Which toothpaste to choose? Toothpaste rating. How to choose the best quality toothpaste

Today on the shelves of stores you can find the widest range of various toothpastes. Therefore, making the right choice is extremely difficult, especially since manufacturers usually do not skimp on high-quality advertising for their product. But you can’t focus solely on advertising and the beauty of the tube, this is not at all an indicator of the true value of toothpaste.

To choose a really high-quality and healthy pasta, you need to know exactly the criteria for choosing this product. It is important to remember that toothpaste is a dosage form for the prevention and hyena of the oral cavity. It is necessary to choose it based on your needs and existing problems with your teeth, and for this it is important to study the composition of the paste and know exactly which substances are intended for what.

We study the composition of toothpastes

Almost all toothpastes that can be purchased today in stores and pharmacies are therapeutic and prophylactic pastes. They not only clean teeth from plaque with the help of abrasive components in the composition, but also help treat certain diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, and carry out their prevention.

Different components of toothpaste perform different tasks:

  • Calcium compounds and fluorides- substances that help restore the structure of enamel and prevent caries.
  • Diverse and extracts of medicinal plants, as well as antiseptics, such as triclosan and chlorhexidine, help eliminate inflammation of the gums and reduce the formation of plaque.
  • Enzymes as part of the paste are designed to increase its effectiveness in removing plaque and to increase antimicrobial activity.
  • Sometimes pastas enrich vitamins A, E, C, B or carotenolines, they help to accelerate the healing of small wounds on the oral mucosa.

Very often, pastes contain different components to solve different problems. Such pastes have a complex effect, but it must be understood that it is impossible to solve all problems with a single paste.

When choosing a paste, it is important to remember that not all substances in its composition are useful. If the paste contains a lot of chemical fillers, toluene or aluminum and other substances, it can not only not help the teeth, but also cause bleeding gums and indigestion if ingested.

You should also not get carried away with whitening pastes with hydrogen peroxide in the composition. It can erode the enamel and change it to an unnaturally white color. It will be impossible to return the teeth to their normal appearance and condition. Do not buy products containing sodium lauryl sulfate. It helps create foam, but is bad for your teeth. Also, the fluorine content in the paste should not exceed 60%. And too frequent use of pastes with chlorhexidine can lead to problems with the intestines.

Pastes with pyrophosphates are considered useful and safe, but pastes with parabens should be phased out, as there is a debate around the world about their harmfulness, and soon they may be recognized as harmful and banned. But pastes with hydroxyapatite, although they are more expensive, but significantly improve the condition of the enamel and prevent the development of caries. Baking soda and peroxide, which are often added to toothpastes, have no appreciable effect on teeth.

Types of modern toothpastes

The composition of the paste determines the group to which it will belong. Today, hygienic toothpastes and therapeutic and prophylactic ones are distinguished. Hygiene pastes are designed exclusively for cleaning teeth and freshening breath. They practically do not protect against caries and have no positive effects, but they do not pinch the tongue, do not irritate the oral mucosa and have a pleasant taste.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes can protect against a variety of diseases or have a complex effect, depending on this they are divided into smaller groups that have their own characteristics:

  • Preventive pastes provide comprehensive dental care and prevent the development of caries and inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • Pastes from periodontal disease actively eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and bleeding gums. They disinfect the oral cavity and prevent the formation of bacterial plaque.
  • Anti-caries pastes help to cope with carious lesions of the teeth. They contain active substances that penetrate into the most distant corners between the teeth, clean and restore the enamel.
  • Pastes for sensitive teeth suitable for teeth and thinned enamel, which requires especially careful care. Such pastes help close micro-holes in the dentin of the tooth and reduce its sensitivity.
  • pasta may contain chemical bleaches or abrasives. Such pastes have a significant list of contraindications and cannot be used too often.
  • Pastes without fluoride intended for those who suffer from fluorosis or high levels of fluoride in tooth enamel. This disease can occur in regions where the amount of fluoride in drinking water is increased.
  • Children's toothpastes intended for use by children under six years of age. These are the most gentle means for unformed children's enamel. In addition, they are practically harmless if swallowed.
  • Pastes for smokers contain many additives to maintain fresh breath and clean teeth well from tobacco plaque.

Signs of a good toothpaste

The main enemies of our teeth are plaque, sugar and lack of fluoride. Bacteria that destroy our teeth live and multiply in the plaque. Sugar is their food, and a lack of fluoride leads to weakening of the enamel and increases the likelihood of developing caries. This leads to the idea that a good toothpaste should eliminate all three factors of tooth damage - it should remove plaque, be free and enrich the teeth with fluoride.

The main cleaning work in the paste is performed by abrasives. Their impact depends on the size of the abrasives. The larger the cleaning particles, the more effective they are. But particles that are too large can act like sandpaper, wearing down teeth. That is why it is better to give preference to pastes that indicate the degree of abrasiveness (RDA). For sensitive teeth, you need to choose a paste with an indicator of no more than 25 RDA, and for healthy teeth, you can even take up to 100 RDA.

As for sugar in the composition of toothpaste, everything is much simpler here, most modern toothpastes use its substitutes. It is best to choose pastes with xylitol, which not only does not harm the teeth, but also helps prevent cavities by stopping the reproduction of microorganisms.

But the opinions of doctors about fluoride were divided. Some fluorine compounds are toxic, so their content in toothpastes must be strictly controlled. Adult pastes can contain no more than 150 mg of fluorine per 100 g of paste, and children's - no more than 50 mg / 100 g.

The choice of children's toothpaste

Previously, fluoride pastes were often recommended to children. But the effectiveness of such pastes is being questioned today, and fluorine can be harmful to the child's body. Therefore, it is better for children under two years old to choose pastes without fluorine, and for older children - with a minimum content of this substance.

Besides, children's toothpaste should be non-abrasive, since the tooth enamel is not fully formed and can be damaged during the cleaning process. To remove plaque, it is better to choose pastes with enzymes that soften it. It is desirable that all dyes and flavors in the paste be as natural as possible.

When choosing a paste, you must take into account the age of the child.. Pastes for children under two years of age should contain very few active ingredients, since at this time the dentition is just being formed. Cleaning at this time is a simple formality aimed at accustoming the child to this procedure. But teenagers can already use adult pasta, just choose a more gentle one.

When choosing a pasta, you must, first of all, focus on your needs and wishes, but remember, even the best and most beloved pasta cannot be used all the time. It is best to purchase three or four pastes and use them in turn. For example, three times a week you can use vegetable paste, twice - whitening and two more times - anti-caries. So you can get the most complex effect on the teeth without harm.

Do not abuse active whitening pastes. If the paste contains a lot of abrasives or chemical bleaching agents, its use should be reduced as it can make teeth too white or damage the enamel. In the evening it is better to use therapeutic pastes, and in the morning - hygienic ones.

Many people are concerned about the beauty and health of their teeth, because the modern frantic pace of life, unbalanced nutrition and poor environmental conditions provoke various diseases of the masticatory organs and gums.

At first glance, it may seem that hygiene is enough, but this is not always true: toothpaste manufacturers often abuse people's trust by adding very dangerous ingredients to their products.

How to choose the right oral care product?

Today we will talk about the health benefits and harms of toothpaste, how to choose the right toothpaste for personal hygiene.

You will learn about natural dentifrices and recipes for making toothpaste at home.

Benefits of toothpastes

Doctors advise brushing your teeth daily, but not every person performs this procedure in the morning and evening due to lack of time, excessive fatigue, or simply ignoring the recommendations.

Of course, there are people who never use a brush at all, keeping their teeth healthy until old age, but such cases are rare and are largely due to good genetic heredity.

The overwhelming majority require regular hygienic care of the chewing organs, otherwise unpleasant consequences are possible in the form of caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis and other diseases.

Even 100 years ago, special powders based on chalk, sand and other components were used to clean teeth. Chemical analysis of these substances shows the presence in them of calcium, fluorine and silicon, which play the role of both minerals and abrasives. These compounds proved to be effective, so over time they were included in the composition of toothpastes, which completely replaced the powders.

There is a wide variety of such hygiene products on the pharmaceutical market, and popular brands are increasingly recommended by dentists. The advantages of toothpastes cannot be overestimated:

  • remove food residues;
  • strengthen the enamel;
  • neutralize pathogenic microorganisms;
  • eliminate bad breath;
  • prevent the development of diseases.

However, not all toothpastes are as good as they are told on TV, in the pharmacy and at the dentist's office. The modern market economy seeks to sell an expensive product to the patient without regard to possible consequences. So what is the danger?

Harmful components

As you know, chewing organs consist of hard tissues and are located in the thickness of the gums. The top layer of the tooth is most vulnerable to the action of microbes, and it is destroyed primarily under the influence of chemical compounds (for example, acids).

In the structure of enamel, the main components are calcium and fluorine, and their normal concentration is the key to dental health. In addition, the strong fixation of the masticatory organs in the surrounding soft tissues, which can be damaged due to a lack of nutrients or pathological processes, is also important.

It is to eliminate the shortcomings in the oral cavity that the action of toothpastes is directed, but how often do manufacturers ignore the negative impact of some components.

Everyone should be aware of the possible consequences of overuse of pharmaceutical products containing such substances:

  1. Lauryl sulfate is a foaming agent that is added to most detergents. In the process of chemical transformations, it forms oxides and nitrates that settle in the body and provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching and burning.
  2. propylene glycol- a solvent used in industry as a brake fluid and antifreeze. It accumulates in the kidneys and liver, destroys cellular proteins and membranes, and also causes allergies.
  3. Triclosan is an antibiotic that destroys pathogenic microbes. In medicine, such substances are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription and under strict control in the clinic. Triclosan has a negative effect on the digestive system, lungs and kidneys, and also disrupts brain activity.
  4. Paraben is a preservative that is added to increase the shelf life of foods. It accumulates in the endocrine glands and creates preconditions for the development of malignant tumors.
  5. Polyphosphates are reaction stabilizers and water softeners used in many laundry detergents. They cause inflammation of the oral mucosa and contribute to an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the body.
  6. Fluorine is a necessary component for tooth enamel, but it is necessary to use a paste with it only as directed by a dentist. An increased concentration of fluorine leads to darkening of the masticatory organs and dangerous diseases, such as fluorosis.

And these are just the main harmful substances that are often added to toothpastes. Of course, there are situations of extreme need to use antibacterial, bleaching, and mineralizing agents, but they cannot be used daily. It is much more advisable to consult a doctor and conduct an examination of the oral cavity than to self-medicate.

Which toothpaste is safe?

About 90% of all chewing hygiene products contain certain harmful components. Among them there are not only advertised brands, but also little-known products that are bursting with store shelves.

First, you need to pay attention to its composition, and if any of the above compounds are found, then you should think about the ratio of the risk of complications and benefits for the body.

Secondly, it is better to buy toothpaste not in a supermarket or on the market, but in a pharmacy. Of course, you can also buy a fake at a medical center, but pharmacists and pharmacists are responsible for the quality of goods, storage conditions and the authenticity of the purchase from a certified supplier.

In addition, fraudsters are aware of the high degree of control in the healthcare sector and do not risk once again trying to cash in on people's health, although such cases have been recorded.

Reliable Substances

How to choose a good toothpaste if there are so many limiting factors? The answer to this question is not so simple, but everyone can figure it out. It is known that any toothpaste contains the following main ingredients:

  1. Water.
  2. Abrasive.
  3. Humidifier.
  4. Additives.

If the importance of water is not in doubt, then very useless substances are sometimes used as an abrasive. Small grains are added for mechanical cleaning of the surface of the chewing organs, but their hardness in relation to enamel is not always taken into account.

The most common abrasive is calcium carbonate, although it has fairly large particles. Many manufacturers speculate on the mention of calcium, without revealing the true nature of the compound: carbonate does not dissolve in water, but only roughly removes plaque, so it makes no sense to talk about enamel mineralization.

Among other abrasives, aluminum oxide is used, but laboratory studies prove its harmfulness with regular use. Accumulating in the body, the compound provokes redness in the oral cavity, the formation of ulcers and swelling - these symptoms in some countries even became the basis for an official ban on this chemical in dentistry.

A good alternative is silicon oxide, whose finely dispersed structure removes food plaque in a very gentle way without adversely affecting it.

The humectant in the toothpaste maintains the consistency of the cream, making the product so easy to apply to the brush. Recently, there are more and more pastes based on glycerin and sorbitol, which have a safe effect on the body, unlike harmful propylene glycol.

In addition, other additives, such as plant extracts, are also important in the hygiene product. If the toothpaste contains natural ingredients, then such a product should be preferred, although there are situations of banal enticement with naturalness, but this is already a matter of confidence in the manufacturer.

Whitening pastes

It's important to know!

Doctors often recommend that patients use special whitening pastes. Among the variety of such products on the market, you can choose for each individual option to restore the natural shade of the masticatory organs. You should not count on a stunning result, because a truly snow-white color can only be obtained in a dental clinic.

On TV, they talk endlessly about how to use whitening toothpaste, but few people focus on the possible negative consequences. Such a tool contains a coarse abrasive, which actively removes plaque when brushing.

At the same time, the enamel can become thinner, which leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the teeth: they begin to react both to contrasting temperatures and to acidic foods. To prevent this effect, it is necessary to use whitening toothpastes with remineralizing components, such as active fluorine.

Hydrogen peroxide-based products also cope with plaque, but their action is not based on abrasive cleaning, but on a chemical reaction of the compound with food residues. Despite such a wide variety, toothpaste is not able to whiten artificial material in the oral cavity - crowns and fillings will remain the same color, which sometimes does not look very aesthetic next to natural chewing organs.

Natural dentifrices

There is not a single toothpaste on the shelves of stores and pharmacies that can be called completely safe. Only 10% of the funds correspond to the term "environmentally friendly product" as much as possible, although they also contain preservatives that ensure a long shelf life. How to get out of this situation without harming your health?

Natural dentifrices are as effective as factory-made toothpastes, but they need to be prepared quite often. By mixing the necessary substances, each person is able to obtain the required composition and consistency for a variety of types of teeth and gums.

In folk medicine, the following ingredients are most popular:

  • tea tree oil - relieves superficial caries and inflammation of soft tissues;
  • thyme - acts as a bactericidal agent;
  • sage - stops bleeding in the gums and strengthens blood vessels;
  • rosemary - improves blood circulation in the tissues that feed the tooth;
  • cloves - well relieves toothache;
  • peppermint - eliminates bad breath;
  • chamomile - is an excellent antiseptic;
  • honey - contains the necessary vitamins, micro and macro elements;
  • baking soda - whitens enamel.

How to make toothpaste with your own hands?

Toothpaste recipes at home are quite diverse and do not differ in complexity, although certain proportions must be observed. Some substances are effectively used in single use, such as citric acid or salt.

You can rinse your mouth with such simple solutions during the day, and in the morning in the evenings perform hygiene procedures with multicomponent toothpastes.

Sage with chamomile

  1. Mix white clay (70 g) with water to a paste consistency.
  2. Dissolve in a mass of 10 drops of propolis.
  3. Add 1 tsp. honey and 2 drops each of sage and chamomile oils.
  4. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  5. The paste removes food plaque and inflammation of the gums.

Tea tree, coconut and mint

  1. Mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon, fennel and sea salt.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 6 drops each of tea tree and peppermint oils.
  3. Mix thoroughly, and before each use add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  4. Store the paste in an airtight container.
  5. The tool has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. You need to apply no more than 1 time per week due to the presence of soda in the composition.

herbal powder

  1. Powders of cinquefoil erect, marsh calamus and birch bark are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1.
  2. Dilute in warm water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  3. The resulting paste nourishes and heals the gums, strengthens and whitens the enamel.
  4. After use, do not eat for 1 hour.

wood ash

  1. Dial wood ash in a saucer.
  2. Dip the brush and brush your teeth with it.
  3. Potassium hydroxide, which is part of the ash, has a good bleaching effect.
  4. Can be mixed with store-bought paste.


  1. Cut the eggplant into circles.
  2. Bake in the oven until charred.
  3. Grind and mix with sea salt in a ratio of 2:1.
  4. The powder serves as a means to strengthen the gums.


The components of factory toothpastes have passed all the necessary certification and are considered environmentally friendly products, but their regular use will not always be beneficial to health.

Various components can harm the human body, cause an allergic reaction and provoke complications in the oral cavity.

In addition, a lot of simple recipes will tell you how to make toothpaste at home and take care of your chewing organs and gums using folk methods.

Be healthy!

On the shelves of stores you can find a huge variety of toothpastes of domestic and foreign production. And even if you focus only on their price, making the right choice on your own is often very difficult.

How to choose the right toothpaste, says Edith Kuzmina, head of the Department of Prevention of Dental Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University.

What are toothpastes made of?

Almost all modern toothpastes are treatment and prophylactic. That is, they serve not only for mechanical cleaning of teeth from plaque with the help of abrasive components, but also contribute to the prevention and treatment of teeth and oral cavity: dental caries, periodontal disease, gums. For this, various active components are introduced into their composition.

- Fluorides and calcium compounds - for caries prevention teeth and restoration of the enamel structure.

– Extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, antiseptics (chlorhexidine, triclosan) – for eliminate signs of gum disease- bleeding, swelling, and to reduce the formation of plaque.

- Salts of potassium, strontium, aminofluoride, hydroxyapatite - for desensitization teeth. They eliminate the pain reaction to various stimuli: temperature and chemical (hot, cold, sour, sweet), mechanical (brushing teeth).

- Enzymes - they can be used in whitening toothpastes to increase the efficiency of plaque removal (papain) or antimicrobial action (lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase).

- Vitamins - A, E, C, group B, carotenoline - for improvement of metabolic processes, accelerating the healing of the oral mucosa.

Many modern toothpastes have a complex effect. That is, they contain components that contribute to the prevention and treatment of several dental diseases at once. For example, they contain fluorides for the prevention of caries and extracts of medicinal plants - for the treatment of gum disease.

24/7 protection

Often, toothpastes are advertised that protect against bacteria for 24 hours. In this case, we are talking about products with triclosan, an antiseptic that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the formation of plaque.

On my own triclosan quickly removed from the oral cavity. Therefore, to prolong its action, a polymer is introduced into the toothpaste that fixes triclosan on the surface of the teeth for 12 hours. And if you brush your teeth twice a day, it turns out that for 24 hours triclosan is in the oral cavity.

Like other hygiene products containing antiseptics, triclosan toothpastes Not recommended use continuously for a long time. The course of their application is no more than a month in order to avoid the development of oral dysbacteriosis.

And how does it taste?

Almost all dental pasta for adults have a fresh taste due to the introduction of fragrances into their composition - menthol, essential vegetable oils of mint, sage, orange or eucalyptus. These components are required - they give the toothpaste a pleasant taste and aroma, mask the unpleasant taste of individual components.

It should be remembered that the degree of freshness after brushing your teeth says nothing about the quality of the cleaning itself. Plaque cleansing perfumes don't help However, essential vegetable oils have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Domestic or foreign?

The cost of toothpaste is not the last criterion when choosing it. The price may depend on the manufacturer and the cost of the ingredients included in the paste. As a rule, toothpastes from Russian manufacturers have lower cost, but in terms of efficiency they are not inferior to foreign analogues.

Safe to use hygiene products that have passed laboratory and clinical tests and have a certificate of conformity. Therefore, it is best to buy toothpastes in pharmacies.

Lighten up?

Whitening toothpastes are the most popular home remedies for whitening teeth. There are several types of whitening toothpastes.

- Whitening toothpastes containing enzymes. Such pastes have a mild polishing effect. The pigment in plaque is broken down by the papain found in the papaya fruit.

Pastes with enzymes are intended for those who are contraindicated in professional teeth whitening: in the presence of abrasion of hard tissues of the teeth, enamel erosion, increased sensitivity of the teeth or a large number of fillings. When using such toothpastes, the enamel is lightened by 1-2 tones. Such pastes are safe for gums and enamel and can be used twice a day for one to two months.

Highly abrasive toothpastes. They are intended for those who smoke a lot, drink strong tea or coffee in large quantities, as a result of which a dark plaque forms on the teeth. These pastes brighten teeth due to the high content of abrasive particles. You can use them no more than once or twice a week, otherwise the enamel is worn out, and the teeth become too sensitive.

- Whitening toothpastes containing hydrogen peroxide or urea. These compounds are sources of atomic oxygen, which destroys pigments that give the enamel a yellowish color. Peroxide compounds in higher concentrations are used for professional teeth whitening by a dentist.

Although such toothpastes are on the Russian market, they can only be used under the supervision of a dentist. Uncontrolled use of such products can lead to the destruction of enamel and the development of caries, increased sensitivity of the teeth and inflammation of the gums. In the presence of fillings, their color may differ from the color of the tooth.

Also remember that whitening toothpastes Not recommended use for children under 14 years old, when the process of enamel formation has not yet been completed.

What to remember about pastas

There are many toothpastes on the market, most of which combine curative and preventive effects. For daily use, toothpaste of any price category is suitable. But it is better to buy it in a pharmacy and do not forget to use it at least twice a day.

Whitening pastes can only be used by adults and with caution. It is best that the dentist chooses the right toothpaste for you after examining the oral cavity.

In an ideal world, each person chooses a toothpaste for himself together with a dentist - the doctor will take into account all the problems and select the best option. But in most cases, the buyer finds himself face to face with long shelves filled with pastes of different brands, and chooses according to the price, the beauty of the packaging and promising inscriptions. With the question of how to choose the right toothpaste, we turned to a practicing dentist, the author of the Telegram channel about dentistry @dentaljedi Marina Kuznetsova.

What is the most important thing in pasta?

It is worth noting that it is not so much the paste that is important as the brushing of the teeth itself - thorough and regular. Everyone knows that after eating, especially containing sugar, plaque forms on the tooth enamel. It contains acids that corrode the enamel over time, which is why pores appear in it, into which microbes rush. The result is caries. Therefore, first of all, the paste should remove plaque well and neutralize these acids. A sign of a paste that removes plaque well is the ability to foam abundantly.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) produces rich foam and a “squeaky” feeling of cleanliness, but it is believed that it can be harmful to health, although there is no conclusive evidence of its harm. On many pastes, the fact that they do not contain this compound is indicated as a plus. Sodium bicarbonate also destroys plaque well, which has a salty taste and enhances salivation, which contributes to self-cleaning of teeth, and also neutralizes the acidic environment for a long time, explains Marina Kuznetsova.

Is fluoride important?

In fact, this is the only substance that can really prevent the appearance of caries, which has been confirmed by many years of research. But an excess of fluoride can lead to fluorosis - light spots will begin to appear on the teeth. As Marina Kuznetsova explains, the concentration of fluorides in pastes is not so high as to cause pathology; on the other hand, if there is enough fluoride in drinking water, then their additional source is useless. Therefore, through special services, you need to find out what is the concentration of fluoride in the water in your region, and based on this, decide whether you need a paste with this trace element or not. As a rule, a little fluoride is added to ordinary pastes, and you should not be afraid that such prevention can lead to fluorosis. Another thing is the pastes that are sold in pharmacies, but you also need to buy them on the recommendation of a doctor.

Is calcium important?

To remineralize teeth, the best results can be achieved using both fluoride and calcium. Look for a component in the paste such as calcium phosphate: it is he who acts most actively.

Are anti-inflammatory ingredients necessary?

We will omit chamomile and medicinal herbs, since the effect of them is rather psychological, and we will list triclosan, chlorhexidine, stannous fluoride and other components that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Marina Kuznetsova notes that a person who does not have gum inflammation (it can be suspected if they bleed) does not need an anti-inflammatory paste (because some substances kill not only microbes, but also disrupt the natural microflora), but if the problems are already Yes, you need to go to the dentist first.

- It is very important to remove the very cause of gum problems, and then connect special pastes and rinses - then the effect will be. If a person simply uses a paste with anti-inflammatory substances, then the symptoms will gradually begin to subside, but then the bacteria will cause them again, and a vicious circle will turn out: pathogens will “get used” to these anti-inflammatory components, become resistant to them, and the paste will be powerless, - sums up the doctor.

How often can whitening pastes be used?

There are two types of whitening pastes: abrasive and enzymatic. The former act due to abrasive particles (here the emphasis is on mechanical action), and the latter due to enzymes. In theory, the abrasiveness index (RDA) should be indicated on the paste, but in Russia, not all manufacturers follow this rule.

- If “whitening” is written on the abrasive paste, most likely the RDA is more than 100-120, that is, there are a lot of abrasive particles. It’s like cleaning the surface with sandpaper, and it’s better to choose enzyme-based pastes,” explains Marina Kuznetsova. - For a long time I was skeptical about such pastes, but recently I came across a study that proves that there is no difference in efficiency, but enzyme pastes do not harm the enamel, but simply dissolve the tooth pigment.

Abrasives can be listed as phosphates (calcium pyrophosphate), carbonates (calcium carbonate), silicon compounds, aluminum. Enzymes include, for example, papain or bromelain, as well as substances that prevent the formation of plaque and tartar: polydone and pyrophosphates.

"Whitening" occurs due to the removal of pigmented plaque from tea, coffee and tobacco and the return of enamel to a natural shade, therefore, if your teeth are naturally yellowish in color, only a professional procedure in the doctor's office will give you a snow-white smile.

If you use abrasive pastes, then the dentist advises you to do this no more than once a week - and then in the absence of tooth sensitivity.

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