nervous diarrhea is observed, for example, with fear, due to the excitation of the vagus nerves to form acetylcholine. Serotonin also stimulates bowel movements.

Inhibition of bowel movements is observed when liquid nutrients (soup, milk) enter the oral cavity.

The same effect, but weaker, is exerted by solid food substances. Rejected liquid and solid substances, on the contrary, reflexively cause an increase in bowel movements from the oral cavity.

Irritation of the anterior sections of the cerebral cortex affects the contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, peristalsis is excited or inhibited, sphincters contract or relax. The diencephalon also causes contraction or relaxation of the stomach and intestines (V. M. Bekhterev and N. A. Mislavsky, 1889, 1890).

In children, poor development of the intestinal musculature contributes to frequent constipation.

The process of digestion in humans with animal and mixed food lasts 1-2 days. Half of this time, the remnants of food masses move through the large intestines, the movements of which are very slow, since their muscles are poorly developed. It is absorbed in the large intestine and feces are formed with the participation of mucus. The color of feces depends on bile pigments. The composition of feces includes undigested substances, mucus and a significant amount of bacteria. The contents of the large intestines cannot fall out due to the contraction of two sphincters: an internal one, consisting of smooth muscles, and an external one, consisting of striated muscles.

Sheep feces are commonly understood as feces in the form of balls. Passing hard, fragmented sheep stool is a sign of constipation.

Constipation or constipation is a chronic dysfunction of the intestine, which is characterized by long intervals between emptying, their difficulty and stool compaction. This problem is very relevant, because according to statistics, about 30-50% of the world's population suffers from constipation.

What else worries a person

Sheep feces during defecation in an adult is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Straining more than 1/4 of the time of defecation, often the need to remove intestinal contents with the help of hands.
  • After the toilet, there is no feeling of complete emptying of the intestines.
  • Decreased frequency of bowel movements less than three per week.
  • Separation when emptying a small amount of feces (less than 35 grams per day).

The combination of sheep feces with one or more of the above, observed within the last three months, allows the diagnosis of chronic constipation.

Causes of sheep feces

Constipation with lumps can lead to:

  • Low content of dietary fiber in the diet. Thanks to foods with dietary fiber in the intestines, fiber swells and an increase in intestinal contents occurs due to this.
  • Low physical activity in people with other health problems who are forced to stay in bed. Constipation also occurs with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Some medications can cause constipation. These include antacids, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, iron supplements, drugs to treat Parkinson's disease and depression.
  • The constant use of laxatives is also one of the causes of constipation. Long-term use of irritant laxatives leads to rapid addiction. Intestinal motility is disturbed, its mucosa acquires a dark color, which predisposes to the development of cancer. There is bloating and pain in the abdomen. The stool is initially watery, accompanied by burning of the anus, and then gives way to constipation. Such constipation is difficult to treat. Due to the constant use of laxatives, the body loses a lot of fluid, the absorption of vitamins is disturbed. As a result, body weight decreases, arrhythmias occur, and blood pressure decreases. The liver and kidneys suffer. This condition is called laxative disease.
  • Intestinal peristalsis changes in travelers, pregnant women and the elderly.
  • With a constant delay in defecation due to various reasons, the rectum is stretched. In addition, the time of passage of feces through the intestines increases, which leads to increased absorption of fluid, a decrease in the volume of feces and an increase in its density.
  • Other health problems. For example, diseases of the central nervous system - multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord and brain injuries. Constipation occurs with diabetes mellitus, myxedema, exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, acute cholecystitis. It is necessary to exclude diverticulosis, a tumor of the rectum.
  • Depression, regular stress.

Sheep feces can appear with a variant of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with a predominance of constipation. IBS is a functional disease of the gastrointestinal tract that develops as a result of a violation of the motor function of the intestine. People suffering from the disease have high levels of anxiety, often suffer from depression, insomnia, and chronic disease behavior. These symptoms improve with treatment. With IBS, there is pain or discomfort in the abdomen, constipation may alternate with diarrhea, and mucus is released during bowel movements.

Treatment approaches

The beginning of the treatment of sheep feces is a change in diet. It is recommended to increase the consumption of products made from wholemeal flour, food bran, seaweed, flaxseed, porridge. The latter applies to oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge, but you should refrain from semolina. Fruits and vegetables (more than 200 g per day), especially prunes and other dried fruits, apples, bananas, also help to normalize the stool.

Exclude bread from flour of the highest grade, rolls and other rich products, fatty meats, spicy, smoked, canned food, strong coffee and tea. Foods that cause increased gas formation are not recommended: legumes, sorrel, cabbage.

If the cause of constipation is a sedentary lifestyle, therapeutic exercises, swimming, massage are recommended. Particularly important is the posture during emptying (squatting) and the development of a reflex to defecate - you need to go to the toilet at a strictly defined time, for example, in the morning. Cleansing enemas should be avoided. Treatment for constipation includes drinking plenty of water.

Medical therapy

First of all, laxatives are used, which increase the volume of feces. These include Psyllium, Mucofalk - preparations of the shell of psyllium seeds. Beginning of action 12-72 hours after application. If there is no result during treatment with these drugs, osmotic laxatives are used: Forlax, Dufalac. They help to slow down the absorption of water and thereby increase the volume of intestinal contents. Forlax is a more effective drug than Duphalac. The action of both drugs, when consumed, begins after 24-48 hours. The above groups have a delayed and unpredictable effect. Unpleasant phenomena are possible: bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Stimulant laxatives are widely known: preparations of senna, rhubarb, buckthorn, Bisacodyl, Guttalax. This group of drugs reduces the absorption of water in the intestine and increases its secretion into the lumen, stimulates the colon receptors. The action begins in 6-12 hours. Habituation often develops. Chronic use may cause laxative disease. Guttalax has the mildest effect. Also, this drug has the least toxicity to the liver and intestinal flora.

Many drugs of this group are added to herbal teas, which determines their choice for self-medication. They are also often included in folk remedies for the treatment of constipation. However, these drugs should be used as a last resort when all other methods have already been used.

Emollient laxatives are usually used for several days. Longer use leads to impaired intestinal absorption, inflammation.

Drugs belonging to various groups of laxatives:

Prucalopride is a new drug in the treatment of constipation. It has shown itself well in clinical trials, with a minimum of side effects. Unfortunately, its cost is high, which stops many from choosing this medicine.

The principles of IBS treatment include diet, pain relief with antispasmodics (Drotaverine, Mebeverine, Meteospasmil). Depression and autonomic disorders are eliminated with antidepressants and antipsychotics. Constipation is treated with drugs that have a laxative effect (Macrogol, lactulose). Antimicrobials are used to eliminate excess pathogenic flora in the intestines in combination with probiotics (Bifikol, Bifiform, Linex) to colonize the intestines with beneficial microorganisms after antibiotics.

A.I. Parfenov
Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology, Moscow

Approximately 15% of the population suffers from constipation in one way or another, more often women.
Objective criteria for constipation: less than 3 bowel movements per week, stool weight not more than 35 g/day; the clinical picture may be supplemented by difficult defecation, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels, and abdominal discomfort.

Pathophysiology, etiology and classification

The pathophysiology of constipation is largely related to the absorption of water in the colon. Under conditions of normal nutrition, 1500-2000 ml of water enters the human colon daily. The mass of daily stool is approximately 150 g, of which 70% (about 100 ml) is water. Therefore, even small changes in water absorption in the colon have an impact on stool consistency and frequency.

Depending on the causes, constipation can be primary or secondary.

The main pathophysiological mechanism primary constipation there is a weakening of the propulsive function of the colon, predisposing factors are anomalies in the development of the intestine (dolichocolon), violations of the structure of the muscular apparatus and its regulation in the pathology of internal organs and systems, pathological cortico- and viscero-visceral reflexes. It occurs in patients with neurosis, mental illness and functional disorders of the intestine. The pathophysiology of constipation in these patients is associated with dysregulation of intestinal motility. In constipation, these disorders are usually associated with an increase in unproductive intestinal motility, especially the sigmoid colon. If the sigmoid colon regularly inhibits the progress of fecal masses, then constipation develops. If the inhibitory effect of the sigmoid colon ceases, then diarrhea occurs.
Normally, a person's rectum is empty. Feces accumulate in the sigmoid colon, and only moving it into the ampulla of the rectum causes a reflex urge to defecate. In healthy individuals, the urge occurs regularly in the morning under orthostatic influence, after getting out of bed, or shortly after breakfast under the influence of the gastrocecal reflex. The act of defecation is controlled by the central nervous system, and a healthy person can suppress the urge to go down. The habit of restraining the urge to defecate can lead to chronic overdistension of the rectum, suppression of efferent signals and the development of so-called habitual (functional) constipation.
Violation of the afferent phase of the defecation reflex leads to the development of atony of the rectum, since the urge to defecate appears only when it is stretched. With the loss of the afferent phase of the reflex, there is an increase in the volume of the rectum, atony of its wall. As a result, the urge appears only when the rectum is overstretched with a large amount of feces. This condition is called "megarectum", or "inert rectum". People with constipation sometimes develop not only an inert rectum, but also an inert colon. With constipation, non-propulsive segmenting movements of the colon are often increased, which do not contribute to the promotion of feces, but only mix it.
As a result of slowing down transit, additional absorption of water occurs, which leads to a decrease in the volume of feces and an increase in its density.

The pathophysiology of constipation is ultimately associated with a decrease in the volume of fecal matter reaching the ampulla of the rectum, or with a defecation disorder that makes it difficult to remove feces. The volume of fecal matter reaching the rectal ampulla may be reduced as a result of mechanical obstruction, dysmotility, or a general decrease in the volume of intestinal contents (for example, during starvation).

Intestinal motility, in particular tone, propulsive movements and their coordination, can be disturbed in various combinations in diseases of the abdominal organs, the brain and spinal cord, and the endocrine system. The so-called dyskinetic constipation is one of the most common forms of this symptom. The term "dyskinetic constipation" more accurately reflects the true state of the intestine than the terms "spastic" and "atonic" constipation accepted in the past. As x-ray studies show, it is very rare to observe total atony of the intestine or the predominance of spastic contractions of its departments. In most patients, a combination of spastically contracted and relaxed sections of the intestine is detected, as a result, barium moves unevenly.

It is widely believed that a sedentary lifestyle is of great importance in the etiology of constipation. However, athletes suffer from constipation at least as often as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
A common cause of constipation is pathological cortico- and viscero-visceral reflexes that occur with peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, as well as adhesions, with diseases of the pelvic organs, etc. Constipation is caused by organic diseases of the spinal cord and brain, cerebrospinal nerves, nodes and cauda equina, in which the nervous regulation of the intestine is disturbed. Often constipation develops in patients with neurosis, mental illness and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Most patients with depression, schizophrenia and anorexia nervosa suffer from it. Constipation can be one of the manifestations of myxedema and diabetes mellitus complicated by neuropathy. Stool retention is often observed during pregnancy due to increased production of progesterone, and in later periods due to compression of the sigmoid colon by an enlarged uterus.

In patients with heart failure, emphysema, portal hypertension with ascites, and obesity, the cause of constipation may be a weakening of the muscle tone of the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall. The latter, as is known, provide an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during the act of defecation. With scleroderma, atrophy of the muscular apparatus of the rectum develops.

Finally, a side effect of a number of medications can manifest itself in the form of constipation. These drugs include bismuth, calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide, ganglion blockers and anticholinergics, opiates, antidepressants. Medication-induced constipation usually resolves shortly after discontinuation of the drug. Diuretic drugs can lead to a decrease in the amount of water in the feces and a decrease in intestinal tone due to hypokalemia. As a result, there is a feeling of difficulty defecation.

Cause of secondary constipation are diseases and injuries of the colon and rectum, diseases of other organs, metabolic disorders that develop with them, and drugs.

If the cause of constipation and its relationship with intestinal pathology cannot be established, then this option is designated as idiopathic. When studying the duration of the transit of a radiopaque marker through the colon of such patients, it was found that in some of them markers are located throughout the colon (inert colon). In others, they accumulate either in the sigmoid colon or the rectum (inert rectum).

Thus, constipation is caused by a wide variety of reasons of a functional and organic nature.


The clinical symptoms of constipation largely depend on its cause, duration, severity, and characteristics of the intestinal lesion. Most constipation develops gradually.
Acute constipation is the absence of stool for several days. It is caused by a violation of intestinal patency due to a tumor (mechanical obstruction) or an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity (dynamic obstruction), the intestine itself (diverticulitis) or the anorectal region. The sudden absence of stool is also observed after traumatic brain injury, due to the side effects of drugs, as well as in patients who are on strict bed rest. If, along with the absence of stool, gases do not pass, the development of intestinal obstruction should be assumed. In the case when constipation increases rapidly over several weeks, there is a high probability that the colon is affected by a tumor. In diverticulitis and other focal inflammatory processes, constipation is usually preceded by more or less severe abdominal pain, fever, and other signs of the inflammatory process. Local pathological processes in the anorectal region (eg, anal fissures, hemorrhoids) are usually accompanied by bleeding and pain, which is the cause of constipation.

Diagnosis, differential diagnosis

First of all, it is necessary to clarify whether constipation is sudden (acute) or chronic. Next, you need to find out if the patient has a disease that may be associated with constipation, and if he is taking a medicine that can cause stool retention. If the cause of constipation could not be determined, then it is necessary to establish the disease of the intestine, which is its cause. Otherwise, we are talking about idiopathic constipation or an inert colon. For a detailed determination of the degree of impaired motor function, the time of colonic transit is examined and, if possible, sphincteromanometry is used. Intestinal transit time is determined using various markers. These tests are of diagnostic value not only for the objectification of constipation, but also for the strict selection of patients for surgical treatment of constipation.

Violations of the neuromuscular coordination of the act of defecation, resulting from a violation of the exit of feces, are detected using anal manometry. Manometry also allows you to establish Hirschsprung's disease. The use of defecography of the anorectal region makes it possible to examine the function of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, the rectum is filled with a thick barium suspension. According to serial radiographs taken during the emptying of the rectum, a possible connection between constipation and anomalies of the muscular apparatus that provides defecation is established.

The most common functional constipation. The criteria for functional constipation are at least two of the following stool characteristics:
less than 3 bowel movements per week;
difficulty defecation;
hard or fragmented stools;
feeling of incomplete emptying or blockage of the rectum;
the need for forced emptying of the rectum.

The mechanism of functional constipation is associated with a violation of the motor function of the intestine. It is essentially a variant of IBS, differing only in the absence of abdominal pain. This feature is explained by the preservation of the threshold of intestinal sensitivity. The causes of intestinal motility disorders are similar to those in IBS.

Often you have to deal with young people, mostly girls, in whom the motor-evacuation function of the intestine is so disturbed that there is no urge to defecate and an independent stool. The disease is preceded by artificial starvation or laxative and cleansing enemas taken to lose weight or maintain body weight at the desired level, as well as psycho-emotional factors.
Prolonged uncontrolled intake of laxatives leads to fairly rapid addiction. Therefore, patients are forced to gradually increase the dose, often bringing it to an ultra-high dose. Large doses of anthraglycoside drugs can cause damage to the liver and kidneys, the nerve plexuses in the wall of the colon are affected. As a result, her motor skills are even more disturbed. An inert colon and melanosis develop: its mucous membrane acquires a dark color due to the deposition of pigment in the wall.


Functional nutrition and prebiotics
The basis of the treatment program for patients with functional constipation should be the enrichment of the diet with motility stimulants, if possible, of food origin. These include dietary fiber. Their quantity in the diet of many people is significantly reduced, since in the pursuit of taste, ballast substances are removed from products during technological processing. Eating such refined foods plays a key role in causing constipation in most people with functional constipation. In the elderly, the absence of teeth and the poor condition of dentures are also important, which forces them to eat food that does not contain fibers.
Wheat bran is widely used for the prevention and treatment of constipation. The dietary fibers contained in them absorb water, and since they do not undergo enzymatic digestion in the small intestine, they increase the volume of feces, making it less solid.

Bran should be poured with boiling water and after 30–60 minutes added to soup, compote or kefir. The amount of bran is selected individually depending on the degree of intestinal dysfunction. Therefore, the daily dose can vary from 1-2 to 6-8 tablespoons.

The volume of feces is also increased by seaweed and flaxseed.

Bulk agents are acceptable for long term use. They act slowly, gently and are safe to systematically support normal stools. Causing irritation of mechanoreceptors by increasing the volume of stool, they stimulate the motor-evacuation function of the colon. These dietary supplements are best taken in the morning and at night with sufficient fluids, adding 2-3 additional glasses of fluid per day.
Dietary fibers are of paramount importance in maintaining the symbiotic intestinal microflora at the physiological level, preventing and treating intestinal dysbiosis. One of the important properties of the symbiotic microflora is the regulation of intestinal motility through the formation of volatile fatty acids, changes in pH and other mechanisms, many of which are the subject of research. Therefore, dysbacteriosis can be the cause of intestinal motility disorders.
One of the directions for the prevention and treatment of functional constipation is the inclusion of prebiotic products in the diet in order to maintain the normal composition of the microbiota. These include indigestible oligo- and disaccharides (lactulose, fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, inulin, etc.).

Lactulose (Duphalac) is a synthetic disaccharide composed of galactose and fructose.
In the human intestine, there is no disaccharidase capable of breaking down lactulose. Therefore, it is not absorbed in the small intestine and enters the colon, where it is assimilated by the normal microflora and promotes its growth. The short-chain carboxylic acids of the aliphatic series formed in the process of microbial metabolism contribute to the stimulation of intestinal motility.

Lactulose is also a laxative. Its effect is based on an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestine and a decrease in intra-intestinal pH, which contributes to fluid retention, liquefaction of the chyme, an increase in its volume and activation of peristalsis.
The metabolic chain of transformation of lactulose with the formation of an excess amount of short-chain fatty acids served as the basis for its use in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy, constipation and intestinal dysbacteriosis.
The laxative effect of lactulose usually occurs after 6-8 hours. Unlike most laxatives, lactulose does not irritate the colon mucosa and is not addictive. Therefore, it can be used for a long time.

The drug Dufalac is best taken 1 time in the morning with meals. The clinical effect occurs in 1-2 days. This is characteristic of the action of lactulose. Usually the dose is selected individually in the range of 15-45 ml / day (2-3 dessert spoons). The dose and frequency of administration are increased if there is no improvement in the patient's condition within 2 days of taking the drug.


Long-term attempts to create drugs that increase the propulsive function of the colon led to the creation of cisapride and tegazerod, serotonin receptor agonists 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 (5-HT4). These agents proved to be quite effective prokinetics, but had undesirable effects on the cardiovascular system. The later synthesized selective 5-HT4 receptor agonist prucalopride does not cause cardiogenic side effects. In placebo-controlled studies, this prokinetic at doses of 2 and 4 mg/day stimulated defecation in patients with a frequency of stools up to 2 times a week for 3 months, but its effect ceased after the end of administration.

Thus, the solution to the problem of constipation is currently and in the near future focused on the development of pharmacological agents that stimulate the propulsive function of the colon.

Systematic long-term use of laxatives is unacceptable. For the successful treatment of constipation, it is necessary to establish the nosological form of the disease that caused the stool disorder and develop a treatment program in which laxatives should play only a third-rate role (after etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy).

For the prevention and treatment of functional constipation, it should be recommended to eat foods rich in dietary fiber and pre- and probiotic products.

Motility regulators have a temporary prokinetic effect and should only be used as a backup pharmacological agent.

Our chair can tell a lot about our health. The shape and types of feces help to recognize what is happening inside the body. When our intestines are healthy, then the stool should be normal. If, however, you sometimes notice occasional cases of unhealthy feces, do not sound the alarm, it depends on the diet. But if the symptoms become regular, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo an appointment.

What should be the feces

Normally, stool is considered normal if it has the consistency of toothpaste. It should be soft, brown, 10-20 cm long. Defecation should occur without much stress, easily. Small deviations from this description should not be immediately alarming. Stool (or feces) may vary from lifestyle, dietary errors. Beets give a red color to the output, and fatty foods make the feces smelly, too soft and float. You need to be able to independently evaluate all the characteristics (shape, color, consistency, buoyancy), let's talk about this in more detail.


Types of feces vary in color. It can be brown (healthy color), red, green, yellow, white, black:

  • Red color. This color can occur as a result of ingestion of food coloring or beets. In other cases, red feces become due to bleeding in the lower intestine. Most of all, everyone is afraid of cancer, but often this can be associated with the manifestation of diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.
  • Green color. A sign of the presence of bile. Feces moving too fast through the intestines do not have time to take on a brown color. A green tint is a consequence of taking iron supplements or antibiotics, eating a lot of greens rich in chlorophyll, or supplements such as wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina. Dangerous causes of green feces is celiac disease or syndrome
  • Yellow. Yellow feces are a sign of infection. It also indicates dysfunction of the gallbladder, when there is not enough bile and excess fats appear.
  • White color feces are a sign of diseases such as hepatitis, bacterial infection, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer. The cause may be gallstones. The feces do not stain due to obstruction of bile. The white color of feces can be considered harmless if you took barium the day before the X-ray examination.
  • Black color or dark green indicates possible bleeding in the upper intestines. A non-dangerous sign is considered if this is a consequence of the use of certain foods (a lot of meat, dark vegetables) or iron.

The form

The shape of your stool can also reveal a lot about your inner health. Thin feces (resembling a pencil) should alert. Perhaps some obstruction interferes with the passage in the lower part of the intestine or there is pressure from the outside on the thick section. It could be some kind of neoplasm. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a colonoscopy to exclude such a diagnosis as cancer.

Hard and small feces indicate constipation. The reason may be an inadequate diet, where fiber is excluded. It is necessary to eat foods high in fiber, exercise, take flaxseed or psyllium husks - all this helps to improve intestinal motility, relieve stools.

Too soft stool that clings to the toilet contains too much oil. This suggests that the body does not absorb it well. You can even notice floating oil drops. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the pancreas.

In small doses, mucus in the stool is normal. But if there is too much of it, this may indicate the presence of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

Other characteristics

According to its characteristics, feces in an adult is directly related to lifestyle and nutrition. What is the bad odor associated with? Pay attention to what you eat more often lately. A fetid odor is also associated with taking certain medications, it can manifest itself as a symptom of some kind of inflammatory process. With violations of absorption of food (Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), this symptom also manifests itself.

Floating feces in itself should not cause concern. If the floating stool is too foul-smelling, contains a lot of fat, this is a symptom of poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines. In this case, body weight is rapidly lost.

Coprogram is...

Chyme, or food gruel, moves through the gastrointestinal tract, into stool masses are formed in the large intestine. At all stages, splitting occurs, and then the absorption of nutrients. The composition of the stool helps determine if there are any abnormalities in the internal organs. helps to identify a variety of diseases. A coprogram is a chemical, macroscopic, microscopic examination, after which a detailed description of the feces is given. Certain diseases can be identified by a coprogram. It can be indigestion, pancreas, intestines; inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, dysbacteriosis, malabsorption, colitis.

bristol scale

British doctors at the Royal Hospital in Bristol have developed a simple but unique scale that characterizes all the main types of feces. Its creation was the result of the fact that specialists were faced with the problem that people are reluctant to open up on this topic, embarrassment prevents them from telling in detail about their chair. According to the developed drawings, it became very easy to independently characterize your own emptying without any embarrassment and awkwardness. Currently, the Bristol stool scale is used around the world to assess the functioning of the digestive system. For many, printing a table (types of feces) on the wall in their own toilet is nothing more than a way to monitor their health.

1st type. Sheep feces

It is called so because it has the shape of hard balls and resembles sheep feces. If for animals this is a normal result of the work of the intestines, then for a person such a chair is an alarm signal. Sheep pellets are a sign of constipation, dysbacteriosis. Hard feces can cause hemorrhoids, damage to the anus, and even lead to intoxication of the body.

2nd type. thick sausage

What does the appearance of stool mean? It is also a sign of constipation. Only in this case, bacteria and fibers are present in the mass. It takes several days to form such a sausage. Its thickness exceeds the width of the anus, so emptying is difficult and can lead to cracks and tears, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to prescribe laxatives on your own, as a sharp exit of feces can be very painful.

3rd type. Sausage with cracks

Very often people consider such a chair to be normal, because it passes easily. But do not be mistaken. Hard sausage is also a sign of constipation. During the act of defecation, you have to strain, which means that there is a possibility of anal fissures. In this case, there may be

4th type. The perfect chair

The diameter of a sausage or snake is 1-2 cm, the feces are smooth, soft, and easily pressurized. Regular stool once a day.

5th type. soft balls

This type is even better than the previous one. Several soft pieces are formed that come out gently. Usually occurs with a large meal. Chair several times a day.

6th type. unformed chair

Feces come out in pieces, but unformed, with torn edges. Comes out easily without hurting the anus. This is not diarrhea yet, but a condition close to it. The causes of this type of feces can be laxatives, high blood pressure, excessive use of spices, and mineral water.

7th type. loose stool

Watery stool that does not include any particles. Diarrhea requiring identification of causes and treatment. This is an abnormal condition of the body that needs treatment. There can be many reasons: fungi, infections, allergies, poisoning, diseases of the liver and stomach, malnutrition, helminths, and even stress. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The act of defecation

Each organism is characterized by an individual frequency of defecation. Normally, this is from three times a day to three bowel movements per week. Ideally, once a day. Many factors influence our intestinal motility and this should not be a cause for concern. Travel, stress, diet, taking certain medications, illness, surgery, childbirth, exercise, sleep, hormonal changes - all this can be reflected in our stool. It is worth paying attention to how the act of defecation occurs. If excessive efforts are made, then this indicates certain problems in the body.

Feces in children

Many mothers are interested in what kind of feces babies should have. It is worth paying special attention to this factor, since gastrointestinal diseases are especially difficult at an early age. At the first suspicion, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

In the first days after birth, meconium (dark in color) comes out of the body. During the first three days, it begins to mix in. On the 4-5th day, feces completely replace meconium. When breastfeeding, golden yellow stools are a sign of the presence of bilirubin, pasty, homogeneous, and acidic. On the 4th month, bilirubin is gradually replaced by stercobilin.

Types of feces in children

With various pathologies, there are several types of feces in children that you need to know about in order to prevent various diseases and unpleasant consequences in time.

  • "Hungry" feces. Color black, smell unpleasant. Occurs with improper feeding or starvation.
  • Acholic feces. Whitish-gray color, discolored, clayey. With epidemic hepatitis, atresia of the biliary tract.
  • Putrefactive. Mushy, dirty-gray, with an unpleasant odor. Occurs with protein feeding.
  • Soapy. Silvery, glossy, soft, with mucus. When feeding undiluted cow's milk.
  • Fatty feces. With a sour smell, whitish, a little mucus. By consuming excess fat.

  • Constipation. Gray color, firm texture, putrid smell.
  • Watery yellow stool. When breastfeeding due to lack of nutrients in mother's milk.
  • Mushy, sparse feces, yellow color. It is formed when overfeeding with cereals (for example, semolina).
  • Feces for dyspepsia. With mucus, curdled, yellow-green. Occurs with an eating disorder.

Sheep feces is a kind of violation of the human digestive system, in which feces are released in the form of dense lumps arranged in fragments. Outwardly, these masses resemble sheep feces. Sheep feces can tell a doctor a lot when diagnosing the state of the human body. It can indicate the presence of various pathologies, diseases. Most often, sheep feces indicate that a person has constipation caused by spasms. Feces resemble lumps that contain impurities of mucus, fiber residues, undigested food residues, starch, red blood cells.

ICD-10 code

R19.5 Other fecal changes


According to statistics, every fourth person had sheep feces at least once in their life. Of these, approximately 65% ​​suffer from periodic constipation, which manifests itself, including in the form of sheep feces. Approximately 24% suffer from constipation systematically, regularly, 9% have repeatedly experienced the effects of constipation, noted sheep feces. And only 2% experienced such a phenomenon once in their lives.

Approximately 72% of all people suffering from constipation attribute the occurrence of this disease to malnutrition, work stress, fatigue, and constant stress.

Approximately 19% of newborns have sheep feces. In 52% of cases, it occurred as a consequence of high temperature. In 18% of cases, sheep feces in infants was a sign of serious illness.

In children, sheep feces occur in every fifth child.

Women are more prone to atonic constipation, men - spastic.

In urban residents, sheep feces are 2.5 times more common than in rural ones.

Causes of sheep feces

There are many reasons for the development of sheep feces. In general terms, the whole variety of causes can be reduced to a violation of the microflora and unstable functioning of the intestine. Let's take a closer look at each reason:

  • with a decrease in the evacuation capacity of the intestine, fecal accumulation occurs in it. Gradually, water and moisture are sucked back from the feces. Prolonged dehydration occurs, as a result of which the amount of moisture is so reduced that the stool loses its binding abilities and becomes very compact. In this case, a spastic contraction of the intestine occurs, as it seeks to get rid of an excessively compacted mass. To ensure a faster and more efficient removal of feces from the body, their fragmentation occurs. Feces breaks up into small lumps, which are called sheep feces;
  • feces can linger in the intestines, undergo dehydration and thicken as a result of violations of intestinal motility. The wave of contractions of the muscular layer of the intestines is so weak that the feces cannot move through the intestines;
  • sheep feces can occur with irritation of the colon, functional bowel disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of diarrhea, constipation, atonic and spastic colitis;
  • an allergic reaction may be one of the causes, since allergies promote the production of local immunoglobulin A in the intestinal wall. Excessive amounts of immunoglobulin and histamine also irritate the cell wall;
  • malnutrition and insufficient drinking regimen. With a lack of nutrition and moisture, the normal functioning of the intestines, the frequency of bowel movements can be disrupted. Normally, a person should have a bowel movement approximately every 48 hours. Other options indicate violations;
  • the cause may be circulatory disorders, hormonal metabolism, the state of the immune and nervous systems;
  • hypodynamia, low level of physical activity, stress, fear, neuropsychic overstrain can cause a violation of the evacuation function, peristalsis;
  • violation of microflora, dysbacteriosis, acute and chronic inflammatory processes, operations, excessive alcohol consumption, long-term use of drugs, abuse of digestive enzymes, harmful production factors: such as exposure to chemicals and toxic substances, various types of radiation, radiation disrupt the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What does sheep feces say about a person?

This indicates a serious violation of the intestines. In this case, the feces take the form of round, hard fragments, which are separated during bowel movements. We can say that sheep feces is a manifestation of constipation.

The process of bowel movement is accompanied by pain, discomfort, weakness, signs of intoxication.

If a person has sheep feces, you should immediately review the diet. Sheep feces indicate violations of the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the state of rest. This is usually a direct consequence of malnutrition. There is atony of the intestine, its instability.

Sheep feces may indicate that human nutrition is not only irregular, but also incorrect. There is a large amount of fast food, snacks, restaurant food, as well as preservatives and baking powder. These substances swell in the stomach, irritate the walls, give a false feeling of satiety. Cancerogenic additives may be present in food. There is practically no good nutrition, first courses, vegetables and fruits. There is not enough fiber in the food. All this happens against the backdrop of emotional overstrain, chronic stress. Sheep feces indicates that a person consumes a sufficiently large amount of alcoholic beverages, lives in a tense rhythm.

Sheep feces after antibiotics

Antibiotics can have both positive and negative effects on the body. Eliminating the infectious process, they contribute to the removal of inflammation, the elimination of infection, and a speedy recovery.

On the other hand, antibiotics can disrupt the normal intestinal microflora. At the same time, the number of representatives of normal microflora is sharply reduced. In the place where normal microflora previously developed, pathogenic one develops, thereby causing dysbiosis, dysbacteriosis. Bacterial and fungal infections may develop. All this leads to the development of local inflammation, irritation of the intestinal walls, disruption of the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, constipation, diarrhea are observed. Constipation can be replaced by diarrhea, and vice versa. Sheep feces are often observed.

Often taking antibiotics requires the restoration of microflora, for which you need to consult a doctor, conduct a study on dysbacteriosis, and, based on its results, determine the features of microflora disturbance. The analysis shows which type of microorganisms is absent, or vice versa, is present in excessive amounts. Quantitative indicators of microflora, their ratio are also determined. Based on the results, appropriate therapy can be selected.

Some doctors do not prescribe studies for dysbacteriosis and prescribe any agent to restore microflora. This can be dangerous because the situation can only get worse. For example, in the human body, the amount of Escherichia coli can be reduced and the number of coccal forms of microorganisms can be increased. The doctor, not knowing this, may prescribe a remedy, as a result of which the number of Escherichia coli will continue to decrease, and the number of cocci will increase. This will entail a further violation of the microflora, which may be accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process, including enteritis, gastroenteritis. Constipation or diarrhea accompanying these pathologies can become chronic.

As a rule, preparations such as prebiotics and probiotics are needed to restore the microflora. The composition of these drugs includes microorganisms necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine in various forms, their spores.

Sheep feces for irritable bowel syndrome

Sheep feces may indicate that a person has irritable bowel syndrome, in which mechanical, toxic or chemical irritation of the intestinal walls with irritants of various etiologies occurs. These can be bacterial toxins, decay products, compacted feces, etc.

Sheep feces for colitis

Sheep feces may indicate the presence of colitis in a patient. The most common is spastic colitis, in which the motor (motor) function of the small intestine is impaired. The activity of the intestine is unstable. There are episodic constipation, sheep feces.

Risk factors

In some cases, various types of constipation, including sheep feces, may occur as a result or complication of certain medical conditions. People prone to these diseases are at risk, as they significantly increase the likelihood of developing constipation, the formation of sheep feces. These include the following diseases:

  • porphyrin disease
  • diabetes.

Also, various neuropsychiatric diseases, disorders of the endocrine system are considered as risk factors. The risk group also includes people who have a hypofunction of the thyroid gland, lack of hormones; people with high calcium in the blood and low in the bones. Various malfunctions in the work of the parasympathetic department of the nervous system can lead to the formation of sheep feces.

Psychogenic factors such as depression, anorexia, obsessive psychosis are another risk group.

All people who fall into these categories should take preventive measures. It should be borne in mind that usually women are more prone to atonic constipation, due to the fact that their abdominals are not fully developed. Men are more prone to spastic constipation. There is also a high risk of constipation in men and women who are prone to obesity, overweight, in bedridden patients, immobilized.


In most cases, the intestines are associated with a fixed organ, which is designed to carry food. However, this is not the case. The intestine consists of several layers, including the muscular one. By contracting, the muscle layer pushes the food forward through the esophagus, up to the rectum, where it is dehydrated, the formation of feces, and their further excretion. The contractions of the esophagus are rhythmic, undulating, called peristalsis.

Intestinal motility is innervated by nerve endings. Violation of the passage of nerve impulses, a violation of the hormonal background, local immunity contributes to a decrease in motor skills. With constipation, bowel movements are limited, the muscle layer is weakened. The stools linger in the intestine, not being able to get out. As a result, the feces acquire a different consistency, shape, including the shape of sheep feces.

Symptoms of sheep feces

First of all, it is a symptom of intestinal dysbacteriosis, in which there is a sharp quantitative and qualitative violation of the composition of the normal intestinal microflora. With dysbacteriosis, the amount of non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora may decrease, and pathogenic microflora is formed in its place. In this case, irritation of the intestinal walls occurs, a violation of the structure and mobility of feces.

Also, sheep feces can be a symptom of a violation of intestinal motility, as a result of which intestinal mobility decreases, evacuation function is disturbed, atony of the walls is observed. As a result, fecal masses are delayed, their removal to the outside is difficult.

Sheep feces is an extremely unpleasant, painful condition that requires the adoption of therapeutic and preventive measures. The first sign is the lack of regularity in visiting the toilet. Bowel movements became long, painful, not always successful. Painful conditions appear in the intestines, especially in its thick section.

The appearance of pain directly during the act of defecation indicates damage to the intestines. This is a late, advanced stage of the disease.

There may also be an unpleasant sensation of a plug in the anus, which clogs it and does not allow feces to come out. Constipation can be indicated by severe straining, which does not give any result.

You need to start to show concern in the absence of bowel movements within 7 days. Feces change in shape, appearance. The stool may be dry, fragmented, and take the form of sheep stool. All this is accompanied by a feeling of incomplete cleansing of the rectum, a feeling of openness. Sometimes there may be extraneous fluid and mucus in the stool.

All these symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, gas formation, increased blood pressure, headache.

Constipation and sheep feces

Most people do nothing to relieve constipation. It is not right. Constipation must be dealt with. Firstly, it can turn into a chronic form, cause quite serious consequences and complications.

Also, blood can be a sign of acute colitis, ulcerative lesions of the intestine. In this case, surgery may be required.

What disease is sheep feces a symptom of?

Pain during bowel movements may indicate an advanced form of disorders. You need to undergo an examination, start complex treatment.

Hard sheep feces can indicate 2 indicators: insufficient drinking regimen and neglect of the pathological process.

According to sheep feces, it can be assumed that a person has worms. This is due to the fact that worms are an irritating factor that irritates the intestinal walls, contributes to the additional synthesis of immunoglobulin A. As a result, the intestines may become irritated and other pathologies develop.

Black sheep feces may indicate inflammation of the duodenum, stomach. In some patients, ultrasound revealed a bend of the gallbladder. Sometimes sheep feces can be a sign of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, ulcers. Some medications can also turn stool black.

In adults, sheep feces can appear along with constipation quite suddenly, even though the person eats well. Most often, the cause is systematic neuropsychic stress, constant stress. Changes in events and circumstances can exacerbate the situation.

It will require a change in diet, diet and drug therapy. In adults, sheep feces can be a sign of gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis.

Sheep feces during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special condition in which the female body undergoes significant changes. The hormonal background, the mental, physical state of the body is changing. Transformations also affect the digestive system. In this case, constipation is not uncommon, which is accompanied by the formation of sheep feces.

This pathology in pregnant women is caused by displacement of the intestines, lowering of the uterus, its significant increase, resulting in pressure on the internal organs, their displacement. In addition, muscles and ligaments are significantly stretched, as a result of which peristalsis and contractility of the intestinal muscle layer decrease.

With sheep feces during pregnancy, intoxication often develops. As a result, an infectious and inflammatory process, infection of the genital organs, hemorrhoids can develop. Infection is particularly dangerous because it can cause infection of the fetus, both during fetal development and during childbirth.

Sheep feces after childbirth

In women after childbirth, sheep feces can be the result of neuropsychic stress, fear, stress, anxiety. With constipation that does not go away for more than 3-4 days, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since it can contribute to a change in the microflora, which entails intoxication with the waste products of microorganisms.

Sheep feces from a nursing mother

In a nursing mother, sheep feces can occur as a result of a violation of the microflora (or its recovery after childbirth). May be due to hormonal changes, the effects of stress. It is dangerous for the development of intoxication, which can adversely affect breast milk.

Sheep feces in children

Children are more prone to constipation and sheep feces than adults. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the intestines of the child, a small body weight, as a result of which the body is more susceptible to dehydration.

With the episodic appearance of sheep feces, we can talk about a violation of nutrition, its regimen. It may also indicate a lack of fluid. Usually for children it is enough just to change the diet, after which the stool immediately acquires a normal consistency.

In order to prevent, it is necessary to ensure constant monitoring of the child's nutrition. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of all necessary substances. Be sure to have fresh fruits and vegetables, berries.

When a child has sheep feces, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist and a proctologist. Self-medication can be dangerous. Treatment usually focuses on addressing the underlying cause and strengthening the immune system.

Sheep feces in the baby

If a newborn has sheep feces, you should never hesitate to visit a doctor. In infants, sheep feces can be a sign of health-threatening and even life-threatening disorders, such as diabetes, meningitis.

In a newborn, sheep feces may be due to the anatomical features of the intestine. The intestinal ring and sigmoid colon may be excessively elongated. Sphincter functional disorders may also affect.

Sheep feces can also indicate dysbacteriosis. Most often, the intestine is affected by microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus, Klebsiella. Sheep feces and dysbacteriosis in infants are most often the result of the use of antibiotics.

Stress, nervous strain, mental trauma also have a negative impact. In infants, sheep feces can occur as a result of high temperature, as a consequence of colds. In this case, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids. As a rule, after a day, the consistency of the stool becomes normal.

Complications and consequences

Any constipation is associated primarily with the stagnation of feces in the body. In this case, the feces harden, compacted. Congestion develops in the intestines. With prolonged constipation, the processes of decay begin in the body, which are accompanied by the release of toxic substances, decay products. These substances are subsequently absorbed by the intestinal walls, distributed throughout the body. There is intoxication of the body. This is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, headaches, spasms, increased irritability.

In addition to the general impact, there is also a local impact. The intestinal walls are irritated by the formed toxins, carcinogens. Such exposure can lead to the formation of cancer cells, the development of a malignant neoplasm.

This can be fraught with serious consequences. In particular, it may be necessary to partially remove the intestine. Lack of treatment can lead to cracks in the walls of the intestines, in the anus. Hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum may develop.

Therefore, as soon as you notice the formation of sheep feces, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of sheep feces

Treatment of sheep feces is impossible without a correct diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of this violation. Diagnosis includes instrumental, laboratory research, examination.

In addition to traditional clinical tests, scrapings are also carried out to determine the presence of worms. The main one is bacteriological research (or research on dysbacteriosis).

The main type of instrumental diagnostics is fibrogastroscopy. A colonoscopy may also be required.

Differential Diagnosis

The essence of differential diagnosis is to determine the exact cause of the disease. First of all, methods such as ultrasound diagnostics, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, and laboratory tests are used.

Sheep feces treatment

If signs of sheep feces are found, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is required. This is the first step to begin treatment. This is due to the fact that the treatment of this disease cannot be started without a preliminary examination, laboratory tests.

Treatment begins with determining the causes of the disease. You may need to consult not only a gastroenterologist, but also a proctologist. Treatment is usually complex. Self-medication is not recommended, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences, complications.

Treatment is mainly carried out according to the scheme that corresponds to the underlying disease. By eliminating it, sheep feces will also disappear.

The doctor will definitely give recommendations that must be followed in order for the treatment to be effective. It is important to change the diet to a more complete, balanced one, to enrich it with fiber, which helps to cleanse the body and remove toxins. There should be an abundant drinking regime, with the right balance of water and salts. Equally important is a normal mental state, calmness, harmony, lack of stress, overwork.


The safest drugs that do not have side effects are drugs containing lactulose: normase, lactusan, portolac. These drugs are used in 3-4 tablespoons, morning and evening. The dosage can be increased if necessary.

Mucofalk in sachets is also a relatively safe drug, with no side effects observed. It is recommended to use the contents of 1 sachet before lunch. If this is not enough, and before dinner. If necessary, the dosage is increased to 4 sachets per day.

Duspatalin Retard is a highly effective drug that is used in 2 doses, 200 mg each, 20 minutes before a meal. Precautions: drink plenty of water. Capsules should be swallowed whole, they should not be chewed or opened. Side effects: general weakness is possible with insufficient water intake.

Candles with chestnut from sheep feces


Enterofuril is an intestinal antiseptic. Released in the form of capsules and suspensions. The active substance is nifuroxazide. The drug has anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, the effect stabilizes the normal activity of the intestine. Contraindicated in children, people with hypersensitivity to the active substance, with fructose intolerance.


Duphalac is a reliable drug that has proven itself well as a remedy for constipation. Before use, it is better to read the instructions. A number of studies have recognized the drug as a mild, safe remedy. The dosage of this drug can be adjusted independently, as needed.

Alternative treatment

For the treatment and prevention of constipation, folk remedies have long been used, which are highly effective. Most often they are used as an adjunct to drug therapy.

Here are a few recipes that have been tested over the years of practice:

  1. Enema with herbal decoctions. It is recommended to use a light decoction of common fennel fruits, or medicinal chamomile.
  2. Juice from potato tubers. Drink 125 ml. 2 times a day.
  3. Sea buckthorn. Apply fruit oil, 5-10 g each. It has a laxative effect, reduces the irritability of the intestinal walls.
  4. Birch mushroom (chaga) - dried mushroom is poured with warm water, insisted for two days. Apply 125 ml. at intervals of approximately 5 hours.

Herbal treatment

Yarrow (herb). Directly in a thermos, mix 15 g of a pre-dried plant with boiling water. After the mixture is infused, you can drink, but not more than 15 ml at a time.

Dymyanka officinalis (herb). Use a decoction from a thermos, which includes 5 g of a dry plant and 250 ml of boiling water. The dose at one time should be no more than 15 ml. It is allowed to drink up to 60 ml per day.

Common flax (seeds). Take 5 g of seeds. Give the opportunity to brew in a glass of boiling water. Apply without filtering, along with seeds.

Homeopathy for sheep feces

For the treatment, prevention and elimination of constipation, the use of homeopathic remedies is recommended. They are generally well tolerated by the body. Many of them are approved for use even during pregnancy and lactation. However, precautions must be observed. Make sure you are not allergic to them. Consult your physician as these substances may not be compatible with medical therapy. In some cases, the doctor can adjust the treatment regimen by choosing the optimal dosage, time of admission. Do not exceed the recommended dose - homeopathic remedies have a fairly powerful effect. Many drugs have a cumulative effect, in which the effect can be noticeable at the end of the course of treatment.

Collection number 1. With a tendency to constipation

The remedy is used in the form of an infusion of half a glass, at night.

Collection number 2. With a tendency to constipation

  • Buckthorn alder (bark) - 1 part
  • Yarrow (herb) - 1 part
  • Three-leaf watch (leaves) - 1 part
  • Apply inside as an infusion, a third of a glass, at night.

Collection number 3. For gastritis with a tendency to constipation

  • Marshmallow officinalis (root) - 1 part
  • Chamomile (flowers) - 1 part
  • Licorice naked (root) - 1 part.

Take in the form of a decoction, not more than 250 ml, at bedtime.

Collection number 4. With spastic constipation, pain

  • Hay leaf (Alexandrian leaf) - 3 parts
  • Buckthorn alder (bark) - 2 parts
  • Anise ordinary (fruits) - 2 parts
  • Licorice naked (root) - 1 part.

Preparation: pour 5 g of the collection with boiling water, insist, apply once, approximately 250 ml each.

Diet and nutrition for sheep feces

You need to eat small meals, but often. It is recommended to eat about 6 times a day. If any diseases of the stomach or intestines occur, therapy should be applied immediately.

The menu should change periodically. It is necessary to exclude or minimize flour products, fried and baked dishes.

It is important to eat those foods that weaken, and exclude those that strengthen. It is necessary to minimize the use of foods such as chocolate, persimmon, eggplant, teren, green tea, wheat bread, pomegranate. It is recommended to include more tomatoes, cucumbers, plums, sorrel, pineapples, melons in the diet. Fruits, dried apricots, raisins, prunes are also recommended to be consumed in large quantities, especially at night. Make it a rule to eat figs. It helps to normalize digestion, stimulates intestinal motility. Enough 1-2 berries. For greater effect, fill it with water first.

Food should be more vegetable than meat. Care should be taken with kefir: fresh kefir without added sugar is weak. Old kefir with added sugar - on the contrary, strengthens.


There are several ways to prevent constipation and sheep feces:

  • the main means of preventing constipation is proper nutrition;
  • physical culture is the second important means of prevention;
  • harmony with oneself, calmness, lack of stress is the third means of prevention;
  • it is necessary to periodically visit a gastroenterologist for preventive examination (at least 2 times a year)
  • it is important to control the drinking regime.


In general, the prognosis is favorable. With minor digestive disorders, all disorders disappear on their own within a few days after changing the diet, normalizing the drinking regimen. If constipation is not systematic, it is enough to introduce into the diet a large amount of fruits, vegetables, as well as those foods that weaken. With prolonged systematic constipation during the necessary therapy, adherence to the diet, water regime, the prognosis is also favorable.

The prognosis may be unfavorable if preventive measures are not followed, in the absence of treatment. Constipation can become chronic, causing complications.

An extremely unfavorable prognosis, up to a lethal outcome, is also not excluded. Thus, the use of laxatives and complex therapy are mandatory for people suffering from thrombosis, severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, for people with severe forms of liver and kidney failure, for people prone to hysteria, epilepsy, schizophrenia.

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