Bloody stool in a 10-year-old child. A child has blood in the stool with constipation: what to do. Treatment of rectal bleeding

The appearance of blood in the stool is a sign of many diseases and pathological conditions of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, such a symptom can be considered unfavorable and indicates severe damage to the mucous, submucosal and even muscular walls of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestinal tube.

Blood in the stool may be visible to the eye or requires specific laboratory tests to detect it. Visible spotting is characteristic of inflammation or damage to the departments located at the level of the intestine. The so-called altered or occult blood enters the feces from the overlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

If blood is seen in the stool - causes

Fissures in the anus

The situation becomes most characteristic when bright scarlet blood appears in the feces or on the surface of the feces. This is evidence of a fissure in the anus, which occurs with chronic constipation and excessive straining during the act of defecation. The crack may be accompanied by discomfort after a bowel movement in the anus. Bleeding is not profuse and may recur for several days.

Diagnosed during routine surgical examination and digital examination of the rectum. During treatment, it is necessary to establish a regular stool (diet,) and treat the patient with suppositories with sea buckthorn oil or Anuzol for a week.


If blood appears on the surface of the feces up to several times a month, darker than with a crack, and the patient has severe pain, itching, a feeling of fullness in the rectum, then it is worth suspecting varicose veins of the rectum (hemorrhoids). Such a disease develops against the background of the fact that the veins in this area do not have valves and, with any chronic increase in intra-abdominal pressure, they are easily overstretched and can be damaged, causing bleeding.

When viewed in the anus, hemorrhagic nodes are visible (see) or similar formations are found when examining the rectum with a rectoscope (see).

There are two options for treating the disease. Conservatively, hemorrhoids are fought in the early stages, using venotonics (tablets, venoruton, venolan, ginkor forte, troxerutin, dragees and drops of escusan, ointments or gels antistax, venitan, troxevasin) or venosclerosing agents that exclude a number of veins from the bloodstream (suppositories hepatothrombin G, ethoxysclerol). Additionally, local anesthetics, laxatives, anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Surgical treatment is resorted to as planned for advanced hemorrhoids or for emergency indications with heavy and prolonged rectal bleeding.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

An interesting phenomenon is viral hemorrhagic fevers (Crimean, Omsk, Central Asian) in which, against the background of damage to small vessels, a hemorrhagic rash appears on the body and bleeding, including intestinal. Another viral disease of the colon, which is characterized by fever, bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain, is cytomegalovirus.

Oncological processes give a clinic of intestinal obstruction, diagnosed with the help of a survey radiograph of the abdominal cavity (a characteristic symptom of gas bubbles, “Cloiber bowls”) or intestinal bleeding in the destruction of blood vessels or the intestinal wall. There may also be perforation of the intestine with the development of fecal inflammation of the peritoneum. Treatment in such situations is surgical, involving resection of a part of the intestine and stopping bleeding by electrocoagulation or suturing of blood vessels or the intestinal wall.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

Intestinal dysbacteriosis associated with the use of antibiotics is called the syndrome of excessive bacterial colonization of the intestine. Its most typical variant is pseudomembranous colitis after a course of tetracyclines, clindamycin, or aminoglycosides. Diarrhea and blood in the feces appear when the cause is intestinal damage by Clostridium. Vancomycin, metronidazole and bactrim are prescribed for treatment.


A group of sexually transmitted infections (herpes, anorectal syphilis, rectal gonorrhea, venereal granuloma) can also lead to damage to the rectal mucosa and manifest as blood on the surface of the stool.

Ischemic colitis - oxygen starvation of the intestinal wall of the colon due to atherosclerotic damage to the arteries. Most often, the mesenteric arteries are damaged, which disrupt the nutrition of the left sections of the colon. Oxygen starvation of tissues leads to acute pain in the abdomen, as well as the appearance of erosions of the intestinal wall, which become a source of bleeding. The differential diagnosis and first aid for ischemia is to take the patient nitroglycerin, which relieves pain.

Causes of occult blood in the stool

The blood that enters the stool from the upper parts of the digestive tract has time to change along the way. Hemoglobin, which is part of it, breaks down and turns into iron sulfate, which gives the feces a black color. Such a chair is called melena.

  • Bleeding from esophageal varices

It is characteristic of the accompanying portal hypertension syndrome. In addition to tarry stools, this pathology is characterized by pain behind the sternum, aggravated after eating, repeated vomiting of blood. Drop in blood pressure, tachycardia, sweating. The condition is urgent and is stopped by the introduction of a special balloon probe into the esophagus, pressing the veins.

  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome

this is a bloody fissure of the esophagus or the cardial part of the stomach, which occurs with repeated vomiting and reaches the submucosa. Most often, this problem is faced by drinking people or people with perforation of the ulcer of the inlet of the stomach. Pain in the projection of the esophagus is combined with melena. Treatment includes administration of aminocaproic acid, bed rest, and intramuscular administration of cerucal.

  • Bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer

can also cause tarry stools. With extensive bleeding, there is a liquid black stool up to several times a day, nausea, chills. There may be fainting. Gastric bleeding is also accompanied by brown vomiting (“coffee grounds”). Surgical treatment is reduced to resection of a part of the stomach or duodenum or suturing of the ulcer.

  • Perforation of duodenal ulcer

may be accompanied by simultaneous bleeding from a mirror ulcer on the opposite wall of the intestine (“kissing ulcers”). In this case, a sharp dagger pain in the right half of the epigastrium will be combined with signs of ongoing bleeding: weakness, sweating, palpitations, loss of consciousness. Only emergency laparotomy with ulcer closure or bowel resection saves the patient (see)

  • Gastric cancer, characterized by rapid satiety, aversion to meat, weakness, anemia and emaciation, can also be complicated by bleeding.
  • Tumors of the esophagus in the stage of disintegration can also produce bleeding and altered blood in the stool.
  • Periodontal disease (see)
  • Tuberculosis of the intestine

Diagnosis of altered blood in the stool

Minor bleeding from wounds and ulcerations of the oral mucosa, after extraction of teeth, from bleeding from the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and the initial segment of the jejunum may not cause visual changes in the stool, but are determined in the feces using a laboratory test.

This analysis is called the Gregersen reaction. In order to make the test as reliable as possible, the patient is forbidden to brush his teeth, eat meat and fish, as well as iron preparations three days before the test. Then collect feces. Benzidine with barium peroxide, dissolved in acetic acid, is applied to a stool smear on a glass slide and the color change is observed. When a blue or green color appears, the reaction is considered positive.

Causes of the presence of blood in the stool in a child

Children can suffer from the same pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract as adults. Thus, everything described above applies to them. However, in pediatric practice, there are the most typical conditions for detecting blood in the stool, which should be remembered and shown some caution about them.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis (syndrome of excessive bacterial colonization of the intestine)

Against the background of irrational feeding of children under one year old, unreasonable or frequent antibiotic treatment, errors in the immune protection of infants, quite often mothers and pediatricians have to deal with loose stools with blood impurities. These are streaks of blood in a child's stool that can be combined with mucus. There is also bloating (see, loss of appetite, diathesis. Most often, enterocolitis of staphylococcal or Klebsiella origin is to blame for this.

Fissures of the rectum often accompany another manifestation of intestinal dysbiosis - constipation, which may be the cause of the possible appearance of blood in the stool in a child (see). Treatment of dysbacteriosis is carried out according to the scheme given above. Constipation also accompanies rickets and an unbalanced diet (see).

Therefore, it is important for children of the first two years of life to adjust the preventive or therapeutic intake of vitamin D and supplement them with a sufficient amount of liquid (for artificers - the volume of one feeding distributed per day). Treatment comes down to settling the stool with the help of a diet or the appointment of Lactulose (, Normaze) and the use of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

Intestinal obstruction

The most formidable causes of the presence of blood in the feces in babies under two years of age are intestinal intussusception and intestinal obstruction. Such a condition can be either the result of a congenital anomaly (incomplete rotation of the intestinal tube), or overfeeding the baby, changing the mixture, prescribing kefir in children of the first three months of life, too early and unbalanced complementary foods (see). With intussusception, one part of the intestine seems to be soldered into the wall of the other, blocking its lumen and causing partial intestinal obstruction.

The child begins to scream a lot after eating, one fine day spit up profusely with a fountain (see), often begins to poop liquid and mixed with blood. Within a few hours or a day, the stool turns into a lump of red mucus. If during this period of time you do not call an ambulance or go to a surgical hospital on your own, the child will stop eating and drinking, fall into a state of collapse or shock, and may die.

The most interesting thing is that in a child under one year old, such a formidable condition can be determined using an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or with a plain radiograph, and eliminated with a simple barium enema, avoiding abdominal surgery. True, older children perform laparotomy.

food allergy

Allergy in a child is such a common occurrence today, it can be on any food:

  • most often on cow's milk protein (see)
  • citrus fruits (see)
  • for gluten (see)
  • various food additives, flavors, dyes, etc.

Sometimes food allergies can be manifested by skin reactions, diarrhea, foamy stools, blood in the stool (blotches, streaks), small children become whiny, restless, and gain weight poorly.

Thus, finding blood in the feces of an infant, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. If the child has:

  • frequent loose stools
  • vomiting or spitting up (more than a third of all feedings)
  • elevated temperature
  • the child is too excited or too retarded

it is advisable to call an ambulance or go to the emergency department of a children's infectious diseases hospital, whose doctors are more qualified and experienced in recognizing life-threatening conditions for a child than local pediatricians.

The main causes of blood in the feces in a child are diseases of various organs of the gastrointestinal tract. But in some cases, such a symptom acts as a harmless manifestation of the baby's nutritional habits or allergies. Is it worth it to sound the alarm, only the doctor can say after the examination and identification of the cause of the violation.

Blood streaks in a child's stool are common, but not always dangerous. By the nature of the stool, you can determine the localization of the inflammatory process.

  1. Tar-like thick black stool. Appears in diseases of the upper digestive tract (in the acidic environment of the stomach, hemoglobin iron is oxidized, converted to hemin, which gives the feces a black color).
  2. There are fresh bloody streaks in the stool or the stool is mixed with blood. This is a sign of inflammatory processes in the lower parts of the digestive tract.
  3. "False" bleeding. Associated with the use of food or drugs that stain the stool.

8 common causes of bloody stools in children older than a year

There are many causes of bloody stools in children older than a year. Most often, the violation is provoked by the following diseases and conditions.

MEDICINES AND FOOD Antibiotics, iron and bismuth medications, activated charcoal, beets and carrots, soda with dyes, colored gelatin can give stools a red tint.
anal fissure With severe constipation, itching and rashes of the anus in a child of 2 years, blood appears in the feces.

In this case, during emptying, severe pain occurs.

INTESTINAL INFECTIONS Diseases can be caused by various pathogens (Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia, Staphylococcus aureus).

Defecation is often accompanied by the appearance of bloody clots in the stool in children.

INTESTINAL INFLAMMATION Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are accompanied by bloody diarrhea, anemia, and physical retardation.

Feces with mucus and blood in a child are a common symptom of these pathologies.

INTUSSUSCEPTION Intestinal obstruction is due to the lack of nervous innervation of one of the sections of the large intestine.

As a result of the lack of peristalsis, intestinal blockage occurs, constipation occurs, and the discharge takes on the form of "raspberry jelly".

POLYPS Benign neoplasms in the rectum are damaged, the feces of a 4-year-old child come out with blood.
HIRSHPRUNG DISEASE Congenital pathology is accompanied by severe constipation, flatulence.

Hard stool injures the rectal mucosa, which leads to bleeding.

11 Common Causes of Violations in Infants

In children of the first year of life, there are also many causes of rectal bleeding, and some of them are inherent only in infants and do not occur in children older than 1-2 years.

An admixture of blood, blood streaks in the feces of an infant, according to statistics, is most often due to food allergies, intestinal dysbacteriosis. But the final diagnosis can only be made based on the results of the examination and tests.
ANAL CRACKS Constipation, rashes and itching of the anus in a child cause mucus with blood to appear in the feces.

Symptoms: screams and pain when emptying.

The stool becomes bright red. Bleeding is not profuse, but recurs for several days.

During treatment, you need to adjust the daily stool with a special diet for children, as well as laxatives.

CRACKS ON THE NIPPLES IN THE MOTHER BABY Together with milk, blood enters the digestive tract, which then appears in the feces of a newborn baby. As a treatment and prevention of nipple cracks, it is recommended to use Bepanten ointment or cream.
ATOPIC ECZEMA OR ATOPIC DERMATITIS They cause allergens that enter the body through the respiratory tract, food, or by contact.

As a result, there are problems with the stool (constipation, diarrhea), leading to the appearance of blood in the stool in an infant.

INFLAMMATION OF THE GIT Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is accompanied by diarrhea, lack of appetite, weight loss of the baby.

With such diseases, the child has feces with dark blood clots.

INTESTINAL INFECTIONS Amoebiasis, salmonella or dysentery are also causes of blood clots in the stool.
LACTASE DEFICIENCY Constipation in a baby can occur in the absence of lactase in the diet of a nursing mother, as well as when feeding a baby with low-lactase mixtures.

A constipated baby pushes hard, resulting in cracks in the anus, which leads to bleeding.

INTESTINAL PATHOLOGY Intussusception and Hirschsprung's disease are rare but do occur in newborns.

With the first pathology, stool masses look like raspberry-colored jelly.

Hirschsprung's disease blocks the passage of feces into the colon, resulting in chronic constipation.

Bloody excrement, abdominal pain, lethargy and vomiting are symptoms of pathologies that threaten the health and life of the crumbs. Therefore, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

JUVENILE POLYPS Benign tumors on the walls of the colon.

Swellings are injured by feces during emptying, as a result, blood clots appear.

The growths do not cause pain, but do not disappear on their own. Get rid of them surgically.

VITAMIN K DEFICIENCY The milk of a nursing mother does not contain enough vitamin K (below the daily allowance), which is responsible for blood clotting, and the baby's liver is not yet able to accumulate a useful compound.

Vitamin deficiency can cause internal bleeding.

If a problem is identified, additional administration of vitamin K is necessary.

ALLERGY An intolerance to cow's milk protein causes an allergic reaction.

The infant has diarrhea with bloody inclusions, vomiting.

Usually, allergies appear during formula feeding or breastfeeding, when dairy products are present in the mother's diet.

CMPA is not usually treated specifically, as it resolves when the baby is one year old. The diet involves the exclusion of protein from mixtures during feeding.

In the event that an allergy to cow's milk has become the cause of the violation of the stool, it is described in the following video:

Hidden blood - danger in disguise

Occult blood in the feces of a child is manifested by staining excrement in black. and most often indicates pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the main causes of blood in the stool in a child:

  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome - the appearance of a bleeding longitudinal crack in the gastric mucosa (accompanied by cough, fever, bloody vomiting and the presence of latent blood in the feces in a 5-year-old child);
  • stomach ulcer - in rare cases, internal bleeding occurs;
  • oncological diseases of the digestive system.

When to see a doctor urgently

Bloody stools appear for various reasons. Parents do not need to panic and be very scared, asking all their friends and spending hours on the Internet using the search phrase "why does the child have blood in the stool."

If the baby feels normal, you can watch him for a few days. Perhaps the red coloration of feces is associated with the use of certain foods that were in the diet of a child or mother, if the baby is on HB.

If the following symptoms are observed, then you need to contact a specialist immediately:

  • incessant bleeding;
  • hematemesis;
  • elevated temperature;
  • stomach ache;
  • no stool for several days.

Diagnostic methods

The admixture of blood in the stool in a child is a sign of a number of diseases. To clarify the cause and diagnosis are carried out:

As a diagnostic method, sigmoidoscopy is performed - a procedure for visual examination of the mucous membrane of the rectum
  • visual examination, interviewing parents (in addition to visiting a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist, consultation with an allergist, infectious disease specialist, hematologist may be required);
  • testing (for lactase deficiency, dysbacteriosis and worms, occult blood);
  • rectal palpation;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy and other diagnostic methods.

Procedure and method of treatment

Therapy depends on the specific disease. Intestinal infections are treated with antibiotics. During the period of treatment of the baby, a nursing mother must follow a special diet that excludes dairy products. And for the restoration and reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora, doctors prescribe pre- and probiotics.

In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the scheme of complex treatment is selected individually, depending on the type of pathology. Allergy therapy includes identifying and eliminating the allergen, taking antihistamines.

Anal fissures and hemorrhoids (diagnosed in children very rarely) are treated with topical preparations (suppositories, tablets) approved for use in childhood. If polyps are found, surgery is required.. With the help of a special apparatus, growths are removed from the walls of the large intestine.

First steps or what to do if blood is found in the child's stool? Recommended:

  • closely monitor the well-being of the baby;
  • do not panic;
  • make sure that there are really bloody impurities in the feces, and not colored food residues (for starters, remember what the son or daughter had on the menu, what medicines the baby took).

If the baby has become whiny, loses appetite, and bloody streaks appear in the feces, contacting a specialist (pediatrician) is the first and mandatory step. The doctor will identify the cause of the disease and help prevent the development of dangerous complications.

If the bleeding is severe and prolonged, call an ambulance immediately!


Blood in the baby's feces is a serious symptom that should not be ignored. Some diseases that cause violations that can threaten not only health, but also the life of the crumbs. To establish the exact cause of bloody stools and prevent dangerous consequences, you need to consult a doctor, in this case self-treatment is unacceptable.

In addition to the article, watch a video about the most common causes of blood in the stool in a child:

Each parent is very sensitive to the health of their baby, so even the slightest change in well-being can lead mom and dad into a real shock. Especially if the symptom is absolutely atypical for the baby and it is difficult to understand what exactly is happening. For example, it is very scary if a child poops with blood. Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers and other dangerous phenomena immediately come to mind.

In fact, the symptom of feces with blood in a child is really serious and should be taken with all responsibility. Another question is that with timely diagnosis and treatment, the child’s blood will quickly go away, and the feces will have a normal color and appearance. In order for the doctor to quickly determine the cause and cure the child, he will need to be told exactly how the child's feces looked after defecation, how thick the stool is, whether the child was constipated, whether there were impurities with mucus.

How to understand by the appearance of the stool why the child poops with blood

Diarrhea in a child with blood can occur for many reasons. However, for the primary diagnosis, the appearance of the stool after defecation will be enough - this will help determine in which approximately place the bleeding center has formed.

  • When the blood and feces come out evenly mixed during a bowel movement, it can be concluded that the bleeding site is located quite high;
  • If blood and poop are separated during bowel movements, it can be assumed that the affected area is low;
  • Bright, light blood coming from the priests of the child, most likely indicates hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • Dark blood, brown-colored poop, indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Such observations from the parents will help determine how dangerous the child's condition is, why he bleeds after a bowel movement and whether to worry if the child has constipation. Nevertheless, if a child poops with blood or mucus, it is necessary to consult a doctor. No one except a pediatrician will be able to prescribe an effective treatment, remove constipation, loose stools or blood impurities in the stool.

Home treatments can work well, but don't risk trying them on your child. It is quite possible that the baby's body will react to the intervention in a completely different way than the body of an adult, and the situation will only get worse.

What should a normal child's feces look like?

The stool of a baby who is still breastfeeding will never be hard or dark. Usually, feces of a mushy consistency come out of the priests, constipation and blood are not normally observed. However, sometimes the feces of a small child may be slightly mixed with mucus. After a bowel movement, the baby usually does not scream, because the poop is very soft and does not damage the intestinal mucosa in any way.

The color of the child's feces is light yellow, close to straw, and sometimes even whitish. This appearance should not cause concern, because it may change slightly after switching to another type of food or another milk formula.

The baby's stool can change very much after breastfeeding if the woman has eaten some foods. These can be red products: beets, wine, red sauce, currants, which change the color of mother's milk after consumption. Another option is also possible: the nursing mother ate something spicy or drank alcohol, which will certainly affect the composition of the milk. Such milk will irritate the intestinal mucosa of the child. As a result, the child develops constipation or stools with blood. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the baby's priests is very thin, densely dotted with blood vessels.

These vessels are very sensitive to irritants. After such a spicy milk meal, the child is more likely to get constipation or bleeding of the anus.

In older children, the feces become darker, thicker. The stool is formed, blood from the priests can go if the child has constipation caused by too hard feces. This constipation is treated with dietary changes and mild medications.

What to do if bloody stool comes out of the baby's bottom?

If you could not figure out the reason yourself or see that the situation is serious, you should definitely call a qualified doctor. The child should be calmed, and if he is constipated, a baby laxative can be given (it is advisable to always have it in such a case).

Do not apply cold to the child's stomach, hoping to stop the bleeding - this can only exacerbate the problem if there is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. To facilitate the passage of feces and eliminate constipation, it is worth stroking the baby's tummy with a warm hand in a clockwise direction. This should be done for quite a long time - about half an hour. Such rhythmic movements create a vibration of the intestines, stimulate the internal production of mucus, which softens the stool. This simple method is one of the best for eliminating constipation.

Until the doctor arrives, it is advisable not to feed the baby. The process of digestion in babies is quite fast, so everything eaten will be asked out very soon. Do not provoke defecation in this way and exacerbate the problem.

The appearance of droplets of blood in the feces of a child should definitely alert parents. This cannot be an accident. In most cases, this means that a disease has arisen, but an injury to the anus is also possible, which the baby inflicted on himself. In any case, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment. You should not be scared right away, but it is not recommended to leave the symptom unattended.

If parents notice blood and mucus in the baby's stool, it is imperative to seek the advice of a specialist

Causes of blood in the stool in a child

To determine why there is blood in the stool, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Does the stomach hurt, does the temperature rise, is there an admixture in the form of mucus in the stool? In infants in the first months of life, blood appears if the body shows an allergic reaction to milk protein.

Juvenile polyps are also possible, more common in children under ten years of age. Polyps are cluster-like outgrowths, pressure on which causes the release of a mucus-like fluid. Other reasons are also known.

Fissure of the anus

Fresh blood traces in a newborn, groaning and crying during bowel movements indicate constipation and a rupture of the rectal mucosa that occurs during stress. A tear forms in the anus, causing severe pain. The occurrence of a crack is accompanied by:

  • the appearance of fresh blood in the stool;
  • painful sensations in the anus;
  • pain on movement
  • difficulties with bowel movements;
  • frequent crying for no apparent reason in babies.

Children 7 years and older are often embarrassed to report discomfort in the anus to their elders. The desire of the child to avoid defecation can suggest possible complications. At the same time, the stool masses in the intestine become denser, increase in volume, exacerbating the problem.

Diagnosis of a crack is carried out by a doctor. To identify the disease, palpation of the anus is used, as well as an analysis of feces to exclude inflammation, the presence of worms. Sometimes you have to resort to anoscopy or sigmoidoscopy to examine the rectum.


What to do if there is blood on the paper or diaper after a bowel movement? Perhaps it is hemorrhoids, which affects one in three adults. It also occurs in babies 1-3 years old.

Most often, in a one-year-old baby, the disease develops against the background of periodic constipation. They occur due to malnutrition, leading to the formation of hard feces. Efforts during defecation cause a rush of blood to certain areas of the intestine, which creates the prerequisites for the formation of hemorrhoids.

Signs of hemorrhoids in babies are traces of scarlet blood in the feces, protrusion of the anus when screaming or crying, passing when the child calms down. Sometimes hemorrhoids in crumbs are a sign of abnormal development, so if you suspect its appearance, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes a change in diet will help to cope with the problem, but the diagnosis and treatment should be carried out by a specialist.

Traces of scarlet blood in the stool may indicate hemorrhoids (the disease develops easily with constant constipation)

Untreated hemorrhoids can lead to a blood clot and severe inflammation. Children 5 years of age and older are able to tell their parents about the discomfort, the kids only cry.

Schoolchildren acquire the disease due to malnutrition and long sitting in the classroom. To protect yourself from trouble, you need to monitor the diet of the child, fight dysbacteriosis, constipation, give the opportunity to move more.

Acute intestinal infections

The appearance of blood in the stool, especially accompanied by diarrhea, may signal the occurrence of an infectious disease. Some causative agents of acute intestinal diseases can cause intestinal damage, leading to the release of blood. These include:

Enteritis and colitis affect the small and large intestines, respectively. Bloody discharge with each type of infection is specific, which allows the doctor to assume a particular disease.

With acute intestinal infections, the child will constantly be disturbed by pain in the stomach area and diarrhea with blood in the stool may begin (see also:)

However, the final diagnosis is established on the basis of microscopic studies and bacteriological cultures.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is inflammatory, affecting all parts of the intestine, starting from the oral cavity (more in the article:). The disease is immune in nature, captures all layers of the digestive system, causes the formation of ulcers and scars. The disease can have a hereditary origin, as well as be caused by viral or bacterial infectious diseases. May develop as a result of impaired functioning of the immune system.

Most often, the disease affects people between the ages of 15 and 35 or over 60, but a hereditary form is possible at an early age. Pathology is accompanied by prolonged diarrhea - longer than 6 weeks - abdominal pain, weight loss. Fever, fatigue, and lack of appetite are common.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease of a continuous or recurrent course. The disease has an inflammatory-dystrophic nature, causes a number of complications. The process begins in the rectum, subsequently capturing other areas of the large intestine, often accompanied by diarrhea.

Colitis can develop in children of any age, but infants are less susceptible to it.

In infancy, boys are more likely to develop the disease, girls are at risk of getting sick in adolescence. Several sources are known:

  • infectious, in which the process is initiated by bacteria, toxins of microorganisms or viruses;
  • psychogenic - the disease occurs as a reaction to stress, psychological trauma;
  • immune, when a malfunction in the functioning of the immune system leads to the development of pathology.

Children who are prone to allergic reactions are also at risk. The main signs of the disease are diarrhea, loose, fetid stools, impurities in the form of mucus and blood are present in the feces (we recommend reading:). Depending on the severity of the condition, the child swears from 4 to 20 times a day. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in appetite, weakness, bloating.


A newborn should poop after every meal. A one and a half year old baby should walk around the big one 1-2 times a day, the chair should be decorated. If bowel movements occur less frequently, and the feces are compacted, the process causes pain - we can talk about constipation. In general, stools less than 6 times a week in children under 3 years of age and less than 3 times a week in older children are a sign of constipation.

Ideally, the child should "walk big" daily, bowel movements every 3-4 days indicates the presence of constipation

It will not be possible to eliminate the problem with the help of enemas and laxatives, constipation can become chronic and stay with the child for life. The causes of constipation are divided into functional and psychological. Functional include:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of liquid in the diet;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food allergy;
  • congenital enzyme deficiency;
  • helminthiasis;
  • abuse of enemas, etc.

Psychological reasons forcing a child to refuse to go big are: forced cessation of breastfeeding, persistent potty training, difficulties when going to the toilet in children's institutions. Delayed defecation leads to dehydration and hardening of the stool.

Causes of occult blood

Discharge from the priests in the form of blood and mucus indicates the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies in the child. An even more dangerous symptom is occult blood, which is not always visible to the naked eye.

Dark, almost black stools can occur with internal bleeding in the intestines. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis);
  • atrophy of the mucous membrane of the small intestine with enteritis;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum;
  • helminthiasis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning.

If you suspect occult blood, you should immediately consult a doctor. To establish the presence of bleeding, its causes will be possible only with hardware studies.

The main causes of stools with mucus and blood in babies up to a year

The first days after birth, the baby poops meconium, which has a black color. Then the stools become light brown and have a mushy consistency. The appearance of dark stool subsequently requires a visit to the doctor.

If the child feels restless, and the mother is wary of his stool color, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician.

Sometimes the streaks that frighten mom or the dark color of feces in a child up to a year old are explained by innocent reasons: mom ate beets or tomatoes, which led to the appearance of a red tint in the baby's feces. Coal or blood from the nipples turns the feces dark. However, blood and mucus or red streaks may appear due to:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • atopic dermatitis (a bleeding rash inside the intestines);
  • an allergic reaction to a protein contained in cow's milk and enters the gastrointestinal tract of a child with a mixture or with breast milk;
  • polyps in the intestine;
  • lactose deficiency.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis

The sterile intestines of the fetus during childbirth and during breastfeeding are populated with microorganisms necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The normal microflora consists of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and Escherichia coli. It also contains a small number of opportunistic pathogens.

Violation of the ratio of beneficial and harmful microflora is called dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis gives the baby a lot of trouble. To avoid it, it is advisable not to give up breastfeeding until the age of one and a half years, and start complementary foods with cottage cheese and kefir.

Breastfed babies are much less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal problems than artificial ones.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is expressed in slowing down or stopping the movement of feces through the intestines. It is caused by congenital pathologies of the intestinal tract, neoplasms, inflammation, impaired motor function of the intestine.

Intestinal obstruction is accompanied by pain, retention of stool and gas, vomiting, often with clots of mucus, asymmetrical bloating. The appearance of symptoms of intestinal obstruction requires urgent medical intervention, as the disease can be fatal.

Causes of blood in the stool in a school-age child

By the type of blood discharge, one can guess why there is blood in the stool. Bright scarlet is found in bleeding from the lower intestines with hemorrhoids, fissures, tumors. Chronic inflammation is accompanied by the appearance of streaks or bloody clots in the stool. Infectious diseases, along with blood inclusions, give an increase in temperature.

What to do if there is blood in the stool?

If there is bloody discharge from the priests, blood in the stool, you should immediately seek medical help. Without analyzes and hardware studies of the intestine, it is impossible to make a diagnosis. Treating yourself is too dangerous. For effective treatment, the doctor must establish the source of bleeding and the disease that caused it.

The dark color of feces, with blood splashes, makes parents really worry about the health of the baby. Sometimes there really is a reason to visit a doctor, treatment cannot be postponed. It is often too early to rush to conclusions, since the reasons can be quite harmless, and the baby is completely healthy. It is necessary to understand what causes streaks of blood in the baby in the feces.

When you don't need to worry

The following reasons can affect the color of the stool:

  • Mom's food. For example, if you ate tomatoes, currants, beets the day before, the color of the stool will change, it will become reddish.
  • The use of medicines. If you have recently had a course of treatment or take preventive drugs, there may be changes. Such medicines include all dye tablets, antibiotics, products containing iron.
  • Feeding introduction. If you are already transferring the baby to an additional type of feeding - complementary foods, the digestive system begins to rebuild, changes occur.

Within a few days after birth, the baby's stool is only being formed, so its color and consistency may change. The reason for concern at this time can only be a high content of scarlet blood. In this case, you should immediately show the child to the doctor.

Sources of blood in the stool

Blood in a baby's stool can come from two sources:

  • Upper parts of the digestive system - stomach, esophagus, duodenum. The child develops hematemesis, and the remnants of the blood go into the feces, because of which it acquires a dark, almost black color (for more details, see the article:).
  • Lower sections - large intestine, anus, rectum. When bleeding begins in these organs, red or bright scarlet blotches appear in the feces.

Depending on what caused the violation, appropriate treatment or specialized procedures are prescribed.

Causes of blood in the baby's stool

It is impossible to determine the cause on your own - for this, a thorough examination is carried out in a medical institution, however, parents can first find out what causes are the most common when blood appears in the feces of a breast-fed child. Even better - to engage in prevention, so that such a problem does not bother you at all.

anal fissure

It is observed in children of any age. The intestinal mucosa is injured due to prolonged constipation, too hard feces, flatulence, gas formation. The blood has a bright color, is located directly on the surface of the feces, on toilet paper (wet wipes). In addition to blood, pain in the child, groaning, and a painful expression are noted. Going to the toilet is accompanied by discomfort, sometimes children scream in pain.

To prevent the problem, it is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the mother and child in order to exclude the appearance of solid feces. Proper diet, ointments, enemas, medications - all these tools will help to avoid the disease.

The quality of the diet of a nursing mother directly affects the digestion and condition of the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Avoid foods that form hard stools

protein allergy

The problem is peculiar to children who are on artificial or mixed feeding. The body reacts negatively to milk or soy protein, as well as to other products. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, there is a little blood in the secretions. If the child is allergic, it should be shown to the pediatrician. A special gentle mixture is prescribed for him, as well as a diet for his mother.

Intestinal intussusception

The disease occurs very often between the ages of 4 months and a year, and it requires immediate medical attention. The problem is caused by malnutrition, it begins acutely, with sharp pain in the tummy. Then vomiting appears, episodes are repeated, the child cries, cannot sleep, exacerbations occur paroxysmal. Feces in this case are called "raspberry jelly" because of the liquid consistency, as well as the mixture of mucus and blood in it. Palpation reveals a solid mass in the abdominal cavity. If the baby is immediately taken to the hospital, there is a chance of avoiding surgery.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

These include ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease. In addition to blood, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever, and abdominal pain are noted. In the initial stages, only streaks are visible, when the disease is severe, significant impurities are visible.

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment, the main thing is to contact him in time to avoid problems in the future. Getting rid of the disease is quite difficult - sometimes it takes several years.

Intestinal infections

It can be salmonellosis, botulism, dysentery, typhoid fever. The symptom is frequent and loose stools with mushy impurities, sometimes mucus appears in it. There is also vomiting, nausea, fever, the general condition of the child is depressed (see also:). Salmonellosis also occurs with diarrhea with blood. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor - the lack of proper treatment is fraught with a fatal outcome.

Juvenile polyps

The disease causes constant bleeding and streaks of blood in the baby's stool. A symptom is a hard stool, regular constipation, and going to the toilet is a test for the baby. It most often occurs between the ages of 2 and 8 years. There is only one treatment for the disease - through surgery. Prevention is proper nutrition and active lifestyle.


It would seem that it is impossible to get infected while breastfeeding, but during the first five years the problem is very common. May be accompanied by itching of the anus, anxiety, diarrhea (see also:). The symptoms are especially aggravated after eating, the child loses his appetite, complains of abdominal pain in the morning.

Not always the blood in the stool of a newborn is visible to the naked eye, so it is required to take an occult blood test. A positive result indicates gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis.

What should parents do?

The famous doctor Komarovsky does not advise treating the disease at home. Blood discharge in infants is a reason to visit a pediatrician, even if no other symptoms are noted. The sooner you contact a medical facility, the better.

The most dangerous is the appearance of additional signs: fever, anxiety, lethargy, nausea. In this situation, you need to call an ambulance, you can not drink and feed the child, as well as give him medicines. It is better to save the feces of the newborn and show it to the doctor - this will facilitate the diagnosis. At the very least, take a photo.

In any case, you will have to take several tests, undergo an examination, including:

  • palpation of the abdomen and anal area;
  • probe or FEGDS;
  • coprogram (we recommend reading:);
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • bacterioscopic analysis.

So that diseases do not bother you, and the baby always remains healthy, do prevention. It is especially important to do this in the first years of life, because the smaller the child, the more difficult it is for him to survive even the simplest illness. Later, teach your toddler to wash their hands with soap to avoid intestinal infections. Believe me, such a habit will come in handy for him in adulthood. If salmonellosis is detected in one of the family members, children should be isolated for preventive purposes.

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