Supernumerary wisdom teeth. Supernumerary tooth. Dental disease caries and its complications

Normally, a baby grows 20 milk teeth, then 32 permanent ones appear in their place, including eights. But sometimes more teeth erupt. Such an anomaly is called hyperdontia and polyodontia, and the extra dental units themselves are called supernumerary. The supernumerary tooth differs from the rest in shape and position in oral cavity.

The danger of this pathology

As a rule, extra units grow outside the dentition, which affects the appearance of a person. They are especially visible when smiling or communicating. In some cases, even with a closed mouth, a person has protruding lips or a protruding jaw that does not close. In the presence of supernumerary teeth lisp and speech problems appear.

Hyperdontia also affects the formation of bite. After all, with such a pathology, there are difficulties with chewing and biting off food, in addition, there is a displacement of the molars. Due to excess dental elements, there are problems with the implementation of permanent hygiene procedures in the oral cavity. And without proper care, various diseases of the oral cavity appear.

Quite often, the mucosa is exposed to damage in supernumerary teeth, which leads to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Because of the units, a person’s dentition is formed incorrectly and the bite is disturbed.

Supernumerary teeth: causes of appearance

The exact cause of this anomaly is still unknown. However, scientists suggest that polyodontia occurs as a result of splitting of the tooth germ or as an atavism.

The appearance of extra bone formations in the mouth is explained by the fact that dental system tries to return to the original number of units that were laid down by nature. Our ancestors on top and mandibles 6 incisors were present. That is why many doctors are inclined to believe that hyperdontia in some people is nothing more than an atavism.

According to another hypothesis, extra dental units appear when the tooth germs are split. Hyperdontia in this case appears due to a violation of the development of the jaws of the unborn baby in the embryonic period. A supernumerary tooth may also appear due to poor ecology, viral infections, use by the future mother of drugs and alcohol, prohibited medicines during pregnancy and other factors.

Scientists continue to investigate the reasons for this anomaly. They cannot accurately explain the development of polyodontia, but most of them tend to the second hypothesis.

Many people with hyperdontia have only one extra tooth, but in 25% of cases several such elements are observed at once, most often located in the dentition. At the same time, approximately every fifth person with this pathology has a supernumerary impacted tooth.

Varieties of hyperdontia

Such an anomaly is classified into species according to several criteria. Allocate hyperdontia:

  • atypical. Supernumerary units appear outside the alveolar sockets, the dentition, and sometimes even outside the oral cavity.
  • false. The development of polyodontia is associated with the eruption of fused or double bone formations, as well as with a delay in the loss of milk teeth.
  • True. The formation of supernumerary indigenous units is observed.
  • Atavistic (typical). Additional dental elements are located within the dentition.

The main symptoms of polyodontia

Eruption of supernumerary units may have different signs in children and adults. For example, some babies are already born with such teeth. It becomes very difficult to feed them, as they breastfeeding injure the nipple.

When a supernumerary tooth grows in an older child, symptoms such as:

  • the appearance of pain at the site of eruption;
  • temperature rise;
  • in rare cases- stomach upset;
  • swelling of the upper respiratory tract;
  • salivation.

The most difficult to tolerate is the eruption of excess dental elements on upper sky. When the baby begins to talk, polyodontia has a bad effect on the pronunciation of sounds. On top of that, the tongue and oral mucosa are constantly injured, which provokes the development of inflammatory processes.

How to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of teething extra teeth?

This is true for young children, since adults in most cases do not feel any discomfort when additional dental elements appear in the mouth. Since a supernumerary tooth erupts with the same symptoms as a milk tooth, treatment possible complications will be the same.

If a child has raised teeth during the eruption of extra teeth heat, you should give him "Ibuprofen" or "Paracetamol" in the form of a suspension for oral administration. These medications help not only reduce the temperature, but also eliminate pain, as well as symptoms of inflammation of the soft tissues of the palate or gums.

It is also recommended to use when eruption of a supernumerary tooth local funds with an anesthetic effect in the form of an ointment or gel: "Solcoseryl", "Dentinoks" and "Kalgel". They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Babies over 2 years old are allowed to be treated with alternative medicine: bee products(propolis and honey), decoctions from medicinal herbs(calendula, chamomile, lemon balm). It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with solutions made according to folk recipes. They're filming discomfort and prevent inflammation. But before such treatment, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

Sometimes temporary tooth supernumerary erupts only partially, and part of its crown remains in the tissues of the jaw. To make this rudiment grow, they carry out special massage, vibration or electrical stimulation.

Diagnostic measures

To detect an excess number of teeth in the oral cavity, it is enough for the dentist to perform visual inspection and listen to the person's complaints. But if the supernumerary unit has not cut through, the specialist conducts x-rays to fully study the picture. This study allows you to visualize all dental elements, even supernumerary ones, and also to find out the features of their location.

If it is necessary to study the problem area in different planes, as well as to detect inflammatory processes, the specialist conducts additional diagnostics using computed tomography.

Elimination of pathology

The treatment of hyperdontia depends on many factors - the inclination and location of the supernumerary tooth, the degree of disturbance that it provokes, as well as the period of bite formation.

Extraction of a supernumerary tooth is performed in the following situations:

  • The extra unit is cut in place
  • Additional bone formation caused the formation of both deep and open.
  • Supernumerary dental elements are impacted, and there is no chance of their eruption (distal, medial, vestibular or palatal tilt).

By the way, quite often, just removing an extra tooth is not enough. To restore the integrity of the dentition, resort to the use of orthodontic appliances.

Removal of an impacted supernumerary tooth

Extraction of an extra dental unit is a surgical procedure, therefore, it is carried out only in dental clinic. Before performing this procedure, it is not recommended to use anticoagulants and alcoholic drinks. The day before the removal of an extra unit, the doctor carefully analyzes the results of computed tomography or radiography.

Anesthesia for the extraction of a supernumerary tooth

This procedure is very painful, so the patient is selected based on the volume surgical intervention, general condition the patient and his age.

When performing the extraction of a supernumerary tooth in a child not older than 10 years, it is preferable to do general anesthesia especially in traumatic interventions. In the event that a person has nervous disorders, diseases of cardio-vascular system, it is imperative that the extraction of an unnecessary dental unit is carried out in the clinic under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia indicated for children from 10-12 years old, and even in cases where the operation is not too complicated.

Before removing a supernumerary tooth, the dentist first of all makes an incision in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit location. As a result, detachment of the mucoperiosteal flap occurs. The dentist then performs the removal of the unwanted tooth unit.

The void that occurs after extraction, the dentist, if necessary, fills with bone artificial material. Then he puts the detached flap in place and carefully sews everything up.

The patient returns home the same day. Of course, within a few weeks he will have to be observed by a specialist. To avoid postoperative complications prescribed an antibiotic. To speed up the healing of the hole, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with antiseptics, for example, chamomile decoction or furatsilin.

Supernumerary teeth - an anomaly in the development of dental and jaw system, which is based on the excess of the number of teeth in the oral cavity. The norm is 20 milk and 32 permanent teeth. Additional teeth are localized in front of the dentition, but there are exceptions when near last teeth others are cut. To save the patient from this pathology of the dentition, it is necessary to carry out treatment, which is based on the removal of excess processes. Polyodontia occurs in both adults and children.

The reasons

As for the causes of this pathology, it is very difficult to name them, but in modern dentistry There are some assumptions about this:

  1. Atavism. Few doctors adhere to this theory, since it is based on the echoes of time. She is also unable to explain why polyodontia occurs both at the beginning and at the end of the dentition.
  2. Incorrect embryonic development. Many doctors believe that during the period of uterine development, the fetus split the plate into a large number of parts, which provoked this pathology. This theory explains the appearance of additional teeth at the end of the dentition. However, she is not able to explain why some people have extra teeth, but some rudiments are missing.
  3. There are experts who are of the opinion that the anomaly occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy, when the body of a pregnant woman was given Negative influence.

The above reasons are rather conditional and therefore they cannot be considered correct when making a diagnosis.


Extra teeth that appear at the beginning of the dentition, similar to incisors or fangs, can be left if they do not disturb the bite. These teeth are also susceptible various diseases and pathologies of the oral cavity. Treatment in such a situation is standard methods. Be sure the tooth is treated with a drill, and the cavity is filled filling material, then illumination is carried out.

In most situations, the fate of supernumerary teeth depends on the pathology of the bite. If they have a negative impact on the bite, a violation is noted, then mandatory removal is required. It is worth considering the fact that the removal of such teeth is carried out only after the formation of the root system has occurred. permanent teeth.

If the extraction of an additional tooth is carried out earlier, then this can provoke a violation and damage to growth. normal tooth, which will arise with a defect or not cut through at all. If there is an overlay of the growth zones of these two teeth, then the removal is carried out urgently.

There are cases when an abnormal tooth is located inside the jaw, but even in this situation, it can have a negative impact on a number of teeth. Removal at the same time becomes more complicated, due to the location inside the bone, as well as due to the unusual shape and number of roots. An x-ray will always help the specialist to correctly determine where the tooth is located. Pictures are taken in several projections.

How to extract a tooth that is inside the jaw?

  • Is being done local anesthesia. In rare cases, the patient may also be injected with anesthesia.
  • Using a radiograph, the specialist determines the location of the tooth and cuts out the mucoperiosteal flap to provide full access.
  • The specialist qualitatively and accurately exposes the periosteum.
  • With the help of a drill, the dentist forms a cavity in the bone tissue, that is, makes an approach.
  • After the approach is made, the specialist removes the tooth from the jaw, and the cavity is filled with medicine so that the bone quickly recovers and heals.
  • The flap is returned to its place and sutures are made.
  • The patient is given specific advice regarding proper care wounds after surgery. It is advised to rinse the mouth with Chlorhexidine.

If you experience severe pain and swelling after surgery, you should immediately contact your dentist. Sometimes teeth are not considered superfluous and can then take their place, but this happens quite rarely. Therefore, removal is carried out.

Supernumerary tooth in a child

Supernumerary teeth in children with milk teeth are not so common, mainly this pathology appears to be permanent. Sometimes given tooth occurs in babies immediately after birth, and in this case, it is removed, as it provokes injury to the oral mucosa.

After removal of the pathology, there is Great chance that there will be a restoration of the bite. If a this species the tooth is located in a permanent place, then an x-ray is taken and the condition of all teeth is assessed. If the root of this tooth is sufficiently well developed, the tooth is intact. And the permanent one begins to erupt, but with a defect, then the permanent tooth is removed.

Everyone knows that over the years, people begin to have problems with their teeth. They deteriorate, fall out, and often have to be replaced with prostheses.

However, there are people who suffer not from a shortage, but from an excess of teeth. They grow extra incisors, fangs or even molars. This phenomenon can be observed in both children and adults. Where do extra teeth come from? What to do with them?

The concept of supernumerary teeth and the reasons for their appearance in children and adults

Hyperdentia is not too a rare event. Out of 20 people, one has extra teeth. At the same time, most people have 1 extra tooth, but there are people who have 3 or more of them.

Why this happens, science cannot yet say, but the number of people with an enlarged dentition is growing. Several versions of the origin of supernumerary teeth are considered:

  1. Additional teeth may be a legacy left by distant ancestors. At primitive people 6 incisors were located on the upper and lower jaws. Such a return to features lost in the course of evolution is called atavism.
  2. The development of all teeth, both milk and molars, comes from tooth germs. A change in the number of primordia, their crushing occurs under the influence of adverse factors. To disrupt the activity of the dental plate lead viral diseases, drugs, unfavorable environment. Especially dangerous for a child is the intake of alcohol by a pregnant woman and medicines prohibited during the period of gestation. In this case, the first trimester is the most responsible. This theory is now supported by most scientists.

Other causes of fetal development disorders are also considered. These include various diseases future mother especially affecting the endocrine system.

Varieties of polyodontia and associated symptoms with a photo

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Polyodontia in humans is capable of taking different forms. Depending on the location of the teeth and the causes of the anomaly, there are 4 main types:

  • typical is called polyodontia, consisting in abnormally high amount teeth in a row without disturbing it;
  • atypical is characterized by the appearance of additional teeth in unexpected places: for example, inside the gums; sometimes there are teeth located in the nose or other inappropriate place;
  • true polyodontia consists in the formation of supernumerary units due to the formation of extra rudiments;
  • false - the result of the preservation of milk teeth during the period of growth of the molars, when the milk teeth do not fall out in time.

Characteristic anomalies of the dentition are expressed in the appearance of upper jaw extra incisors or canines. Their crowns have a normal shape and are no different from their neighbors. There is another option: individual supernumerary units acquire not correct form, grow in the form of drops or spikes; the crown is flattened or shortened. Anomalies in the shape of the teeth direct reading to remove them.

False hyperdontia is easy to recognize by the crowding of the teeth. Indigenous and milk units overlapping each other are crowded in a limited space of the gums. The need to remove old teeth to free up space is obvious even to a non-professional.

There is also an anomaly, which in dentistry is called retention. This is an incomplete eruption or the wrong direction of tooth growth, usually molar. If the anomaly affects a separate dental unit, an impacted tooth can be corrected with braces. However, if there are several such teeth, which leads to anomalies of the dentition, only surgical treatment is possible.

Supernumerary teeth can grow in a child on top, in the sky, or on the side of the gum. Anomalies, both the shape of the teeth and their excess, must be urgently eliminated, since they can lead to serious complications.

Identification of anomalies in the development of teeth most fully allows you to make x-ray examination. It will show all impacted teeth, either partially erupted or hidden in the gum or growing inside the bone. Correction of latent hyperdontia is possible only by surgery.

Diagnostic methods

Identification of hyperdontia requires integrated approach. The following symptoms can be suspected in a child:

  • difficulty eating;
  • excessive salivation;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • frequent injury to the tongue or cheeks;
  • diarrhea.

There may also be pain and swelling at the site of the eruption. In most cases, extra units can be detected visually, however, parents rarely monitor the state of the child's oral cavity on a daily basis. Such a need arises in a situation where there have already been cases of polyodontia in the family.

For this reason, the doctor first examines the family history. If someone in the family has already met additional incisors, wisdom teeth or fangs, there is a possibility of a recurrence of the pathology in the next generations. In order to establish a diagnosis, it is important transferred by a child diseases. A thorough examination of the oral cavity is supplemented by fluoroscopy, including orthopantomography. In some cases, CT is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

The manifestations of pathology in adults are somewhat different. The formation of dental anomalies is most likely during the growth of wisdom teeth. The elderly are also at risk. You can suspect something is wrong if you observe:

  • violations of diction;
  • difficulty chewing food;
  • there are crevices between dental units;
  • bite changes;
  • aching pains appear;
  • mobility of dental units;
  • mucous membranes are often injured.

The above symptoms should alert, make you pay attention to the condition of the oral cavity. If it was not possible to identify the cause or new formations were found in the mouth, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Polyodontia can cause serious complications, but it still needs to be differentiated from neoplastic neoplasms.

Features of the treatment of anomalies

The treatment of polyodontia depends on the age of the patient and the type of anomaly. A milk tooth that interferes with the development of its neighbors must be removed. This procedure does not cause strong pain, the wound heals quickly.

The situation is more complicated with older patients. The maximum number of complaints about anomalies associated with the number of teeth is recorded at the age of 18 to 26 years, during the growth of wisdom teeth. Their appearance is accompanied by pain, frequent inflammation of the gums. All this requires complex treatment.

Relief of unpleasant symptoms

Anomalies in the number of teeth cause discomfort. lighten unpleasant symptoms help symptomatic methods. Ibuprofen and Paracetamol can relieve inflammation and bring down the temperature. Adults can use tablets, for kids, candles designed specifically for children are more suitable.

It is possible to help teeth that have not erupted with the help of special gels: Dentinox, Kolgel, Baby Doctor. good effect provides physiotherapy. Typically, vibration stimulation, electrical stimulation, or special types massage.

Extraction of supernumerary teeth

Removing inflammation and lowering the temperature will alleviate the patient's condition, but only for a short time. A radical solution to the problem is to remove supernumerary teeth. If there are several identical specimens in the dentition, the most developed one, which has the correct shape, is left.

Supernumerary units in children are removed because the jaw is still too small. There is no choice here. It must be remembered that an additional unit may have a deep root, often intertwined with the roots of other teeth. In this case, the root must also be removed. It is important to remove supernumerary milk teeth in time to facilitate the eruption of molars. The photo shows how milk supernumerary teeth are located in the mouth and interfere with the eruption of their permanent followers.

Orthodontic treatment

After removal, it is often required additional treatment. After the teeth are removed, it is still necessary to align the dentition. In an adult, the correct structure is reflected in chewing, provides normal diction, gives good cosmetic effect. In a child, the development of the jaws and the eruption of permanent teeth depend on the state of the rows.

To correct the dentition, special caps and braces are used. Early detection diseases and immediate treatment can cope with the problem and avoid complications.

Additional therapeutic methods

Additional treatment is required if the impacted tooth has not erupted to the end. In this case, the above physiotherapeutic methods are used, as well as the installation of a special prosthesis that facilitates growth. After the tooth has fully grown, it is removed.

After extirpation, the patient needs special diet aimed at speedy healing of the surgical site. It is necessary to exclude from the diet rough, too cold or hot food. It will take and special care for the oral cavity, which an adult can produce himself, the child will need the help of parents.

Consequences of incorrect or untimely treatment of hyperdontia

The possible location of supernumerary teeth can be seen in the photo. It is important to identify their presence in a timely manner and take action. Otherwise, the anomaly may lead to various complications, for example, to the retention of other teeth that are unable to properly position themselves on the gums and grow. If an incomplete copy appeared after its neighbors, then it can displace a competitor, create difficulties when chewing.

Anomalies in the shape and size of the teeth in the dentition affect the beauty of the smile. The defect interferes with communication, promotes the development of complexes. All this affects the success, the quality of human life. The same results are caused by a violation of the rows, a change in bite. The consequence of this may be incorrect diction, which also interferes with communication.

The photo shows how supernumerary teeth bend and displace normal ones. Pathological curvature affects the chewing process, leading to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Possible consequences hyperdontia and methods for their elimination are shown in detail in the attached video.

Nature is perfect, and even thought out the little things. Each person is given 2 sets of teeth: 20 milk and 28-32 permanent. As dentists joke, there is a third set, but you have to pay for it. In some children, the number of teeth in both permanent and milk occlusion differs from the average number, and then they talk about the appearance of supernumerary teeth - or primary adentia. For what reasons can extra teeth appear - or be absent?

Causes of supernumerary teeth in children - milk and permanent

Teeth that duplicate each other are called supernumerary teeth in dentistry. Moreover, both dairy and permanent ones can be superfluous.

But if we turn to statistics, then more often it is permanent teeth.
The data also show that of the total number of anomalies of individual teeth, about 3-5% of cases account for supernumerary cases.

More often "superfluous" are incisors and canines. Rarely among the "superfluous" teeth are chewing group permanent bite - premolars.

Causes of supernumerary teeth while being studied; there are only theories and scientific studies, but it is too early to make specific statements.

One theory suggests that the appearance of extra teeth is associated with evolutionary features of human development. The jaws of our ancestors were more massive, with large quantity teeth - from 32. With a change in diet, the introduction of culinary processing of food and cutlery, the number of teeth has decreased - there are enough existing ones to chew food and sustain life. And today, supernumerary teeth are considered atavism.

By the way, wisdom teeth are atavism, and their appearance is completely optional. The absence or appearance of wisdom teeth is considered a variant of the norm.

Studying the phenomenon of the appearance of supernumerary teeth, doctors noted that they can be complete: have a crown, root, correct anatomical structure. Or it can be tooth-like formations with no growth zones, roots, with an irregular crown - and even developmental anomalies. Supernumerary teeth can literally grow together with the teeth of the main set.

However, they may have the following features:

  1. Defective- look like a growth.
  2. Complete: the tooth has its own pulp chamber, growth zones, a site is marked, which will later become the root of the tooth.

The location of supernumerary teeth can be varied, but more often they turn out to be dystopic, that is, they erupt outside the dentition, provoking the development of bite pathologies - the jaws do not close properly, which affects the work of all organs and systems, as well as appearance baby.

There are many documented clinical cases of supernumerary teeth, and they are all unusual:

  • For example, at young man from Saudi Arabia, a supernumerary tooth erupted in the nasal cavity. When he came to the ENT, the patient complained of persistent bleeding, nasal congestion and respiratory failure. Only after careful endoscopic examination doctors were able to find the cause of such unpleasant symptoms.
  • In a boy from India, dental surgeons removed more than 200 tooth-like formations, which not only had different sizes but also stages of development. The diagnosis of such a huge number of supernumerary teeth happened by chance. By the way, it is in India that largest number so unusual clinical cases- A few years later, a little more than 100 tooth-like formations were removed from a 15-year-old teenager.

Tactics regarding "extra" teeth in children - what to do and should they be removed?

The treatment tactics for supernumerary teeth is almost always the same and radical - this is extraction. But it is preceded by a long period of research. little patient. Moreover, several dentists can take part in this study at once.

Main research method– radiography, CT, which allow you to study the extra tooth / extra teeth.

The main evaluation criteria will be:

  1. crown-tooth: its shape, degree of development, free-standing or soldered to another tooth germ.
  2. Root. Recall: milk and permanent teeth erupt in the oral cavity without roots, but in the pictures you can see the growth zone, which indicates that the tooth can become full-fledged and fully perform all its functions. On it, the dentist can understand which tooth is complete and which is superfluous.
  3. Degree of development supernumerary tooth.
  4. Correct position rudiment in the jaw.

Sometimes the "extra" teeth are full-fledged, and fully perform their intended functions. The tooth may be impacted - that is, go beyond the dentition, which may subsequently cause other changes maxillofacial area. Nature gave such children 2-3 chances to keep one or more teeth.

After assessing the condition of the tooth and analyzing the research data, the treatment tactics and the required amount of surgical intervention are determined individually. Doctors decide which tooth is to be removed. Usually this is a handicapped, or occupying wrong position which, in the foreseeable future, may provoke undesirable consequences.

Sometimes it is supernumerary teeth that are left, as they turn out to be more complete and promising for further state oral cavity.

To decide the fate of supernumerary teeth, a long and thorough examination of the child is necessary: ​​radiography (sighting image), orthopantomogram ( panoramic shot- to assess the condition of the rudiments and their relationship), dental tests, consultations of several dentists.

Parents should understand that children with supernumerary teeth need close attention from dentists. Such babies are put on dispensary records and undergo a series of preventive procedures aimed at the prevention of bite pathologies and other dental diseases.

A child has primary adentia - the absence of one, several or all teeth

In addition to supernumerary teeth in children, their deficiency may also be recorded. In dentistry, this condition is called primary adentia. Parents can wait as long as they want for the teeth to erupt, but this does not happen.

If we talk about such a picture in permanent bite, then baby tooth can stay in its place - and not even stagger.

Often, parents are extremely surprised when a dentist does not find permanent teeth in the adult child's mouth, but instead sees milk teeth - or even a group of milk teeth. It is difficult for a non-professional to distinguish between permanent and temporary teeth.

There is a fundamental difference between the absence of a tooth germ/teeth and their absence in the oral cavity. Sometimes it happens that existing tooth for some reason, it cannot be cut.

Most often, the cause of violation of teething is their incorrect location in the thickness of the jaw; also, if the germ is impacted, it is damaged and is defective.

Impacted teeth can be stimulated to erupt. Dental manipulations allow you to help the tooth to take the correct position, followed by teething.

Another reason for the absence of one of the teeth will be damage to the tooth germ.

There may be several reasons:

  1. Complications of caries- periodontitis, when the germ is involved in the process of inflammation.
  2. Rudiment damage during endodontic treatment.

In a removable dentition, caries complications in the form of pulpitis and periodontitis are extremely dangerous, and cause numerous complications, since caries complications are a source of infection for the baby's body.

During scientific research it has been proven that caries and its complications can provoke acute illnesses internal organs- or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Sometimes the absence of the rudiments of permanent teeth is congenital, in which case a group of teeth is immediately missing. Data show that premolars are more common.

If we talk about the reasons for this phenomenon, there are many.

But to form such a feature, their combination is necessary:

  1. hereditary predisposition.
  2. Pathologies of pregnancy and complications when the process of formation and differentiation of the rudiments of teeth is affected by some negative factor. Recall: the laying of milk teeth occurs at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy, permanent - in the second trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy. In the course of scientific research, it has been proven that the deficiency of this vitamin negatively affects the state of the rudiments of the teeth in the fetus and their subsequent development.
  4. Developmental anomalies of the maxillofacial region. For example, congenital cleft lip and palate.

Over the past few decades, the number of cases of the appearance of supernumerary teeth, or the absence of teeth of the main set, has increased, both in milk and permanent dentition.

What is supernumerary teeth

Supernumerary teeth- excessive number of teeth. They are most often located in the region of the anterior teeth.

According to the literature, the frequency of supernumerary teeth averages 2-3% among individuals with dento-jaw anomalies.

What Causes Supernumerary Teeth?

Causes of supernumerary teeth not studied enough. Some associate their origin with the phenomena of atavism, the possibility of splitting the embryonic dental plate into a greater than usual number of tooth germs, and heredity.

Symptoms of supernumerary teeth

Supernumerary teeth are more often observed with a permanent bite, less often with a milk one; more often on the upper jaw (incisors, molars, premolars, canines) than on the lower (premolars, incisors, canines).

The shape of supernumerary teeth is different, it can correspond anatomical shape one of the permanent teeth or resembles drops, individual crowns, whole conglomerates of tooth-like formations. Sometimes supernumerary teeth are soldered with permanent teeth.

Supernumerary teeth are normally developed or subulate in shape. They can be located in the dental arch or outside the dentition (vestibular, oral). Sometimes they are located between the upper central incisors, disrupting the correct position of the incisors and other teeth. With a significant jaw size, a supernumerary tooth may not affect the shape of the dental arch; with a small jaw, anomalies in the position of individual teeth occur. Supernumerary teeth may be impacted. They are found on x-rays.

In most cases, supernumerary teeth in the first half of the mixed dentition are detected when the anterior teeth erupt. To clarify the location of the supernumerary tooth, the method of intraoral radiography is used. Pictures are taken in various projections. In cases where multiple retention of supernumerary and permanent teeth is observed, an orthopantomogram is very useful, which allows one to judge the relative position of impacted and erupted teeth in expanded form.

Diagnosis of supernumerary teeth

X-ray diagnosis of supernumerary teeth is very difficult, since they, superimposed on the contours of permanent teeth during the period of mixed dentition, are poorly contrasted.

Treatment of supernumerary teeth

Treatment depends on the location of the supernumerary tooth and its influence on the position of complete teeth.

Supernumerary teeth violate the correct construction of the dentition and the process of teething, so they should be removed as early as possible. However, if the anatomical shape of the supernumerary tooth does not differ from another of the same type, then the one that is less favorably located in the dentition is removed. In cases where a supernumerary tooth does not violate the shape of the dentition and aesthetic standards, it is left. After the removal of supernumerary teeth in children, one can count on self-regulation of the anomalies caused by them in the position of individual teeth or the shape of the dental arch; in more late age usually undergo orthodontic treatment.

In the presence of a supernumerary tooth located in the place of an uncut permanent one, it is necessary to determine the degree of its usefulness. If such a supernumerary tooth is stable, has a well-developed root, and a permanent one is unpromising in a number of ways, then the advantage is given to the supernumerary tooth - it should be preserved.

Removal of impacted supernumerary formations presents certain difficulties due to the large depth of occurrence, sometimes closely spaced roots or rudiments adjacent teeth, irregular shape. It is very important to determine a more rational operational approach to the supernumerary tooth. This is where x-rays can help a lot. Analyzing radiographs in the bite, in oblique and axial projections, it is possible to determine the level of tooth occurrence, its proximity to the vestibular or oral surface of the alveolar process.

In children, such teeth are removed under a common or local anesthesia or with premedication. A mucoperiosteal flap is cut out and peeled off from the bone; elevator or boron bone tissue to approach a supernumerary tooth. On the radiograph, the width of the hole for the passage of a supernumerary formation is immediately determined. After removing such a tooth, the shell in which it was located is carefully removed. As a rule, the postoperative course is favorable.

Which doctors should you contact if you have supernumerary teeth


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Viruses not only hover in the air, but can also get on handrails, seats and other surfaces, while maintaining their activity. Therefore, when traveling or in public places it is desirable not only to exclude communication with other people, but also to avoid ...

Return good vision and forever say goodbye to glasses and contact lenses is the dream of many people. Now it can be made a reality quickly and safely. New opportunities laser correction vision is opened by a completely non-contact Femto-LASIK technique.

Cosmetic preparations designed to care for our skin and hair may not actually be as safe as we think

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