Hormonal contraceptives list of drugs. What birth control pills are best and how to take them. Types of female phenotypes

Modern hormonal birth control pills can be divided into several groups, each of which suits a certain category of women. This takes into account the age, whether the woman gave birth or not yet, whether she suffers from any hormonal or other body disorders.

1. Combined birth control pills

Contraception for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who have regular sex life, in case of contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives (estrogens). These drugs have fewer side effects and a slightly lower degree of reliability.

Name Compound Notes
ExlutonLinestrenol 500 mcg.Monophasic drug latest generation. Can be taken during lactation (breastfeeding).
CharosettaDesogestrel 0.075 mg.New monophasic drug. For estrogen intolerant women and breastfeeding mothers.
NorkolutNorethisterone 500 mcg.monophasic drug.
MicroluteLevonorgestrel 300 mcg.monophasic drug.
MicronorNorethisterone 350 mcg.monophasic drug.

Sikirina Olga Iosifovna

It is difficult to say how barbaric modern methods of contraception will be considered by our descendants, because the most progressive and safe contraceptives of two hundred years ago look today as an instrument of torture. It is known, for example, that in the Middle Ages, women put iron caps on the cervix, lubricated it with a solution of mercury and lead, and inserted pessaries made of steel wire into it and caused infection and bedsores. reproductive organs. At different times and different countries contraceptives were repeatedly banned by the authorities, then by the church, so devices such as a vaginal syringe or vaginal douche, which were used to cleanse the internal female organs, periodically appeared on the market.

Current contraceptives promote the principle of safety and guaranteed protection against unwanted pregnancy. Three types of contraceptives are justified and approved by official medicine: physiological, barrier and drug.

  • Barrier. Prevent sperm from entering the uterus. The most famous barrier contraceptive is the condom (both male and female). Other barrier contraceptives are intrauterine devices, contraceptive sponges, cervical caps, and spermicides.
  • Physiological. Involved in sexual intercourse certain days female cycle when the risk of getting pregnant is minimal. Another method of physiological control is the method of PPA (coitus interruptus).
  • Medical. Presented by pills, as well as vaginal rings and spirals that release hormones that block the onset of ovulation.

When prescribing a certain method of contraception to a woman, gynecologists often give her the opportunity to choose independently. suitable means from a number of similar ones. But how to do this if the same drug has dozens of analogues that are identical in composition and mode of action? The rating of the best contraceptives takes into account the opinion of other women, the cost of drugs, the correspondence between the expected effect and the real one, as well as the presence of additional benefits and side effects.

Please note that the information below is not a buying guide. Consultation needed with a specialist!

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best birth control pills

It has long been proven that a prolonged absence of pregnancy can disrupt a woman's health, provoking hormonal failure, as well as mental and organ diseases associated with it. The Frenchman Verne Bullo, a historian by profession, spoke about this back in the 19th century: “If a woman is not regularly pregnant, she will suffer from hysteria and from a whole category somatic symptoms, stimulating almost any kind physical illness or mental condition.” At the same time, unwanted pregnancies and abortions can cause as much harm to a woman as prolonged absence of pregnancy.

Hormonal contraceptives are chosen by millions of women around the world as the preferred method of contraception. They do not affect the sensations during intercourse and are guaranteed to protect against unwanted pregnancy and the consequences of its absence. The action of hormonal contraceptives is based on the prevention of ovulation. Scientists have calculated that at the time of birth, the girl's ovaries contain about 1 million follicles that can become eggs, and by the age of 37 there are only 25,000 of them. Hormonal drugs do not allow the body to ovulate, so the woman's ovarian reserve remains full. Meanwhile, hormonal pills have not only advantages, but also an impressive list of side effects, often life-threatening.

3 Lactinet

The best contraceptive for adult women
Country: Hungary
Average price: 675 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Unlike Jess and Marvelon, Lactinet contains the only active ingredient - desogestrel. Belongs to the category of mini-pills (drugs containing a minimum amount of hormones). Lactinet mini-pills are often prescribed for lactating women with an active menstrual cycle, as well as for those women who are contraindicated in combined OK. Lactinet is one of the few oral contraceptives prescribed smoking women and women over 45 years of age.

Another feature of the Hungarian OK is that its protective effect against unwanted pregnancy is somewhat lower than that of modern COCs. For this reason, the drug is not recommended for use by women in active reproductive age (up to 30 years). Other than that, it's pretty efficient. contraceptive, which has less than modern pills, a list of contraindications and side effects.


  • allowed during lactation;
  • does not affect weight gain;
  • suitable for those who are intolerant to synthetic estrogens.


  • provokes the occurrence of mastopathy;
  • violates the menstrual cycle during the reception;
  • causes depression;
  • causes nausea at the beginning of the course.

2 Marvelon

The cheapest tool
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 1,425 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Combined contraceptive drug from the Dutch company Organon. Approved for use by women over 35 years of age, as it contains a reduced amount active components. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it normalizes the volume of secretions and eliminates pain syndrome during menstruation. It can be used as a means of emergency contraception, but not more than 1 time in 6 months. The effectiveness of Marvelon as a postcoital agent does not exceed 80%.

According to women who took Marvelon, the drug has a negative effect on the ability to get pregnant if it has been used for many years, so it is recommended to drink these pills in courses. Considering increased risk the occurrence of thrombosis, before taking the drug, it is recommended to be examined by a hematologist, hepatologist and vascular surgeon.


  • is inexpensive;
  • normalizes the cycle;
  • increases libido.


  • causes acne;
  • thickens the blood;
  • increases appetite.

1 Jess

The best birth control pills
Country: Germany
Average price: 922 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Jess is a combined oral contraceptive from the German pharmaceutical company Bayer. The active ingredients are drospirenone and ethinylestradiol. Used to protect against unwanted pregnancy severe forms PMS and also for acne treatment. The contraceptive effect of the pills is based on blocking ovulation and changing the quality of cervical mucus, which becomes too thick for sperm to move.

Unlike other COCs with the same active ingredient, the Jess formula has been improved: it uses the latest (4th) generation drospironene, and each tablet contains 1.5 times less ethinylestradiol than other COCs. For this reason, Jess is less likely than other drugs to cause swelling, mastopathy and weight gain.


  • eliminates menstrual pain;
  • improves skin condition.


  • the cycle is restored for a long time after the completion of the Jess course;
  • addictive;
  • reduces libido;
  • causes migraines.

The best birth control candles

Contraceptive suppositories belong to the category of spermicidal contraceptives. Operating principle chemical spermicides consists in the destruction of the membrane of spermatozoa: interacting with spermatozoa, the components of the drug destroy their membrane, separate the head from the tail, depriving them of the ability to move. Especially strong spermatozoa, however, are still able to get to the egg and fertilize it. This can be fraught with the birth of a child with certain physical deformities. Such a relationship has not been proven, but many women testify to this. It is not recommended to use such contraceptives regularly, because the acids contained in the candles can have a negative effect on the condition of the mucous membrane in the vagina, as well as on the cervix. Candles are not distinguished by the highest contraceptive ability. According to statistics, 15 out of 100 women who use birth control candles become pregnant within a year.

Thus, contraceptive suppositories are convenient option protection for women who have infrequent sex. Candles are ideal as an additional contraceptive - when the pill regimen has been violated or during the completion of lactation. The undoubted advantages of this method of contraception are the absence of a systemic effect on the body and the safety of intimate sensations.

3 Gynecotex

The best cost contraceptive candles
Country Russia
Average price: 140 rubles
Rating (2018): 4.7

Gynecotex suppositories use the same active ingredient as Pharmatex suppositories - benzalkonium chloride, so these products are similar. Fundamental difference Gynekotex from Pharmatex - in cost: Russian candles are about 3 times cheaper than German ones. Some women note that these suppositories dissolve somewhat worse in the vagina and give more foam.


  • are inexpensive;
  • do not cause burning;
  • protect against infections.


  • dissolve for a long time.

2 Patentex Oval

Most popular remedy
Country: Germany
Average price: 370 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The main active ingredient in Pantex Oval is nonoxynol. Included in many contraceptives as a lubricant: due to its spermicidal properties, it enhances the contraceptive effect cervical caps, condoms, sponges and vaginal films. When interacting with a sperm cell, it damages its membrane, thereby depriving it of the ability to dissolve the egg cell membrane. The time required for the destruction of the spermatozoon is 40 seconds (10 times more than that of Pharmatex). The drug does not have bactericidal and antiviral properties, therefore it cannot be used as protection against STIs. There are studies proving that nonoxynol contributes to human morbidity with certain types of human papillomavirus.


  • effective;
  • quickly dissolve;
  • have a stimulating effect.


  • have an unpleasant odor;
  • cause itching;
  • foam excessively.

1 Pharmatex

The best birth control candles
Country: France
Average price: 349 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The main component of the drug is benzalkonium chloride. This drug has been used in medicine since 1935. It has not only a contraceptive effect, but also an antiviral (protects against infection with viruses herpes simplex), antifungal and antiprotozoal. The substance has an instant effect on the sperm: its shell is completely destroyed within 10 seconds after contact with benzalkonium chloride. The rest of the drugs in this group require at least 30 seconds. Due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, the drug is able to increase the amount of secreted mucus, which has an additional contraceptive effect.


  • have a pleasant smell;
  • dissolve in 5 minutes;
  • protect against infections.


The best intrauterine contraceptive coils

The intrauterine device is a contraceptive that has been well known since the Ancient China. In the past, coils were made from aluminum wire and wood, but today they are made from hypoallergenic plastic impregnated with anti-inflammatory compounds. According to its action, the spiral refers to barrier, abortive and spermicidal agents at the same time.

  • Decreased fertility. The presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus contributes to the production of proteins that inhibit the maturation of the egg. As a result, ovulation is inhibited and fertilization does not occur.
  • abortive effect. Located inside the uterus, the spiral negatively affects the endometrium, inhibiting its growth and ability to accept a fertilized egg. In fact, the spiral provokes a miscarriage on early dates pregnancy.
  • spermicidal effect. In response to the located spiral, superficial inflammation occurs inside the uterus. As a result of inflammation, the alkaline environment in the uterus is replaced by an acidic environment that is detrimental to spermatozoa and contributes to their destruction. To increase the acidity of the intrauterine space, copper is additionally used in the spirals, which stimulates the release of an acid secret.
  • Barrier contraceptive effect. Inflammatory process causes irritation of the cervical canal, which, in turn, produces increased amount thick cervical mucus that prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) - reliable and effective method preventing unwanted pregnancy, which, however, is associated with the creation of a focus of chronic infection in the body.

3 Spiral Nova T

The most accessible hormonal spiral
Country: Germany (made in Finland)
Average price: 800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Nova T is a non-hormonal coil shaped like the letter T. Its base is made of hypoallergenic plastic, which is wrapped with copper wire. In order to enhance the radiopacity, barium sulfate is added to the plastic - it allows you to determine the position of the spiral during x-ray examination if required.


  • not felt by partners during sex;
  • has an affordable price.


  • provokes copious discharge during menstruation;
  • increases pain during menstruation;
  • reduces sex drive.

2 Mirena

The best hormonal spiral
Country: Finland
Average price: 11500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Mirena belongs to the category of hormone-containing spirals, therefore, the principle of its action is similar to that of hormonal pills. The fundamental difference is only in the way hormones are delivered to the body. True, according to some women, the hormonal spiral, unlike OK, does not cause increased appetite, does not provoke swelling and does not cause irritation of the digestive system. Like Multiload, Mirena is installed for 5 years.


  • normalizes hormonal background;
  • inexpensive hormonal contraceptive;
  • reliably protects against pregnancy.


  • requires large one-time costs;
  • causes back pain
  • contraindicated in the presence of benign tumors.

1 Multiload

The best intrauterine device
Country: Ireland
Average price: 2800 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Multiload is a spiral made of plastic and copper. It looks like a rounded T with uneven surfaces that prevent the spiral from slipping out of the uterus. Aseptic inflammation in the uterus is provoked by a copper wire wrapped around a plastic carrier. Interacting with alkaline environment, copper wire releases about 30 micrograms of copper oxide daily. The contraceptive effect of Multiload lasts for 5 years.


  • reliably protects against pregnancy;
  • economical;
  • does not fall out.


  • provokes inflammation;
  • increases the duration of menstruation;
  • causes discomfort after installation.

The best barrier contraceptives

Barrier contraception is the oldest, cheapest, most versatile and common method of contraception. A typical representative of this category is the condom. Less known are contraceptive sponges and rings, cervical caps, vaginal films and diaphragms, as well as chemical barrier agents (candles, aerosols, gels). There are practically no contraindications to the use of these drugs, so they are ideal for those who have intolerance to OK or IUDs. Some of barrier contraceptives able to prevent premature ejaculation in men, protect against STIs and allergic reactions on ejaculate in women. The main disadvantage of barrier agents is that they only work when they are used. Our rating includes the best barrier contraceptives - the Nuvaring ring and Pharmatex sponges.

2 Contraceptive sponges Pharmatex

The best spermicide
Country: France
Average price: 65 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Contraceptive sponges as a barrier method have been used by women for many centuries: in ancient times they were sea sponges soaked in oils, and today they are polyurethane foam soaked in chemical spermicidal compounds. Pharmatex sponges use benzalkonium chloride as a spermicide. Unlike contraceptive suppositories, the sponge has not only a spermicidal effect, but also a mechanical one - it physically prevents the penetration of spermatozoa into the cervix. After installing the sponge, the partners can immediately begin the PA, and in the case of repeated sexual intercourse, they do not need to insert a new sponge into the vagina, as it retains its effect during the day.


  • does not flow;
  • convenient to enter;
  • long-term;
  • has a pleasant smell.


  • inconveniently removed;
  • hard to find in pharmacies.

1 Contraceptive ring Novaring

The best hormonal contraceptive
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 1050 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Nuvaring is one of the methods hormonal contraception, which uses, however, a fundamentally different method of administering hormones - vaginal. Due to this, the hormone does not pass through the liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it does not affect them. negative impact. The ring releases the minimum required amount of the hormone throughout the day, which eliminates hormonal surges during the day (as is the case with oral contraceptives) and creates an even hormonal background. Another advantage of the tool is the confidentiality of its use: the ring is easy to install on your own, it is not felt during intercourse and does not require removal after. Duration of action - 3 weeks. After 21 days, the ring is removed, and after 7 days it is installed again.


  • set once a month;
  • does not cause nausea;
  • has less pronounced side effects compared to OK.


  • sometimes falls out when straining;
  • causes headache;
  • provokes the development of vaginitis;
  • allergic;
  • enhances appetite.

Hormonal contraception is a very popular way to protect against unwanted pregnancies. Its application is quite simple, the main thing is not to forget to take a pill on time, and everything will be fine. How does this method work? The tablets contain a special hormone derived synthetically, it is similar to natural hormones that secrete the ovaries. This tool is quite effective as a contraceptive.

Tablets for daily use

Types of hormonal contraception are not limited to pills. But they are the most sought after due to their ease of use. The most popular are combined drugs. They contain two hormones - estrogen and progestogen, the amount of which varies from tablet to tablet or not.

In monophasic contraceptives, estrogens and gestagens are constant, but in multiphasic contraceptives it changes. Every gynecologist has a list of hormonal contraceptives of both types. But usually the drugs of first choice are monophasic tablets. They are more reliable in the sense that it is more difficult to make a mistake with their reception. But confusion when taking multi-phase drugs can result in extraordinary uterine bleeding and pregnancy. In addition, when taking a multi-phase drug, a woman will not have the opportunity to sometimes "skip" menstruation, delay their onset if critical days unsuccessfully fell on vacation days, for example.

Taking hormonal contraceptives can also be used as a conservative treatment. It is known that hormonal drugs have a beneficial effect on the endometrium, reduce the risk of cancer. Endometriosis treatment with hormonal contraceptives is also often performed. it excellent tool to contain the development of the disease, when pregnancy is not yet planned, but menopause is still far away. The most commonly prescribed drug in this case is "Janine". Hormonal contraceptives new generation, that is, the latest, are also well suited for these purposes. Their difference lies in the fact that they contain the so-called natural estrogen. The drug is called Qlaira and is often prescribed to women over 35 years of age.

Hormonal contraceptives of the fourth generation, although they contain synthetic estrogen, are also not bad, their names are: Angelique, Jess, Dimia, Midiana and others. That is, those that contain synthetic progesterone - drospirenone. It is believed that it less often provokes puffiness, helps to get rid of seborrhea, acne.

Non-combined hormonal contraceptive pills contain only gestagens - synthetic progesterone, and they are more suitable for nursing mothers. This drug should be taken every day. They have one side effect - possible bloody issues between periods in the first few months of use, but they usually stop thereafter. Such hormonal contraceptives are also called mini-pills.

They operate in the following way. Gestagen changes quality characteristics cervical mucus, making it very dense, inaccessible to the penetration of spermatozoa. Peristalsis fallopian tubes weakens, and the endometrium does not grow favorable for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives that do not contain estrogens are usually milder. Their intake is less likely to lead to problems with the veins, overweight, headaches. Although everything is individual.

emergency contraception

Postcoital contraceptives or hormonal tablets of the next day contain loading doses of active substances - hormones. They are taken within 3-5 days after intercourse if there is a chance of becoming pregnant. Drugs have a negative effect on the body, and they should not be used more than once every six months. The action of hormonal contraceptives in this case often leads to a violation menstrual cycle. Commercial names of emergency contraceptive drugs: Postinor, Escapel, Ginepriston, Zhenale.

Injections, patches, coils and rings

Prolonged drugs are injections that are made based on 1-5 months. They contain special substances that prevent pregnancy.

Much longer, up to 5 years, the hormonal spiral, also known as Mirena, works. It is good because it practically does not systemic action on the body, it local contraceptive. The downside is that it is installed inside the uterus, and therefore is not recommended for nulliparous women, as well as for those women who have serious uterine defects.

A simpler option is subcutaneous implants, they look like silicone capsules, they are injected under the skin on the shoulder, they release a special substance every day that prevents unwanted pregnancy. One capsule is valid for 5 years. The most common implant is the Norplant. A side effect is spotting between periods during the first year.

There are also vaginal rings on the market. The hormonal ring, which can be purchased at Russian pharmacies, is called NovaRing. The content of estrogen in it is minimal, so many side effects can be avoided. Unless with the exception of intermenstrual daubing, which occurs just because of low dosages of estrogen, and thrush, provoked by a long stay of the ring in the vagina.

Convenience, which consists in the absence of the need for daily pills, is also provided by the Evra hormonal patch. But doctors cannot call it safer or more effective. Nevertheless, tablets have been studied by doctors better, and therefore are more often recommended.

How the pills work

The action of oral contraceptives is quite complex. This is the suppression of ovulation, a change in function corpus luteum, structures of the endometrium.
And what about implantation? A fertilized egg or blastocyst, 5-6 days after fertilization, should attach to the wall of the uterus. In order for this to happen, the walls of the uterus must be ready for this, the surface glands must secrete the necessary amount of secretion, and the endometrium must be of a certain structure. However, contraceptives change the ratio of estrogens and progesterone, and this is reflected in the inner lining of the uterus. It no longer corresponds to the parameters under which implantation could occur.

We can say that if you do not violate the rules for taking pills, then the effectiveness of this method is 100%. In addition, they are convenient to use, and the effectiveness does not depend on the sexual contact itself. The body easily restores the function of childbearing when hormonal contraceptives are canceled. Here it should also be said about the rebound effect, when the ovaries, when the drug that inhibits their work is canceled, begin to produce eggs twice as efficiently. That's why multiple pregnancy after taking hormonal contraceptives occurs more often.

Before you start taking contraceptives, you should definitely consult your doctor. You should not start drinking drugs on the advice and experience of friends and acquaintances, because what suits one organism may be contraindicated in another. The question of how to choose hormonal contraceptives is best addressed to a gynecologist.

In addition, there are certain contraindications, diseases in which it is impossible to take drugs. These include cardiovascular disease, liver disease, diabetes, severe obesity, and kidney pathology. Such drugs are not recommended for women over 40 who smoke.

Hormonal contraception can lead to some complications and changes in the body. They are insignificant if you initially did not have any diseases. This remedy for pregnancy is quite common, effective and safe.

The latest birth control pills: freedom of choice. Hormonal and non-hormonal, used after the act. Which of them is better to use?


The main priorities of modern medicine - concern for the preservation reproductive health women, protection and ensuring safe motherhood. It is no secret that Russia is in one of the first places in terms of the number of abortions. Abortion is real operation which often leads to infertility, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, and even maternal death. The following conclusion can be drawn - measures to prevent abortions can help maintain a woman's health and give birth to a healthy child.

No wonder they say that children are the flowers of life. But each flower opens only at a certain time by nature. A woman has the right to give birth to a child whenever she wants, at any time in her life, so that the child is desired and happy. This fact is confirmed by law.

For the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and the prevention of abortions at a certain stage in a woman's life, an important role is played by contraception.

Contraception has been used by women since ancient times. So, even in ancient Africa, intravaginal herbal remedies were used in the form of a cocoon, and in America they used douching with decoctions of herbs, lemon juice, decoction of mahogany bark after sexual intercourse.

The number of contraceptives increased over time, but effective methods and reliable drugs appeared only in the 20th century.

New contraceptives appear almost every day. Science does not stand still. They are easy to use, reliable, safe for health, moreover, they have a therapeutic effect in certain diseases.

Currently, medicine offers various contraceptives, and a woman can always choose which methods and drugs to use. In our country, freedom of choice of contraceptives is ensured, but a woman cannot always decide on her own what is best for her. In deciding on the choice of a contraceptive, consultation of the attending physician will help - only qualified specialist can assess the state of a woman's health, determine the indications for prescribing a particular method of contraception, offer the most the best drug for the patient.

Hormonal oral contraceptives

Every year everything more women use hormonal contraceptives. In Russia, over the past ten years, the use of hormonal contraceptives has increased by more than 5 times. Reliability, ease of use, a minimum of side effects, a beneficial effect on the organs and systems of the body allow hormonal drugs to find more and more grateful fans. Women today prefer hormonal oral contraceptives as the most efficient. Combined birth control pills are the gold standard of contraception, their effectiveness is 99%. The latest hormonal contraceptives have made a splash, a real revolution among other contraceptives.

Efficiency contraceptives is estimated by experts by counting the number of unplanned pregnancies per 100 women during the year. This index is called the Pearl Index.

Types and composition of birth control pills

The first oral contraceptives appeared in the fifties and sixties of the XX century. Precursor of all drugs for practical application- contraceptive Enovid, which included 0.15 mg of mestranol and 15 mg of norethinodrel. Then the development of hormonal agents developed, and underwent the following changes:
  • New contraceptive pills began to contain small doses of hormones, while at the same time their effectiveness and reliability were maintained.
  • New analogues of female sex hormones were obtained: ethanyl estradiol and levonorgestrel.
  • Progestogens appeared III generation- norgestimate, desogestrel, gestodene.
  • The latest contraceptives have been developed - mini-pills that do not contain progestogen.
Taking drugs with a low concentration of hormones helps to reduce side effects and complications.

Combined contraceptives contain two components in their composition:
1. Synthetic estrogen ethinyl estradiol, which is the estrogenic component of the drugs.
2. Progestogen component in the form of various progestogens.

All contraceptive pills, depending on the dosage of hormones, are divided into the following types:

  • monophasic;
  • two-phase;
  • three-phase.
In monophasic hormonal contraceptives, the daily dose of active ingredients is a constant value, and the composition may vary. It is clear that monophasic preparations consist of tablets with the same dose of hormones. These tablets are of the same color and are used during one course. Popular monophasic contraceptives include: Regulon, Marvelon, Silest, Novinet, Mercilon, Rigevidon.

Biphasic drugs involve changing doses of hormones twice per course, triphasic drugs - three times. Usually such tablets for one course have a different color. Biphasic contraceptives include Anteovin, three-phase contraceptives include Tri-merci, Triquilar, Tri-regol, Triziston.

Contraceptives "mini-drank" are monophasic, and are intended for the period of breastfeeding and lactation. These include: Lactinet, Exluton, Charozetta.

The action of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) is based on blocking ovulation. This way they protect against unplanned pregnancy. Only progestogen has the ability to block the ovulation process, the dose of which is the same in all combined birth control pills. The difference between micro-dose and low-dose drugs is only in the dosage of estrogen. Estrogens affect a woman's menstrual cycle.

Depending on the dosage of the active ingredients, contraceptive pills are divided into four types:

Microdosed birth control pills
As a rule, these funds contain minimum doses the hormone ethinylestradiol. Side effects when using them are minimal. In some cases, they have the ability to eliminate hormonal disorders: acne (especially in adolescence), painful menstruation. These pills are best suited for young girls under 25 who have not given birth and are sexually active on a regular basis. They can also be used by mature women over 35 and women who have never used hormonal contraception. The most popular are: Tri-Merci, Jess, Mercilon, Lindinet -20, Klaira, Novinet.

Low dose birth control pills
The preparations contain the same ethinylestradiol, but in combination with various hormones: desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate, dienogest or levonorgestrel. These birth control pills are recommended for young women who have given birth. Apart from contraceptive action, these funds have a pronounced antiandrogenic effect: they help eliminate unwanted facial hair growth, prevent the appearance of acne and hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Popular tablets: Regulon, Belara, Marvelon, Yarina, Janine, Midiana, Femoden.

Medium dose birth control pills
As a rule, they contain two hormones: ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel. Less commonly, they may contain other combinations of hormones. Medium-dose birth control pills are intended for women who have given birth, especially over 30 years of age. They also have an antiandrogenic effect, which is important for women who have not recovered from pregnancy and childbirth. However, when choosing a drug, one condition must be observed - these drugs are not suitable for nursing. Popular tablets: Diana 35, Demulen, Tri-regol, Chloe.

High dose birth control pills
They contain ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel, but only in higher doses. These drugs are primarily used for the treatment and prevention hormonal diseases. Contraceptives of this type can be taken by women over 35 years of age, with the ineffectiveness of drugs with a low dosage of hormones. These include: Triquilar, Tri-regol, Ovidon, Milvane, Non-Ovlon.

The latest birth control pills: how to choose?

A woman wants a full life, and the fear and unwillingness of an unplanned pregnancy should not be a reason for refusing to sexual relations. There are many ways to protect. The most reliable are birth control pills.

The choice of contraceptive is difficult, it should be approached seriously.

Ideally, a specialist should deal with the selection of contraceptives, but sometimes a woman herself decides which pills to take. In these cases, it is necessary to scrupulously collect information about the remedy. Where to start?
1. Acquainted with various types contraceptive drugs.
2. Compare all the pros and cons.
3. Define your goal - decide what you want to get as a result of using oral contraceptives.

What you need to know for right choice? Let's figure it out.

A woman should find information about drugs and their effects on the body. It should be borne in mind that birth control pills differ in parameters, degree of reliability and side effects.

Combined contraceptives usually contain two analogues of female sex hormones, so they are in the first place in terms of reliability. Combined oral agents are used both for protection against pregnancy and for the treatment of diseases and hormonal disorders. Women who opt for hormonal birth control pills are still advised to consult with their doctor and undergo a hormonal study.

New contraceptives are the so-called "mini-pill". They contain only one hormone - in this regard, the reliability of drugs is 90%. Their advantage is the possibility of use during lactation, as well as by women who have estrogen intolerance (which are part of COCs).

The next type of contraceptive pill is represented by means for emergency contraception. These tablets are not intended for long-term use and are used immediately after intercourse. The content of hormones in them is very high, so these funds can be used only once a month.

Currently, contraceptives of the second - fifth generations have appeared on the market. These the latest drugs contain small dose hormones, have mild side effects. It should be understood that there are no good or bad contraceptives. There are remedies that are suitable or not suitable for a woman. Therefore, for the selection of contraceptives should be taken into account individual characteristics body of a particular woman.

With self-selection, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the phenotype - the body type of a woman.

There are the following types of female phenotype:
1. With a predominance of estrogen - estrogenic type.
2. With a balance of estrogens and progestogens - a balanced type.
3. With a predominance of gestagens and androgens - progestogen type.

The phenotype is determined by the following features: general appearance, volume and condition of the mammary glands, skin type, the nature of menstruation, the duration of the menstrual cycle, the presence of toxicosis during a previous pregnancy, the woman's body weight and a tendency to be overweight.

A balanced phenotype is characterized by average values ​​of these traits. In this case, it is recommended to take Marvelon, Triquilar, Microgynon, Triziston, Mercilon, Tri-merci, Regulon.

With the predominance of the estrogen phenotype, a very feminine appearance, very long menstrual cycle, very abundant menstruation and vaginal discharge, moderate fullness. It is advisable to take drugs such as Anteovin, Minulet, Norinil, Rigevidon, Minisiston.

With the predominance of the gestagenic phenotype, all signs are less pronounced: unfeminine appearance, small volume of the mammary glands, scanty menstruation, a short duration of the menstrual cycle, oily skin. Effective the following means Bisekurin, Chloe, Non-ovlon, Yarina, Ovidon, Jess, Janine, Claira, Diana, Midian, Belara.

No matter how carefully the choice is made, it still happens that the drug is not suitable. The ideal selection method has not yet been invented. Often you have to act by "trial and error", but sometimes this is inevitable, because the body of each woman is unique.

It has been proven that the criterion for a successful choice of a contraceptive is the absence of menstruation for three months - i.e. period of adaptation. Then this drug can be taken long time.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills

Along with hormonal contraceptives, non-hormonal contraceptive pills appeared at one time. Today, there is an increase in the popularity of these funds, which is explained by some features of their action.

The fact is that the use of non-hormonal birth control pills is not contraindicated for women immediately after childbirth, nursing mothers, as well as women who cannot take hormones. And another important detail: non-hormonal means to prevent pregnancy not only have the ability to destroy spermatozoa, but also contribute to the formation of a protective film on the vaginal mucosa, and thickening of mucus in the cervical canal. Moreover, active substances - spermicides - reduce the speed of spermatozoa, and the resulting mucus is a barrier to their penetration into the uterus. it good protection from unwanted pregnancy. Non-hormonal contraceptive pills, which is important in our time, protect a woman from sexually transmitted infections, as they have both antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

It follows that non-hormonal contraceptives can be used by many women in different periods life. The use of tablets refers to the barrier chemical method of contraception. They are easy to use, do not disrupt the hormonal background, can be used at any reproductive age of a woman, and are the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

Contraceptive pills Pharmatex

most popular non-hormonal agent for contraception currently is the drug Farmateks. Pharmatex has a spermicidal, antiseptic and antimicrobial activity.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, Pharmatex birth control pills prevent the transmission of sexual infections, reduce the risk of their consequences: infertility, miscarriage, cervical disease, tumors caused by HIV infection.

A huge advantage of using Pharmatex is that it in no way affects either the hormonal background or the vaginal microflora.

Pharmatex, like others non-hormonal pills, affects such types of microorganisms as Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia, Candida fungi, herpes virus. Pharmatex acts locally, which does not give side effects on the organs and systems of the whole organism.

Application vaginal tablets more suitable for women postpartum period, during lactation and breastfeeding, after an abortion, with an irregular sexual life, when there is no permanent partner.

Mode of application
The manufacturer of funds, as a rule, attaches instructions for use. Basically, non-hormonal vaginal tablets are inserted into the vagina to a sufficient depth 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. For more convenient introduction of tablets and other dosage forms, in the package medicinal product includes a special applicator.

It is necessary to know that before each subsequent sexual intercourse, and in the case of sexual intercourse that occurred later than two hours after the administration of the pill, it is necessary to introduce a new tablet. Of course, to a certain extent this is inconvenient, since a woman cannot afford without reintroduction pills after casual or unexpected sex. She needs to plan the time of intercourse, which is unnatural.

It is believed that the effect of the drug lasts from 40 minutes to several hours. But it must be remembered that the use of vaginal tablets is not combined with water procedures before and after sexual contact using intimate hygiene products.

In some women, the drug may cause a burning sensation in the vagina. In this case, you should consult with your doctor about continuing or canceling Pharmatex. The reliability of Pharmatex is 80-82%.

Contraceptive suppositories and creams

Although the reliability of contraception vaginal preparations less high compared to hormonal contraceptives, yet they continue to gain popularity. Unwanted pregnancy can only lead to misuse these funds.

In addition to tablets, manufacturers suggest using other dosage forms: candles, creams, ointments. The active substance in the suppositories is either nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride.

Pharmatex is also available in various forms: as vaginal suppositories, tampons, cream, capsules.

Benefits of using contraceptive suppositories
Contraceptive suppositories are easy to use, easy to insert into the vagina, and have minor side effects. Another advantage in the use of non-hormonal vaginal suppositories is the effect of additional lubrication. They are especially suitable for partners who have problems with natural lubrication and dryness in the genitals.

Vaginal suppositories protect a woman from sexually transmitted infections, are indispensable for casual sexual intercourse, with infrequent sexual intercourse, in the absence of a permanent partner.
Disadvantages in the use of contraceptive suppositories
Vaginal contraceptive suppositories can affect the microflora of the vagina, since in their composition, in addition to the active substance, they have acids. Burning and itching, allergic rashes that occur when using candles, are an indication for their cancellation.

Candles are vaginal. The candle is inserted into the vagina 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The drug works for 4 hours.

Tampon vaginal. The tampon is taken out of the package, with the help of a finger, it is inserted into the vagina, up to the cervix. The protection effect is immediate and lasts 24 hours. The tampon does not need to be changed during this period, which is very convenient. The tampon does not change even if there are several sexual intercourses that follow each other during the day. The tampon is removed no earlier than 2 hours after the last sexual intercourse, but no later than 24 hours after its first insertion into the vagina.

Cream vaginal. It is inserted into the vagina with a special syringe. The device should be filled to the mark without the formation of air bubbles. Then slowly insert into the vagina before intercourse. The introduction is made lying down. The action of the remedy begins immediately, and lasts about 10 hours. Before repeated sexual contact, it is necessary to introduce a portion of the cream again.

Popular drugs: Pharmatex, Nonoxynol, Patentex Oval, Contraceptin T.

Birth control pills after intercourse

One method that prevents an unintended pregnancy is called emergency contraception. it the only defense in emergency situations: rape, forced sexual intercourse and mental states associated with them. Also, emergency contraception is used during unprotected intercourse, as a post-coital protection against a possible pregnancy.

Sometimes this method is simply called: emergency, fire, emergency contraception, contraception the next morning after. But still, it is correct to call it emergency, since this method is used in emergency situations.

Emergency contraception aims to prevent pregnancy at the following stages: ovulation, fertilization and fixation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium ( inner layer uterine mucosa).

  • in emergencies associated with violent actions by a partner, as well as in violation of the integrity of the condom or skipping the birth control pill for a woman;
  • with rare sexual contact;
  • at unprotected sex when no contraceptive methods were used.
Contraindications for this method the same as for taking other birth control pills, namely:
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism (even in history);
  • liver disease with a high degree of insufficiency;
  • kidney disease;
  • oncological diseases.
For this method, hormonal preparations containing estrogens, combined hormonal contraceptives, as well as preparations containing gestagens and intrauterine devices can be used.

Estrogens for emergency contraception in recent times are not used so often, because they contain high doses of hormones, which leads to side effects - nausea and vomiting.

Combined birth control pills are used within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, twice, with a break of 12 hours. You can use any drug from this group.

Most known drug for emergency contraception in Russia is Postinor. It is recommended to take it twice, one tablet at a time. The first tablet is taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, the second - 12 hours after the first.

The second drug for emergency contraception - Escapelle - is taken once within 96 hours after sexual intercourse.

Combined oral contraceptives are taken daily for 21 days. Then a break of 7 days is made, and the reception begins next package drug. The course begins with an active tablet.

"Mini-drank" are taken without interruption. Immediately after the end of the package, the reception of the next one begins.

Reception break

Birth control pills are recommended to be taken for a long time, but once a year you should see a gynecologist. If the doctor does not determine contraindications to taking your usual remedies, then you can safely continue taking them.

Menstruation while taking

When taking COCs, periods may stop if taken for a long time. When using other oral contraceptives, periods may become scanty and last for a shorter time.

If the intake of contraceptives was regular, without gaps and breaks, but the menstruation stopped, then it is necessary to continue taking them.

But if the reception was irregular, it is worth suspecting the onset of pregnancy, urgently stop using the contraceptive and contact a gynecologist to identify it.

Menstruation after cancellation

Menstruation is fully restored within one to two months after the abolition of birth control pills. According to experts, about 80% of women have a planned pregnancy. If within six months the menstruation has not recovered, you should consult a doctor.

Bleeding on admission

After the start of taking the pills, a woman may experience spotting spotting. The course should not be interrupted for this reason. Smearing discharge disappears as the reception continues.

If you experience heavy bleeding, you should consult your doctor.

Can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Pregnancy can only occur if the contraceptive regimen is violated. If the delay in taking the pill is more than 12 hours, the effectiveness of the contraceptive action weakens.

Another situation is that a woman vomits when taking it. Then it is necessary to accept next pill because the first one didn't fit. With repeated vomiting, it is better to switch to another type of drug. The same actions should be taken with loose stools.

The reliability of contraceptive contraceptives may decrease when taking other drugs - for example, antibiotics, St. John's wort, etc. In this case, the use of additional method contraception.

How long can the tablets be taken?

Unfortunately, the fear of hormonal drugs in Russian women is transmitted from generation to generation. Women ask a lot of questions, trying to find answers to them.

According to scientists, fifth-generation contraceptives have already appeared in Russia, which have minor side effects. But the number of questions is not decreasing.

Is it possible to take birth control pills constantly, for more than a year?

In the absence of side effects of the means taken by a woman, as well as medical contraindications for their use, it is allowed to take contraceptives for a long time, even several years. Changing pills to others, or interruptions in taking, are not useful, but on the contrary, they are harmful. The body tunes in to one type of pill, the transition to other contraceptives makes it work in a different rhythm. Research scientists have proven that interruptions do not affect the frequency of complications, and the development of subsequent pregnancies.

Pregnancy after stopping birth control pills

Calculations confirm that pregnancy can occur immediately after the withdrawal of birth control pills, or after a short period of time. Interestingly, after the abolition of the probability of pregnancy increases several times. Doctors use this circumstance in the treatment of infertility.

Can you stop taking birth control pills?

A woman has the right to stop taking a contraceptive when she wants.

Which is better: birth control pills or a spiral?

Women often ask: "Wouldn't it be better to introduce intrauterine device than to drink pills?" Again, the same fear of hormones makes us think about the abolition of combined oral medications. It must be borne in mind that the spiral is foreign body in the uterine cavity, which can cause inflammation. Tablets are more reliable and safe.

The best birth control pills

We have already said that it is impossible to determine best pills for a specific woman. Every woman should opt for pills that are just right for her. At present, there are drugs of the fifth generation, and such side effects, as fullness and infertility, are a thing of the past. Modern contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones, and have virtually no side effects. Let's try to give short descriptions of some drugs.


Jess contraceptive pills are a new, practical solution for preventing unwanted pregnancies for young women. This drug contains small doses of estrogen - 20 mcg, and progestogen drospirenone - 3 mg, which reduces the risk of complications. vascular nature. Tablets are well tolerated, do not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

This tool belongs to the fourth generation of contraceptives.

It is recommended to use the drug for a long time. The package contains 28 tablets. Take the tablets daily, preferably at the same time. Start taking Jess on the first day menstrual bleeding, then drink continuously.

Jess is a novelty in medicine. The popularity of the drug is growing. Jess provides reliable protection, controls the menstrual cycle, is used to treat symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, acne, has a beneficial effect on hair, nails. At the same time, the weight of women using Jess remains stable. The period of adaptation to the contraceptive is 1-2 months.

No wonder the drug Jess is called the contraceptive of the twenty-first century.


The action of the new contraceptive Novinet is based on blocking ovulation and the production of luteinizing hormone. This allows you to delay the movement of sperm into the uterus by increasing the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical canal.

The drug has minimal side effects, does not cause pain during menstruation, does not affect the weight gain of a woman.

When taking Novinet, nausea, rarely vomiting, partial hair loss, headaches may occur.

Novinet take 1 tablet daily for 21 days. Break - 7 days, on the eighth day they start a new package.

Breastfeeding women can start taking the drug three weeks after giving birth. It should be remembered that Novinet dramatically increases the amount of breast milk.

Reviews about Novinet are mostly positive.


Jeanine refers to monophasic low-dose contraceptives. The contraceptive effect of the drug is due to a combination of three actions: inhibition of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of the cervical secretion and changes in the endometrium in terms of eliminating the introduction of spermatozoa.

The active substances are dienogest and ethinylestradiol.

Janine take 1 tablet daily for three weeks. Then they take a break for a week, after which the course is repeated.

Reviews of Janine prove a really pronounced contraceptive effect.


Regulon is a combined oral contraceptive. Active substances - 0.03 mg of ethinylestradiol and 0.15 mg of desogestrel. Regulon acts similarly to the previous drug.

Regulon helps with menstrual disorders, uterine bleeding.

Reviews about Regulon
Women who took this drug, note the quality of the drug and its reliability. Regulon acts much softer than other drugs. It was often recommended by doctors for use by teenagers and young girls. At long-term use does not cause side effects, reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy and does not contribute to weight gain.

Women who used it in medicinal purposes. The drug helps with uterine bleeding, abundant vaginal discharge improves the quality and appearance of hair, nails and skin.


The drug Yarina is also popular in Russia. This is an effective new generation oral contraceptive. The active substances are drospirenone and ethinylestradiol.

The drug is well tolerated and has few side effects. During the reception, the woman's weight remains unchanged, there is no nausea and vomiting, pronounced therapeutic effect– reduction of premenstrual symptoms, symptoms of seborrhea, acne.

Women taking Yarina noted the high reliability of the drug, as well as an improvement in mood, restoration of libido, and normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Minimum cost monthly intake drug in Russia ranges from 600 rubles.


Logest is modern contraceptive new generation. It contains the minimum amount of hormones. In addition to a stable contraceptive effect, it has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the course of female oncological diseases, which is the advantage of the drug.

The action of the drug is based on the inhibition of ovulation, an increase in the viscosity of the secret, which makes it difficult for the movement of sperm and prevents the implantation of the egg in the uterus.

The tablets are taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Take 1 tablet daily for 21 days. Then they take a week break, after which the course is repeated.

With the abolition of the drug, the body's ability to conceive is fully restored.

The price of the drug ranges from 330 to 450 rubles per pack.


More recently, new contraceptive pills Qlaira have appeared in our country. Qlaira is the first fifth-generation contraceptive, the latest and highest quality contraceptive.

Qlaira refers to natural oral contraceptives. For the first time, ethinylestradiol as an active substance was not included in the combined hormonal preparation for contraception. It has been successfully replaced by the milder and safer hormone estradiolavalerate, which is a hormone with a natural formula. This hormone is well studied, and is used mainly to treat the symptoms of menopause.

To enhance contraceptive functions, scientists added the active substance dienogest to estradiol valeriate, which also solved the problem of intermenstrual bleeding.

The procedure for taking the drug has also been changed. It has a unique dynamic dosing mode. Qlaira is a four-phase hormonal drug. The package contains two placebo tablets, that is, they do not contain active ingredient, and 26 active tablets with different doses of the active substance. The doses of estrogen when taken are gradually reduced, and the doses of progestogen are increased. This dosing regimen increases the effectiveness of the drug several times.

On the present stage development of contraception drug Qlaira is revolutionary, providing a high degree of protection and treatment of women's diseases.

Despite a very large selection of birth control pills, the abortion rate remains high in our country. Women do not have sufficient information about drugs, they experience a panic fear of using hormonal drugs, not allowing the idea that safe and reliable contraceptives have appeared at the present stage. Contraceptive pills of a new generation, containing reduced doses active substances, can help women plan their pregnancies without the risk of complications and abortions.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Therefore, it is not surprising that more than 70 million women worldwide use hormonal contraceptives.

The mechanism of action of any hormonal drug is as follows:

  • suppress ovulation (maturation and release of the egg);
  • contributes to the thickening of mucus in the cervix, making it impassable for sperm.

Choice of hormonal contraceptives

Before you start taking hormonal contraceptives, it is advisable to pass gynecological examination and consult with your doctor. It is also necessary to warn the doctor about the use of hormonal contraception when prescribing any other medications.

When choosing a contraceptive, lifestyle also plays an important role. If you have irregular sex, or if you have many partners, birth control pills may not work. the best option. A method that you can use as needed, or a method that will provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases - AIDS, syphilis, chlomidia, herpes and others (barrier method: condoms), is preferable. If you do choose hormonal contraceptives, you should use condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. But if you are married and do not want to have children for a while, then oral contraceptives are just what you need. But still, the choice is yours.

Types of hormonal contraceptives

  1. Combined estrogen-gestagen preparations.
  2. Mini-drank.
  3. Injectable drugs.
  4. subcutaneous implants.
  5. Hormonal ring for vaginal application.
  6. Contraceptive patch.
  7. Postcoital drugs.

Combined drugs

Combined drugs- These are birth control pills containing substances similar to female hormones that are produced by the ovaries - estrogens and gestagens (progestins). Depending on the proportion of these substances are:

  • monophasic: contain 21 tablets with the same amount of estrogen and progestogen.
  • biphasic: contain 21 tablets with two different combinations of estrogen and progestogen.
  • triphasic: contain 21 tablets with three different combinations of estrogen and progestogen and differ in color. Their intake completely mimics the secretion of female hormones during a woman's normal menstrual cycle.

Tablets should be taken daily, preferably at the same time for 21 or 28 days (depending on the drug).

Side effects:

  • amenorrhea (absence of menstrual-like bleeding at the end of the cycle);
  • intermenstrual bleeding and spotting;
  • depression (mood changes or loss of sex drive);
  • headaches (possible in combination with visual impairment);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased sex drive.

Combined contraceptives It is not recommended to take smoking women over 35 years of age, hypertensive patients ( high blood pressure), women with cardiovascular disease, liver disease, breast cancer and lactation.

mini pili

mini pili contain only microdoses of progestogens (300 - 500 mcg), which is 15-30% of the progestogen dose in combined estrogen-progestogen preparations.

Changes in the liver when taking a mini-pill are extremely minor. Based on the characteristics of mini-pills, they can be recommended as a method of contraception for women with extragenital diseases (liver diseases, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, obesity).

  • women complaining of frequent headaches or increased blood pressure when using combined oral contraceptives;
  • during lactation 6-8 weeks after birth;
  • with diabetes;
  • with varicose veins;
  • with liver diseases;
  • women over 35 years of age.

Mini-pills are taken continuously, starting from the 1st day of the cycle daily, for 6-12 months. As a rule, at the beginning of the use of the mini-pill, spotting is noted, the frequency of which gradually decreases and completely stops by the 3rd month of use.

Injectable drugs

Hormonal injectable contraceptives is a highly effective long-acting method containing one hormone - progestogen. It is administered intramuscularly with a syringe. One injection provides contraception for 3 months.

Questions about the use of hormonal injectable contraceptives must be discussed with the doctor.

  • if any malignant diseases female genital organs or mammary glands;
  • earlier than six weeks after childbirth;
  • with liver diseases;
  • with diabetes.

In our country, this type of contraception is not widely used.

Subdermal implants

Subdermal implants are silicone capsules containing hormones - gestagens. Six capsules are injected under the skin inner surface forearms through a small incision under local anesthesia. Capsules are released every day a small amount of hormone, and it, gradually absorbed into the blood, creates a reliable contraceptive effect for 5 years.

The implant can be inserted:

    in the first 7 days of the menstrual cycle;

    immediately after an abortion;

    after childbirth after 4 weeks, if the woman is not going to breastfeed;

    after 6 weeks for nursing mothers.

The subcutaneous implant may be removed at any time and before the expiration of the five year period.

The advantages of this method include high efficiency(comparable to sterilization, but reversible) and great convenience (the drug does not require any attention, you only need to visit a gynecologist 2 times a year).

In addition, implantable contraception can be used by women with diseases in which taking pills is contraindicated (migraine, varicose veins veins, heart defects, diabetes without vascular complications, increased blood pressure, severe obesity), as well as smoking women over 35 years of age.

This method of contraception, like injection contraception, has not received proper distribution in our country.

Hormone ring for vaginal use

Hormone ring for vaginal use(elastic ring) is a flexible contraceptive ring from a hypoallergenic material that contains microscopic doses of hormones and is applied topically, taking the form of a woman's body and comfortably placed in the vagina.

One ring is designed for one menstrual cycle: a woman inserts it into the vagina from the 1st to the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. NuvaRing fits comfortably inside and stays in the vagina for three weeks, releasing the microscopic dose of hormones needed to protect against unwanted pregnancies.

There are contraindications, so you can start using the ring only after consulting a doctor.

Because of hormone ring applied topically, it has a number of advantages. First, the ring contains the bare minimum of hormones - just 15 micrograms of estrogen - less than any other drug. Secondly, there is no unnecessary burden on the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Thus, the effect of NovaRing on the body is minimal.

Contraceptive patch

Contraceptive patch - transdermal contraceptive, the most advanced and one of the most effective methods of hormonal contraception. Refers to microdosed contraceptives, combining efficiency and maximum safety in use. Securely attached to the skin, does not peel off water procedures, nor under the influence of the sun.

The transdermal patch is very simple and comfortable to use. The patch is applied to dry clean skin(in the buttocks, abdomen, outer surface upper shoulder or upper torso) once a week for 3 weeks (21 days), with a week off. Contraception with the Evra contraceptive patch begins on the first day of menstruation. The patch is applied and removed on the same day of the week. During the 4th week, from the 22nd to the 28th day of the cycle, the patch is not used. A new contraceptive cycle begins the next day after the end of the 4th week; the next patch should be pasted, even if there was no menstruation or it did not end.

It is unacceptable to use a contraceptive patch on the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, as well as on hyperemic, irritated or damaged areas of the skin.

There are contraindications, so you can start using a contraceptive patch only after consulting your doctor.

Postcoital drugs

Postcoital drugs- this is contraception that cannot be used constantly, but only in emergency cases, within 72 hours after intercourse. These are, as a rule, combined hormonal preparations or gestagens. But the main thing for emergency contraception - high content hormones to achieve the desired effect.

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