What to eat for appetite. How to increase appetite. Most Effective Methods

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Most people rarely need to use appetite stimulants, because now society is infatuated with the problem of losing weight. However, there are situations when it is quite difficult to do without them. Recovering from serious illnesses, people with impaired taste and smell, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and finally, just those who are underweight - they all need means to help them feel hungry or at least be able to take food. In many cases, people have to put in extra effort to eat. How can you help them with this?

When the level of glucose and other nutrients in the blood decreases, information about this goes to the hypothalamus. After analyzing the information received, the brain forms a feeling of hunger and transmits a signal to the digestive organs. As a result, the salivary and other glands begin to work actively, and your stomach begins to growl indecently loudly. The chain is quite simple: blood - brain - digestive organs. However, if you act on its last link, the mechanism for the formation of hunger will also be launched: if the digestive tract "behaves" in the same way as in a hungry person, the hypothalamus also adapts to this. For this reason, foods and drinks that stimulate the production of digestive juices and peristalsis have a stimulating effect on the appetite.

Such influence, as a rule, have products with a strong taste and/or aroma. "What's with the scent?" - you ask. It's simple: taste buds work exclusively in conjunction with olfactory cells, so we cannot taste if the product has no smell. That is why when you have a cold, all food seems to have no taste, and bitter medicine becomes less disgusting if you drink it with your nose pinched.

It is known as an appetite stimulant - that is why for several hundred years there has been a tradition to drink an aperitif in the form of some low-alcohol drink before a meal. However, the systematic use of alcohol can be harmful, so we advise you to prefer other options. So, a handful of sour berries or a glass of fruit juice half an hour or an hour before a meal can make a person want to eat. A small portion of fresh vegetable salad seasoned with herbs, as well as a cup of coffee, can have a similar effect. The main thing is not to eat or drink all this in such quantities as to cause satiety.

Pharmacy for help

Sometimes planning a diet alone is difficult to manage - you have to use herbal remedies or medicines.

Herbal remedies designed to increase appetite are grouped under the name "bitterness". Indeed, they all contain bitter-tasting substances that stimulate the appearance of hunger. Among them - calamus root, dandelion root, centaury herb, wormwood herb and others. Any of them can be brewed with boiling water, and the resulting infusion can be used to increase appetite, taking it 20-30 minutes before meals.

The disadvantages of formulations and herbs intended for self-preparation are obvious. Firstly, you need to spend time brewing them, and secondly, there are difficulties in determining the optimal dosage. A solution of the same concentration (a tablespoon of raw materials per 450-500 ml of water), prepared from different herbs, is taken differently. For wormwood, a single dose is only 15 drops, and for dandelion - ¼ cup. It is much more convenient to use ready-made tinctures, for example, a tincture with an easy-to-remember name “bitter” (taken 10-20 drops before meals) or “homemade montana drops” (1-2 teaspoons before meals). When taking herbal remedies to increase appetite, it is worth remembering that they are contraindicated in diseases of the digestive system: gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer, as well as in the acute phase of cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Drugs of chemical origin are also capable of stimulating appetite. For example, tablets or syrup peritol”, which have an antihistamine effect, have a strong effect on appetite. Sometimes doctors advise taking enzyme preparations, for example, pancreatin or mezim, or they also recommend metabolic agents - citric acid, succinic acid, glycine,. From the latter, one should not expect an instant effect - their action develops gradually.

Choosing a specific option is under the supervision of a specialist. Despite the fact that these drugs do not require a prescription for sale, illiterate prescribing and use can be harmful. The choice must be made taking into account contraindications, the underlying disease, the initial state of health and the degree of appetite disturbance; only a doctor can take all this into account in a complex.

The most dangerous ways to increase appetite

For the most part, drugs that stimulate the feeling of hunger are safe: if you use the “right” medicine at the recommended doses, you don’t even have to think about the consequences - there won’t be any. However, there are methods of increasing appetite that can be harmful to health.

For example, in the past people with a deficiency of weight practiced the introduction of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and is responsible for the breakdown of glucose. After its additional introduction, the body quickly consumes carbohydrate reserves, which causes a feeling of hunger. However, this method of stimulating appetite disrupts the hormonal balance of the body and can cause a decrease in the production of its own insulin, so the inept use of this method, especially in sick people, can even lead to the appearance of diabetes in them. Now it is rarely used, mainly in sports medicine for weight gain in athletes.

There is another unsafe way to achieve the goal - the use of marijuana. In no case do we recommend the use of narcotic substances to increase appetite - marijuana is prohibited in our country. However, in some US states it is legal and available by prescription. The main consumers are people with oncological diseases and chronic pain syndrome.

If you are concerned about the problem of poor appetite, do not forget about general activities. As many tinctures, formulas, and preparations the pharmaceutical industry has to offer us, there are more natural ways to increase appetite.

American nutritionist Paul Bragg always adhered to the rule: "breakfast must be earned." He attributed great importance to physical exercise and sports, which are natural appetite stimulants. If the state of health allows a load, everyone can use it. The effect of classes will be better if you exercise in the fresh air: at the same time, redox processes in the body occur more intensively and nutrients are more actively consumed.

In order for food to be desirable to eat, it must be tasty and loved - only one attentive attitude to the technology of cooking and the choice of dishes can significantly increase interest in food. In addition, the desire to sit down at the table will inevitably appear if you pay attention to the beautiful serving and serving of dishes. Studies have shown that these simple "tricks" increase the appetite even in pets, and for people with their much more developed aesthetic sense, this should help even more so.

As you can see, there are many ways to help a person suffering from appetite disorders. So do not rush to pin your hopes only on drugs; take an integrated approach to the problem, and your efforts will soon bear fruit.


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A good appetite is a sign of excellent health. Most people do not know how to cope with excessive appetite, so they often view the problem of loss of appetite as something frivolous and far-fetched. Meanwhile, a decrease and loss of appetite can be a symptom of serious diseases, and an extreme form of anorexia in a neglected form can even lead to death, which we hear from the news every now and then when another model passes away due to an eating disorder. Due to a number of physiological, mental and emotional reasons, loss of appetite from time to time can be observed in every person. A short-term loss of appetite is not yet a cause for concern, but if it continues for more than two weeks, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. And in general, before you start puzzling over how to increase your appetite, it is advisable to figure out the reasons for its loss, but here, as a rule, you can’t do without consulting a specialist. If the reason is not too serious, you can quickly and effectively restore your lost appetite, and if you wish, you can quickly recover at home, using folk remedies and psychological techniques.

Products that stimulate the desire to eat

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Proven Ways to Improve Appetite

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  • Better less, but often. If you do not want to eat, do not force your body in large portions. The stomach is much more willing to accept small portions of food, so it is more advisable to switch to more frequent meals, but in a smaller volume.
  • Delicious and beautiful. Prepare dishes from your favorite products and do not forget to serve them beautifully so that saliva flows from the mere sight.
  • Drink more fluids. Oddly enough, but one of the most common causes of loss of appetite is dehydration or, more simply, dehydration. Particular attention should be paid to this moment during serious physical exertion, when it is necessary to drink at least five to eight glasses of clean water during the day.
  • Help stimulate appetite 50-100 grams of dry red wine or aperitif with a bitter aftertaste drunk 15-20 minutes before a meal.
  • Spices, seasonings, salinity, fats. All sorts of spices and seasonings stimulate the production of gastric juice, thereby stimulating the appetite. More appetizing, from the point of view of the body, salty and fatty foods also look. You should not abuse these funds, but a little piquancy definitely does not hurt. It is not worth waiting for the appetite to rise from something insipid and boring - he is not interested in it. Use mustard, pepper, horseradish, chicory, dandelion leaves, rosemary.
  • Organize your meals. Make it a rule to always eat at the same time, so that the body gets used to this regimen and already knows and anticipates the upcoming meal. Do not knock down your appetite with light snacks on the go and sweets. To activate the work of the stomach, eat salads of fresh vegetables and fruits about half an hour before the main course.
  • Vitamins. Often the cause of a decrease in appetite lies in the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, so to increase your appetite, after consulting a doctor, pick up a good multivitamin complex. Especially effectively activates appetite vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid.
  • Bad habits. Quit smoking at last! If you deprive the body of the pleasure that it receives from the next dose of nicotine, it will try to find it in something else, most often in food. Wrong daily routine is also a bad habit, so try to alternate work and rest, and most importantly - a good healthy sleep. Learn to relax, because often the loss of appetite is associated precisely with an excess of stress and problems of a psycho-emotional nature.
  • Active lifestyle. Sports, hiking in the fresh air, dancing, and even the banal regular walking of your beloved four-legged friend will help to normalize and increase your appetite, because, as you know, you need to work up an appetite, and it’s difficult to do this while lying on the couch and switching channels with the remote control.
  • Great for helping to increase appetite infusions of bitter herbs, complex herbal preparations. Plants that stimulate appetite include: wormwood, bison, mustard, parsnip, horseradish, chicory, yarrow, dandelion, gentian, calamus, blackcurrant, plantain, watch.
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Help of medicinal plants

Infusion of wormwood

1 tsp crushed herb wormwood pour a glass of boiling water. We let it brew for half an hour and, in order to increase appetite, we take 1 tbsp. three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Dandelion Root Infusion

Especially in the spring, when eating, it is advisable to eat fresh dandelion leaves or make a salad out of them. Do not be afraid of bitterness, this is just what your body needs. And from the rhizome, you can prepare an infusion that will not only help to increase your appetite for a short time, but will solve the problem for a long time and significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

2 tsp crushed dandelion root pour a glass of cold water. We insist 8 hours and take a quarter cup 4 times a day.

Juice from carrots and watercress (lat. Nast?rtium officin?le) will help to effectively increase appetite: take 4 carrots and a bunch of watercress, squeeze the juice and dilute with the same amount of water, take half an hour before meals.

Yarrow juice

Fresh yarrow juice will also help increase appetite, which must be consumed in 1 tsp. three times a day. For taste, you can add a small amount of honey.

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Medicines for appetite

Centaury, angelica, sage, rue

Mix 20 g of herb centaury umbrella with 10 g of angelica root, 10 g of medicinal sage and 20 g of fragrant rue leaves. 3 tbsp collection, pour three cups of boiling water, insist 30-40 minutes, filter, take 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. Appetite normalizes gradually.

Wormwood, willow, yarrow, dandelion

To prepare the collection, we take 1 part of wormwood herb, 1/2 part of white willow bark, 1 part of dandelion herb and 1 part of common yarrow herb. 1 tbsp collection, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. We insist half an hour. To increase appetite, take three times a day for half a cup 15-20 minutes before meals.

If you can’t increase your appetite on your own, and its loss is accompanied by constant fatigue, rapid weight loss, changes in taste habits, pain, not only in the abdomen, be sure to seek qualified medical help.

By secret

Have you ever tried to lose excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, the victory was not on your side.

Children? This question haunts many parents. After all, a growing body needs a large amount of energy, vitamins and minerals. But where do they come from if the baby practically does not eat anything?

How to increase a child's appetite? What do I need to do? What is the reason for poor appetite? Answers to these and other questions regarding the mentioned problem will be presented below.

Appetite - what is it?

Before answering the question of how to increase the appetite of a child of 2 years old or another age, it is necessary to understand what this word generally means. "Appetite" has Latin roots. According to experts, this word is translated as “desire”, “desire” or “need”.

In physiological terms, appetite is a kind of sensation that occurs as a result of the human body's need for food. In the event that this need has not been satisfied, then it develops into a strong feeling of hunger.

It must be understood that the work of the digestive tract is controlled by a certain part of the brain, namely its food center. With a long absence of food, certain areas are excited in it, which, in fact, send impulses to the digestive tract. As a result of this process, saliva begins to be intensively produced in a person, and a desire to eat also arises.

Main reasons

How to increase appetite in children? Before dealing with this problem, it is necessary to identify its causes. It should be noted that there may be several. Consider the most likely right now:

  • Appetite in all babies is different initially. And if the parents of the child themselves ate poorly in childhood, then this phenomenon can also be observed in their children.
  • Health problems. Teething, the presence of stomatitis, inflammation occurring in the digestive tract, colds and even a common cold - these are the most common reasons why many children refuse to eat food. How to increase appetite in a child of 5 years or another age? If the reason for refusing food is a disease, then you should not insist on your own and force-feed the baby. This is due to the fact that in case of illness it is a kind of protective reaction of the body. It is in this way that he directs his forces to fight the disease, and also protects the liver, which is the main cleansing organ. After the child recovers, the appetite will return by itself.
  • Wrong actions of parents at breakfast, lunch or dinner. The dinner table should not be the place where the child is constantly scolded, lectured, forced to eat or punished. When screaming at dinner, not only the baby, but any adult will lose all appetite.
  • Feelings, stress. How to increase appetite in children? First you need to find out what is eating your child. After all, frequent strife in the family, new stages in life, the death of loved ones and quarrels with best friends can directly affect your baby's appetite. After talking with him and identifying the cause of his bad mood, the parents should calm the child, which will contribute to the return of the desire to eat something.
  • Seasonal fluctuations. The causes of increased appetite in children and decreased appetite may be associated with climate change. In winter, the human body requires more energy than in summer. Thus, in the cold season, the child's appetite is much better than in unbearable heat.
  • The presence of worms. In addition to refusing to eat, the following symptoms are characteristic of this disease: pallor, irritability, and abdominal pain. With helminthic invasion, it is necessary to take a blood and feces test.
  • Overwork, fatigue and lack of sleep are also major causes in toddlers. In such situations, it is extremely important to adjust the child's daily routine.
  • If children spend little time outside, then their appetite may also decrease.

How to increase appetite in children? Basic Rules

What to do if your baby hardly eats anything? At the same time, he does not observe any objective reasons for such behavior. To do this, we recommend that you follow certain rules.

Don't force your child to eat something they don't like.

As you know, children often have a dislike for certain foods. This behavior is usually age-related and goes away on its own in the process of growing up. But if the baby is forced to eat something that he does not really like, then he may develop a real phobia, which is associated with a specific product. In this case, such behavior can remain for life.

By forcing a child to consume what he does not want, parents reinforce a negative reflex in him, and also unconsciously instill a persistent dislike for food. This is how the problem of poor appetite arises.

The process of eating should cause only positive emotions in the baby.

Of great importance for increasing the appetite of a child is the environment in which the meal takes place. For this time, parents should forget about all their problems and show the baby how delicious everything is cooked, how pleasant it is for them to be in such a good company.

If the child began to act up and you punished him, then you should put him at the dinner table only after he calms down.

During lunch, pay less attention to your child. Eat food with appetite yourself, and then the baby will begin to imitate you.

Meal time

If possible, all meals should take place at the same time. All family members should regularly gather at the dinner table and eat food with great appetite.


The desire to eat is a completely natural feeling. Therefore, a child should be seated at the table only if he is hungry. Thus, do not give in to the requests of the baby to give him something to eat if the appointed meal time has not yet come.

Half-eaten portion of food is not a reason for punishment

If the child refuses to finish eating all the food laid out on the plate, then you should not force him to empty it or scold him for it. Moreover, to prevent this phenomenon, you should not impose too much food on the baby. If there is a desire, then he will ask for supplements.

Food should look appetizing and be delicious.

Why does a child have an increased appetite? The reasons for this phenomenon lie in delicious food. If the baby likes what you have prepared and served at the table, then you will not have to force him to empty the plate. He will do it himself and with great pleasure.

Foods that increase appetite in children

Surprisingly, there are foods that can make a child have an exorbitant desire to eat something. For example, many parents half an hour before the main meal give their child sour apple juice squeezed with their own hands. According to experts, such a drink helps to produce gastric juice.

There are also other folk remedies that increase appetite in children. For a good stimulation of digestion, some experts recommend the use of medicinal berries such as blackcurrant, and juniper, wild rose, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, as well as cumin and anise seeds.

These funds are good because they are very pleasant to the taste, so the kids do not refuse them. As for decoctions and tinctures made from wormwood, yarrow, dandelion root, calamus and chicory, they are very bitter, it is rather problematic to make a baby drink them. However, it should be noted that such drugs increase appetite much more, as they multiply the secretion of gastric juice.

Take the mentioned tinctures, fruit drinks and decoctions should be 20-30 minutes before the main meal.

Pharmacy funds

Drugs that increase appetite in children can only be used on the advice of a pediatrician. This is due to the fact that such drugs can cause allergic reactions and other side effects.

From homeopathic medicines to improve appetite, some doctors recommend using complexes with calcium and magnesium salts. It should also be noted that medications that cause a desire to eat include: Elkar (L-carnitine), Lysine, Glycine and various enzymes (for example, Creon).

There are also vitamins that increase appetite in children. Only an experienced pediatrician should tell you which complex is most suitable for your baby. If you do not want to give your child synthetic vitamins, then they can be replaced with berries (for example, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries, and others).


How to increase appetite in a child (1 year old)? The child's body is a complex self-regulating system that itself determines how much food it needs. If the baby does not eat well, then this indicates that he is not satisfied with certain foods that his mother uses. Having identified which ingredients do not suit him, you must replace them with others.

In general, there is a whole list of what should not be consumed by a nursing mother, and what components must be present in her diet. Adhering to the doctor's recommendations, a woman will never face such problems.


During adolescence, many boys and girls may experience significant changes in their appetite. Some girls begin to suddenly refuse food in order to save their figure. As for the boys, some of them also go on a diet, and some, on the contrary, eat too much food. This is due to the development of complexes "thin-fat".

In connection with all of the above, it can be safely noted that the reasons for the decrease and increase in appetite in adolescents are mostly of a psycho-emotional nature. Therefore, parents should be sympathetic to the behavior of their child. Forcibly feeding a child or forbidding him to eat anything can only aggravate the situation.

In adolescence, not only the appearance of a teenager changes, but also his behavior. Very often it becomes unpredictable. There is a lot of aggression in the child, there is dissatisfaction with his body. To change this, he tries to eat less or more. Such behavior can adversely affect the health of a teenager, including his digestive tract.

To support their child, parents should talk to him in a friendly way. The teenager needs to be explained that proper and rational nutrition is the key to success, including a beautiful appearance. If a boy or girl is overweight, then it should be said that for weight loss it is not necessary to refuse food. It is only necessary to reduce the consumption of sweet and starchy foods, as well as move a lot.

In the event that a teenager is too thin, then his diet should consist of a large amount of protein and fiber. Also, to build muscle mass, it is recommended to visit the gym.

With regard to drugs that increase appetite, among them the most popular are vitamin formulations and dietary supplements containing zinc. As you know, the deficiency of the latter quite often leads to a violation of smell and sense of taste.

When replenishing zinc in the body, normalization of appetite occurs after 30-60 days after the start of its use. It should also be noted that the child begins to eat when using vitamin complexes containing citric and succinic acids.

Hi all! And today we will finish our broadcast on the topic "How to increase appetite." We will find out what ways there are to eat more, we will also give advice to ectomorphs on gaining mass, and we will analyze foods that inflame the appetite.

So, the agenda is clear, let's get down to its implementation.

How to increase appetite. The practical side of the issue

This is the second post on this topic, in which we revealed theoretical points - we found out how hunger differs from appetite, which hormones regulate the latter. Therefore, to understand the mechanics of the processes, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. We go further and today we will find out in what ways, methods and “tools” you can increase your appetite.

You know this saying: Appetite comes with eating? So, this is a myth. Appetite comes when there is gastric juice in the stomach. Poor appetite is an indicator that you have not stimulated the secretion of gastric juice. Incentives can vary (and we'll look at them all today). For example, in Pavlov's dogs, this was the ringing of a bell. Of course, a person does not need to beat a tambourine to increase his appetite :), but certain actions will be required. We will talk about them a little later, but for now we will find out ...

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

What is the energy of food used for?

Calorie consumption in the body occurs in three ways:

  1. 70% basal metabolism - maintaining the general vital activity of the body;
  2. 20% physical activity, movement, muscle work;
  3. 10% digestion and absorption of food.

In terms of energy consumption (essentially glucose) The most voracious organs are the following: liver ( 27% ) , brain ( 20% ), muscles ( 10% ) .

Those. muscles stand at the very last (along with kidneys) place in terms of energy consumption. This suggests that losing weight solely due to strength work in the gym (set of muscle mass) is an extremely labor intensive task. You just need to register in a rocking chair if you want to lose a few pounds.

If we consider the energy consumption of organs in terms of increasing appetite, then you need to feed the most expensive organs: the liver and brain. In other words, in order for a person to want to eat, you need to create an energy deficit, for example, in the brain, forcing the latter to work actively. Increased brain activity requires nourishment of the thinking organ and can increase appetite.


If you are an office worker and do not really cook with a bowler hat, but only shift paper clips, then you need quit your job make your brain work and use glucose. Then during the meal you will want to eat more than usual.

How to increase appetite and force yourself to eat more? Top 10 Tips

You gain weight when you create a calorie surplus, i.e. Load more energy into yourself than you expend. It happens, most often this is an exception to the rule, when a person eats a lot, but the weight still, plus or minus, stands still. If you belong to this category, everything is in order with your hormones, then there is only one way out - to consult a gastroenterologist. Only a specialized specialist will help you identify the causes of poor appetite. For everyone else, it makes sense to implement the following habits into your life and stick to the following tips:

No. 1. High calorie breakfast

The timing of meals affects the body's circadian rhythm, and it digests and burns more calories in the morning than in the evening or at night. So start your day with a breakfast loaded with protein and carbohydrates. For example, oatmeal and 2 boiled eggs. It is also possible to take fatty red fish and fiber: salmon fillet and broccoli.

You will say that it is almost impossible to shove it into yourself in the morning, before work, when you don’t feel like eating at all. How to do this, you will understand by studying further tips and our final summary instruction at the end of this subchapter.

No. 2. Frequent meals throughout the day

Very often, when working with women in the service, the following monologue arises when sending a new meal plan: “Eat 5 times a day? Are you serious? And how will I lose weight, even if I get better by three?” or “It's too much for me, I can't eat that much.” This indignation is a completely correct reaction in terms of emotions, but not correct in terms of weight normalization and body shaping.

Frequent meals (like every 2,5-3 hours) helps the body maintain an anabolic state, which is a positive environment for muscle development. Eating frequently is a good way to increase your appetite, as small meals fill your stomach less, and if the foods are chosen correctly, then it has time to be digested in 2,5-3 hours. To stimulate the appetite, small and frequent meals are better than dense and with a large distance in time from each other.

Number 3. Hydration of the body

Drink recommendation 2-2,5 liters of water per day is not entirely correct. Why load yourself with liquid and constantly think about where to go “wee-wee”? Water in the body should be enough for your gender, age, height, weight, climate of residence. For each person, these are their own values ​​​​by liters, they are calculated empirically. Those. You include a certain water intake schedule in your regime and monitor your condition, weight, appetite.

Some starting point for you (if you are young and active) the following mode can be used:

  • in the morning after waking up: 400 ml of water for women and 500 ml of water for men ( 2 glasses) ;
  • before every meal (up to 2 1-00 ) : 1 glass of water;
  • during the day: as needed until the onset of thirst.


A study by scientists Daniels MC, Popkin BM in the journal Nutrition Review ( 2010 ) showed that water consumption by older people ( 55+ ) before meals can reduce calorie intake. And abstaining from drinking water before meals can increase calorie intake by 9% .

No. 4. Establishment of intestinal peristalsis

The reason for the reluctance to eat may be the poor work of the stomach to digest food. Rich foods help in solving this issue. On the other hand, fiber gives a person satiety and fills his stomach, allowing him to go without food for longer. Therefore, moderate the amount of fiber in your diet depending on the events of the day.

No. 5. Physical activity 3-5 times a week

Various studies have shown that swimming and weight training with iron are the strongest appetite stimulants. It has also been found that aerobic activity, in particular running, suppresses rather than stimulates appetite. More strength training 1,5 hours in a row lead to a decrease in the electrical activity of the brain, inhibition of its cognitive functions and, as a result, a decrease in appetite.

The ideal training parameters for increasing appetite have been identified: multi-joint exercises, intensive work without failure for 45 (for women) - 60 (for men) minutes.

No. 6. Food in the company or under the right background

In the company of a fat man, time flies by! :). Remember this slogan? So, nutrition.org experts found that most of the subjects ate more food (by 20% ) in a company rather than alone. Also an increase in appetite 15% ) have contributed to food shows or cooking shows.

Conclusion: eat in the company of household or under food transfer.

No. 7. Food on a big plate

Psychological chip, which is to deceive the brain. You put your food not in the right size plate, but much larger. For example, not 25 cm, and 30-35 cm.

No. 8. Use of food enhancers

Herbs, spices, various dressings and gravies - all this makes our food more desirable. Agree, boiled chicken breast or oatmeal on the water is below average pleasure, and for some even below the baseboard :). Herbs, spices, seasonings, sauces all enhance the flavor of food and stimulate the production of digestive enzymes. So feel free to add them to your fresh diet. The most appetizing spices are: black and red pepper, ginger, cinnamon, salt, minced garlic/powder, soy sauce.


Grated cheese interspersed with garlic crushed through a garlic press - with this dressing you will eat any dish, even in the morning.

No. 9. Taking special supplements

Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can reduce appetite. If you want to boost it, consider including some of these supplements in your diet:

  • zinc;
  • thiamine;
  • fish fat;
  • echinacea. Contains compounds called alkylamines, which may stimulate appetite.

No. 10. colored utensils

Green, yellow and orange/red dishes stimulate the appetite. These are the conclusions of the study 2011 year, published in Appetite magazine.

Implement some of these recommendations into your life and you will grow by leaps and bounds :).

And here, in fact, what the cathedral instruction for increasing appetite looks like:

  1. not getting up early 7 before 9 ) , 1,5-2 a glass of water;
  2. physical activity (not exercise) - exercises with your own body weight and dumbbells on 10-15 minutes in non-stop mode;
  3. food intake;
  4. 1 a glass of water before work;
  5. Job. Drink 1-1,5 liters of liquid;
  6. eating in the cafeteria at work. What is on the menu with the addition of spices;
  7. workout;
  8. house. Drink 1,5-2 a glass of water for 30 minutes before meals;
  9. home eating with family or watching a show;
  10. evening walk to 20-25 minutes;
  11. lights out in 00-00 .

This is how the ideal, in terms of increasing appetite, daily routine should look like.

3 life hacks for an ectomorph to increase appetite and gain mass

Ectomorphs, lean body type in men or rectangle body type (with appropriate anthropometric parameters) women have the most difficult types for mass gain. It is about them that they say - "not a horse's food." They often say to themselves: I can’t force myself to eat at all. If you are one of those, then remember the following three tips to increase your appetite and gain mass:

No. 1. Increase your calorie intake window

You need more time during the day to recharge your energy. If you get up now 9 morning and go to bed 12 night then start getting up on 1,5-2 hours earlier at 7 hours of the morning. Thus, you will have 2 hours more wakefulness, calorie consumption and more time to get hungry.

If you already get up very early, but during the day your absorption abilities leave much to be desired, then make it a rule to press the pillow on 30 minutes in the morning (until 15-00). Sometimes such a recharge allows you to increase your appetite for the second half of the day.

No. 2. Eat less protein, more complex carbohydrates

That's the news! - you say. Protein is the main building material of muscles, its amount must be reduced. How so? The thing is, protein is the most satiating of all. 3rd macronutrient, it stops the appetite for a long period of time. A bunch of "proteins and fats" is very satisfying, therefore, in order to increase appetite, it is necessary to increase the amount of complex carbohydrates in your diet.

In other words, ectomorphs who want to improve their appetite and gain mass need to shift the percentage of nutrients towards carbohydrates. For example, it could be like this: BZHU= 20%/10%/70% .

Number 3. Homemade protein shakes

Increase the number of solid meals with 3 before 5-6 for an ectomorph - an impossible task. But it is not necessary to force yourself with them, if you are already not so hot what an eater. Replace them with liquid - homemade (not sports nutrition) production. In order for them to become full-fledged meals, not only liquid should be added to them, but also structural inclusions - ground nuts, cottage cheese, fiber, pieces of berries.

Now let's get to know…

Top 10 Appetite Enhancing Foods

What do you need to include in your diet to make you want to eat? It must be one of the following:

  1. ground (in bags) ginger. Helps to cope with dyspepsia and stimulates appetite. eat up 1/2 teaspoon per 30 minutes before meals, drinking water for 10 days;
  2. black pepper. Stimulates taste buds, which can increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid, often found in the stomach, and thus enhance digestion. add it (assuming you don't have an ulcer) to salads, meat, rice;
  3. garlic. Add it at the end of frying meat or use it as a spread with cheese on bread;
  4. coriander. coriander juice (obtained from leaves) stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  5. apples;
  6. dark grapes;
  7. buckwheat and whole oatmeal;
  8. carrots in Korean;
  9. cauliflower and Brussels sprouts;
  10. Bulgarian red and yellow peppers.


If you do not feel like eating at all, then chew gum - it will stimulate the production of gastric juice, and the saliva produced will irritate the stomach.

Shape your meals in such a way that they contain something from the specified list. The rule of good, i.e. An appetite-boosting tone is a combination of unleavened protein, such as boiled chicken breast, with something spicy, such as Korean carrots or garlic cheese. Find your successful combinations, and the mass will trample :).

Actually, this is all I would like to talk about, let's summarize.


How to increase your appetite - new article from 2nd parts. Now you know everything about how to hamster more and what you need to do for this. We are adopting and expanding on all fronts :).

See you again. Bye!

PS: Are you experiencing problems with your appetite? Are you having a hard time gaining weight?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitri.

One of the main tasks of bodybuilders and just physically active people is the correct selection of products and sports supplements. It is known that the same sports supplements are designed to perform different functions for different athletes. For example, bodybuilders are looking at branched chain amino acids in terms of improving muscle growth and sustainable muscle protein synthesis. But an important point in training is the period of onset of fatigue during intense training. In such situations, athletes need endurance, and one of the components that can increase it is citrulline malate. Therefore, many bodybuilders include it in their pre-workout complexes.
Citrulline is an amino acid that results from the combination of the amino acid ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate. In the body, this happens during the urinary cycle, so the body gets rid of nitrogenous waste. The excess citrulline from supplementation allows the urinary cycle to remove the ammonia produced by the working muscles before it has the effect of fatigue.
Citrulline plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body. In addition, citrulline is a by-product obtained when the body processes an amino acid such as arginine into nitric oxide. Studies show that excess citrulline increases the amount of arginine in the blood, which leads to an increase in the production of nitric oxide. In turn, a large amount of nitrogen has a positive effect on blood flow to the muscles during exercise, which allows muscle tissue to be under load longer and better pumped with blood.
Malate, or malic acid, is a salt compound that is often used as a food preservative and causes some fruits, such as apples, to have a sour taste. Another benefit of malate is that it promotes lactic acid recycling, which helps fight fatigue. Together with citrulline, malate allows the body to withstand different loads longer.

Citrulline in sports

In bodybuilding and other sports, citrulline is used quite often as this supplement increases workout performance. By accelerating the release of ammonia, citrulline from sports nutrition allows you to delay the moment of decrease in hydrogen activity in the muscles that occurs during intense physical work. With a drop in hydrogen activity, the muscle acidifies, and fatigue sets in.
Since arginine is synthesized from citrulline, it can act as a nitrogen donor, it is better absorbed and not destroyed in the liver after absorption from the digestive tract, but this mechanism of action is not the main one. Also, citrulline inhibits enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. It is hypothesized that citrulline may increase growth hormone production, insulin secretion, and creatine production, although these effects have not been proven. It can also be added to the positive effects that this drug helps athletes reduce muscle pain after training.

How to take and in what doses

It is recommended to take citrulline on an empty stomach before training, 05-1.5 hours before. You can also use it in the morning and before bedtime. Since many of the effects of citrulline are due to the rise in arginine levels, the specifics of the intake are also the same.
The minimum effective dose of citrulline is 6 g per day. But studies show that if you take 18 grams per day, the results will be significantly better.

Combining citrulline with other supplements

To increase the effectiveness of training, various supplements can be combined with citrulline.
The most preferred sports nutrition for combination:
Carnosine – Helps increase anaerobic threshold by buffering lactic acid and also protect muscles from oxidative stress.
L-carnitine - increases energy production by including fats in the metabolism. Allows you to improve physical performance, protect the cardiovascular system.
Creatine - increases strength and muscle growth.
Arginine - improves muscle nutrition by increasing the production of nitric oxide. Increases the production of growth hormone and insulin. The expediency of the combination is not sufficiently substantiated.
Vitamins and minerals are elements that are involved in almost all metabolic processes. Citrulline is especially well combined with B vitamins and zinc.

Side effects of citrulline

So far, no side effects of citrulline have been identified in clinical trials. There were also no reports from athletes using citrulline.

Natural sources of citrulline

Watermelon. Watermelon peel is especially rich in citrulline. In addition to citrulline, watermelon also contains other immune-boosting antioxidants that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, including lycopene. Citrulline is also present in watermelon seeds.
Peanut. Peanuts are a good source of citrulline with a relatively high content of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. In addition, peanuts are high in antioxidants and fiber, which are important components of a healthy diet.
Soya beans. Unlike many other plant foods, soybeans contain the entire spectrum of essential amino acids. This makes them a very attractive food for vegetarians. Soybeans contain citrulline, iron, copper, and omega-3 fatty acids. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, copper for metabolism, and fatty acids for active brain activity and the smooth functioning of the heart.
Citrulline is also found in other foods such as fish, milk, eggs, meat, as well as onions and garlic.

Vitamins are highly active biological substances that are responsible for certain life processes. When they enter our body, they contribute to the activation of various processes. Various vitamins can help strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue, improve recovery during physical activity, improve the overall functional state of the body and neutralize harmful environmental factors.
Vitamin-mineral complex (multivitamins) are supplements whose task is to provide the body with vitamins, minerals, as well as other important substances. Multivitamins can be found in various forms, they come in the form of tablets, capsules, marshmallows, powder, liquid and injectable solutions. At the present time, vitamin-mineral complexes are produced, taking into account various factors, such as age, gender and human activity. For example, there are such multivitamins: for pregnant women, children, the elderly, for athletes, for men and women. Multivitamins do not contain hormonal and harmful substances, they are not hazardous to health, and help to strengthen it, as well as activate metabolic processes.

The quality of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Today, the sports nutrition market has various types of vitamin and mineral complexes, which differ in their price and quality. But the composition of all multivitamins is very similar.
The whole point is in the interaction of the individual components of the complex. Cheap vitamin-mineral complexes often differ from expensive ones by impaired absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, which in itself contributes to a deterioration in the balance of micronutrients that enter the body, thereby reducing the effectiveness of taking this complex. In expensive drugs, on the contrary, there are elements that contribute to the absorption of certain elements, and also help to achieve a synergistic effect when the elements increase the properties of each other. Naturally, such components bring much more benefits to the human body.

Vitamins and minerals in bodybuilding.

Practice shows that both in power sports, such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, and other sports, such as fitness, it is very difficult to achieve the desired results without the use of vitamin and mineral complexes. Even if a person consumes a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates, systematically goes in for sports, he may have problems with a training plateau. The reason for this may be insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
Bodybuilders need to consume large amounts of high-calorie foods that are low in minerals and vitamins. They cannot always add enough fruits and other sources of vitamins to their menu, as this will lead to digestive upset. But on the other hand, such athletes have much higher body needs for minerals and vitamins than ordinary people. Therefore, vitamin and mineral complexes are simply irreplaceable for them.
Upon learning of such a problem, novice bodybuilders are faced with the following problem, which complex to choose for themselves? Many multivitamins can be purchased in stores, which, according to the manufacturer's description, are the best, but in reality there are not so many good complexes. As noted earlier, the quality of a vitamin-mineral complex is determined by its matrices, which allow the release of substances at a certain rate and in certain combinations, giving the best absorption effect. In addition, when playing sports, especially bodybuilding, the needs of the body change significantly: some vitamins need 30% more, others even more. That is why weightlifters are advised to purchase specialized vitamin and mineral complexes, which are designed to meet the specific needs of the body in training conditions. In addition, sports vitamin-mineral complexes are divided by gender: into male and female, and they take into account the physiological characteristics of both sexes.
Separately, it should be noted that vitamin-mineral complexes should be taken both when gaining muscle mass and increasing strength indicators, and when working on relief, and when losing weight.

receive mode.

The manufacturer's recommendations must be followed. Usually, multivitamins are taken for 1-2 months, after which a break is made for at least one month. Experts do not recommend a constant intake, as the body eventually loses the ability to absorb hard-to-reach minerals from food, and the synthesis of vitamins decreases inside the body.

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