Hollywood smile in Photoshop. Snow-white smile

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to retouch a photo to create a subtle, realistic smile by applying the new filter addition " Plastic” (Face-Aware Liquify), which appeared in the program version 2015.5.

The Face Aware Liquify toolkit allows you to quickly and easily change facial expressions, turn a frown into a smile, or show more complex emotions. However, if you overdo it, you can get an unnatural result (more like a caricature), you should know that adding a smile is not just lifting the corners of the lips up, of course, if you do not want your subject to look like Heath Ledger's Joker from Batman, the smiling maniac with cold eyes.

To avoid this, it is necessary to change a number of other facial features.

In this tutorial, photographer Tigz Rice shows you how to use Face Aware Liquify in Photoshop for natural results.

Tigz says that the key to getting realistic results is to slowly, in small increments, make minor adjustments while still keeping the original and comparing your changes to it to make sure you're not overdoing it.

Step 1

First, open the selected image and go to Filter(Filter) > Plastic(Liquify) to open the filter dialog Liquify.

We will try to make the face of the guy in this photo a little happier.

Translator's note : It would be better if you create a copy of the background layer, which we will work with, experimenting with changing the face, and comparing the result with the original: Layer(layer)- Duplicate Layer(duplicate layer)

You will need to make sure that the tool Face(Face Tool) is on, and Photoshop program automatically analyzes each face image and marks it with bracket-like markers.

The first thing you will notice is that if you hover your mouse over the facial features

inside this area, depending on which part of the face it is above, there will be areas for editing the actual oval of the face, eyes, nose and lips. Transform handles are represented as diamonds and dots.

We will look at each of them individually in the following steps.

Step 2

Let's start with the markers that surround the face. Moving the upper and lower points of the path will lengthen / shorten the forehead and chin. Here I decided to drag the forehead up a bit while keeping the chin intact.

Tip: If you're working on a man with a beard by expanding the chin, be careful, you can also increase the thickness of the hair, which will look unnatural.

Translator's note : When the cursor stops over the marker, a hint pops up about what exactly the marker changes, for example, Face Width(Face Width). The lower control block on the right side of the Filter panel allows you to change face shape(FaceShape). forehead height(Forehead) Chin measurements(Chin Height), The size of the cheeks(Jawline) face width(Face Width)

Points on the cheekbones and jaws allow you to change bone structure faces. Smiling is often accompanied by facial expansion in the chin area (such expansion can be used to make the face more masculine).

By correcting the jaw line and the width of the face with markers, you can make the face thinner.

Step 3

Now let's take a look at the eyes, which have four new dots and a dotted line each. First, try clicking and dragging on the eye to move it. You will notice that Photoshop is protecting appearance eyes while it moves.

The large square marker controls the overall size of the eyes proportionally, while the three smaller dots give you full control above the eye in height and width.

Moving up and down the dotted line that runs next to the eyes also allows you to change the tilt of the eyes. However, in our work, this step is not necessary.

Tip: Along with the additional adjustment for the eyes in the form of markers, you can find sliders for all of these controls in the menu on the right side of the screen.

Translator's note Eye(Eyes) contains the following options: Eye size(Eye Size), Eye Height (Eye Height), Eye Width(eye width) Eye tilt(Eye Tilt) interocular space» the distance between the eyes (Eye Distance). Moving the sliders to the right, the parameter will increase, to the left - decrease.

Step 4

The two outer control points change the width of the nose, while the middle of the controls is a point that changes the height of the nose. Here, the author slightly reduced the width of the nose, for purely aesthetic reasons. Again, these options can be adjusted using the sliders in the properties panel.

Translator's note : tool control box Nose(Nose) contains the following options: Height(Nose Height) and Width nose (Nose Width).

Step 5

Finally, let's look at the mouth. Two dots on either side of the mouth allow width control, allowing you to widen or narrow the width of your mouth as needed.

Each lip also has its own height adjuster, allowing you to balance the thickness of the lips, or increase just one of them. These options can also be adjusted using the sliders on the right side of the control panel.

As for the crooked dotted lines on either side of the mouth, this can be used to add a hint of a smile (or dejection) to a face in a photo. Just drag up and down as needed - but don't overdo it.

Translator's note : tool control box Mouth(Mouth) - editing a smile, raising or lowering the corners of the mouth Smile(Smile). Change of size Upper(Upper) Lower(Lower) lips Width(width) and Mouth height(Height).

On the this stage, we tried all tool settings Face(FaceTool). Once you're happy with the results you've got, click the OK button in the bottom right corner to return to Photoshop's main interface.

yellow teeth can spoil any a photo. Reasons can be anything from
poor lighting to the natural color of the enamel. Moreover, the natural color of the teeth is almost
is not white. For some images, correcting excessive yellowing of the teeth is not easy.
desirable, and even necessary. Today everyone has the opportunity to flaunt dazzling
white teeth in the photo! A well-known tool helps with this - Photoshop program!

To impress friends dazzling smile enough to use
features of Photoshop. Just two layers of color correction and a few minutes
free time will help you solve the problem of yellowish teeth in the picture.

You can often find lessons that mention countless masks,
tools and layers. But, as practice shows, to make a beautiful and high-quality
only two color-correcting layers are enough for the job, and sometimes one is enough.

How to make teeth whiter?

To demonstrate whitening, we will use not the most good shot. On the picture
the yellowness of the teeth is not particularly noticeable due to the overall yellowish palette and warm tones
snapshot. If you immediately start whitening your teeth without changing the rest of the image, they will
stand out strongly. Processing will be evident. Therefore, to begin with, we change the general tone
photographs so that white teeth look natural and harmonious in the future.

Color balance layer - color correction and color balance

You can change the tone of the photo using color correction: layer > New Adjustments Layer > color balance. This is a necessary stage of work if we want white teeth not to stand out against the general background and look as natural as possible. In the Adjustiments window, re-adjust the color balance so as to make the color cooler in the medium and light colors.

Highlight the whitening area

For whitening, you need to select the color correction area and create a layer that will
contain desired changes. This area should include, of course, only the teeth. That's why
we create a selection area and then a mask based on it.

Choose Lasso Tool- tool " Lasso» and create a selection around the image
teeth. At this stage, you can not try too hard. Correct such inaccuracies as
lips affected by the selection, bumps, etc., will be possible at the next stages of processing.

Mask and color correction layer Hue/Saturations

So, selection is active. Create a color correction layer: layer > New Adjustments
layer >Hue/Saturation n. To eliminate the yellow color, reduce the color saturation in the window

Go to the mask panel masks) . To hide the inaccuracy of the selection, blur the edges. This will make them smooth and natural. The mask at this point should be selected in the layer panel.

Levels Color Correction

Now we create new layer color correction: layer > New Adjustments Layer > Levels.
Copy the mask by dragging it from the predecessor layer to the layer Levels when the key is pressed
alt. In panel adjustments add brightness to the whites and midtones.

In the last mask Levels you can add colors to the eyes, as in the final photo. That's all the secret to a whiter smile without the help of a dentist!

Good day to all, my Dear friends and guests of my blog. With you, as usual, I, that is, Dmitry Kostin. And I have a question for you. Are you satisfied with the condition of your teeth? Maybe it suits, but it would be better. Now I don’t mean caries and so on, but I mean only color. Would you like a real Hollywood smile for yourself.

I think a lot of people would like to. Unfortunately in real life I can’t do this for you, after all, I’m not a dentist. But here's how to make teeth whiter in Photoshop, I'll show you with great pleasure. So uncover our photo editor, download yellow smile and let's go!

  1. Open any image with teeth (well, where these teeth are visible) and immediately duplicate this layer. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+J.
  2. Now we move on to the familiar one and paint over only the teeth with it (I advise you to make the brush softer so that there is a smoother transition). It's not scary if you touch something extra. After that, we remove the quick mask mode by clicking on it again. Of course, you can select in any other way. I just think that quick mask fits best here.
  3. If you had a quick mask in masking mode, then not the teeth will be highlighted, but the area around them. Well, there's nothing to worry about. Just with a keyboard shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+I. Then you will have everything right.
  4. Now, without removing the selection, open the Hue/Saturation. Who remembers how to open it? If you suddenly forgot, then "Image" - "Correction" - "Hue/Saturation", or use the combination CTRL+U. After that, set the "Saturation" slider to the left (I set it to -50) and "Brightness" to the right (I set it to +40) until you see the whiteness of the teeth.
  5. Now deselect and select . We set it to 50 percent hardness and a size suitable for removing defects. I have set the size to 6 pixels. And now, with this eraser, begin to gently erase the selection that remains outside the teeth themselves. Yes, yes, and do not forget to remove all unnecessary from the gums.
  6. Well, if it seems to you that they are now some kind of unnaturally white, then you can play with the opacity of the layer. I would put it at 80% for example.

Wooo. Now I think it's pretty good.)

Adjustment layer

And now I will show you a more effective way, in my opinion, to whiten your teeth, but which one you like more is up to you.

Have you noticed that now there are no extra selected areas? Here! Therefore, you do not have to wipe something with an eraser. That is why this method seems to me simpler and more convenient, what do you think?

So what? That's about all I wanted to tell you about today. Now you yourself can make your fangs white (just kidding of course))) and shine with a snow-white Hollywood smile to the delight of everyone around, though only in the photo.

If you have any problems while reading the lesson, then you can watch the video version, where I talk about everything in detail.

But if, of course, your knowledge in Photoshop is very lame, then I would recommend that you look this wonderful video. Everything is laid out in it on the shelves and you will master Photoshop in just a couple of weeks.

I hope you enjoyed my article today, so don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates if you haven't done so yet. I don't spam.) Well, I'm waiting for you again on the pages of my blog. Good luck and bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin

Open the cowboy photo in Photoshop. Before we do anything, let's think about what we need to fix here. First of all, we will make the teeth whiter. Also, the whole photo is a little blurry, so you will need to sharpen it. And the last thing is to improve the colors.

Step 2

To whiten your teeth, create a Curves adjustment layer ( ",this,event,"320px");">Layer – Curves). Lighten the RGB channel, then select the Red channel and reduce the amount of red.

Step 3

All adjustment layers are paired with a mask. With it, you can hide the layer completely or partially. Click on the Curves adjustment layer mask and fill it with black. Immediately after that, the photo will become the same.

Step 4

Grab the Brush Tool ( ",this,event,"320px");">Brush Tool) with a soft edge of 10px. Paint white on the teeth on the mask to make them bright again. As you understand, the black color on the mask hides the layer, and the white one reveals it.

Step 5

Now we will make the whole photo even better, which will have a positive effect on how white teeth will look. Create another Curves Adjustment Layer ( ",this,event,"320px");">Layer – Curves): increase the amount of red and decrease the amount of blue.

Step 6

The colors of the whole photo have become better, but an unpleasant color appeared on the teeth. yellow. We will fix this with a mask. With a soft brush, paint over the teeth with black on the mask.

Step 7

Flatten all layers (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E). Select the Dodge Tool ( ",this,event,"320px");">Dodge Tool) and make the corners of the lips brighter.

Step 8

Flatten the layers again (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E) and apply the filter Unsharp Mask (Unsharp Mask) is designed for more accurate image correction.
Amount (Effect) - sets the strength of the filter. It varies from 1 to 500%. Since the effect of applying the filter is more noticeable on the monitor screen than on paper, it makes sense to increase the value of this parameter in the case of subsequent printing of the image;
Radius (Radius) - determines the search area for pixels that differ from the current one by more than a threshold value. It varies from 0.1 to 250 pixels. At low values ​​of this parameter, the sharpness increases only at the borders of the regions, at high values, the sharpness inside the monochromatic areas of the image also increases;
Threshold - sets the brightness threshold by which pixels must differ in order to increase their contrast. It varies from 0 to 255 levels. If this setting zero, all pixels in the image will be processed. High values allow you to increase sharpness only at the boundaries of solid areas or when sharp drops brightness. ",this,event,"320px");">Unsharp Mask Filter). The effect should not be strong.

Step 9

Create a new layer ( ",this, event,"320px");">Create New Layer) and fill it with white. Apply the Lens Correction Filter ( ",this, event,"320px");">Lens Correction Filter). In the tab Custom (Custom) adjust the section Vignetting (Vignette): Effect (Vignette) reduce to -29.

Set this layer's blending mode to Multiply (

",this,event,"320px");">Layer – Brightness/Contrast).

Step 11

Finally, let's add one interesting element - the shine on the tooth. Create a new layer and with a special brush paint a white glow on the tooth. To make it not too bright, reduce the opacity of the layer.

Before and after:

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