Neumyvakin articles about health. Neumyvakin's useful tips on medicine

Using healing powers conventional products, you can not only maintain health, but also recover from many diseases without the use of traditional medicine. One of these methods is treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin. How to take a soda solution to achieve the desired result, read our article.

Treatment with baking soda according to Neumyvakin - indications for use

Ivan Neumyvakin - doctor and scientist, doctor medical sciences in the field of space medicine, the founder of several wellness techniques in the area of alternative medicine. The result of the study of the experience of many scientists was a method that received mass recognition and popularity among the people - treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide according to Professor Neumyvakin.

The scientists of the world have been trying to uncover the secrets of health and longevity for centuries.

According to Professor Neumyvakin, regular use of soda allows you to get rid of most ailments and not only extend the years of life, but also ensure full physical and mental activity.

The essence of the method

Ordinary baking soda, which is in every home, the scientist believes universal remedy able to work miracles. The theory of recovery with soda is based on the ability of the product to act on the acidic environment that is formed in human body, due to wrong image life and nutrition.

acidity internal organs of a person and their surrounding tissues is called "acidosis" and is characterized by a shift in the acid-base balance - a pathological increase or decrease in the pH level.

Deviations from the physiological norm of blood pH acidity are accompanied by a change in a person's well-being:

  • dysfunctions nervous system- dizziness, loss of consciousness, drowsiness;
  • intestinal disorders - an increase or decrease in the level of acidity of the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, digestive problems, chronic lesions organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disease development of cardio-vascular system.

In life modern man There are many factors that contribute to the accumulation organic acids- harmful substances that come with food (nitrates, pesticides), toxic compounds present in the air ( traffic fumes, industrial waste).

In addition, self-poisoning of the body is possible as a result of stress, mental disorders, anxiety, irritation, depression or fear.

Reception baking soda with acidosis - the only way normalize the acidic environment of the body. Restoring the level of natural acid-base balance in the body - main result treatment with soda and the secret of good health.

How and for what diseases to take soda according to Neumyvakin?

Baking (or drinking) soda is an acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium - sodium bicarbonate. AT traditional medicine baking soda has been used as a deacidifier gastric juice and a neutralizer of the consequences of burns. How antiseptic soda is used for rinsing the mouth and throat, as well as for cooking medicinal drinks with a cold.

The Neumyvakin method expanded the list of indications for the use of soda solution:

  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • gout;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • all types of intoxication, including alcohol and drugs;
  • dehydration;
  • prostatitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • oncological lesions of the first and second stages of development;
  • age-related skin changes, keratoma;
  • dermatological problems, psoriasis, fungus, papillomas, acne, trophic ulcers.

In addition, soda treatment promotes weight loss and is recommended for anyone who wants to not only lose, but also normalize their weight.

The level of acid-base balance of the body is measured on a scale from zero to seven. Normal corresponds to index 7. A decrease in the level indicates the predominance acid environment, increase - about the growth of alkaline.

To check the acidity of the body, you can buy a special test at the pharmacy - litmus strips. With their help, the acidity of saliva and urine is measured, compared with the standard, which is included in the package.

An acidity score of 14 is considered a serious health hazard. This may be a sign of the development of oncology or a harbinger of a stroke.

The correct scheme for taking soda

To normalize the acid-base balance using the Neumyvakin method, you need to know how to drink soda. To do this, the professor developed a special admission scheme. soda solution.

Treatment according to the Neumyvakin method involves the preparation of a soda solution and its repeated intake during the day. In addition, soda solutions are used to perform cleansing enemas and baths.

Most often as a basis for medicinal solution use water or milk. Take a quarter of a teaspoon of soda for half a glass of boiling water and stir well. characteristic feature the fact that the soda has reacted with the liquid is considered a violent hiss.

The finished soda solution should be warm. To cool the liquid, add half a glass of cold boiled water. An alternative cooking option is to immediately pour soda into a glass of boiling water and wait until its temperature becomes acceptable for consumption.

Take on an empty stomach, no later than half an hour before each meal.

For young people daily rate soda solution is two glasses, for the elderly - three glasses.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin (July 7, 1928, Kyrgyzstan - April 22, 2018) - Soviet and Russian doctor, medical scientist, author of a number of hypotheses not recognized by science. Last years was engaged alternative medicine(healing).

Since 1959 for 30 years he has been inextricably linked with space medicine. Being the creator of a unique hospital - a space hospital on board the ship, Ivan Pavlovich not only coordinated the work of the leading medical professionals our country in this direction, but he himself developed new principles, methods and means of providing medical care astronauts during flights of various durations.

The name of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who has been dealing with the treatment and rehabilitation of a person for more than 40 years, is well known both to professional doctors and to those who represent alternative, informal medicine.

Books (30)

Hydrogen peroxide. Myths and reality

In his new book, the author highlights issues related to hydrogen peroxide as a source of necessary for the body atomic oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide contributes to the normalization of redox processes and the destruction of everything that prevents the body from functioning normally.

The mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide is considered in detail, as well as the proposed ultraviolet irradiation blood as one of effective ways correction of the immune system. Offered detailed recommendations and comments to known techniques hydrogen peroxide treatment. Feedback from readers on its use is given, including in combination with UV blood with various diseases.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers, including doctors and those interested in introducing simple and reliable methods of treatment into practice. official medicine.

Pills from the animal world. Myths and reality

In this book we will talk about the animal world, about how its various representatives will help us maintain health. You need to draw strength not from pills stuffed with chemistry, but from natural pantries. All the same, it will not be possible to find a more faithful ally than Nature.

Therefore, our eyes should turn, at least gradually, to the "pharmacy of the animal world", which has a huge healing effect. And no side effects. For this pharmacy contains no killer chemistry, bad cholesterol and etc.

Spine. Myths and reality

The condition of the spine is of great importance for the health of the whole organism, and it is also the cause of many diseases and ailments.

And sometimes it's even hard for us to imagine that It's a dull pain in the buttocks and going down the leg, or pain in the abdomen, or pain in the head are associated precisely with the disease of the spine. By appearance of a person, his manner of holding, his posture and gait, it is possible to say with certainty whether he is healthy or sick.

What to do? How to get rid of sores? And better - how to prevent them? According to the author of the book, Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, a bad spine, like old age, is not a disease, but a state into which we have driven ourselves with our attitude to the body and from which, it turns out, you can find a way out, regardless of age. And everything that is written in this book, first of all, is applicable to the younger generation. It's easier to do it right than to fix it. All together, a friendly family, forward - for health!


Professor I.P. Neumyvakin's book is dedicated to healing properties propolis - a substance with a high biological activity and widely used in medical practice from ancient times.

Recipes are given dosage forms based on propolis, the use of which, in combination with the body healing system developed by the author, will undoubtedly help to cope with numerous painful conditions.

Ways to get rid of diseases: hypertension, diabetes

The book of the famous author I.P. Neumyvakin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, who combines in his practice the achievements of official medicine, his own developments and traditional medicine, tells how to defeat many diseases, including those considered incurable, such as diabetes, hypertension, etc.

And this is not a hindrance either your own age or the "age" of your disease.

Reserve capacity of the body

Breath. Consciousness. Myths and reality.

Leading Book traditional healers Russia, Professor I.P. Neumyvakin and his wife, is dedicated to the reserve capabilities of our body, which are laid down in it by Nature.

Once, almost a year ago, I also started drinking soda, hoping for a “miracle” and a quick recovery. Not for long, I drank probably only a week and .. I didn’t feel any result at all, neither positive nor negative.

But now I see that at that moment I didn’t take anything but soda from Neumyvakin’s method. But any technique usually involves a whole set of rules that must be observed in order to obtain a result.

But this soda has been sitting in my head ever since. In addition, a very respected doctor . as well as Professor Neumyvakin, he talks a lot in his lectures about the successful use of soda in medical practice their clinics.

In the article on the method of admission, I promised to look for reviews on the Internet and bring them together to get some kind of objective picture.

Basically, the reviews were selected for treatment with soda (as a more popular and replicated method). There are fewer negative reviews than positive ones, but the first ones are sometimes more impressive, truly, a cry from the heart ..

What conclusions did I draw for myself?

  1. The method of treating various diseases with soda is, of course, not an empty phrase and there is a place to be, there are certainly positive results.
  2. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. Treatment with soda is aimed at combating acidification of the body, and in cases where the disease is associated with acidification, soda helps
  3. You need to start taking soda with small dosages - with a pinch, two. To understand the reaction of the body
  4. You can not take soda without a break. You need to drink it in courses.
  5. If the reaction of the body is immediately negative, it is better not to continue this method. But at the same time, there may be reactions of exacerbation of sores - as a rule, short-lived and acute., This is normal for anyone effective treatment. The whole question here is how to distinguish a temporary exacerbation from a deterioration caused by an incorrectly chosen method of recovery ...
  6. If the reaction is neutral, observe a few more days, do not immediately increase the dosage
  7. If there are immediate positive changes in the symptoms of diseases, it may well be that the soda treatment method suits you, but this does not mean that you need to drink soda in kilograms and for years.
  8. In addition, you can regulate and control the alkalization-acidification of the body using pH test strips (available at some pharmacies). Using them, you can measure the pH of urine, saliva before and after taking soda. But still, it is better not to play with these indicators, it is very dangerous to unbalance the body in terms of acid-base balance ...
  9. Always carefully study the method recommended by the author (in this case, Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich) instructions and strictly adhere to them.
  10. Look for last works or the author's videos, the information could change, become outdated, modernized and supplemented ...
  11. In the reviews of other people, you can also find many errors and many personal developments of lovers of drug-free recovery. Consider these mistakes, why repeat everything on yourself ...
  12. But always listen to the voice of common sense! Not everything that is good for one is good for another.
  13. Soda is not a panacea, and it cannot be. Take it not as the basis of recovery, but only as one of the components of treatment. Without proper nutrition, drinking water, physical activity, psychological mood, without KNOWLEDGE, soda can be useless and even harmful. However, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin himself talks about this - change your diet, drink plenty of water during the day, make the meal itself USEFUL (without drinking and carefully processing food with saliva), do elementary exercises and connect walks, adjust your sleep schedule.
  14. Do not drink soda "just because" "just in case." If there are specific health problems, try it as one of the components of the treatment.
  15. Is it worth consulting with doctors, as many say? It is worth it if the doctor is real, thinking and not within the framework of stereotypes. Otherwise, perhaps there will be no point in advice - soda treatment is not a scientifically proven method and no official doctor you, most likely, will not prescribe it and will not take responsibility for it.
  16. Speaking of responsibility. When we take drugs from a pharmacy prescribed by a doctor, we place all responsibility on him. When we follow the path of alternative medicine, all responsibility for our health is only on ourselves. If you do not feel the strength in yourself for such a burden, it is better not to start being treated with such methods ...
  17. You can always look for an alternative. If soda alkalizes the body and this helps with certain diseases why not find other ways of alkalization - with the help of the same foods (it is known that a raw food diet also affects the body, but it is quite difficult to get harm from it).
  18. Lastly, always listen to your body. Only he will tell you what is suitable for him, what is not. If the medicine helps, usually relief of the disease occurs fairly quickly. If you take soda and there is no progress - most likely this is not for you ...

I got reviews from various websites. open sources, I publish practically without changes. Read, there is a lot of interesting things!

Negative feedback about the application

soda according to the method of Neumyvakin I.P.

Elena Barnaul

I drank soda for 6 months .. I reached two teaspoons a day .. as a result I got hypernatremia .... as a result of which there was a shortage of potassium .. and after a lack of potassium and magnesium began to disappear ... and calcium began to be deposited in the vessels and kidneys ... myalgia began, tendon reflexes increased, convulsions increased, muscle tone increased ... I became wooden .. stopped drinking soda and slowly bounce back ... switched to apple cider vinegar .. it also alkalizes the body very well ... you can also use lemon water .. lemon also alkalizes ...

Vera Voronezh

I drank soda for a month, started with 13 teaspoons, then 1 teaspoon per glass of warm water, first extinguished with boiling water. did not increase the intake to 2 times a day. Now the limbs are swollen, the stomach is swollen, itching all over the body, heaviness after eating. I stopped taking soda, I drink cranberry juice, the kidneys work, I don’t know how to relieve the heaviness in the stomach. I read the forum. Very good comments. I'm waiting for advice.

Alexander Vasilyevich 2 years ago

Evgeny Mostipan — 2 years ago

Valentina Ekibastuz

Nina Odessa

Helena Nautilus

Alya Jumanova-1 month ago

Jan Puchkov-5 months ago

Nadezhda Kovalenko-3 months ago

michael ziborov 4 months ago

Timur M

Dionys Light 2 years ago (modified)


Positive reviews:

Lilija Głownia 1 month ago

Rik Nur 1 month ago

Leonid Miklaev 6 months ago


Lilia Izhevsk

Igor Sokolov 3 months ago

Nadezhda Marchenko 8 months ago

Tatiana4 months ago

Mikhail Ustinov A year ago

Read on American site about baking soda treatment and what do you think is very good feedback 1st place kidney stone disease 2nd place oncology, diabetes mellitus, etc. so be healthy LORD!!!

Bad ecology, low-quality (falsified) food and, at times, sedentary image life often leave an imprint on the health of both the whole organism and individual organs.

If you do not start taking care of your body in time - play sports, take the right approach to compiling a diet, then sooner or later diseases will begin to appear, turning into a chronic form.

The technique developed by Professor Ivan Neumyvakin can help prevent the occurrence of diseases and improve the functioning of all organs. The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body, which is part of this technique, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas. These organs are more affected than others. harmful substances and accumulate a significant amount of toxic compounds.

A little about the author of the method of cleansing the body

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin began his career as a doctor in charge of the health of cosmonauts. Subsequently, he headed the Institute of Biomedical Problems.

Made many discoveries during his career. He defended his Ph.D. (1965), and later his doctoral dissertation (1982). Scientific works his were devoted to aviation and space medicine. Since 1989, he has directed his knowledge and skills to the development of traditional medicine.

A person with such an impeccable reputation, well versed in medicine, who is a professor, doctor of medical sciences, has developed a lot of methods for healing the body without the use of medicines. He was able to write his works thanks to the rich experience of observing the impact of environmental conditions on the human body.

Risk factors according to Neumyvakin

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, first of all, pursues the goal of purification and general health person.

The risk factors for the digestive system and the body as a whole, in his opinion, include:

  • untimely use individual products nutrition;
  • high protein content in the diet;
  • drinking food with drinks;
  • insufficient chewing of food before swallowing;
  • consumption of drinks enriched with gas.

Overeating is one of the main bad habits leading to problems in the body

The risk factors affecting acid balance, Ivan Pavlovich relates:

  • medical preparations;
  • various types of electromagnetic radiation;
  • flows of negative information;
  • products containing GMOs.

Detox process

The level of harmful substances in the organs, in particular, in the liver, sometimes exceeds the norm by 2 times or more. For detoxification, or natural removal of harmful, toxic substances from the human body, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin proposes to normalize the nutrition system, introduce fasting days and carry out other actions aimed at cleansing the body of toxins.

Water is the basis of the menu unloading days

Basic principles of the method

A well-known scientist came to the conclusion that it is not the disease that should be treated, but its cause. Neumyvakin denies the existence of diseases, but believes that there is a “state” of a person caused by an imbalance metabolic processes.

All problems with the body can have a single source

The source of violations of these processes in the body, which is considered by the professor as a single biosystem, is the accumulation of toxins or acid imbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to treat not the disease, but to eliminate the trigger mechanism that triggers pathological processes.

Healing the body with peroxide

Given the unfavorable environmental situation and sedentary lifestyle, the body often lacks oxygen, it can be replenished with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), writes Professor Ivan Neumyvakin.

The system of nutrition and cleansing of the body should be built taking into account the maintenance of acid-base balance. Acidity internal environment human pH = 7.4. Significant deviations from these norms can cause the development of tissues that provoke the formation of tumors.

A few drops of peroxide in a glass of water can help solve problems with a lack of oxygen?

Therefore, when a tumor is detected, the professor recommends using a peroxide solution according to following scheme: on the first day, one drop of peroxide in a glass of water, on the second - two, on the third three, and so on. Having brought the number of drops to 50, they begin to decrease in the same way, one per day.

hydrogen peroxide in pure form can not be consumed

The author also suggests using hydrogen peroxide solution topically, through the nose, as well as for intravenous infusion, and talks about precautions. You can learn more about the treatment with hydrogen dioxide by reading his work “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and Reality.

soda treatment

For deworming the body, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, except rational nutrition and periodic cleansing of the body, recommends using a solution of ordinary baking soda.

Soda is the main ingredient cleansing enema and medicines for heart problems

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, oral administration of the solution is used. It is recommended to drink soda solution in the morning half an hour before meals.. You need to start taking with less concentrated solution- 0.5 dessert spoon per glass of hot water or milk.

After three doses, a three-day break is taken. Then increase the concentration by diluting the contents of 1 dessert spoon in a glass of liquid, after 3 days they also take a three-day break. Following this scheme, the reception can be increased to 1 - 3 tsp.

ultraviolet irradiation

To correct the state of the immune system, the author proposes ultraviolet irradiation.

Solarium - one of the options for ultraviolet irradiation

Note! Ultraviolet is divided into:

  • UV A, with a wavelength of 320–380 nm, is weakly active, favorably affects the flow biological processes in the body;
  • UV B, for which the wavelength is 280–320 nm, is more active, can cause mutations in plants;
  • UV C, its wavelength is 200 - 280 nm, is the most active, it can even provoke mutations in living organisms. UV C does not reach the earth, being completely absorbed by the ozone layer.

The lack of ultraviolet radiation can lead to disruption of metabolic processes and weakening of the protective properties of the body, in addition, it has antibacterial action.

Best time sunbathing - morning and evening

The most beneficial rays are more active in the evening and morning time . Therefore, for tanning, you should choose this particular watch. Ultraviolet radiation alerts immune system to destroy pathological cells.

Cleansing the body according to Neumyvakin

Among more than 200 works, the authors of which are Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is considered one of the most popular topics. The cleansing of the body, which is proposed by the author, includes several stages: first, the intestines are cleansed, then the liver and kidneys, pancreas and joints, and last but not least, vessels and blood.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for cleansing the body begins ten days before the start of the main cleansing procedures, and this stage ends with cleansing the intestines.

Vegetarian menu- one of the conditions for preparing for cleansing the body

During the preparatory phase, you should:

  • During the first week, adhere to a vegetarian diet, including only dishes in your diet. plant origin and without protein content.
  • After that, drink freshly squeezed apple juice for three days. During these three days, cleansing enemas are done.

In the evening last day(preferably before the weekend) proceed directly to cleansing the organs.

Cleansing the liver and kidneys

The liver and kidneys serve as a kind of filters in the system of our body, as they purify the blood of harmful compounds. Therefore, over time, sometimes even regardless of nutrition, they accumulate various toxins to be output.

To cleanse the liver and kidneys, Ivan Neumyvakin recommends using magnesia and rosehip broth.

For the cleaning process after the preparatory stage, you need:

  • Take magnesia morning and evening (1 sachet diluted in a glass of water and drunk in two divided doses).
  • In the morning next day drink a glass of rosehip broth with 2 tbsp. l. sorbitol is a sugar substitute.
  • Immediately after that, lie down in bed for 30 minutes, putting a heating pad on your right side.
  • An hour later, take rose hips with sorbitol again and lie down again with a heating pad on your right side.

After all, again drink a glass of decoction with sorbitol and go to bed. After some time will happen cleansing the liver and kidneys.

Cleansing the liver and pancreas

According to the method developed by Ivan Neumyvakin, the system of nutrition and cleansing of the body is a fundamental factor in the health and longevity of the individual.

lemon and olive oil- the foundation cleaning system for the liver

Proper nutrition must always precede cleansing, and maintained thereafter.

When cleansing the liver and pancreas, having passed preparatory stage, proceed to the following:

  • In the evening, prepare a glass vegetable oil(preferably olive) and lemon juice.
  • They lay down in bed with a heating pad on the right hypochondrium.
  • Take alternately thirty grams (2 large tablespoons) of oil and juice, with breaks between doses of 15 minutes.
  • After cleansing, an enema is given the next day to remove any remaining toxins.

Blood Purification

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin recommends cleansing the blood and blood vessels after normalizing the nutrition system and cleansing other organs of the body - the liver, kidneys, pancreas. The previous steps also have an impact on the cleansing of blood vessels from blood clots..

Ginger tea with honey - blood cleanser

Results, reviews and opinions of doctors

This method has many supporters and opponents. Some argue that it is absolutely impossible to ingest a solution of hydrogen peroxide. But supporters of the system are inclined to believe that the essence of the method is in the complex cleansing of all organs.

Many doctors, like Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, support and promote the benefits therapeutic fasting and the need for periodic cleansing of the body.

The technique of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin works, but there is always an individual error

To follow this method or not is an individual matter. This technique, like most others, has both supporters and adherents, and opponents. But thousands of people who have tried this system are grateful to Ivan Pavlovich for his recommendations for recovery in accessible ways.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P.: there are no diseases! Learn how to take soda and hydrogen peroxide from a useful video:

Opinion of Professor Neumyvakin I.P. about proper nutrition. Learn valuable tips from the author in the following video:

Cleansing the liver and kidneys: A.P. Neumyvakin. Watch an interesting video:

Worked in the field of medicine. For 30 years he treated astronauts in his own hospital spaceship. Ivan Pavlovich wrote 60 books on healing with folk remedies.

We will consider the methods of treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin, based on his book. In his publications and lectures, the doctor despises synthetic drugs and claims that they suck not only money, but the very life of a person.

Cleansing the body with baking soda is carried out at home. Scheme correct reception according to the Neumyvakin method is as follows:

  • Add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to a 250 ml glass;
  • Pour hot water or milk (70-80 degrees) and cool;
  • Take orally 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach;
  • The next day, use 1/3 teaspoon of soda;
  • Every 3 days, increase the dose by a third of a spoon until you reach 1 teaspoon with a slide.

Excess soda cleanses the kidneys and is excreted by the body without harm to health. (see article about). Ivan Pavlovich takes baking soda every day at medicinal purposes. The professor recommends drinking the solution in the morning and evening to prevent serious illnesses.

When the soda is quenched with hot water, the solution begins to hiss. To cool the liquid faster, pour half a mug of hot water - top up the rest with cold.

Neumyvakin also mentions the Mayo enema, which can be prepared in the following proportions:

  • Baking soda - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Water - 1 cup (250 ml).

It is necessary to dissolve sugar well in water and pour the solution into the “pear”. Soda is added before the introduction of an enema, it must first be dissolved in hot water. The result is a powerful laxative effect which leads to emptying. However, such an enema is not recommended for diseases in the intestines.

For pregnant women with obvious symptoms toxicosis, the professor recommends warm microclysters with soda and hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon each). The bowels are cleansed first. cool water(enough 200 ml.).


The human body is constantly fighting poisons from food, air, water and synthetic drugs. They quickly shift PH towards acids, which leads to disease and feeling unwell. Sodium bicarbonate solution corrects acid-base balance, normalizes the level of PH in the blood to 7 units. Based on this, the benefits of baking soda are as follows:

  • Reduces swelling, reduces high blood pressure;
  • Removes toxins and harmful organisms;
  • Prevents oncology. There are known cases of healing from cancer (reviews below);
  • Improves well-being, increases working capacity, helps the body absorb oxygen;
  • When using soda with valerian, the level of protein in the blood rises to normal.


listen to own body. The harm depends primarily on how you take the solution and in what state your health is:

  • When eating baking soda on a full stomach, bloating occurs;
  • Some doctors talk about "acid rebound" when the acidity of the stomach rises after taking baking soda. Such a danger exists special case, in people with stomach ulcers;
  • Taking soda with cold water or does not give milk positive results and makes you feel bad.


In his book, Professor Neumyvakin rarely mentions contraindications. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Pregnant women can take soda solution only for early stages. It will help get rid of toxicity. In other cases it is contraindicated;
  • With reduced or hyperacidity body - after consultation with a doctor;
  • Drinking more than 1 tablespoon of soda is contraindicated;
  • Allergic reactions to sodium bicarbonate and individual intolerance.


Soda treatment - folk technique. It generates more positive than negative feedback.


In addition to Ivan Neumyvakin, an oncologist also speaks positively about sodium bicarbonate. He also treats his patients with this remedy.

Under the supervision of doctors there were 6 sailors with symptoms of motion sickness. They vomited, vomited, their blood pressure was reduced. After the introduction of soda with potassium chloride from health improved dramatically. Doctors talk about improving tissue oxygen consumption.

The Kyiv Institute of Pediatrics oversaw the treatment of two groups of children with colds. The first group took soda-based medicines, and recovered a week earlier.

Due to its properties, baking soda has received wide application in medicine. Crimean doctors recommend sodium bicarbonate with glucose to improve blood circulation in the brain. AT medical institute improvement of doctors, the researchers observed the patient, in a state severe shock. After the introduction of soda solution intra-arterially, the patient felt a significant improvement.


Scientists also leave positive reviews about the effect of baking soda on the body.

In 1982, scientists from Gomel University proved that sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acid. In their experiments, they found out that soda treatment can be prescribed to people with both increased and low acidity stomach. Doctors concluded that it can be taken even with gastritis.

Roerich Yu. N. mentions the case of curing animals with soda. The horses got poisoned poisonous grass and died in Tibet. After drinking water with soda, they returned to their former lives.

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