Features of chest massage. Chest drainage massage for children

The starting position of the patient is sitting, lying on his back or on his side, depending on the indications.

The preparatory massage consists of a superficial planar and then an enveloping stroking of the chest with the palms of both hands. Massage movements are made with wide strokes, covering the chest in the direction from the bottom up and outward to the armpits. When massaging, strong stretching of the skin should be avoided, especially in women, since such stretching helps to weaken the elasticity of the mammary glands.

The large pectoral, serratus anterior, external intercostal muscles and diaphragm are subjected to selective massage.

Massage of the large pectoral muscles

Given the fan-shaped direction of the muscle fibers, the massage is carried out from the collarbone to the humerus. When performing an encircling stroke, the palms fit snugly against the muscle, moving away only from the surface of the chest when approaching the nipple.

Massage movements should be directed from the collarbone and sternum to the armpit and shoulder joint. In addition to stroking, circular rubbing is performed with the ends of the fingers or palms, as well as kneading. When kneading, the pectoral muscle is grasped with the thumb in a transverse direction with respect to the course of its fibers. Chopping in the region of the pectoral muscle, especially on the left, is performed if there are special indications (see below). Massage of the anterior serratus muscle is best done in the patient's position, first on one side, then on the other side, while the patient's free hand is placed behind the back to facilitate access to this muscle. Stroking and rubbing are applied in the area of ​​individual intercostal spaces in the area from II to IX ribs obliquely towards the lower angle of the scapula and spine. In the same direction, massage movements are performed in the form of circular rubbing and longitudinal kneading alternately with stroking.

Massage of the external intercostal muscles

Massage of the external intercostal muscles is performed in the direction from the sternum along the intercostal spaces to the spine. When stroking the intercostal muscles, the thumb or middle finger is inserted into the corresponding intercostal spaces and then slide the ends of the fingers of both hands along the intercostal space. When rubbing, small circular movements are made, shifting the skin. Intermittent vibration is performed only according to indications.

Diaphragm massage

The diaphragm, which is a thin muscle located between the thoracic and abdominal cavities, can only be affected indirectly. Of the massage techniques, stable continuous vibration is used. When performing this technique, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of irritation of the liver lying under the fingers, which should be avoided.

The final massage, which is recommended to be carried out with the patient lying on his back, is reduced to a flat and embracing stroking, which is performed, as in the introductory massage, with wide strokes in the direction from the bottom up, after which it is recommended to make 4-5 tremors of the chest and intermittent compressions, starting from the IV rib from below. Chest compression is performed during the expiratory phase and stops during the inspiratory phase. Compressions in the amount of 5 - 10 should be performed rhythmically and painlessly.

Intercostal nerve massage

The intercostal nerves, representing the anterior branches of the nerves emerging from the thoracic spinal cord, pass in the groove of the rib between the internal and external costal muscles.

Massage of the intercostal nerves is performed with one hand - thumb or index finger, or index and middle fingers, spaced in a fork. Of the massage techniques, stroking, rubbing and continuous vibration are used.

The most common location of painful points of the intercostal nerves is as follows: a) near the spine, outward from the spinous processes at the exit points of the nerves; b) along the axillary line - in the places where the perforating lateral branches come to the surface; c) in front along the line of connection of the sternum with costal cartilages - points corresponding to the place where the perforating anterior branches come to the surface.

Massage of the intercostal nerves is used when there are appropriate indications (see below).

Breast massage

In breast massage, which is performed in women with appropriate indications, stroking and rubbing and intermittent vibration in the form of punctures are used, which should be carried out very gently. The choice of individual techniques, as well as the direction of the massage lines, depend on the tasks set: in case of vascular stagnation, a sluggish, stretched mammary gland, massage movements should be carried out in the direction from the nipple to the base of the gland. With insufficient secretory activity of the mammary gland, stagnation of milk in it during lactation, massage movements are carried out from the base of the mammary gland to the nipple.


  1. When massaging the skin of the breast, one should not touch the mammary glands, which are massaged if there are special indications (sagging of the mammary glands, etc.).
  2. During the massage of the mammary glands, you should avoid touching the nipple, except for special indications (massage of the nipple due to its retraction, uterine bleeding, etc.).
  3. When massaging the anterior surface of the chest, vigorous massage movements (deep stroking, rubbing) in the area of ​​​​the places where the ribs are attached to the sternum should be avoided in order to avoid unpleasant sensations in the patient, since these places are very sensitive.
  4. When massaging the chest, the soft tissues of the back (thoracic region) must also be massaged.

Chest massage is supplemented with special physical exercises, which are primarily aimed at mastering the technique of proper breathing, after which physical exercises are carried out to strengthen and develop the articular-ligamentous apparatus involved in the respiratory process (expansion of the chest), strengthen and develop the respiratory muscles , especially the supporting muscles for breathing (muscles of the back and abdomen), strengthen and develop lung tissue (bronchiolar muscles). The performance of physical exercises should be consistent with the phase of inhalation and exhalation, while the duration of each of them may be different depending on the nature of respiratory disorders. Prolongation of the inspiratory phase is indicated for bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, narrow chest, etc. Prolongation of the expiratory phase is recommended for emphysema, bronchial asthma. Breathing exercises, in which inhalation is equal to exhalation, are used for stiffness of the intervertebral, costovertebral vessels (spondylosis), flattening of the chest, and metabolic disorders. The choice of physical exercises and the method of their application for various types of respiratory disorders are covered in detail in special manuals on therapeutic physical culture.

Massage is the impact of hands on soft tissues, which as a result has not only a therapeutic effect, but is also a way to prevent many diseases in the body. Thanks to massage movements, blood circulation improves, the work of vital human organs normalizes, muscle tissue relaxes, spasms are eliminated, and metabolic processes are restored.

Chest massage is aimed at normalizing the work of the chest muscles and respiratory muscles. This improves ventilation of the lungs and makes it possible to eliminate various diseases of the respiratory system.

What is chest massage

The muscle tissue of the chest is represented by: the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, rectus and oblique, which are located on the abdomen. In addition, in the intercostal spaces there are also outer and inner layers of muscles.

Chest massage is used for respiratory diseases or cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. In this case, various techniques for influencing soft tissue can be used. Everything will depend on the disease and the degree of damage to the internal organs. But it is also worth noting that, in general, massage procedures are prescribed by the attending physician during the period of pain relief or after the end of the acute period of the disease.

Thoracic massage is a special manipulation with which the treatment process is carried out.

After all, it is special massage movements that make it possible to increase the elasticity of the lungs, increase blood circulation, strengthen the muscle corset and accelerate the resorption of congestive infiltrates.

And due to the fact that there are a large number of sweat glands in the chest area, the skin easily gathers into folds, thereby facilitating the massage procedure.

Massage for diseases of the respiratory system

Massage procedures for respiratory diseases are used in combination with other methods of treatment, accelerating the healing process. After all, it is massage in the chest area that can reduce the effect of drugs that expand the bronchi. Massage movements contribute to the penetration of bronchospasmolytic agents, normalizing the acid state in bronchitis or pneumonia.

The massage procedure gives the best effect if it is carried out 1 - 2 hours before therapeutic exercises. This will relax the muscles of the chest, after which the gymnastic movements will strengthen the effect of the massage.

Naturally, when massaging the chest, the patient is laid on his back. In this case, the arms are along the body, and the legs are placed together. But during the procedure, the patient can be laid face down. This is done to massage the back in the thoracic spine to act on the back of the chest.

Massage begins with the study of the nasolabial triangle and slowly descends to the chest. In this case, the patient can close his eyes to completely relax all the muscles. First of all, the massage therapist begins to perform stroking movements, which are a preparatory process for the main manipulation on the chest. Stroking is carried out using circular movements on the pectoralis major muscle from the sternum up. Then the lateral muscle tissue is worked out towards the armpits, where the lymph nodes are located, which makes it possible to increase the lymph flow.

Next, the masseur performs rubbing. With one hand, he moves in a circular motion from the collarbone to the armpit, and with the other from the sternum to the shoulder. Then, while kneading, they massage the serratus muscle, going up to the collarbone. Such movements can be performed with the patient lying on their side or sitting on a chair. Also in this position, the lateral muscles of the chest can be worked out. In this case, the massage therapist is behind the patient's back and acts with his fingers in the area of ​​​​the ribs in the direction from the sternum to the thoracic spine.

And at the end of the massage, the specialist again uses stroking movements to calm the chest muscles, and moves to the back area. For this, the patient is placed face down. In this case, the head should be slightly lowered, and the arms bent at the elbows and fixed in the forehead. If the patient is lying face down, then the masseur puts a small pillow near the abdomen in the area where the ribs end, and also performs rubbing movements with his palms.

Massage for osteochondrosis

Massage for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is performed in various positions. This can be either sitting on a chair or lying on your stomach. In this case, specialists also use stroking and rubbing movements, which are carried out more intensively. Kneading is performed three to four times per session, such movements alternate with light stroking of the back and neck.

Begin the massage from the forearm, going down to the shoulder blades. They act by rubbing, kneading and squeezing the large pectoral muscles. The neck area is massaged very gently and slowly, mainly with stroking movements.. They can also use not only the fingers, but also the edge of the palm.

Fingertips perform circular movements along the thoracic spine. Next, the patient needs to lower his head a little down so that the massage therapist performs manipulations on both sides of the neck with both hands at the same time. Each movement should alternate with stroking. After all, only in this case, you can expect positive results from massage.

In conclusion, the patient's hand is bent behind the back and massaged in the area between the shoulder blades, also using kneading, rubbing and squeezing. After that, the patient is turned on his back and the massage is continued in the chest area.

Percussion massage is used in case of great physical exertion or as a result of surgical interventions that worsen a person's condition, making it difficult to breathe deeply.

The patient is placed on the table first face up, while the hands are placed on the chest. Then, tapping movements are performed on the hands, in the area under the collarbone and at the bottom of the costal arch. If the massage is performed in the supine position, then the blows are applied between the shoulder blades.

Next, the masseur fixes his hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs, as if clasping them. And then, on inspiration, directs them to the thoracic spine, and on exhalation, on the contrary, to the sternum, while squeezing the chest. Therefore, when performing percussion massage, the specialist must give signals to the patient on inhalation and exhalation.

Such procedures can improve not only the general condition of the patient, but also have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory process.

Massage of the thoracic (and cervico-thoracic) spine is indicated for various degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the back. For example, it is extremely effective in terms of relieving pain in osteochondrosis, scoliosis and pinched nerves.

The main thing is the massage technique, on which the effectiveness of the treatment depends. If the massage is done incorrectly, then we can only expect an aggravation of the disease and various injuries / sprains of the back muscles.

1 Indications for massage of the thoracic spine

Massage procedures are good because they can be done without any indications, just to relax the muscles and improve well-being. However, there are direct indications for massage (in the form of pathologies), in particular on the thoracic spine.

Indications for chest massage:

  1. Osteochondrosis of any stage (including).
  2. The presence of protrusion or intervertebral hernia (only classical massage is allowed, not manual).
  3. In the presence of pathological kyphosis or.
  4. at all stages.
  5. Very gently massage is allowed to be performed in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease).
  6. The presence of a pronounced spasm of the muscular corset.
  7. Impaired respiratory function against the background of osteochondrosis (spasm of the muscles of the diaphragm, moderate deformities of the sternum).
  8. Stiffness in movements of the back, including in the neck (since the thoracic and cervical regions are connected, forming the cervicothoracic segment).
  9. After moderate or medium closed back injuries in the thoracic region (in case of severe injuries, massage is prohibited in the first weeks due to possible aggravation).

1.1 Contraindications for massage of the thoracic spine

A seemingly safe procedure may be prohibited under various pathological conditions. Contraindications are relative and absolute. The latter are usually lifelong, but relative ones can be ignored in some cases, but only with the permission of a doctor.

List of contraindications:

2 What is the effect?

If the massage is done correctly, then the result will not be long in coming. It will be in any case, but it is impossible to guarantee a really powerful effect. Massage procedures help to cure various diseases of the thoracic spine, but in what way?

Effects of massage treatments:

  1. Improvement of regional (at the place of the procedure) blood circulation and, as a result, blood filling of tissues (bone, articular, soft).
  2. Elimination of stiffness of movements in the back, including due to the partial or complete elimination of spasm of the muscular corset.
  3. Elimination of pain syndrome (usually partial) of various etiologies (causes), including inflammatory, traumatic, dystrophic and degenerative.
  4. Removal of spasm of small vessels, due to which the flow of nutrients to the tissues of the back is enhanced. This leads to an improvement in the functioning of the mechanisms of regeneration and local immune response.
  5. Reducing the risk of infection, which is especially important for osteochondrosis and spondylosis, in which a weakened spine is susceptible to infectious diseases.

3 Basic rules for conducting

There are several main rules for thoracic massage. Their implementation minimizes the risks of injury and increases the effectiveness of the entire therapy. Failure to comply with the rules can lead to a lack of results and to an increase in the course of the underlying disease.

Rules for chest massage:

  • the procedure should be performed only with a moderate course of the disease, or during its remission; in the acute phase, such manipulations are prohibited and often simply impossible (due to compensatory spasm of the back muscles);
  • the first 2-3 sessions of procedures should be as sparing as possible, especially if the patient attends such manipulations for the first time - you need to give the body time to get used to;
  • during the procedure, young patients should work out the muscle fibers of the back as much as possible, while elderly people need to work out the spinous processes;
  • against the background of massage procedures, it is recommended to undergo physiotherapeutic treatment, electrophoresis and diadynamic therapy are especially useful (not always, but in most cases);
  • in the presence of compression fractures of the spine and if the patient has osteoporosis, the procedure should not be carried out at all (if there is no other way out, then excessively intense exposure to the back should be avoided).

4 Massage technique of the thoracic spine: movements

How to do chest massage correctly? What movements are most preferred? You can’t get far on the description of movements alone, you can’t learn anything without practice. Nevertheless, before resorting to practice, it is still recommended to familiarize yourself with the theoretical side of the issue.

Thoracic massage technique:

  1. The procedure should begin with stroking. They should not be too sluggish, but not too intense. Remember - at this stage we are only preparing the patient's muscles for subsequent manipulations.
  2. Next, you should carry out "squeezing". Squeeze the upper layer of the back muscles with your fingers as if you were kneading dough. But do not overdo it - the patient may feel pain, and bruising may occur after the procedure.
  3. Next, you need a warm-up. Pinch the top layer of muscle for 2-4 minutes. This will prepare the body for the next stage and relax it after the previous one.
  4. Now you need a little shaking. Place your palms on the patient's back and, as it were, pull them (palms) from side to side with low amplitude. In this case, the patient's body should sway slightly.
  5. It remains only to finish the procedure with stroking, as at the very beginning of the manipulations. After that, let the patient lie down for 10-20 minutes, because if he gets up immediately after the massage, dizziness or nausea may occur.

4.1 Where is it made and how much does it cost?

You can, of course, ask your loved ones to give yourself a massage or even purchase some kind of product for such purposes. But the effectiveness of such therapy will be extremely low. It is much easier to turn to specialists who have experience in such manipulations (if the goal is not relaxation, but treatment).

You can contact either special massage parlors or medical institutions. There are masseurs at hospitals and clinics, but there are especially many of them in rehabilitation centers specializing specifically in therapeutic massages.

The cost of one massage session of the thoracic region is on average 250-500 rubles. With the use of various oils that warm the muscles and various equipment (usually physiotherapy), the price can increase to 500-1000 rubles.

To achieve acceptable results in most diseases, 12-14 massage sessions are enough (it is advisable to do them every other day / two).

4.2 Thoracic massage technique (video)

Cells is a rather delicate procedure, which is not recommended to be performed without certain skills and knowledge, especially for women. However, a properly performed procedure has a very positive effect on overall health.

Rubbing performed by a professional chiropractor is useful not only for bronchitis and pneumonia, but also for general healing. When there is a mechanical effect on the pectoral muscles, the tissues begin to be more actively supplied with oxygen.

Their lymphatic drainage and blood circulation are optimized, healing takes place at the cellular level. Sometimes such procedures demonstrate an even more pronounced therapeutic effect than conventional drug treatment.

So, how should vibration and other chest massage be performed, and what effects can this procedure provide to you?

Benefits of a Properly Performed Chest Rub

The objective advantage of percussion chest massage is its powerful cleansing and relaxing effect. For example, during bronchitis, such a procedure helps to remove sputum that accumulates in the lungs, relieve inflammation and calm the cough. Such a massage is necessary for severe or mild chest deformity, however, in this case, the intervention of a professional is mandatory.

What will give you a properly performed chest massage:

  • General relaxation and sedation;
  • Stimulation of the blood supply to the lungs;
  • Tonization of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Strengthening the nutrition of the heart muscle with oxygen and other substances valuable for its functioning;
  • Increased endurance;
  • Adjustment of the respiratory process (breathing will become deeper, even, voluminous).

When rubbing is performed in a circular motion, the vessels that feed the muscle tissue expand. As a result, it becomes more elastic and elastic, improves its nutrition and blood supply.

Oddly enough, such manipulations are very useful for the female breast, that is, the mammary glands. Under such influences, they are also filled with blood and nutrients. There is a powerful prevention of various neoplasms, including malignant ones. However, it is important to know that the technique of manual exposure should be very soft, gentle and delicate. In another case, if you touch certain nodes, you can achieve a direct opposite effect.

Vibration and percussion breast massage is performed for a whole range of diseases in order to treat or neutralize them.

What pathologies are affected?

Breast massage can be performed for specific indications. Usually the referral is given by the attending or supervising physician.

This procedure demonstrates excellent results with an impressive list of diseases.

For example, it is very relevant when:

  • Pathologies due to which sputum expectoration is difficult - cystic fibrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma;
  • Deformities of certain parts of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, the chest - kyphosis, scoliosis, impaired posture;
  • Cardiovascular disorders, such as myocardial dystrophy, arterial hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia.

Very often, this practice is relevant in the rehabilitation period after severe injuries and falls.

It can also be used as a preventive measure for certain suspicions or already cured pathologies that tend to recur. For example, it is better to perform a chest massage with bronchitis not only in its acute phase, but also in the chronic course. Thus, the disease will recede faster, and its periodic renewals are gradually neutralized.

But this has its own nuances. For example, it is better to postpone chest massage for pneumonia if at this stage the patient is in an exacerbation phase. In addition, the severe pain syndrome characteristic of this condition may well interfere with the manipulation. When carrying out manual exposure, a person must be calm without fail, he should not be disturbed by excruciating pains and other symptoms from the respiratory system.

Terms and Conditions

It is advisable to perform chest massage with a professional, or under his guidance, especially the first sessions.

During manual manipulations, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Cheerfulness and normal mood of the patient (you should not be depressed, upset or scared, exactly like your child if the massage is performed by him);
  • With bronchitis, it is advisable to perform such procedures after daytime or nighttime sleep, since at this time the greatest amount of sputum accumulates in the bronchi, which should be removed as soon as possible;
  • It is important to carry out manipulations before meals, so as not to provoke negative reactions from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • A massage table is an important, but not a necessary condition for a health-improving procedure. But the normal air temperature in the room where these manipulations are carried out is very important. In addition, normal ventilation should be organized so as not to provoke shortness of breath and other negative "side effects";
  • You must have a normal body temperature - neither fever nor subfebrile condition in this case are allowed.

The type of massage and the technique of its implementation is selected by a specialist, in accordance with your current needs, indications and contraindications.

Types of "breast" massage

If we talk about the varieties of this technique, they are as follows:

  • percussion or vibration- the easiest technique that can be produced independently, and will take no more than a few minutes of your time. True, if you are doing it for yourself, you will need third-party help. This type of massage is carried out with the help of fingertips, which are tapped in certain parts of the back and chest. Manipulations activate the bronchi, as a result of which their active purification from sputum begins. Very often, such actions are carried out by young mothers for their children suffering from bronchitis;
  • Spot. This technique came to us from Ancient China, and until some time was not recognized by our experts. Today it is practiced in official medicine, especially pulmonology, and sometimes shows impressive results in the treatment of bronchial asthma;
  • Drainage. It is carried out in a certain position of the body. It is aimed at the active removal of sputum and the normalization of lymphatic drainage in the lungs. Often given to children. Usually, doctors advise taking an expectorant before performing a therapeutic drainage massage in order to enhance and accelerate its effect;
  • Classic. This technique is usually not performed separately, but is included in the general classical massage. It is used for various spasms, deformities, myalgia. It is often used in the rehabilitation process after injuries and severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, classical massage has always been an element of restorative, healing and preventive therapy.

Most often, massages are prescribed by neurologists or therapists. However, it may also be recommended by a pulmonologist or orthopedist.

Can I massage myself?

It is strongly not recommended to learn such manipulations from scratch. You should visit a doctor at least once before embarking on such actions yourself. It is best that someone close to you helps you - normal self-massage in this case will not work out almost guaranteed. Therefore, you should not take risks and do it yourself - try to organize the participation of a knowledgeable person.

Try performing a chest massage on another person:

  • Place your hands on your upper chest so that they are located approximately near the collarbone;
  • Start leading them along the sternum away from you, moving towards the stomach;
  • Where the ribs end, move your palms to the sides and down;
  • Perform several of these manipulations;
  • Again, draw your hands from the collarbones to the waist and begin to spread your fingers at the ribs, “pushing” them between the hollows;
  • Repeat the movement, capturing more and more edges;
  • Massage the pectoral muscle with classic movements;
  • Ask the person to lower their head down and arch their back. Reach your hands to his shoulder blades and massage this part, moving towards the neck.

To make the massage easier, use oil.

Vibration chest massage for children is an additional way to treat diseases of the lower respiratory system. Babies up to a year have an immature respiratory system, as a result of which even minor inflammatory processes in the bronchi can cause congestion, accumulation of mucus. To eliminate excess sputum, along with taking medications, vibration massage of the chest for children is used. This procedure helps to alleviate the condition, speeds up recovery.

Bronchitis is a serious disease with complications. With this ailment, chest massage is not allowed for children under six months of age. You can not do it with an inflammatory process in the larynx, which are accompanied by hyperthermia. If the procedure is carried out without following the rules, the condition worsens.

With inflammation of the bronchi, inhibition of the cough reflex is often noted, as a result of which sputum is difficult to separate and excrete from the organs. The secret stagnates, sinks lower into the lungs. Among the types of massage, vibromassage of the chest for children is popular among parents, as it improves breathing in diseases of the lower respiratory system. Thanks to medical procedures, they get rid of bronchial spasms, sputum is removed from the lungs quickly, this is a good prevention of complications.

Vibration massage improves blood microcirculation, improves the functioning of the muscular apparatus. With its help, the protective function of the bronchi, lungs, and respiratory tract is strengthened.

Terms and Conditions

Bronchitis with the right approach is treated comprehensively. Medicines, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, massage are used. Regular massage relieves the condition in acute and chronic bronchitis. The pediatrician himself prescribes this type of supportive therapy to the child to help him recover faster.

Before the age of six months, it is not allowed to do the procedure. Do not do it with influenza, hyperthermia, hypersensitivity of the skin.

Manipulations are carried out one hour before meals. Conduct a session in a cool room, the temperature does not exceed 22 degrees. 30 minutes before the start, the child takes an expectorant drug that helps further thin the accumulated sputum, and then drink a warm drink to clear the mucus.

General rules for conducting:

  • Do vibration massage for children no more than twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  • Conduct a session one hour before feeding the baby, two hours after he ate, so as not to additionally burden the digestive system.
  • Manipulations are done an hour before they are put to bed (so that the mucus that starts to come out and cough does not interfere with normal sleep).
  • The duration of therapy is half an hour, no more.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure at the stage when the cough becomes productive - wet, otherwise there will be no complete expectoration of sputum. Massage for children is an additional method of treating bronchitis, which is used in combination with medications.

When not to do

The procedure for children is not allowed in such situations:

  • Hyperthermia;
  • Skin lesions of allergic and purulent origin;
  • Severe forms of malnutrition;
  • Very low weight;
  • Diseases of the muscular system, lymphatic system, bone and articular in the acute stage;
  • Acute processes in the body of infectious etiology (whooping cough, tuberculosis);
  • Diseases of the urinary system and liver in acute form;
  • Congenital heart defects;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Hernia of the navel or scrotum.

If there are any of the listed contraindications, you can not do massage for children.

How is the procedure for babies

Depending on age, there are two types of massage. In children under one year old, the skin is very sensitive, the vertebrae are fragile, so you need to do the procedure through the palm of your hand. Her mother can do it herself, armed with the necessary knowledge and information. The baby is placed on the stomach, on the mother's knees, the skin is gently massaged in the direction from the shoulders to the buttocks. These activities improve blood circulation. Next, the back is processed with vaseline or another.

They put their palm along the spinal column of the crumbs, then methodically tap the fist of the second hand. The same actions are on the other side of the spinal column. The procedure begins with smooth manipulations, gradually they become more rhythmic and dynamic. Tapping with a fist alternates with clapping with the edge of the palm.

Instead of tapping with a fist or the edge of the palm, it is possible to lightly tap the intercostal space with the fingertips in children (video). Chest manipulation is not carried out. The duration of one procedure does not exceed five minutes, then the child is given the opportunity to cough.

Technique for older children

Technique older than one year is carried out without additional laying of the palm. He lies on his stomach or sits (watching cartoons). The session begins with tingling of the skin, the direction of movement is from the lower back to the shoulder girdle. Then they tap along the spinal column with a hand bent into a fist, the direction is from the middle of the back to the shoulders. Each manipulation is carried out at least 30 times (video).

Sharp tapping is replaced by stroking, this technique helps to improve the circulation of the blood fluid and disperses congestion, helps to separate the accumulated sputum from the surface of the mucosa and brings it out.

At the end of the stroking movements, they start cutting with the help of the edge of the palm. Such manipulations are carried out along the spinal column, moving away to the lateral ribs. At the end of the massage, pat on the back, put on a warm blouse.

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