What is under the right rib on the side. Hepatitis is suspected. Acute intestinal obstruction

Pain in the right side under the ribs warns of various diseases of the internal organs. After all, it is in this region of the abdominal space that organs important for the normal functioning of the body are located. The type of pain also plays an important role here. If a similar symptom occurs regularly and does not go away within three days, then this is a serious reason to visit the clinic and provide the patient with medical care.

Side pain on the right side under the ribs often indicates inflammatory processes in the liver (other symptoms of a diseased liver can be found in), the gallbladder, and also the kidneys or intestines, can be a consequence of injuries. Painful sensations are pulling, aching or sharp, stabbing, cutting and unbearable. Their location can be local or extend to the entire side. Unpleasant sensations can give pain in the abdomen, ribs and even in the shoulder.

Similar sensations indicate the following pathologies:

  • colic in the kidneys characterizes the pain of an acute manifestation in the right side;
  • diseases in the chronic form of the abdominal region are manifested by dull pains;
  • stabbing sensations speak of inflammation;
  • inflammation of the mucosa and gallbladder is manifested by aching pain on the right.

What can happen in the body with right-sided pain under the ribs?

Rezi and colic on the side speak of various pathologies or the consequences of an injury in a person. Painful sensations penetrating the back are characteristic of liver problems. Most likely, there was intoxication of the organ. This can happen after a meal, fatty and spicy, or alcohol abuse. Severe damage to the liver and smoking.

Pain on the right can also come from due to. It is part of the endocrine system and produces insulin. When the symptoms are supplemented by nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, the development of pancreatitis can be suspected (read more about pancreatitis) . The reasons for its appearance can be different: trauma, alcohol addiction, surgical treatment.

The factor that provoked pain in the right side may be appendicitis, although this is possible only with its atypical location, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder.

Pain in the front in the right hypochondrium

This kind of pain alerts a person to big problems with his liver. The patient may suffer from bursting pain with tingling. Toxic or alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by additional symptoms: weakness, heartburn, lack of appetite and decreased functionality. You may also experience a burning sensation in the affected area.

The sign also characterizes the development of cirrhosis of the liver, the appearance of cystic formations. The latter block the passage of bile, blood, which causes heaviness in the affected organ due to its increase.

With heart failure, there is a malfunction in the blood flow throughout the body, swelling is formed, and the liver enlarges. This provokes pain in the studied part of the human body. Strong impulses of a painful nature develop with abdominal myocardial infarction.

Able to stretch the colon. With such a pathological condition, a person is tormented by colic. Their intensity will increase with further stretching of the intestine.

Cramps under the ribs on the right are manifested in digestive disorders, problems of the gastrointestinal tract: increased gas formation, diarrhea. Often, severe pain characterizes the manifestation of colitis. It is characterized by spasms, problems with the stool, flatulence.

Pain syndrome can develop with echinococcosis. The cause of the onset of the disease is the activity of the Echinococcus worm, as a result of which cystic formations filled with fluid are formed in the right side of the liver. Cysts are able to gradually squeeze the capillaries and bile ducts. The result is an enlarged liver and pain signals. With further progression of education, an abscess of the liver occurs, causing sharp pain.

The pain of a pulsating nature disturbs the patient with any movement. It can even hurt under the shoulder blade. If the disease is ignored, the body temperature rises, the peritoneum becomes inflamed, blood poisoning occurs.

It is characterized by an atypical onset of the development of inflammation. The pains are aggravated by walking, decrease by lying on the right side. A concomitant symptom may be high body temperature, nausea, vomiting. After a few hours, pain can spread to the entire abdomen.

Pain in the back of the right side under the ribs

Painful sensations from behind from the back speak of the consequences of various injuries, problems in the functioning of the liver, paired organs, and the vena cava. Such impulses also occur in urolithiasis, when calculi, grains of sand descend through the ureters. In a baby, pain under the rib at the back causes pathologies of paired organs that have developed against the background of a decrease in immunity.

Common causes are inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), bruised ribs, malignant neoplasms, as well as necrosis of the renal papillae, herpes zoster, and intercostal neuralgia.

The last pathological condition causes pulling pain, numbness of the side, pain in the ribs. If tingling occurs, a person may lose the ability to move. With inflammation of the muscles, myositis develops, causing twitching or colic.

Severe pain is caused by a malignant tumor in the kidneys with an advanced disease, especially if the oncological formation has blocked the urinary tract. Under the ribs, it can also hurt with a tumor in the adrenal gland, when it reaches a sufficiently large volume.

If there is a severe injury to the posterior segments of the ribs, a person may feel aching pain, aggravated by coughing, inhaling. A fracture is accompanied by a characteristic crunch, so if this symptom occurs, a person can analyze whether such an injury has occurred.

Pain when inhaling

When pain during inhalation is unbearable, this indicates the development of cholecystitis, an inflammatory process in the lungs, and peritonitis. With the progression of cholecystitis in the body, bile accumulates in the cavity of the biliary tract, which does not reach the intestine. Getting on the mucous membranes, it starts to bake, because its composition is salt. The pain intensifies, the body temperature rises. O

Stitching sensations when inhaling or coughing can provoke pleurisy.

Painful spasms in women

The representatives of the beautiful half of the population have pain in the last days of menstruation due to a sharp hormonal failure. Severe pain occurs against a background of spasm of the bile ducts, which can radiate to the back. Therefore, often the cause of pain is the physiology of the female body.

When taking hormonal contraceptive pills, a woman may feel tingling, burning and dull pain in the area of ​​​​the right rib. This is due to a violation of the bile duct.

Carrying a child and pain under the rib on the right

Women who are in position may experience pain in the side with pressure from the uterus on paired organs. If the liver is overloaded, the ureter will also suffer. During pregnancy, you should not worry about tingling or numbness of the right side, if this is not a constant phenomenon. Stab in the side of a representative of the weaker sex may be due to physical activity, so it is worth limiting sports.

During pregnancy, progesterone increases the biliary tract, provoking fluid stagnation in them, a symptom of which is a burning sensation in the right side. A woman in position in order to avoid complications, you need to seek help from a doctor, take blood and urine tests, undergo an examination and ultrasound. If necessary, therapy will be prescribed.

Important! Every expectant mother should remember the responsibility not only for her life, but also for her child. Therefore, to endure pain is absolutely contraindicated. In case of any deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sharp kind of pain

Such sensations usually disturb a person with seizures. The phenomenon often occurs at night. In the right side, acute sharp pain indicates renal colic, which characterizes the progression of the stone along the ureter in urolithiasis.

Painful sensations in the hypochondrium on the right also signal a duodenal ulcer, stomach. Here, the symptoms are supplemented by nausea, vomiting, and belching. It can also be a sign of rupture of a cyst, ovary or fallopian tube, gallbladder, appendicitis.

Severe attacks are characteristic of cholecystitis in acute form. It can hurt under the rib on the right due to the progression of vegetovascular dystonia. However, the pain is not constant.

Aching manifestations

Pain of a aching nature can manifest itself with the following problems:

A similar feeling becomes a frequent guest among athletes when running. Sometimes gives in the leg. Indicates stretching of the muscle capsule. The reason for this is a malfunction of the diaphragm with improper nutrition, a decrease in blood outflow.

Getting rid of it is pretty easy. Athletes must perform a warm-up before training, breathe correctly (deep breaths, breathing with the stomach) during sports activity. In such a situation, it is not necessary to consult a doctor.

But this kind of sign may indicate the development of right-sided pneumonia. Pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, dyspeptic disorder and blue nasolabial triangle. Often the symptom expresses a disease of the right organ of the urinary tract.

Dull and girdle pain in the side

Dull sensations disturb a person with pathologies of the liver and pancreas. It can be a tumor, hepatitis, poisoning of the body, and also inflammation of the gallbladder or its head, enlargement of the liver.

Girdle pain is often caused by neuralgia, pleurisy, problems with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. With pancreatitis, such pain is intense and sharp. It does not subside even when lying down. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are a blue tint of the skin, vomiting, small hemorrhages in the navel and on the sides.

Important information about pain

For each person, it is important to remember some points about pain in order to go to the clinic in a timely manner or call for help:

  1. Differences between acute and chronic forms of pain. In the first form, pain rarely occurs, the intensity can increase every hour. The chronic manifestation is usually dull, from which the patient may suffer for a long period of time. People need to distinguish between types of sensations in order to understand what is happening in their body. After all, with acute pain, you should immediately call the ambulance and go to the hospital. The situation may require surgical treatment. Chronic pain characterizes the long course of the disease.
  2. In case of acute pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers until examined by a doctor. Chronic sensations have no such contraindications.
  3. Painful sensations in the right region of the peritoneum do not always indicate diseases of the organs of this particular area of ​​the body. Sometimes it is radiating pain that occurs due to the characteristic features of the passage of nerve trunks.

Diagnosis of pain manifestations

To begin with, the doctor asks the patient about the type of manifestation of pain, its location. Important is nutrition, the condition of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and fatty tissue, the presence of injuries and infections. Further, the doctor examines the affected area of ​​​​the body by feeling. After directing the person to pass the necessary tests.

Hardware studies may be additional. This is an x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts. A biopsy is performed to diagnose cancer. Excretory urography, vertical aortography and radioisotope renography will become informative.

Under what circumstances is it urgent to see a doctor?

A person who does not stop vomiting, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, should immediately consult a doctor.

Important! Pain syndrome can often signal processes in the body that lead to the death of a person without proper treatment.

First aid

If people experience pain, you need to urgently call an ambulance. After all, there are many factors for the development of such a condition, and only a doctor can identify them after a complete examination of the patient. Before the arrival of medical workers, cold can be applied to the affected area. The patient needs to be helped to take an optimally comfortable position of the body. A person should calm down and relax as much as possible.

After the diagnosis is made, the person will be prescribed the necessary medications: antispasmodics, analgesics, vasodilators and other drugs.

Who can help with pain on the right side under the ribs?

It is impossible to identify the exact disease only by pain symptoms above the waist. A person needs to undergo a full examination. First you need to contact a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and questioning, according to complaints he will refer to a specialist of the required profile. It can be a cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist, and also a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist or infectious disease specialist.

Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Without knowing the exact cause of discomfort, you can harm your health, aggravate the situation. It is allowed to carry out therapy only after a doctor prescribes treatment based on the results of tests and a complete examination.

How to relieve unbearable pain?

With severe pain, antispasmodics are not recommended. Indeed, in this case, the exact clinical picture of the pathological condition is washed off. In rare cases, No-shpa is acceptable. In general, after a doctor's examination, a complex treatment is prescribed, which includes drug therapy aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease, a diet and a course of vitamins. In rare cases, surgery may be needed.

Important! Under no circumstances should a heating pad or other heat be applied to the inflamed side. Let's just let it be cold.

How to help a child with pain?

If the baby has pain on the right side, you should immediately call an ambulance. It is contraindicated to give pills and other medicines for pain on your own.

Compliance with the diet

Proper nutrition is the key to quickly getting rid of pain in the right side, both in men and women. To do this, you need to give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse), if any. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty and fried foods, cooked with spices, spices. Carbonated drinks, canned food, smoked products are contraindicated.

If a person has a chronic illness, such nutrition will contribute to a long-term remission, facilitate the work of a diseased organ. It is important not only the quality of food, but also the observance of the diet. With fractional nutrition, the metabolic process is accelerated, the outflow of bile returns to normal, the load on the internal organs becomes uniform.

Pain relief methods

If the patient is concerned about renal colic, doctors do novocaine blockade. In case of inflammation of the liver or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis (in the absence of stones), tubage is indicated.

When cholecystitis has caused severe pain, it can be relieved by pressure. Manipulation can be done independently. To do this, the patient is placed on his back, gently presses on the affected area of ​​the biliary tract. You need to press with your hand with insignificant pain and release after 20 seconds. When after a couple of minutes the discomfort intensifies, you need to press again. The procedure lasts until the complete cessation of pain.

Alternative medicine in the fight against right-sided pain

Means of folk production are indicated for chronic pain. Basically, herbs that have an alkaloid in their composition and have an antispasmodic effect will be useful here. These are mint, fennel, chamomile, St. John's wort and anise.

With cholecystitis, immortelle, oregano, corn stigmas will become effective due to their choleretic actions. A decoction of potatoes will also be useful here. Boiled potatoes "in uniform" are crushed directly in the water, and eat one spoonful three times a day.

With kidney discomfort, a remedy made from honey and cinnamon or lemon and olive oil will help.

In folk medicine, there are many useful recipes for pain, but their use is allowed only after consulting a doctor and receiving his recommendations.

Preventive measures against discomfort on the right

In order for the pain syndrome not to take a person by surprise, it is necessary to follow a number of very simple rules:

  • seek medical help at the first sensation of pain;
  • do not eat a lot of fried, fatty and salty foods that are difficult for the stomach;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • do not neglect preventive visits to the doctor and examinations through ultrasound.

There are many causes of pain in the right hypochondrium. Accordingly, the treatment for each situation will be different. It is important not to be your own doctor, and not to drink medicines on your own. In case of strong and sharp pain manifestations, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a medical professional, and act according to his recommendations. After examining and studying the results of the tests, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary therapy to eliminate the pain and the factor that provoked the unpleasant sensation. Otherwise, you can greatly harm the body, which will end in failure.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

A symptom like pain in the right side under the ribs manifests itself in about a third of the world's population. The pain syndrome can have a periodic or acute character and various causes. Some of them require urgent medical attention, so it is important to understand what causes pain and what remedial measures should be taken.

Pain under the ribs can have a different nature. The most common causes are pathological processes, including diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract, edema, liver disease. These organs are located in the hypochondrium and any violation of their work leads to pain. It is important to immediately determine the nature and localization of pain, and take timely measures to treat the disease.

Pain under the ribs on the right: how it occurs, symptoms

The causes of acute or dull pain in the ribs can be various factors, but most of them indicate the development of a serious pathology that threatens the patient's life. If you experience acute pain, you should immediately consult a doctor, and if you experience the following symptoms, emergency medical attention is needed:

  • dull, aching pain in right side;
  • sharp, sharp pains appearing in the right hypochondrium;
  • periodic stabbing pains that occur during movement may be accompanied by nausea and last no more than half an hour (this syndrome indicates that the organ is infringed).

Pain can be caused by severe bruising with various injuries. Outwardly, this will be manifested by bruising or abrasions on the chest. Seeing a doctor in this case is also mandatory.

Causes of pain in the right side under the ribs

The main causes of pain in the right hypochondrium are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gallbladder pathology, including cholecystitis in the acute or chronic stage, hepatic colic, biliary dyskinesia;
  • enlargement of the spleen, liver, trauma to these organs;
  • pathology of the duodenum, stomach, including gastritis, ulcerative changes, malignant neoplasms;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancerous tumors);
  • some diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis in the acute or chronic stage, cancer, pain can be localized on the left side, but give to the right);
  • pathology of neuro-endocrine regulation;
  • tuberculosis, malaria in a chronic form;
  • immune disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • septic pathologies;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • leukemias, lymphomas, other hemoblastic pathologies;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • gastralgic form of myocardial infarction;
  • peritoneal hematomas;
  • dry pleurisy, right-sided pneumonia, malignant neoplasms and other pathologies of the lungs;
  • subphrenic abscess;
  • urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis in any form, acute, chronic pyelonephritis.

In addition, the causes of pain can be postoperative complications and other chronic diseases affecting the hypochondrium.

All these pathologies have their own characteristic features, which allows you to accurately determine the cause of their formation and begin the correct treatment.

When determining the cause of pain in front under the ribs, these factors are taken into account:

  • the nature of the pain syndrome (constant pain, paroxysmal, aching, girdle, shooting, sharp, dull);
  • accompanying symptoms (vomiting, nausea, fever);
  • is there a transition of pain to other organs, for example, to the scapula, to the subclavian region;
  • is there an exact localization of pain (in front or behind under the ribs, on the right or left, in the middle);
  • strength of pain (moderate, weak, strong, unbearable, feeling of heaviness);
  • the initial causes that caused pain (trauma, hypothermia, food, etc.);
  • the presence of factors that reduce discomfort (heat, various compresses, analgesics, a change in body position);
  • factors that increase pain (deep breathing, change in body position, coughing, sneezing, excessively sudden movements);
  • the pattern of pain (morning, afternoon, night pain, on an empty or full stomach).

Timely diagnosis and correct diagnosis will eliminate the risk of complications.

Acute pain syndrome in the right hypochondrium in the middle in front

Pain on the right side under the ribs can occur for various reasons. Sensations at the same time vary - from pulling and aching pain to the so-called dagger syndrome. These are very sharp, almost unbearable pains that appear with a perforated ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. It feels like such pain is similar to the penetration of a sharp object into the stomach, hence its name. The patient strives to take the fetal position to reduce pain, the skin acquires a gray tint.

The initial localization of pain is under the pit of the stomach, but gradually it shifts to the right side of the hypochondrium, which is associated with the distribution of the contents of the stomach throughout the abdominal cavity. The pains periodically subside, but then increase with renewed vigor. The lack of timely treatment can result in the development of peritonitis and, as a result, the death of the patient.

When contacting a doctor, the general condition of the patient is assessed, diagnostics are carried out, and the medical history is analyzed. A perforated ulcer is usually characterized by a long history of ulceration and exacerbation of the pre-ulcerative state, manifested by nausea and severe pain in the abdomen. The exception is polytrauma, postoperative period, acute ulcer.

The strongest pain syndrome in the lower right hypochondrium in front

Acute cholecystitis is characterized by severe pain in the right lower hypochondrium, which radiates to the supraclavicular region, neck and under the right shoulder blade. The pain syndrome is very intense, the patient cannot find a place for himself, as the pain continues to whine in any position of the body. When the condition worsens, such accompanying symptoms appear as increased pain when lying on the right side, a pronounced feverish state, constant vomiting, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

The inflammatory process can be confused with hepatic colic, in which a stone moves along the bile ducts. The symptoms are similar, but there is no vomiting, as well as the appearance of a strong fever. With hepatic colic, antispasmodics are effective, but with acute cholecystitis they will not give an analgesic result. In this case, emergency hospitalization is necessary, since such a condition is estimated to be extremely life-threatening for the patient. Treatment is prescribed after the examination, self-administration of medications without contacting a specialist is prohibited.

Sharp girdle pain under the ribs

If it hurts on the right under the rib in front, while the pains are sharp and have a girdle character, and not point localization, then this symptom indicates pancreatitis. During this disease, pain occurs suddenly and quickly spreads to the area under the shoulder blades along the upper abdomen. But the intensity does not increase when inhaling, coughing, changing body position. The patient can lie on either side, but the pain syndrome will not increase or decrease.

Accompanying symptoms include nausea and repeated vomiting, especially when trying to eat or drink. After vomiting, the pain remains and may increase over time. The active development of the disease is observed after drinking in large quantities, with frequent and abundant consumption of fatty, sweet foods. Basically, such a pathology develops after the holidays, with intemperance in food.

Acute pancreatitis requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization. If no action is taken in a timely manner, the disease can turn into a threat to the life of the patient.

Sharp pain when inhaling in front in the middle under the ribs

Sharp, severe pain on the right or left side indicates the development of such a pathology as subphrenic abscess. With any movements - sneezing, deep breathing, coughing, the pain intensifies and becomes sharp, and can also spread under the shoulder blade and into the collarbone area. The general condition of the patient resembles malaise when the body is poisoned, may be accompanied by fever and fever up to +38 degrees.

The main reason for this disease is complications after the surgical intervention. Also, the pathology develops as a result of an injury to the abdominal cavity, as a complication of acute cholecystitis, appendicitis, and inflammation of the liver tissues.

Side hurts with severe injuries of the spleen and liver

Often with complex injuries of the liver or spleen, the right side under the ribs hurts. This is caused by rupture or crushing of organs due to various mechanical influences.

Such pathologies lead to the most complex disorders and require immediate surgical intervention. Also, an enlarged spleen, a violation of the circulatory process, and cirrhosis of the liver can lead to organ ruptures. If you suspect such pathologies, you should immediately contact a specialist who will accurately determine the problem and prescribe treatment.

Stitching pain in right side under ribs on coughing and inhaling

Stitching pains under the right rib when inhaling or coughing are a sign of pathology of the diaphragmatic part of the pleura. This complication characterizes the development of inflammatory processes in the right lung. In this case, the pain can go down, causing a protective reaction of the abdominal cavity. With such symptoms, an urgent visit to the doctor and an accurate diagnosis are necessary, since such a pain syndrome is often confused with an attack of acute appendicitis and surgery is prescribed. In this situation, surgery can have the most negative consequences for a person's life.

Pain is a signal to the body about the occurrence of a pathological condition, illness or injury. For a person, pain has a protective function, as it indicates the need for treatment in time.

Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium

Anatomically, the upper right quadrant of the abdomen includes: liver, gallbladder, part of the diaphragm and small intestine, duodenum, right kidney, pancreas.

Diseases and injuries of these organs can activate the occurrence of pain in the right side under the ribs:

    Violation of the patency of the biliary tract (cholecystitis). A sharp, acute pain that suddenly began, especially at night, is formed when the biliary tract is obstructed and in acute. In the case of an increase in the tone of the gallbladder, its tendency to contract increases, and the frequency and strength of its contractions also increase. Such processes are accompanied by sharp and short-term pain and are often provoked by nervous tension and stress.

    Pain in acute cholecystitis caused by stones from the gallbladder entering its excretory duct. Gallstone syndrome forms stagnation of bile and inflammation of the bladder. Such biliary colic is characterized by severe pain in the region of the right rib, which is felt in the same arm, hyperthermia, and nausea.

    Ulcerative duodenitis of the duodenum. Stitching pain primarily indicates ulcerative duodenitis of the duodenum. The main cause of this pathology is the vital activity of the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, which destroys the intestinal mucosa. Stitching and even "dagger" pain mainly occurs at night, its intensity decreases after food enters the digestive system. There are also general symptoms: hyperthermia, bloating, nausea, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, general malaise.

    Renal colic. Patients complain of stabbing pain in renal. In this case, the pain becomes unbearable and does not change with a change in body position. The pain is caused by the presence of stones in the urinary system, which with sharp edges damage the mucous membrane of the urinary system and cause congestion.

    Pancreatitis. Pulsating pain indicates. The exact cause of inflammation of the pancreas has not been established. Pathology begins with throbbing, intense, girdle pain. If these symptoms occur, the patient needs immediate hospitalization and urgent surgical treatment. A pronounced pain in the right square of the abdomen is observed during the transition of pancreatitis from the acute to the chronic stage and is amenable to conservative treatment.

    Aching pain in the right side speaks of liver diseases:

    Aching pain is provoked by liver diseases. The vast majority of people with liver diseases turn to doctors with the appearance of severe pain, although it is preceded by a slight aching pain. Each type of viral to one degree or another proceeds with a feeling of aching pain. A long period of development of viral hepatitis is asymptomatic. The severity of symptoms depends on the activity of the pathogen virus. ( General manifestations of the disease: chronic fatigue, decreased performance, systemic disorders with hyperthermia. Local symptoms are a feeling of heaviness and aching pain in the liver, the acquisition of a yellow tint by the skin, a change in the transparency of urine. An accurate diagnosis is established only by laboratory analysis for markers of hepatitis.)

    Aching pain can also signal cirrhosis of the liver. Unfortunately, pain in this pathology appears already in the last stages of the disease. In the first stages, there is no pain, although an inflammatory process develops in the liver. Subsequently, it leads to the death of a significant number of hepatocides. Connective tissue is formed in the liver instead of dead cells. The body can no longer perform its functions. At this time, aching pain occurs in the right abdomen under the ribs.

    Aching pain can also be one of the signs of liver cancer. With a slight pain syndrome in combination with weight loss, chronic fatigue, subfebrile temperature, an increase in the size of the organ, it is necessary to consult an oncologist.

    inflammatory processes.

Dull pain is characteristic of frequently occurring inflammatory processes in the right hypochondrium:

    Chronic cholecystitis. This is inflammation of the gallbladder, which proceeds slowly and gradually and passes against the background of cholelithiasis. The disease arises from damage to the inner wall of the bladder stones. As a result, the wall thickens and becomes covered with ulcers, which eventually scar. Such changes lead to stagnation and deterioration of the outflow of bile. A person with chronic cholecystitis feels mild pain on the right side of the abdomen, vomiting and bloating. Pain symptoms are especially aggravated after malnutrition, especially fats.

    Chronic pancreatitis. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas may be the result of untreated acute pancreatitis or cholelithiasis. With the course of the disease, irreversible changes occur in the organ in the form of replacement of the parenchyma of the organ with connective tissue. Such processes disrupt the main functions of the gland, including the production of digestive enzymes and the hormone insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. Patients suffer from dull pain that occurs under the ribs on the right and left side after eating, a feeling of bloating and heaviness of the abdomen, phenomena, nausea and vomiting.

    Chronic pyelonephritis. This is an inflammatory process in the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney. Pain in chronic unilateral pyelonephritis is often felt on the opposite side of the diseased kidney. The pain worsens after physical exertion. In patients for no apparent reason, the body temperature increases, urination becomes more frequent, and increases. Also, patients note chronic fatigue, deterioration in working capacity.

    chronic hepatitis. Half of the cases of acute hepatitis that are not fully treated become chronic. The symptomatology of this disease is very individual and depends on the state of the functional state of the body and the causes of gastritis. The presence in the patient of aching and pulling pain in the right abdomen under the ribs, bouts of nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, intolerance to fats and alcohol may indicate chronic hepatitis. An objective examination shows a moderate increase in the size of the liver, palpation of which causes dull pain.

    Chronic duodenitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum provokes dull pain in the right and upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting with bile, loss of appetite, heartburn and frequent diarrhea. Duodenitis is anatomically interconnected with the pancreas and bile glands, so it often occurs in parallel with inflammatory processes in these glands.

Gynecological aspects of pain in the right hypochondrium

    Ectopic pregnancy. Normally, a fertilized egg moves to the uterine cavity for attachment and development. If this process is violated and the egg is fixed in another place, an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Gynecological symptoms: absence of menstruation, combined with bloody discharge. Such a pathology is accompanied by a pain syndrome in the form of pulling pains in the right or left side of the abdomen, depending on the place of attachment of the egg. The pain arises from overstretching, and sometimes rupture of the fallopian tube. You should immediately contact the hospital for hospitalization and termination of pregnancy.

    On the second day, red edematous spots appear, in place of which bubbles with a clear liquid form on the 3-4th day. At this time, regional lymph nodes also increase, and the pain syndrome becomes more intense. As a result of the disease, the bubbles burst, in their place areas of persistent pigmentation are formed. After recovery, some patients may experience postherpetic neuralgia with pain in the hypochondrium, which is difficult to treat.

    Children's helminthiases, accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium

    This phase is characterized by: loss of appetite, nausea, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. Neurological symptoms include hyperexcitability, deterioration of intelligence, development of asthenic signs. In rare cases, it is possible for roundworms to penetrate from the intestines through the bile ducts into the liver and gallbladder. Under such circumstances, the child may experience a sharp pain, as in an attack of acute cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that with the appearance of the pain described above, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. This will avoid the development of severe pathologies and timely conduct a comprehensive treatment of the disease.

    Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received at the Russian State Medical University. N. I. Pirogova (2005). Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Gastroenterology" - educational and scientific medical center.

Anatomically, in this part of the abdomen, in addition to the organs of the chest, the following systems are located:

  • Gallbladder.
  • Diaphragm segment.
  • 12 - duodenum.
  • Small intestine.
  • Liver.
  • Right kidney.
  • Stomach and pancreas.

Inflammation or injury can cause pain. Such a protective function of the human body helps to detect pathology in time.

What can hurt in the right side

Most women and men experience a tingling sensation in their side after walking or exercising. As a rule, this is a normal physiological reaction. After all, when moving, the blood flow increases and the organs expand, which provokes discomfort. Such a symptom is not the cause of the disease and does not need treatment.

When pain in the right side is accompanied by nausea, this indicates pancreatitis.

The inconvenience caused by pathological processes in the pancreas goes far beyond the location of this organ. Pain and discomfort extend even to the back. When this happens, a person feels bad, quickly gets tired. His intestines are upset and there are unpleasant sensations in the anus.

Possible Factors

Pain under the right rib, according to doctors, arises from such reasons:

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatic colic, pathology of the pancreas and duodenum 12).
  2. Enlargement of the spleen.
  3. Hematoma in the peritoneum.
  4. Diseases of the lungs.
  5. Osteocondritis of the spine.
  6. Violations in the genitourinary system.
  7. Myocardial infarction.
  8. Abscess of the subdiaphragmatic region.
  9. Failures in neuro-endocrine regulation.
  10. Injuries of the liver and spleen of various etiologies.

Whatever the causes of pain, they all require a doctor's consultation.

Medical examination

You can't make a diagnosis based on symptoms alone. Be sure to contact the medical institution, where they will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

For an accurate picture, even before passing the tests, you need to collect an anamnesis. It is important at the appointment to inform the doctor about the presence of chronic diseases and those that were transferred in the past (tuberculosis, hepatitis, cancer). It is desirable to exclude the fact of injury to any organ. Be sure to remember the diet for the last few days and physical activity on the body.

The doctor carefully examines the skin for integrity and the presence of bruises. The inflamed liver is well palpated through the abdominal wall. If there are problems, it greatly exceeds its size.

Painful palpation of the area under the ribs indicates the pathology of the gallbladder. Helminthiasis is also manifested by unpleasant sensations on the right. It is accompanied by poor appetite, nausea, bloating and disturbed stools.

Then the doctor examines the eyes, oral mucosa, and skin. In diseases of the pancreas or gallbladder, a white or yellow coating will be visible on the tongue, respectively.

Pain in the right side under the ribs in front

Often the cause is gallstone disease or edema and poor blood supply to the liver. When the abdominal organs are injured, severe, acute pain occurs under the ribs in front and not every person is able to withstand it. Additional severe symptoms:

  • The heart beats fast, the rhythm is broken.
  • Profuse sweating.
  • The skin on the hands and feet is cold.
  • Hypotension.

If a person lies down, the pain only intensifies.

Acute processes, such as appendicitis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the gallbladder, are accompanied by active cutting pain radiating to the right shoulder blade and epigastrium. They are accompanied by:

  • Excessive perspiration.
  • Reflex reaction of the abdominal muscles in the form of tension.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Vomit.

Cutting intense pain is evidence of intestinal obstruction or blockage of the gallbladder ducts and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Fainting.
  • Shortness of breath, weak pulse, pale skin and mucous membranes, hypotension.
  • Exudate in the abdominal cavity.

With thrombosis of the liver vessels, there is acute pain, which can radiate to the shoulder blade.

Inflammation in the lungs is accompanied by unpleasant sensations under the rib on the right, when inhaling the pain is aggravated and it is difficult to lie on this side. Additional symptoms:

  • Elevated temperature.
  • Cough.
  • Weakness.

If in the region of the stomach, in front under the ribs, there is pain and radiates to the lower back, and when pressed, relief is felt, there may be a stomach ulcer.

Pain in the right side under the ribs on the side

Such localization indicates problems with the gallbladder, heart and lung. This is what appendicitis looks like. Doctors advise you to go to a medical facility for an examination if it hurts on the upper right for more than half an hour and this is not associated with an injury.

Often there is such a condition in pregnant women, when the fetus presses on the internal organs. Pain in the right side is permanent or sometimes manifests itself with varying degrees of strength.

During menopause and during PMS (premenstrual syndrome), there are jumps in the production of sex hormones, and this causes spasm, stagnation of bile and can stab in the hypochondrium.

Pain in the right side under the ribs behind

It's all the fault of pathological processes in the pancreas or kidney. With pancreatitis, the presence of girdle pain is characteristic. It is felt not only from behind, but also from the front and side.

A positive Pasternatsky symptom helps to identify the presence of a kidney problem. Painful sensations are caused by the following manipulations: in a standing position, you need to sharply, but slightly beat the side of the palm along the lower ribs from behind.

It's a dull pain

This is how the liver often signals for help. Most people do not pay attention to them, but in vain. It is important to listen to the body and respond even to signs that are insignificant at first glance.

hepatitis virus

They are detected at a later date due to the absence of pronounced symptoms. The diagnosis is confirmed:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Temperature jumps.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Aching pain manifests itself already in the last stages of the development of the disease. The organ does not cope with its functions due to the transformation of cells into connective tissue.

malignant tumor

The pain is accompanied by a sharp weight loss, a constant feeling of fatigue, an enlarged liver. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult an oncologist.

Each inflammatory process in the organ is accompanied by discomfort under the ribs on the side.

Do not forget that the liver has the ability to quickly regenerate, but only in cases where the disease was diagnosed on time. Therefore, a visit to the doctor should not be delayed.

Sharp pain

In such cases, it is better to immediately contact a medical facility. The presence of acute pain indicates possible conditions:

  • Cholecystitis. Sudden and sharp pain, if it occurs in the middle of the night, signals an obstruction of the biliary tract. The sensations are sharp, short-term and provoked by nervous strain.
  • Exacerbation of an ulcer. Stitching pains occur more often at night, relief occurs after food enters the digestive system. Complemented by symptoms such as bloating and heaviness, hyperthermia and malaise, there is an acute abdomen.
  • Blockage of bile ducts by stones. Stagnation of bile is formed, which is accompanied by pain, nausea, vomiting and hyperthermia of the right hand.
  • Gynecological anomalies. Sudden pain in women on the background of amenorrhea indicates an ectopic pregnancy. If the causes of pain are inflammation of the appendages and torsion of the ovarian cyst, urgent hospitalization is recommended.
  • Renal colic. In this case, a person needs emergency medical care, since a strong attack can only be removed with complex drugs, treatment with antispasmodics and painkillers.
  • Pancreatitis. Discomfort begins with throbbing pain, which gradually surrounds and does not give rest in any position of the body. In this case, urgent medical advice is required.

Blunt pain

Often people suffer from pathological processes in the upper abdomen. They bring a lot of harm and are accompanied by dull pain, the causes of which are associated with chronic and acute forms of diseases.

Inflammation of the gallbladder

It occurs due to damage to the walls of the organ by stones. In their place, scars and thickenings form, bile is excreted worse. Associated symptoms:

  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Bloating.

With this pathology, it is worth adhering to a special diet for some time, excluding fried, spicy, bitter, fatty, as well as bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Inflammation of the pancreas

The production of insulin and digestive enzymes is disturbed, and after eating food, there is heaviness in the stomach, bloating and pressing pain on the left.


Often the place opposite to the inflamed kidney hurts. The pulling sensation increases after physical exertion (for example, running or lifting weights). Chills may appear, symptoms of VVD (vegetovascular dystonia) also appear, which are preceded by the following conditions:

  • Protracted depression.
  • Attention Deficit Syndrome.
  • Increased irritability.

chronic hepatitis

Patients complain of pulling pains in the right hypochondrium. The condition is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, aversion to meat, fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. On palpation, the organ is enlarged, and when pressed, it causes pain.

Chronic duodenitis

With inflammation of the duodenum, aching pain occurs in the right side. In this case, there are symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, burning, frequent heartburn and diarrhea.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

With such a disease, girdle pain is felt, which can sometimes squeeze. At the same time, it hurts to breathe, take a deep breath, exhale, bend over and raise your hands up.

Necessary measures

You can’t wait for the pain to go away on its own, because the condition can only worsen. Help at home is as follows:

  • First you need to call an ambulance.
  • Do not drink pills that distort the picture of the course of the disease.
  • Do not use heating pads or compresses.

You need to carefully monitor your condition in order to provide maximum information to doctors later.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is a sign of many diseases, so even an experienced and qualified specialist will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of this symptom.

Quite harmless reasons, such as overeating or excessive exercise, can cause pain. But more often, discomfort in the right hypochondrium provokes an inflammatory process, acute and chronic diseases of the digestive, genitourinary system, internal organs (liver, kidneys), and biliary tract.

Why does the right hypochondrium hurt, in which cases does this symptom pose no danger, and in which cases does it require immediate medical attention? You will find answers to all questions in our material.

Pain under the right hypochondrium in healthy people

Pain in the right hypochondrium can be due to a variety of reasons. In some situations, discomfort also appears in completely healthy people: in this case, we are talking about a variant of the physiological norm. However, often the problem lies in the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

Physiological reasons why it hurts in the right hypochondrium:

  1. Pregnancy. In pregnant women in the third trimester, the uterus is enormously stretched and presses on all the organs with which it comes into contact, displacing the intestines, pressing down on the stump and gallbladder. Therefore, for healthy pregnant women, stabbing or pressing pains in the right hypochondrium are not uncommon. In addition, progesterone, which preserves pregnancy in the later stages, expands the biliary tract and stimulates bile stasis. And if you give physical activity with such a belly, then some discomfort can be felt with a high probability.
  2. Pain on exertion. Surely, many have noticed how, after intense physical exertion, pain occurs in the right side. This is due to excessive stretching of the liver tissue, which, in turn, is due to a sharp blood flow to the organ. This happens especially often after a heavy meal. This condition is not dangerous.
  3. Pain in women. At the end of the menstrual cycle, some women experience a sharp imbalance between low progesterone and high estrogens, which leads to spasm of the biliary tract and can also cause colic in the right hypochondrium. Taking hormonal contraceptives can worsen the course of premenstrual syndrome and increase the frequency of stabbing pains due to a violation of the passage of bile.

Pathological causes of pain under the right rib

Anatomically, the upper right quadrant of the abdomen includes: liver, gallbladder, part of the diaphragm and small intestine, duodenum, right kidney, pancreas.

Other reasons

Other diseases and pathologies, the symptoms of which may include painful sensations of a different nature in the region of the lower ribs on the right side of the body, are the following:

  • From the nervous system: compression of the nerve endings that are in the intercostal space (intercostal neuralgia), characterized by acute pain, the appearance of rashes, skin itching;
  • On the part of the digestive system: peptic ulcer, various inflammatory processes, intestinal obstruction, colitis, pancreatitis, spasms and pains that mimic gynecological diseases, peritonitis, etc .;
  • From the urinary system: with damage mainly to the right kidney (otherwise the pain is localized on the left side, and not in the region of the lower ribs on the right), renal colic, stones;
  • On the part of the respiratory system: (pneumonia) or in acute or chronic course - cough provokes spasms of the respiratory system, which give off painful sensations in the right hypochondrium;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages, osteochondrosis, appendicitis, etc.
  • On the part of the liver: liver dystrophy, cirrhosis, abscess, hepatitis C and others, accompanied by stagnation of blood in the liver, and other chronic diseases and acute inflammatory processes.

Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

If the patient complains that it hurts behind the right shoulder blade, the causes of this phenomenon may be associated with injuries of the lower ribs, damage to the intercostal nerves. There are pains behind the right shoulder blade from the back and with lesions of the right kidney, adrenal gland. The causes of back pain can also be associated with diseases of the inferior vena cava.

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Diseases of the right kidney and, first of all, urolithiasis can cause intense pain. A stone or sand that started the journey from the renal pelvis scratches it, and then the ureter, so pain in renal colic will not only be in the projection of the lower ribs, but also in the lower back and in the lateral abdomen. The pain is paroxysmal and severe. She gives to the thigh, genitals. When tapping the edge of the palm along the lower back, the pain intensifies and can radiate to the groin. In this case, traces of blood may appear in the urine. In some patients, renal colic is accompanied by vomiting.
  2. Pyelonephritis. The development of acute infectious inflammation of the kidney is accompanied by pain in the kidney area, intoxication, fever. It also hurts when urinating, periodic false urges are noted, swelling appears on the face.
  3. Necrosis of the renal papillae. It can be the result of oxygen starvation of the renal tissue when the vessels that feed it are blocked (by infectious agents or in diabetes mellitus). In this case, the pain is constant, combined with blood in the urine. The patient may die from septic shock.
  4. Kidney cancer. This condition may not appear for a long time. Slight pain and bleeding appear already in the last stages of the disease. Sometimes the tumor interferes with the outflow of urine, then there is acute pain. Soreness in the hypochondrium is also manifested in tumors of the right adrenal gland, provided that the tumor is large.
  5. Acute upper paranephritis. This is an inflammation of fatty tissue in the upper part of the kidney against the background of infection from the tonsils, carious teeth, or other foci of inflammation. First, there is a temperature of up to 38, moderate pain in the lower back on the side of the lesion. After 2-3 days, the pain moves to the right hypochondrium, intensifies with a deep breath. Pain in the lower back increases with a sharp straightening of the body and when walking.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. The reason that a person pulls the right side, becomes numb in the hypochondrium, may be intercostal neuralgia. In this state, sometimes it pulls from the back, the ribs hurt on both sides in front. With neuralgia, it tingles strongly in different areas, up to restriction of mobility. The pain gets worse when bending or turning. Also, the reason that suddenly stabbed in the pit of the stomach or twitches on both sides may be myositis, when a person's muscles are inflamed.
  7. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar. It gives pains of varying intensity, which are accompanied by limited mobility, muscle tightness and tension symptoms. Pain in this case can be from aching to shooting of varying degrees of intensity.
  8. Shingles. In this case, herpetic eruptions appear along the nerve in the form of bubbles with a cloudy liquid, the skin turns red. Itching, burning, pain develops at the site of the lesion. This means that you need to see a dermatologist.
  9. Thrombosis of the vena cava. A rare variant of thrombosis of the inferior vena cava (when a thrombus comes from the iliac veins and clogs the main trunk of the vein) gives pain in the lower back (right hypochondrium from the back) and a clinic similar to the late stage of kidney tumors. If the hepatic segment is thrombosed, then intense pain will occur in the right hypochondrium in front and will be given under the right shoulder blade. In this case, there will be an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and jaundice.

If pain in the right hypochondrium in front

A tingling or sharp pain in the right side is manifested due to diseases of those organs that are adjacent to this area. Some conditions are accompanied by pain from the back, sometimes it radiates to the leg, shoulder blade, kidney, etc. There may also be pain in the lungs with a deep breath. With some diagnoses, pain can be periodic, manifest when walking, coughing. With others, unpleasant sensations are constantly disturbing.

  1. Hepatitis. Viral, alcoholic or toxic hepatitis give a picture of intoxication (weakness, lethargy, disability) and dyspepsia (nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting). At the height of the disease, jaundice joins with a lemon tint to the skin and whites of the eyes. During the same period, urine acquires the color of beer, and feces - the color of clay due to disturbances in the metabolism of bile pigments.
  2. Cirrhosis of the liver. In patients with cirrhosis, the death of liver cells and a change in its structure are noted. In people with this diagnosis, it hurts in the right side at waist level, sometimes the pain is felt in the back. With cirrhosis, a person may notice that it hurts in the right side below the ribs, already at the very beginning of the disease. At the same time, burning in the right side is persistent. In the later stages of cirrhosis, the liver decreases, its performance decreases, the patient develops a hepatic coma, and death is likely.
  3. Echinococcosis. These are cysts with liquid contents, which are caused by the worm Echinococcus. Cysts are most often located in the right lobe of the liver and, as they grow, compress the capillaries and intrahepatic bile ducts, causing severe heaviness in the hypochondrium and an uneven increase in the liver. If the cyst suppurates, then a cavity filled with pus develops - a liver abscess. In this case, the pain intensifies, the body temperature rises and inflammation of the peritoneum or even blood poisoning may develop.
  4. Congestive heart failure. Why discomfort in the right hypochondrium worries in this case explains the patient's condition. Initially, his blood circulation worsens, as a result, the liver enlarges, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. There is a pulling pain in the right side, a feeling of heaviness. Drawing pain worries as the disease progresses. With abdominal myocardial infarction, the patient is worried about severe, burning pain in the lower part of the right hypochondrium. Sometimes the patient complains that there is pressure in the side. But in some cases, the onset of pain is sometimes very sharp, similar to a knife blow, the pain sensation manifests itself in the shoulder blade, sternum. As a rule, this happens with the development of infarctions of the posterior wall of the heart muscle. Sometimes it seems to the patient that this pain sensation manifests itself in waves: periodically it decreases and intensifies. In this case, pallor, heart rate disturbances, and a drop in pressure may be noted.
  5. Diseases of the gallbladder. They give the highest percentage of intense and acute (cutting or stabbing pains), which are characteristic of acute inflammation. In this case, a shifting stone that closes the lumen of the neck of the bladder or bile duct or bacterial flora can be to blame for the inflammation. Pain in acute inflammation occurs at a point between the rectus abdominis muscle on the right and the costal arch. They are cramping, strong, give to the right shoulder or left hypochondrium. There may be bitterness in the mouth, belching with air, nausea and vomiting of bile. Sometimes the body temperature rises. For calculous cholecystitis, the development of obstructive jaundice with a yellow-green tint of the skin and mucous membranes is typical.

Pain after eating

Eating accelerates the secretion and promotion of bile, increases the blood supply to the liver and stimulates intestinal motility. Therefore, food provokes pain in pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, intestines.

At the same time, the nature of the pain can be different: nausea and pain of a dull hue are characteristic of cholecystitis, a sharp spastic pain accompanies colitis and intestinal dysbacteriosis, stabbing pains accompany biliary dyskinesia or.

After load

Unpleasant sensations in the form of pulling or stabbing pain occur after physical exertion in people with hepatitis, cirrhosis, congestive liver. After shaking, physical exertion, an attack may occur. Also, periodic pain during exercise appear in patients with myositis, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, rib fractures, thrombosis of the vena cava.

Pain in acute appendicitis

The appendix is ​​a lymphoid organ that takes part in the immune defense of the digestive system. It is located in the region of the right iliac bone, but its position is quite variable. This causes difficulties in diagnosing inflammation of the appendix. Appendicitis has its own distinct stages of development, which can only be diagnosed by a surgeon.


  1. Diffuse pain in the navel and stomach;
  2. Pain for three hours is localized in the right side of the abdomen;
  3. Reduction of pain syndrome in the supine position on the right side;
  4. Increased pain when walking and lying on the left side;
  5. Against the background of pain, general well-being worsens, body temperature rises, vomiting and diarrhea occur.

In such cases, emergency surgical treatment is carried out in a surgical hospital.

Pain differentiation

Depending on what kind of pain the patient feels, who turned to the doctor with this problem, it is possible to identify the disease of which organ these or those painful sensations are associated with.

So, pain in the right hypochondrium, what could it be:

  1. Burning pain in the right hypochondrium is often the cause of acute cholecystitis.
  2. Acute pain in the right hypochondrium is most likely associated with diseases of the gallbladder.
  3. Severe pain in the right hypochondrium, as a rule, is felt by patients suffering from hepatitis.
  4. Dull pain may be due to inflammation in the gallbladder.
  5. Aching or pressing pain can be attributed to the symptoms that occur with biliary dyskinesia.
  6. Drawing pains are characteristic of chronic hepatitis.
  7. A bursting type of pain can be caused by chronic diseases of the pancreas.
  8. Pulsating pains are characteristic of patients diagnosed with pancreatitis.
  9. Stitching pain is observed in patients with problems of the right kidney.

Also, pain in the right hypochondrium can only fade in the evening or at night. As medical practice shows, constant night pains in this area are often the first sign of a duodenal ulcer.


If the doctor complains of pain in the right hypochondrium, he has the right to prescribe:

  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of urine samples for bilirubin;
  • abdominal ultrasound

If results are uncertain, MRI, CT with emphasis on abdominal examination, or liver biopsy may be required. And only after receiving all the results of the studies, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment and diet, and also determine the need for hospitalization.

How to relieve pain?

In order to relieve pain, you can drink no-shpa, but you should not abuse painkillers - this will not make it possible to correctly establish the cause of discomfort.

It is necessary to call an ambulance without delay if the patient has the following symptoms:

  • incessant vomiting;
  • fainting and pre-fainting state;
  • delay or complete inability to urinate;
  • the pain is acute, unbearable, lasts more than a few minutes (not seizures - spasms, characterized by cramping pain, but constant significant discomfort);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • blood in vomit, feces, urine;
  • a significant increase in body temperature (above 38.5 ° C);
  • diarrhea or constipation lasting several days.

If it hurts in the right hypochondrium and the reasons are clarified, the question remains what to do. The main thing that the patient should know is that under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Taking antispasmodics, analgesics and similar drugs significantly lubricates the picture and complicates the work of the doctor.

The first aid recipes widely disseminated on the Internet are also ineffective, but also dangerous. In no case should you take alcohol tinctures, put heating pads on your stomach, and the like: for unknown reasons, this can cause death. The most important thing for a patient to do is to see a doctor. In this case, it is not necessary to the precinct. In case of severe pain, you need to contact an ambulance.

Treatment is almost always medication and includes taking analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics, cholagogues, etc. These medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Surgical care is required in extreme, urgent cases, such as intestinal obstruction, perforated ulcers, etc. In all other cases, conservative therapy is indicated.


Preventive measures to prevent pain in the right hypochondrium are reduced to the following recommendations:

  • taking medicines only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • healthy and active lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper and nutritious nutrition;
  • the use of barrier contraceptives during sexual intercourse, the rejection of casual relationships.

Regular medical examinations (once a year) will allow you to prevent or timely detect any deviations in health and receive the necessary treatment.

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