Diet for inflammatory kidney disease. TOP of the most useful products. The healing power of birch buds

Pyelonephritis is a disease in which the inflammatory process develops in the kidney tissue. may be of a different nature. Therapeutic techniques aimed at relieving symptoms in adults and children, in addition to the main therapy, imply the observance of the correct diet. The diet for inflammation of the kidneys is aimed at removing under-oxidized decay products, toxins, toxins, normalizing metabolic processes, and eliminating the symptoms of inflammation. What should be the regimen, diet for inflammation of the kidney tissue?

In medical practice, inflammation of the kidneys can develop at any age, regardless of gender. Pathology occurs under the influence of adverse exogenous and endogenous factors. Predisposing factors include:

Not the last role is played by lifestyle, diet, in case of non-observance of which metabolism is disturbed, serious pathologies develop. For this reason, medical specialists, nutritionists have developed a special dietary food, which, in addition to the main treatment methods, contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the paired organ.

The therapeutic diet for diseases accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys should be balanced in terms of the concentration of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. The diet should be nutritious, fortified and varied. It is equally important to consume a sufficient amount of fluid per day to neutralize the inflammatory process and accelerate the elimination of toxic substances.

Products must contain vitamins, substances, biologically active components that have lipotropic properties in sufficient quantities. At the same time, it is very important to adhere to the regime, the daily routine.

What can and should be consumed in case of kidney diseases, and what, according to medical experts, should not be introduced into your daily diet.

The principle of therapeutic diets

In the initial stages of the disease, making up the daily diet, it is necessary to choose the right foods that can be consumed. First of all, it is important to control the intake of food rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus and especially sodium, which enters the body with table salt. It is important to take into account the calorie content of the diet based on energy needs.

Proteins (proteins) are nitrogen-containing components that play an important role in the construction of all body structures. Proteins take part in metabolic processes, but when they break down, components such as urea and creatine are formed, which are excreted by the kidneys from the body during urination.

Given that the kidneys perform an excretory, filtration function, an excess of proteins has a toxic effect. For this reason, it is very important to control the concentration of intake of protein-containing products.

At the same time, you should not completely abandon products that contain protein, since this element plays an important role in other processes necessary for health, activation of protective forces. Protein sources are:

  • veal;
  • beef;
  • poultry meat;
  • dairy;
  • cereals.

With uremia, exacerbations of chronic kidney disease, the amount of protein per day should not exceed 25-35 g.

Excess sodium contributes to the retention of water in the cellular structures of tissues, which leads to an increase in the load on the kidneys, especially in the warm season. An increase in the concentration of sodium in the body can lead to a change in blood pressure, provoke an exacerbation of inflammation.

With an inflammatory process in the kidneys, it is necessary to control the intake of phosphorus into the body. Due to a violation in the work of the organ, increased release of salts, calcium is washed out of the bone structures, which can cause the development of osteoporosis.

Nutrition for kidney disease

In the menu of adults, children who have been diagnosed with nephritis, it is worthwhile to carefully introduce products that have a diuretic effect. These foods include:

Vegetable salads can and should be eaten, but only in moderation.

With nephritis, you can eat berries, fruits, dried fruits, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, seeds, dairy products.

The diet should include fresh, stewed, boiled, baked vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil, fiber-rich foods, natural honey, compotes, jelly, herbal teas, fresh juices, fruit drinks.

You can eat potatoes in any form, all types of cereals, pasta made from durum wheat. A week is allowed to eat no more than five eggs. Eggs are used boiled, soft-boiled. It is best to cook a steam omelette with herbs,

Coffee, strong black tea during the day can be drunk only once a day. During the day, you can drink several cups of tea with the addition of milk, honey, lemon.

With nephritis, nutritionists recommend eating boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, grilled meat, sea fish. Veal, rabbit, beef, poultry can be introduced into the diet, but in moderation. Boiled, steamed meat can be fried in a small amount of vegetable oil to improve the taste. Meat dishes are best combined with vegetables, salads, cereals.

Food can be seasoned with a small amount of spices - cinnamon, cumin, coriander, oregano, dried dill, paprika, white pepper. For piquancy, ready-made dishes can be seasoned with diluted wine vinegar, lemon.

With pyelonephritis, therapeutic nutrition should be dosed, fractional. Food is recommended to be consumed at the same time throughout the day. The daily diet is divided into five or six doses.

Do not add salt while cooking. Salt in minimal quantities is added to already cooked side dishes, soups, broths. In the acute form of inflammation, chronic nephritis, salt is completely excluded from the diet. If there are no contraindications, it is allowed to consume no more than 5 g of salt per day.

With regards to the liquid consumed, not counting soups, the daily norm for adults is 800-1000 ml.

With an exacerbation of the disease, chronic pathologies, it is very important to control the calorie content, the energy value of the diet. The main way of cooking is steaming, grilling, in the oven.

The duration of the therapeutic diet for kidney disease is 10-12 months. To avoid repeated problems, exacerbation of the disease, it is worth adhering to a diet, eating healthy foods.

What not to eat with nephritis

With inflammation of the kidney tissue, it is necessary to exclude products with a high content of extractive components: rich meat, mushroom, fish broths.

What not to eat with inflammatory kidney disease:

  • marinades, pickles, pickled vegetables;
  • smoked meats, sausages, sausages;
  • snacks, cheeses, canned food;
  • fresh baking, sweets, pastries, cakes;
  • fatty meat, fish, poultry;
  • raw, fried onions, garlic, horseradish, mustard, parsley, hot, spicy spices;
  • ketchups, sauces.

Sour sorrel, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, alcohol, strong coffee, cocoa, chocolate, carbonated mineral water containing sodium are completely excluded from the menu. You can not often eat legumes, soy, fast food, fresh baking, sugar in large quantities. It is better to replace white varieties of bread with whole grain, protein-free, salt-free varieties.

With an exacerbation of the disease, you can not eat homemade cakes, any sweets, heavy cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, refractory fats, cheeses.

During the period of remission, it is worth adjusting your diet, after consulting with your doctor.

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys are called nephritis. A diet for inflammation of the kidneys, as a component of complex treatment, is of great importance, as it brings recovery closer. A healthy diet helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, and also reduces the harmful effects of the disease on the kidneys.

When following a diet, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • meals should be regular - 5-6 times a day;
  • every meal is important, so you should not skip any of them;
  • the portion size is small, overeating has a bad effect on the body weakened by the disease;
  • it is recommended to exclude or minimize the consumption of meat products, replacing them with vegetables;
  • water is an important component of the diet, its norm per day is at least 1.5 liters;
  • salt intake is limited to 1 g per day, ideally the product is completely excluded from the diet;
  • drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited!

Advice! If you salt food after cooking, you can reduce its consumption. In this case, you do not have to completely give up salt and eat unleavened foods. At the same time, it is recommended to completely abandon salt for patients with an acute form of inflammation. Diet in combination with drug treatment increases the likelihood of recovery several times.

What is good and bad for the kidneys

If you ignore nutritional recommendations, the recovery process can drag on for a very long time. Alternatively, healing may not occur. Taking medications and continuing to consume fatty and fried foods, smoked meats and pickles, drinking alcoholic beverages, you can only worsen the condition and acquire a couple of concomitant diseases. Diet is vital! Moreover, it lasts for a long time, about 1 year, but this is the only way to achieve a positive result in the form of a complete recovery.

Prohibited Products

It is important to remember that a diet during the period of inflammation of the kidneys is the path to recovery. Therefore, for the period of treatment, it is undesirable to use the following products:

  • fatty meat (pork, lamb, etc.), as well as broths cooked on these products;
  • River fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • sausage, smoked meats, pickles;
  • Rye bread;
  • all kinds of beans;
  • dishes with a lot of spice seasonings;
  • greens - parsley, sorrel, spinach;
  • radish and asparagus;
  • onion and garlic;
  • products that contain cocoa (chocolate, sweets);
  • coffee beans;
  • citrus juices.

This list includes foods that are high in salt or cause allergic reactions. They interfere with the kidneys to function normally, so they are not recommended for use in kidney disease, colic and inflammation in general.

A characteristic sign of inflammation of the bladder is an unstable reaction of urine from an alkaline environment to an acidic one. Therefore, the patient simply needs to include alkalizing foods in the diet. Foods such as radish, broccoli, and cabbage have a negative effect on pathogens. With their use, remission can go into a more acute stage.

With weakened kidney disease, the use of lean meat and light broths is recommended. It is desirable that they are daily present in the diet. The meat should be boiled several times, not forgetting to change the water. This procedure will eliminate the irritating effect of fat on the kidneys and reduce the level of extractives in the body.

It is important to drink plenty of raw water

Foods high in potassium have a beneficial effect on inflamed kidneys. Proper functioning of the urinary system is stimulated by apples, bananas, melon, pumpkin and tomatoes.

It is important to consume plenty of raw water. It will help prevent intoxication of the body and clean the urinary tract. For 1 kg of human weight per day, it is recommended to drink 30 ml of water. Not only water is considered a liquid, but also rosehip tea, as well as vegetables and fruits with a high juice content (cucumbers, watermelons, etc.). In the absence of puffiness, on average, you should drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of water.

At first glance, it seems that the patient is practically not allowed to use anything, but this is not so. There are many foods that saturate the body and help to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals. In the diet it is recommended to include products that remove toxins from the body and do not cause an allergic reaction.

For those who cannot independently make a diet, it is proposed to use an exemplary menu that includes products necessary for recovery:

1. First. Soups from vegetables or milk with the addition of cereals and pasta. Lenten borscht (without meat) is also allowed. Frying is done not in oil, but in water. The maximum that can be allowed is a little butter and non-acidic greens, which will improve the taste of any liquid dish.

2. Second. Lean meats in boiled or baked form, sea fish, cereals, durum wheat pasta, up to 3 soft-boiled chicken eggs or steam omelet, vegetables.

3. Dessert. Cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat, marshmallows, baked apples, candied fruits, dried fruits, jelly.

4. Drinks. Skimmed dairy products, freshly squeezed fresh juices, weak tea, fruit drinks, still mineral water.

5. Acceptable products for consumption: bread, butter and vegetable oil, light dairy and vegetable sauces.

Do-it-yourself cooking and a ban on visiting cafes, bars and restaurants will help reduce the risk of breaking loose or being tempted. The use of semi-finished products is also not recommended, since their quality and composition, as well as their benefits, can be doubted.

To reduce pain in acute inflammation of the kidneys and reduce attacks to a minimum, it is necessary to strictly follow dietary recommendations. A diet that includes alkalizing foods, in combination with drug treatment, regulates the pH level of the urine. Among the products are citruses, celery, apricots, beets, etc.

The menu must include simple, easily digestible dishes. It's better to steam them. The list of natural fats (fatty meat, dairy products, etc.) should be significantly narrowed down. The allowed maximum is 15 g of butter per day. It is worth starting a diet with vegetable dishes, gradually introducing chicken or beef meat into the diet, and in small portions, gradually increasing the volume.

In acute inflammation of the kidneys, you should not eat animal proteins. Only egg whites or omelets from them are allowed. The necessary vitamins and microelements should come from the daily dairy-vegetable diet.

It is worth adding that dietary nutrition is a direct path to recovery and prevention of seizures. Alkalizing vegetables and fruits, as well as foods high in potassium, must be included in the diet. To remove toxins from the body, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

Treatment of inflammation of the kidneys with traditional medicine

The kidneys are an important organ that helps remove fluid from the body and requires special attention. It needs adequate fluid intake to function properly. As part of the treatment, traditional medicine is recommended - cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks. You should also use diuretic products that help remove sand, namely melon, watermelon, cucumbers and others.

Pain relieves infusion of bearberry leaves. The main thing is not to use it for more than 30 days. You can also pour boiling water over dried ground apple peel and drink the resulting fragrant broth. Another effective remedy is black radish juice with honey.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine is generally safe, as it is based on the use of herbal preparations, it is strongly not recommended to start self-treatment without consulting and prescribing a doctor. Any treatment has its contraindications and side effects.

A diet for inflammation of the kidneys is included in the main course of treatment and is used to relieve acute painful symptoms and improve the general condition of the patient.

This is especially true in cases of exacerbations of inflammation, however, even during remission, it is important to follow certain rules in nutrition.

Pyelonephritis is a disease characterized by infectious inflammation of the tissues of the kidneys. It can appear at any age due to the usual hypothermia of the kidneys.

In some cases, pyelonephritis occurs as a complication after a cold, flu, scarlet fever or tonsillitis. Diseases of the pharyngeal tonsils, teeth and gums can also contribute to inflammation. Basically, the disease occurs in the following population groups:

  • women 18-30 years old, this is associated with the first pregnancy and then childbirth;
  • older men who have been diagnosed with prostate adenoma;
  • children under 7 years of age may be susceptible to the disease due to individual anatomy.

The causes of inflammatory processes include exacerbations of urolithiasis and hepatic colic. They lead to failures in the process of outflow of urine, which allows pathogenic bacteria to multiply rapidly in the kidneys.

Separately, it is worth noting that pyelonephritis, like other diseases, can occur due to a decrease in immunity, the presence of inflammation in the body and the development of diabetes.

General diet rules

If pyelonephritis is not accompanied by severe swelling, then the diet of the patient in most cases practically does not differ from the diet of a healthy person.

Otherwise, the differences will be very significant. The main condition of the diet for inflammation is that it must be strictly followed for at least a year.

The basis of nutrition for inflammation of the kidneys is the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet.

During exacerbations of kidney disease, it is not recommended to consume protein and fatty foods in large volumes, because it inhibits the excretion of fluid, as a result of which it is difficult for the body to defeat the infection.

It is precisely because of the retention of fluids in the kidneys that the patient should not eat a lot of salt (the maximum allowed amount is individual, but most often it is up to 1 g per day).

Like most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, inflammation of the kidneys must necessarily be accompanied by fractional and regular meals. Doctors recommend eating about 5 times a day in small portions and in no case overeat.

This approach allows not to overload the body and the excretory system, in particular. The basis of the patient's diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, an important rule of the diet is the daily use of a sufficient amount of drinking purified water, the specific amount is determined by the doctor. This will help the body eliminate the infection from the body faster and more efficiently.

A diet for nephritis completely excludes the adoption of any alcoholic beverages, smoking.

The renal inflammatory process in most cases should be accompanied by nutritional adjustments. In general, the diet promotes an increase in urine output and contains foods that alkalize the body.

It is important to observe the diet and sleep during illness. Hypothermia, any contact with infectious patients, heavy physical exertion and colds should be avoided. In addition to following a diet, you need to rest at least 8 hours a day, and also do not forget about daytime sleep.

Allowed and prohibited products

All prohibited foods contain a large amount of salt, can cause allergic reactions and make the genitourinary system work in an enhanced mode. During inflammation, you can not eat the following foods:

  • all fatty meats, including lard;
  • mushrooms;
  • river fish;
  • bread with bran or rye flour;
  • legumes, they contain a lot of protein;
  • any hot sauces, spices and seasonings;
  • all types of sausages, they always contain a lot of salt;
  • salted, smoked, pickled and slightly salted foods;
  • canned products;
  • almost all types of cheeses;
  • rich fatty meat soups;
  • sweet foods rich in carbohydrates, pastries;
  • freshly squeezed citrus juices;
  • cocoa and coffee;
  • greens rich in acid, including spinach, asparagus, sorrel;
  • onion and garlic.

The doctor himself prescribes an individual diet for the patient, in accordance with the results of his tests, past diseases and the anatomical features of the body.

With inflammation, the diet allows all types of cereals, chicken and quail eggs (no more than 1 pc. per day), light vegetable soups, lean meat or fish cooked in any way other than frying.

From dairy products it is allowed to drink kefir, eat low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese. Vegetables and fruits, except citrus fruits, can be consumed in any form. From sweet foods on a diet, you can eat marmalade, marshmallows, honey, jam and marzipan in small quantities.

During an exacerbation, the diet will help relieve acute symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to supplement the diet with such products: pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers, melon, tomatoes, watermelon, various fruit drinks from currants, cranberries, mountain ash or blueberries. They will perfectly cleanse and restore kidney function.

In case of inflammation, salt should be added to food only at the end of cooking, in order to reduce its consumption. If the inflammation is acute, then doctors recommend completely removing salt from the diet.

For quick and successful kidney treatment, you must strictly follow the rules and restrictions of the diet, especially during the period of drug therapy.

A therapeutic and properly developed diet for kidney disease is a prerequisite for the complex treatment of the disease, since nutrition is aimed at eliminating disturbances in the processes of material metabolism. A diet for kidney disease should enhance the effect of prescribed medications. It is developed taking into account the presence or absence of edema, hypertension, the level of protein in the urine and the ability of the kidneys to excrete protein metabolism products.

The consequence of any kidney disease are malfunctions of the body, appearing against the background of violations of the acid-base and water-electrolyte balances, as well as the accumulation of metabolic products in the blood. As a result, the patient develops edema, blood pressure increases and intoxication of the body is observed.

A diet for kidney disease is developed and prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account one constant rule: the intake of fats and proteins is limited to the maximum in the diet, carbohydrates become the basis of nutrition. A product such as salt is always prohibited during any diet for kidney diseases, because it makes it difficult for the kidneys to work, retaining fluid in our body.

Protein restriction.
With kidney problems, the level of protein coming from the diet should be reduced. Protein metabolism in the body is accompanied by the formation of nitrogenous slags, which are very difficult for sick kidneys to remove from the body. Gradually, they begin to accumulate in the blood. But it is impossible to completely remove protein from the diet, because it is the most important component, the basis for our cells. In this case, limited consumption of boiled eggs, boiled or stewed meat and low-fat fish is recommended. In the case of chronic renal failure, it is recommended to consume 20-50 g of protein per day. The amount may vary depending on the weight of the patient and the stage of the disease.

With minor violations in the work of the kidneys, it is not necessary to limit the intake of protein foods. In this case, it is recommended to do unloading 1-2 days a week.

Fasting days for kidney disease.
A fasting day is the use of one type of product for 24 hours. For kidney diseases of various kinds, carbohydrate fasting days are recommended (oatmeal, fruit (especially apple, watermelon), berry, juice, vegetable (especially cucumber)), which increase the level of urine excreted, improve the processes of excretion of protein metabolism products from the body. As a result, blood pressure decreases, the manifestations of chronic renal failure weaken.

During vegetable, fruit or berry fasting days, you should eat 1.5 kg of vegetables (any one), fruits or berries during the day, their intake should be divided into five parts. Vegetables can be stewed, boiled or consumed fresh, in the form of salads (dressing - vegetable oil (a little), or sour cream with low fat content).

Caloric content of the diet in kidney disease.
The total calorie content of the diet per day should be 3500 kcal, no less (mainly carbohydrates and fats), otherwise the body will intensively spend the proteins available in the body, which is fraught with excessive formation of toxic metabolites and, as a result, an increase in the load on the kidneys. Eating should be regular and fractional (5-6 times a day in small portions).

Salt restriction.
In serious cases, it is forbidden to use salt, including products containing it (smoked meats, sausages, marinades, canned food, cheeses, mineral water, cocoa, etc.). It is also better to buy special bread without salt, or bake it yourself. In case of minor violations, patients are allowed to add salt to dishes (no more than 2-3 g (half a teaspoon) is recommended per day).

Also, foods containing potassium and phosphorus should be excluded from your diet (bananas, dried fruits, cottage cheese (rarely allowed low-fat cottage cheese pudding or casserole), nuts, offal (liver, brains, kidneys)). It is also required to exclude meat, fish and mushroom broths, spicy and spicy dishes, onions and garlic, legumes, chocolate. Lenten soups on vegetable broth, pasta and cereals, rosehip broth, fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables, berries and fruits, butter and vegetable oil, weak tea and coffee, fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, sour cream), compotes and kissels are allowed.

Patients with nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis and chronic renal failure are recommended a strict diet (table No. 7).

With such a diet, it is allowed to use:

  • Sweets - honey, sugar, jams, jams, but without enthusiasm.
  • Cereals and pasta in limited quantities.
  • Limited low-fat fish (boiled or baked).
  • Fresh and boiled vegetables and herbs (cucumbers, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, parsley, dill).
  • Bread and flour products - bran white wheat bread (without salt).
  • Fruits - fresh (especially watermelon) and boiled (mashed potatoes, jelly, mousses on starch).
  • Lean (non-meat) non-salty soups (based on vegetables, pasta, cereals, use butter as a dressing).
  • Drinks - weak tea, you can add milk, rosehip broth, blackcurrant (dilute half with water), fruit, vegetable and berry juices.
  • Any meat during the first two weeks of treatment is limited, and then added in a small amount and boiled and exclusively low-fat varieties.
  • Eggs - 1-2 eggs per day (soft-boiled, or scrambled eggs only from proteins).
  • Milk and dairy products (limited sour milk drinks, cottage cheese casseroles and puddings).
Prohibited Products:
  • Legumes, onions, garlic, sorrel, mushrooms.
  • Mineral water with sodium.
  • Salt and products with its addition (including conservation).
  • Chocolate, strong coffee, cocoa.
  • Canned food.
  • Meat, fish and mushroom broths.
  • Sausages, smoked products, canned meat and fish, cheeses.
  • Alcohol and products containing it.
  • Plain bread, black bread.
  • Fatty meats, fish, poultry
In other kidney diseases, there are no significant dietary restrictions, only a reduction in the use of salt, hot spices and spices, as well as alcoholic beverages is recommended.

Diet for urolithiasis.
Nutrition in this case is selected taking into account the composition of the stones, after the study.

With oxalates, products containing oxalic acid are excluded - these include leafy plants (lettuce, sorrel, spinach), coffee, chocolate, cocoa. The use of products with ascorbic acid is also excluded (radishes, some varieties of apples (Antonovka), radishes, black currants, citrus fruits). Recommended food rich in vitamin B6, which is involved in the breakdown of oxalic acid. These products include black bread, oatmeal and buckwheat. It is also recommended to use eggplant, prunes, beans, pumpkins, cauliflower.

Salts of uric acid contribute to the formation of kidney stones in an acidic environment, hence the diet should be dominated by food that promotes alkalization of urine (honey, cereals, bread, dried fruits, potatoes). And you should remove from the diet or limit to the maximum canned food, fish and meat, sausages and various smoked meats, offal.

With a phosphate origin of stones, urine should be acidified. Here it is useful to eat meat and fish dishes, vegetables and milk soups, berry and fruit juices (compotes), milk and sour-milk products should be excluded.

Kidney stones can also have a different composition, which is much less common. In any case, the diet is developed by the doctor individually together with a nutritionist. In the case when urolithiasis is accompanied by severe pain in the kidneys, such a diet is an excellent prevention of the formation of new stones (stones) and helps to dissolve the removal of existing ones.

In cases of nephrolithiasis, strict diets lasting more than a month are contraindicated, since this is fraught with the formation of kidney stones of opposite composition. Such diets are strictly controlled by the attending physician.

Many kidney diseases, including pyelonephritis, require a soft diet with strict adherence to the specified diet. Even with the improvement of the condition, it is necessary to follow the intended course. Therefore, try to prepare meals in advance, take them to work, and not snack in dubious establishments, breaking the diet.

Weekly diet menu option for kidney disease:
1 day.
Breakfast- rice porridge with low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese with raisins, a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey;
Lunch- cottage cheese pudding, rosehip broth;
Dinner- vegetable soup, 200 g of boiled lean meat, 200 ml of compote;
Dinner- steam cutlets from minced fish, cottage cheese casserole with pasta, 200 ml of low-fat milk;
Second dinner- 200 ml fat-free kefir.

Day 2
Breakfast- buckwheat porridge with milk, carrot cutlets, tea with a spoonful of honey;
Lunch- boiled fish and mashed potatoes;
Dinner- lean borscht, boiled lean meat, apple compote;
Dinner- meat casserole, a serving of sweet cottage cheese, a cup of tea with the addition of milk;
Second dinner- 200 ml of homemade curdled milk.

Day 3
Breakfast- vinaigrette, boiled fish, cottage cheese with sour cream, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice;
Lunch- cottage cheese casserole;
Dinner- vermicelli soup with milk, rice with boiled veal, cherry compote;
Dinner- potato casserole, oatmeal with fruits or berries;
Second dinner- 200 ml of homemade yogurt;

Day 4
Breakfast- milk rice porridge, cheese with raisins, a cup of tea;
Lunch- cottage cheese casserole;
Dinner- vegetarian soup with vegetables, boiled meat (200 g) with buckwheat porridge, apple compote;
Dinner- steamed fish cakes, pasta casserole, 200 ml of milk;
Second dinner- 200 ml of kefir;

Day 5
Breakfast- boiled rice with vegetables, cottage cheese with sour cream, fruit compote or juice;
Lunch- cottage cheese, kefir with sugar;
Dinner- vegetable soup with the addition and a piece of boiled chicken meat, or veal meat, apple compote;
Dinner- rice-curd casserole, rosehip broth;
Second dinner- 100 g of dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins);

Day 6
Breakfast- buckwheat milk porridge, boiled beets, rosehip broth;
Lunch- mashed potatoes with boiled fish;
Dinner– vegetarian borscht, boiled meat, fruit juice;
Dinner- meat casserole, tea with honey;
Second dinner- a glass of kefir;

Day 7
Breakfast- a portion of semolina porridge, a cup of tea;
Second breakfast - vinaigrette, milk oatmeal with fruit, a cup of milk;
Dinner- potato soup, a piece of boiled veal, fruit jelly;
Dinner- cottage cheese casserole, apple pancakes, compote;
Second dinner- 200 ml of kefir or yogurt.

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