What to do if a tooth is blackened under a filling. I would like to give some advice at the end. Indications and contraindications

Dentists advise taking tooth discoloration (discoloration) seriously. This phenomenon worsens not only the overall aesthetics of the smile, but in many cases indicates the development serious pathologies inside the dental cavity.

The unhealthy color of the teeth is a sufficient reason to consult a doctor to select the best way to eliminate the defect.

Clinical picture

Enamel is the surface layer of the crown of the tooth. It is mineralized (96% of its composition - minerals) and the hardest bone human body. It has a different thickness in different parts of the body. The thickest layer (2.5 mm) is at the top.

Normally, the shade varies from yellowish white to gray, and is usually due to a genetic factor. Since enamel is a translucent tissue, its appearance is also influenced by the shade of the underlying dentin.

Throughout a person's life, an increase in porosity, cracking and demineralization of enamel, the appearance of erosion on it are observed, which is facilitated by many factors. Under their influence, the tooth surface darkens.

Changes can look like this:

  • covered dark patina outside only;
  • darkens completely (inside and outside);
  • stripes or spots of different shades appear (brown, yellowish, light red, black);
  • acquires a greenish, blue or purple hue.

The appearance of these changes on one or simultaneously on a group of elements requires immediate dental care.

The reasons

One of the important factors of psychophysical comfort are healthy and white teeth. Color change can occur for a number of reasons.


Have greatest influence on the shade of the enamel. A negative moment will arise if in a person's life there are:

  1. Smoking. Darkening occurs under the influence of nicotine resins. Also dangerous is the increase in temperature inside the oral cavity, which occurs when hot smoke is inhaled. The transition to electronic cigarettes will not correct the situation either, the likelihood of discoloration decreases, but does not disappear completely.
  2. Passion for coffee, red wine and strong tea . When used for a long time, the coloring pigments of drinks are able to quickly penetrate the enamel and reach the dentin, thereby leading to stable pigmentation.
  3. Food products containing dyes. The food group includes chocolate, ketchup, sauces, berries (cherries, blackberries, blueberries), carbonated drinks, juices, some vegetables, condiments. The impact is manifested with less force, but prolonged and frequent contact of the teeth with them should be avoided.
  4. Sweets. Excessive use causes the rapid formation and accumulation of plaque on the tooth surface.
  5. Drugs. Under the influence of psychotropic substances human body is destroyed, irreversible processes begin to develop in it, affecting the teeth.
  6. Alcohol. changes in the mouth acid-base balance towards acidity, which contributes to the rapid reproduction of pathogenic microflora and the formation of persistent plaque.

Dental treatment

Cases when the doctor's actions cause discoloration are not excluded. Similar state testifies to incorrectly performed work, namely:

  • insufficiently cleaned carious cavities or root canals;
  • lack of testing for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • incorrectly selected material for filling;
  • non-observance by the dentist of the technology of sealing the tooth cavity;
  • lack of sterility during manipulations;
  • injury to the tooth and soft tissues with instrumentation.

If the tooth darkens after the treatment, it is not necessary to postpone a second visit to the doctor.

It is important to understand that the absence of discomfort and pain under such circumstances is not a reason for delay, since the negative consequences of poor-quality service delivery will not be long in coming.


There are frequent situations when discoloration appears due to trauma to the tooth (domestic injury, after a fight, accident). You can determine the degree of injury by darkening the gums around the problem tooth.

This phenomenon requires examination by a specialist, and even when there is no pain symptom. Neglecting the consequences of damage is dangerous by the appearance of infection and tooth loss.

Common diseases

The causes of pigmentation on the tooth can be some pathologies (chronic, systemic), namely:

  • problems of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders in the spleen or liver;
  • viral diseases, including HIV and AIDS;
  • congenital diseases such as Fournier and Hutchinson.

Enamel lightening without treatment of the underlying disease will be ineffective.

The impact of drugs

The uncontrolled use of medications, especially antibiotics, tetracycline group drugs, antihypertensives, antipsychotics, and some antihistamines, can change the shade of the teeth.

Take medications that can affect the condition of the surface of the elements jaw row without a doctor's prescription is prohibited. Correcting the results of abuse is a long and costly process.

Dental pathologies

Lack of proper oral care and rare visits to the dentist lead to the natural development of dental diseases.

The group of pathologies that provoke pigmentation includes:

  • caries and its complications;
  • enamel hypoplasia;
  • fluorosis;
  • radicular cyst;
  • granuloma;
  • pellicle damage.

Contact with heavy metals

Regular contact with heavy metals (with their compounds, salts) negatively affects the condition of the protective layer of the teeth. When vapors are inhaled, plaque settles on the oral mucosa, which then leads to pathological changes in the shell and tissues.

People who work in metallurgical enterprises or live in the surrounding area are exposed to such a danger.

Poor oral hygiene

Improper oral cleaning technique, poor-quality cleaning or ignoring this procedure also leads to discoloration.

Improper nutrition

Lack of iron and calcium in the diet negatively affects the whole body and leads to darkening of the enamel.

The color also changes if a person eats mostly soft food.. This preference contributes to the rapid accumulation of plaque.

It is also important to remove or reduce sweets to a minimum. Excess sugar creates favorable conditions for the accumulation pathogenic bacteria , negative consequences which are plaque and carious lesions.

Heredity and age

Genes can also be responsible for the shade of teeth. In medicine, there is a concept - determination, which means that in human genes there is information about certain features of appearance, including the color of enamel.

Dark color is dominant trait, which means that if one of the parents dark teeth, then the child with big share probability that this symptom will appear.

Changes also occur with age. In older people, the enamel darkens due to ongoing changes in the body and the structure of the teeth.

An analysis of the named causes of discoloration leads to the conclusion that teeth require special care, care and attention.

In the video, the doctor talks about the main causes of darkening of the teeth.

Possible Complications

It is important to understand that although darkening is not associated with pain, this condition is a sign of the development of some pathological condition in the body or mouth.

Prolonged lack of treatment of dental pigmentation can provoke the following complications:

  1. Premature loss of a tooth, especially if the discoloration is caused by caries.
  2. Diseases of periodontal tissues. With poor hygiene, darkening of the tooth will lead to periodontal disease in the future.
  3. Putrid smell. The phenomenon accompanies almost all cases of dental pigmentation.
  4. Inflammation. Often pathological process goes to the area of ​​the root and periosteum. With absence timely treatment dangerous by the development of periostitis, osteomyelitis, periodontitis.

To prevent such pathologies, pigmentation must be stopped at initial stage. To do this, it is better to consult a dentist and undergo appropriate treatment.

Treatment Methods

In dentistry, there are several effective methods remedy such a defect. The selection of each of them is done by a doctor in accordance with the cause of the appearance, the state of the dentition, the wishes and financial capabilities of the patient.

Remineralization and fluoridation

With a deficiency in the body of certain minerals, the microflora of the oral cavity is disturbed in a person, as a result of which the teeth also darken.

To return the natural color, remineralization and fluoridation procedures are carried out. The essence of the methods is to saturate the enamel with the missing mineral compounds in it.

Be sure to include calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, strontium, iron, zinc in medical complexes.

Remineralization There are two ways to restore teeth:

  1. Overlay on a previously cleaned surface of applications with a "deficient" mineral.
  2. The introduction of mineral ions into the enamel using physiotherapy equipment for phonophoresis or electrophoresis.

With a deficiency of fluorine and its compounds, the patient is assigned sessions fluorination, in which dental tissues are intensely saturated with fluoride ions. Based on the state of the enamel, it is carried out:

  1. Surface coating with fluoride varnish. Recommended for slight darkening of one or a group of elements.
  2. express method, when disposable mouthguards filled with fluoride gel are applied.

After a course of treatment with one of the described methods, in addition to clarification, the following changes are observed:

  • the protective function of enamel is restored;
  • the level of sensitivity decreases;
  • increased resistance to the influence of an acidic aggressive environment;
  • the required volume of fluoroappatite substances is achieved, which prevent the ingress of pathogenic microbes and the washing out of mineral compounds.


Aesthetic dentistry has several methods of whitening:

  1. Chemical. Long, but effective (whitening up to 7-8 tones in 80% of cases) lightening procedure. The essence of the method is to cover the teeth with a gel with a special active ingredient- carbamide or hydrogen peroxide.

    Then a mouth guard is put on, which is left on certain time. The duration of the session depends on the condition of the teeth and the concentration of the gel. Thus, the minimum time spent by the mouthguard is 35-40 minutes, the maximum is 2 hours.

    As an alternative to the tray, whitening sticks, sticks or strips can be used. But in any case, the procedure is not recommended to be performed more than 2 times a year.

  2. Mechanical. The technique is effective in the presence of surface deposits in smokers, as well as in case of changes in the tone of the enamel due to coloring drinks and food. Lightening in this case carried out with the help of special preparations, powders and pastes.
  3. Photobleaching. In addition to peroxide, the composition includes restoring and softening components: glycerin, calcium phosphate, natural oils.

    The action of the compounds is enhanced with a halogen lamp. Removal of pigmentation takes place in 3 stages, each lasting about 20 minutes. The effect lasts for about a year.

  4. laser. Reminiscent of the previous technique, but instead of a lamp acting simultaneously on all teeth, it is used laser ray A that processes each element individually.

    The laser catalyzes the applied gel and significantly increases the efficiency and quality of the procedure. The session lasts about 2 hours, lightening up to 12 tones occurs, the effect persists for 6-7 years.

Intracanal whitening

All of the above procedures show good result only on "living" (vital) elements.

Intracanal clarification is the most difficult technique in terms of technique, which allows you to lighten a pulpless tooth.

The change in shade occurs due to the introduction of a bleaching agent into the dental root canals, which exerts its effect from the inside. The result is a stable and uniform lightening.

The technique is considered a sparing alternative to prosthetics and allows you to save the natural shape of the problematic element without removing a certain thickness of the enamel layer, grinding and placing the prosthetic product.

Important! Endobleaching should not be done more than once a year. Repeated use leads to fragility of the enamel and increases the likelihood of complete destruction of the tooth.

The result of the procedure lasts up to 1 year. The number of lightening sessions depends on the condition of the tissues and the preparations used.

The video shows the technique intracanal bleaching tooth.

Direct restoration

The technique does possible recovery tooth color to its natural tone with the help of polymers. Usually used for units within the smile zone.

All manipulations take place in one visit to the doctor in the following sequence:

  • an anesthetic is administered (if necessary);
  • thoroughly cleaned, treated with an antiseptic and the desired area is isolated from saliva;
  • filling material is applied in layers;
  • restored elements are ground and polished.

In some cases, this technology is the only one possible to carry out, allowing you to restore their beauty to the teeth and at the same time preserve maximum amount dental tissues.


You can restore their whiteness to your teeth with veneers - thin overlay plates made of zirconium, ceramics, porcelain, composite.

They are made exactly according to the shape and size of the restored element, fixed with special composition on the visible side of the darkened unit.

The service life of veneers is determined by the material of their manufacture. So, composite products serve no more than 5 years, and ceramic products - up to 15-20 years.


If none of the listed methods of clarification can be applied, prosthetics are performed, i.e. an artificial crown is placed.

In this case, the problematic unit is first turned, polished, and then an impression is taken from it for the manufacture of a prosthetic structure.

A properly made crown reliably protects the tooth from external influences for years, withstands heavy loads well and guarantees the solution of an aesthetic problem.

But prosthetics, due to the use of expensive materials and the performance of a large amount of manipulation, is an expensive technique. In addition, in order to correct the defect, the patient will have to visit the dentist several times.


Majority dental problems can be delayed or prevented. In order not to go to the dentist for the darkening of the teeth for as long as possible and to preserve their natural whiteness, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. At least 2 times a year to come for preventive examination.
  2. Timely treat dental pathologies.
  3. Brush your teeth regularly and properly.
  4. Supplement oral care with the use of rinses, floss, irrigator.
  5. Organize proper diet nutrition.
  6. Monitor the general condition of the body and treat the developed systemic diseases in time.
  7. Get rid of bad habits.
  8. Carefully consider the selection of a toothbrush, paste.

Treatment of discolored anterior teeth can be easy if approached according to the type of discoloration cause the patient has.

The patient is a 20-year-old girl complaining of chipping of a discolored central incisor. According to her, the tooth was endodontically treated about 7 years ago, without the use of a rubber dam, and over time it became darker. It was also restored with composite, the filling fell out a couple of years later. Such a problem is often associated with filtration phenomena or gutta-percha staining. Dark yellows and browns are associated with filtration and blood, while dark grays are associated with gutta-percha. The second option does not often lend itself well to bleaching.

Photo 1. initial situation: assessment of the degree of discoloration of the tooth 2.1 together with a class IV cavity.

Photo 2. The preoperative X-ray showed an incompletely filled root canal: a second endodontic treatment is needed.

Photo 3. A rubber dam should be used during endodontic treatment.

Photo 4. Intraoral x-ray.

Photo 5. Postoperative X-ray: A self-etch adhesive and a thin layer of flowable composite are applied over the gutta-percha to seal the root canal system. This is really important before injecting bleaching agents into the pulp chamber to prevent root resorption.

Tooth whitening

Situation after teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide (White Dental Beauty); discoloration of tooth 2.1 has completely disappeared.

Photo 7. No bleaching agents for 20 days are necessary to remove all oxygen so that it cannot interfere with adhesion procedures. A new visit was scheduled and a wax-up was done with a composite (no adhesive) and a silicone key was placed directly into the patient's mouth.

Photo 8. A rubber dam is required when performing adhesion procedures.

Pin installation

The space for the post was prepared, avoiding unnecessary grinding of the tooth tissues.

Photo 10. A short bevel was created from the buccal surface along the fracture line.

Photo 11. The preparation of the tooth is over.

Photo 12. The space under the post was washed to clear it of gutta-percha and endodontic cement debris.

Photo 13. The correct pin was selected and the required length was measured.

Photo 14. The post was cut off to keep it completely inside the restoration.

Photo 15. The silicone wrench is very helpful in controlling the correct length of the pin.

Photo 16 Self-adhesive cement (Rely-X Unicem) was applied to the pin space.

Photo 17. The fiberglass post was inserted into the canal using tweezers (forceps).

Photo 18 After photo-curing, the post is fixed in the canal.

Recreation of the restoration

Although bonding procedures are not required for post cementation with self-adhesive cement, they are mandatory when recreating a restoration.

Photo 20. To simplify the procedure, a layered technique of one shade was chosen. A thin layer of A2B (Filtek Supreme XTE) was applied directly to the silicone key and photo-cured.

Photo 21. First, the palatine framework.

Photo 22 The posterior sectional matrix is ​​very useful for creating an interproximal wall in anterior direct restorations as it gives the correct curvature for the composite.

Photo 23. Frame completed; With the technique of layering with one composite, it is very easy to complete the reconstruction of the restoration by filling the entire structure with it.

Photo 24. The restoration was completed.

Photo 25 Grinding and polishing procedures are extremely important to achieve proper aesthetic integration.

Photo 26. View of the restoration immediately after the removal of the rubber dam.

Photo 27. Control image after 3 weeks: the patient is very satisfied with the restoration.
The translation was made by Filanovich S.. Please, when copying the material, do not forget to indicate the link to the current page.

Restoration of Darkened Anterior Teeth updated: May 18, 2018 by: Valeria Zelinskaya

Restoration of the front teeth is carried out in two ways: direct and indirect. The dentist will help you choose the best option, taking into account the condition of the jaw, gums and financial capabilities of the client. The patient must be prepared to pay dearly for a beautiful smile. However, the result is worth it - the restored incisors will look good and last a long time.

This method is the restoration of lost (damaged) tissues of the central incisor. For restoration, light-curing filling materials are used. There are times when direct restoration of the front teeth is the only way to make a smile attractive and at the same time preserve the maximum amount of tissue of the affected incisor.

This method allows you to get rid of bumps, wear and wide interdental gaps (diastemas). The result of this procedure will be shiny enamel without defects and traces of damage. High technologies make it possible to build up a tooth, even if only the root is left of it.

Plastic photopolymers are convenient to use in work. The dentist can easily shape them into any shape. Thanks to the use of composite filling materials, it became possible to level the surface, restore color and shape, and even correct the visual position of the tooth in the row.

Restoration of the anterior teeth by the direct method is carried out in one session. The process itself can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparatory. First, the dentist cleans the tooth enamel from stones and plaque using special means, selects the appropriate polymer using a color chart and performs local anesthesia.
  2. Preparation. The doctor drills out the affected tissue or removes traces of a previous restoration.
  3. Insulation. The incisor to be restored is isolated from the patient's saliva using cotton swabs and a saliva ejector to prevent spontaneous loss of the composite.
  4. Pin fixation. This stage is carried out if the tooth is completely or almost destroyed.
  5. Modeling.
  6. The final stage. With the help of a bur, the doctor models the final shape of the damaged incisor, grinds and polishes it.

It looks like the video below:

A smile restored by such efforts will require further careful care in the form of regular enamel treatment using a special toothpaste. The dentist will tell you which one and how to use it correctly.

Indirect restoration

Indirect restoration anterior tooth will require a lot of money and time. The process of incisor restoration takes place separately from the patient. In the dental clinic, casts are taken, various measurements are taken, and the color is selected. After these procedures, the client selects a design for restoration. It could be setting:

  • crowns;
  • veneers or lumineers.

The crown is fixed prosthesis from ceramics. This design has excellent aesthetic qualities and high cost. The alternative is a ceramic-metal design, which is no different appearance from a ceramic crown, but metal is added to it.

Base preparation Mounted crown

To temporarily correct the defect, a plastic crown is made and placed on a prepared base. If you do not come to the dentist to install a permanent structure, then the plastic will last no more than a year. During this time, its surface will absorb all the dyes that will be found in food.

Dmitry Sidorov


Indirect restoration involves multiple visits dental office with a certain interval. The client must be prepared for the fact that for some time before the installation of the prosthesis, he will have to walk with a temporarily masked defect.

Veneers are thin plates of ceramic. They solve the problem in a more gentle way than crowns. The thickness of the plate is only 0.5-0.7 mm, in addition, it has a natural transparency. Incisors covered with veneers are no different from natural teeth.

However, there are contraindications for the installation of this design:

  • incisors with areas affected by caries;
  • periodontal disease;
  • bruxism;
  • indirect bite.

Lumineers are ultra-thin ceramic plates 0.2–0.3 mm thick. According to their characteristics, they are as close as possible to the enamel of a living incisor. At the request of the client, this design can be removed without causing harm to the enamel. Their installation does not require treatment of the surface of the teeth, it is enough just to remove the biofilm.

In the photo below you can see the result before and after their installation:

Veneers and lumineers are installed only on a layer of enamel that has the required thickness. If due to mechanical injury, the old volumetric filling or the destruction of dental tissues of natural enamel will not be enough, the aesthetic restoration of the front teeth is carried out using a crown.

Estimated cost

The direct method of restoration is cheaper than the installation of crowns, and even more so. Each stage of treatment has its own cost: anesthesia, filling, pin, etc. In any case, the price for indirect restoration of the frontal group of teeth is low and ranges from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles, including the cost of the initial examination.

It will cost the patient at least 7,500 rubles, such a ceramic construction will cost from 20,000 rubles. The same minimum amount will have to be prepared for a client who wants to install veneers. The cost of lumineers will exceed this price by at least 2 times.

Features of the restoration of the anterior teeth

Restoration of anterior teeth involves a whole range of activities and medical manipulations. In the process of restoration, the incisors should improve visually and physiologically. If a tooth enamel damaged by caries, tissues are destroyed, treatment is carried out first. Only then can one speak of aesthetic restoration.

Dental crown shape

To obtain dental crown, which fully corresponds to the shape of the incisor, the doctor takes a cast of the jaw and makes a plaster model. The resulting casts are sent to the laboratory, where, using a special apparatus, the dental technician will determine the features of the patient's bite. As a result, the crown will fully correspond to the characteristics of the human jaw. Often the shape of the crown is even better than the original shape of the destroyed incisor.

Tooth color

Used to determine tooth color professional systems, such as the Vita scale.

The result is influenced by the intensity of light, the shade of clothes and furniture, the walls of the office. The incisors must be moistened. For the duration of the procedure, the fair sex should refrain from bright makeup and lipstick. Often the doctor turns on a special installation with lamps that creates the correct illumination. Only under such conditions it is possible to more or less accurately determine the shade of the color of the enamel.

Tooth transparency

In most cases, the gloss and transparency of the teeth depend on the properties of the enamel. There are three types of transparency:

  • high;
  • average;
  • low.

The assessment of transparency should be carried out in bright and subdued lighting. The light transmission test of the photopolymerization lamp is carried out under side illumination and in reflected light using light from a mirror. Under such conditions, incisors with low transparency do not change their appearance, with medium - small changes can be seen, with high - the appearance undergoes large changes. Since transparency depends on the enamel, recreating the enamel layer is one of the most important tasks of the dentist, so that this does not happen:

Alternatives to restorations

As an alternative to the installation of complex structures, artistic restoration is used; any smile will look aesthetically pleasing if aesthetic whitening of the front teeth is carried out. The advantage of the procedure is the ability to get rid of negative changes without damaging the incisor structure.

For internal whitening of a "dead" tooth, the contents are removed from the pulp chamber and filled with a special gel. Live incisors whiten on the outside. These restoration methods help even with some types of "tetracycline teeth" (severe darkening).

white, healthy teeth is something more than the Hollywood standard of beauty. This is an indicator of the health of the oral cavity of a person and his body as a whole. That is why teeth whitening services are gaining more and more popularity. The fact that the color of the teeth is influenced by the foods we eat (coffee and tea darken, apples and carrots whiten) seems obvious.

However, it often happens that among the white row of teeth on the gum, one suddenly begins to darken sharply. This is not only unaesthetic, but is also considered a sign of the unhealthy of this very tooth and, of course, a reason for an immediate visit to the dentist.

If a baby tooth has turned black in a child, this is not a cause for concern. Most often, the tooth is already loose, which means that its natural necrosis has already occurred, and it is ready to fall out, giving way to a new, molar tooth. If the tooth does not fall out on its own and causes pain and inconvenience to the child, you should take the child to the dentist to help with the removal.

Of course, front and back teeth sometimes darken due to smoking, or when coloring pigments penetrate the enamel. For example, there is no point in worrying if the tooth has darkened after eating blueberries. But if the color of the tooth is radically different from the rest, this is most often a signal of problems inside the tooth. A tooth can darken after an impact, or after a nerve is removed.
It is worth remembering that not only enamel is responsible for the color of the tooth, but also dentin - the next layer under it. If the color of the dentin has changed, then the blackness or blueness of the tooth will still show through the enamel. By themselves, teeth turn black for the following reasons:

  • advanced caries (including secondary);
  • staining of the pulp with materials used for filling;
  • translucence of pins under the seal;
  • pulp necrosis;
  • wrong treatment.

It is important to know whether any intervention caused the darkening of the tooth or whether it happened on its own. For example, if this was preceded by trauma, removal of a nerve or filling, this may be the reason. If a tooth without a nerve has darkened after the canals were filled, this may indicate that the removal of the nerve did not go well. If at the same time the tooth also hurts, contact your dentist immediately, and in no case go to the clinic where you underwent the wrong endodontic intervention.

When there is no more nerve in the tooth, it is considered dead. Its pulp is devoid of nutrition, respectively, there is no self-healing. Such teeth most often crumble and become brittle. A tooth can darken after improper cleaning of the root canals, if the doctor missed the remnants of organic matter there. Organics begin to decompose, dentin darkens and stains accordingly dead tooth. Re-cleaning required.
A more serious cause is pulp necrosis. The help of a specialist is needed immediately. Pulp necrosis (or death) is most often caused by dental infections (treated with antibiotics), which tend to spread to the gums and adjacent, healthy teeth.

Treatment of darkening of the tooth at home and folk remedies

In no case. Not a single attempt to cure bad teeth on their own " grandmother's methods' did not lead to success. Rather, in this way you can only bring the problem to last resort when an innocently darkened tooth can cause infection of the whole organism and even hospitalization.

Rinsing with herbs, applying propolis to the affected tooth, various homemade ointments - all this can be considered as part of prevention, but not as the main method of treatment.
It is strictly forbidden to warm up a diseased tooth with a compress, as sympathetic neighbors advise. If the cause of the darkening is an infection, then in the heat it will completely bloom in a violent color.

One way or another, if the tooth has darkened and hurts, you can’t do without a visit to the dentist.

The dental specialist, in turn, must find out the cause of the darkening based on the history and clinical picture patient, after which he will establish the correct treatment tactics.

If the cause of darkening is just caries, then the treatment it will be easier Total. The dentist will remove the affected tissues, select the restoration material of the correct shade and treat the tooth. At the very favorable development events, the tooth will remain alive and will no longer cause either aesthetic or physical problems

If the tooth is declared dead (for example, the nerve died on its own or had to be removed), the treatment will require an individual approach. It is no longer as strong as living teeth, which means that other methods of treatment must be selected.

And although modern dentistry already knows a lot of techniques in which you can return a smile original view, the best way to avoid problems with teeth is their prevention, that is, maintaining oral hygiene, proper diet and avoidance of traumatic situations.

When darkening the tooth, the following treatment options are possible:

  • intracanal bleaching;
  • restoration;
  • veneers;
  • crown.

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"Artistic restoration of teeth" is increasingly found in the list of services of dental clinics. Not all patients understand what this service is. What is artistic restoration of teeth, how does it differ from fillings, how long does it last? These questions, which concern patients who want to improve the aesthetics of their teeth, are answered by Irina Mikhailovna Makeeva - MD, professor, head of the therapeutic department of the Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov.

What is artistic restoration? Artistic restoration is a wonderful technique, which is used by almost all modern dentists. And if you give it a definition, then this is the restoration of the aesthetic and functional parameters of the teeth with a composite material directly in the oral cavity.

What is the difference between artistic restoration and filling? If we talk about filling, then the filling may not match the tooth, for example, in color, like an amalgam, have a steel appearance. It may not shine very well, like, for example, cement, this is a filling. But the restoration fully matches the color, and restores the shape, and shines just like your own teeth. That is, in fact, the restoration is a very beautiful, highly artistic filling.

Are veneers and lumineers artistic restoration? Veneers yes, Lumineers no. Lumineers can only be made through the laboratory stage: an impression is taken from the patient… Why lumineers are good: that teeth do not need to be prepared. But the patient must imagine: since we do not prepare teeth, do not remove tissue from them, but apply a thin ceramic plate, lumineer, directly on his tooth, his teeth will turn out to be much thicker in volume. It sounds - 0.2-0.3 mm - small, and when it is in the mouth, it is always sensitive. Especially the tongue, lips and so on reacts to this. I mean, you'll have to get used to it. An excellent technology, very expensive, very beautiful, but you must always keep in mind that the teeth will be enlarged in volume - these are Lumineers. As for veneers, as a rule, we call veneers what is done directly in the mouth from composite material. It takes about an hour or twenty hours for one tooth. And the patient, as a rule, leaves us completely satisfied.

What are the stages of artistic restoration? If we talk about the stages, then my friend Professor Nikolaev and I wrote a whole book. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to briefly state this, but if it is so that there is an understanding among patients, then this, of course, is mandatory removal of plaque, then anesthesia, isolation from the oral fluid using a rubber dam or latex curtain, preparation and restoration of aesthetic, functional parameters in layers. That is, the overlay of a composite material, which we usually use for this. You see material here, several syringes, different colors, different transparency. And layer by layer we apply the material so that from several different shades one monolithic beautiful shiny tooth is obtained.

How long does an artistic restoration last? Features of care In fact, this is a very long-term work, and I have patients who wear what we have done to them in their mouths for 15-20 years. But here it is very important how the patient takes care of the teeth, because the composite material is very afraid of plaque acid. And if the patient cleans his teeth well, does not allow the formation of tartar, inflammation, then we can hope that the restoration will last a very, very long time. Another important point– it is necessary to go to the doctor once every six months, so that he examines the surface of the restoration and, if necessary, corrects and polishes it. This wonderful shine, comparable to the shine of dry teeth, must be renewed twice a year.

Consequences of bad personal hygiene Then a dental plaque is fixed on the composite material, the microbes in the dental plaque release acid, the composite becomes rough and dull. And if it is rough, then pigments stick to it perfectly: we all love tea, coffee, beets, ladies use bright lipstick - all these pigments begin to be deposited on the surface of the composite, it changes its original color, becomes gray, uninteresting, ugly, noticeable when smiling, it needs to be changed.

Can hyperesthesia be a contraindication to artistic restoration? hypersensitivity teeth? No, he can not. In this case, we first fight hyperesthesia, find out its cause, prescribe drugs and personal hygiene products against hyperesthesia to the patient, and then we already do restoration, whitening - there is no problem here. You said about tetracycline teeth - these are teeth with a very strong color, and the dentin is colored. And sometimes, in order to cover this staining with a composite material, you need to remove too much dentin. This is already comparable to the work that an orthopedist does through a laboratory. And sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to do artistic restoration, but it makes sense to make ceramic veneers or a ceramic, all-ceramic crown in order to make it more reliable and more durable.

Photo: Teeth after restoration with veneers

Having a beautiful smile has always been a sign of health.

However, not all people can boast of beautiful teeth that do not have defects.

Restoration of teeth is a service that has a very high popularity in our time.

Aesthetic dentistry allows you to solve such problems as changing the shape of a tooth, its length, width, hiding a chip and other shortcomings, and aligning teeth in a row.

What is dental restoration

Dental restoration is the process of restoring the shape and function of damaged teeth.

If a we are talking not only about tooth restoration, but also about the aesthetic component, then such terms (synonyms) as artistic restoration, cosmetic restoration or aesthetic restoration of teeth are applicable.

Restoration of teeth is a dental manipulation aimed at both improving the appearance and bringing the teeth as close as possible to the physiological state.

  • The aim of a restoration is to optimize the color and shape of the tooth so that the restored tooth does not differ from the rest of the teeth.
  • During the restoration, correction and restoration of functionality and aesthetics are carried out using composite materials directly in the patient's oral cavity or outside it.
  • Restoration of a tooth differs from the installation of a filling in that tooth restoration is carried out using modern aesthetic materials that allow you to imitate enamel and dentin in the desired transparency and color range.

Indications and contraindications

Restoration of teeth is carried out in the following cases:

  • Correction of the shape, color and size of the tooth.
  • If the tooth has changed its position in the row.
  • If the patient has crooked teeth.
  • After the treatment of caries, pursuing the restoration of the aesthetics of the tooth.
  • With darkening of the enamel and the presence of pigmentation.

There are some contraindications to the restoration:

  • The presence of an allergy to the composite material or adhesives for it.
  • If it is impossible to isolate the tooth and its cavity from moisture.
  • The combination of pathological abrasion of teeth and direct bite.
  • Bruxism.
  • Deep incisal overlap.
  • Poor oral care or lack thereof.

Various methods and methods of restoration teeth can solve the following problems:

  • Correct the shape of the tooth.
  • Eliminate chips and irregularities.
  • Restoration of tooth enamel.
  • Hide the gap between the teeth.
  • Align the position of the tooth in the row.

Modern restoration of milk teeth

Children's teeth also often need restoration.

This procedure will help protect the milk tooth from further destruction and premature loss.

Restoration of milk teeth is used if:

  • There is tooth decay by caries and it is necessary to hide the defects.
  • There was an injury to the tooth.
  • In the presence of chips, cracks in the enamel.

The benefits of restoring milk teeth include:

  • Preservation of the health and functionality of the tooth until it is replaced with a permanent one.
  • Opportunity to develop language skills in children.
  • Prevention of the development of malocclusion.
  • The ability to fully chew food.
  • Psychological comfort and lack of complexes.


Depending on the condition of the patient's teeth can be used:

  • Direct recovery. For direct restoration, it is typical to carry out all manipulations in the patient's mouth during one medical appointment.
  • Indirect method of tooth restoration. Most of restorative manipulations are performed outside the oral cavity.

Direct restoration method

Photo: Restoration of a destroyed tooth with a composite material

To restore the crown part of the tooth, composite tooth restoration is used, which involves the use of photopolymers (light-curing composite materials): composites, compomers, heliocomposites, nanocomposites.

  • Composite filling materials are held by chemical bonds with the enamel due to glue (adhesive).
  • Compomers additionally release fluorine, which helps to strengthen the enamel.
  • Heliocomposites allow you to select the desired color and recreate the natural light transmission.
  • Nanocomposites are capable of imitating the optical properties of tissues.

Restoration of teeth with photopolymers carried out by a dentist-therapist and is often called artistic restoration of teeth.

Life time

No dentist can say how long such a restoration lasts, since this period is individual for each patient.

  • It depends on oral care, the presence or absence of bad habits, etc.
  • If the diet consists of food, mainly plant origin the restoration will take a long time.
  • An important role is also played by the professionalism of the dentist and compliance with all norms and rules of installation.

The average life of a light filling is five years, but it can be longer.

Other methods of direct restoration:

Photo: Restoration of teeth with metal tabs

  • Installing tabs.
  • With large losses of dental tissue, the installation of pin structures is most often used.

Based on them, a new tooth is formed in the future.

  • The most popular are anchor, titanium, fiberglass, silver pins.


The main stages of the restoration of teeth are distinguished:

  • Preparatory. On the this stage a professional cleaning of the teeth is carried out, the color of the future tooth is determined and, accordingly, the shade of the composite material that will be used in the restoration is selected.
  • If necessary, local anesthesia is performed.
  • Dental tissues affected by caries are drilled out. In case of replacement old restoration The old filling is drilled out and replaced with a new one.
  • The tooth is isolated from saliva with the help of a rubber dam - a latex scarf that is put on the teeth through special holes. Restoration made of composite without reliable isolation from saliva is not able to last for a long time, and can cause problems such as the appearance of a dark line or the formation of caries at the filling-tooth interface, as well as loss of the restoration.

With large losses of dental tissue, the installation of pin structures is most often used. Based on them, a new tooth is formed in the future. The most popular are anchor, titanium, fiberglass, silver pins.

  • Before fixing the pin, the root canal is prepared.
  • Then the pin is fixed into the root cavity with the help of special cement or using modern adhesive materials.
  • Restoration of the shape of the tooth. In order for the tooth to look like a real one, a layered restoration technique is used. Composite layers of different shades and transparency are successively applied. Which will eventually give the new tooth a natural look.
  • The final shaping of the tooth with the help of burs, grinding and polishing of the filling.

Video: "Tooth restoration with caries"

indirect way

Restoration of teeth indirect method is prosthetics. Performed by an orthopedic dentist.

Indirect restoration is characterized by the use of orthopedic structures:

  • Production of plates (veneers).
  • Fixation of crowns.
  • Replacement of missing teeth (installation of bridge structures).

The most aesthetic, among them, are veneers. Restoration with veneers is characterized by covering the front surface of the teeth with micro prostheses.

With the help of plates, it is easier to carry out an ideal restoration than with composite materials.

Stages of restoration with veneers

  • The color of the future veneer is selected.
  • Local anesthesia is performed (if necessary).
  • The front surface of the tooth is turned. The amount of tissue removed depends on clinical case. Grinds from 0.5 to 1.5 mm of hard tissue.
  • Removal of casts.
  • Fixation of temporary plastic plates during the manufacture of a permanent restoration. This measure is necessary to protect the turned surface of the tooth from infection and the negative effects of environmental factors.
  • Production of a veneer on the basis of the obtained casts in the laboratory.
  • Fixation of the veneer on the tooth with a special adhesive.

Does it hurt?

Modern medicine can reduce everything pain during treatment to a minimum.

Aesthetic restoration does not imply the presence rehabilitation period. Therefore, the consequences of the restoration carried out can cause only slight discomfort at the place of fixation of the veneer, but it will last only a few days.


Restorations have some disadvantages:

  • Composite fillings can darken and change color over time. In addition, they may lose the luster that is characteristic of real teeth. If the restoration was carried out on the front teeth, then this trouble will significantly affect the aesthetics. Therefore, such restorations will have to be replaced every few years.
  • Possibility of breakage. Risk factors are depulpated teeth, as well as restored completely from the root. In the event that the chewing load on the tooth is exceeded, a tooth breakage or root fracture may occur. And then you have to remove the tooth.

Photo: before and after

Video: "Restoration of teeth with veneers"

Often teeth, due to congenital or acquired factors, are crooked, because of which the beauty of a smile suffers and the impression made on people deteriorates. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to lighten the enamel by several tones. If the crown part of the tooth has serious defects, can not do without a radical correction. In particular, many patients require the restoration of crooked teeth. Also in demand are procedures for restoring the anatomical shape of the incisal edge and restoring the root of the tooth.

Aesthetic (artistic) restoration of the anterior teeth makes it possible to mask defects in enamel, old darkened fillings, correct the shape of the tooth, its cutting edge, get rid of interdental spaces, align the incisors of the upper and mandible. Teeth are restored using light (rarely chemical) filling materials or micro prostheses. The doctor selects the optimal variant of correction together with the patient. In this article, various restoration techniques will be considered, introductory photos and videos are given.

Artistic restoration of teeth - description of the procedure

Restoration of teeth is defined as artistic (it is also called aesthetic, cosmetic) if it is used to restore not so much functionality as the appearance of the front teeth. This manipulation can be carried out in the patient's oral cavity or outside it.

Restoration of anterior teeth is successfully used in dentistry to restore the crown part of the tooth, its shape, color and position. It is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • professional cleaning of teeth in order to determine their natural color, selection of the appropriate shade filling material;
  • injection local anesthesia if the manipulation causes pain or other discomfort in the patient;
  • drilling of areas affected by caries or old fillings, if any;
  • isolation of the crown from the destructive effects of saliva and wet breath of the patient using a latex lining (cofferdam);
  • installation of an anchor or fiberglass pin in the cavity of the tooth root (if the loss of dental tissue is significant);
  • layer-by-layer application of filling material;
  • correction of the shape of the crown, final processing of the filling.

Restoration goals - before and after photos

In the photo - the result of aesthetic restoration of the smile zone. The procedure is aimed at correcting defects in the anterior teeth, restoring their function and aesthetics.

In the case of cutters, the task is complicated by the fact that, in addition to the strength and durability of the material, it is important to maintain natural look smiles of the patient, without signs of cosmetic intervention, so the restored tooth should organically fit into the dentition, no different from the neighboring ones. This is the task and the main difficulty of the restoration of teeth, see before and after photos below.

Methods for restoring the crown part of the tooth

When choosing one or another method of restoring the front teeth, it is important to consider a number of individual features. In particular, the number of diseased and healed incisors, other dental problems, the location of the teeth in the dentition and their condition, as well as the expected result and the timing of correction are taken into account.

Restoration of the crown part of the tooth can be carried out by direct (using filling materials) and indirect (using microprostheses) methods. Among other types of restoration, restoration with a pin can be distinguished. This technique is indicated if the loss of dental tissue is up to 50%, as well as during the restoration of the tooth root. A pin is placed in the root cavity, over which a crown is put on.

There is also a procedure for restoring tooth enamel. It involves the use of fluorine varnish, remineralization or deep fluoridation. Sometimes, to improve the aesthetics of the teeth, the use of any one method is not enough. In this case, the specialist resorts to their combination.

direct method

Direct restoration of the crown part is performed by a dentist-therapist, as a rule, in one visit. Technique direct method implies the use of photopolymers for building up the cutter. Less commonly used glass ionomer cement. All manipulations are performed directly in the patient's mouth, the design is made immediately at the doctor's appointment without involving a dental technician.

indirect way

If the front teeth are destroyed only in front, best way their restoration - the installation of composite or ceramic veneers (micro prostheses covering the front surface of the incisor). On the first visit, the orthopedic dentist takes impressions and sends them to dental laboratory. After that, the technician makes a design according to the model of the dentition. Stages of restoration with micro prostheses:

  • preparatory measures: determining the color of the future veneer, local anesthesia;
  • tooth turning;
  • taking impressions and sending them to the laboratory;
  • fixation on the turned tooth surface of temporary plastic plates;
  • making a veneer;
  • veneer installation.

In addition to veneers, in modern dental practice another type of microprosthesis is used - lumineers. They differ from veneers in a much larger thickness and in the method of fixation - on unturned teeth. Lumineers adhere to the surface of the anterior teeth more tightly, which makes it impossible for plaque to accumulate under them. The main advantages of microprosthetics are reliability and durability.

Alternative ways

A crown is a fixed prosthesis that is worn on the entire part of one tooth, located above the gum. Usually they are installed if the incisor is destroyed by at least 70%, and also when the tooth being restored is pulpless.

The following types of crowns can be distinguished:

Type of crown Production material Advantages and disadvantages
metal Stainless steel, titanium or precious metals Strong and durable, fully restore the chewing function. They look unaesthetic, and therefore are installed only on the side teeth.
plastic Plastic They quickly collapse, darken, cracks form on them.
Ceramic porcelain mass The best way to imitate the natural color of the teeth. Not strong enough, therefore not used for the restoration of premolars and molars.
Zirconia constructions Porcelain mass with zirconium frame inside The base has a light-transmitting ability, so the crowns do not differ from natural teeth. To date, this optimal choice to correct incisors.
Combined Metal base and coating (ceramic or plastic) imitating tooth enamel Durable, relatively inexpensive, but short-lived. Over time, the metal base begins to show through the coating.

The problem of missing one or more front teeth is solved by installing bridges. A bridge is a non-removable structure that is fixed on several teeth (natural or artificial).

Key Recovery Points

Correction of the crown part of the tooth requires individual approach to each patient. Key Points when carrying out this type of work are the shape, color and transparency of the incisors. Only by taking into account these factors, it is possible to make the patient's smile irresistible, and so that after the restoration, none of the outsiders would guess that this is the result of aesthetic manipulations in the doctor's office.

Tooth shape

Sculpt with the help of filling material a new crown, exactly repeating anatomical shape tooth, is not an easy task, requiring a painstaking and creative approach. Each tooth has an individual relief. It is necessary to completely recreate all the bumps, depressions, surface features, fissures, and this requires certain skills and artistic flair.

enamel color

The color of teeth is different for every person. It depends not only on enamel, but also on dentin. The shade is usually grayish or yellowish, and it cannot be uniform over the entire surface of the tooth. The color varies significantly from the cutting edge of the tooth to its neck. At first glance, the changes are minor, but if this point is not taken into account, the appearance of the restored tooth will be noticeably different from the neighboring ones, and the smile will lose its naturalness. Dentists in practice have to deal with 20 shades of materials used. They are superimposed in layers, such combinations allow you to recreate the natural color of the teeth of a particular patient.


The transparency of the tooth, as well as the color, varies from the cutting edge to the base. If this indicator is neglected, the restored tooth will look like a plastic crown. To accurately recreate the transparency of the incisor so that it looks like a natural one is not an easy task. To achieve a natural appearance of the restored tooth, when restoring cusps and incisal edges, materials are used in dentistry that have greater transparency during curing.

How long does the coating last?

How long the result lasts depends on the care of the oral cavity, the lifestyle and daily habits of the patient (smoking, drinking drinks containing dyes, etc.), as well as dietary habits.

Plant foods have less negative impact on the condition of the teeth than the animal, therefore, it allows you to enjoy the effect of the restoration longer. Importance has the professionalism of a dentist and compliance with all norms and rules of installation.

The composite usually serves no more than five years, then its original shade and luster are lost, cracks form, the material ceases to fit snugly enough to the tooth, which is fraught with the appearance of chips and development secondary caries. As a result of surface damage composite filling, it becomes rough, and a dark coating settles on it.

Porcelain veneers with proper care can last up to ten years, they do not lose their original color and luster over time. After this period, the dental cement, with which the veneer is fixed, may begin to break down. Since the surface of the tooth is ground before installing the veneer, which means that the enamel is damaged, there is a possibility of secondary caries developing in this place. In such cases, replacement of the veneer is indicated. The service life of lumineers is almost twice as long (up to 20 years). They hold for a long time due to the fact that they are attached to a special glue that is not exposed to aggressive environments.

Restoration of teeth is a very important procedure that is needed not only to have a beautiful and attractive smile, but also to ensure a healthy state of the oral cavity, digestive organs and the human body as a whole.

It's no secret that beautiful and healthy teeth are the key to emotional well-being. comfort. Indeed, with any shortcomings of the oral cavity, a person experiences discomfort, begins to get nervous, as a result of which other diseases may develop.

Restoration of teeth: when is it needed?

Restoration is required in cases of violation of the integrity of the dentition according to different reasons. Naturally, if a person loses his teeth, he will not be able to chew food properly, and if he instead swallows it in large pieces, a stomach ulcer may develop.

In addition, missing teeth can provoke the appearance of diction disorders, and this can cause psychological discomfort in a person when communicating with others.

In list testimony for restoration:

  • caries under old fillings;
  • a tooth that is more than half affected by carious disease;
  • dental chips;
  • destroyed, more than half of the tooth;
  • interdental gaps;
  • uneven teeth;
  • enamel defects.

Thanks to the restoration of teeth, you can restore their color and shape, and make it so that the dentition will look completely healthy.

Features of the restoration

aesthetic restoration can be full or partial; for this, different materials. And how much the restoration of the tooth costs depends on the complexity of the work and the composition of the materials. Restoration is sometimes performed frequently with the use of veneers or ceramic onlays. Veneers are often used to correct tooth shape or color. After all, restoration is often carried out for aesthetic purposes, and not only for diseases or injuries.

This procedure is completely painless but if the patient has high sensitivity The doctor may apply anesthesia. The impact on the enamel will be minimal, so the restoration process, compared to conventional prosthetics, will be less painful.

Restoration can be done directly or indirectly. way. In the first case, the destroyed tooth is restored in the patient's oral cavity in one stage using a light-reflecting heliocomposite. An exception is situations when several destroyed ones are being restored at once.

Methods of restoring teeth and their cost

Each type of restoration has its own characteristics, they cost differently, in addition, there are indications and contraindications in each individual case. Let's look at them in detail below.

Restoration of teeth through fillings

filling- is still effective ways restoration of the dentition. Moreover, the fillings that were put on people more than 20 years ago and modern ones differ significantly from each other. Modern fillings are comfortable when biting food, they have the most similar color with natural teeth. New filling materials are such that they can fill carious cavities and give attractive appearance oral cavity.

Indications for filling are most often extensive caries, less often - cracks and chips. Contraindications for filling are:

  • inflammatory process in the dental base;
  • weak tooth root;
  • reel.

For the manufacture of seals, reflective plasticizers or photopolymers are used, and the pins are made on the basis of metal or fiberglass.

Manufacturing seals and their installation look like this:

  • closed with filling material carious cavity, as well as the natural appearance of the crown dentition is restored. For this purpose, the polymer mass is laid in layers in oral cavity. The doctor waits for complete hardening;
  • if there is a place of destruction by more than half, then a pin is placed to hold the seal;
  • very important correct form chewing surface to restore the optimal load on the entire dentition.

Restoration work is performed in one session, but if the tooth is more than half destroyed, the duration of the filling is about 15 years. Fillings will look aesthetically pleasing, if you choose the right composition for filling and pins, then the tooth will look naturally. Speaking about the cost of restoration by this method, one tooth without a pin will cost an average of 4 thousand rubles, and with a pin - up to 6 thousand, respectively.

Features of artistic restoration using composite materials

It happens that even perfectly healthy teeth can look unattractive. And to make your smile more beautiful, it is recommended to resort to artistic restoration. It is prescribed in the presence of chips, cracks, hard-hitting dental edges, worn surfaces and stains on the enamel. A contraindication to the procedure is bruxism - with this phenomenon, a person grinds his teeth at night. As with fillings, photopolymers are used in this case.

The execution and installation technology provides for the implementation manual work on the external restoration of the tooth through the use of photopolymer mass. One procedure is sufficient for the restoration of several units at once. The durability of the structure is about 15 years, in some cases polishing is required about once a year or two. The cost of the work is about 1500 thousand per tooth.

Remember that the doctor who performs artistic restoration must have extensive experience in this, also use only quality materials. It is also very important to choose a good clinic.

Lumineers and veneers: indications and characteristics

Thanks to the use of composite and ceramic dental onlays, it is possible to replace the installation of expensive and complex ceramic crowns. Lumineers or veneers are recommended to be placed in such cases:

  • high abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • uneven color of enamel;
  • displaced or crowded teeth;
  • bumps or chips;
  • large interdental spaces.

Contraindications to install are:

  • caries;
  • bruxism;
  • thin enamel;
  • wrong bite.

For the manufacture of such structures, ceramics or composite reflective materials are used.

Compared to lumineers, veneers are thicker, so they are placed on pre-turned teeth. After grinding, you need to make an impression for the manufacture of veneers. And for lumineers, casts are made with unrefined teeth.

As for the manufacturing time, lumineers are installed in one or two sessions. But it will be possible to install veneers for large quantity visits to the doctor. This is because you need to first remove the enamel to a depth of about 0.3 mm.

Veneers on average last from 7 to 10 years, and ultra-thin lumineers - up to twenty years.

With the help of data structures you can transform the line of the mouth and even out the colors of the teeth.

As for the cost of the procedure, depending on the brand of the manufacturer and materials, it will be about 10-60 thousand rubles per tooth. Most often, the procedure extends to the simultaneous restoration of 8 lower and 10 anterior maxillary teeth. Installing veneers is not cheap, but this procedure is considered quite reliable.

When crowns are required

It is worth noting that many modern ways dental restorations are not universal. If the cases are complex, then the only solution to the problem may be to install classic ceramic crowns. This may be required by patients after correcting an overbite or removing braces. Correcting the bite is not all, after that you need to ensure the comfort of chewing, as well as the natural shade of the teeth.

In complex cases, crowns are designed to restore the anatomical shape and functionality of crooked and severely damaged teeth.

In list contraindications to the installation of crowns:

  • malocclusion;
  • allergy to crown materials;
  • looseness;
  • periodontitis.

Crowns are made from the following materials:

  • aluminum oxide;
  • cermets;
  • ceramics;
  • zirconia.

Crowns are linings that are installed in place of the crown part. The teeth must be pre-sharpened. You will also need to remove the dental nerves (they are also pulps). And the problem may be that pulpitis can be provoked by grinding after the installation of crowns. Therefore, the nerve is immediately removed to prevent inflammation.

When installing the crown on strongly destroyed teeth, they first need to be restored to the possible volume using special tabs. And if the tooth is completely missing, then before installing the structure, the procedure of implanting a metal implant into the jaw bone tissue takes place.

Crowns are made individually after the grinding procedure, for this period, temporary plastic structures are installed for the patient.

Whole process restoration takes several weeks and 3-5 visits to the doctor. Crowns based on metal-ceramic can last about 12 years, porcelain - from 5 years or more, and constructions made of aluminum oxide or zirconia can be useful for 10-20 years.

As for the appearance of the dentition, when installing crowns made of metal or ceramic-metal, it will be quite acceptable, and if these are more expensive materials, then the smile will become truly “Hollywood”. Sometimes, in order to reduce the cost of restoring teeth, metal crowns, and on the front - ceramic-metal. The most attractive appearance can provide the most expensive metal-free crowns, but they will last less than others. The cost of crowns, depending on the material, ranges from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles.

One of the determining factors for success in life is an attractive smile. You can form the image of a successful businessman or model only by watching your appearance, including your smile. And you can correct its shortcomings through restoration.


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