What are the benefits of dairy products? Adults need to drink milk. What are the benefits of dairy products

The state of the human body, its performance, resistance to unfavorable factors environment largely determined by his diet, i.e. supplying the body with the necessary nutrients and minerals as a biological and energy material. The body's need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements, vitamins is satisfied by daily consumption person of a certain set of foodstuffs. This need depends on working conditions, lifestyle, age, environmental conditions and other factors throughout a person's life. healthy diet a person is disturbed due to: monotony of nutrition; ecological state in the world, affecting the quality of food; consumption of foods containing preservatives and structurally modified ingredients, including biologically active substances, the presence of high-calorie ingredients in daily diet in the absence of an increased energetically costly daily routine of a person. Except malnutrition diseases are caused by a violation of the normal intestinal microflora, which is caused by smoking, alcohol abuse, nervous overload and reception medical preparations namely antibiotics and steroid hormones.

The benefits of dairy products thing is dairy products contains everything necessary for development human body substances. Dairy products are a source of essential building materials for the body - high-grade protein and calcium. The degree of assimilation of proteins of fermented milk products is 96-98% [Gorbatova, 2001]. It is extremely important that calcium in the composition of lactic acid products is in optimal ratio with phosphorus and other macro- and microelements, which contributes to the maximum absorption of calcium from these products by a person. Calcium deficiency in the diet leads to serious violations: growth retardation, violation of the formation of bones and teeth, caries, increased bleeding of blood vessels, disruption of the heart, contributes to the destruction bone tissue. Thus, approximately 80% of the daily intake of calcium by a person is satisfied through the use of dairy products. Milk is also enriched with macro- (potassium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine) and microelements (zinc, cobalt, manganese, iron, iodine), which are involved in the construction of enzymes, hormones and vitamins. For example, iodine is structural element hormone thyroid gland, iron is part of hemoglobin and some enzymes, copper is a catalyst for redox processes in the body, cobalt is part of vitamins, etc. Milk and dairy products are an important source of supply of the human body with vitamins included directly in chemical composition products and synthesized by lactic acid bacteria. The daily intake of vitamin B 2 is satisfied by 42-50% due to the use of dairy products, in comparison with meat and fish, it is satisfied only by 24% and cereal crops- 17% [Gorbatova, 2001].

The benefits of dairy products pronounced in cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is used in the prevention of atherosclerosis, as it contains choline and methionine, which contribute to an increase in lecithin in the blood. Methionine does not allow cholesterol to penetrate the walls of blood vessels and prevents the development of sclerotic signs. Curd is widely used in clinical nutrition sick peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, chronic diseases gallbladder, pancreatitis, intestinal diseases. The physiological norm for the consumption of cottage cheese should be 6.5 kg per person per year [Tavazhnyansky, 2005]. Other fermented milk products should also be included in a person's round-the-clock diet (table) [Gorbatova, 2001].

Table - Physiological norms consumption of dairy products

The benefits of dairy products It also lies in the fact that fermented milk products stimulate the immune system, increase the body's anti-infective resistance, and have an anti-allergic effect. When we consume fermented milk products, lactic acid and lactic acid microorganisms enter the body with them. In the intestine, lactic acid is partially neutralized, but lactic acid bacteria remain, which continue to develop. They are able to ferment food residues and create an acidic environment, which is detrimental to putrefactive microorganisms. Thus, a beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is created and maintained. Consistent consumption of dairy products strengthens nervous system, which is associated with the normalization of microflora in the intestine. This happens due to the accumulation in fermented milk products of vitamins synthesized by lactic acid bacteria. It is known that putrefactive microorganisms that are in the large intestine develop only in a slightly alkaline or neutral environment. They break down the remaining protein, forming organic compounds hazardous to health. These organic compounds are absorbed by the intestinal walls, enter the blood and lymph, and depress the nervous system.

All dairy products can be made from skimmed milk. They are advised to people who, for health reasons, should not be consumed. fatty foods. Sour-milk products from skimmed milk differ from whole milk products only in the absence of fat, and all other components of whole milk are in the same amount and the benefits of skim milk products are no less. For medical and dietary properties low fat foods equivalent to products made from whole milk and are inferior only in fat content (caloric content) [Gorbatova, 2001].

Milk fat is of great importance in human nutrition. Fats are a source of energy and perform many functions in the human body (thermal insulation, protection of organs, etc.). The biological value of fats lies in the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) in them. These fatty acid are not synthesized in the human body. With their lack of food, metabolic processes are disrupted. When drinking 0.5 liters of milk, about 20% of a person's daily need for these acids is covered. The presence of a significant amount of vitamins and phospholipids in milk fat significantly increases its biological value. In addition, digestibility milk fat by the human body is significantly higher compared to other fats [Gorbatova, 2001].

Milk and dairy products also contain a valuable carbohydrate - lactose ( milk sugar), which is the source of energy in the human body. The intake of lactose into the human intestine contributes to the development beneficial microflora, which forms lactic acid, and suppresses putrefactive processes, creating an acidic environment, which is not favorable for the development pathogenic microflora. Lactic acid bacteria used to ferment milk and obtain fermented milk products ( Streptococcus lactis, Lactobacterium acidophilum), moreover, directly possess bactericidal properties.

So, dairy, are indispensable and indispensable components diet person and bear an invaluable benefit for a person.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends. With you Yuri Okunev.

Today, the topic of our conversation will be one of the most controversial products healthy eating- milk. We all know from childhood the song “Drink, children, ...”, but will we really be healthy if we follow the advice of cows? After the Soviet fashion for “milk”, a period of persecution for milk fat began.

Trendy nutritionists from all sides repeat: “If you want to have good health, get rid of excess weight, to get a beautiful figure, then you must forever forget about butter, cream, cheese, cottage cheese! You can only sometimes afford fat-free yogurt or some kind of Activia. Today you will finally learn the truth about the benefits of dairy products.

Any textbook on healthy eating says: "Milk and its" derivatives "- best sources calcium! Indeed, when eating milk-containing dishes, the amount of calcium absorbed by the body increases. You just need to understand we are talking about homemade milk, "straight from under the cow".

Bought in cardboard boxes, even beautiful, even expensive, went through multi-stage processing. This is of course cool - it does not deteriorate, there are no microbes there, but during processing, in addition to the infection, most of the vitamins were “killed”. And what in return? Preservatives and chemical residues, that is, Tetrapack with a shelf life of more than 1 month, will provide your body with only additional toxins.

With all the benefits of milk consumption, there are contraindications. Yes Yes! For example, for a person who is lactose intolerant or allergic to milk protein milk can be lethal. Dairy proteins are difficult for the liver, so if the organ "jumps", it is better to limit the intake of dairy foods.

The whole truth about drinking yogurt

Sour milk is in almost every refrigerator. Previously, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt, as well as various variations on the kefir theme - bifilin, acidophilus, snowball, were the maximum store shelves. Today, the choice is very diverse, while drinking yoghurts and biocurds have become recognized market leaders.

Advertising tells us in detail how dairy products are useful for humans. Every child knows who bifidobacteria, lactobacilli are, where they live. It is so convenient, useful, tasty, drank - strength immediately increased, immunity rose. A couple of bottles every day will give you incredible health - in any case, the manufacturer, the girl from the advertisement, famous actors say so.

Let's see what this advertised sour milk product. Any yogurt is made from milk using a special starter culture. Some manufacturers use kefir sourdough to immediately get the desired consistency. And what do they give us a bite with microorganisms that are certainly beneficial for the intestines? As always, these are dyes, flavors, preservatives. It turns out that we treat one thing, the other ... respectively.

A healthy option is a home-made mixture of ordinary white yogurt, kefir with fruit, if desired, you can add muesli, candied fruits, nuts - give free rein to culinary imagination. We will do the same when using curds.

About calories, or the eternal war on fat

Modern healthy eating is no longer only associated, but has actually become synonymous with a weight loss diet. Hence the increased interest in skimmed milk. Fat-free kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream ... is it worth eating for those who are not going to lose weight? And in general, are low-fat dairy products healthy?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of which cottage cheese to prefer - regular or low-fat - no. The fact is that it is very important for children to regularly receive enough fats, which improve the absorption of calcium and phosphorus contained in food.

For an adult body a large number of fat is no longer useful, because it contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. And contrary to popular belief, you can’t get rid of cholesterol by refusing only butter and heavy cream, any fatty foods in large quantities harmful.

The most fat-free option is whey. Whey contains important amino acids and most of the vitamins. The beneficial substances contained in whey help reduce blood pressure and are favorable for the stomach, helping to reduce acidity. They even bake bread on whey, which is recognized by nutritionists as mega-useful for the body.

Perhaps there is only one “harmfulness” based on whey - fruit drinks that are popular today (you probably saw these on the shelves of your favorite supermarket). You understand where the dog rummaged around. I give you a hint - drinking yoghurts... If you are addicted to such drinks - and in summer they are really great refreshing - then it's better to buy regular whey, add freshly squeezed juice to it, mix - your super-healthy drink is ready!

It turns out that low-fat dairy products themselves are neither more nor less useful than regular ones. When choosing a product the most important criterion is its naturalness, not the percentage of fat. Fat in itself is not harmful, except in cases where a low-fat diet is required.

Summing up

Let's briefly summarize our research on the benefits of dairy products:

Optimal for a healthy diet:

– natural whole milk(except contraindications)

- ryazhenka

- cottage cheese (especially low fat)

- natural (white) yogurt

- hard cheese

- milk serum

Possible, but limited quantity :

- shop milk


- cream

- sour cream

- drinkable yogurt

- soft cheeses, homemade cheese

Worth giving up:

- whole milk with an extended shelf life

- sweet curds, curd mass, curds

- dairy products with flavors, dyes, stabilizers, etc.

If the topic of healthy eating interests you not only in theory, I recommend course of yoga master Nikolai Vysochansky. Based on Ayurveda, proven by a fifteen year old practical experience the author, the course will help you build your system of effective nutrition.

Well, I say goodbye to you today.

Bet and reach bold life goals, be healthy and happy.

AT daily diet almost every person has dairy products. There is only a small proportion of people in whom milk protein causes an allergic reaction or is diagnosed with lactase deficiency (inability to digest lactose). For these reasons, they exclude milk and products from it from their menu. However, the vast majority of the world's population does not suffer similar ailments, therefore, can fully appreciate all the benefits dairy nutrition.

The benefits of dairy products

Products made on the basis of milk are full-fledged, complex foods, thanks to which fats (2.7-6.0%), proteins (2.5-4.8%) and carbohydrates (4.0- 5.6%). For example, a liter of milk drunk provides the body with daily rate amino acids of animal origin. Special meaning have microorganisms that support normal microflora intestines. As a result useful activity lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria increases the immune defense of the body, optimizes the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Composition of dairy products includes almost all existing vitamins, as well as immune bodies that prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. Dairy nutrition promotes stock replenishment minerals, a significant proportion of which are calcium and phosphorus in an easily digestible form.

Healthy dairy products for women

Whole milk - 500 ml.
Butter - 15 gr.
Cheese - 18 gr.
Cottage cheese - 20 gr.
Sour cream - 18 gr.

If it was once believed that adults should limit milk consumption by replacing it with lactic acid products, now this myth has been completely debunked. Individual lactose intolerance is transmitted at the genetic level and has nothing to do with a person's age. If you often in childhood without any negative consequences drank milk, you can continue to indulge in this tasty and nutritious drink. Numerous studies on milk nutrition, only confirm the benefits of such a diet. For example, scientists at Boston University found a link between the daily presence of dairy products on the table and a reduced risk of developing uterine fibroids. This disease is often found in women who have crossed the 30-year milestone.

In particular, it has been empirically found that in women who consumed more than 4 servings of dairy products daily, the risk of developing benign neoplasm decreased by 30%. Although the mechanism of this phenomenon is not exactly explained, it has been proven that protection women's health produced by reducing the activity of cell proliferation processes (division of tumor cells). What is not a reason to supplement the usual menu with milk-based food? Every woman has something to think about, because dairy products are real helpers in maintaining the beauty of the body. Low-fat yogurts, kefir, fermented baked milk will help in the fight against overweight and in the normalization of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Cheeses will become a source of calcium, necessary for hair, teeth and bones. And cottage cheese will prevent liver diseases and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Do not forget that any lactic acid products have undeniable effectiveness when used as masks for skin and hair. The famous beauties of antiquity Nefertiti and Cleopatra regularly took a bath filled with a miraculous drink. Goat milk many nutritionists refer to the most useful options. He is credited medicinal properties, and this statement has a solid scientific basis. For example, in goat milk contains more potassium and cobalt (6 times) than cow's. The first element is required for normal operation of cardio-vascular system, and the second is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and regulates metabolism. Since ancient times, the product has been used to treat consumption, cholelithiasis, various diseases joints and skin, as well as to strengthen immune system. In addition, it is indispensable for people who have an allergic reaction to cow's milk proteins.

Healthy dairy products for men

Men need just as much as women dairy nutrition . And often the need for men in dairy products is even greater. For example, the riboflavin contained in them is necessary for athletes and people who regularly experience serious physical exercise. Animal proteins included in composition of dairy products are excellent building blocks for muscle tissue. And potassium prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, which representatives strong half Humanity is much more affected than women. Milk will help lower blood pressure, and cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream and butter will become sources of calcium, which is involved in the formation and maintenance of bone strength.

Vitamins found in dairy products

The vitamins found in composition of dairy products, are presented in all existing variety. These include water-soluble and fat-soluble types. In milk and its derivatives different vitamins varies. For example, most vitamins A, E and C are found in hard cheeses, butter and cream with a fat content of 20%. Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 predominate in milk powder, and B6 and B9 in fat cottage cheese. The vast majority of vitamins H and D are found in regular milk. To get vitamin PP, you also need to drink regular milk.

Dietary dairy products

Any fermented milk products are on the menu diet food. Beneficial effect on the body is due directly composition of dairy products, as well as the presence in them of cultures of microorganisms that are used in the process of preparing fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, etc. The type of microorganisms determines the taste of the product. For fermentation of lactic acid products, lactic streptococci, acidophilus or bulgarian sticks are used, kefir fungus. Microscopic bacteria and beneficial fungi normalize the intestinal microflora, inhibiting the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

However, dietary food can only be considered if it is low in fat. Therefore, preference should be given to lactic acid products with a reduced fat content or completely fat-free. In order not to doubt the dietary purpose of the product, it is necessary to carefully study composition of dairy products which is indicated on the label. It is clear that among the components indicated there should not be preservatives, chemical dyes and flavors, as well as other food additives that are incompatible with the principles of a healthy diet.

Dairy nutrition shown in any way. It is believed that fermented milk products are the most useful and are better absorbed by the body. Any food prepared with milk is a balanced cocktail of necessary for a person nutrients. For example, all dairy products, due to their high calcium content, are found in the diet for patients suffering from arterial hypertension. The volume of potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements contained in a glass of milk satisfies daily requirement organism. Low-fat milk is allowed to drink sick diabetes. With caution, goat's milk is allowed, which is more fatty than cow's.

Diet for patients with various pathologies urinary tract also includes dairy products (except hard cheeses). Milk actively removes toxins, so in case of food poisoning heavy metals, alkalis, acids, alcohol will help warm whole milk, drunk in a volume of 1.0-1.5 liters. Warm milk is used to treat sore throats. Best therapeutic effect achieved by adding honey and butter to it. Cup warm milk will help to cope with a headache, and kefir and whey have useful properties aimed at getting rid of the consequences of an alcohol hangover.

From early childhood, we know that milk and dairy products are an integral part of a healthy diet. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the benefits of milk and a variety of dairy products. However, each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. This is especially true of milk, which many nutritionists do not advise adults to consume, arguing their recommendations by the fact that in adulthood, it is poorly absorbed. Together with the site, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular representatives of the extensive dairy family and learn how to choose the most useful of them.

Adults need to drink milk

Perhaps it would be fair to start our review of the most useful dairy products precisely from their basis - ordinary milk, which in last years took the place of the least useful dairy product. A theory has become widespread that milk was declared a product completely unsuitable for the diet of an adult. It is believed that adults should not drink milk due to the lack of special enzymes in their bodies necessary for the absorption of this product. Is it really?

Milk, even sterilized, retains many valuable vitamins. It serves as a source:
vitamin A, necessary to maintain visual acuity and healthy look skin;
vitamin D, which provides bone strength and protects against harmful effects ultraviolet radiation;
Vitamin B9 ( folic acid), which is necessary for women during pregnancy, as well as for those who care about good color face and strong muscles.
Why, then, for people who have crossed the thirty-year milestone, milk falls into the category of useless and even harmful products? Probably the secret lies in lactose intolerance - milk sugar. However, this feature of the organism is already manifested in early age and refers to genetically determined problems that cannot change with age, as we have from birth. Therefore, if you love milk and tolerate this product well, drink to your health!

On the shelves of stores, we usually meet milk:
pasteurized, preserving maximum useful qualities- not only the whole set of vitamins, but a significant part of the microorganisms we need;
sterilized, which, having preserved most vitamins, alas, loses microflora, both useful and harmful;
· reconstituted, which you can quickly get in your kitchen if you dilute milk powder with water. Unfortunately, no vitamins or minerals are found in it.

A little about the benefits of the good old kefir

Sometimes it begins to seem that among the multi-colored packages of yogurts and various dairy desserts, our good old kefir has faded into the background a bit. And absolutely in vain!

In kefir, familiar to everyone since childhood, there is enough high content calcium and phosphorus, which we need for:
maintaining the necessary composition and restoration of bone tissue and tooth enamel;
normal functioning of the central nervous system, since without them it is impossible to form brain cells and transmit nerve impulses;
normalization of metabolism.

In addition, kefir contains the necessary amount of organic acids that are needed for the absorption of these minerals.

Kefir is wonderful dietary product, however, its shelf life is limited, and therefore be sure to pay attention to the date when it was produced.

Many consider kefir the best remedy drown out the night hunger, because it does not have so many calories. However, please note that this product contains substances that may be stimulating or cause insomnia.

Fatty dairy products: benefit or harm

Perhaps you have noticed that the use of all fat-free has become a real trend of our time? Every now and then we are urged to stop using butter, cream, sour cream and even cottage cheese to choose exclusively fat-free. Is it dangerous for health to use these products?

Let's start, perhaps, with butter, since it is most often anathematized. Let's not argue, this product is really very high in calories and it really has a high cholesterol content. However, at the same time, the oil contains lecithin, which regulates fat metabolism in the body and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. Which means complete failure from butter has nothing to do with the principles of healthy eating.

Another incredibly useful fermented milk product, sour cream, contains even more phospholipids we need (the same lecithin), but at the same time it has a lower cholesterol content, and, of course, lower fat content.

It should be noted that the fats contained in this product are not refractory, they are in a crushed state and are easily absorbed by the body in combination with organic acids. Sour cream helps:
restore appetite after a long illness;
enhances the separation of bile;
normalizes stool.
Another equally useful dairy product that you can replace with too high-calorie butter is cream. They differ more low content cholesterol and phospholipids, but have a lower calorie content.

Cottage cheese is the favorite product of all nutritionists. With a low calorie content, it contains a sufficient amount of lipotropic substances that normalize lipid metabolism. That is why the use of cottage cheese helps prevent atherosclerosis and fatty liver.

At huge number of the advantages of cottage cheese, it, alas, will not be able to fully compensate for the lack of proteins found in meat, since the body will lack vitamin B6.

Hard cheeses to help immunity

Most various types hard cheeses are incredibly popular all over the world. We love to eat cheese with and without bread, we can serve it with fine wine or, on hastily, make yourself a delicious and hearty sandwich for breakfast. In addition, many believe that cheese is a completely safe snack, which can perfectly satisfy hunger before bed. What is the truth here, and what belongs to the category of delusions?

Like other dairy products, cheeses contain calcium and phosphorus. However hallmark hard cheeses is high in protein and fat. The presence of milk proteins is a factor contributing to the strengthening immune protection organism. This means that a piece of cheese eaten in the afternoon or in the morning will only benefit us.

But for dinner, and even more so for a snack, cheese is not desirable before bedtime: it has too many calories. In addition, high fat content will negatively affect your liver. If you really like cheeses, in the afternoon, give preference to cheeses with the lowest fat content: for example, cheese or feta.

Yoghurts: live or not

A wide variety of yoghurts, as well as desserts based on them, have become real favorites of dairy producers in our time. In this case, the name of the product is often accompanied by the definition "live". Such a product should optimize the composition of the microflora living in the intestines. The presence of the "right" microorganisms contributes to the normal digestion of food and the formation of our immune defenses.
How to choose really useful product? First of all, let's look at the labels. If the proposed product bears the proud name of a dairy dessert, you can be sure that beneficial microorganisms will not be found in it.

In addition, a lot can tell the shelf life of the product. If it is too long, this indicates that the product has been exposed to heat treatment or contains preservatives, which means that it, most likely, will also not be able to please with the presence of beneficial bacteria. Most Likely meet just such a product among yogurts containing fruit fillers.

So, what to choose among dairy products in order to get not only pleasure, but also the maximum benefit from their use? And is it possible to refuse a small piece of butter in porridge cooked for breakfast, or a spoonful of sour cream in a plate of fiery borscht? Today, thanks to the amazing variety, we have a great opportunity to consume dairy products daily without the risk of getting fed up with one thing. Read on estet-portal.com what else will help to make the right diet, and what products you should forget once and for all.

Milk is the first product we are introduced to from the day we are born. We grow on it until we grow up and do not stop loving this drink over the years. Milk is indispensable in conditions harmful production. And even in old age, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is useful for people to eat it.

Milk and dairy products: benefits for the body

Since childhood, everyone has been aware of the benefits of milk. Perhaps this is the only product that is as healthy as it is tasty. And how many different products are obtained on the basis of its processing! Not a single child has a desire to skip the kefir intake, refuse a bun with butter, not put sour cream in the soup, or ignore the next piece of cheese. Apart in this milk feast is cottage cheese, which crowns the top taste preferences humanity. Dairy products can be listed endlessly, the body is so accustomed to them that sometimes it takes it for granted. If you ask people about the benefits of milk, then everyone will answer with a memorized phrase about the invaluable role of calcium in the growth and strengthening of bone tissue.

Useful properties of milk

In fact, the benefits of the drink extend far beyond the phrase memorized from childhood. By eating milk and dairy products, we get:

Collagen formation

Let's take a closer look at the question of the contribution healing drink in the beauty and youth of the body. It is especially useful to read about this for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It is calcium that is responsible for the natural formation in the body of such a substance as collagen. And than more people consumes dairy products, the higher the concentration of collagen in tissues. This provides excellent elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is extremely important for modern beauties.

Vitamins and trace elements

We mentioned collagen and calcium, it's time to talk about others useful substances. The dairy product (milk) contains a sufficient amount of potassium, which allows you to strengthen blood vessels, as well as positively affect the heart muscles. Vitamins B1 and B2 are able to raise the overall tone of the body, and vitamin D fruitfully "works" in tandem with calcium. The drink also contains vitamins of groups A and E, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body without exception.

Dairy products

Dairy production is booming. With the discovery of useful bifidobacteria, more and more useful fermented milk products appear on store shelves. Experts have long been inclined to believe that such products bring more more benefit body. By consuming them, a person enriches his body with beneficial bacteria, so necessary in conditions of eternal stress and snacks on the run. Also, not all people can tolerate dairy products due to individual allergic reactions, increased gas formation or poor digestion. In this case, fermented milk products are seen as an excellent alternative, because they are preserved in required quantity valuable trace elements. Beneficial bacteria have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and can lead to gastrointestinal tract back to normal. For people prone to allergies, there is more good news. Now lactose-free milk has been created and put into production. Everyone can consume such a drink without exception!

Source of natural animal protein

Scientists have found that animal protein, contained in milk, is much more easily absorbed by the body than the protein extracted from meat or eggs. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming protein after 6 p.m. due to heavy digestibility. However, this kind of ban does not apply to dairy products. In addition, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese appear in many protein diets. Eat kefir for dinner and don’t think about anything, there is no more useful evening product for your body.

We follow the figure

In the distant past, natural cow's and even more fatty goat's milk remained. Now the world is ruled by a low-fat dairy product that has retained all the valuable nutrients, only getting rid of unnecessary additions in the form of increased fat content. American nutritionists have long been promoting milk with mass fraction fat is not more than 1.2%, assuming that it is this concentration that can bring the body maximum amount benefit. For special diets and unloading days low-fat foods are offered. Dairy based dishes fat-free cottage cheese and kefir will charge the body with energy and, at the same time, burn all unnecessary deposits. People who constantly monitor their figure will not be out of place to pay close attention to dairy products such as whey and buttermilk, which contain reduced amount fats.

  • Sour cream to cottage cheese is served only to improve palatability. For dinner, it is better to add low-fat yogurt to the cottage cheese.
  • Do not fix your preferences on one type of dairy products, try the entire range presented on the store shelf. In a variety of consumption, there are much more benefits.
  • For those who follow the figure, hard cheese is better considered as a "holiday" product.
  • You will never know the true fat content of farm or homemade cottage cheese. Buy cottage cheese in the store, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The content of vegetable fats in the product should not catch the eye.
  • Natural cottage cheese crumbly. If the curd mass is crushed by hand, it will not look like plasticine.
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