Sprouted mung beans useful properties. Why is mung bean better than beans and peas? The most useful way to use

Mung) - a plant of the legume family, which is a source of easily digestible protein, phytoestrogens and protease inhibitors. The birthplace of culture is India. Today it grows in Southeast Asia, Uzbekistan, Korea, Japan, China, Turkmenistan. The harvest is in June and November.

The beans are small, oval, green. Used in cooking as a side dish. Mash is eaten whole or starch is extracted from them, on the basis of which noodles are made. In addition, beans are used to make soups, purees, salads, creams, and snacks.

Mash - high-calorie product(323 calories per 100 grams), very beneficial for women's health. It supports the hormonal background (which is especially important during menopause), inhibits the development of breast cancer. In addition, mung beans improve memory and vision, strengthen joints and bones, fight allergies and asthma, and have a beneficial effect on the condition. nervous system.

Mash is extremely popular in the cosmetics industry. Beans contain a coenzyme that stops age-related changes appearance: appearance age spots, wrinkles, sagging.

Benefit and harm

Mash has diuretic, antiseptic, detoxifying properties. Interestingly, in ancient China healers used "miracle beans" to cleanse the body.


  • reduces pores, nourishes, softens, brightens the skin (as a mask);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • stabilizes;
  • fights tumors (protease inhibitors);
  • improves hormonal levels and psychological condition women during menopause, struggling with hot flashes (phytoestrogens);
  • normalizes blood pressure, blood levels;
  • absorbs toxins, excess fat;
  • increases the flexibility of arteries, veins;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, which give the skin a young, healthy, toned look (phytoestrogens);
  • increases efficiency;
  • regulates body temperature, thereby preventing heat stroke;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • helps to curb hunger, reduces cravings for sweets.

Dr. Wang Haichao found that mung bean extract prevented sepsis. According to the experiment (on mice), it was confirmed that the survival rate of the group that received mung bean extract was 70%, relative to the control group, in which it did not exceed 30%.

mung beans - alternative source protein among plant products. Interestingly, 100 grams of mung bean contains 23.5 grams of protein, and beef tenderloin contains 18.6 grams, 17.83 grams, boiled - 22.6 grams, raw eggs- 12.6 grams. Therefore, mung can be replaced with meat 2-3 times a week, this will reduce the load on the digestive tract.

Bean culture - dietary product, which is especially useful for diabetics, vegetarians, athletes, people with overweight, heart and metabolic problems.


  • product intolerance;
  • poor intestinal motility;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Excessive use may cause flatulence and dispersion.

Chemical composition

Mash contains valuable vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, protease inhibitors, phytoestrogens, which can fully replace meat.

Sprouted beans provide the greatest value for humans, since the concentration of nutrients in them increases by 1.5 - 5 times.

Table No. 2 "Chemical composition of mash"
NameNutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams

Mash is eaten boiled and sprouted. With regular use, beans accelerate the recovery of patients suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases (laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, rhinitis).

To taste, mung bean resembles with hints of walnut. It goes well with spinach, peas, chickpeas. In India, beans are used for cooking national dish- thick mashkhurd. In addition, hearty casseroles, snack pies, vegetable cutlets, stews, mashed soups are obtained from mung bean.

Cooking methods

Mung beans are widely used in Asian cooking in boiled form. Mash is used unpeeled, peeled, whole or chopped. Starch is extracted from beans, which is used for the production of pasta, jelly, ice cream, drinks, creams. In Uzbek cuisine, a vegetarian pilaf (“mash-khurda” or “mash-kichiri”) is prepared from unpeeled mung beans and rice. Beans combined with chicken, beef, seafood, sauces, vegetables create hearty, delicious salads.

Deep-fried mung bean is a traditional oriental snack.

How to cook beans?

  1. Rinse the cereal under cold water.
  2. Soak for 2 hours (or overnight). The longer the beans soak in moisture, the softer they will be in the finished dish and the less time it will take to cook them.
  3. Put the cereal on the fire (at the rate of 1 part mung bean per 2.5 parts water), cook for half an hour over low heat. Porridge is salted 10 minutes before the end of cooking. To improve the taste in mung bean, you can add cream or sunflower oil, browned onions, mushrooms, hot spices (asafoetida, curry, chili powder, coriander, garam masala).

How to germinate beans?

First of all, it is worth noting that germinated crops are a powerful energy resource.

The nutritional value of such products increases by 2-10 times. Sprouting increases concentration biologically active substances in the product and reduces the amount of phytates that prevent their absorption.

Beans with sprouts can be eaten raw or cooked: fried in oil. Required for growth special conditions, which involve alternating modes of light and darkness. Sprouts appear in 3 to 5 days and are ready to eat in a week. Provided that 4 hours a day they are in the light, the rest of the time in the dark.

So, before sprouting, rinse, sort out the beans, get rid of broken grains and litter. Soak them in water overnight. In the morning, rinse the mung, put it in a glass jar, cover it with gauze, and tighten it with an elastic band. After that, turn the container with the beans over and place it in a plate of water, at an angle of 45 degrees. The grains must be saturated with moisture. The next step is to put the beans in a dark room. As it dries, rinse in the same way.

Mash is recommended to be eaten when the size of the bean with a sprout is at least 1 centimeter. It is in this form beneficial features products are fully disclosed. However, do not delay the germination, otherwise, instead of fresh young white-yellow shoots, you will get brown, tasteless sprouts. It is better to eat sprouted mung bean immediately, the maximum shelf life is 2 days in the refrigerator, in gauze.

Green bean skins contain natural plant fiber that improves digestion, so do not peel it before eating the product.

It is interesting that the content of vitamin C in sprouts increases 7 times compared to seeds (and amounts to 42.4 milligrams), - 5 times (on the fifth day of cultivation it is 517 milligrams), fiber - by 1/3 part (up to 8 ,9 %).

Active ingredients munga shoots activate the production of hemoglobin, participate in the construction of phosphatases, carry a powerful charge of energy, relieve stressful conditions, have antimicrobial activity, normalize metabolism. sprouts legumes help in the fight against arthritis, asthma, allergies, atherosclerosis, diabetes, menopause, hypertension. In Chinese medicine, they are used as a cooling food, cooling the body, cleansing the skin, and preventing ARVI diseases.

Any mung bean seeds are suitable for germination, since they are not subjected to heat or chemical treatment. The main condition is that the grains should not be dark or wrinkled.




  • mash - 200 grams;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • grated fresh - 5 grams;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • - 7.5 grams;
  • water - 1.9 liters;
  • - 2 slices;
  • red pepper - 2 pods;
  • Bay leaf- 2 pieces;
  • turmeric - 5 grams;
  • vegetables - 275 grams;
  • salt.

Cooking principle:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add bay leaf and cinnamon.
  2. Enter mung bean into boiling water, cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
  3. Peel vegetables, finely chop, mix with butter, turmeric. Put the resulting mass in the machine. Cook until the beans are soft. If the soup is too thick, add some water.
  4. Preheat a frying pan, fry dried red pepper and cumin seeds in oil, when they darken, add garlic and grated ginger.
  5. Pour spices into dal, cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Add to dish before serving.



  • round-grain rice - 200 grams;
  • lamb fat - 100 grams;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • mash - 200 grams;
  • whole barberry - 15 grams;
  • cilantro - 4 sprigs;
  • boiled water - 3 liters;
  • beef bones - 400 grams;
  • lamb pulp - 400 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 60 milliliters;
  • onion- 2 heads;
  • red mix hot pepper, seeds of zira and coriander - 15 grams;
  • salt.

Cooking principle:

  1. Cut fat and meat into small pieces.
  2. Peel onions and carrots. Cut into strips.
  3. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, chop.
  4. Rinse mung bean and rice under water, put on a sieve. Don't mix grains.
  5. In a cauldron, heat the oil, fry the meat and bones over high heat until a brown crust appears.
  6. Add fat (it should become slightly transparent), then onions (until a yellowish tint appears), tomatoes. Add barberry and spice mixture. Cook 5 minutes.
  7. Put the carrots in a cauldron, pour in the mung bean, pour in the water. Bring the contents to a boil, turn down the heat, cook under a closed lid for at least half an hour. Cook the dish until the beans burst.
  8. Add bay leaf and rice to the contents. Cook for another 25 minutes, season with salt. After cooking, infuse the dish for 20 minutes on the stove.
  9. Serve mashkhurd with katyk or thick curdled milk. Garnish with cilantro, basil.

Interestingly, in Uzbek soups with frying, spices are laid at the stage of stewing. Often they are introduced after adding vegetables (in particular, tomatoes), when they actively give juice.


Mash is a golden bean used to eliminate food poisoning, inflammation (tracheitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis), acne, dermatitis. Dry bean extract tightens pores, cleanses, softens and nourishes the skin, and also supports the body of a woman during hormonal adjustment(climax). Mash protects against free radicals, stimulates intercellular processes, removes the dullness of the dermis, treats shallow wounds.

Mung beans are widely used in cooking. Sauces, pasta, soups, side dishes, snacks, pancake toppings, salads are made on their basis. Mash is stewed, boiled, fried or served sprouted. It goes well with meat dishes, seafood and vegetables (vegetarian pilaf, risotto, dal, mashkhurda).

At daily use beans cholesterol levels are reduced by 19%.

To increase concentration useful substances mung beans are soaked and germinated for 5 days. Seedlings enrich the body with easily digestible protein, slow carbohydrates, useful, fats, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, E, C, K, PP. Sprouted beans take off nervous tension, activate metabolic processes, normalize blood pressure, resist the growth of malignant neoplasms.

In addition, mung bean intake should be limited to nursing mothers, pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Mash is an exotic plant whose fruits are eaten as a grain crop. It is more common in Asia, while in Europe, including Russia, little is known about it. We will talk about this culture, about its properties, about the benefits and harms of mung bean, as well as how to use it at home, in this article.

What is mash

This annual agricultural plant belongs to the legume family, which is easy to guess from the appearance of its fruits and grains - mung bean seeds are round-oval in shape, bright green or green, similar to young peas or beans. The birthplace of culture is India, where it is called "mung beans", this name is now used in other countries.

Mung bean is popular not only in India, China, Korea, Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia, but also in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, where they are well aware of its beneficial properties. It is eaten in the form of green pods, ripe or sprouted grains, preparing dishes from them with the addition of various ingredients.

The composition and calorie content of mung bean

As with all legumes, mung beans are high in protein. In 100 g of seeds it is 23.5 g. This amount is enough to cover the daily human need for this nutrient by 30%. There are also a lot of carbohydrates, there are 46 g of them in the grain, but only 2 grams of fat. Fiber in 100 g of mung bean 11 g, water 14 g, the rest is occupied by minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Na, Ph, Fe) and vitamin compounds, especially C, E, PP and group B, which in this useful grain enough. because of high content carbohydrates and protein mung bean is a nutritious product. Calorie mung bean - 300 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits of mung beans for health

With regular use of mung bean for food, minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal course of many vital functions enter the body from it. important processes. For example, potassium takes an active part in maintaining the balance of water, acids and electrolytes, in carrying out nerve impulses and normalization of pressure; calcium forms bone and dental tissue, it is also involved in muscle contraction.

In addition, mung bean has on the body and other beneficial actions. The benefits of mung beans are that they:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve memory and stimulate mental activity;
  • due to the diuretic effect, they cleanse the body of toxic compounds and prevent the formation of edema;
  • exhibit antioxidant properties, preserving the youth of tissues and organs;
  • restore vision and prevent its decline;
  • have a stabilizing effect on the hormonal background and the nervous system;
  • slow down the growth of tumor cells.

Useful in all respects, mung beans are good prophylactic, preventing diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, as well as respiratory and autoimmune diseases. Mung bean is also useful for diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar.

The benefits of germinated mung bean

In addition to whole dry mung beans, which are cooked, these beans are also eaten sprouted. The benefits of mung bean sprouts are expressed mainly in the fact that the body receives a lot of easily digestible protein and vitamins, which are formed in the process of grain germination. Together with sprouted beans, simple rather than complex carbohydrates get inside, which means that the body does not spend extra energy on their processing.

Mung bean sprouts contain more than 2 dozen useful mineral elements, which in many respects, and some almost completely satisfy daily requirement person in them. According to doctors, sprouted mung bean is useful for everyone, including pregnant and lactating mothers, so it can and should even be consumed during these crucial periods of a woman's life.

How to germinate mung bean at home

Sprouting mung beans at home is very easy, even easier than cereal grains. To do this, you will only need a small container made of ceramics, glass, plastic or an enameled bowl, a piece of clean gauze or a thin towel, the mung beans themselves and clean cold water.

The process of preparing sprouted beans is also not difficult for any housewife:

  1. You need to take a bowl, pour mung bean into it.
  2. Soak it in warm water for about 8 hours.
  3. Then drain the water, rinse the beans in cold clean water.
  4. Cover the bowl with wet cheesecloth and place in a warm, bright place.
  5. After about 12 hours, useful sprouts should already appear on the beans.

It is believed that mung bean sprouts are most useful if they do not exceed 2 cm in length, so it does not make sense to germinate beans for longer. You need to store the finished product in a domestic refrigerator for no more than 5 days and be sure to rinse it in water before eating. healthy beans mung beans with sprouts can be eaten alone, combined with other sprouted grains, or added to salads instead of the green peas they resemble, vegetable soups, and stews and fried vegetable dishes.

Mash in cosmetology

The benefits of mung beans are expressed not only in the fact that they nourish the body from the inside, they can also be beneficial for the skin of the face and body. They make home remedies for cleansing and nourishing the skin.

Facial scrub

To prepare it, you must first grind the dry grains of mung bean in a coffee grinder, and if it is not available, then buy flour from these beans. Preparation technology:

  • 2 tsp ground beans mixed with 2 tsp. mint or rose decoction (for thin or sensitive skin);
  • 2 tsp masha mix with 2 tsp. lemon juice or honey (for oily skin);
  • leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes.

You need to apply a mung bean scrub on your face in a circular motion, keep on face for 10 minutes and then just wash off warm water. Apply a couple of drops to the skin olive oil and rub into it with massaging movements.

Facial mask

To prepare this cosmetic product homemade need 1 tbsp. l. powdered mung bean mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil. You can add 1 more drop of your favorite essential oils. Mix everything well and apply the mixture on a damp face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

How to cook delicious mung bean

You can cook a variety of dishes from it, for example, cook porridge, stew with vegetables, cook soup with beans. These simple dishes are easy to prepare, no special skills are needed, and the process itself does not take much time.

porridge recipe

This dish is loved to cook in the East, and it is not surprising, because it is very tasty and nutritious. You will need:

  • rice and mung bean - 200 g each;
  • onions and carrots medium size- 1 pc.;
  • fresh meat (beef, goat meat or lamb) - 400 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml;
  • spices (black, red pepper, cumin) and salt;
  • water - 1.5 l.

How to cook mung bean porridge:

  1. Peel the vegetables, rinse and cut the carrots into cubes, and the onion into thin half rings.
  2. Meat cut into small pieces.
  3. Fry it in oil along with vegetables and spices and put it in a saucepan.
  4. Pour beans into it, pour water and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  5. After that, add rice and cook until the water boils completely.

You can serve mung bean porridge hot, along with fresh dill and parsley.

soup recipe

To prepare this vegetable soup, will need:

  1. 100–150 g mung bean;
  2. 1 onion and 1 medium sized carrot;
  3. 2-3 medium potatoes;
  4. 200 g chicken;
  5. 100 g of oil;
  6. 2 tbsp. l. homemade sour cream;
  7. spices and salt to taste.

Step by step description of preparation:

  • Put the meat in a saucepan, cover with water and cook until half cooked.
  • Then fry onions and carrots in oil.
  • Add mung beans and potatoes to the meat.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put onions with carrots, spices and salt, and last but not least, sour cream.
  • Serve mung bean soup hot.

How is mung bean different from peas and beans?

The main advantage of mung bean is that it cooks quickly. It is not necessary to soak it, but you can put it in the pan in its usual form. And one more property of these beans is that they do not cause gas formation, so even people with problems of this kind and babies from 6 months old can eat them.

Harm of masha and contraindications for use

Mash can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body. But this is only when used incorrectly. It should not be eaten by people who have gastrointestinal disorders, a decrease in intestinal motility, as well as intolerance to any components of the product.

How to choose and store a machine

The best mung beans are fresh, smooth, bright green. They should not have any damage and stains, they should not be dry and wrinkled. You need to store them in a dry, dark place where they can lie for 2 years without changing quality. Store ready-made mung bean dishes in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.


What will be the benefits and harms of mung bean also depends on whether it was chosen, stored and prepared correctly. If everything is done right, it will become not only useful, but also a favorite dish for the whole family.

Due to the variety of useful properties, mung bean is a common crop in eastern countries. Despite the exotic origin, mung bean dishes are simple and familiar: soups, cereals, mashed potatoes. At home, you can sprout the beans yourself and make delicious salads from them. From greenish small beans make face masks and scrubs. Mung beans have almost no contraindications, only individual intolerance and problems with the intestines.

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    Composition of mung beans

    The herbaceous annual, called mung bean or mung bean, from the genus Vigna belongs to the legume family. The composition of miniature oval green beans includes the following elements:

    • cellulose;
    • B vitamins;
    • proteases;
    • phosphorus;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • iron.

    AT structural formula beans also have minerals - sodium, magnesium, zinc, manganese - and vitamins: A, C, E, K, phytoestrogens and amino acids.

    Table 1. Nutritional value per 100 g,% of the daily requirement

    The calorie content of mung bean is high: from 300 to 347 kcal / 100 g. But due to low content fat, this product is considered dietary.

    Medicinal use

    Mung beans are useful at least because they remove toxins, fight viruses and have a diuretic effect. The B vitamins contained in the structural formula provide a calming, stabilizing effect. Proteases - plant enzymes cleaving bonds in proteins - ensure the normal course of protein metabolism.

    Its use benefits the cardiovascular system. Pressure is gradually reduced, strengthened and cleared of cholesterol plaques blood vessels, the heart begins to function better.

    The presence in the menu of dishes from mung beans helps to strengthen immunity, improve memory, activate mental activity, maintaining vision. The bone skeleton is strengthened, resistance to stress increases, kidney activity normalizes, and the hormonal background stabilizes. With regular use, the flexibility of the joints increases, the nervous system strengthens.

    Mung bean groats are used in the development of inflammatory foci in the area respiratory system, oral cavity. Helps lower sugar levels small wounds, skin irritations. Due to the presence of fiber in the composition, the intestines are cleansed, the functioning of digestion is stimulated.

    Mung beans are popular with vegetarians due to their high percentage of vegetable protein.

    diet based on these nutritious beans helps to reduce weight without harming the body.

    Application in cosmetology

    Mung fruit is used in cosmetic purposes due to the ability to restore elasticity, slow down the aging process of the skin.

    Crushed to a powdery state, the beans are part of the masks, scrubs. The result is a narrowing of pores, cleansing of acne, the acquisition of a healthy color. At the same time, mung bean moisturizes and nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

    Gentle scrub for dry skin: dilute mung bean powder in equal volumes with mint decoction. If you need to remove excessive fat content, then replace the mint decoction with lemon juice or honey.

    Nourishing and tightening face mask: to 1 tbsp. l. mung bean powder add a pinch of turmeric and 1.5 tbsp. l. sour cream. Spread the mixture on the neck and face. Wash off after 15 minutes.


    Contraindications to mash:

    • bean intolerance;
    • chronic diseases of the digestive organs.

    Harm can cause the use of excessive amounts of beans. This is reflected in the appearance of flatulence - painful swelling stomach due to the accumulation of gases - or dispersion - incomplete splitting of food passing through the intestines. This condition is accompanied by the release of toxins, nausea, dizziness.

    Use in cooking

    Mash is used in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian cuisines. This culture is also in demand in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Beans are eaten shelled or whole. The starch obtained from them is the basis for the production of Chinese noodles - funchose, or fensi. It is also called glass noodles due to its translucent state. Sprouted peas are also popular.

    sprouting beans

    To get sprouts, you need mung beans from a fresh or last year's harvest. Gauze is placed in a container with holes on the bottom, on which a layer of beans is poured. They put it in a bowl bigger size. Water is poured, making sure that it only covers the peas.

    The dish with beans is kept in a warm place, adding fresh water as needed. The first seedlings will hatch the very next day. It is recommended to use three-day sprouts, which are poured over with boiling water to remove bitterness.

    There is another method of sprouting beans: they are sorted out and soaked overnight in cold water. The next morning, washed, placed in a sterilized glass jar. A piece of gauze is fixed on the neck with an elastic band. Pour water into a plate and place the jar upside down at an angle of about 45 degrees. This will allow the grains to absorb moisture.

    They keep the entire structure 4 hours a day in the light, and the rest of the time in the dark, adding water as it evaporates. Use sprouts white-yellow color when they reach a length of 10 mm. grow more long time do not follow, as the taste of the brown long shoots disappears.

    Sprouts are stored for two days in the refrigerator, wrapped in damp gauze, but it is better to eat immediately raw or fried in oil with the addition of chicken meat, mushrooms and other ingredients. Sprouts are added to a variety of salads.

    To prepare the “Korean-style” snack, they remove the husks from sprouted beans, which will take one and a half glasses, fill them completely with soy sauce. Add a medium onion chopped into thin half rings, previously fried in oil, and two tomatoes cut into strips. Mix and put in the refrigerator. A healthy snack will be ready to serve in 14 hours.


    Recipes for cooking oriental dishes using mung beans are diverse. Golden Rule, on the implementation of which the taste of the finished dish depends, consists in pre-soaking the beans. If they are young, then you can limit yourself to one hour, but most often it is recommended to keep them overnight. This technique will ensure good cooking of cereals during cooking.

    Recipes usually specify the duration of soaking. For stews, quick soups beans are soaked for a long time. If a long-term preparation of food with many ingredients is expected, then it is enough to soak the mung bean in water for one hour or a little longer.


    Washed under cold running water, the beans are soaked overnight. In the morning, the liquid is drained, the mung bean is rinsed and transferred to a saucepan. Fill with water, maintaining a ratio of 1: 2.5. Boil at low heat for 30 minutes.

    Salt is added 10 minutes before the dish is ready. Boiled and fried mushrooms, browned carrots with onions can be introduced into the same interval. Just before the end of cooking, add your favorite spices and butter to the porridge.

    Soup-puree "Dal" (India)

    Bring two liters of water to a boil. Put two bay leaves, a cinnamon stick, pour pre-soaked beans (200 g) and cook at a slow boil for 20 minutes. Add three grated carrots mixed with butter (50 g) and a teaspoon of turmeric.

    Continue to cook the soup until the beans are completely softened. Roasted in a small amount cumin seed oil - 1.5 teaspoons mixed with two pods of dried red pepper. When the spices darken, add a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and two cloves of finely chopped garlic. Mix and send to the pan. Cook until done for another five minutes. Sour cream is added to bowls before serving.

Mung bean, which is actually not quite a cereal, but a variety of legumes that goes in the relatives of peas and beans, its benefits and harms to the body, how to cook mung bean correctly and tasty - this is our hero, to whom today's article on the alternative health website will be devoted website.

What kind of mung bean, its taste, photo, price

Mash or mung beans It has great amount useful properties. The pea relative looks like glossy, green beans. It originates from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India. On the this moment it is known all over the world, but it is most widely used in Thailand, China and Indonesia. In Kenya, the product is one of the main cash crops. The taste of beans is similar to, but has some flavor. Some write - nutty, but I didn’t feel a nut there.

In Russia, for some reason, it was initially customary that mung bean was called cereals, perhaps for its ability to saturate the body qualitatively and for a long time, legumes are successfully used in fasting, allowing your body to replenish well-digestible vegetable protein with its help.

Pretty important question - mung bean price? Since it is produced by many manufacturers of useful and healthy food in different packages by volume, it turned out to be not so easy to calculate its price per kg, as we used to evaluate other products. The spread is large from 120 to 250 rubles per kilogram.

If you have never tried it, I give advice - buy these green beans by weight in Auchan, 100 grams, it will not greatly affect your wallet, but you will try and decide whether you want to include it in your diet or not. The day before yesterday the price was 220 rubles per kg, I cost 27, throwing three or four zhmenki of this satisfying exotic into a bag.

Composition, calorie content

The calorie content of dry cereals leaves 300 calories per 100 grams. The calorie content of cooked cereals is only 103 calories per 100 grams, which is quite a bit. 100 grams contains as much as 23 grams of protein, which has vegetable origin and almost completely absorbed by humans, and 44 grams of carbohydrates.

These carbohydrates are "slow" and give the body a long-lasting feeling of fullness without the desire to snack on the go. Mung beans contain more than 18 amino acids.

Also, cereals are rich in sodium, magnesium and potassium, and help to significantly improve the digestion process and clean out the entire intestine. The widely presented B vitamins have a regulating and relaxing effect on the nerves. There are also vitamins C, K, A, E.

Phosphorus helps improve performance excretory systems organism, fights stress, provides positive impact on vision, and also strengthens bone tissue, joints and regulates renal activity.

Useful properties of mung beans for the body

  1. Legumes of this species, exotic in our area, have a positive effect on people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  2. suffering from high level cholesterol, you also need to add these beans to your diet. Due to the abundance of fiber in digestion, the product creates a gel mixture that helps to eliminate toxins. Also, thanks to dietary fiber, it contributes. With regular use in the diet, mung bean helps to normalize blood pressure and improving overall well-being.
  3. Mung bean has elements that help inhibit the replication of cancer cells. Best Results shows in the fight against breast cancer.
  4. This type of legume has anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists have found the benefits of mung beans in the prevention and treatment of sepsis.
  5. Regular consumption of the pea relative can have anti-aging properties. This is due to phytoestrogens. They activate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. This helps the skin look younger and fresher.
  6. Groats are often used in their diet by people seeking to lose weight, due to the dietary fiber and much-needed protein for the body. Also, a large amount of dietary fiber normalizes digestion and stabilizes cholesterol in the blood. An indispensable useful property of mung beans for losing weight will be to reduce the desire for sweets and stabilize appetite.
  7. invaluable medicinal properties masha for : due low level glycemic index, the product helps keep blood sugar at normal level. good effect can be achieved even after 2 months of admission, but it is advisable to use young sprouts.
  8. Mung beans help cleanse the body. They also help in detoxification and elimination of toxins.
  9. Krupa improves the development of the intellect and helps to improve memory. Also thanks to phosphorus and magnesium, it has a beneficial effect on brain development. Therefore, it is very useful for the child's body.
  10. Bean powder helps to cleanse the skin, reduces enlarged pores. The skin becomes soft and healthy. Porridge of boiled mung bean nourishing mask smoothes and tightens the skin. The face becomes healthier and smoother.
  11. Thanks to the large amount of B vitamins in the composition of the product, it accelerates growth and helps to improve the texture of the hair.
  12. Mung bean is also useful for women during menopause. Experts say that the amino acids in it help stabilize and improve hormonal background women.
  13. Legumes - a favorite and very important product for vegetarians and supporters healthy eating, because due to their significant protein content, they perfectly replace meat. As we said above, 100 grams of the product contains as much as 23 grams of protein.
  14. Vitamins from group C help maintain immunity and fight colds, which is essential for the body in the cold season.
  15. A decoction of cereals is used for edema and as a gargle when the first signs appear. colds and .
  16. Mung bean gruel should be applied to the affected skin for burns and inflammatory processes. Also, lotions have a beneficial effect on dermatitis and rashes.

Our hero shows the best results when taken in a germinated form, as well as. Thus, the body receives a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

What diseases should definitely include mung bean in your diet

  1. Diseases of cardio-vascular system- hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  2. bone diseases - arthrosis, arthritis;
  3. endocrine pathologies - diabetes mellitus;
  4. women during menopause.

It is also worth thinking about expanding your food preferences to vegetarians, deeply religious, often fasting people, comrades and citizens who are always on diets and who want to lose weight without harm to the body, parents of small children - mung bean will be needed to reinforce the performance of the children's brain, its full development .

Contraindications, harmful mung bean for health

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties of mung bean for health, it also has contraindications. because of great content oligosaccharides, it can still contribute to increased gas formation and complicate the digestion process. BUT, to a much lesser extent than peas and beans.

There is also individual intolerance, but it is extremely rare. With caution, these legumes should be consumed:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during breastfeeding;
  • people with metabolic disorders;
  • with allergies to components in the composition of the culture;
  • people with diseases urinary system and kidneys, as the beans have a diuretic property.

Sprouting mung bean

mung bean sprouts- a high-vitamin product, especially useful for fasting people. Young beans (not older than two years) are best suited for this purpose.

You need to take a container in which you need to make holes. Gauze is spread at the bottom of the dishes. This container must be placed in a container that is even larger in size. Beans need to be filled with water. The water level should not rise above the grain. Containers must be placed in a warm place. After four hours, it will be necessary to pour clean water. You need to repeat this procedure twice.

Mash will start to give the first shoots the very next day. You can eat them in three days. Before taking, be sure to rinse in running water. If the sprouts have a slightly bitter taste, they need to be poured over with boiling water.

The sprouts, whose size does not yet exceed one centimeter, have the maximum benefit. sprouts similar size are extremely beneficial to the body.

You can store young sprouts for up to five days in the refrigerator, but with a half-covered lid to help them breathe.

Sprouted sprouts have a very unusual and sweet taste. They can be added to salads, or consumed separately, seasoned with vegetable or, fried in a pan, and also eaten together with other germinated sprouts, such as wheat, green or rye.

It is best to store cereals in glass bowls, as plastic can damage the beans. bad taste. When dry and without moisture, the beans can be stored for many years.

Before cooking, the cereal must be sorted out and washed to prevent stones or hardened grains from getting on the table. The most important rule for cooking beans is mandatory soaking, as the cereal takes a long time to cook, and the soaking process helps to speed up this process.

If there is confidence that the cereal is young, then only an hour should be enough. Otherwise, it is best to soak the beans in water overnight. Soaking time also depends on the choice of dish. The faster the cooking process, the more time the cereal needs to soak.

After soaking, you can start cooking mung bean. It is necessary to cook the beans on a very slow fire, it is necessary to remove the foam and peel, which will float during cooking. The product is best combined with vegetables, seafood and chicken meat. Friendly with garlic, ginger.

In Central Asia, a vegetarian pilaf is prepared from the product (red or brown rice, onions, carrots, spices, mung bean). It is less heavy than traditional lamb pilaf, but also very satisfying.

Most often, soups are prepared from it. They can be made from a whole bean or soup puree. Other uses for food are pasta and garnish for meat. Noodles are made from flour in Asian countries.

It is best to use mung bean at lunchtime, so that the cereal has time to digest and does not bother digestive system. Regular consumption of dishes prepared from these legumes contributes to the normalization of metabolism, and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Sprouted bean sprouts are used to eat raw foodists and fans of healthy eating trends. The reason is a lot of substances useful for the body, which are not found in dry grain. So what is useful sprouted beans, how to germinate them at home and what dishes from sprouted beans can enrich daily diet, sprouted beans benefits and harms - read everything in the article.

From this article you will learn:

Sprouted beans benefits and harms for food

Germination of dry grains of cereals and legumes for human consumption recent times gained very great popularity, and of course, it did not pass by the beans. artificial stimulation natural process the appearance of sprouts from seeds leads to significant changes in their composition.

In the vegetative mechanism, beans are containers filled with the nutrient base needed for the emergence of new plants. In dry form, they are "canned" in the form of complex carbohydrates, fats and organic compounds. A weak and undeveloped sprout is not able to accept such nutrition, therefore, when immersed in an environment close to that in which the grain is located after planting, these substances are actively converted. So complex carbohydrates are decomposed into sugars, fats - fatty acid. Grain content increases organic acids, amino acids, minerals and other extremely useful nutrients.

What is useful sprouted beans for eating:

  • in addition to vitamins of group B and PP, there is a significant proportion ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, tocopherol, phylloquinone and cholecalciferol;
  • beans contain more than 15 amino acids, including those that are not produced by the body on its own;
  • the mineral base is represented by potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese and iron.

The beneficial properties of sprouted beans are obvious - a combination of such a variety of nutrients helps to strengthen vascular walls, stabilization of the central nervous system, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing the body's defenses against viruses, infections and cancerous pathologies.

The inclusion of such saturated product in balanced diet increases general well-being, makes brain work fast and efficient, raises muscle tone and slows down the aging process. Due big share iron in the composition increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood, which improves the transport quality of blood - cells and tissues are better supplied with oxygen.

As well as ordinary beans, sprouted bean sprouts help to improve digestive functions and remove toxins, toxins and stagnant ballast from the intestines. The reviews of the unusual product also mention the diuretic and sugar-lowering effect and the cleansing of the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol.

Sprouted bean porridge or salad can be very nutritious and good start days for people with weak immunity, beriberi, metabolic disorders, overweight and atherosclerosis.


There are no characteristic contraindications, in addition to personal intolerance, for eating sprouted beans. However, due to the unusual nature of the new product for the body, caution must be exercised during the first experience of use. Watching the reaction, you should stop using if there is allergic manifestations. You should not abuse it - due to the characteristics of legumes, overeating can provoke gas formation, bloating, obstruction, or even constipation.

Most often, it is impossible to find a store near the house offering sprouted beans for food. Therefore, you have to master the technology of creating a useful phyto-product on your own.

First of all, you should know that only mung beans and adzuki varieties are suitable for germination. Beans of other varieties and varieties contain a large amount of toxins, due to which they can only be consumed strongly boiled.

How to make sprouted beans:

  • First, it must be carefully sorted out, throwing out garbage and damaged beans, since nothing good will come of them.
  • Then - choose the right dishes. It should be a container with a flat bottom of a large area in which drainage holes can be made to drain excess liquid.
  • Another thicket is needed, of a larger size, into which water from the main tank will drain.
  • At the bottom of the germination dish, gauze should be laid in several layers, and grains should be poured over it in 1-2 layers.
  • Next, the beans are filled with water to a level just below full closure.
  • Gauze folded in several layers is again laid on top to preserve moisture.

In this form, the beans should be put in a warm place and watered several times during the day to maintain a humid environment. The liquid that accumulates in the cup should be drained periodically. If the first sprouts hatch in 1-2 days, everything is done correctly, and watering should be continued. In a few more days, the sprouts will gain a significant length and be enriched with useful substances.

How to eat sprouted beans: recipes

Sprouted bean salad is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the culinary use of this “vegetable”. However, its scope can be much wider. Recipes for dishes with juicy crispy sprouts prescribe to pass and blanch them as part of vegetable side dishes, add to soups or hot dishes. From sprouts kidney beans you can also squeeze the juice, enriching fruit and vegetable smoothies and cocktails. Such young greens in the kitchen go well with meat and fish.

Sprouted beans in Korean

This is one of the most simple recipes cooking fresh bean sprouts. Lung and healthy dish can be a good side dish for meat, but looks quite good on its own. So, sprouted beans in Korean, cooking:

  1. Rinse the sprouts under running water cool water and put on the bottom of a large saucepan, slightly crushed.
  2. Pour in water to completely cover the beans.
  3. Transfer the pot to high heat and cook for six minutes. After half the time, you need to halve the fire. All this time, the beans should be covered with a lid.
  4. After that, you need to remove the pan from the heat and strain through a colander.

Even before cooling, boiled sprouts need to be well flavored with spices that are more to your liking. For a “Korean” dish, of course, you need chili pepper and a little vinegar, but sesame seeds, garlic powder, soy sauce, and other additives are no less tasty. A tonic vitamin salad can be made by adding chopped carrots to these beans, bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes or lettuce.

Sprouted bean sprouts and soy salad


  • soy and bean sprouts - 150 g each;
  • dried tomatoes - 60 g;
  • fresh bell pepper - ½ pcs;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - ½ tsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 40 ml;
  • salt, ground pepper - optional.

First you need to rinse the sprouted soybeans and beans. You can use only one of these products in the amount of 0.3 kg. An hour and a half before the start of cooking, you need to soak the tomatoes in water. Then they need to be cut into strips, but not too finely, and bell pepper - into small strips.

Now a pot of water is taken, brought to a boil, and sprouts are lowered in a colander for cooking for 5-7 minutes. While the soybeans and beans are scalding, you can finely chop the garlic and mix with vinegar and vegetable oil. For a good flavor, you need to crush the pieces of garlic in a vinegar-oil marinade with a teaspoon. After discarding the water from the boiled sprouts, you need to mix them with chopped vegetables, mix well and season with the prepared dressing.

If you do not want the sprouts to stop being crispy, or there are suspicions that cooking will deprive the sprouts of their main benefit, simply scalding them with boiling water is enough.

How to cook stewed bean sprouts with mushrooms

Required products:

  • sprouts - 250 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • champignons (can be frozen) - 300 g;
  • olive oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  • spices and salt - to personal taste.

Cooking order:

  1. Sort the sprouts bought and prepared at home and rinse in a colander with cold water.
  2. Heat the pan and lightly fry the onion, cut into half rings, in vegetable oil.
  3. Add mushrooms and continue frying.
  4. If frozen mushrooms are used, increase the intensity of the fire and defrost them under the lid.
  5. Using fresh mushrooms add a little water and simmer for 6-7 minutes over low heat.
  6. Transfer the bean sprouts to the skillet and continue cooking, covered, until the sprouts are soft but retain their shape.
  7. Season with spices and salt, be sure to add a little ground cinnamon.
  8. Cook until water evaporates.

Stewed sprouted beans with mushrooms looks great on its own and goes well with a poultry or meat base.

Sprouted beans are a versatile ingredient that can be added to any dish, making it healthier. The main thing is not to forget that most of the nutrients in it are stored in fresh, and the most "economical" way heat treatment- extinguishing.

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