How and how to remove warts at home: the best recipes and general recommendations. How to get rid of warts at home: working methods

  1. Common or simple warts. Skin elevations up to 10 mm, have a keratinized structure. Mostly appear on the back of the hands. Do not pose a health hazard and for two years.
  2. . In the early stages, a small shiny bulge, later a keratinized yellow-gray papule. It usually occurs as a single formation, although the option of 3-6 or more warts, which eventually merge into one bulge, is not excluded.

    It is a consequence of wearing tight shoes and frequent sweating of the feet.

  3. smooth, or. The causes can be various kinds of damage to the epidermis. Patients are adolescents and children. They are bulges up to 5 mm in diameter. They have a smooth surface. The shape is round or in the form of a knot. The color is closer to the flesh.

    Mostly observed, shins, back side of the hands of the upper limbs.

  4. , or warts. Outgrowths of small sizes, merging, form nodules soft to the touch on the base in the form of a leg. They affect the genitals, more often in females who have a tendency to develop cervical cancer.
  5. . More commonly seen in older people. Multiple growths (2-30 mm, rarely up to 6 cm) affect the chest, face, back of the hands and other parts of the body, with the exception of the soles and palms.

Reasons for education

Almost every human body is infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV), which in its active state is the cause of the formation of warts. HPV activation can contribute to:

  • stressful situations;
  • weakened immunity;
  • wrong diet;
  • regular sleep deprivation.

If there are many large warts on the skin of the body, can't self-medicate- It is better to immediately seek help from a specialist.

Also, unwanted skin growths can be purchased:

  • due to regular contact with an infected person;
  • in a manicure or pedicure salon, whose employees use untreated antiseptic tools;
  • in public places where a patient with active HPV previously stayed;
  • as a result of sexual intercourse with a patient with condylomas;
  • after prolonged wearing of shoes that do not fit.

Read more about the causes of warts in another.

Removal at home

Consider how to remove a wart at home quickly.

This is possible in two ways: .

If the first substances have passed repeated laboratory tests and are recommended by dermatologists, the second ones have proven their effectiveness in practice many times.

Pharmacy preparations

Products purchased at a pharmacy kiosk that remove warts at home can be grouped as follows:

  • cream and;
  • oil;
  • gel;
  • patch;
  • solutions based on alkalis.

Ointments and creams

Consider how you can remove a wart at home using the following tools:

  • .Thanks to the active component of interferon, it has an antiviral effect.

    Used once every 24 hours.

    The tool has practically no contraindications. Treatment lasts from 5 days to a month.

  • Ointment "Oxolinic". It has antiviral and antimicrobial effects. The course of treatment lasts up to 30 days, in the case of chronic papillomas, the terms increase. The medicine is applied in a thin layer on the previously steamed skin, then the treated area is bandaged.

    The procedure is done up to three times in 24 hours.

  • Cream Aldara(Imiquimod). Not only destroys warts, but also prevents the activation of the human papillomavirus. Use before going to bed with a break in the day. During the period of application of the cream, it is important to protect yourself from sunlight. Also, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 18 years of age, patients who have a tendency to allergic reactions.


    It is also important to know how to remove a wart at home quickly with a solution:

    Before removing a wart at home, in order to avoid damaging the healthy epidermis, the skin around the warts treated with petroleum jelly or fat cream.

    Other means

    Let's take a look at a few more ways.

      1. Tablets. Drugs that increase immunity during HPV activation include Isoprinosine.Produced in the form of tablets, which take 2 pcs. 3 times a day for 14 days.

        It is permissible to repeat the course of treatment after a monthly break. It is released according to the prescription of the dermatologist.

      1. Gels.Effective drugs in this group include Panavir.

        Herbal preparation.

        Destroys the roots of unwanted bulges, penetrating deep into the skin.

        The gel promotes the production of interferon.

        The tool is used up to five times a day for 5-10 days.

      1. Oil.Very often, essential oils are used to combat emerging warts.

        The medicine is carefully rubbed into each papilloma daily.

        The course of treatment lasts about a month.

    1. Patch.

      The most popular remedy for warts at home is.

      To begin with, it is glued to the wart and left in this form for 1-2 days. After removal, the affected area of ​​the skin is soaked in water, treated with pumice, while the keratinized part of the papilloma is removed.

    Fight with warts should be until the complete disappearance of the skin growth.

    Folk recipes

    If warts have jumped up, home treatment can be done with help. Among the many recipes on how to reduce a wart at home, it is worth highlighting the most effective:

    1. Heel wart: home treatment is often carried out with garlic. To do this, a slice of the ingredient is passed through the garlic and the resulting substance is mixed with a teaspoon of vinegar and flour. As a result, a kind of dough is obtained, with which the wart on the heel is processed. A piece of soft cloth is placed on top and bandaged. The bandage is removed after a few days.
    2. Shredded warts are great for viral warts. kalanchoe leaves. They treat the area of ​​skin affected by warts and bandage it. The bandage is left on all night.
    3. Bandage moisten in liquid soap and bandage the affected area with it. The compress is changed daily for several days.
    4. Effectively fights skin growths in combination with lard. The ingredients are mixed, the resulting mixture is applied to the wart and fixed with a bandage or plaster. The compress is changed daily.

    Burning and freezing

    Do you know at home? To cauterize papilloma at home, you will need one of the following ingredients:

    • a few cloves of garlic;
    • celandine;
    • highly concentrated solution of salicylic acid.

    With acetic acid You can get rid of small warts in just a week.

    To do this, a piece of cotton wool is moistened in the prepared liquid and skin growths are treated with it several times a day.

    To remove a large wart, flour is added to acetic acid.

    When use of garlic the wart is lubricated with a pre-cut part of the clove.

Unfortunately, unaesthetic benign skin lesions, which are clinical manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, are very common. This is due to the fact that warts are easily transmitted by contact. They can become infected, for example, when shaking hands or in the pool. Therefore, the question of how to deal with warts is very relevant. In addition, you should know how warts are dangerous in order to understand the importance of the timely removal of these growths.

Today, a large number of methods for the treatment of warts have been developed. Growths on the skin can be reduced both with effective medications and removed by physical means. But in any case, during the treatment of benign formations on the skin, it should be accompanied by measures for the general strengthening of the immune system.

Medical treatment for warts

The drug method of treatment is used to remove small single growths. In pharmacies today, a wide variety of products are available without a prescription with which you can remove skin growths at home. The most popular are the following drugs:

  • . Many ointments are produced on the basis of the product, but the most popular is, which is easy to use.
  • Silver nitrate. The lapis pencil is very effective. With it, you can burn the wart yourself. At the same time, they must be used very carefully so as not to cause a burn of healthy tissues, as a result of which an ugly scar on the skin may remain.
  • . The components of the product are sodium and potassium hydroxide. Lotions allow you to effectively remove warts, but if used incorrectly, you can cause severe burns.
  • . The drug acts on the growth on the skin like liquid nitrogen, but is less effective.

In addition to these drugs are widely used. Their action is different in that they fight directly with the human papillomavirus. Given the fact that warts are transmitted by contact, this is very important. The most famous and popular antiviral agent is oxolinic ointment.

Advice! Any use of medications should be agreed with the doctor. In addition, it is very important to take into account all the contraindications indicated in the instructions and apply the funds in strict accordance with the recommendations.

Folk remedies for treating warts

Widely used . Many medicinal formulations came to the modern world from antiquity, so their effectiveness has been tested by time.

One of the most common methods is the use, which is especially effective during the flowering period of the plant. It is very easy to use it.

All that is needed is to drip celandine juice on the skin growth several times a day until it disappears completely. In this way, small warts can be reduced within a couple of weeks. Other effective and popular folk remedies with which you can remove benign formations on the skin are:

Advice! It should be remembered. Very often, inept independent manipulations can lead to serious burns or skin irritation.

Laser removal of warts

The most common and effective way in specialized clinics is the removal of benign skin lesions with a laser. Modern equipment allows for the treatment of all types of warts, even in hard-to-reach places.

In addition, it is possible to regulate the depth of penetration of the laser beam, and, therefore, completely burn out the root of the formation. This allows you to exclude relapses after treatment.

benign formation is carried out only after examination of the patient. First of all, it is important to exclude the malignancy of the growth. In addition, there are a number of other contraindications. There are two types of lasers in use today:

  • CO2 lasers and erbium lasers, which evaporate liquid from wart tissues, destroying them.
  • Pulsed dye lasers that act on the walls of capillaries and stick them together, thereby disrupting the blood supply in damaged tissues.

Advice! What type of laser will be used for removal, the doctor decides.

The main advantages of laser removal of benign formations on the skin:

  • High speed of the operation (5-7 minutes);
  • Painlessness of the procedure, due to the use of anesthesia;
  • Safety of the procedure associated with non-contact manipulations.
  • Rapid wound healing;
  • Exclusion of the development of relapses.

Other ways to physically remove growths on the skin

A very common way to remove warts is cryotherapy. This bloodless and painless method provides. To cauterize the wart, liquid nitrogen is passed through a special probe directly to the area of ​​damaged tissue for 10-15 seconds.

The method has no contraindications and cryodestruction of warts is easily tolerated even by children. After a certain time after the procedure, the wart self-rejection occurs, after which healing occurs very quickly.

Advice! You should know that cryotherapy can reduce any type of benign formations, but at the same time, it may take several sessions to remove large growths, as well as plantar warts with deep roots.

To remove large warts, electrocoagulation is used, that is, the removal of benign formations using high-frequency alternating current. Before the procedure, antiseptic treatment and obligatory anesthesia are carried out. The procedure is performed by an electrocoagulator equipped with a special electrode, the heating temperature of which is regulated by a rheostat.

Upon contact with the wart, proteins coagulate and the damaged skin cells die. The main advantage of the method is that the procedure can be performed on any part of the body.

A safe and effective way is to remove benign formations using radio waves. This method completely eliminates the introduction of infection, since due to the coagulation of blood vessels it is absolutely bloodless. With radio wave removal of growths, no scars remain.

The traditional surgical method involves the excision of damaged tissues with a scalpel and allows you to reduce the most complex wart formations that have grown over a large area. The operation is very painful and healing takes a long time, and special wound care is mandatory.

With the frequent recurrence of benign formations on the skin, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. It must be remembered that some types of warts, if left untreated, can cause the development of malignant neoplasms.

Neoplasms on the human skin come in different shapes, types and sizes. The most common are warts. This is a growth on the skin that causes inconvenience and spoils the appearance. In this regard, the warts must be removed. There are many ways to get rid of them. Since it is more difficult to remove a large wart, this process requires more attention than in the case of a small neoplasm.

The most effective and safe way to remove neoplasms is to visit a dermatologist in a specialized clinic. After determining the type of growth, the patient is offered a choice of several ways to get rid of it.

  • Cryodestruction- This is the treatment of the wart with liquid nitrogen. The method is used more often than others, as it has a good effect and is completely painless. A large wart is removed in several stages, between which the doctor examines the treatment site and estimates how many more cauterizations will need to be done.
  • Laser cautery- destruction of the wart under the action of a laser beam. The procedure is painful, and anesthesia is required to remove large warts. It should be carried out by a professional who feels the instrument and the depth of impact. If cauterization is too deep, there is a risk of burning the deep layers of the skin, there are contraindications. However, the laser does not only affect the growth, it destroys HPV-infected cells, preventing the development of the disease and the re-growth of warts.
  • Electrocution– a painless and bloodless procedure for removing neoplasms using heat and current. The dead part of the wart is cut off immediately after the procedure with a metal loop.
  • radio wave excision– a non-contact procedure for removing neoplasms, prevents the spread of infection through the blood. For this, a modern Surgitron apparatus is used.

Medical procedures for removing warts require special equipment and a specialist with the appropriate skills. The advantage of these methods is that they allow you to get rid of neoplasms and are under the supervision of a doctor. This prevents the development of complications and minimizes the consequences of the procedure.

Removal at home

If the procedure in a specialized center is postponed due to the inability to get into it, the doctor will advise you to remove the wart with what you can buy at the pharmacy. Getting rid of neoplasms with medicines at home involves more risk than visiting a clinic, but is also considered effective.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to soften the wart. This will enhance the effect of the drug and help it work deeper on the neoplasm.

To do this, use salicylic ointment. It is applied to the wart, covered with cling film, and fixed with a plaster on top. The compress is left for a few minutes, then removed and the treatment site is steamed in hot water with the addition of soap and soda until softened. At the end of the preparatory stage, the stratum corneum is carefully cut off with nail scissors.

Preparations for removing warts are extremely dangerous for the skin, so the area around the neoplasm must be lubricated with a fat cream or ointment with zinc, and the procedure itself should be carried out with gloves. This will help protect your hands and healthy skin from burns. After the procedure, the skin around the site of cauterization is wiped with a gauze swab or cotton pad.


Getting rid of neoplasms with the help of pharmaceutical products is widespread among the population. To remove the wart, the following drugs are used:

  • Verrukacid- contains metacresol and phenol. Apply pointwise to the head of the wart. Large neoplasms must be treated 7 to 10 times, taking breaks of 4-5 minutes. At the site of application, a crust forms, which disappears as it heals. Repeat the procedure is allowed a week after the wound has healed. If after 5 procedures the wart continues to bother, you need to visit a doctor or change the drug.
  • SuperCleaner- is considered the most effective and popular remedy at an affordable price. Contains a solution of alkalis - potassium and sodium hydroxides. 1 drop of the drug is applied to the neoplasm and allowed to absorb. The course of treatment is 3 days.
  • mountain celandine- a preparation with a natural composition (celandine juice, cocoa, gentian, rhododendron). Destroys the neoplasm and cells infected with the virus, preventing the reappearance of warts. A small amount of the drug is applied to the growth and left for 7-12 minutes. The course of treatment is 3 days.
  • Cryopharm– home version of cryotherapy. Available in the form of a spray with refrigerant, the temperature of which is -57ºС. The applicator is brought to the growth, the spray is sprayed. The skin at the treatment site becomes white, there is a slight burning sensation. After some time, reddening of the skin is noted, then a blister occurs. It must be treated with an antiseptic solution for 7 days.
  • Solcoderm- contains a mixture of acids (acetic, nitric, lactic, oxalic). The product is used under the supervision of a dermatologist. The drug is applied pointwise to the head of the growth and slightly pressed into the skin. After 5 minutes, the wart should discolor and then turn grayish or yellowish. If this does not happen, the processing is repeated. The procedure is stopped after the appearance of a change in the color of the site of exposure. A few days after treatment, the growth will change color to black and dry. If there is no effect, the procedure is repeated. The crust that forms at the processing site cannot be cut or torn off; it falls off on its own.
  • Allomedin- has an antiviral effect, is available in the form of a gel. It is applied pointwise to the growths 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 21 days.

In choosing a method of getting rid of warts, you must follow the recommendations of a specialist. This will ensure a good result and help avoid the consequences of the procedure.

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By itself, the wart in 90% of cases is a benign neoplasm and is often prone to self-healing. However, there are times when you need to know how to remove a wart at home quickly - sometimes this is the only possible remedy for removing a growth on the skin. This decision may be due to fear, lack of funds for special funds, the urgency of the event.

Why warts appear

The causes of the appearance of warts are due to the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV infection). It is transmitted through household items that an infected patient has touched, through sexual interaction, during childbirth, through negligence during self-inflicted injury. Anyone who has a weakened immune system can become infected. A wart can occur not only on the outer skin, but also directly inside the body.

How to get rid of warts at home

A feasible task is the removal of warts at home. There are many means and methods: the use of medications, tinctures, solutions and juices of various herbs, specialized patches. However, nothing compares to qualified surgical care - a knowledgeable doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe a safe way to remove the growth-papilloma. How to remove a wart at home quickly, find out further.

On the fingers

Due to the fact that the maturation time of the virus is long, the appearance of growths occurs unexpectedly. On the palms and fingers, they appear most of all, because with the help of them we interact with the objects around us, people. Fingers are especially sensitive and most of all can be prone to microtrauma, small cuts.Several times a day, cauterizing the papilloma with special means, you can cope with the current situation.

On hands

Many people ask about how to remove warts on the hands, depending on its location? This can be a very difficult procedure to burn out on your own and can have negative consequences if you don't fully understand what you're dealing with. A benign growth on the skin can turn into a malignant one, depending on the degree of trauma to which you subject it. So getting rid of unwanted education by special means is carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

On foot

It will be clear how to remove a wart on the sole of the foot when a person knows what kind of papilloma he has formed on his foot. Maybe the plantar growth has arisen due to hyperhidrosis (profuse sweating) of the feet or, conversely, due to excessive dryness, which regularly formed cracks throughout the foot. One method is thorough steaming of the feet. This will not only have the effect of shock therapy, but also perfectly stimulate the immune system.

How to withdraw

In most cases, chemical aggressive substances are used, for example, necrotizing and freezing ointments. In order to prevent the focus of infection from multiplying and increasing in size, timely intervention and innovative means will help. They will improve your health and restore the aesthetic beauty of the body. Consider several options for how to remove a neoplasm at home quickly.

Pharmacy ointments

It is worth choosing wisely ointment for removing warts. Ointments against papillomas are on different bases. Depending on which drug you are not allergic to, you can find those that combine several useful properties. Oxolinic ointment has an antiviral effect, will help stop the spread of the virus. Mozolin will cope with corns and growths on the legs.


In addition to local medicinal ointments, you should also pay attention to antiviral drugs. From the school desk, we remember that viruses are not bacteria, and you can’t get them out just like that. If antiviral drugs are added in combination with immunomodulators (Veruksin), then the likelihood of relapse can be reduced by 80%. Isoprinosine and its analogue Groprinosin are good representatives of antiviral agents.

Salicylic acid

Excretion with salicylic acid is also an acceptable type of exposure. The duration of applying acid to the problem area can be up to a couple of weeks. The success of this method of treatment will depend on related factors: before starting to apply the drug, it is worth steaming out a little wart. Every day, it is necessary to carefully get rid of the keratinized, dead skin around the inflamed focus of infection, lubricating with tea tree oil.

Removal by conspiracies

If you believe that the growths that suddenly appeared are the result of damage, then the conspiracy will be just right. To become healthy, you will need a long thread, on which 13 knots should be made, which will be tied exactly where the wart is located. Each knot must be cut off from a common thread, tied to the legs of thirteen frogs.

Releasing them in the forest, say the words: “13 brothers of devils, harness 13 swamp toads, and each one go along his own way. Remove warts from the servant of God (your name). Just as these 13 toads do not converge in one place, so the warts will never return to me. Key, lock, tongue. May it be so.". It is better to say this plot after each released frog in order to enhance the effect.

How to get rid of sores with folk remedies

Nature has always in store many means to help humanity cope with ailments. In addition to treating serious diseases with medical means, there are many means to get rid of papillomas and keratinized skin. Removing growths in a folk way is less painful than using surgical surgery, but it will take much more time.


One of the simplest and most easily accessible ways is to remove warts with celandine. The specific plant poison contained in the mountain celandine has a detrimental effect on warts, the only drawback is that the treatment of the infected area takes a long time, and the grass should be used only at the time of its flowering. To use celandine at other times of the year, you can dry it or prepare it as an ointment.

If you don’t have such an opportunity, the pharmacy must certainly have tinctures, concentrated extracts, Supercleaner (concentrated alkali that has nothing to do with the plant). In the second option, a high content of the substance can provoke pain and discomfort. After such an intervention, scars may remain on the skin, a high probability of getting burns. You can learn more about how to remove a wart with celandine at home quickly from a specialist.


A remedy that is always at hand in the house is vinegar, it can help in the treatment of benign growths. Removing growths with vinegar is suitable even for a child with its non-toxic composition. As always, it is customary to combine folk remedies with each other in order to use the maximum advantage. Acetic bandage is done at night: soak a cotton swab in the solution, fix it with adhesive tape. If the burning sensation is unbearable, stop immediately.


Onions and garlic are known to be good at fighting scars by drying out and corroding the inflamed tissue. The treatment of warts with garlic is that you need to make garlic lotions. The recipe is easy: chop a couple of cloves of garlic on a fine grater or by means of a garlic press, add glycerin or almond oil to one teaspoon of gruel, so as not to initially harm the aggressive effects of garlic.

Pharmacy funds

It is necessary to select very carefully an effective remedy for warts and papillomas. Today, there are many pharmacological agents that offer ease of application. Some guarantee the speed of impact, as well as the result. From silver particle lapis pencils to salipod patches, including essential oils and herbal liquids, alcohol tinctures, the choice is wide. Let's take a closer look at popular options.

  • Price: from 150 rubles.
  • Description: solution for external use.
  • Mechanism of action: bactericidal-cauterizing agent.
  • Pros: extensive effect on many viruses and fungi, affordable price.
  • Cons: can not be used on the face, can cause a chemical burn, waiting time between applications to dry up to 5 minutes.


  • Price: 191 p.
  • Feature: solution with applicator.
  • Mechanism of action: cauterizes growths.
  • Pros: affordable price, the presence of an applicator.
  • Cons: can not be combined with ointments, you can not wash the treated area for a day.


  • Price: from 300 rubles.
  • Characteristics: drops based on salicylic acid.
  • Mechanism of action: softens the keratinized layers of tissues.
  • Pros: antimicrobial anesthetic.
  • Cons: can cause allergic reactions, it is forbidden to use on the skin of infants, it is not recommended to use the product during lactation, it can not be used on mucous surfaces.

Wartner pen applicator:

  • Price: 520 r.
  • Feature: Produced in the form of an applicator pen based on concentrated acetic acid.
  • Mechanism of action: burns out warts.
  • Pros: Especially effective for plantar viruses.
  • Cons: causes chemical burns; limited exposure, reduced to a couple of varieties of papillomas and calluses, requires careful preparation of the affected area.


  • Price: 659 p.
  • Feature: Available in spray format.
  • Mechanism of action: freezes tissues and the development of the virus.
  • Pros: one package is designed to remove up to 12 pieces on its own.
  • Cons: the appearance of a subcutaneous blister, wait 2 weeks until the wart falls off on its own.


  • Price: from 350 rubles.
  • Feature: Available in gel format.
  • Mechanism of action: eliminates infection, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.
  • Pros: can be used on the mucous membranes of the body, prevents the possibility of relapse; has a cosmetic effect.
  • Cons: There is no information and indications whether it can be used during pregnancy, in addition, no cons have been found.

  • Price: from 160 rubles.
  • Characteristics: ointment based on interferon.
  • Mechanism of action: antiviral, stimulating immunity.
  • Pros: compatible with many drugs, can be applied to mucous membranes.
  • Cons: allowed for children from 1 year old, individual intolerance to the remedy.
  • Price: from 150 rubles.
  • Characteristics: antiviral immunomodulatory ointment based on potato shoot extract.
  • Mechanism of action: responds well to herpetic viruses, wound healing, relieves pain and eliminates infection.
  • Pros: can be used on mucous membranes; natural ingredients that make up the product.
  • Cons: can not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Price: 220 rubles.
  • Feature: Naturopathic anti-inflammatory, antiviral cream-gel.
  • Mechanism of action: antihistamine hygiene agent, relieves inflammation, blocks viruses.
  • Pros: a wide range of applications, natural Altai ingredients.
  • Cons: individual intolerance to glycerin, grape seed extract and menthol.


  • Price: from 650 rubles.
  • Characteristic: solution on acetic acid.
  • Mechanism of action: mummifies papilloma.
  • Pros: the presence of a special applicator.
  • Cons: it can cause ulcers, it burns unpleasantly, causing irritation on the skin, it requires pre-treatment of the infected area, you need to wait until the growth itself disappears.

Consequences of removal

Complications can manifest themselves after the removal of warts as scars, scars that will look ugly on the skin. A serious risk if you want to cut off a hanging wart yourself is the transformation of a harmless neoplasm into a malignant tumor. With the help of new techniques, you can conduct video dermatoscopy diagnostics.


How to remove a wart at home? Since these formations on the surface of the skin are caused by viruses, local treatment and strengthening of immunity is necessary. Warts on the hands can be treated with chemicals, keratolytics, and surgical methods.

Bringing out the house

How to remove warts on the hands? This can be done with the help of folk recipes or medicines. With small single formations that arose for the first time, tinctures, decoctions of herbs are enough. If warts recur, complex treatment is necessary.

Chemical compounds

How to quickly remove flat warts at home? Several dozen preparations of cauterizing action have been developed that can be applied independently. The most common of them are presented in the table.

A drug Compound Mode of application Age restrictions
Verukkatsid. Phenol, metacresol. Apply with a thin applicator to the problem area. With small formations, a single application is sufficient. For large - the product is applied 4 times. From 7 years old.
Panavir. Potato shoot extract. The gel is applied 5 times a day for 5-10 days. From 18 years old.
Cryopharm. Propane, dimethyl ether. The applicator is held on the surface of the papilloma for 10-40 seconds (depending on location and size). From 4 years old.
Supercleaner. Sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide. 1 drop of the product is applied to the formation, and allowed to be completely absorbed. From 12 years old.
Allomedin. Allostatin 1. The gel is used 1-2 times a day. From 18 years old.

All of these drugs are used with caution, as there is a risk of burns and contraindications.


How to reduce a wart at home? To do this, you can use Verukkatsid. It coagulates skin proteins, which causes its cauterizing effect. The drug removes flat plantar and filiform warts, dry calluses, papillomas. To avoid getting the product on healthy skin, it is treated with zinc paste. For large formations, four applications of the product with an interval of several minutes are required. To remove a wart at home on the hands and soles, 7-10 applications may be required.

Verrukacid should not be applied to skin folds (interdigital spaces, groin area), as this leads to burns. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash the skin, treat it with ointments or creams, and seal it with a plaster. Also, you can not remove the resulting crust.


The drug acts with the help of cold, due to which the neoplasms are destroyed. At the same time, blood flow increases in the affected area, which increases local immunity. Restoration of the skin occurs on the 14th day. Cryopharm is used only on the area of ​​​​the hands and feet.

The tool does not affect the lifestyle - you can take a shower, go to the pool, be in the sun. The disadvantages include the possibility of recurrence due to surface freezing and the development of burns if used improperly.


How to get rid of warts on hands? This is also suitable Sepperchistotel. This is a drug containing synthetic components that resemble celandine extract in action. It leads to the death of genital warts. To protect healthy skin, a baby cream is applied around the formation. During application, a tingling or burning sensation may be felt. The course of treatment lasts 3 days, during which the application of Supercleaner is repeated. The neoplasm should disappear in 4-6 days.


How can warts be removed? To remove formations with severe keratinization, keratolytics are used. They soften the growth and facilitate the access of other drugs. Keratolytics include salicylic acid, Kollomak, Duofilm, Urkogor Mozolny.

Salicylic acid is available in various concentrations. To remove neoplasms, a 10% solution is used. After applying the drug, the skin area is covered with polyethylene and a gauze bandage. After a few minutes, the bandage is removed and the hand is immersed in hot soapy water. After that, the stratum corneum is cut off with scissors or forceps.

How to reduce warts at home? On an outpatient basis, you can use Kollomak. This is a drug containing salicylic and lactic acid, lauromacrogol. It is applied 1-2 times a day, 1 drop. The drug can be used no more than 7 days. An alternative is Duofilm containing lactic and salicylic acid. The agent is applied 1 drop 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. Duofilm can be used from 2 years. Urkogor Mozolny is also used - a plaster with salicylic acid. The agent is attached to warty growths 2-3 times a day. The drug is not used until the age of 18.


How to remove recurrent warts? Immunomodulators are used to increase the body's resistance to papillomaviruses. This group includes Isoprinosine, a purine derivative that provides an antiviral effect and stimulates the immune system. It is also prescribed for papillomas, molluscum contagiosum. For adults, the daily dose of the drug is 6 tablets. Isoprinosine can be used from 3 years. For children, the dose is calculated depending on the weight - half a tablet per 5 kg of weight. The course of treatment is 14-28 days.

Folk remedies

How to safely remove a wart? For this purpose, folk methods are used - applying leaves, juice, infusions. You can eliminate a wart at home with the help of such plants:

  • Aloe.
  • Onion garlic.
  • Apple.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Celandine.
  • Horseradish.
  • Potato.


Crushed aloe leaves, which have a bactericidal and antiviral effect, have a good effect. They are applied to a bandage or plaster and applied to the neoplasm. The application is best done at night.

How to remove a small wart on the hand? A pronounced cauterizing effect has the juice of wormwood and celandine. A small amount of the drug is applied 1-2 times to the neoplasm. The disadvantage of this method is the recurrence of outgrowths after a short time. This is due to the removal of only the upper part of the wart.

Fruits and vegetables

To remove warts at home, use onions and garlic. From half an onion and three cloves of garlic, a gruel is prepared, which is applied to the problem area. The mixture is fixed with a bandage for 40 minutes. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times a day. The recipe is not suitable for sensitive skin.

What else can you do to remove warts? Apple juice is used to treat small papillomas. They treat the skin 5-6 times during the day. The lesions should shrink or disappear after 10 days. The method is suitable only for small papillomas on the face.

“Only flat warts can be treated at home. The remaining forms of neoplasms are removed after examination and consultation with a dermatologist, cosmetologist.

Withdrawal at the clinic

Removal of warts in the face, neck, inguinal and axillary region, as well as in children, is best done in a medical facility.


Ferezol is a chemical agent with a bactericidal and cauterizing effect. The liquid destroys virus-affected cells, skin fibers and mucous membranes. It is applied to clean, fat-free skin. To effectively remove keratinized calluses and warts on the hands, they are first steamed out. Then the drug is continuously applied for an hour.

Ferezol is treated on an area not exceeding 20 cm 2. After exposure, the skin should not be bandaged, peeled off, contacted with synthetic fabrics. The next procedure can be carried out after 2 weeks. In total, no more than 5 applications are performed with this tool.

Mardil Selen

Mardil Selenium eliminates pathological cells of benign and malignant tumors. It coagulates small vessels and leads to dehydration of neoplasms. The procedure is performed once and does not require anesthesia. The skin is also cleansed and degreased. Sequentially with an interval of 2 minutes, several applications are carried out. After application, they acquire a grayish color, a scab forms on them. The next day it turns brown and shrinks in size. Swelling and redness appear around the wart, which disappears after 2 days.

The crust peels off on its own in 2-4 weeks. For large neoplasms, repeated application may be required.

“After using Mardil Selena, you can not sunbathe and swim. It is important to avoid injury to the skin. Recommendations should be followed until the wound surface is completely healed.

The composition of drugs and age restrictions are presented in the table.

Surgical methods

How to quickly remove a wart? You can remove the neoplasm in one day with the help of modern surgery. The most common ways are:

  • Cryodestruction.
  • Laser coagulation.
  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Excision with a scalpel.
  • Intralesional administration of interferon.

Each of the methods has indications, features of application and differs in the strength of the impact.


Cryodestruction is a procedure in which neoplasms are eliminated with the help of liquid nitrogen. The method allows you to quickly get rid of warts and papillomas. They are touched with a cryoapplicator cooled to -196⁰С. In the presence of a small single formation, one procedure is sufficient. Up to 10 sessions may be required to remove multiple papillomas.

During the procedure, tingling, burning sensation is felt. After cryodestruction, a stupa is formed, which disappears after 5-12 days. There are no aesthetic defects after the procedure. The advantages of cryodestruction include painlessness, atraumaticity, the possibility of use in the summer.

Laser coagulation

How to remove warts on the face? For this, a gentle method is used - laser coagulation. Under the influence of the laser, the affected tissues are heated. Thanks to this method, benign formations are removed without leaving scars. Skin regeneration occurs quickly - within 2 weeks. First, a crust forms, under which healthy tissue forms. When the scab falls off, there is no wound defect. Therefore, the risk of bacterial complications is low.

“The advantages of the method include low trauma, no bleeding, normalization of immunity, activation of local blood flow.”

The method is suitable for reducing neoplasms in the face, neck, axillary region, chest. After the procedure, you should refrain from visiting the bath, sauna, pool, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical pressure. It is not recommended to tear off the crust yourself.

Laser coagulation is often used to remove plantar warts. The method allows to reduce the rehabilitation period to 5 days. After this period, you can return to the previous loads.


Electrocoagulation is a treatment method in which a high frequency current is applied to the affected tissue. With it, neck, torso, arms. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is performed. With the help of radio waves, a tissue incision will be made, themselves with a tungsten filament.

After electrocoagulation, there are no scars, the probability of complications is low, and recovery occurs quickly. The method has a sterilizing, hemostatic and anti-edematous effect on tissues.

Excision with a scalpel

How to remove large warts on the hands? Excision is chosen for large neoplasms, the presence of contraindications to other methods. Surgical removal is performed under local anesthesia. After excision, sutures are applied, which are removed after a week. The method has disadvantages - scarring and the possibility of recurrence of the neoplasm. Excised tissue must be sent for histology.

Intralesional administration of interferon

How to remove a recurrent wart? For this, intralesional administration of interferon is used. This allows you to eliminate papillomavirus and increase local immunity. The method is also indicated for multiple formations.

Any of the listed methods is performed by a cosmetologist, surgeon or doctor of laser-aesthetic medicine.


Treatment of neoplasms at home has its own characteristics. Read the instructions carefully before using chemicals. Improper use of drugs can lead to skin burns, scarring. The drugs should not be used in such cases:

  • On pigmented nevi, hairy warts, mucous membranes.
  • With skin lesions larger than 20 cm 2.
  • In children under 1 year old.
  • If melanoma is suspected.

Before removing the wart at home, conduct a test for individual sensitivity.

To get rid of papillomas on the body, it is important to choose the appropriate method of treatment, strengthen the immune system, and be examined regularly. Before treatment, neoplasms must be shown to a dermatologist, since many malignant tumors can resemble a wart or condyloma.

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