Valeria singer plastic surgery. The real "Barbie" Valery Lukyanov before and after plastic surgery, or Who is Amatue. What fans and "antilukyanovs" say

A couple of years ago, another sensation blew up the Internet - Odessa Barbie appeared. She looked quite unusual - an unnaturally thin waist, large blue eyes, rather lush breasts compared to a thin body, a thin nose. The question arose - who is this girl?

There is little information about her past on the network, but enough about what she is doing now. This girl's name is Valeria Lukyanova. She was born in Tiraspol on August 23, 1985. Amatue21, as Valeria calls herself, has a brother who lives with her mother in Russia, and her father lives in her homeland.

Also, the Barbie girl has a husband, but he is not Ken at all, but an Odessa businessman working in the construction industry. His name is Dmitry Shkrabov. Evil tongues write that a girl lives and fulfills all her whims for her husband's money.

Valeria graduated from high school, but admitted that she paid for grades in some subjects, because she did not consider them important and necessary in life. There is information that she also graduated from a music school, but did she graduate from the institute? It remains a mystery.

Now Amatue almost never leaves the house, communicates with the press via the Internet and Skype, and forbids himself to be photographed. She practices music, singing, writes poetry and songs in the New Age style, finds inner harmony through meditation, and travels. Valeria has a solo album. Including she conducts seminars on out-of-body practices.

Barbie girl considers herself an energy being from the Pleiades constellation, who has acquired a human body.

According to her, she remembers all her past lives, how she was embodied as a priest in Atlantis and in Pre-Columbian America. She was preparing for the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, but she said that it would not happen, but a new cycle would begin, an era of love, knowledge, freedom.

At the age of 14, Valeria tried to commit suicide because of a boy, was fond of vampirism and was a member of the Red Dragon sect. Now she is more attracted to esotericism, Hinduism. Valeria claims that she personally communicated with God while she was in the astral plane.

In 2007, Lukyanova became the owner of the Miss Diamond Crown of Ukraine title. She also appeared on television on the channels "Russia-1" and "Channel One" in 2012 and 2013.

What operations did Amatue do

Looking at her appearance raises suspicions. How many plastic surgeries did she have to look like that? According to the girl herself, she only enlarged her breasts to make her body proportional. Today, her parameters are impressive, and her forms will make even a very slender girl jealous.

Valeria's chest is 88 cm, her waist is 48 cm, and her hips are 88 cm. Clothing size is 34, shoe size is 35, and her weight ranges from 42 to 45 kg. With growth comes some controversy.

The girl herself says that her height is 175 cm. But some Internet sources say that she adds 13 cm to herself in order to stretch her legs in Photoshop later. Therefore, allegedly, he does not allow himself to be photographed live.

One thing is clear - this is unnatural beauty. Although she tries to draw people's attention to her spiritual qualities and her creativity, most are worried about her unusual appearance.

There are a lot of assumptions about what kind of operations she underwent after all, here are the main ones:

  • removal of the lower ribs;
  • cheekbone plastic;
  • cheiloplasty;
  • breast augmentation;
  • blepharoplasty - surgery to change the shape of the eyes;
  • rhinoplasty - surgery to change the shape of the nose;

It is assumed that all these operations cost several tens of thousands of dollars. Naturally, all these operations, if any, were paid for by her husband.

Video: Photo by Valeria Lukyanova

Photos of Valeria Lukyanova before and after the operation

Photo before plastic surgery

Valeria Lukyanova before the operation was an ordinary girl. According to her, appearance plays an important role in her life. All people have a physical body, but her appearance makes her listen. She does not deny that her image is a puppet. She believes that her face is cosmic, the theme of ideality is close to her, she strives for this. This is how Amatue looked before plastic surgery. Quite a pretty girl, some say that she ruined her appearance.

Photo after plastic surgery

It is not clear whether Amatue did these operations or is the result of a make-up that she invents and does herself. Looking at her unnaturally thin waist, a lot of controversy arises: did she remove the ribs or not to achieve such a result, or is it the consequences of training, dieting and working on herself?

Valeria herself claims that this is all good heredity and the raw food diet that the girl adheres to.

Later, she expects to switch to water, and then to solar energy - prano-eating. Valeria goes to the gym for training 3 times a week. Looking at the photos of her mother in her youth and Amatue herself, one can assume that she was not lying, this is really a good heredity and diet.

The only operation that Lukyanova does not deny is breast augmentation. Yes, and it would be stupid of her to do this, because the result is already very noticeable.

Looking at her, plastic surgeons unanimously repeat that she did rhinoplasty. Indeed, her nose has become noticeably thinner. Either it's tons of makeup or surgery. And yet, Amatue herself does not tire of repeating that her appearance is her work, and not the work of surgeons.

But she does not oppose plastic surgery, because she believes that if the appearance does not bring satisfaction to a person, disharmony appears inside him and energy important for life leaves.

Are you going to correct your figure, have you decided to do liposuction of the abdomen? Recommended.

Interested in the cost of lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid? See.

Video: Sincere confession

This is what the girl looks like now

Some psychologists believe that Lukyanova has a hypertrophied form of narcissism, which is combined with dysmorphia.

After plastic surgery, Valeria believes that she is a goddess who was sent to Earth to improve this world. She has a lot of fans on social networks, but the scary thing is that some people, looking at her, want to do the same with themselves.

A few years ago, she became famous thanks to the Internet all over the world. What did this girl do, you ask? The answer is simple - yourself. Incredible puppet appearance helped Lera become famous. When viewing her photo, it seems that in front of you is a graphic drawing or a plastic doll, but by no means a living person. In order to confirm her existence, the girl regularly shoots video blogs. Looking through which the townsfolk ask a logical question: how much plastic surgery has been done? An exhaustive answer especially for you, as well as a collection of photos showing Valeria Lukyanova before and after plastic surgery.

from Odessa

Today Lera Lukyanova is incredibly famous and popular. She is an internet model, spiritual practitioner, and a vegetarian and beauty pageant winner. The girl maintains blogs in which she talks about meditation, achieving inner harmony and gives advice to her fans on fashion, style and personal care. She has real fans, as well as envious people and ill-wishers. And while everyone is arguing about what Valeria Lukyanova looked like before and after plastic surgery, she herself claims that she has done only one operation in her entire life. And there really is a lot to discuss. The girl boasts an unnaturally chiseled figure with emphasized hips, the thinnest waist and an impressive bust. The beauty's face also deserves attention - chiseled facial features are complemented by complex makeup that greatly enlarges the eyes.

What transactions does Lukyanova admit to?

Lera is a smart girl and does not even try to hide the fact that she enlarged her breasts. She began her journey to fame in 2002. According to ill-wishers, the first photos of Valeria posted on the network are of poor quality, and she herself looks quite ordinary on them, and sometimes she is dressed quite cheaply and tastelessly. It is the early pictures of the Barbie girl that are used as evidence of the abundance of interventions. And indeed, looking at the photographs taken with a difference of 5 years, one can believe that the heroine of our essay, Valeria Lukyanova, did the operation more than once. Before and after plastic surgery, many girls look exactly like this: a mediocre appearance by nature and an ideal after discharge from the clinic. But still, Lera herself claims that everything except her bust is natural. And she decided to increase it after having made her body perfect through training and diets, with annoyance she found only 1-1.5 sizes. Today, at Lukyanova, she herself claims that the girth of the most prominent part of the body is 88 cm.

How many pairs of ribs does a living Barbie have?

Lukyanova's new breasts noticeably emphasize her incredibly thin waist. In order to convince fans that there are no strict corsets, Lera regularly posts her photos in bikini swimsuits and belly-baring outfits online. Such pictures caused an immediate reaction of ill-wishers - "It's a photoshop!" - all those who do not like the model said in unison. Lukyanova was not at a loss and began to shoot video blogs, not forgetting to pose in full growth, still exposing her stomach. Then the ill-wishers reproached the living Barbie with plastic. Indeed, theoretically, such an ideal figure can be the result of a surgical operation to remove the lower pair of ribs in combination with liposuction. The model itself traditionally denies everything. So is it really true, and such a figure can be achieved through training and diets, on which Valeria Lukyanova constantly sits? Before and after the "operation" photos are difficult to compare. Since even those who are sure that there was no plastic surgery here, it is difficult to guess when exactly the girl went to the clinic. It is worth noting that if you compare old and modern photos, you can see that Lera really was a little fuller. But theoretically, it was possible to lose weight by a few kilograms in a natural way. In addition, the girl's mother is also incredibly slender, perhaps the secret and the truth is only in good heredity.

Doll face secret

Lera became famous not only for her fantastic figure, but also for her overall appearance. A real sensation was made by the first appearance of her photo with homemade makeup. The girl Valeria Lukyanova considers herself talented in everything and claims that she has never used the services of professional makeup artists. Even with a “modest” make-up, the eyes look incredibly large, and the skin pleases with the absence of imperfections. For photo shoots and events, the girl applies shades of bright colors on the entire eyelid for eyebrows, experiments with eyeliner and false eyelashes. However, if we compare the photographs in which Valery Lukyanov before and after gaining worldwide fame, there is something to complain about. Today, her nose seems to be more accurate, but it really seems to have changed its shape and become wider. However, experts in the field of plastic surgery and make-up argue that such an effect can be achieved without going to the clinic. Perhaps it's all about the huge amount of cosmetics and many hours of training to apply it.

What other operations are attributed to the goddess?

It is worth noting that Lera was not the first to come up with an unnaturally puppet image for herself. People who have chosen Barbie or characters from animated films as their personal ideal of beauty live today in our country and around the world. In pursuit of perfection, they do plastic surgery and use many other tricks. For example, the American Justin Jedlik decided to become like Ken, a Barbie doll friend, and for this he did about 90 operations. And Valeria Lukyanova, after breast augmentation surgery, spoke about the intervention and insists that it was and remains the only one. What do experienced plastic surgeons say about the appearance of a girl? Many experts say that most likely there were more operations, and at least the model regularly makes injections and salon procedures. In particular, in addition to breast augmentation, she is credited with the bare minimum: liposuction, rhinoplasty, cheiloplasty, blepharoplasty and correction of the shape of the cheekbones. Lera herself only supports all these rumors by prohibiting taking pictures of herself without permission.

doll appearance cost

But what if all the talk about how much Valeria Lukyanova has changed before and after plastic surgery is true and there really were operations? Plastic surgery is available today, but in order to qualitatively perform a whole series of interventions on the body and face in a short period of time, a substantial amount of money is needed. Where does an ordinary girl get such funds from? This can be explained quite simply: Valeria herself was born into a fairly prosperous and wealthy family, and when she reached adulthood, she married a businessman from Odessa. The husband of a living Barbie does not have a doll appearance, but has sufficient funds to satisfy any whims of his beloved wife.


Valeria Lukyanova herself does not hide the photo before and after breast plastic surgery today. But he does not respond to requests to show his pictures taken in his youth or childhood. Does that mean she has something to hide? In her trainings and blogs, the girl tells a lot of interesting things. Often she calls herself a goddess or even a heavenly creature. Lera knows quite a lot and speaks about esotericism and Indian beliefs. She has repeatedly said in blogs and interviews that she is categorically against plastic surgery. Dissatisfaction with her own appearance and surgical interventions without urgent need, in her opinion, spoil karma.

Valeria Lukyanova: before and after gaining fame

How does a living Barbie live now? In recent years, Lera travels a lot, but when she is at home, she practically does not leave the house - she is tired of public attention, is engaged in creativity and self-improvement. Lukyanova personally sits in many social networks, distributes her text and video blogs, conducts various seminars and master classes. The girl considers herself talented in everything - she tries to give beauty lessons, write books and music at the same time. In conclusion, we can say that it does not matter at all how Valeria Lukyanova looked before plastic surgery and whether operations were performed. Someone likes the images and activities of this girl, but someone does not, but Lera definitely does not go unnoticed in her current role. So, the goal has been achieved.

Ukrainian Internet celebrity and aspiring model Valeria Lukyanova gained worldwide fame due to her extraordinary appearance. On the network, she prefers to use the nickname Amatue, but journalists and fans gave her a more telling nickname - "live Barbie."

And indeed, the girl does everything to make her face and body correspond to the “doll” parameters: smooth skin, wide eyes, large breasts and an incredibly narrow waist. It is not surprising that one of the most interesting and discussed topics was plastic surgery, with the help of which Lukyanova achieved such a clear resemblance to a plastic Barbie.

Moreover, Valeria herself is only upset by this state of affairs - she has repeatedly urged fans to pay attention to other aspects of her life: the talents of the singer and composer, esoteric practices, work to promote a healthy lifestyle, and much more. But, as you know, they are met by clothes, so it is not surprising that all attention remains focused on the appearance of the star.

What plastic surgery did Valeria Lukyanova do?

At the first glance at the girl, the artificiality of her forms is beyond doubt (although, looking ahead, we can say that this impression is rather deceptive). Here are just the main operations attributed to Valeria in various sources:

  • Removal of the lower ribs (to form a thin waist)
  • (to widen the eyes)
  • or lip filler injections
  • and/or

Western journalists have calculated that such a "set" would cost Amatue at least half a million dollars - however, the star herself denies almost the entire list, calling her appearance the merit of her parents and her own efforts.

Each side in this discussion has its own weighty arguments, but the easiest way to draw objective conclusions is by looking at Valeria's photographs from different years, which she often shares with subscribers on social networks.

Breast plastic surgery is the only operation that the star does not deny. “I did increase my breasts by 2 sizes, initially I had the first and a half. I regret that I didn’t increase it more! ”She said. However, it is pointless to deny anything here: the difference in bust size in old and relatively new photos is too significant. By no means other than installation, such an “increase” can be done.

In addition, the contrast between the fragile figure and the girl's voluminous breasts also indicates mammoplasty. This, of course, is possible without surgery - during pregnancy and lactation, but, as you know, Lukyanova has no children and is not planned yet.

Is it true that Valeria Lukyanova removed her ribs?

The origin of Amatue's extremely thin waist is much more controversial. After her triumphant photo shoot in V Magazine, American surgeons unanimously said that it was impossible to achieve such a girth naturally. The authors of numerous gossips agree with them - in a number of domestic media, Valeria Lukyanova herself allegedly slipped through a quote that she went to China to remove her ribs.

In fact, the girl did not say anything of the kind, and she tries to stay away from discussions of this issue. It is impossible to completely exclude the version of the operation, but if you look at the photographs of Valeria's mother, you can see that the unusual proportions were clearly inherited by her.

The narrowness of the waist is additionally emphasized by wide hips and enlarged breasts, as well as the complete absence of fat in the abdomen (the girl not only spends a lot of time in the gym, but is also a convinced raw foodist).

Photo by Valeria Lukyanova before and after possible plastic surgery

“As for me, she either did several operations on her face or put a couple of kilograms of makeup on it,” commented on Lukyanova’s appearance, Beverly Hills surgeon Anthony Yun, a well-known fan of “tearing off the covers” from star plastics.

In general, Valeria does not hide her addiction to cosmetics - she not only puts an impressive amount of makeup on her face, but also regularly experiments with “coloring” options, sharing her findings on her own video channel. It is due to makeup, in her words, that puppet facial features are formed, which seem to many to be the work of a surgeon or a photoshop master (however, photoshop does take place in her photos, especially studio ones - and often in fairly large quantities).

You can believe this, but Valeria Lukyanova's nose, compared to her old photos, looks noticeably thinner, and its tip is somewhat less heavy and voluminous. It is quite possible that it really took place, but it was not a radical correction of the shape and size, but only a small “polishing”.

Mom and daughter have very similar facial features, except for the same nose:

In addition, it is striking that, compared to children's photos, Amatue's cheekbones have become more elegant and thinner. These changes are unlikely to be the result of plastic surgery, with a high probability they are caused by a “branded” make-up, without which a girl has not appeared in front of a photo and video lens for a long time, whether it be winter or summer, the streets of her native Odessa or beaches in tropical countries.

It would be logical to attribute the absence of facial wrinkles to the make-up, if in the photographs without makeup Valeria's skin was not all the same smooth. In some publications, this is explained either by hyaluronic fillers, but the reason is much simpler and more logical: Lukyanova got rid of all bad habits a long time ago (as a teenager, she used to “lean” on alcohol, but stopped in time), eats healthy food and regularly goes in for sports.

She also spends a lot of time in ecologically clean corners of the planet (in particular, on the mountain peaks of Asia and Mexico), tans little and is largely protected from most modern stresses - such as material problems and conflicts at work. Add to this lifestyle good genetics, a very young age and a little Photoshop - and the issue of wrinkles disappears by itself, at least for another 5-7 years.

As for the eyes of Valeria Lukyanova, from childhood to the present day, their cut has not changed much. It is extremely doubtful that plastic surgery took place here - if you look closely, you can see that in most of the photographs the girl simply opens her eyes wide. Also, contact lenses, specific makeup, a narrow nose and specially defined lips add volume to them visually. By the way, this is why the version with plastic lips is unlikely - there is no point in further increasing them to Valeria, since in this case it will be more difficult for her to create the effect of huge eyes.

Moreover, the girl denies not only the operations attributed to her, but also the puppet image itself. “All these comparisons really offend me,” she said in an interview with NewMediaRockStars. - I'm beautiful, but I have nothing to do with Barbie. Yes, I like to take care of myself and wear emphatically feminine clothes, but I only look like myself. As for plastic surgery, I have nothing against it, but my appearance is due only to good genes: everyone in my family is like that!

Odessa Barbie - this is how Valeria Lukyanova has been called for several years for her striking resemblance to an American doll - the idol of several generations of American children. Let's try to understand the essence of the issue - what changes have occurred with the face and figure of Valeria, and what is the role of plastic surgeons in turning an ordinary girl into a Barbie doll.

The biography of Valeria Lukyanova is not full of bright events. She was born on August 23, 1985 in Tiraspol. After graduating from school, she entered the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and soon left. I fully paid tribute to bad habits, but managed to stop in time. Now he does not drink or smoke, he practices a raw food diet, in the future he is going to give up food altogether - to live off the energy of the cosmos. Valeria herself sees the reason for the amazing changes that have occurred with her face and figure in gaining spirituality, working on herself and excellent heredity. The girl is trying in every way to convince the public that the appearance of the Barbie doll is not the main thing, that it is only a reflection of her inner world. Lera composes and performs songs, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and is fond of esotericism. However, it is the appearance of Amatue (under this nickname Valeria is known on the Internet) that owns the hearts of fans, most often asking a single question - how did she manage to get such a thin waist, smooth skin and graceful features.

Valeria Lukyanova - before and after photos

The most complete picture of the natural form of Valeria is given by children's photographs. On them the future Odessa Barbie looks lovely - a wonderful girl with dotted eyes and plump lips.

Several surviving photos of the pre-Barbian period demonstrate - the eyes did not change their shape, the lips too. With age, the nose has slightly increased, in addition, a small hump has appeared on it.

There are a huge number of photographs in the image of Barbie - they are no longer Valery Lukyanov, but Amatue, a creature that arrived from the constellation Pleiades.

How many plastic surgeries has Valeria Lukyanova done?

Now let's see what parts of Amatue's face and body have been changed. Let's start with the obvious metamorphoses.

So, rhinoplasty, beauty injections and breast augmentation- the transformation of Valeria Lukyanova into a Barbie doll was not without them. Doubtful liposuction in the waist area, and the removal of edges - with a small degree of probability. That to the formation of the image of the Odessa Barbie had a hand in plastic surgeons and cosmetologists there is practically no doubt.

Video by Valeria Lukyanova

The video will help you better understand the inner world of the Odessa Barbie, which, according to Valeria Lukyanova, is no less interesting than her non-standard appearance.

Valeria Lukyanova - "live Barbie". Once again, the Internet is shaken by sensations - a new virtual star has lit up, whose photos amaze and confuse. Who is this girl and where did she get her memorable appearance from? Has nature endowed her with amazing external data or is it the fruit of the painstaking work of plastic surgeons?

Childhood "live Barbie"

Valeria Valerievna Lukyanova was born on August 23, 1985 in Tiraspol, Transnistria, in the family of a builder. Little is known about her childhood years. This is due to the fact that the new star of the Internet carefully guards information about himself young. Let's just say that Lera Lukyanova was born quite an ordinary girl. She has a brother who lives with his mother in the capital of Russia, and his father remained to live in his homeland. There were no prerequisites indicating that the girl was in danger of popularity. Like many children, she studied averagely, without much zeal. The living barbie Valeria Lukyanova admits that she did not understand the meaning of many school subjects, and often agreed on grades.

The youth of a modern Internet star

Having moved to the Ukrainian city of Odessa, Lera Lukyanova entered the school of music and graduated from it. However, God did not give her special vocal data. At the age of 14, as a teenager, she drank a horse dose of Diphenhydramine because of unrequited love, but she received medical assistance in time. Russian Barbie joined the vampire sect and ran to meetings of the Red Dragon organization. Realizing that this hobby would not bring anything useful, she spat on everything and entered the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, where she later received a bachelor's degree. It was then that strange metamorphoses began with her external data.

Plastic surgery Valeria Lukyanova

Looking at the photo of Valeria Lukyanova on social networks VKontakte and Instagram, you wonder how much this girl resembles the Barbie doll beloved by all fashionistas. The image is not new, but this is not the first generation of eccentric ladies who want, by all means, to resemble this slender beauty. Mismatched women often fail, because with any tuning from a VAZ 2106 Mercedes will not work. But Lera Lukyanova after the operations became the embodiment of a child's toy.

  • Rhinoplasty. Live barbie Valeria Lukyanova covers her nose with tons of cosmetics. To get to the bottom of the true state of affairs there is possible only after archaeological excavations in the bowels of the cream and powder. Nevertheless, studying the photo of Valeria Lukyanova before the operation, you will clearly see that the nose of the star was much wider, and a hump lived on it. Now, on VKontakte and Instagram, the girls have photos in which the nose is narrow and clearly defined. It looks like it was carved by a puppeteer from a piece of high-quality plastic.

  • Upper blepharoplasty. The star denies any surgical intervention to create a puppet incision of the eyes. But world-famous surgeons doubt the naturalness of the girl's huge open eyes. On top of that, Valery Lukyanov, like a real doll, poses in front of camera lenses, opening her eyes unnaturally. Thick makeup and bright lenses that enlarge the iris enhance the effect.

  • . Plump lips went to the Russian Barbie by nature. But in recent years, their volume has increased markedly. Talk about surgery. Lera Lukyanova abuses various lipsticks and glosses before and after lip augmentation. By the way, now the girl has switched exclusively to pink colors in.

  • Hyaluronic acid. "Beauty injections" are attributed to the star from the very moment of its appearance on the Internet. At first, fans believed that the absence of facial wrinkles and folds was a consequence of multi-ton makeup, but Valeria Lukyanova’s photos without makeup are distinguished by virgin smoothness of the skin. Experts suggest that it was Botox that caused such an ideal condition of the skin.

  • Cheekbone plasty. Photos from 2016 showed that the face of the Russian Barbie has noticeably decreased. The girl herself completely refuses to talk about possible plastic surgery, insisting only on the idea. It is difficult to judge, but comparing how Lera Lukyanova looked before the operations, you understand that it could not have done without the skillful hands of the Aesculapius.

  • Breast augmentation. Valeria Lukyanova wore a modest 1.5 breast size before plastic surgery. Recently, photos of Valeria Lukyanova have been showing voluminous breast implants that the most popular doll would envy. Lera Lukyanova admits that she enlarged her breasts in order to achieve the desired image. Note that this is only one operation in which the girl confessed. “I did increase my breasts a couple of sizes, at first I had the first and a half. I really regret that I didn’t increase it even more! ”She says on her Instagram. The husband paid for the operation. She cost $3,000.

  • Rib removal. A controversial topic, about which Lera Lukyanova prefers to remain silent. But the ubiquitous paparazzi got to the bottom and found her confession. The star says that she removed her two lower ribs in China to achieve the effect of a wasp waist, with a diameter of 48 cm. Many doctors and fitness instructors say that no matter what the girl says, it is impossible to achieve such a result only with training and diets. But in order to maintain a minimum girth, she goes to the gym 3 times a week and is convinced.

Live barbie Valeria Lukyanova and her Ken

Lera does not really like to talk about the person of her husband, who, in combination, is also the sponsor of all her blissful ideas for changing her appearance. The husband of Valeria Lukyanova, Dmitry Shkrabov, an Odessa businessman, does not mind having a living Barbie doll at hand.

He reportedly spent $800,000 to upgrade his wife. Valeria herself practically does not go out of character. Even at home, she puts on kilograms of makeup and walks around not in a bathrobe, but in a short top. The girl considers traditional family life to be something terrible, she definitely does not want children. She is convinced that she cannot be a mother.

Pranoedia of Valeria Lukyanova

The girl is also known as Amatuya. And this is no more, no less, but the goddess of the Sun. Valeria convinces all subscribers that she came to Earth from another planet, which is a deity who has acquired an earthly body. For a long time she ate only raw foods, then she switched to liquid food, and then an unsuccessful attempt at prano-eating followed. Living barbie Valeria Lukyanova was able to feed on solar energy for a short time. Failed and wisely postponed the attempt indefinitely.

The girl is offended if she is compared with a Barbie doll, although she strives with all her might for the cherished image. And no matter how hard she tried to switch the attention of the audience to her spiritual qualities, everything turned out to be unsuccessful. Lera Lukyanova changed a lot before and after the operations, gradually acquiring some kind of soulless, cosmic beauty. Her fans say: “She was a nice girl ... That's what dolls do with people! It would be better if everyone played cars.

Video: Valeria Lukyanova answers tricky questions live

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