To induce menses. How to induce menstruation. Taking medicinal herbs

At good health and by coincidence, apart from pregnancy, every woman has her period once a month. The hormonal background of a woman is very capricious and can undergo changes for many reasons:

  • stress, wrong image life;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • inflammation, colds;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • the onset of pregnancy.

The last point is easily calculated by a pregnancy test or additional blood donation for the presence of hCG. If pregnancy, as the reason for the delay in menstruation, is completely rejected, you can resort to folk remedies. Therefore, here we will consider in detail how to induce menstruation with folk remedies.

Traditional medicine, precautions and contraindications

So, how to speed up menstruation with folk remedies? It is important to understand what needs to be done medical examination and find out the reason for the lack of planned bleeding, any independent intervention in the work of the female reproductive system can cause irreparable damage. Uncontrolled infatuation folk medicine in this case is an intervention in the fragile hormonal background which can seriously disrupt the cycle.

Absolute contraindications to the induction of menstruation with the help of herbal preparations:

  1. Pregnancy. Taking decoctions to induce menstruation in this position is tantamount to an abortion, so you need to make sure there is no attached fetus a hundred times before running to the pharmacy;
  2. Known gynecological or endocrine diseases. In this case, you need to treat the cause, and not try to mitigate the consequences.
  3. Contraindications to certain types herbs, allergy;
  4. If a no menstruation systemically, that is, periodically or more than one cycle. In such cases, there is hidden reason an unending cycle, it must be found and acted upon according to the plan of deliverance.

Use herbal preparations to call menstruation, you can no more than 2 times a year, use such methods on permanent basis strictly prohibited, since you can loosen everything female hormones and cause inflammation of the pelvic organs, diseases up to oncology.

Many women resort to the urgent approach of menstruation in case of an unexpected date or vacation, on the eve of wedding events or a business trip. Sometimes it’s really not worth giving up plans and you can call menstruation once ahead of time.

In the use of folk herbal remedies there is a big plus - naturalness and the absence of toxins, unlike traditional medicines.


Even if there is little time to make a decision, it is worth finding out which herbs can cause allergies or are too strong. To reduce the cycle and approach the onset of menstruation, the most popular herbs are: chamomile, parsley, elecampane root, tansy, oregano, Bay leaf, rose hip. by the most in a simple way, which many athletes use are lemons, it is enough to eat 2 lemons at a time, along with the peel, and menstruation will go more abundant and end faster.

Chamomile decoction

4 tbsp. spoons of dry grass pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover and simmer for several minutes over low heat, then insist and cool the broth. Enrich chamomile decoction need mint and valerian in proportions: 4 tbsp. mint spoons and 3 tbsp. spoons of valerian root. Take 2 times a day for ½ cup.

Infusion of tansy

To call menstruation, we take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried tansy flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, then insist the liquid for an hour. Take 1/3 of the total volume of the resulting infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Bay leaf decoction

60 pcs. bay leaves pour 500 ml cold water, bring everything to a boil and then simmer over low heat for an hour. Then the broth is filtered, cooled and taken immediately in full inside. The promised effect is the onset of menstruation in a day. Taking this decoction is considered the most harmless way, unlike others.

Infusion from the collection of medicinal plants

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of each of the herbs: elecampane root, dry rose hips, oregano, rosea root, knotweed, yarrow, nettle leaves, pour everything with a liter of boiling water and insist in a tightly closed, dark bowl. Leave the resulting mixture for 12 hours, the whole infusion should be drunk ½ cup during the day.

blue cornflower

Scald 10 g of blue cornflower with 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 60 minutes, then consume 1 tbsp per day. spoon half an hour before meals.

parsley decoction recipe

Eating fresh parsley gives a good effect, but you can’t eat it in sufficient quantities. To prepare a decoction, it is better to take fresh parsley, chop and pour enough boiling water. Infuse the remedy for several hours, then use half a glass 2 times a day. At correct reception parsley should induce menstruation within 4 days.

In this way, you can prepare a decoction of oregano and yarrow flowers.

Vitamin C

This method works on the principle of a lemon, every woman should know that a single intake of a large dose of ascorbic acid provokes an acceleration of blood flow, causes menstruation. The main contraindication to this method: stomach diseases: hyperacidity, gastritis, all this can easily develop into an ulcer. Low pressure is also a reception limiter ascorbic acid. For desired effect a single dose of 2 grams of ascorbic acid is recommended.

Infusion of onion skins

An infusion of onion husks is prepared in the same way as for Easter for painting eggs. The remedy should be rich and saturated in color, it is enough to drink a glass (200 ml) of such an infusion, and planned bleeding should begin in a day.

Iodine baths

It is not necessary to take numerous infusions inside; you can also induce menstruation by taking special baths. To prepare such a bath, you need to: fill it hot water, dilute a little iodine to the entire volume and table salt, take at night no more than 1 time for 15 minutes.

A hot bath or shower can also bring your period closer, but this method very dangerous, since warming up the small pelvis can harm organs or aggravate pathologies, if any. You can only use this method healthy women and without abuse. Hypertension is absolute contraindication to hot baths. Sexual contact after a long abstinence can provoke menstruation the next day.

All these folk remedies with a delay in menstruation, they have a purely individual result, herbs containing phytoestrogens act on many women, for some, taking hot baths causes a reduction in the cycle, the ascorbic acid method is not suitable for everyone, but it has the most effective result based on reviews on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that if next month the delay of menstruation has repeated, it is necessary to contact the gynecologist for examination and identification of the problem, periodic violations menstrual cycle mean disease. Passion for herbs that cause menstruation can provoke uterine bleeding, which will not end in 4-5 days, as it should, menstruation ends. In the case of heavy and prolonged periods after taking herbal remedies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to induce menstruation with a delay? Delay of menstruation for 1 week is not considered something abnormal. The woman's body is a living complex system that is exposed to many internal and external factors. Rarely does the menstrual cycle work like clockwork, and menstruation comes day after day. There can be several reasons for causing menstruation. The most common PMS. Woman tired from stress nervous system, pain and just waiting. The celebration is coming. A delay in menstruation crosses out all plans. An unwanted pregnancy has come, the woman just wants to cause her period to disrupt her.

There are many reasons for delayed menstruation. From fatigue and pregnancy to serious illnesses, not only gynecological. The clarified reason makes it possible to take measures, to prescribe the appropriate treatment. Therefore, in any case, if menstruation is delayed for more than 7 days, you should consult a gynecologist.

When to rush menstruation is not necessary

Menstruation begins between the ages of 14 and 16. Takes place early puberty, then menstruation begins at the age of 9. Within 2 years there is a restructuring of the body. The absence of menstruation for 2 months in a row does not have serious grounds for concern. After 2 years reproductive system should get the job done. A delay of more than 1 month is considered undesirable. The doctor must understand the reason. In this case, it is already necessary to call for menstruation. The situation with the reverse restructuring of the body concerns women after 45 years, before menopause. The delay in menstruation in this case is considered normal. Gradually, menstruation will make itself felt meager secretions, or daub. After that, it will disappear completely. It is not necessary to call monthly.

If in women young age the menstrual cycle is disturbed, menstruation comes late, you should visit a gynecologist. If there are no serious diseases, the doctor will prescribe drugs to cause menstruation.

Medications that cause menstruation

In a pharmacy, such drugs are sold without a doctor's prescription. The availability of drugs leads to their mass unauthorized use without visiting a doctor. All of them are hormonal, they can cause an imbalance of hormones in the body, and menstruation will not come. The doctor must determine which hormone is missing, prescribe treatment.

  • Duphaston

The most common hormonal drug. You can call menstruation within 1 week. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor, based on preliminary analysis hormones. Usually a woman takes 1 tablet 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days. If menstruation comes earlier, the drug is canceled. It contains a huge dose of progesterone. The hormone triggers menstruation. In case of pregnancy, it is useless to cause menstruation with Duphaston. , on the contrary, will contribute to the fixation of a fertilized egg. If menstruation does not come, the delay is not caused by a progesterone deficiency, not by pregnancy, menstruation will also come. However, Dufaston will not be able to eliminate true reason delays. Perhaps a month later, the situation will repeat itself. A woman will think about how to cause menstruation.

  • Utrozhestan

The drug is hormonal. It is an analogue of Duphaston. However, it lacks some additional components. Instead, Utrozhestan is supplemented vegetable matter. Assign with individual intolerance to Duphaston. Can be used vaginally. The drug inhibits the production of estrogen, increases the amount of progesterone. You can call menstruation 10 day care. After discontinuation of the drug, menstruation begins within 1 week. In some women, menstruation occurs within 10 days of treatment.
If the period comes earlier, the delay is caused by a lack of progesterone. The hormonal reserve was replenished, the system returned to normal, menstruation began. To prevent a similar situation in next cycle, Utrozhestan is taken from the 16th day. There will be no delay in menstruation. It does not save if there are no periods, the delay is caused by pregnancy. Even if taken for a short time.

  • Postinor

The remedy causes menstruation very quickly. Is a remedy emergency contraception. It is allowed to take no more than 2 times a year. 2 doses of the drug are drunk within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The next day, another 1 tablet. The tool contains a large number of the hormone progesterone. For the body, this is the strongest shock. After 1-3 days, menstruation begins. Postinor can be caused by pregnancy. Can be taken for up to 4 weeks. A woman will feel a deterioration in well-being, nausea, weakness, vomiting. Getting rid of pregnancy even for a short period at home is not worth it. In this case, a qualified doctor can cause menstruation.

  • Mifegin

There are no funds available for sale. Delivered to gynecological department. Used for medical abortion up to 10 weeks of gestation. Can cause menstruation in a day. You need to take 600 mg immediately. For a woman, this threatens to worsen her health, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, and others. similar symptoms. She must be under constant control doctor. It is not worth provoking menstruation, the delay of which is caused by pregnancy.

  • Norkolut

Considered one of the most harmless available drugs. Although uncontrolled use can lead to negative consequences. can cause menstruation in 5-10 days. Treatment is prescribed for 10 days, 2 tablets. You can drink immediately, or 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. Menstruation begins either in the process of taking the pills, or 5 days after the cancellation. This is a hormonal drug containing progesterone. It is not a contraceptive. In some cases, taking Norkolut is indicated during pregnancy. It will not work to cause menstruation, the delay of which is associated with pregnancy.

  • Pulsatilla

Homeopathic remedy without hormones. It is used if menstruation, the delay is caused stressful condition tension of the nervous system. Dissolve 7 granules. Can cause menstruation the next day. If this does not happen, you can not repeat taking the pills.

You can call menstruation with folk remedies. Recipes effective ways are passed down from generation to generation. After all, before such medicines only saved themselves.

Folk ways to call

With acceptance folk medicines the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, instead of the desired menstruation, uterine bleeding will result.

  • Comprehensive measures

It is necessary to replenish enrich the diet with vitamin C. Eat lemon, parsley. Prepare a decoction from the plant, lemon can be added to tea. Help increase uterine contractions physical exercise to the pelvic region. This does not mean that you should lift weights to thwart an unwanted pregnancy. Hoop rotation, fitness, even dancing are welcome. Take a bath at the end. Hot water increase blood flow to the uterus. Such complex impact must . If there are no periods, and the delay is caused by a short gestational age, such actions can provoke bleeding. You will need emergency hospitalization.

  • Sedatives

Accept if the delay in menstruation is associated with emotional tension, nervous fatigue. Prepare a decoction of chamomile, mint, valerian root. Take 1 tbsp. spoonful of all ingredients. Brew 200 ml boiled water. Leave for 20 minutes. Use 2 times a day for 100 ml. It is difficult to say how long the period will begin.

  • Infusion to accelerate the arrival of menstruation

Preparing an infusion from the mixture medicinal herbs. They are taken in equal proportions - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Pour the mixture with 1 liter of boiled water. Place for a day in a warm place. All contents are to be drunk in 1 day.

You can make a tincture of cornflower. 2 tbsp. spoons pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 1 hour. It should be taken 30 ml 4 times a day. Call monthly cornflower can be quickly. Will start in 1-2 days critical days. However, it should be remembered that cornflower contains toxins. Excessive use of the tincture causes poisoning. If the delay was due to pregnancy, it is possible profuse bleeding.

Folk remedies can provide Negative influence on the body, absolutely, as well as hormonal drugs with independent application. In case of a long delay, you should consult your doctor!

Absence of menstruation unwanted pregnancy- this is always a stressful factor for any woman, which leads to the fact that many of them begin to think about calling menstruation with a delay at home. First, you need to honestly answer the question: do you just want a quick onset of menstruation or thus terminate the onset of pregnancy. In the second case, you should only see a doctor, since such experiments on the body often end lethal outcome(massive bleeding and huge blood loss.

If you don’t know whether you are in a position or not, you need to take a pregnancy test, and if the delay has not yet begun, but more than 10 days have passed after unprotected intercourse, you can take a blood test for hCG. At a positive result and unwillingness to give birth, you can contact a gynecologist; a medical abortion performed by an experienced doctor at a small gestation period will definitely have less consequences than various folk ways causing a miscarriage.

With a delay in menstruation, any woman or young girl will definitely begin to worry. There are several reasons for the delay: it can be associated with both pregnancy and serious illnesses in the body, with nervous tension, climate change, disruption of the usual rhythm of life.

It also happens that menstruation is called so that they end before the scheduled scheduled event. For example, before the planned trip or before the start of the vacation. Therefore, many women and girls should know how to induce menstruation.

A normal delay in menstruation is considered to be from 2 to 6 days. However, almost every menstruation occurs at different intervals, these days a normal menstrual cycle of 28 days is a rarity. If the delay in menstruation is more than 6 days, pregnancy may have occurred, and if it is not planned, then the woman needs to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

If the delay occurs for a month or more, and this is not associated with pregnancy, then after examining the uterus on an ultrasound machine, a doctor may prescribe a serious drug treatment which is carried out under medical supervision.

If there are persistent disturbances monthly cycle in a young girl, then you should contact a gynecologist. Perhaps it is about serious violations in the body, and the appointment of a serious hormonal correction to normalize the menstrual cycle.

So, what should you do to induce menstruation with a delay on your own at home? There are several approaches to the problem. Folk recipes that are used at home are not always effective. After all, the menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones.

You can buy pills at the pharmacy, or you can take a hot bath, unless of course there are contraindications for this. After the above activities you can also repeatedly engage in sexual intercourse.

It is believed that while taking a hot bath there is a rush of blood to the genitals of a woman. Sexual intercourse also leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which contributes to its reduction and the onset of "critical" days.

Period inducing pills

In addition to folk remedies, there are other medicines. In the pharmacy you can buy a lot of medicines that will help induce menstruation with a delay.

One of the most common drugs is Duphaston. This medicine will help you bring the onset of menstruation within three days. Duphaston should be taken 1 tablet 2 times a day. The course lasts 5 days. This is a very effective tool that has positive reviews. Pulsatilla is an equally powerful menstrual stimulant. It's strong enough homeopathic remedy. Just 1 dose is enough to cause bleeding. You need to put about 7 pellets under the tongue and calmly wait for the result. This tool is distinguished by its speed, especially effective when the result is needed immediately.

Drugs are purchased only in pharmacies. The most popular pills that can cause menstruation with a delay are:

Pulsatilla. It is enough to put 6-7 granules under the tongue, dissolve and wait for the result. Reception this drug single.

Postinor. It is necessary to take 2 tables. in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse: 2nd table. should be taken 12 hours later (but not later than 16 hours) after taking the 1st table. The effect of this drug occurs after 1-3 days.
Duphaston . Take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 5 days. Menstruation occurs in 2-3 days.
Mifegin. Apply with a delay of 7-10 days.
Non-Owlon. Drink 2 tablets every 12 hours.
Contraceptives. These pills prevent pregnancy, menstruation comes on a specific day of the month.

Attention! Listed medications must be taken with extreme caution. They are dangerous. These drugs are based on hormonal components that act on the endocrine system. As a result, they will either lead to problems with conception or to irregular periods.

Traditional medicine recipes

In the past, women often used useful herbs that were collected in the forest. Along with the expected result, there was also an improvement of the whole organism. Today, all the necessary herbs for decoctions and tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. We offer several folk recipes that can help you with a delay in menstruation.

There are many recipes using forest herbs. Consider one of the most effective recipes, which will help induce menstruation with a delay.

  • Decoction. You will need: valerian root, mint and chamomile. You can buy all these herbs at any pharmacy at a very low price, or pick them up in the forest yourself. These herbs must be mixed in proportions of 3:3:4, respectively, for each ingredient. This mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave this mixture for about 15 minutes. This decoction should be taken in half a glass in the morning and evening. Continue taking until the first day of menstruation.
  • Infusion. For the manufacture of this infusion, a collection is made from several herbs - this is a leaf of nettle, elecampane, wild rose, oregano, yarrow, pink radiola root, knotweed. All herbs are taken in two tablespoons, placed in a thermos, poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 10-12 hours, filtered. All this broth is drunk during the day, half a glass at a time.
  • Parsley. Every day you need to eat a very large amount of parsley. Can be combined with dill. AT fresh add to salads, seasonings.
  • Onion peel. A strong decoction is being prepared. Approximately the same is prepared for painting eggs for Easter. One glass of this decoction is drunk. Menstruation should appear the next day.

Also on the Internet you can find some means that allegedly cause menstruation. They must not be used under any circumstances, no matter what happens! These are such "effective" remedies as tansy, iodine with milk / sugar, as well as large doses vitamin C, which are derived from ascorbic acid. These funds should not be used under any circumstances, because they can entail more than serious consequences, which will not help to cope with your problem, and will also bring many other diseases into the body. And nobody needs it!

Love asks:

How to induce menstruation with a delay?

Delayed menstruation is an unpleasant event in a woman's life. In most cases, women associate the delay in menstruation with an unplanned pregnancy. However, there are situations when pregnancy is excluded, and there is simply a delay in menstruation. When the menstrual cycle fails, any woman seeks to return everything to normal, as quickly as possible. For this, women are looking for a recipe for how to induce menstruation?

To understand how to induce menstruation, you should know exactly what you want to achieve. The desire to induce menstruation with a delay is due to two main factors:

1. Terminate an unplanned pregnancy at a very short time.

2. Just speed up the arrival of menstruation.

If a woman wants to induce menstruation against the background of a short gestation period, then it is not recommended to do this at home. The fact is that in this case, a woman will face an abortion, which has been performed for centuries in the villages of a healer grandmother. Nowadays, many are fascinated by the veil of "natural" herbal medicine, which, in their deep conviction, is effective and safe, in contrast to the methods of doctors trained in medical institutes. However, the statement about the unconditional superiority of folk methods over traditional ones is simply a desire to romanticize everything old and find some ideal that is achievable in principle. You should not succumb to such a mood, solving the issue of terminating an unwanted pregnancy at an early stage. It is better to turn to facts and figures: so, folk methods with relatively high safety, they have low efficiency, that is, they lead to the desired result in only half of the women. And methods with high efficiency are dangerous because they side effect- this is bleeding, which is fatal, because it is very difficult to stop it. According to researchers, the mortality rate of women who used folk methods for abortions in the early stages reached 35 - 40%. Moreover, the cause of death in the vast majority of cases was bleeding. Medical abortion is also fraught with complications, but mortality after its production is almost zero. Therefore, you should not try to terminate the pregnancy at home, it is better to contact a medical institution.

If a woman is not pregnant and simply wants to hasten the onset of delayed menstruation, then she will be completely helped. folk recipes. To call menstruation with a delay, use various herbs and methods that stimulate blood flow in the pelvic organs and enhance contractile activity uterus. However, you should be prepared for the fact that the methods of calling menstruation with a delay will not have the desired effect, since they do not change the general hormonal background, and it is he who determines the cyclical nature of menstruation.

So, regarding in safe ways cause menstruation with a delay are the following:

  • Take a hot bath. At the same time, the temperature should be as tolerable as possible, and you should sit in the bathroom for 15 to 30 minutes.

  • Have several sexual intercourses during the day.

  • Chew thoroughly and eat 1 g of parsley seeds (a pinch) 4 times a day.

  • Rinse well and pour 1 liter of boiling water over 150 grams of parsley. Boil parsley over high heat for 10 minutes and insist for half an hour. Strain the infusion. Ready broth take half a glass twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, within a week before the expected date of the next menstruation.

  • Mix 3 parts each of valerian root and mint with 4 parts of chamomile. Pour the prepared mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion and take half a glass 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Take the infusion before the first day of menstruation.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of elecampane herb, nettle leaves, yarrow, oregano, wild rose, knotweed and Rhodiola rosea root. Pour the finished mixture with a liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Then strain the infusion and take half a glass about 10 times a day. During the day, you should drink 1 liter of broth.

  • Make a strong infusion onion peel how to color Easter eggs. To do this, pour a glass of onion peel with 3 cups of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Drink 1 glass of ready-made infusion and wait for the onset of menstruation within the next day.

  • The drug Duphaston also stimulates menstruation. Duphaston should be taken 1 tablet 2 times a day for 5 days.

  • The homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla helps to induce menstruation with a delay. Moreover, it is enough to take 7 granules under the tongue once, so that menstruation begins within a few hours.
The listed methods of calling menstruation with a delay have a fairly high efficiency and safety. In order not to harm yourself, you should strictly adhere to the indicated dosages and terms of administration.

In addition to the listed methods of stimulating menstruation, there are very dangerous means, such as decoction

Monthly - how to cause? In a woman's life, situations sometimes arise when such a question becomes the most important thing in life. this moment. Is it possible to induce menstruation? There is a very positive answer to this question. Another thing is the price of the solution.

Artificial intervention in the most complex hormonal process can significantly affect women Health. Before deciding how to induce menstruation at home, you need to realistically assess the risk of such an event. If the decision is nevertheless made, then it is necessary to coordinate it with the gynecologist.

The essence of the problem

A woman thinks about what to do to get her period, for two main reasons: termination of an unwanted pregnancy and in violation of the menstrual cycle with a long delay in menstruation. Any termination of pregnancy, even with a very short period, is a medical abortion with all the ensuing consequences. In this case, gynecologists must necessarily participate in considering the possibility of any impact. Only they are able to decide what can cause menstruation. Handicraft, sorcerer's methods with the use of folk remedies often cause profuse bleeding, which can result in serious consequences.

The situation is somewhat different in case of violation of the menstrual cycle and long delay menses. Menstrual processes are commanded by the brain through organs such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which provide the necessary level of hormones. The female reproductive system works like a well-oiled machine.

During the entire menstrual cycle, the egg is first prepared for fertilization, and then - the processes that ensure the preservation of conception. In the absence of fertilization, at the exactly allotted time, the rejection of elements that are unclaimed due to the lack of conception begins, resolves in the ovaries, and the body gets rid of this by menstruation.

For a number of reasons, both physiological and pathological, corpus luteum does not resolve, but continues to exist, forming a cyst and blocking menstruation. Follicles with an egg do not develop, which disrupts the menstrual cycle. To new cycle nevertheless began, a natural rupture of the cyst is needed, which, most often, occurs independently, but through certain time, during which there are no periods. A delay in menstruation for more than 5-6 months is considered pathological disorder and is called amenorrhea. Such a violation indicates a significant malfunction hormonal system and requires remedial action.

Principles of influence on the menstrual cycle

A significant delay in menstruation causes natural anxiety in any woman. There is a desire to take measures so that menstruation begins faster. If the pregnancy test gives a negative result, then menstruation can be caused only by acting on the hormonal system. Before taking any measures, it is necessary to find out the reasons why there are no periods: gynecologists will help with this. Often the reasons are related to external influences and psychological factors. When the provoking conditions are eliminated, the violations are eliminated by themselves. So, first of all, you should take care of the psychological environment, normal nutrition, termination starvation diet, rejection bad habits etc. In the presence of diseases, it is necessary to take measures for their treatment.

The technology of influencing the hormonal background in order to regulate the menstrual cycle is incorporated in contraceptive preparations oral type. They are often the cause of delayed menstruation. In this case, the easiest way to induce menstruation is to stop taking the drug for 3-4 days, which will cause them. rapid appearance. However, abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives after prolonged use can have a negative effect, in particular cause profuse uterine bleeding. This question should be agreed with the gynecologist.

AT general case in order to start menstruation, significant reduction progesterone levels. It is on the principle of influencing a decrease in the production of this hormone that the action of a number of hormonal drugs, such as Duphaston, Norkolut. Besides, various methods are based on stimulation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs and an increase in uterine tone in order to increase the contractile function. It is in this direction that many herbal remedies act.

One of the safest and effective ways to start menstruation sooner, is to take a hot bath, bath or sauna. The most effective hot bath with the addition of salt and iodine to the water. The temperature of the water should be the maximum that a woman can withstand. The recommended duration of the procedure is 18-35 minutes. Some women reach desired result even easier - carrying out several sexual acts during the day.

The use of drugs

In order to start menstruation, a series of medications, which should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Means that can cause menstruation ahead of time are aimed at ensuring a planned failure in the hormonal system. These impacts are perceived differently. female organisms and may end with unwanted deviations.

Any interference from the side in the menstrual cycle has potential risk and the need for such a step should be well thought out. The fact is that by changing the cycle once, you can cause it to be irregular in the future. In addition, such effects affect the possibility of conception.

The most common drug for stimulating menstruation is recognized medicine Duphaston. Usually the course of admission is designed for several days. Help with delayed periods homeopathic preparations especially Pulsatilla. Even a single use of such a remedy can cause the onset of menstruation. AT emergency cases dangers of pregnancy, so-called emergency contraception is used. They are dangerous enough endocrine system and therefore must be used with great care. These drugs include Postinor, Escapel, Mifepristone.

Induction of menstruation to terminate a pregnancy, or medical abortion can be carried out no later than 10-11 weeks after conception. To ensure this process, the following drugs are used: Mifelin, Cytotec, Postinor, Oxytocin, Sinetrol, Norkolut, Progesterone, Mifepristone. This event must be monitored by ultrasound to completely clean the uterine cavity from the fetal nucleus.

The use of folk remedies

The most popular in the restoration of the menstrual cycle are folk remedies. A number of medicinal herbs inherently have the ability to regulate this important process, while providing beneficial effect for side inflammatory reactions and normalizes blood circulation. In particular, pharmacy chamomile and shepherd's purse stand out, stimulating menstruation.

Especially effective impact in this respect it has been observed in elecampane. It can be attributed to enough strong means capable of causing menstruation after several doses. That is why it should not be taken if menstruation has begun - heavy bleeding is possible. As a rule, the herb is used in the form of a decoction, and daily dose it is about 200-250 ml (drinks in 2 doses). Elecampane is useful in the presence of various diseases of the uterus (including prolapse). It should not be taken by pregnant women who want to keep the child.

Common Recipes

Traditional medicine has long offered the following recipes based on medicinal plants to normalize the menstrual cycle:

  1. Parsley seeds: the recommended dose is 1.5 g 4-5 times a day.
  2. Parsley infusion: greens (75 g) are poured with boiling water (0.5 l), boiled for 8-12 minutes and infused for 25-40 minutes - 100 ml is taken 2 times a day for 6-7 days.
  3. Infusion of a mixture of valerian root (3 parts) and chamomile(4 parts) - taken 100 ml 3 times a day.
  4. Infusion from the mixture: elecampane, nettle, yarrow, oregano, wild rose, knotweed, rhodiola root in equal proportions, infused in boiling water for at least 10 hours (in a thermos) - the daily dose is 1 liter (drink in 8-10 doses).
  5. Onion husk infusion: infusion time - at least 1 hour, used once in a volume of 200 ml.

Other folk remedies

You can cause menstruation by applying many more various means on the plant-based. You can offer the following proven recipes:

  1. Infusion of blue cornflower: the grass is crushed (1 tablespoon) and poured with boiling water (250 ml), infused for 1.5 hours and filtered; used for 1 tbsp. spoon before every meal.
  2. Verbena infusion: prepared similarly to cornflower infusion, taken 50 ml 3 times a day (can also be used for washing).
  3. Gladiolus: cut top part flower root, washed thoroughly. Used as vaginal suppository, which contributes to the onset of menstruation after 3-4 hours.
  4. Carrots: Carrot seeds are taken in an amount of 4-6 g before meals.
  5. Fennel decoction: the root of the plant (3 tablespoons) is crushed and poured with water (0.5 l), boiled over low heat for 25-35 minutes.
  6. Infusion: bay leaf (2 packs) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused for 1.5 hours. The entire volume is drunk at a time.
  7. Infusion of tansy: tansy flowers (2 tablespoons) are brewed in boiling water (200 ml). This volume is drunk 3 times a day.
  8. Ascorbic acid: used overdose about 2.5-3 g - you can eat a whole lemon at a time.
  9. Hot milk with the addition of a few drops of iodine: 200 ml is drunk.

Calling menstruation artificially, as a rule, does not cause great difficulties and can be carried out different ways: using medications or alternative medicine methods.

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