Why a wisdom tooth. Should it be removed? Horizontal wisdom teeth

A common reason for visiting a dentist is a wisdom tooth, why is it needed and do people exist without these "gifts of fate"? Indeed, until a certain age, we all live without these teeth and do not feel deprived.

Dentistry in antiquity

The first attempts to cure teeth were made in ancient times:

  • There was no talk of any anesthesia;
  • The same tools were used as tools that were used to build houses;
  • I had to live with unbearable pain for months;
  • The consequences of unqualified interference are easy to predict.

A blow to the back of the head with a wooden mallet is not a joke, but quite a real version of pain relief in ancient Rome.

Going to the predecessors of dentists was not just scary, but life-threatening. But given the peculiarities of anatomy - the presence nervous tissue and rich blood supply, do without help simply impossible. Either excruciating pain, or inflammation, suppuration and all the same excruciating pain.

In addition to all this:

  1. Afford medical care only the wealthiest people of that time could;
  2. Knowledge in anatomy was too low to provide really qualified help;
  3. The rules of asepsis and antiseptics were not observed due to their absence;
  4. There was no prevention either.

And that was one of the factors that drove average duration life by age 30 . However, wars and epidemics have made a greater contribution to the formation of this indicator.

In this video, dentist Timur Cherokin will tell you a few interesting facts about ancient dentistry:

Wisdom tooth: how old does it appear

This moment is a purely individual phenomenon:

  • Some people never get "wisdom teeth";
  • The lower age threshold for their eruption is 14 years;
  • Most often acquire "wisdom" in the region of 20 years;
  • Cases of the appearance of these teeth and at the age of 45 have been recorded.

The human skull has been formed over many millennia. Initially, facial department prevailed over the brain:

  1. head shape primitive people differed sharply from current standards;
  2. The skull had a more elongated shape;
  3. The brain occupied a smaller volume;
  4. The cheekbones and jaws were massive.

But evolution did not stand still and today we have the most optimal "design". Perhaps the people of the future will look a little different, and against their background we will already become “primitive savages”.

Change doesn't happen too fast in all the time our jaws have decreased by only 20%, in this regard, "wisdom teeth" have become vestigial organs, for which there is simply no place in the new maxillofacial apparatus.

Taking care of your own smile

Dentistry is worth doing at any age:

  • It's never too late to get healthy;
  • The more you work on your health, the more less problems should arise in the future;
  • The aesthetic moment is always important, regardless of the number of years;
  • Over the years, problems tend to accumulate, so it's best to resolve them as they come.

First of all, choose your dentist. Going to the first clinic you come across to an unfamiliar specialist is not best idea. Take advice from friends, family and colleagues. Perhaps there is a highly qualified specialist in your environment.

Before visiting the office, remember that:

  1. Modern anesthesia makes the process not more painful than cutting nails;
  2. Between doses, it is better to take a break of several days in order to observe the result and possible complications;
  3. Don't skimp on your own smile;
  4. A sealed tooth, with nerves removed, will never hurt again. Even if the seal comes out.

Every year, all manipulations become less painful. Even 20 years ago, they did not even dare to dream of such a luxury.

How many wisdom teeth does a person have?

The second name is "eights":

  • They are the outermost teeth of each jaw;
  • There are four in total;
  • Due to lack of space, they can grow to the side or remain under the gum;
  • Inconvenient location complicates their care;
  • Are common cause visits to the dentist.

Some people may never get wisdom teeth. This does not indicate any genetic defect, because the "eights" are rudimentary organs that are not involved in the act of chewing food.

By and large, wisdom teeth are simply:

  1. They collect food in the cracks;
  2. Injure the tongue or cheek;
  3. Become the cause of the inflammatory process;
  4. May cause destruction or damage neighboring teeth.

Another name for them is the third molar. If at least one of them began to erupt, then three others should be expected. Painful sensations will have to endure 4 times.

On the one hand, it will be possible to safely talk about a smile of 32 teeth. On the other hand, there is simply no practical sense in these “new clothes”. Despite the difficulties with access, it is necessary to pay attention to the “eights” while brushing your teeth, caries does not sleep and is just waiting in the wings.

Wisdom tooth: removal - consequences

This is one of the most delicate operations in dentistry. With this particular tooth, you should go to the best doctor to which you only have access.

Directly during manipulation:

  • An adjacent tooth may be damaged;
  • It is not always possible to avoid soft tissue ruptures;
  • Due to carelessness, damage to the maxillary sinus occurs;
  • Fractures and dislocations mandible are more common than it might seem at first glance.

These troubles are not always associated with the low qualification of the dentist. Main problem - oral condition. Malnutrition of neighboring teeth, inflammatory and atrophic processes can make the underlying structures more vulnerable.

Already after the removal of the ill-fated "eight" patients are faced with:

  1. FROM pain syndrome as soon as the analgesics stop working;
  2. With inflammation, due to damage to the gums and the presence of a wound surface;
  3. With an increase in temperature, due to the addition of an infection;
  4. With recurrent bleeding due to the peculiarities of the hemostasis system.

All these troubles can arise, and can be bypassed. It all depends on the volume of intervention and the complexity of the manipulation itself. Tooth extraction is too general concept. There are always nuances that only a doctor dealing with a particular case can determine.

What are the "eights"?

The third molars are rudimentary "processes" that do not take part in the act of chewing food and are located at the edges on each jaw. There are 4 of them in total and they “close” the dentition.

From the negative:

  • Hard to reach - they are often affected by caries;
  • Due to lack of space, they can grow in the wrong direction, damaging nearby tissues;
  • The manipulations associated with the "eights" are always the most difficult;
  • They cut through in adulthood, causing additional discomfort.

Some lucky people with wisdom teeth never “bump”. In this case, you can joke about the next stage of evolution and catch the envious glances of those whose third molars grow on the cheek or injure the tongue.

Less fortunate people have to hope that after removal it will not appear:

  1. severe pain;
  2. Swelling of the cheeks and gums;
  3. Temperature rise;
  4. Bleeding.

If something goes wrong, you should not immediately blame the dentist for all the troubles. In some complicated cases, it is necessary to crush the tooth, what can we say about possible complications.

Almost all of us have a wisdom tooth, why it is needed and why it grows somewhere to the side, only dentists and anthropologists know. And the average person can only hope that toothache and swelling of the gums will bypass it.

Video: why do wisdom teeth grow?

In this video, Stepan Shiyanov will tell you what human wisdom teeth are for, what functions they have:

Wisdom teeth are molars that usually appear at the age of 17-25 years (sometimes later, less often earlier). Among modern dentists, it is commonly believed that wisdom teeth are so called because they appear much later than other teeth, at an age when a person is supposedly wiser than in childhood.

In total, a person has 32 teeth, and 4 of them are wisdom teeth, superfluous, since they do not affect the functioning of the chewing system. Wisdom teeth can be called a kind of rudiment, because, by and large, they modern man Not needed. The fact is that in the process of evolution, the human jaw has decreased due to the use of softer food, and it turned out that there was simply no room left for wisdom teeth. That is why, when a wisdom tooth is cut, a person very often experiences extremely discomfort.

Here is what dentists write about wisdom teeth: “There are three unpleasant developments associated with a wisdom tooth. Firstly, the wisdom tooth may not erupt completely, while interfering with the surrounding teeth. This process usually goes along with inflammation and pain.

Secondly, the wisdom tooth is sometimes cut for a very long time, which means that the inflammation will be constant, while there may be fever and severe pain. This condition is dangerous with complications, for example, swelling of nearby tissues.

Finally, one more possible variant- this is when the wisdom tooth does not erupt at all. However, despite the absence, it is dangerous. In particular, an implicit wisdom tooth can damage the roots of adjacent teeth or irritate nerves. In this case, an urgent consultation with a dentist is necessary and, most likely, an operation, i.e. wisdom tooth removal.

By its location, the wisdom tooth is located deep in the jaw, therefore it is not always available for cleaning, as a result of which caries may develop. Its filling due to remoteness is not always successful”

What does it come out? That the wisdom tooth is absolutely useless? And only brings harm? But for some reason, nature gives us this bone. Are there unnecessary elements in nature? I turned to scientific studies that prove the connection of everything physical with the psyche.

In particular, Louise Hay writes that the teeth in our body symbolize determination, and the difficulties with wisdom teeth indicate that “a person does not allocate space in his mind for laying solid foundation later life." In my opinion, this formulation can be summed up in one word "wisdom". It turns out that most likely the wisdom in the name "wisdom teeth" was not meant by our ancestors as literally as modern dentists perceive it.

According to the psychophysical connection, it can be seen that if a person by the age of 17-25 has the wisdom to see his life and understand its meaning, and have the determination to put his plans into practice, then there will be no problems with wisdom teeth. That is, these teeth clearly reveal how much a person has wisdom. So maybe that's why they're called that? In my opinion it is more probable version. Our ancestors, I think, were much more observant modern doctors, and looked for the cause not in the tissues and gums, but in the human soul.

To test how my thoughts make sense, I also turned to history. It turned out that a lot of legends and signs are associated with wisdom teeth. Moreover, in different cultures they treat wisdom teeth differently, but everywhere they consider these teeth to be special. For example, gypsies have a sign of burying a wisdom tooth in a cemetery: they say that in six months it will bring wealth. According to Zoroastrian beliefs, if a person does not have a wisdom tooth, then he is deprived of the protection of the ancestors of the sixth generation.

Ancient Slavic beliefs say that this tooth appears when a person reaches wisdom, spiritual maturity, gaining protection higher powers and ancestors. The one who had all four wisdom teeth out was considered the strongest spiritually and was called the guardian of the family. It was also customary to speak wisdom teeth separately from the rest of the teeth. To do this, the “owner” of these unusual teeth whispered a spell into the water: “wisdom is mine, protection is mine, mind you, illness is not mine!” After the conspiracy, they drank water or rinsed their mouths.

AT scientific research there is also evidence that the wisdom tooth is associated with inner world person. So the German doctor, Dr. Voll, in his writings proves that each tooth is associated with by a certain body of the human body, and the disease of a certain tooth is a signal that a certain organ is out of order. So Voll connects wisdom teeth with the psyche.

In my opinion, we are entering an age where we are not the victims of our body, but its masters, and all physical problems are rooted in our brains. Accordingly, it turns out that if you have wisdom, i.e. resolutely go through life, it means that there should be no problems with teeth in general and with wisdom teeth, in particular. I sincerely wish you to be wise in big sense this word, and be proud of your healthy teeth wisdom!

Wisdom teeth are molars that usually appear at the age of 17-25 years (sometimes later, less often earlier). Among modern dentists, it is commonly believed that wisdom teeth are so called because they appear much later than other teeth, at an age when a person is supposedly wiser than in childhood.

In total, a person has 32 teeth, and 4 of them are wisdom teeth, superfluous, since they do not affect the functioning of the chewing system. Wisdom teeth can be called a kind of rudiment, since, by and large, they are not needed by a modern person. The fact is that in the process of evolution, the human jaw has decreased due to the use of softer food, and it turned out that there was simply no room left for wisdom teeth. That is why, when a wisdom tooth is cut, a person very often experiences extremely unpleasant sensations.

Here is what dentists write about wisdom teeth: “There are three unpleasant developments associated with a wisdom tooth. Firstly, the wisdom tooth may not erupt completely, while interfering with the surrounding teeth. This process usually goes along with inflammation and pain.

Secondly, the wisdom tooth is sometimes cut for a very long time, which means that the inflammation will be constant, while there may be fever and severe pain. This condition is dangerous with complications, for example, swelling of nearby tissues.

Finally, another possible option is when the wisdom tooth does not erupt at all. However, despite the absence, it is dangerous. In particular, an implicit wisdom tooth can damage the roots of adjacent teeth or irritate nerves. In this case, an urgent consultation with a dentist is necessary and, most likely, an operation, i.e. wisdom tooth removal.

By its location, the wisdom tooth is located deep in the jaw, therefore it is not always available for cleaning, as a result of which it may develop. Its filling due to remoteness is not always successful"

What does it come out? That the wisdom tooth is absolutely useless? And only brings harm? But for some reason, nature gives us this bone.

Are there unnecessary elements in nature? I turned to scientific studies that prove the connection of everything physical with the psyche.

In particular, Louise Hay writes that teeth in our body symbolize determination, and difficulties with wisdom teeth indicate that “a person does not allocate space in his mind to lay a solid foundation for later life.” In my opinion, this formulation can be summed up in one word "wisdom". It turns out that most likely the wisdom in the name "wisdom teeth" was not meant by our ancestors as literally as modern dentists perceive it.

According to the psychophysical connection, it can be seen that if a person by the age of 17-25 has the wisdom to see his life and understand its meaning, and have the determination to put his plans into practice, then there will be no problems with wisdom teeth. That is, these teeth clearly reveal how much a person has wisdom. So maybe that's why they're called that? In my opinion, this is the more likely version. Our ancestors,

I think they were much more observant than modern doctors, and they were looking for the cause not in the tissues and gums, but in the human soul.

To test how my thoughts make sense, I also turned to history. It turned out that a lot of legends and signs are associated with wisdom teeth. Moreover, in different cultures they treat wisdom teeth differently, but everywhere they consider these teeth to be special. For example, gypsies have a sign of burying a wisdom tooth in a cemetery: they say that in six months it will bring wealth. According to Zoroastrian beliefs, if a person does not have a wisdom tooth, then he is deprived of the protection of the ancestors of the sixth generation.

Ancient Slavic beliefs say that this tooth appears when a person reaches wisdom, spiritual maturity, acquiring the protection of higher powers and ancestors. The one who had all four wisdom teeth out was considered the strongest spiritually and was called the guardian of the family. It was also customary to speak wisdom teeth separately from the rest of the teeth. To do this, the “owner” of these unusual teeth himself whispered a spell into the water: “wisdom is mine,

protection is mine, chur, ailment is not mine! After the conspiracy, they drank water or rinsed their mouths.

In scientific research, there is also evidence that the wisdom tooth is connected with the inner world of a person. So the German doctor, Dr. Voll, in his writings proves that each tooth is associated with a certain organ of the human body, and the disease of a certain tooth is a signal that a certain organ is out of order. So Voll connects wisdom teeth with the psyche.

In my opinion, we are entering an age where we are not the victims of our body, but its masters, and all physical problems are rooted in our brains. Accordingly, it turns out that if you have wisdom, i.e. resolutely go through life, it means that there should be no problems with teeth in general and with wisdom teeth, in particular. I sincerely wish you to be wise in the big sense of the word, and be proud of your healthy wisdom teeth!

Magic Squirrel

The wisdom tooth often erupts for a very long time, which means you should be prepared for the fact that the inflammation will be permanent, and it may be accompanied by elevated temperature and severe pain. Wisdom teeth are molars that appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Among modern dentists, it is generally accepted that wisdom teeth are so called because they appear much later than other teeth, precisely at the age when a person, by definition, is wiser than in early childhood. Wisdom teeth are a kind of rudiment, because modern man does not need them at all. In the process of evolution, the human jaw has decreased due to the consumption of softer food by humans and, accordingly, it has happened that there is no room left for the wisdom teeth. That is why at the time when wisdom teeth are being cut, a person often experiences discomfort and even severe pain. So what happens then? Is the wisdom tooth absolutely useless for us? And moreover - brings only unpleasant sensations and harm? But for some reason, nature gave it to us. Are there any unnecessary elements in it? Let's turn to scientific research. Perhaps they will prove to us the connection between the physical and the psyche.

For example, Louise Hay wrote that teeth in our body are a symbol of determination, and the difficulties that arise specifically with wisdom teeth indicate that “a person does not allocate space in his mind to lay a solid foundation for later life.”

According to the psychophysical connection, it can be revealed that if a person by the age of 17-25 has the wisdom to understand the meaning of his life, to have the determination to put his plans into practice, then he will have absolutely no problems with wisdom teeth. That is, it is the wisdom teeth that reveal how much a person has wisdom. Perhaps that is why they are called that. But this is only one of the versions.

It turns out that wisdom teeth have long been associated great amount legends and signs. AT different countries and cultures treat them very differently, but in every corner of the world they are considered special. For example, gypsies have such a sign: they bury a wisdom tooth in a cemetery, explaining that in six months it should bring wealth. The ancient Slavs said that a wisdom tooth appears in a person only when he reaches spiritual maturity and wisdom, and acquires the protection of higher powers and his ancestors. Those who had all the teeth of wisdom were considered the strongest spiritually and such people were called the guardians of the family.

In the scientific research of scientists, there is also evidence that wisdom teeth are directly related to the inner world of its owner. For example, Dr. Voll, a German doctor, carefully describes and proves in his writings that each human tooth is associated with a certain organ of the body and, accordingly, the disease of a particular tooth is a signal that something is wrong with a certain organ. . And Dr. Voll directly connects wisdom teeth with the psyche. These are the theories why the wisdom tooth bears such a proud name.

Wisdom teeth are the so-called figure eights that appear in most cases between the ages of 18 and 26 in the most extreme parts of the jaws. They grow long and hard, because they do not have dairy predecessors, and there is little room for them in the mouth. They can appear one at a time, in pairs, all at once, or not grow at all.

These teeth are not easy to care for and very difficult to treat. For this reason, when problems arise, dentists in most cases recommend removing them.

Why do wisdom teeth grow or not grow?

Presence or absence of wisdom teeth latest research American scientists, is explained by heredity, nutritional quality and dental treatment procedures performed in childhood and adolescence.

  • It is genetics that determines the presence and total embryos of wisdom teeth, as well as the period of their eruption. There are people who do not have eights at all, or who have them in an incomplete number, and any option is considered an individual norm.
  • Complete nutrition for the development and eruption of wisdom teeth is very important. It gives the body the opportunity to start these processes. The lack of vitamins or trace elements in the diet can delay teething for several years or stretch it for for a long time. In some cases, dietary analysis can explain why wisdom teeth appear at a particular time in life.
  • An increasing number of young people without wisdom teeth are attributed by dentists to the use of preschool age freezing injections in the treatment and extraction of teeth.

Why do wisdom teeth grow - are they needed?

Wisdom teeth today are considered a vestige, that is, an echo of the past, unnecessary or with an incomprehensible function, like appendicitis. The people of antiquity needed all the teeth, as the food was tough and coarse. But gradually the human diet changed, and modern food does not require such diligent and long chewing. This led to a shortening of the jaw and a decrease in the place where the eighth teeth should be located.

Today, wisdom teeth cause more inconvenience than benefit. Their appearance often accompanies pain during eruption and impaired jaw mobility. They are more prone to caries than other teeth, which is why in most cases they have to be removed. At the same time, there is also a risk of damage to important nerves and blood vessels during removal.

However, sometimes, with early loss of the seventh and sixth molars, these teeth can be a good basis for a prosthesis in the form of a bridge, as they grow late and have very strong roots.

Why does a wisdom tooth grow - as the ancestors believed

In ancient times, among the Slavs, Germans and Indians, the appearance of these teeth was considered a sign that a person had achieved a certain spiritual wisdom and received the patronage of the spirits of the family. They believed that the appearance of the eighth teeth means the onset of that period in a person's life when he is ready to accept wisdom and knowledge. At that time, the loss of such a tooth was considered bad sign. It was a symbol of the loss of the protection of the ancestors and the decrease in wisdom.

Of course, now every person decides for himself whether to keep or remove wisdom teeth, endure their painful eruption or go to the dentist. It is important to remember that these teeth require more care due to their awkward position, and in case of their defeat by caries - immediate treatment, because large vessels passing next to them can become a route for the spread of infection.

If you decide to keep your wisdom tooth, support its growth by drinking the Asepta vitamin and mineral complex. because of malnutrition we often lack calcium in the body, and drinking coffee and smoking interfere with its absorption from food. So that the wisdom tooth does not begin to collapse, as soon as it appears, support its enamel. The Asepta complex will saturate it with calcium, providing strength.

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