Removal of the 8th tooth from below the consequences of edema. How to prevent complications after wisdom tooth extraction: expert advice and oral care rules. Conditional indications for extraction

Undoubtedly, any surgical intervention is quite unpleasant procedure. But unfortunately, sometimes this is not enough. Especially often, people face the question of the need to remove a figure eight or a wisdom tooth growing in the upper jaw. Let's try to figure out how difficult such manipulation is, and also in what cases it becomes inevitable.

Theoretically, eights are the same full teeth, As the others. Many mistakenly consider them underdeveloped, even doubting whether the wisdom tooth has a nerve. However, this opinion is erroneous. This molar is indistinguishable in structure and function from others. The only problem is only its wrong growth. Often it is due to the late appearance of the figure eight, when the bones of the face are fully formed and the alveolus cannot accommodate it.

This situation provokes a curvature of the upper part of the tooth. Quite often there are cases of a figure eight growing horizontally or under a strong slope towards the jaw. Of course, the situations described require immediate surgical intervention. If you neglect this, you can get additional problems with the seventh molar

In addition, the roots of a wisdom tooth can also become deformed during development and damage the jaw or grow together. The slow appearance of eights can also cause caries and even partial destruction either on this tooth or on the neighboring seven. As a rule, all associated problems arise due to the late appearance of this molar, when bone completely lost its plasticity and the width of the jaw does not allow the tooth to erupt.

The main factors for indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth

By the way, experts find it difficult to name the average terms for the appearance of a wisdom tooth. Eight can appear at fifteen, and twenty-five, and even after thirty. In addition, there are cases when this molar does not appear at all. It just depends on the individual genetic predisposition organism.

Indications and contraindications for removal

Let's say right away the removal of the upper wisdom tooth is not shown to all people at all, as many people are used to thinking about it. There is such a clear list of cases where manipulation is indispensable:

  • a crown protruding outside or inside the gums, threatening regular injury to the oral cavity;
  • partial destruction of the enamel, pulp or roots of the figure eight (neighboring tooth), which makes it impossible to treat them;
  • horizontal or inclined position with insufficient space for normal placement on the alveolar process;
  • purulent inflammatory process leading to complications (the appearance of an abscess).

As you can see, removing the vestigial upper molar not shown to everyone. In addition, manipulation is not carried out in the following situations:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • acute phase chronic diseases heart, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys;
  • pregnancy (with the exception of the second trimester);
  • mental disorders.

Of course, when visiting a doctor, they will justify the expediency of tooth extraction, if necessary.

Let's talk about anesthesia

Most people are concerned about Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth from above. Today's possibilities of medicine allow this manipulation to be carried out almost imperceptibly for the patient. Today, the choice of painkillers is impressive, and the doctor can easily select the optimal anesthetic drug.

Today, the procedure for the removal of wisdom teeth is almost imperceptible to the patient.

Here you should listen to the opinion of the doctor, since any anesthesia has its own side effects. In addition, there are diseases in which a particular medicine may be contraindicated.

So, cardiovascular problems completely exclude analgesics containing adrenaline. Pregnant women should beware vasoconstrictor drugs, and the best solution for them would be to postpone the operation for as long as possible

Modern dentists are increasingly using articaine for anesthesia. This anesthetic perfectly copes with the task and completely eliminates pain during the manipulation. However, nevertheless, it is recommended to use it during pregnancy only in cases of extreme need, if the threat to the health of the mother is comparable to the possible negative consequences of the development of the fetus.

Figure eight extraction procedure

Most people, even having the above problems with the dentition, are often afraid to agree to manipulation. This feeling is caused by ignorance of how the upper wisdom tooth is removed. To dispel all doubts, let's try to analyze the mechanism of this process.Typical removal without special complications and negative consequences takes place in the following situations:

  • the roots of the tooth are fused into one or two;
  • the length of the root is up to two thirds of the size of the tooth;
  • the exit of the crown above the gum is at least 80%.

In such cases, the removal of a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw, you will see photos of examples of this process in the gallery of the article, takes place with the help of bayonet forceps. This tool has a special structure, since even without visible complications, pulling out a figure eight can be difficult. If the tooth is severely damaged, the pointed and fully closing ends of the forceps will help the doctor securely fix it.

Dentist tools for manipulation

As a rule, before removing a molar, the dentist will ask you to take an x-ray of the jaw in order to assess the scope of the proposed work and choose the best strategy for action. This will help to avoid possible complications and damage to the adjacent tooth, as well as soft tissues of the gums during the manipulation and at its end.

Next, the doctor collects an anamnesis by questioning the patient about whether he has various diseases to determine the need for surgery and choose the right anesthetic. From the figure eight, plaque is removed and carried out antiseptic treatment gums to avoid postoperative suppuration of the wound.

The process of removing the upper wisdom tooth

Having decided on the choice of instrument, the dentist gives the patient local anesthesia. The removal process itself occurs in the following sequence:

  • application and fixation of the instrument at the optimal points for traction;
  • rocking of the molar;
  • extraction of the figure eight from the spongy body of the alveoli (traction);
  • stop bleeding and blood clot in the wound.

As you can see, the typical process of extracting a rudimentary tooth is completely identical to the traction of any other molar and does not pose any particular danger. Since many do not know if there is a nerve in the wisdom tooth, experts will answer this question. Of course, it is, and it is because of this that you will need anesthesia during the manipulation. By the way, after the extraction of the molar, you will feel pain for some time until the hole is completely healed.

Possible Complications of Atypical Traction

Unfortunately, typical deletion a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw, the consequences of which are minimal, is not always feasible. Often there are cases when the roots of the eight go to maxillary sinus. In such situations, during traumatic tooth extraction, either damage to it or accidental pushing of fragments there is possible. Such outcomes cannot be ignored and controlled, because it can threaten the formation of a sinus cyst and, as a result, the occurrence of chronic sinusitis, which can only be eliminated surgically.

With atypical removal of the figure eight, some complications may occur.

Another example of a difficult removal is a fracture. alveolar process. This usually occurs at the extreme position of the molar relative to the bone. Then, when the figure eight is removed, detachment of the bone tissue of the gums may occur.

To possible difficulties can also be attributed to accidental injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity with their subsequent infection. This usually happens when there is no way to pull out the whole molar and the surgeon has to take it out piece by piece. Such actions may cause partial removal, when top part the root will go unnoticed in the gum

These situations, as a rule, can arise due to the lack of a snapshot of the jaw, as well as in advanced and irreversible processes of pulp destruction. Of course, these cases are not isolated, but a competent dentist and a patient’s responsible approach to such manipulation will reduce everything possible risks to zero.

Postoperative period

To complete the picture, you need to know about possible development situations after such manipulation as removal of 8 teeth from above. The consequences of these actions are usually predictable. In the normal course of traction and correct formation a blood clot, the patient does not experience any particular inconvenience. However, sometimes there are some complications.

Fracture of the bone socket during manipulation and its remnants in the gum can cause alveolitis

Frequent concomitant symptom postoperative period becomes inflammation of the hole or alveolitis. Usually it can be caused by traumatic removal of a molar or a violation of the integrity of a blood clot. Also, the cause may be the remnants of bone tissue in the gums and poor clotting the patient's blood. This complication can cause short-term disability and requires re-sanitization of the hole.

Another consequence of atypical traction will be the emergence of fragments of bone tissue on the surface. In these situations, it is advisable to remove all fragments of the tooth and keratinized walls of the alveoli surgically.

Even with the simplest course of manipulation and compliance with all conditions, on the first day after traction, you will experience not the most pleasant sensations. Control of the situation by the doctor and strict observance his prescriptions will speed up the healing process.

Extraction of the top eight proceeds in the same way as other molars. Therefore, experts recommend adhering to the same rules for the primary care of the hole as in similar situations.

Formation of a blood clot in the hole after tooth extraction

The bandage applied by the doctor to stop the bleeding should be in place for half an hour. In this case, it is not necessary to press the tampon too hard so as not to damage the blood clot or to press it into the well. Be especially careful when removing the bandage from the wound. In this case, you should try not to damage the integrity of the blood clot - because it protects the wound from infection.

It is necessary to avoid eating for the first six hours after the operation, and for the next three days, do not consume excessively hot or cold foods and drinks. There will also be a time limit physical activity and loads. If after the first day the pain intensifies and there is a sharp smell from the mouth, you should check the healing process with a specialist

So, we briefly reviewed the indications for the extraction of the upper rudimentary molars, the features of their traction and the course of the recovery process. As you can see modern technologies allow for a completely painless procedure. You only need to remember one thing - timely appeal to the dentist and the implementation of all necessary conditions will guarantee easy disposal of an extra tooth.

Scheme for an atypical removal of a wisdom tooth Bayonet forceps will help the doctor remove the upper eight Before removing the tooth, take an x-ray of the jaw so that the doctor can assess the complexity of the manipulation The eight is no different in structure from any other molar and a nerve passes inside it

”, also called the eighth tooth and third molar, but in fact he does not take part in the process of chewing food and talking. During caries, they usually try to save it, so it can be useful for the future, for example, in the form of a support for a prosthesis, if necessary. Dentists themselves try to save any teeth they can, and if the eighth tooth from above or below is subject to treatment, it is saved.

However, there are forced measures when the 8th tooth is removed and this is mainly done in the upper part of the jaw. This procedure has consequences and can affect adjacent crowns of other teeth and tissue. Removal of the 8th tooth of the lower part of the jaw takes place mostly without complications.

Features of wisdom molars

Contrary to common misconception, the eighth molar is quite ordinary tooth. Only outwardly it is slightly more curved and has a complex root and vascular system.

These molars are called "eighths", because if you count from the middle of the row, then the wisdom tooth will always be the eighth, because it is located at the end.

There can be four such molars in total - two from above and two from below. In some cases, the figure eight may not grow at all.

The main feature of the eighth teeth is that they have several roots (there can be two or more of them). For this reason, it is more difficult to remove them.

If the wisdom tooth has only one root, besides a straight one, then this is considered an anomaly. Some doctors do not even consider such teeth as a full-fledged eighth molar.

Usually, a wisdom tooth has a very complex root system - one large fused root or several small ones scattered along the gum.

In addition, they are very curved, which makes them much more difficult to treat, so very often the figure eight is removed.

Most often, such teeth erupt, starting at the age of 17. Sometimes people are surprised to notice that the eighth molar has grown in their pre-retirement age, so eights can appear at any time.

As a rule, the wisdom tooth does not have a milk analogue - the molar erupts immediately with a permanent one. In this case, the formation of its germ occurs simultaneously with the rest of the teeth.

The figure eight crown is finally formed by the age of 12, the roots are fully formed when a person is already about 24 years old.

The wisdom tooth is considered one of the most problematic molars; both patients and dentists do not like it. The first - because its eruption is characterized severe pain and complications, and the second - because the eight is very difficult to remove.

Quite often, doctors are faced with a molar that did not come out at all or appeared only halfway.

In addition, sometimes the gum hood becomes inflamed. All this is explained by the fact that there is very little room on the gum for the growth of the 8th tooth.

The fact is that wisdom teeth are a vestige that is not needed at all now. This happened because of evolution - earlier people they ate harder and tougher food, but then the food became softer and softer, so that the need for extra teeth disappeared.

This was also influenced by the change in the skull along with the increase in the brain. However, scientists still cannot find the answer why the wisdom tooth still continues to grow in a large number of people.

Some researchers believe that the wisdom tooth is not a vestigial tooth, as the figure eight continues to function normally when chewed.

Reasons for deletion

There are many reasons for removing eights. Since these are the most problem teeth, then doctors advise removing them as soon as they appear so that there are no further complications.

Very often, the eighth tooth is removed due to caries. After eruption, a gum hood is formed next to it, where a large amount of food accumulates, which can provoke a carious cavity.

Inflammatory process in the gum hood - frequent indication for the operation. Very often, the tooth grows, and then part of it is covered with a hood, which was formed from the mucosa. As mentioned above, because of this, the risk of caries is high.

But it also happens that inflammation begins in the hood itself - this is called pericoronitis. In this case, pus may form.

It happens that dentists remove the inflamed tissue, and the tooth is left. In some cases, everything is removed together.

Very often, when teething, the figure eight shifts adjacent teeth. As a result, it is necessary to correct the bite.

To properly install the bracket system, extra molars are removed. The same applies to prostheses - if the implant cannot be properly fixed, then an operation is performed.

Sometimes the eighth tooth can put too much pressure on the root neighboring teeth, because of which he injures them. It is too common cause operations on the eighth molars.

One of the rarest indications is facial pain. They are explained by the fact that when the figure eight cuts through, it can hurt some nerve endings faces, which could cause injury.

A person may develop a cyst. At the site of the eruption of any tooth, a bubble is formed from which the tooth should emerge.

If it does not grow, then the formation remains, fluid and blood accumulate in it, and then the cavity bursts. If this does not happen, then a cyst forms, which can seriously injure the jawbone.

Sometimes the eighth molar grows incorrectly - horizontally in relation to other teeth. In some cases, it is cut near the cheek.

If the figure eight is not removed in time, then the molar can injure the mucous membrane or another tooth. It should be remembered that if the figure eight rubs the cheek, then this can even lead to a cancerous tumor.

Another molar is removed when the surface of the crown is severely damaged. Usually, the upper wisdom tooth is much easier to remove than the lower one.

Easy removal

The removal of the figure eight is carried out under anesthesia. Most often, a local one is used, but sometimes a general one is used when the patient has some problems.

Many people after surgery notice that their tooth starts to hurt a lot. it normal reaction organism, because removal is always stressful.

The intensity of pain depends on the reason for the procedure. The more serious the indication, the more it hurts.

As mentioned above, general anesthesia is sometimes used to remove the figure eight.

Typically, anesthesia general type needed when the patient has serious psychical deviations and he can't control himself.

The need arises if you want to remove several teeth at once, and a person does not have much time.

Extraction of 8 teeth from below is much easier to carry out than from above. This is explained by the fact that mandible stronger bone tissue, which does not just pull out the figure eight.

It often happens that the doctor has to cut or drill a tooth out of the bone.

In addition, the lower tooth is more difficult to remove, because it has a very strong root system. It should be remembered that in figure eights the roots are very twisted and practically untreatable.

Extraction of 8 teeth is divided into ordinary and complex. The first option is used when the process has one straight root, which happens very rarely.

The second type is used when the operation involves an incision in the gums. This is necessary if the molar has grown only partially or is completely in the gum.

The usual operation to remove the figure eight is much faster. To begin with, the dentist is interested in whether the patient has an allergy.

Before performing a tooth extraction, it is advisable to visit an allergist and ask about intolerance to some components. This will help reduce the chance of complications.

The dentist should know if the person has any infectious diseases. After that, the pressure is measured, because if it is high, it can provoke increased bleeding and other unpleasant consequences.

Then the doctor injects an anesthetic drug. When this is done, the person needs to wait four minutes for the remedy to take effect.

If the operation is performed on the lower jaw, then you will have to wait longer. In this case, numbness of half of the face and part of the throat is possible, since there are much more nerves on the lower jaw.

A simple figure eight removal operation involves the use of elevators or forceps. With this removal, the process is not sawn out, and the gum tissue is not cut. The whole procedure usually takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

This type of figure eight removal is used even if the person has inflammation. Then the mouth is disinfected, and the wound after the operation is cleaned with an antiseptic.

However, in this case, the hole still needs to be sutured, because. soft fabric severely torn during the extraction process.

Difficult removal and types of anesthesia

A complex operation is indicated when the figure eight has a large number of roots, has not completely crawled out, or is still in the gum. As a rule, after such a removal, the consequences are much more serious, the risk of complications increases, etc.

Many people observe after the procedure profuse bleeding from the hole.

Besides, complicated operation figure eight involves cutting gum tissue, cutting out a tooth, drilling or crushing right in the hole.

To do this, you will need not only an elevator, but also a drill, a scalpel and other tools.

Before such a removal, the doctor must take an x-ray to better understand how to act.

This type of removal does not have a single algorithm of actions - it depends on each specific case.

To carry out the extraction of a complex type of tooth, a stronger anesthesia is used, which lasts longer.

First, the gum is cut so that the tooth is visible. If there are a lot of roots, then they are drilled using a drill and taken out. Then the crown is removed.

After that, the well is treated with disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents. At the end it is sewn up.

Anesthesia is always used to remove the figure eight. Currently, there are many drugs that can provide desired effect. For example, lidocaine is used very often, because people rarely have intolerance to it.

To make the drug last longer, the dentist uses adrenaline. But sometimes doctors make mistakes and overdo it with its quantity. In this case, the patient begins to feel dizzy, the heart rate increases, etc.

It should be remembered that even a very strong painkiller will not be able to drown out the pain after surgery. If a complex removal of the figure eight was carried out, then strong pain is normal.

In dentistry, ubistezin, septanest and ultracain are actively used. For their introduction, a carpool syringe is used, which allows you to enter the drug without pain.

From this article you will learn:

  • how a wisdom tooth is removed: photos and videos,
  • what are the complications
  • wisdom tooth removal: price Moscow (for 2019).

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

At the end of this article, you can read the reviews of a large number of patients left in the comments to the article on the removal of a wisdom tooth. After reading about what patients had to endure, it will become clear to you that the removal process itself is more scary than painful. But there is also pain, only it begins after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth?

Most frequently asked question, which one has to hear - does it hurt to remove a wisdom tooth. The fact is that if you got to a good doctor who correctly set anesthesia, pain is excluded. But there are times when patients still say that they were in pain. And as a rule, the lower wisdom tooth was removed from these patients. And this is due to poor-quality anesthesia.

For example, when a wisdom tooth is removed in the upper jaw, it is done infiltration anesthesia(into the gum in the projection of the roots of the tooth itself). But when removing lower teeth wisdom, anesthesia is not done next to the tooth, but with inside branches of the lower jaw. Such anesthesia is technically difficult, and not all doctors know how to do it well.

How wisdom teeth are removed

Usually, the removal of the upper wisdom tooth is easier than the removal of the lower wisdom tooth. This is due to the fact that the lower eighth teeth often have massive curved roots or lie horizontally. In addition, the bone tissue of the lower jaw is much harder (than the upper), and therefore the roots of the lower wisdom teeth break off more often.

In cases where a wisdom tooth that has not yet erupted (i.e., impacted) is removed, an x-ray is required. In all other cases, the question of the need for a picture is at the discretion of the dental surgeon. The removal process itself can be simple or complex, which will depend on −

  • how much the tooth erupted,
  • whether it has a strong inclination towards the 7th tooth or a horizontal position,
  • on the shape and number of roots,
  • from the skill of the dental surgeon.

Important : the last point is the most important if you want the removal to go smoothly. Of course, the shape and position of the tooth is important, but even more important is the extraction strategy that the surgeon chooses. Not experienced doctor may first pick your tooth for 2 hours before accepting the right decision saw it and pull out each root separately. And an experienced doctor will cut it right away, and the entire removal will take not 2.5 hours, but 15-20 minutes.

1. Simple removal of a wisdom tooth -

In the video below you can see how a wisdom tooth is removed in the lower jaw. If the removal is simple, then the entire process of the removal itself usually takes from 2 to 10 minutes (along with suturing the wound). Before that, another 5-7 minutes will be spent waiting for the appearance of numbness.

Important Points to avoid complications...

  • During history taking
    the most important things you should tell your doctor about: allergies to medicines, the presence of diabetes, bronchial asthma, about problems with blood pressure, bleeding disorders, whether you are taking anticoagulants. If you have taken Aspirin within 1 week before, then this should also be said, because. it thins the blood and thereby contributes to the development of bleeding and the formation of hematomas.

    It is very important for women to inform the doctor about critical days. The fact is that during menstruation, the number of platelets in the blood decreases by 30-50%, and stop bleeding depends on them. If this is not taken into account (and the doctor does not suture the wound) - you can get heavy bleeding, and not necessarily immediately in the doctor's chair, but later at home.

  • Conducting anesthesia
    after an injection of an anesthetic in the upper jaw, it is enough to wait 4 minutes for adequate anesthesia, and for the lower jaw, 6-8 minutes are needed. In our opinion, the best anesthetic for pain relief today is this. It is practically indispensable for allergy sufferers with asthma, patients with pressure, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
  • Removal process
    simple extraction does not involve incisions in the gums or drilling of the tooth from the bone tissue. The tooth is swung with forceps and removed. After extraction good doctor always put in the hole extracted tooth the drug "Alvogel", which will reduce the risk of development (inflammation of the hole of the extracted tooth). This common drug is in every clinic.
  • Suturing -
    after easy removal doctors rarely suture the wound. But a good doctor will always put stitches to bring the edges of the wound (mucosa) together even after a simple removal. Studies have shown that due to this step, the risk of bleeding or a clot falling out of the wound is almost completely eliminated, in addition, the wound after removal will hurt much less, but most importantly, the risk of developing alveolitis is reduced by 70-90%.

    Therefore, I advise you - even before removal, ask the doctor to put 1-2 stitches on you, even if you have to pay extra for it. Believe me, in the end, thanks to this, you will save yourself a lot of nerves and money for medicines and repeated visits to the doctor (if bleeding or inflammation of the hole develops). For appointments after deletion, see the end of the article.

Simple wisdom tooth removal: video

Another cool video where the doctor shows great skills. Despite the fact that the doctor drinks the bone around the tooth with a drill, the extraction takes less than 10 minutes and, in fact, is also simple (although in some private clinics you may be asked to pay for it as complex). This is about the fact that a good doctor is able to make a complex removal simple for the patient, and a bad doctor can easily turn a simple removal into a complex one ...

2. Complicated wisdom tooth extraction -

In cases where the tooth has not yet erupted, or it has numerous branched and twisted roots, or when the crown of the tooth is destroyed and there is nothing to grab onto with forceps, or the tooth has a strong inclination or takes a horizontal position - all this suggests that the removal may be difficult. Before such a removal, an x-ray is already taken.

After anesthesia, the doctor's actions depend on the specific clinical situation, but usually a complex removal of a wisdom tooth is accompanied by an incision in the gums, drilling of the bone tissue with a drill and / or sawing the tooth into several parts (which are then removed separately), as well as mandatory suturing of the wound. The duration of a complex removal can be different and range from 20 minutes to rare cases- up to 2 hours.

Complicated removal of an impacted wisdom tooth (Fig. 4-8) -
(impacted teeth are teeth that have not yet fully erupted)

Operation description –
after anesthesia, an incision is made in the gingival mucosa, and the edges of the mucosa are pulled apart to expose the bone tissue around the tooth. Further, if necessary, the doctor uses a drill, which is needed in order to facilitate the extraction of the tooth. When removing a wisdom tooth, it is very often necessary to either drill the bone tissue around it, or saw the tooth itself into several parts and pull them out separately.

Next, the wound is washed with antiseptics and the anti-inflammatory medicine Alvogel is placed in the well. The fact that you put it in the hole is always indicated by a specific iodine smell and taste. This medicine dissolves itself after 7 days, i.e. you don't have to take it out of the hole. After that, the wound is sutured. Suture material may be self-absorbable (within 7-10 days), or you will have to return to the clinic to remove the stitches.

Complex removal of a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw (video 1) and in the lower jaw (video 2) -

Please note that in these videos, doctors use a drill or a sonic tip to first cut the crown of the wisdom tooth and only then extract the tooth in fragments. As a specialist, I am pleased to see the confident and high-quality work of my colleagues…

Important : it should be noted that after the removal of wisdom teeth in 25-30% in the holes of the extracted teeth develops (alveolitis). After the extraction of teeth of any other localization, such inflammation develops only in 2-5% of cases. About how the wells of the teeth should look normal after removal - read and see in the article: →

How much does it cost to remove a wisdom tooth: price in Moscow

How much does it cost to remove a wisdom tooth: the price in Moscow will depend on the complexity of the removal, as well as on pricing policy dental clinic. For example, the cost of removing a wisdom tooth can differ significantly in public clinics and private economy class clinics - from the price in mid- and high-price clinics.

In addition, in some clinics there may be a gradation of wisdom tooth extraction only into simple and complex, and in others - into simple, moderate and complex. After analyzing the prices, we divided them into economy class clinics and clinics of the middle and high price segment.

Wisdom tooth extraction: price in economy class clinics in Moscow

  • Simple removal of a wisdom tooth - 1500 rubles,
    the cost already includes anesthesia, but if you need to put 1-2 stitches, you will have to pay extra + 500 rubles.
  • Removal of medium complexity - 3000 rubles,
    this price includes anesthesia and suturing.
  • Complicated removal of a wisdom tooth - 5000 rubles,
    this includes, among other things, the removal of impacted and dystopic wisdom teeth. The price is already "all inclusive".

The price of wisdom tooth extraction in clinics of the middle and upper price segments is

  • Simple removal - about 3500 rubles,
    the price is already “all inclusive”, usually including even repeated examinations.
  • Complicated removal - about 9500 rubles,
    this includes, among other things, the removal of impacted and dystopic wisdom teeth. This price is also "all inclusive", including re-examinations.

Important : It is quite difficult for the patient to plan in advance - how much the removal of the 8th tooth will cost. This will depend on many factors that are found out during the examination, radiography, and sometimes even during the removal itself.

After a simple extraction, it is enough to perform after the extraction of the tooth. But what to do after the removal of a wisdom tooth, if the removal was difficult or was carried out against the background purulent inflammation. In addition to the standard recommendations at the link above, we recommend adding the following −

  • Antihistamines
    they are also called antiallergic. We recommend taking (preferably Suprastin) - 1 time per day at bedtime in the first 3 days after a difficult removal. The advantage of these funds is that they allow you to reduce the swelling of soft tissues, which will definitely develop after a complex removal.
  • Antibiotics -
    antibiotics after the removal of a wisdom tooth should be prescribed only by a dental surgeon, and not taken on their own. Most often, dental surgeons are used to prescribing (2 capsules 3 times a day, for 5 days). It's inexpensive Russian drug, quite effective, but strongly affects the intestinal microflora, killing all living things.

    Another popular antibiotic in dentistry is Amoxiclav. For adults, it is necessary to use Amoxiclav tablets containing 500 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulanic acid - 2 times a day. However, if you have had indigestion (diarrhea) after taking antibiotics, then it is better to opt for the antibiotic Unidox Solutab 100 mg 2 times a day for 5-6 days.

    We recommend the latter option. And try never in your life, if possible, to take Russian antibiotics if you do not want to earn pseudomembranous colitis. It is better then to give preference to inexpensive Indian antibiotics.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: Complications

As we have already said: there are much fewer complications if, even after a simple removal, the doctor necessarily sutures the wound. Below we also list all the main complications after the removal of a wisdom tooth, which (it must be admitted) in most cases are the cause of the following doctor's mistakes -

  • Wrong strategy
    inexperienced or lazy doctors try, if possible, to remove a wisdom tooth only with forceps and an elevator, sometimes torturing the patient for 1-2 hours, instead of immediately making an incision and sawing out a small amount of bone, or sawing the crown of the tooth into several parts, while removing each root separately.
  • Poor tooling
    if you see that the doctor is using a chisel, then it is almost natural that you will have complications later (inflammation of the hole, pain in the temporomandibular joint, numbness lower lip due to nerve injury). Gouging is simply not acceptable.

    Sawing roots and bone should only be done with a water-cooled drill. However, many clinicians use non-water-cooled handpieces for this. This in 100% of cases leads to overheating of the bone and causes the development of inflammation of the hole, called alveolitis.

  • Wrong appointments after deletion
    after any complex extraction, especially when it was done with sawing the bone, sawing the crown of the tooth, and even after a simple extraction, but if the tooth was removed against the background of inflammation, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics. Some doctors do not do this, getting inflammation of the hole of the extracted tooth after 1-2 days.

Complications after the removal of a wisdom tooth -

  • Bleeding after removal
    sometimes bleeding does not develop in the doctor's chair, but several hours after removal, or even at night. There is a special at home that help most patients.
  • If there is numbness of the lower lip
    this indicates an injury to the mandibular nerve, passing near the tops of the roots of the lower teeth. In this case, you need to urgently contact a dentist and a neurologist.
  • Inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth
    this is the most common complication, which is commonly called. Symptoms are aching pain, which can be moderate or moderate. If, after removal, your pain / swelling does not decrease, but only increases, if you experience pain when a cold or hot water, if there is an unpleasant smell from the hole, if there is no clot in the hole and food is stuffed there - all this is characteristic of alveolitis.

    What to do when, after the removal of a wisdom tooth, it hurts a lot - read the article.

Among the ancient Slavs, it was believed that the removal of the 8th tooth deprives a person of the protection of the ancestors, and they tried to avoid such a procedure, treating the “eight” with conspiracies. AT modern world everything has changed radically. The eighth teeth were classified as atavisms, and if there is evidence, the patient immediately receives a referral to the surgeon to remove them. In the USA, the removal of the 8th tooth is carried out as soon as its crown part appears above the gum, this service is even included in medical insurance. But dentists in our country consider such drastic measures to be unjustified, because the G8s can still be useful to the patient. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

What is 8 tooth?

Eighths are called wisdom teeth - the largest molars located at the edges of the dentition.

"Eights" is called the third pair on. They are also known as wisdom teeth. They erupt, as a rule, between the ages of 16 and 27, but sometimes much later. It is believed that with the eruption of these molars, the formation of the dentoalveolar system of a person is completed, and he becomes wise due to his age. Together with the third molars, and there are only 4 of them, there are 32 teeth in the human dentition - a complete set.

The third molars are called “eights”, since according to, they have exactly such a serial number in the dentition. If you draw a conditional line between the front central incisors, starting from them to the right or left, the "wisdom teeth" will be eighth. Everything is simple.

Sometimes from the lips of a doctor in dentistry you can hear that these teeth are called completely unexpected numbers: 18, 28, 38, 48. A patient without knowledge of the matter may wonder where the 48th tooth came from and how he could not notice the extra 16 pieces. In fact, the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 in front of the figure eight indicate the location of the third molar: right or left, above or below. So, if the doctor looks at the patient's face, he will call the wisdom teeth on the right in the upper jaw 28th, on the bottom right - 38, on the top left - 18, and the bottom "eight" on the left will have the number 48. There are several more dental formulas, and according to each of them a wisdom tooth can have different names.

In the photo you can see that the roots of the "eights" can be winding and twisted.

Do humans need eighth teeth?

According to statistics, in 15% of the world's population, wisdom teeth do not erupt at all, since their rudiments are simply absent. Anthropologists say that the need for wisdom teeth in humans disappeared after the transition to soft food. Today, in our kitchen arsenal there are meat grinders, blenders, we can bake, boil and stew food, so the load on the dentoalveolar apparatus in modern people is incomparable to that experienced by the jaws of our distant ancestors.

In 8 out of 10 people who have acquired third molars, they erupt problematically. Experts say that over the past century, the jaw of people has become about 12 millimeters. For "eights" there is simply no place on the jaw, so for many they grow as they should: under the gum, sideways, towards the tongue.

On the x-ray it can be seen that the “eight” abuts with the crown part against the adjacent molar.

So the eighth teeth along with the dense hairline on the body and an elongated coccyx were attributed to atavisms - signs characteristic of our ancestors and absent in modern people normally. By the way, scientists say that in the future a person will lose the need for “twos” and “fives”, so that 32 teeth will soon finally cease to be taken as the norm.

However, if the wisdom teeth erupted correctly, do not rush to call them superfluous. If it became a question to treat or remove the 8th tooth during development on it, it is better to seal it. Despite the fact that in the process of chewing the "eight" play not so important role, they do not allow the rest of the teeth in the row to loosen. But the main thing is that with the loss of neighboring chewing teeth the "eight" can become a support for or allow the use of.

Extraction of 8 teeth

If the 8th tooth grows crookedly and, for example, its crown part scratches the mucous membrane of the cheeks, it will bring more harm than good. With constant damage to the mucosa, an ulcer forms on it, which can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

You have to pull out the "eight" in the presence of the following indications:

  • neglected caries, in which the tooth is destroyed very badly and it is impossible to save it;
  • complications such as , ;
  • - Difficulties in teething wisdom teeth;
  • abnormal growth of the molar, which, in addition to pain in adjacent tooth, damage to the mucosa and gums, can lead to inflammation trigeminal nerve;
  • wisdom;
  • and its correction with orthodontic constructions.

Features of removing the upper and lower "eights"

While the removal of the upper 8 is easy and quick in most cases, the lower wisdom tooth can cause a lot of trouble for both the patient and the doctor. The point is in the features of the lower jaw bone and the molars themselves.

Teeth of the lower jaw are tested increased load, they not only participate in the process of chewing food, but also feel the pressure of the upper jaw. To do this, nature has made the units of the lower row more massive, and their roots are more powerful and stronger. So the removal of the 8th tooth from below for a dental surgeon can be a real challenge. Most often, for this, the doctor has to use various dental instruments to crush the tooth into pieces.

Using a drill, the dentist will break the tooth into smaller pieces.

Very often, the lower "eights" have too curved roots, which also makes the doctor's work difficult. To avoid unpleasant consequences when removing the 8th tooth from below, the dentist needs to see the whole picture, so you can’t do without it.

So that sad consequences more often it has the removal of the 8th tooth from below, from above the operation almost always goes smoothly. In the process of extracting the lower wisdom tooth, the surgeon can apply excessive force, resulting in a fracture of the jaw, damage to the adjacent "seven", injury to the gums with slipped forceps.

How is tooth extraction performed?

Since tooth extraction is a painful procedure, it is performed exclusively under anesthesia. This is usually an anesthetic injection. After the drug has taken effect and sensitivity will disappear, the doctor will proceed directly to the operation. If the tooth is located under the gum, it will have to be cut. In the case when there is also bone tissue above the molar, it will also have to be removed. A large tooth with twisting roots or if it is impossible to grab the molar with forceps, the doctor will extract it in parts, after using a burr. If the gum had to be cut, at the end of the operation, sutures are placed on the incision site, they will be removed after a couple of weeks. The place of manipulation is treated with antiseptics, the patient is given a snack gauze swab and tell how to proceed further in order to avoid complications after the removal of the 8th tooth.

How to avoid complications after removing the 8-ki?

Take very seriously the precise implementation of all the recommendations of the surgeon. This will help to avoid such dangerous consequences how:

  • - inflammation of the hole in which the tooth was located;
  • swelling and inflammation of the gums;
  • bleeding from the hole - it can appear even a day after the operation;
  • osteomyelitis is a complication of alveolitis.

Normally, after the tooth is extracted, a blood clot forms in its place, which subsequently turns into fibrous tissue, and already a bone is formed from it. Usually, within a couple of months, the hole is completely filled with bone tissue.

In order for the healing process to proceed well, follow these recommendations:

  • if the gauze swab fills with blood, it must be changed regularly for a new one, as it becomes a breeding ground for infection;
  • if the blood does not stop flowing from the hole after a day, go to the doctor;
  • within 4 hours after the operation, you can not eat, drink liquids and smoke (therefore, you should eat before visiting the surgeon);
  • to the cheek problem area ice can be applied to reduce pain and swelling;
  • try to limit fluid intake on the first day after surgery, as it can wash out the clot;
  • give up physical activity, visits to the bath, sauna on the first day after the procedure;
  • eat mushy and mashed warm food, try to chew on opposite side jaws;
  • in the first 2 days, refuse to brush your teeth with a brush and paste;
  • try not to open your mouth wide when yawning, laughing or screaming so that the seams do not come apart.

Do not forget to ask the surgeon what pain medications you can take if the pain is too strong. Usually dentists recommend Ibuprofen, Ketorol,.

Every adult has come across eighth teeth, painful teething, deletion and all related problems. It is necessary to understand why they are called that, why they are needed at all, where they are located, how do “wise” eights differ from the rest? What troubles can bring when it is necessary to remove, and does it hurt?

Where are wisdom teeth located?

Wisdom teeth or figure eights are named after their location and late eruption. Starting from the central incisor, they will be the eighth in a row (that is, they are located at the very end of the row). There should be four “wise” teeth in total, but for one reason there may be fewer of them. Formation begins with the crown at the age of 12-14 years. Roots develop later. Many are interested in the question, how many of them are there? The roots can be either 4 or 5, or one fused. Wisdom teeth grow from the age of 18-20, however, their eruption often occurs after forty.

Why are eights needed?

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The growth of the eighth teeth is laid down by nature, since before they were simply necessary, in connection with the use of hard and unprocessed food. This explains the elongated jaw of ancient man. With the development of civilization, food became much softer, so the historical purpose of wisdom teeth came to naught. With evolution, the human jaw has decreased, which means that there is also less space for wisdom teeth. There are many problems associated with their eruption. Now eights are teeth that may be needed during prosthetics.

Therapeutic treatment

The treatment of wisdom teeth is not easy and long due to the strong curvature of their roots. It can be difficult for a doctor to completely clean and seal curved and branched roots, which makes treatment ineffective. The distant location of the eighth teeth makes it difficult to access them, and can provoke the patient vomiting reflex. Provided that the wisdom teeth have fully erupted and the doctor sees no other obstacles, a variety of procedures are applied. In parallel with treatment in dentistry, a course of antibiotics or antibacterial drugs is sometimes prescribed.

Indications for treatment:

  1. preparation for prosthetics (8s can come in handy, especially if there are no sevens and sixes);
  2. the wisdom tooth has completely erupted and is positioned correctly;
  3. the wisdom tooth has an antagonist, and they are both used during chewing (removal of 8 may cause deformation of the opposite jaw).

When is removal shown?

Practice shows that wisdom teeth are needed only in isolated cases, and modern man can easily live without them (and without them, life often becomes more comfortable). Wisdom tooth extraction is a standard procedure performed by dentists all the time. You can find many on the web informative videos, which describes and shows the entire process in detail. There are many indications for the removal of wisdom teeth:

  1. severe pain of an unerupted tooth;
  2. inflammatory process and suppuration that accompanies eruption;
  3. wrong growth;
  4. lack of free space for a wisdom tooth;
  5. carious destruction;
  6. cyst.

Removing a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw is much easier. This is due to the fact that the bone tissue of the upper jaw is less strong and dense, and the roots are more straight. upper teeth wisdom is easier to pull out in a simple way. lower teeth wisdom "sit" much stronger. Their roots are prone to curvature, which makes it difficult for the doctor to work.

During removal lower eights x-rays are always taken to determine the complexity of the work. The removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw is most often carried out by surgical intervention.

There are two ways to remove eights:

  1. Simple tooth extraction. Used when the wisdom tooth is completely out, the doctor can remove it with forceps or other instruments. During a simple wisdom tooth extraction, the patient is given an ordinary anesthetic injection. The procedure itself is completely painless, only slight pressure can be felt. In this way, wisdom teeth are often removed in the upper jaw.
  2. Complicated tooth extraction. It is a small operation during which the doctor cuts the gum and removes the wisdom tooth. Complicated tooth extraction is performed under various types anesthesia, depending on the complexity and duration of the procedure. Extraction of a tooth in the lower jaw is often accompanied by surgical intervention, which allows less injury to bone and soft tissues.

A broken tooth hurts

This happens when there is not enough space for eruption or the 8 tries to grow in the wrong direction, that is, it “lies”. With the horizontal growth of the wisdom tooth, its crown is directed to the side. In this case, there is pressure not only on the adjacent seven, but on the entire row. Prolonged pressure of the wisdom tooth leads to crowding and deformation of the entire row, so its removal is mandatory.

The position of the wisdom tooth can be directed towards the cheek. This causes pain, and can also be fraught with other complications (inflammatory process and suppuration). In both cases, the method of complex extraction of teeth is used. After inspection based on x-rays the dentist evaluates the position of the wisdom tooth and proceeds to remove it.

Development of caries

The defeat of the eight tooth by caries is a fairly common occurrence. One of the reasons for which is insufficient hygiene oral cavity due to its remote location. Complete treatment maybe not always, but you need to solve the problem quickly, since caries quickly spreads through the oral cavity.

Both simple and complex methods can be used. Simple removal is possible provided that the wisdom tooth has erupted, and caries has not completely destroyed it. This method often used to remove upper teeth wisdom. With abundant caries, the doctor first drills the affected areas, and then removes it with an instrument. Complicated removal is used when caries has almost completely destroyed the crowns, and it is impossible to pull them out with a tool. This is especially true when removing lower teeth.

Purulent inflammation of the gums

The removal of the wisdom tooth in this case is mandatory, as the inflammation will spread and worsen. The inflammatory process usually develops when wrong growth wisdom tooth. That is, 8 does not grow upward, but horizontally towards the cheek. In this case, the gum becomes inflamed, inner part cheeks and nearby mucous membranes. They are constantly injured by their teeth while eating, infection and microbes get into the wounds, which provokes purulent inflammation, in order to understand how it looks, it is worth studying medical photos.

When removed horizontal teeth wisdom resort to surgical intervention. The dentist needs to remove the figure eight, if possible, clean the suppuration and sew up the wound. In the future, the patient will continue treatment at home with antiseptics and antibiotics.

Painful sensations

At constant painful sensations With the removal of a wisdom tooth, you should not delay even if it has completely erupted. It is possible that the pain is associated with a lack of space. At constant pressure displacement of the dentition occurs. It causes chronic pain and leads to curvature. Both methods of removing wisdom teeth are used here, depending on the individual clinical case.

Completely erupted wisdom teeth in the upper jaw can be pulled out with ordinary forceps. In the lower jaw, complex extractions of teeth are more often resorted to. Surgery is appropriate even if they have grown completely. This will help reduce tissue trauma when pulling curved roots from dense bone.


The development of a cyst is possible when the eruption of wisdom teeth is very long (this can last for several years) (see also:). In most cases, the cyst develops on the lower jaw. Education may not grow for a long time, that is, the disease will proceed without obvious symptoms.

If the cyst increases (liquid accumulates in it), there is significant pressure on the gums and the entire dentition, which is very painful. An infection can get into the cyst, which will provoke complications in the form of purulent inflammation and flux. Eights are removed by surgery. The upper wisdom teeth are also subject to removal with the help of surgery.

How to prepare for the operation?

Preparing for the operation is simple, it does not require much time. A detailed x-ray is taken, it gives an accurate picture of the position of the figure eight. The physician then takes a history to rule out the possibility allergic reaction for one of the drugs. Personal preparation of the patient depends on the method of anesthesia chosen by the dentist.

The process of removing wisdom teeth can last from half an hour to two hours, based on this, and the type of anesthesia is selected. During the procedure, the patient does not feel pain. It appears after the effect of painkillers wears off. Pain depend on the degree of intervention and accompany the patient until complete recovery.

For quick healing, the patient is prescribed a number of medications that are aimed at relieving pain, swelling, inflammation, as well as preventing infection. AT given period regular rinsing of the mouth, application of cold, personal hygiene and diet are shown (hot, spicy, alcohol, etc. are excluded).

Consequences and possible complications

The process of tooth extraction is not easy and is always accompanied by possible consequences. At difficult removal this list is growing:

Is it possible to avoid the inflammation of the "eights"?

If the wisdom tooth climbs in the wrong direction, or there is no room in the gum, it is impossible to avoid inflammation. Man cannot influence lying position, so it will have to be pulled out. For teeth that have grown, you must carefully monitor, observe oral hygiene, clean the eights, use dental floss. This will help prevent tooth decay, and hence inflammation. It is worth remembering to visit the dentist regularly, who can notice future troubles and solve the problem in time.

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