Colposcopy - diagnostics of female genital organs. Iodine test Schiller test positive what does it mean

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The Schiller test is a gynecological examination, the peculiarity of which is the staining of the vagina and cervix with iodine-containing drugs to detect affected areas. The method lies in the fact that in the absence of pathologies, the epithelium includes glycogen that absorbs iodine, it turns brown. With various kinds of diseases, a decrease in glycogen occurs, as a result, the color does not appear.


In gynecology, colposcopy together with the Schiller test is recognized as mandatory in the case of preventive medical examinations.

In addition, this technique is prescribed in the following situations:

  • spotting after sexual contact;
  • together with a biopsy to study the condition of the genital organs;
  • in the presence of papillomavirus;
  • when checking for malignant tumors and precancerous condition;
  • in the presence of various inflammatory processes;
  • as a control of various therapeutic procedures related to the cervix;
  • before planning a pregnancy.

This test is also performed when itching, unusual discharge, or chronic infectious diseases appear.

Thanks to the Schiller test, a gynecologist can detect many diseases of the cervix, which at the initial stages proceed without pronounced symptoms.

The test performed so well that many do not even think that the results obtained may not always be accurate. But the procedure has disadvantages, this is due to the following factors:

  • the epithelium does not in all cases react with iodine present in Lugol's solution;
  • after menopause, the upper female layers of the uterus become thinner and stop staining;
  • due to an incorrectly placed speculum, there is a possibility of injury to the epithelial layers.

But these factors occur quite rarely, and when choosing a quality clinic, their probability is reduced to zero.


A procedure such as the Schiller test has gained great popularity in gynecology due to the fact that there are practically no contraindications to its implementation. The contraindication is that the procedure is not desirable to be performed within 2-3 months after childbirth or abortion. In addition, the Schiller test is contraindicated after surgical interventions and in the presence of an allergy to the drugs used.

Preparation for the procedure

Before performing the test, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory manipulations:

  1. For 2 days, it is required to refuse sexual contact.
  2. 24 hours before the procedure, it is forbidden to douche and use candles with tampons. It is not advisable to apply gels and ointments to the area being examined.
  3. Before the procedure, you need to take a shower, refusing to use gels and soaps.
  4. The ideal time to perform the test is the beginning of the monthly cycle or immediately after the end of menstruation.

The doctor is obliged to warn the patient about the algorithm of actions for preparation during the initial visit to the clinic.


The test is carried out using a solution consisting of iodine, potassium iodide and distilled water.

During the test, the doctor opens the woman's cervix using speculums. Further, using a swab, the cervix is ​​​​cleaned of the secretions and mucus present. Having finished with this, Lugol's solution is injected.

This solution should be in such an amount that the cervix is ​​completely immersed in it. In a number of situations, the area under study is lubricated with a swab, which is pre-wetted in a composition consisting of glycerin and Lugol's solution. Next, the solution is removed, and the treated area is dried using a cotton swab. The technique of the procedure ends with another examination of the condition of the cervix.

The result will be in 5 minutes, the procedure itself is painless, so anesthesia is not used. But finding the solution in the vagina can cause some discomfort.

It makes no sense to conduct a test at every visit to the gynecologist. It is sufficient to perform the Schiller test once a year. If a woman is diagnosed with some kind of disease, then it is considered necessary to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a year until the test is negative.

Deciphering the results

After interpreting the results, the doctor will inform the patient of the results of the Schiller test, they can be either positive or negative.

If a woman has no diseases, then during the procedure, the medicinal composition will uniformly stain all treated areas in a dark brown color. This state can be defined as positive. In the case of uneven coloring, affected areas are highlighted.

By deciphering the data obtained after the Schiller test, the following pathological processes are distinguished:

  • light dots or zones that have a rounded shape indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • uneven staining may indicate the presence of an atrophic form of vaginitis.

The negative value of the sample indicates the presence of human papillomavirus and cervical leukoplakia in the female body. There are also cases of weakly positive results, they indicate an incorrect procedure or that the woman could not properly prepare for the study. As a result, we can conclude that the color of the tissues, which is weakly expressed, is a reason for re-performing the study.

When analyzing the result of the Schiller test, as a rule, certain factors are analyzed:

  • color and structure of vessels;
  • reaction to the solution;
  • surfaces and levels of the epithelium;
  • fabric joints.

If, as a result of the study, the presence of an inflammatory process in the body was diagnosed, then the doctor may prescribe another Pisarev-Schiller test. This test will use iodized solution and calcium. With the help of this study, the status of neglect of the pathology is determined. The depth of the inflammatory lesion in this case is measured using points.

It should be noted that the Schiller-Pisarev test is widely used in dentistry. The purpose of this procedure in the dental field is to stain the glycogen contained in the gum. If, after washing off the special solution, the color is weak or absent, this is good - there is no inflammatory process. If the color is pronounced, then this is bad and means that there is inflammation in the gums and you need to start therapy immediately. This study is painless, so even a child can survive it without crying.

The Schiller test is a research method that will identify serious gynecological pathologies that can leave a significant mark on human health. Therefore, you should find time once a year to conduct this study. Professional gynecologists themselves must control the frequency of the patient passing the Schiller test.

Cervical tissue cells in their natural state, corresponding to the norm, must contain glycogen, which has the ability to absorb iodine. When staining is manipulated, the epithelium takes on a dark brown color. If no color changes occur or they are very mild, then the carbohydrate content is low, which indicates a possible pathology.

The Schiller test is done during an extensive colposcopy, representing one of its stages. Its essence is to find atypical areas with a negative reaction to iodine, which consists of a substance (3% Lugol solution), which is applied to the area being examined. Diagnostics is widely used, allowing you to identify viral infections and even flat condyloma.

It is important to take into account the fact that with such a diagnosis there is a high probability of errors. If the gynecologist, when installing the mirror, accidentally caused slight damage to the uterus, then upon examination, the results of the iodinated test may be positive due to the inability of the epithelium with injuries to stain.

The process of the procedure

How the test is done

Only a qualified specialist can make a Schiller test, usually in a clinic. In the process of colposcopy, with the help of special mirrors, the cervix is ​​exposed and cleaned of possible secretions with a cotton swab. 10-15 mg of the substance is taken (composition: pure iodine, potassium iodide and distilled water) and injected into the lower segment of the uterus. A minute after the examination, iodine is removed and the area under examination is blotted with a napkin.

If the cells got an even dark brown color, then this means that the woman is healthy. With pale and uneven staining, it is necessary to describe the iodine-negative focus. If light specks are found on a dark background, then this is inflammation. A pale color indicates the presence of atrophic vaginitis. For leukoplakia, precancerous and cancerous pathologies of the cervix, a negative test result is characteristic.

You can have sex after the procedure, but the dark discharge will only go away the next day.

Manipulation takes about 5 minutes, without causing discomfort or pain.

The test has the only drawback - inaccuracy. To make a 100% diagnosis, additional tests (scraping, biopsy) are needed.


  • cancer of the lower segment of the uterus,
  • dysplasia.

All girls who are sexually active should undergo regular examination with an iodine test.


There are no contraindications to the analysis, but the patient must be aware of a possible allergic reaction to iodine.

Prices and clinics

The Schiller test can be done at any gynecological clinic during a scheduled consultation with a doctor.

Alternative names: Schiller's test, Schiller's iodine test.

Schiller's test is one of the stages of extended colposcopy. The first stage is the treatment of the cervical epithelium with a weak solution of acetic acid. The second stage is the Schiller test itself. This test is based on the following fact: the epithelial cells of the cervix normally contain glycogen, which actively absorbs iodine and is stained due to this in a dark brown color. In some pathological processes, the accumulation of glycogen in cells is disrupted, due to which the cells stain with iodine poorly or do not stain at all.

The Schiller test is a type of chromodiagnostics - the study of the cervix by staining it with various dyes. This test is performed more often during a preventive gynecological examination of women of childbearing age.


The Schiller test is performed during a gynecological examination during a colposcopy.

The indications for it are:

  • suspected neoplastic diseases of the cervix;
  • menopause;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • cervical cancer.

It is recommended that all women undergo a Schiller test during regular preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once a year. In women at risk, the test is carried out more often - 2-3 times a year.


The Schiller test is not performed for patients who have individual iodine intolerance.

How is the Schiller test performed?

The cervix is ​​exposed through vaginal mirrors. A regular colposcopy is performed. With a cotton ball, the neck is cleaned of mucus and secretions. 10-15 ml of Lugol's solution is injected into the vagina (the neck is completely immersed in the solution). Or the neck is treated with a swab moistened with 3% Lugol's solution with glycerin.

After a minute, the solution is removed, the neck is dried with cotton balls or a napkin. This is followed by a re-examination of the cervix.

Interpretation of results

In normal healthy women, when the cervix is ​​treated with Lugol's solution, the epithelium is uniformly stained in a dark brown color, almost black (iodine-positive test). At the same time, the endocervix (the epithelium of the inner part of the cervix) does not stain with the Schiller test.

In the absence of staining or unevenness, the area and shape of iodine-negative foci are described in the colposcopy protocol.

Foci in the form of light specks or rounded foci on an even dark brown background indicate an inflammatory process in the cervix. With atrophic vaginitis, weak uneven staining is noted. A negative Schiller test is noted in the area of ​​the bottom of cervical erosion.

A negative Schiller test can also be observed in the colposcopic form of cervical leukoplakia. With papillomavirus infection, areas of stratified squamous epithelium are detected, unevenly stained with iodine.

A negative Schiller test is characteristic of precancerous diseases of the cervix and cervical cancer.

Additional Information

The Schiller test is an integral part of extended colposcopy. Based on the results of this test, a decision can be made to perform a chromocolposcopy or colpomicroscopy.

The advantage of this research method lies in the simplicity of its implementation, which allows it to be used as a screening method. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the relatively low informative value in terms of making a diagnosis - to make an accurate diagnosis, a scraping of the cervix should be done, followed by microscopy. Or conduct a biopsy of the cervical tissue with subsequent histological examination.

A comprehensive examination, including the Schiller test, will help determine the further tactics for the treatment of cervical diseases.


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