Sponge to stop bleeding. Hemostatic sponge instructions. Interaction with other drugs

What is a hemostatic collagen sponge used for? Indications for its use will be indicated below. You will also receive detailed instructions for independent use of this product, lists its properties and contraindications for use.

  • bone marrow canal;
  • alveolar socket (for example, after tooth extraction);
  • bed of the gallbladder, including after cholecystectomy;
  • parenchymal organs (for example, after liver resection).

Prohibitions for use

In what cases should the hemostatic collagen sponge not be used by patients? The instruction states that this remedy is contraindicated for use with hypersensitivity to its components. Also, the drug in question cannot be used for intolerance to drugs of the nitrofuran series (including Nitrofural, Furazidin, Nitrofurantoin, Furazolidone, Nifuratela, Nifuroxazide), arterial bleeding, festering wounds oh and pyoderma.

How is a collagen sponge used?

Before using the drug in question, the sponge is carefully removed from the package (right before use), observing all aseptic rules. Then it is applied to the place of bleeding, after which it is pressed and kept in this state for 1-2 minutes.

If desired, the bleeding surface can be packed very tightly with a collagen product with its subsequent fixation (bandaging). Although experts say that after the sponge is well saturated with blood, it will adhere to the wound itself and bandages may not be needed.

To cover damaged areas parenchymal organs or the bed of the gallbladder after cholecystectomy, the product in question is placed directly into the damaged cavity. In the event that after such a procedure the bleeding has not stopped, a second layer of sponge can be applied.

As soon as the bleeding is stopped, the collagen agent is fixed with a U-shaped suture. The subsequent operation is carried out according to generally accepted methods.

If you want to stop the blood from the vessel, then the bleeding place is also covered with a sponge. After the task is completed, the product is not deleted. Subsequently, it will resolve on its own.

It should be especially noted that the amount of sponge used and its size is chosen in accordance with the volume of the cavity and the size of the bleeding surface.

Possible adverse reactions

The hemostatic collagen sponge almost never causes side effects. Sometimes during its use, the patient develops allergic reactions. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Special Information

What do you need to know before using a hemostatic collagen sponge? In the process of using this agent, it should be borne in mind that its effect is greatly enhanced if it was additionally soaked in a thrombin solution.

Similar drugs, synonyms

Synonyms this drug no. As for the analogues of the sponge, they include such agents as Natalsid, Takhokomb, Kaprofer, a hemostatic sponge with amben, Zhelplastan, a hemostatic pencil, Ferakryl, Polyhemostat, Tissukol Kit, "Ivisel".

Method of storage of the drug, terms

How long does a hemostatic collagen sponge retain its properties? Reviews of experts report that, subject to all the manufacturer's instructions, its shelf life is exactly five years. It should also be noted that the instructions say that the agent in question must be kept only in a well-ventilated, out of the reach of children, dry and protected from ingress. sunlight a place where the air temperature varies between 10-30 degrees.

This drug is released in pharmacy chains without a medical prescription.

The procedure for removing a tooth is always associated with bleeding. It usually stops on its own after a while. However, in some cases, the blood can go for a long time, and there is a need for its forced stop. There are many ways to stop bleeding, for example, a hemostatic sponge has a good hemostatic effect. When using this tool, you need to consider existing indications and contraindications.

What is a hemostatic sponge?

Hemostatic sponge is an effective hemostatic agent that is widely used in various fields of medicine, in particular, in dentistry after tooth extraction. It has absorbent and antiseptic properties, while stopping the blood and protecting the wound from getting into it pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the tool promotes the speedy healing of damaged tissues of the hole.


After tooth extraction, the remedy is used not only to stop the blood, but also to prevent the development of possible inflammatory complications in the event of a complex surgical intervention, such as the extraction of a wisdom tooth (see also:). In a routine procedure for removing a unit of dentition, a collagen hemostatic sponge is used to stop bleeding.

After the operation, when the development of an inflammatory process in the hole is possible, doctors recommend the use of a special alveolar compress "Alvostasis", which also has the shape of a sponge. It has hemostatic and antiseptic properties and is used for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis.

Release form

The hemostatic sponge is a pressed powder of a dark yellow hue with a slight odor. acetic acid. Sponges are produced in the form of square plates measuring 50x50 mm or 90x90 mm and have a dry porous elastic structure. In production, they are placed in tightly closed plastic bags, and then packaged in cardboard packages individually.

Sponges absorb liquid well, while swelling a little. They do not dissolve in cold water and substances organic nature, however, are subject to partial dissolution in water having a temperature above 75 degrees. Pressed plates are made from a collagen solution obtained from the skin and tendons of a large cattle. Substances such as nitrofural and boric acid are used as additional components.

One of the most effective is Alvostaz, which is packaged in plastic jars of 30 impregnated medicinal solution hemostatic sponges 1x1 cm in size. It is produced in 3 versions and contains eugenol, iodoform, thymol, lidocaine, tricalcium phosphate and propolis.

How does it work?

A hemostatic agent is applied topically to pack a wound and has a wide range actions, including:

  • stopping the blood;
  • protection of the wound from the development of bacterial infection;
  • relief of foci of inflammation;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • prevention of swelling of the gum tissue;
  • acceleration of the healing of the hole.

The action of the remedy continues for several hours after tooth extraction. After a certain time, the complete resorption of the collagen sponge placed on the wound in the gum occurs.

How does the hole heal after tooth extraction?

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After applying the collagen sponge to the well extracted tooth after a few minutes, the bleeding stops. The agent is left in the wound until it resolves on its own, on average this process takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, the wound begins to heal.

Full recovery of damaged tissues occurs much faster than it would be carried out without the use of a hemostatic sponge.

Instructions for the use of sponges in dentistry

Each package contains detailed instructions on its application, which must be strictly adhered to in order to avoid complications. The use of a hemostatic sponge has its own nuances and features. The doctor should prescribe such drugs, taking into account contraindications and possible side effects.

Side effects

Application after tooth extraction of a hemostatic sponge, like any other medication may be associated with the development of an allergic reaction. To avoid this, the doctor, before prescribing the drug, asks the patient about his cases of individual intolerance to any medicinal components. When using a hemostatic sponge, there is also a possibility of re-infection of the wound in the gum.

Available contraindications

The product can cause allergies, so the use of a hemostatic sponge is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to its components. Also, it should not be used for arterial bleeding from large vessels. With great care, such a remedy is prescribed to stop the bleeding in children.

Application procedure

After removing the sponge from the bag, it is applied to the hole of the extracted tooth. After 3-5 minutes, the bleeding stops, the sponge is saturated with blood and fits snugly to the edges of the wound. If a bleeding continue, it is recommended to apply another one over the first sponge. After the bleeding has completely stopped, the sponge must be fixed with a U-shaped suture. To enhance the therapeutic effect, wetting the sponge with a solution of thrombin is shown.

The use of alveolar compresses "Alvostasis" has its own characteristics. Before using them, the wound is cleaned with warm saline, after which the doctor sucks it off with a pipette. The contents of the vial with "Alvostase" is applied to the wound in the gum, after which it is pressed down with a piece of sterile gauze for several minutes. If necessary gauze swab leave in the hole, but not longer than a day.

Doctor in without fail warns the patient that the gauze should not be removed - after a while it will reject itself. With severe tissue damage, it may be necessary to repeatedly replace the tampon.

The hemostatic sponge is an effective hemostatic agent that is widely used in various areas of medicine, in particular, in dentistry after tooth extraction.

It has sorbent and antiseptic properties, at the same time stopping the blood and protecting the wound from pathogenic bacteria entering it. In addition, the tool promotes the speedy healing of damaged tissues of the hole.


After tooth extraction, the remedy is used not only to stop the blood, but also to prevent the development of possible inflammatory complications in the event of a complex surgical intervention, such as the extraction of a wisdom tooth.

In a routine procedure for removing a unit of dentition, a collagen hemostatic sponge is used to stop bleeding.

After the operation, when the development of an inflammatory process in the hole is possible, doctors recommend the use of a special alveolar compress "Alvostasis", which also has the shape of a sponge. It has hemostatic and antiseptic properties and is used for the prevention and treatment of alveolitis.

Release form

The hemostatic sponge is a pressed powder of a dark yellow hue with a slight smell of acetic acid. Sponges are produced in the form of square plates measuring 50x50 mm or 90x90 mm and have a dry porous elastic structure.

In production, they are placed in tightly closed plastic bags, and then packaged in cardboard packages individually.

Sponges absorb liquid well, while swelling a little. They do not dissolve in cold water and organic substances, however, they are subject to partial dissolution in water having a temperature above 75 degrees.

Pressed plates are made from a collagen solution obtained from the skin and tendons of cattle. Substances such as nitrofural and boric acid are used as additional components.

One of the most effective is Alvostasis, which is packaged in plastic jars of 30 hemostatic sponges impregnated with a therapeutic solution 1x1 cm in size. It is produced in 3 versions and contains eugenol, iodoform, thymol, lidocaine, tricalcium phosphate and propolis.

How does it work?

The hemostatic agent is applied topically to pack the wound and has a wide range of actions, including:

  • stopping the blood;
  • protection of the wound from the development of bacterial infection;
  • relief of foci of inflammation;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • prevention of swelling of the gum tissue;
  • acceleration of the healing of the hole.

The action of the remedy continues for several hours after tooth extraction. After a certain time, the complete resorption of the collagen sponge placed on the wound in the gum occurs.

The cervix is ​​​​the junction of the uterus with the vagina itself, it is the narrowest lower part of it. Its mucous membrane blocks the entry of microorganisms into the uterus, so it is vulnerable and prone to diseases such as erosion, inflammation and tumors, and others.

If you suspect an oncological disease or to confirm the results of cytology, a biopsy procedure is performed - this is taking a small area of ​​tissue for analysis for further laboratory analysis.

With the help of a biopsy, it became possible to diagnose oncological diseases in time and prevent their further development.

Papilomovirus damage to the tissues of the cervix has a characteristic morphological trait is the presence of koilocytes as a result of biopsy analysis. Koilocytes are called cells with various lesions of the nuclei and vacuolar dystrophy (intracellular edema).

The presence of koilocytes indicates the active presence of the papillomavirus, while normally they are absent. Such an analysis result does not indicate a cancerous and precancerous condition, but should serve as a signal to a woman to be more attentive to her health and be observed by a gynecologist.

All these local processes indicate keratinization of the squamous stratified epithelium of varying severity. Such pathological conditions are not accompanied by any symptoms, but may have clinically pronounced forms that are diagnosed with gynecological examination or colposcopy.

Acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, leukoplakia are not cancerous or precancerous but should be considered along with other biopsy findings.

For example, leukoplakia, together with atypia of cells on the cervix, refers to precancer and is preferred to be removed with part of the cervix. Nevertheless, it is recommended to get rid of such pathological processes even if they are not potentially dangerous.

Under cervical dysplasia, it is customary to understand an atypical change in epithelial cells from the side of its vaginal part, which is referred to as cancerous and precancerous processes.

The first stages of this disease are characterized by reversibility, therefore early detection and the removal of altered tissues is of great importance in the prevention of oncological female diseases.

Dysplasia leads to disturbances in the cellular structures of the affected tissues lining the surface of the cervix. As a rule, the disease is detected in patients aged 25–35 years, while they have no complaints and clear clinical manifestations diseases, therefore, laboratory, clinical, instrumental methods are important to detect the disease.

Lyophilized hygroscopic porous mass

white with a yellowish or yellowish brown tint with a slight specific odor;


Among the sponges used to treat hemorrhoids, two types can be distinguished.

1. Meturacol.

In addition to collagen, this collagen sponge contains methyluracil, which contributes to rapid healing wound surfaces. It should be noted that such collagen sponges can be used not only for local treatment hemorrhoids, but also in surgical practice with ulcerative necrotic lesions, bedsores and trophic ulcers.

Collagen sponges have also been used in gynecological and dental practice in the treatment of mucous membranes with ulcerative necrotic character.

2. Thrombocol. It is a collagen sponge, which has in its composition blood coagulation factors in high concentration, as well as the antiseptic Sangviritrin. Due a large number platelets, these collagen sponges quickly cope with venous bleeding.

1. Curettage is a classic method. The cervical canal is opened with the help of special tools and the cervical canal is scraped first, and then its cavity. Scrapings are made with a curette under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

2. Curettage in the form of dashed scrapings (trains). To do this, use a small curette. The material is taken from the fundus of the uterus to cervical canal. The method is not suitable for uterine bleeding.

3. Aspiration biopsy is performed by sucking sections of the mucous membrane. Can cause discomfort. The study is not carried out if cancer of the uterine body is suspected, since it is impossible to determine the exact localization of the tumor and the degree of its spread.

4. Pipel biopsy of the endometrium is the most modern and safest method.

Tissue sampling is carried out using a special soft tube - a pipel, inside it has a piston, like a syringe. The pipel is inserted into the uterine cavity and the piston is pulled halfway, this creates a negative pressure in the cylinder, and the endometrial tissue is sucked inward.

The procedure lasts several minutes, the cervical canal does not need to be expanded, since the diameter of the pipel is only 3 mm. The procedure is completely painless, complications or negative consequences after it are excluded.

Cervical biopsy is very important diagnostic value, because its timely implementation helps to show pathologies such as dysplasia, polyposis or cancer of the uterine neck.

The procedure is usually prescribed for 5-6 days after menstruation. Such research can be carried out in several ways.


Such a biopsy is also called pinpoint and colposcopic. The procedure is carried out using a colposcope, which is a special forceps, which is used to take biomaterial from the uterine cervix.

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The damaged surface heals approximately 5-6 days after the procedure. The biopsy is taken from a specific, pre-planned section of the cervical canal. Usually, such a biopsy procedure is performed with a special biopsy needle.

radio wave

A similar method of biopsy of cervical structures is indicated for women who do not have a history of childbirth. Usually, the Surgitron apparatus is used to conduct a radio wave cervical biopsy.

This biopsy technique is characterized by the absence of traditional consequences like bleeding. Such a study is also called radioknife and excisional biopsy of the cervix.


The knife procedure for obtaining a biopsy is not particularly common today, such as, for example, loop or radio wave. This procedure is not suitable for nulliparous women.

When performing a knife biopsy, anesthesia is necessarily administered to patients, and after the procedure, the woman is under medical supervision for some time.

After a knife biopsy, a suture is applied that does not require removal. After the procedure, for several days, as with other procedures, patients feel some soreness.

The essence of this procedure is that a woman is given traditional anesthesia, after which a piece of cervical tissue is captured by a special loop through which a current is passed. This technique also called electrosurgical biopsy or electroexcision.

The biopsy is taken with a tool - a loop that passes an electrical low-power discharge. This loop peels off the desired tissue element for laboratory testing.


When performing a circular biopsy, a large area of ​​the cervical tissue is captured; anesthesia is required for this procedure, and several more action than with conventional biopsy.

The procedure is more painful, bleeding after it also lasts a little longer (about a month).

Endocervical curettage

During the procedure, the superficial cervical layer is scraped, produced by a curette. The resulting sample is sent for cytological diagnostics.


Laser biopsy of the uterine cervix involves taking a biopsy with a laser knife.

A similar procedure is performed in a hospital setting, since it requires general anesthesia.

Such a procedure is considered low-traumatic and uncomplicated.

Some time after analysis, there may be slight spotting of red-brown or Pink colour. In general, the procedure has no complications, is painless and is considered financially affordable.


The method of biopsy conchotomy analysis is similar to the colposcopic technique, the only difference is that during the procedure, an instrument is used - a conchotome, which looks like scissors with sharp edges.


A biopsy study in a similar way is carried out after the presence of a large-scale epithelial lesion has been revealed after a colposcopic examination. Biopsy sampling is carried out from several sites.

What tests should be done before a cervical biopsy?

The procedure is invasive, therefore it is always accompanied by the risk associated with infection by pathogens. For prevention negative consequences, before such manipulations, an examination is prescribed.

generally accepted gynecological practice involves a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination, including:

If as a result laboratory research at least one of the listed diseases is detected, the biopsy is postponed until the moment of recovery after a course of antibiotics.

The average price of a cervical biopsy in Moscow medical centers is about 2000-12590 rubles.

The final cost depends on the status of the hospital and the method of diagnosis.

Indications for use

The scope of application of hemostatic agents is the most diverse. It is used in violation of the integrity of the capillaries. Sponge is widely used in the dental field. Parenchymal and internal bleeding can also be stopped using a hemostatic sponge.

In addition to stopping bleeding, the drug is perfect for damaged skin, including bed sores. In medicine, sponges are often used on patients who have undergone hepatic resection and cholecystectomy.

Each package of the product contains detailed instructions for its use, which must be strictly followed in order to avoid complications. The use of a hemostatic sponge has its own nuances and features.

The doctor should prescribe such drugs, taking into account contraindications and possible side effects.

Side effects

The use of a hemostatic sponge after tooth extraction, like any other medication, may be associated with the development of an allergic reaction.

To avoid this, the doctor, before prescribing the drug, asks the patient about his cases of individual intolerance to any medicinal components.

When using a hemostatic sponge, there is also a possibility of re-infection of the wound in the gum.

Available contraindications

The product can cause allergies, so the use of a hemostatic sponge is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to its components. Also, it can not be used for arterial bleeding from large vessels. With great care, such a remedy is prescribed to stop the bleeding in children.

Application procedure

After removing the sponge from the bag, it is applied to the hole of the extracted tooth. After 3-5 minutes, the bleeding stops, the sponge is saturated with blood and fits snugly to the edges of the wound.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, wetting the sponge with a solution of thrombin is shown.

The use of alveolar compresses "Alvostasis" has its own characteristics. Before using them, the wound is cleaned with warm saline, after which the doctor sucks it off with a pipette.

The contents of the vial with "Alvostase" is applied to the wound in the gum, after which it is pressed down with a piece of sterile gauze for several minutes. If necessary, a gauze swab is left in the well, but not longer than for a day.

Local capillary and parenchymal bleeding, bleeding from bones, muscles and tissues, bleeding localized on the surface of the body or in its cavities.

Nasal, gum bleeding and bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, hemorrhagic thrombocytopathies, Osler-Randu syndrome, liver cirrhosis, chronic nephritis.

A hemostatic sponge with amben is applied topically. Before use, the drug is removed from the bottle with a sterile instrument.

A single dose depends on the nature and severity of bleeding: apply from 1/4 of a Sponge to 3-4 Sponges. After drying, the bleeding area is tamponed with pieces of a hemostatic sponge with amben, pressing them for 3-5 minutes with a sterile gauze ball.

In case of severe bleeding, the hemostatic sponge with amben is pressed against the bleeding surface. surgical instrument with a flat polished surface to avoid losing part of the Hemostatic Sponge with Amben, as happens in the case of using a gauze ball.

For a softer, longer tamponade, the Amben Hemostatic Sponge can be placed in a gauze pad. Tampons are removed after a day.

Apply topically. The drug is also used with an increase in fiorinolytic activity.

The danger of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicle or potentially dangerous machinery.

Conditions under which this applies medicinal product, does not allow you to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Porous collagen sponges contain furatsilin and boric acid. They are applied by applying a hemostatic sponge to the affected area for several minutes.

The cessation of bleeding is based on the ability of the sponge to soak in blood and compress blood vessels. Wound healing and antimicrobial action ends the process.

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If hemorrhoids internal localization bleeds, then the sponge is inserted into anal passage. It will not be necessary to remove it back, since over time the hemostatic sponge will resolve.

The sponge is used as a hemostatic agent in cases of parenchymal and capillary bleeding of the bone marrow canal, gallbladder bed, alveolar socket after tooth extraction, solid sinuses meninges and parenchymal organs.

Also, the tool is used to stop nosebleeds, with trophic ulcers, otitis media, bedsores and injuries. skin.

The agent is removed from the package immediately before use, while it is important to follow the rules of asepsis. Then the sponge is placed on the bleeding site and pressed against it for one or two minutes, or the bleeding surface is tightly packed over the product, and then bandaged.

After soaking with blood, the hemostatic collagen sponge adheres tightly to the bleeding surface.

If the gallbladder bed or areas of parenchymal organs are damaged, a sponge is used to close the damaged areas. In such cases, the agent is placed directly on the damaged area.

If it was not possible to stop the bleeding with the help of a sponge, it is allowed to apply a second layer of the product. In cases of stopping bleeding, the sponge must be fixed with a U-shaped suture. Further, the operation is carried out according to accepted methods.

In order to stop bleeding from the vascular suture, it is necessary to close the bleeding place with a sponge. After the bleeding stops, the remedy is not removed, because subsequently it is completely absorbed.

The required amount and size of the sponge is determined based on the area of ​​the bleeding surface.

Sponge is effective tool to stop nosebleeds, from the sinuses of the hard shell of the brain, as well as during dental interventions, damage to the skin, bedsores, otitis media, eye injuries.

A hemostatic sponge is used to fill various defects in parenchymal organs (after liver resection, for example) and to close the gallbladder bed.

The hemostatic sponge is applied topically to pack the wound. Remove the drug immediately before use, observing all necessary rules antiseptics.

After that, the sponge is applied to the site of bleeding, pressed to it for 2 minutes, or the surface of the bleeding is tamponed, followed by bandaging. After the sponge is saturated with blood, it fits snugly against the wound.

To close areas of the liver or gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy, the sponge must be placed in the damaged cavity. If the effect is not achieved, you can put a second layer of hemostatic sponge. After the bleeding is stopped, the sponge should be fixed with a U-shaped suture.

In order to stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding site can be closed with a sponge. After stopping the bleeding, there is no need to remove the drug, since the sponge is completely absorbed.

The amount of sponge used and the size is selected according to the volume of the cavity and the parameters of the surface to be treated.

The hemostatic sponge is used in the following cases:

  • nosebleeds;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Parenchymal and capillary bleeding;
  • Otitis;
  • pressure sores;
  • Damage to the skin.

Also, the agent is used for bleeding in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, Osler-Randu syndrome, hemorrhagic thrombocytopathy and chronic nephritis.

The hemostatic collagen sponge is taken out of the package immediately before use, observing the basic rules of asepsis. Then it is placed and lightly pressed against the bleeding site for several minutes.

Overlay is allowed bandage. After the sponge is saturated with blood, it will fit snugly against the bleeding surface.

In cases of damage to the gallbladder bed, as well as areas of parenchymal organs, a collagen sponge is placed directly into the damaged area.

If the application of the agent does not stop the bleeding, another one is applied over one of its layers. When bleeding stops, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture, after which the operation is performed in accordance with accepted methods.

Due to the fact that the hemostatic collagen sponge, getting into the area of ​​damage, completely resolves over time, in cases of bleeding from the vascular suture, it closes the bleeding place and leaves it.

The size and amount of sponge used is determined based on the area of ​​the bleeding surface.

The hemostatic sponge with amben is removed from the vial with a sterile instrument. Further, after rapid drying, with the help of a gauze ball, the pieces of the product are pressed against the bleeding surface for 3-5 minutes.

In cases heavy bleeding the drug should be pressed against the bleeding surface with a tool with a flat polished surface. It is not recommended to use a gauze ball, since its removal will entail the removal of part of the product.

It is allowed to spray the crushed sponge with a sprayer or syringe, as well as its use in combination with a swab for loose tamponade of the cavity. In such cases, the tampon should be removed after 1 day.

How to use a hemostatic sponge is described in detail in the instructions. It is used only locally for wound packing.

In about 3-5 minutes, the sponge is completely saturated with blood and fits snugly to the edges of the wound. If the bleeding from the wound has not stopped, you can use another sponge, it is applied over the first one.

After stopping the bleeding, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture. To enhance the effect of using a sponge, it is often recommended to moisten it with a thrombin solution.

The rules for using amben sponges are slightly different from the standard ones: the contents of the sponge bottle are used for tamponing wound surface.

In this case, the sponge must be pressed down with a gauze swab or a surgical instrument for 3-5 minutes. If necessary, after the sponge falls asleep on the damaged surface, you can add a gauze swab there and even leave it in the wound cavity for no longer than a day.

Complications of the procedure

To avoid possible complications, it is necessary to follow medical instructions, which usually consist of the following restrictions:

  1. In the next fortnight you can not douche;
  2. Refrain from sexual activity;
  3. From water procedures only a shower is allowed, a bath is strictly unacceptable;
  4. Items weighing more than 3 kg - do not lift;
  5. Tampons - no, pads - yes;
  6. Drugs that affect blood clotting under a categorical ban;
  7. Sauna or bath - absolutely not.

If after a biopsy the patient experiences pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, blood clots come out of the vagina, frequent change of pads is necessary, and the discharge has bad smell, then you need to immediately run to the gynecologist.

If the symptoms are accompanied by a high temperature, then you need to call an ambulance.

To perform the procedure, a woman is released from work for 1-2 days. The manipulation can be done as outpatient settings under local anesthesia, as well as in the operating room gynecological department when intravenous, epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia is performed.

The type of anesthesia depends on how the procedure will be performed.

To minimize the risk of complications, follow these rules after you have had a cervical biopsy:

  • exclude sexual relations for 2 weeks;
  • do not lift weights more than 3 kg;
  • do not douche;
  • do not use tampons, but pads;
  • not to accept horizontal position in water - wash under the shower;
  • do not take medications that affect blood clotting;
  • do not visit the bath / sauna.

If, after manipulation, the lower abdomen is strongly pulled, you often have to change pads, blood clots come out, the temperature rises or an unpleasant smell of discharge appears - consult a doctor. If this happens at night, call the ambulance team.

A biopsy, except for the puncture and pipel options, is not at all a routine manipulation and can be complicated:

  • damage to the vessel with the development of bleeding varying degrees expressiveness;
  • suppuration postoperative wound;
  • with a circular or wedge-shaped biopsy, extensive scars or areas in which the epithelium abnormal for this localization grows, which will be considered a precancerous condition.

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In no case should you use the remedy for bleeding from arterial vessels.

The following reasons may prevent a biopsy:

The cervix is ​​permeated with many small blood vessels, their slight damage in this case can cause significant blood loss. Although a biopsy is a minor surgical intervention, this procedure is contraindicated in patients with reduced coagulability blood.

Hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

    bleeding during menopause

    premenopausal bleeding

    bleeding or small spotting while taking hormonal drugs

    violations menstrual cycle

    suspicion of endometrial pathology (hyperplasia, the presence of polyps)

    uterine fibroids (to assess the endometrium before deciding on the extent of the operation)

    chronic inflammatory process(chronic endometritis)

    suspected cancer (endometrial cancer)

    infertility (to assess the condition of the endometrium)

    to control the assessment of the state of the endometrium after hormonal treatment


    inflammation in the vagina and cervix

    the presence of foci of inflammation in the pelvis

    blood diseases: severe anemia, hemophilia, pathologies of the hemostasis system

    sexually transmitted diseases

The use of Hemostatic Collagen Sponge is contraindicated in pyoderma, purulent wounds and arterial bleeding. The agent is not used for patient hypersensitivity to nitrofuran preparations, as well as to the components that make up the sponge.

The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition.

The use of the Hemostatic Sponge is contraindicated in cases of purulent wounds, arterial bleeding and pyoderma.

According to the instructions, the hemostatic sponge can be used for various capillary bleeding, for example, epistaxis, bleeding after dental procedures and from the sinuses of the dura mater.

Also, this sponge is often used for parenchymal bleeding or bleeding from internal organs and alveolar hemorrhage.

According to the instructions, a hemostatic sponge can be used for skin lesions, including pressure sores, as well as for filling defects in parenchymal organs, for example, its use is justified after hepatic resection.

It is also used to close the gallbladder bed after a cholecystectomy.

The use of this sponge is also contraindicated for bleeding from large vessels.

Biopsy is not performed:

  • with hypocoagulation (prolongation of blood clotting time, decrease in prothrombin index, INR);
  • if there is an inflammatory process in the vagina, uterus or cervix;
  • during menstrual bleeding;
  • during pregnancy.

Complications of the procedure

The main complications of the biopsy procedure are infection and bleeding. Such phenomena are rare, but women should be informed about possible negative consequences biopsy.

point out deviations from normal recovery period may have the following symptoms:

  • heavy bleeding bright color or dark with blood clots;
  • bleeding that continues longer than a week;
  • light discharge that lasts longer than 2-3 weeks;
  • temperature rise to 37.5 °C and above;
  • vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor.

The cause of the infection may be not fully cured disease. In this case, to prevent aggravation of the situation, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Modern methods of hardware biopsy, due to the coagulating effect on damaged tissue, make it possible to avoid bleeding and prevent the formation of scars on the mucosa.

As a rule, such types of biopsy as conchotomy, radio wave, laser do not wear severe consequences and are characterized by a short recovery period.

After a loop and conical (circular and wedge-shaped) biopsy on the tissues of the cervix, scar tissue. In the future, these women may have problems with conception, and then with pregnancy.

Such a phenomenon as cervical adhesion is quite rare, but leads to infertility due to the fact that spermatozoa are not able to enter the uterus for further fertilization.

Negative consequences of a biopsy can be premature birth. The cervix itself is a kind of muscle that supports the uterus during pregnancy.

The operation may cause the cervix to weaken and begin to open. ahead of time. To avoid this, doctors put stitches in the cervix of pregnant women with similar problems and then remove them before giving birth.

When choosing a biopsy method, the doctor should rely not only on the proposed diagnosis, but also take into account the woman's age and her plans for future motherhood.

After the biopsy, the patient remains able-bodied, although she has vaginal discharge, which last approximately 3-4 days if the biopsy was taken by radio wave method.

If a sample of the cervical tissue was taken in a loop way, then the bleeding may last several days (maximum a week).

Sponge hemostatic collagen (hemostatic)

It is intended for use as a wound dressing in surgery, traumatology, dermatology, dentistry and at home as a local hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding.

Hemostatic collagen sponge(biodegradable collagen plate) is designed to provide a local hemostatic and antiseptic effect, stimulates tissue regeneration.
Sponge hemostatic collagen used as a hemostatic agent for capillary and parenchymal bleeding, for tamponade of the sinuses of the dura mater, to stop bleeding from the bone marrow canal, to stop alveolar bleeding after tooth extraction, to fill defects in parenchymal organs (in particular, after liver resection), to close the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy. Indications for limiting the use of collagen plates in children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers not found.

- Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
- Intolerance to drugs of the nitrofuran series (furatsilin, furagin);
- Arterial bleeding;
- Purulent wounds, pyoderma.

is a plate from yellow to Brown color, with a specific smell of acetic acid, with a porous structure, with a relief surface, absorbs liquid well, while slightly swelling.
Collagen plate is prepared from a collagen solution and is produced at two domestic enterprises.

Hemostatic sponge composition:

The composition of hemostatic plates produced by OJSC "Luga plant" BELKOZIN "includes:
collagen, boric acid and furatsilin.
The composition of the collagen sponge produced by CJSC "Zelenaya Dubrava" includes: collagen not less than 80%, boric acid not less than 0.1%, aminocaproic acid not less than 1%, argovit not less than 0.01%.


The hemostatic plate is insoluble in cold water and organic solvents, stable at temperatures not exceeding 75 °C. With more high temperature and humid environment, partial dissolution of hemostatic plates occurs. pH of water extract from 4.5 to 6.5 ( Green oak forest: within 5.0-7.5); moisture content not more than 18%. Moisture absorption not less than 5 grams per 1 gram of dry matter.
Hemostatic plates are made in sizes:
(50±5) x (50±5) x (7±2) mm,
(90±10) x (90±10) x (7±2) mm,
(97±10) x (97±10) x (7±2) mm,
diameter (11+1) x (7+2) mm


Immediately before use, observing the rules of asepsis, open the package with scissors. The hemostatic plate (collagen sponge) is removed, applied to the bleeding site and pressed against it for 1-2 minutes, or the bleeding surface is tightly plugged, followed by bandaging. After soaking with blood, the hemostatic plate fits snugly against the bleeding surface.

To close damaged areas of parenchymal organs (liver) or the gallbladder bed after cholecystectomy, a hemostatic plate is applied to the damaged surface. If the bleeding has not stopped, a second layer of a hemostatic plate can be applied. After stopping the bleeding, the hemostatic plate is fixed with a U-shaped suture. Further operation is carried out according to the accepted methods. To stop bleeding from the vascular suture, the bleeding site is closed with a hemostatic plate.
After stopping the bleeding, the hemostatic plate is not removed, since later it completely resolves.
The size and number of hemostatic plates used are chosen according to the size of the bleeding surface or the volume of the cavity.


№1 - Hemostatic plates (sponges) are packed with dimensions of 50x50 mm, 90x90 mm, 11 mm in diameter, 1 pc. in sterile packaging made of polyform and laminated paper or other materials permitted for packaging medical preparations. Plates in individual packaging, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.

№10 - Individual sterile packaging - containers made of Poliform film and laminated paper, packed 10 pieces in cardboard packs.

Sterilization: radiation
3 years.

CJSC "Green oak forest", Russia

Hemostatic sponge (plate) price from 45.00 RUB.:

Name Price Package Manufacturer
50 x 50 mm RUB 52.00 / RUB 450.00 №1 / №10 "Luga plant" Belkozin ", Russia
RUB 58.00 №1 "Green Oak", Russia
90 x 90 mm RUB 104.00 №1 "Luga plant" Belkozin ", Russia
RUB 115.00 №1 "Green Oak", Russia
97 x 97 mm RUB 98.00 №1 "Green Oak", Russia STOCK!

Self-absorbable collagen wound dressing with a cleansing and antibacterial effect, is a highly porous plates of white or cream color with a specific odor, made from a mixture of natural collagen biopolymer and trypsin-like enzymes of digestase and collagenase (from the hepatopancreas of the king crab).

Compound: collagen not less than 80%, enzyme digestase (collagenase) not less than 1%, purified water

Application area: Complex treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, complications of the syndrome " diabetic foot". It has a rapid hemostatic effect by stimulating platelet aggregation and antimicrobial action - destroying the walls of bacteria.

For complex treatment purulent wounds, burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, gunshot wounds, treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, complications of the "diabetic foot" syndrome in surgery, plugging holes in dentistry. It has a cleansing and antibacterial effect.

It has a rapid hemostatic effect by stimulating platelet aggregation and antimicrobial action - destroying the walls of bacteria.

Sizes 100x100x5 No. 1, 50x50x5 No. 1, 10x10x5 No. 10.

pH of water extract: 5.0-7.5

Sterile, single use

Sterilization: radiation
Guaranteed shelf life of plates from the date of sterilization: 3 years.

Manufacturer: CJSC "Green oak forest", Russia

Price on request

Dental sponge

With chlorhexidine based on hydroxylapatite and collagen, it is used to fill bone defects and intraosseous implantation, in contour osteoplasty, in the surgical treatment of periodontitis, periodontal disease, etc.

Sponge dental hemostatic "Stimulus Oss" is unique. Collagen sponge in contact with the wound surface stimulates growth connective tissue, i.e. wound healing.

Designed to optimize reparative osteogenesis, prevent jaw atrophy after extraction of teeth, cysts, benign tumors, sequesters, as well as increase bone volume (contour osteoplasty) in order to eliminate its deformation and prepare the mouth for prosthetics. It is also used for intraosseous implantation of supports for dentures and surgical treatment of periodontitis, periodontal disease.

Dental sponge "Stimulus Oss" is a dry porous material with a base in the form of a circle or square of soft elastic consistency white color diameter 11 mm, welding temperature in water not less than 45.0°С;
pH of water extract 5.0-7.5;
sorption activity no more than 10 minutes;
mass fraction of moisture, not more than - 18.0%

Contains: hydroxyapatite, chlorhexidine, formaldehyde.
Hydroxylapatite - which is part of the preparation, has a stimulating effect on the activity of reparative osteogenesis in the socket of the extracted tooth.
Chlorhexidine - introduced to increase antibacterial activity, and the dosage is chosen so that it does not reduce the osteoinductive properties of the entire product as a whole.

Indications for use:

  • After the extraction of teeth in order to reduce atrophy of the alveolar margin of the jaw.
  • After the extraction of teeth for the purpose of osteoreparation, which allows for earlier intraosseous implantation of supports for dentures.
  • During resection of the apex of the tooth root for chronic periodontitis, cystogranuloma.
  • After removal of jaw cysts (odontogenic and non-odontogenic) and removal of benign tumors of the jaws (fibroma, adenoma, etc.)
  • Sequestrectomy for destructive osteomyelitis of the jaws.
  • With radical patchwork operations about periodontal disease and to fill the periodontal pocket after its curettage with local periodontitis in order to restore the walls of the alveoli.
  • When implanting supports for dentures (to achieve osseointegration).
  • For alveoplasty with atrophy of the alveolar process.
  • To raise the bottom of the maxillary sinus in order to create conditions for intraosseous implantation.
  • At contouring(genioplasty, in particular with dentofacial deformities).

Guaranteed shelf life - 3 years from the date of manufacture.
Packing: double PE film bag, combined material or from other materials permitted for the packaging of medicinal products.
The product is sterilized when released with gamma rays at a dose of 1.5 MRAD.


  • Polyallergy.
  • Allergy to chlorine-containing substances.
  • Allergy to collagen-containing preparations.

Instructions for use:
After removal of a tooth, cyst shell, sequester, benign tumor or other pathological tissue blood clots are removed from the resulting bone defect with a jet physiological saline, curettage spoon or gauze swab.
After processing outer surface the outer package - a container with an antiseptic solution (foratsilin, chlorhexidine, etc.) it is opened with sterile scissors and removed with sterile tweezers; a small packaging bag containing a dental sponge is opened with sterile scissors, a small package is removed with tweezers it into a bone defect. The number of blocks used is determined by the volume of the bone defect. After making sure of hemostasis, the edges of the soft tissue wound are brought together with sutures over the bone defect. The hole of the tooth after its removal is filled with 1-2 blocks GSK-Kh-GA-50 to 1/4 of its depth. The edges above the hole are brought together with sutures or applied for 20-30 minutes. gauze swab. The patient is not recommended to eat within 4 hours. In contour osteoplasty and alveoplasty, the periosteum is peeled off from a small incision of soft tissues. The resulting cavity (tunnel) is tightly filled with GSK-X-GA-50 blocks. The edges of the soft tissue wound are brought together with sutures. STORAGE CONDITIONS
"Stimulus Oss" in the packaging of the enterprise is stored in protected from light, closed, clean warehouses without foreign odors.

JSC "Luga plant" Belkozin ", Russia

Price: RUB 48.00

Hemostatic sponge - antihemorrhagic or hemostatic agent. The scope of its application is quite wide, and side effects and few contraindications. The drug helps to stop bleeding and promotes the speedy recovery of damaged tissues, limiting their injury and protecting them from negative external influences.

pharmachologic effect

The hemostatic sponge is both a sorbent and an antiseptic, it helps to stop bleeding and protects the wound from the development of bacterial infection. In addition, it contributes to the speedy recovery of damaged tissues.

The raw material for the manufacture of the sponge is a collagen solution, which is obtained from the skin and tendons of cattle. Additionally, boric acid and furatsilin are added to sponges. Thanks to his unique composition hemostatic collagen sponge is perfectly absorbed in the wound cavity, but it does not dissolve at all in cold water and various organic solvents, in addition, it tolerates temperature rise well, up to 75°C.

Hemostatic sponge is used in conjunction with Amben. Amben is a substance that prevents the dissolution blood clots. The composition of such a sponge, in addition to amben, includes human blood plasma and calcium chloride.

Composition and form of release

The hemostatic collagen sponge is produced in the form of dry porous, soft and elastic plates. Plates are yellow color and have a slight odor of acetic acid. Sponge plates absorb liquid well and at the same time swell a little. The sponge does not dissolve in cold water and organic solvents, but in hot water contraction occurs, as well as partial dissolution of the sponge.

Standard jaws are 50*50 mm or 100*100 mm. Ambene sponge is produced in the form of a dry substance packed in vials.


The hemostatic sponge can be used for a variety of capillary bleeding, such as epistaxis, bleeding after dental procedures and from the sinuses of the dura mater. Also, this sponge is often used for parenchymal bleeding or bleeding from internal organs, as well as for alveolar bleeding.

It can be used for skin lesions, including pressure sores, as well as for filling defects in parenchymal organs, for example, its use is justified after hepatic resection. It is also used to close the gallbladder bed after a cholecystectomy.

Instructions for use Hemostatic sponge (method and dosage)

It is used only locally for packing the wound. In about 3-5 minutes, the sponge is completely saturated with blood and fits snugly to the edges of the wound. If the bleeding from the wound has not stopped, you can use another sponge, it is applied over the first one. After stopping the bleeding, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped suture. To enhance the effect of using a sponge, it is often recommended to moisten it with a thrombin solution.

The rules for using amben sponges are slightly different from the standard ones: the contents of the sponge bottle are used to pack the wound surface. In this case, the sponge must be pressed down with a gauze swab or a surgical instrument for 3-5 minutes. If necessary, after the sponge falls asleep on the damaged surface, you can add a gauze swab there and even leave it in the wound cavity for no longer than a day.

Side effects

When using the sponge, as with any other medicine, you may experience allergic reactions. Therefore, with a known hypersensitivity to furacilin and other natrofulans, it is better to refrain from using a hemostatic sponge. There is also the possibility of secondary infection of the wound when using a sponge.


Contraindicated in bleeding from large vessels.


The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a guide for self-treatment. Before using the drug, you should consult with a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

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