How to stick wax on braces. Why do I need wax for braces and how many days does a package last? When to Use Braces Wax and Does It Help?

If you have just begun to think about installing a bracket system, and perhaps you have even signed up for brave bracket wearers, you should get ready for the fact that from now on you will have a significantly expanded range of dental and bracket care products at home, which will include not only various brushes and threads, but also a special wax for braces.

It is about the last remedy that we will talk about in this article, and we will try to figure out why it is used, how to use wax correctly and where can you buy it?

Box of wax with lemon flavor.

Wax for braces in itself is not a medical material, but is only an auxiliary product with which it is possible to reduce discomfort and discomfort during orthodontic treatment, because this miracle remedy successfully copes with the problem of rubbing of the mucous membranes after the installation of a bracket system.

During the period of getting used to a foreign object in the oral cavity, there is always a risk of irritation of the delicate skin of the cheeks and lips, and since this process is not affected in any way by the type of braces installed, therefore, orthodontic wax should always be at your fingertips, because it is thanks to this miracle remedy It is possible to make the bite correction course as comfortable as possible.

What is orthodontic wax for braces?

The composition of dental wax for braces includes organic components that do not cause allergic reactions, so the preparation is made from natural wax safe for the body with silicone additives, so its use is completely harmless.

However, the product contains additional chemical components that give it different odors, and in rare cases, patients may still experience individual intolerance, despite the fact that these additives are hypoallergenic. Some product manufacturers add anti-inflammatory components to the wax, which contribute to faster healing of wounds and inflamed areas of the oral mucosa.

The composition of the tooth wax is harmless

For the most pleasant wearing of orthodontic systems, various manufacturers produce wax with the addition of various flavors, so their presence, among other things, perfectly freshens the breath, but this does not mean that dental wax should be used not for its intended purpose, but as an analogue to hygiene products.

Despite the fact that wax is absolutely harmless to the body, and even if a small piece is accidentally swallowed, nothing terrible will happen, you should still follow safety precautions and completely remove dental wax from your mouth before eating.

Depending on which manufacturers made orthodontic wax plates, they may differ in the form of release, the quality of the incoming components, flavoring additives, as well as the design of the packaging material and cost.

Protective function

At the initial stage of wearing the braces, patients often experience discomfort and pain, often caused by rubbing the inner surface of the cheeks or lips with parts of the braces, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant bleeding ulcers in the mouth. To prevent such consequences, a special dental wax for braces is used, which protects the mucous membrane from injury by gluing a piece of wax to a certain part of the bracket system.

There are cases when an arc pops out of the bracket system, and in the near future the patient does not have the opportunity to visit the attending orthodontist, in such situations, the use of dental wax makes it easy to solve the problem, because thanks to its use, damage to the oral mucosa can be avoided.

Wax applied

Also, wax not only becomes an indispensable assistant during the period of adaptation to the bracket system immediately after its installation, but also performs an aesthetic role, because iron brackets look much more attractive with it.

REFERENCE: The material from which dental wax is made after a certain time easily dissolves under the influence of saliva, in connection with this, it must be pasted several times a day.

By the way, manufacturers produce dental wax in fairly convenient packages, which makes it easy to always carry the product with you.

Are there any contraindications

Since dental wax has an absolutely safe composition, there are no categorical contraindications to the use of this orthodontic product, but occasionally there are cases when this miracle remedy should not be used.

These situations occur when patients have hypersensitivity to certain components that make up the product, which leads to various allergic reactions, namely itching, swelling, as well as inflammation and redness of the tissues around the gums. In such situations, you should stop using wax and replace it with analogues (we will talk about them a little later).

How to use dental wax for braces

Before using dental wax, all patients should familiarize themselves with the rules for its use, which are described in the instructions that come with the preparation. Below are the main steps that must be taken:

  1. Perform hygienic treatment of hands with any antiseptic, after washing them well.
  2. After determining the foci of pain and immediately before using the wax, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth using a special brush or brush.
  3. Dry the area to be applied using cotton swabs. It is necessary to dry not only the rubbing part of the structure, but also the tooth.
  4. A small piece of orthodontic wax must be cut off or torn off by turning, while not pulling on the tool to avoid difficulties in giving it the correct shape.
  5. Between the thumb and forefinger, it is necessary to slightly warm up the torn off piece of wax and roll it into a neat ball.
  6. The wax ball must be attached to the orthodontic arch or lock in the place where pain is present, while paying attention that the wax should protrude slightly in front of the brackets.
  7. To securely fix the product, it is necessary to press on the rolled ball, but this should be done with the utmost care.
  8. If the silicone begins to fall off during wear, the protective layer must be restored again.
  9. Dental wax must be removed with a finger or a toothbrush before eating.
  10. The remedy should be used until the pain disappears completely, which, as a rule, disappear within a week.

IMPORTANT! In the case of using orthodontic wax on an uncleaned surface of the oral cavity, inflammation of the mucous membrane may occur, which in the future can provoke problems with wearing the bracket system. Always carry out oral hygiene at least twice a day, using special hygiene products.

Where can I buy dental wax

Wax for braces can be purchased at regular pharmacies, as well as in specialized stores of orthodontic products. As a rule, the orthodontist gives wax to his patients after the installation of the braces, because in many clinics the price of the product is already included in the cost of treatment. However, if you have already used all the packaging, you can again ask your orthodontist for wax or you can buy it, for example, in an online store for a fairly low cost.

piece of wax

On average, it takes about one to two weeks for the body to fully adapt to the bracket system, however, each case is individual, and it is possible that it will be necessary to use orthodontic wax constantly throughout the course of treatment. In this regard, the purchase of this product should be consulted with the attending physician who was involved in the installation of braces in order to obtain the correct recommendations for its use.

What can replace wax for braces

There are situations when patients do not have the opportunity to purchase special dental wax, but it is still necessary to eliminate the discomfort of the mucous membranes and teeth. What to do in such a situation? In such cases, the use of improvised means is allowed, namely beeswax, pure silicone and even paraffin. Some patients use cotton swabs, placing them in the rubbing area, but this only partially helps to get out of the situation, so it is worth using such methods in extreme situations.

ATTENTION! In no case should chewing gum be used instead of wax, as it easily sticks to the components of the bracket system, creating a favorable environment for the accumulation of bacteria, and can damage it, while it will be very difficult to clean orthodontic brackets from chewing gum.

The following are the basic rules for patients who need to eliminate discomfort in the oral cavity after the installation of braces:

  • Medicinal plants are an excellent way to protect the mucosa from inflammation, so it is recommended to purchase calendula and chamomile tinctures at the pharmacy and rinse your mouth regularly with them. Also, for these purposes, self-prepared herbal decoctions are perfect.
  • Limit yourself for the time of adaptation of the body to the bracket system in verbal communication with relatives, friends and work colleagues, because any movement of the mouth will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Limit yourself to snacking by making a clear nutrition schedule, you also need to eat only at room temperature in order to avoid sudden temperature changes that negatively affect not only the bracket system, tooth enamel, but also the damaged oral mucosa.

Summing up, I would like to note that dental wax can easily help eliminate the discomfort and pain that has arisen during the treatment with braces and is the best remedy for rubbing the sensitive oral mucosa.

At the moment, there are quite a lot of manufacturers engaged in the manufacture of orthopedic wax plates, which allows sophisticated consumers to choose from a fairly wide range. However, if the wax product still does not bring the desired effect, you should immediately seek advice from your orthodontist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

After installing systems that correct the bite, you will have to stock up on a whole range of different tools that allow you to go through this period with the greatest benefit and comfort.

The list of useful things will certainly include wax for braces, which will greatly facilitate the process of getting used to the installed braces.

You can buy orthodontic wax for braces at a pharmacy or from your doctor at very affordable prices. Almost all types of orthodontic treatment involve the use of this tool.

What is it for?

Immediately after the staples can cause discomfort, and often pain.

This happens because the rough fragments of the braces, touching the oral mucosa, rub the gums, cheeks and lips.

The contact of the bracket system and the oral mucosa can sometimes even provoke the formation of small or scratches.

For such a case, orthodontic wax is intended, with pieces of which you can easily glue the problematic parts of the structures.

It is also possible to prevent injuries with the help of the material at the time of breakage of the braces. That is, the agent covers the jumped-out arc or, for example, a faulty lock until this problem is solved by the doctor.

The first days after the installation of the system, it is desirable to wax its entire surface, and then only those parts of the structure that injure the mucous membrane. As a result, the tool will not only protect the mucous membrane from rubbing, but also disguise unpresentable locks.

The tool does not belong to the medical group, but only helps protect soft tissues from chafing. You can use it in the amount that is needed to eliminate discomfort. Wax with fruit flavors perfectly freshens breath.


Outwardly, this material resembles a dense mass, similar to plasticine. The product is made from natural wax and medical silicone. The first component helps to completely cover the structure or its individual parts, thereby protecting the mucous membrane from possible injuries. And the second gives the substance the necessary elasticity.

Colored orthodontic wax

The composition of the material often includes fragrances and various flavors characteristic of confectionery or chewing gum.

Wax forms are also produced with the addition of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components. Such a drug performs not only a protective function, but also promotes the healing of the formed wounds.

If it so happened that the material was needed urgently, but it is not in the home medicine cabinet, you can use one-time alternative means:

  • beeswax;
  • a small amount of paraffin;
  • small cotton ball soaked in antiseptic.

It is important to consider that improvised "substitutes" are useful only as an "ambulance". Often it is undesirable to use them. The only medical alternative to orthodontic wax is dental silicone.

The tool does not belong to the medical group, but only helps protect soft tissues from chafing. You can use it in the amount that is needed to eliminate discomfort. Dental wax for braces with fruit flavors perfectly freshens breath.

Wax for braces - how to use?

Like any product intended for the care of braces, the wax mass must be used correctly:

  1. to begin with, brush your teeth thoroughly and wash your hands well;
  2. the problematic element of the system, as well as the surface of the tooth to which it is attached, must be dried with a cotton swab;
  3. a small piece of material is “unscrewed” or carefully cut off with scissors from a bar. Don't overdo it with the fragment size. It should cover, first of all, the protruding part. Do not use a very small piece. Roughly, the material should show slightly above the staples;
  4. the mass must be softened with your hands, give it the shape of a small ball and cover it with a sharp element;
  5. it makes no sense to press the product strongly, because the material is easily attached to the surface of the braces;
  6. the wax will gradually distribute itself, after which it will be easy to remove its excess;
  7. although the remedy does not cause allergies and is considered harmless to the body, doctors recommend removing it with a toothbrush before eating. If necessary, the mass can be reused after eating;
  8. if the first attempt to apply a wax fragment was unsuccessful, it can be repeated. Wax does not belong to the group of drugs, therefore, it has no quantitative and temporal restrictions in the application system;
  9. irritation or injuries that appear in the mouth after the installation of braces should not be associated with the poor work of the master or the low quality of the selected system. Unfortunately, at first it is impossible to avoid this kind of discomfort even if the most expensive structures are used - and. This problem can only be solved with the help of orthodontic wax.

After using the material, small wounds from braces disappear after a few days. It will take about a week for deep injuries to heal.

Where can I buy wax for braces?

You can buy dental wax for braces without a prescription at all pharmacies. You can find it in the salons of medical equipment.

Many clinics include wax in advance in the total cost of the entire procedure for installing braces. In such cases, the drug is issued by the orthodontist in the dental office.

Most often, manufacturers produce wax mass in the form of rods or integral plates.

In such cases, a piece of the desired size is easy to pinch off or cut off with scissors. In pharmacies, the remedy is also found in ordinary tubes. But the most convenient are packages with separate cells, where ready-made fragments of the material are laid out.

Regardless of the form, wax is always sold in special containers. Often, such packaging is also equipped with a small mirror, which facilitates the process of applying the product to system parts.


Orthodontic wax is generally inexpensive, but the material from different manufacturers often differs in both quality and price features:

Orthodontic material of any company does not cause an addictive effect, is safe for the body and reliably protects soft tissues. For the first few days, the entire surface of the structures should be lubricated with wax, and then only their sharp parts. The consumption of funds can be safely called economical - for the entire period of adaptation, as a rule, one or a maximum of two packages is enough.

Wearing braces is a very long and responsible period in the lives of people who have decided to correct their bite.

At this time, the oral mucosa becomes especially vulnerable, which obliges patients to pay increased attention to hygiene issues.

In addition to orthodontic wax, various herbal infusions with anti-inflammatory properties can be used to protect soft tissues from chafing. Especially useful are products based on calendula and chamomile.

The first days after installing the systems, when getting used to, try to talk as little as possible. The advice may seem somewhat comical, but it will really contribute to the faster healing of wounds and rubbing.

Eliminate very hot or too cold foods and drinks from the diet. Such food destroys not only the enamel of the teeth, but also negatively affects the surface of the braces. A sharp change in temperature also slows down the healing process of damaged areas of the mucosa.

After the installation of braces, it is desirable to spend some time in complete peace, providing comprehensive care for the oral cavity. This is the only way to go through a difficult period of addiction with the greatest comfort.

Related videos

Video explaining why orthodontic wax is needed and how to use it correctly:

Orthodontic wax is included in the list of protective agents, without which it is almost impossible to do during the period of bite correction. The drug is inexpensive, safe for the body, so it can be used without restrictions. Convenient packaging and release form allows you to take it on the road (you can even put the box in your pocket) and use it not only at home. Experts advise choosing material only from trusted manufacturers, because the final result of the entire bite correction process depends on the degree of protection of the oral cavity. It is desirable to store wax in a cool room so that its useful qualities do not decrease.

Orthodontic wax

By signing up for the brace squad, be prepared for the fact that you will have to significantly expand the arsenal of means for caring for brackets and teeth. These are various brushes, brushes, threads and other special things. But there is one thing that is especially useful in the first days after the installation of the braces. It's called braces wax.

What is it and why is it needed? Let's figure it out.

At the initial stage of wearing braces often cause discomfort and pain. The most common cause of concern is the rubbing of the inner surface of the cheeks or lips with parts of the bracket system. Sometimes this leads to the appearance of quite painful bleeding ulcers in the mouth. To prevent this, a special dental wax for braces is used.

Its purpose is to protect the mucosa from injury. This is done by sticking a piece of wax on the part of the bracket system that rubs.

- the answer is whether these concepts are compatible in this article.
- we talk about the accessories necessary for the braces.

You can buy orthodontic wax for braces both in pharmacies and in specialized stores selling medical equipment. Although usually in serious orthodontic clinics, doctors supply their patients with a thing that is so necessary at the first stage.

Instructions on how to use braces wax

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Tear off a small piece of wax. It is better to tear off by turning away a part from a whole piece. If you pull on it in order to separate the piece, it will begin to stretch and you will get a thin long piece of wax that will be difficult to shape.
  3. Dry thoroughly the part of the bracket system that causes discomfort and will be covered with wax. The easiest way to do this is with ordinary cotton swabs. Soak the rubbing bracket and the tooth around it with a stick until it is completely dry there.
  4. Take a torn off piece of wax, warm it up a little in your hands and use your fingers to roll it into a small ball.
  5. Take this ball in your hand and press down on the place that causes discomfort. Press firmly enough so that the wax adheres well. But don't overdo it too much. There is no need to shove the wax in such a way that it climbs into all the teeth cracks. Remember, the wax should protrude slightly above the brackets.
  6. Repeat the same steps with the rest of the braces that cause you discomfort and rub the oral mucosa.
  7. Don't forget to clean your braces from wax before eating. You can easily do this with a toothbrush or even just remove it with your hand. If this is not done, then during the meal you are very likely to swallow the wax along with the meal. Although there is nothing to worry about, since it is absolutely safe for the human body and will not cause harm to health.

- professional advice.

If in your city there are difficulties in order to buy dental wax for braces, you can use beeswax or paraffin. They can also protect against wounds.

Never use chewing gum instead of wax. It easily adheres to the components of orthodontic brackets. The sticky chewing gum will quickly get dirty and will not be reflected in the best way on your appearance. And cleaning braces from sticking chewing gum will not be easy.

There is one wonderful remedy that helps to cope with the problem of rubbing the mucous membranes. Regardless of the type of braces you have installed, there is always a risk of irritation to the delicate skin of the cheeks and lips. This happens during the period of getting used to a foreign object in the oral cavity. That is why orthodontic braces wax should always be in your hygiene kit. In this article, we will take a closer look at the main features of this product.

How to use wax?

Dental wax for braces consists of organic components that do not cause allergic reactions. The drug is made on the basis of silicone, which is absolutely harmless to the body. In addition to the safe composition, this orthodontic product for braces has important qualities that can make the course of bite correction as comfortable as possible. Let's learn how to properly use wax.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before using wax. Experts also recommend brushing your teeth.
  2. The area that provoked soft tissue irritation must be dried well. In this case, cotton buds will help you.
  3. Carefully tear off or cut off a small piece of braces wax with scissors. Twist it a little so as not to deform the remains.
  4. Warm up the orthodontic material slightly by kneading it with your fingers. Roll the wax into a ball shape.
  5. Attach the ball to the element of the bracket system, which caused rubbing of the mucous membrane. Press firmly on the wax.
  6. The protective material will gradually spread over the painful area. If necessary, remove its remnants with a hand or a toothbrush.
  7. It should be noted that doctors advise cleaning the oral cavity of wax before eating, so as not to provoke digestive problems. Use this product carefully.

Special wax is freely available in pharmacies and specialized stores selling medical equipment. Wax can also be requested from your orthodontist. In some clinics, the remedy is already included in the cost of the bite correction course.

Modern manufacturers produce wax with various flavors for the most pleasant wearing of orthodontic systems. Extracts of grapes, pineapple, cherries and mint not only protect the mucous membranes from irritation, but also perfectly freshen your breath. However, wax should not be regarded as an analogue of hygiene products, it is not used for fresh breath, but for its intended purpose.

  1. For the prevention and strengthening of immunity, you can use folk remedies that are available in pharmacies. During the period of bite correction, the soft tissues of the oral cavity are most vulnerable. For this reason, special attention must be paid to hygiene. Rinse your mouth with decoctions based on medicinal herbs. Effective are infusions, which include chamomile and calendula. Medicinal plants are good remedies that can protect the mucous membranes.
  2. Never replace wax with chewing gum! First, it will stick to the structure, creating a new source for bacteria to accumulate. Secondly, the components of the viscous product can cause dental disease and additional irritation of the mucous membrane. What can replace wax? Unfortunately, there is no good alternative, so be sure to keep the remedy at hand.
  3. After installing the braces or replacing the archwire, try to talk as little as possible. This advice may seem like a joke, but do not underestimate it. Soft tissue healing will proceed faster when the oral cavity is calm. Extra movements will cause additional pain. In this case, you should just listen to your general condition and do not forget that, if necessary, you can use wax for braces.
  4. Do not eat too cold or hot food. Sudden changes in temperature negatively affect not only the braces, but also the enamel of the teeth. In addition, if you have damage to the mucous membranes, such products will only aggravate the situation.

Protective wax has a number of undeniable advantages. This material is safe for the body and easy to use. A small portion of organic material can solve such a serious problem as chafing of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The tool has a compact form and is available in convenient packages, so you can always carry it with you. In conclusion, we suggest you watch an informative video that shows detailed instructions for using orthodontic wax.

Everyone who is assigned to wear braces to correct their bite simultaneously acquires additional oral care products.

One of the necessary things that will be needed from the first days after the installation of the structure is a protective orthodontic wax. About how to choose it correctly and how to use it, where to buy and what its price will be discussed in this article.

What is braces wax?

The material has good plasticity, is easy to model, retains the shape given to it

Wax for braces is a colorless plate weighing 3-7 grams (depending on the brand).

The material has good plasticity, is easy to model, retains the shape given to it.

The medical product is developed on the basis of natural ingredients, in particular beeswax, therefore, when ingested, it does not cause side effects.

Silicone is also used as a raw material.

The structure itself is soft, well soluble in a liquid, for example, in saliva, which is why it is necessary to renew the protective layer several times a day.

Wax is placed for sale in sealed packaging. One set consists of 5 strips fastened together.

Important! The product is not a medicinal product. Its composition is absolutely harmless. When ingested, it does not cause any negative consequences.

What is it for?

Wax strips relieve unpleasant symptoms, promote rapid addiction to a foreign object in the mouth

Wax plates are designed to create a protective layer between the metal structure and the oral mucosa.

After installing the braces, not only discomfort is felt, but also pain resulting from the contact of the protruding elements with the gums, the inside of the cheeks, and the lips.

During the grinding of the system to the teeth, the main load falls on the gum, with which the arcs are in contact.

Constant friction provokes the development of inflammation and pain, which often puts the wearing of a corrective device into question.

Wax strips relieve unpleasant symptoms, promote rapid addiction to a foreign object in the mouth. Due to the softening effect, pain and discomfort are reduced, and the risk of injury to the mucous membranes and other surfaces of the mouth is eliminated.


The range of orthodontic wax is represented by products with different flavors (fruit, flower and others, repeating food flavors of natural origin), which determines the variety.

For discerning consumers, the product is odorless and tasteless (neutral).

Some manufacturers supplement the composition with substances that have the following effect:

  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

More often, wax is produced in the form of portioned strips, but there are also solid plates, from which, if necessary, you need to pinch off a piece and roll it into a ball, and then apply it to the braces. Products divided into portions are considered more convenient to use.

Indications for use

Wax is indicated for people who have braces installed to adapt the oral cavity to the design. Experts recommend applying wax in small portions to the metal elements of the orthodontic lining to prevent mechanical damage to soft tissues and mucous membranes.

Reference! At first, dentists recommend covering the entire structure with wax. In the process of getting used to, you can install a protective layer only in those places where the metal comes into contact with delicate tissue or mucous membranes.

How to use orthodontic wax for braces?

The effect of using wax plates will be observed only if the product is used correctly. To do this, before gluing the wax, it is worth studying the instructions.

Rules for the use of wax plates for the bracket system:

Before eating, remove the product from the oral cavity. If this is not done, its pieces will fall into the stomach with food. There is no danger in this, because the product is made from natural ingredients. However, this approach is contrary to sanitary standards.

Reference! The wax coating will stay on the system and teeth better and longer if they are pre-cleaned with toothpaste and a brush.

Top Best Braces Wax Brands


The product is produced by Sunstar (America) in the form of plates. The composition is enriched with the strongest antioxidant tocopherol (vitamin E) and aloe extract, which promotes wound healing and shortens the adaptation period.

The airtight container prevents bacteria from getting inside. Price - 200 rubles.

DynaFlex (Netherlands, America)

The product does not contain fragrances, is produced in the form of strips fastened together. One package contains 5 plates. The product has a dense structure, which makes the protective layer solid.

Due to this quality, the wax is ideal for simple systems with impressive element parameters. The price of the kit is 150 rubles.


Wax is produced by the manufacturer Dentaid (Spain) in the form of plates packed in a sealed container. The protective qualities of the product are preserved until complete dissolution. The composition includes components that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Price - 170 rubles.

3M Unitek

Plates for braces are made of safe materials and are recommended for use by patients of different ages, in particular children. The composition is enriched with silicone, which facilitates fixation due to increased plasticity and prolongs the wearing period.

The product is odorless, the weight of the strip does not exceed 3 g. The compact package contains a kit that can be used on all parts of the structure for a week. The cost is 350 rubles.


The product was developed by Italian scientists with the participation of experienced dentists. The composition includes substances that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Products are produced without flavors or with the addition of menthol.

Compact packaging contains 5 cylindrical strips of the following parameters: length - 46 mm, diameter - 4 mm. The price of the President set is 160 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

The use of wax is considered effective due to the fact that the product performs several relevant functions:

Strips are also an indispensable tool in case of damage to the braces, when the arc disappears.

The remaining sharp structural elements pose a serious danger to soft tissues. If you close the prickly fragments with wax, you can avoid injury to the cheek or gums.

Important! Wounds in the mouth heal very slowly, so experts advise using protective strips while wearing a corrective device.

Wax for braces has no drawbacks, because in addition to convenient use and obvious benefits, there is an affordable price and the possibility of purchasing goods in pharmacies or an online store.

Where could I buy?

Orthodontic products are sold in networks of large pharmacies and specialized stores

After installing the bracket system, the orthodontist recommends purchasing wax strips or provides packaging for use in the first days of wearing the dental structure.

Discomfort and irritation of the mucosa are typical for the initial stage of bite treatment, so one set will end quickly.

The question arises, where can I buy a protective agent?

Orthodontic products are sold in chains of large pharmacies and specialized stores. You can also order wax using the online resource.

The cost is absolutely affordable, so you should make sure that the products that facilitate the process of wearing braces are always at hand.

How and what can replace dental wax for braces?

If it so happens that the wax strips are over, and there is no opportunity to quickly purchase them, then it is recommended to create a protective layer between the mucosa and the bracket structure using ordinary beeswax.

Paraffin or dental silicone is also used as a replacement. A piece of the selected material must be carefully drawn over the metal structure several times. This will be enough to ensure that wounds do not form as a result of friction.

Important! It is possible to replace orthodontic wax with a regular bee product, but its effectiveness is significantly reduced by the duration of retention on a metal surface. Therefore, it is recommended to use an analogue only in case of emergency.

When using ineffective wax substitutes, microtraumas are still formed on soft tissues. To prevent the inflammatory process and the formation of suppuration, it is recommended to rinse the mouth several times a day with decoctions of medicinal plants: calendula, chamomile, etc.

Silicone for braces

Silicone is characterized by better fixation to the surface of the teeth and the structure

To protect soft tissues and oral mucosa from protruding fragments of the bracket system, wax and silicone plates are produced.

Their purpose and method of application do not have significant differences.

However, silicone is characterized by better fixation to the surface of the teeth and the structure.

Also noteworthy is the longer wearing of the protective silicone layer, while the wax dissolves quickly under the action of saliva.

Reference! If a large area of ​​braces rubs the cheeks, it is recommended to glue a whole strip of silicone.

There is no consensus on the superiority of one of the products, as those who are accustomed to using wax like the choice of different flavors, which helps to freshen the breath and is easier to get used to the system in the mouth.

The use of chewing gum as a protection is highly discouraged for the following reasons:

  • sticky substance penetrates into small cracks, which creates problems when cleaning the surface from chewing gum;
  • when the temperature drops, the gum hardens, removing it can damage the design of the braces;
  • Wax residues on the teeth contribute to the growth of bacteria and contamination of the oral cavity.

Also, experts warn about the inexpediency of fixing the missing fragment of the structure on the chewing gum.

When using wax, you should follow the rules for applying it to your teeth, especially in terms of cleaning your hands and mouth. High-quality preparation contributes to long-term wearing of protection.

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