Treatment of herpetic stomatitis in a child of 3 years. Chronic aphthous stomatitis in children. Herpetic stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Sometimes small ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the child's oral cavity, which bring great discomfort. Painful sensations when chewing food, when swallowing water, the baby is naughty and does not sleep well. Most likely, the reason for everything is herpetic stomatitis.

Herpetic stomatitis is the most common type of inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by the herpes virus.

When ingested, the herpes virus can cause damage to the skin, mucous membranes, eyes, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

However, the most common area of ​​manifestation herpetic virus- oral cavity, lips, nose and skin around the mouth.

Video: children's stomatitis

The reasons

The only cause of herpes stomatitis is infection with the causative agent of the disease.

Certain categories of children are more susceptible to it:

  • immunocompromised children;
  • children with chronic diseases;
  • children with HIV;
  • children with diabetes and other endocrine diseases.


The causative agent is the herpes simplex virus.

According to its antigenic properties, it is divided into 2 types:

  • causes damage to the oral mucosa;
  • causes damage to the genitals.

Primary infection usually occurs in the period from 1 year to 3 years, since in this period the babies do not form their own body defense systems, and the antibodies received from the mother disappear by the year, and the child becomes susceptible to infection.

Video: herpes infection

Ways of infection

The source of infection is a sick person (or virus carrier).

It can be relatives, and other children, and service staff. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, through household items and contaminated toys.

Epidemic outbreak in kindergarten can affect up to 75% of children, the virus is so strong.


Herpetic stomatitis in children is very difficult to recognize in the first 2-3 days of the disease, since the rash does not appear immediately.

Symptoms in children are as follows:

  • a sharp increase in temperature (above 370 - 390 C);
  • an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  • swelling and redness of soft tissues oral cavity;
  • saliva constantly flows from the baby's parted mouth;
  • general bad feeling child: he becomes capricious, restless;
  • on the 2-3rd day of the disease, small bubbles appear that cause pain in the baby.
  • after the bubbles burst, characteristic erosions and sores appear, which heal for a long time (3-5 days);
  • erosions in the oral cavity are covered with a white coating and are gradually cleared and epithelialized;
  • the child may refuse to eat all this time due to pain in the mouth.


Herpetic stomatitis is classified depending on the course and severity of the disease.

With the flow

According to the first time the disease appeared, or its relapse occurred, acute and chronic herpetic stomatitis are distinguished.

Acute form in children

It develops when the herpes virus first enters the body. The incubation period can last from 2 days to 3 weeks, depending on the immunity of its carrier. In children up to a year, this period is up to 3 days.

It is accompanied by elevated body temperature, hyperemic mucous membrane of the oral cavity, single or grouped elements of the lesion, inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Depending on the severity, rashes can also be on the skin around the mouth. The sick person should be isolated due to to a large extent contagiousness.

Video: acute herpetic stomatitis

Chronic relapsing

This type of stomatitis occurs when:

  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent SARS;
  • regular damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity (with a traumatic bite, biting lips and cheeks);
  • the presence of carious cavities.

Usually herpetic eruptions chronic form stomatitis are on the tongue, lower and upper palate, cheeks. Lesions appear in groups, eventually merging and turning into very painful erosions.

The main difference from the acute form is the absence of other manifestations of the disease, except for rashes.

Treatment is usually carried out in the same way.

By severity

Acute herpetic stomatitis occurs in three forms of manifestation: mild, moderate and severe.

The condition is assessed by the nature and severity of symptoms.

Light form

Light form is characterized by a slight violation of the condition of the child:

  • subfebrile body temperature (37–37.5 ° C);
  • catarrhal gingivitis or mild inflammation of the mucosa may occur at the site of the future rash;
  • pain when eating;
  • during rashes, the mucous membrane is hyperemic and edematous, separate erosions appear, covered with a fibrous coating.

Rashes appear once and new elements no longer appear. Changes in the blood, as a rule, are absent. The duration of the disease is 4–5 days.

Photo: Mild form of herpetic stomatitis

Moderate form

Already in the initial period, it has quite pronounced symptoms of toxicosis and lesions of the oral mucosa:

  • deterioration in the child's well-being: weakness, loss of appetite, the baby becomes capricious;
  • possible catarrhal angina, there may be symptoms of acute respiratory infections;
  • enlargement and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • subfebrile body temperature.

As the disease progresses, there are:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • pale skin;
  • temperature rise to 38–39°С;
  • rash of lesions in the oral cavity (10–25 pieces), on the skin of the oral region;
  • increased salivation;
  • gingivitis becomes pronounced, the gums bleed.

With this form of the disease, rashes often recur.

The duration of the period of extinction of the disease depends on the resistance of the baby's body, the condition of the teeth and the rationality of therapy.

Healing of the elements of the lesion lasts about 4-5 days. Gingivitis, lymphadenitis and bleeding gums are delayed for a longer time. It is observed in the blood increase in ESR up to 20 mm / h, often - leukopenia, less often - slight leukocytosis.

Severe form

Acute herpetic stomatitis in children in severe form is quite rare.

The initial period is characterized by the presence of all the signs of an incipient acute infectious disease:

  • apathy;
  • headache;
  • adynamia;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin.

Often there are signs of damage to the cardiovascular system:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • muffled heart sounds.

Some children have:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • inflammation and enlargement of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes.

With the development of the disease, the body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, there may be a slight runny nose, slight coughing, the child's eyes are sunken, the lips are parched, dry and bright. The mucous membrane in the oral cavity is strongly hyperemic, gingivitis is pronounced.

After 2 days, up to 25 lesions appear in the oral cavity. Often in the oral region, on the skin of the eyelids, the conjunctiva of the eyes, rashes appear in the form of herpetic vesicles. In the oral cavity, the rash recurs, at the height of the disease they form up to 100.

Groups of elements merge, extensive areas of mucosal necrosis are formed. Appears from the mouth putrid smell, profuse salivation with blood impurities.

When a severe form of herpetic stomatitis is observed, home treatment becomes ineffective. The active participation of the dentist and pediatrician is necessary, therefore hospitalization is recommended.


The diagnosis is made on the basis clinical picture diseases. Due to the fact that virological and serological methods The research is quite lengthy recent times the method of immunofluorescence becomes popular. In addition, it is carried out clinical analysis blood.


Treatment for acute herpetic stomatitis in children should begin immediately, until the disease has developed into a more severe form.

results medical research showed that with this disease, clinical recovery occurs much earlier than the baby's immune system is restored.

Therefore, treatment should not be limited only to the direct treatment of stomatitis: it is necessary to obtain recommendations from a pediatrician, dentist, immunologist and neuropathologist.

Treatment should be aimed at both healing ulcers and restoring the body's defenses. The method of treatment is determined by the degree of its severity. The choice of therapy also depends on how quickly the parents noticed the disease and turned to a specialist for help.


Local treatment is aimed at relieving or alleviating the soreness of the oral cavity, as well as preventing recurrent rashes and healing existing elements of the lesion.

For these purposes, antiviral drugs are used:

  • 0.25% oxolinic ointment;
  • 0.5% tebrofen ointment;
  • Zovirax;
  • interferon solution.

These drugs should be used 3-4 times a day. They should be applied both to the affected area and to those parts of the mucosa that are not yet affected by the disease.

Photo: Antiviral drugs - Zovirax and Oxolinic ointment

You can cancel these drugs during the period of extinction of the disease.

In addition, for local therapy are suitable:

  • oil solutions A and E;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • oxygen cocktail.


General treatment should include:

  1. Taking antiviral drugs by mouth. It can be:
    • acyclovir;
    • zovirax;
    • alpizarin.
  2. Stimulation of immunity. The following drugs may be suitable for this:
    • imudon (for children over 3 years old);
    • levamisole;
    • immunal solution (for children from 1 year old);
    • immunal tablets (for children over 4 years old).
  3. Vitamin therapy. It should include:
    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin C;
    • folic acid;
    • minerals (iron, zinc).

The treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the child.

A photo: Antiviral tablets Alpizarin and Acyclovir

Video: vitamins for a child


Symptomatic treatment of herpes stomatitis involves local anesthesia. To do this, it is recommended to smear painful areas of the oral mucosa with an anesthesin solution or gels for gums during teething based on lidocaine (kamistad, kalgel).

Photo: Pain-relieving gels Kamistad and Kalgel

When the inflammation subsides, wound-healing drugs are used that help restore the oral mucosa (solcoseryl, vinizol, panthenol).

To reduce high temperature and pain relief are used:

  • drugs with ibuprofen - Ibufen, Nurofen;
  • drugs with paracetamol - Calpol, Panadol
  • preparations with nimesulide - Nimesil, Nise.

The choice of drug, as well as its form and dosage, should be appropriate for the age of the child.


Due to the nature of the flow this disease Diet during treatment is of great importance. Food must be complete rich in vitamins and all nutrients.

It is necessary to use:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables, berries - neutral in taste;
  • juices (especially carrot), fruit drinks;
  • dairy products;
  • dishes from minced meat(in limited quantities);
  • tea, rosehip decoction, water.
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • sour;
  • bitter.

Before feeding a child, it is necessary to anesthetize the oral mucosa with a 2-5% solution of anesthetic emulsion.

Food, in general, should be liquid or semi-liquid and not irritating to the mucous membranes. The same applies to the temperature of food - it should not be hot or cold, as this can cause additional irritation of the oral cavity.

The child must use enough fluids, especially when intoxicated.

Prognosis and possible complications

Once upon a time in children's body and having caused a primary herpetic infection, the virus remains latent for life or sometimes causes relapses of the disease (chronic recurrent stomatitis).

Herpetic stomatitis in a child can turn into such a serious complication as herpetic keratoconjunctivitis. it dangerous disease which can lead to blindness.

In addition, the refusal of a child to eat and drink due to sore mouth can lead to dehydration.


Most effective ways prevention:

  • hardening of the child;
  • meticulous oral hygiene;
  • balanced diet;
  • isolation of the child from sick people.

These measures, of course, will not be able to protect a child from infection one hundred percent, but they will reduce the possibility of complications and the development of a severe form of the disease.

A photo

For 2-3 days, herpetic stomatitis gives rashes in the form of sores. At this time, the diagnosis is not difficult.

Frequently asked Questions

How many days is the child contagious?

On average, the duration of the disease is 8 days, during which the child can infect another person through close contact. After this time, the baby ceases to be dangerous to others.

AT dental practice oral diseases in children are no less common than in the older generation. Herpetic stomatitis in children is acute course, but without appropriate treatment develops into a chronic form. In spite of successful treatment most children, pathology causes serious complications. On the background variety of symptoms The child is in severe discomfort. When the first manifestations occur in children, treatment should be started immediately with a pediatrician.


Herpetic infection has another name - aphthous stomatitis. He imagines great danger for babies. The virus persistently infects the oral mucosa, causing intoxication, impaired immune system and even deviations in the work of the central nervous system. The causative agent of this type of stomatitis is herpes of the first type. It has been in a latent (hidden) state for a long time. From infection to the first signs, it can take up to two weeks, which leads to the rooting of the infection. The first contact of a child with a virus of the first type often happens when the body is weakened. For babies up to three years specific immunity is not fully developed. It is this factor that causes the development of pathology in an acute form.


Manifestations viral infection depend on the form of stomatitis and stage of development.

Latent period or mild form

Usually, after the introduction of the infection, its activation occurs. It lasts about 14 days. During this period, the child's anxiety, anxious and whiny state. A general deterioration in health leads to sleep disturbance and a decrease in appetite. The oral cavity is abundantly filled with saliva, nausea and even vomiting appear. The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.

Second stage

When the acute stage begins, open general symptoms. They are already accompanied by complications. Body temperature ranges from 38 to 40 degrees, the condition worsens sharply. Stomatitis runs in parallel with catarrhal diseases. gingivitis, runny nose, cough or conjunctivitis. Pronounced manifestations are noted on the gums. They turn red, swell and begin to bleed. The mucosa is covered with solitary or numerous rashes. These are bubbles with thin walls that do not exceed 3 mm. Under mechanical action, they are opened. Further, they are transformed into painful erosions and ulcers, covered with a whitish coating. Rashes are localized on the gums, palatine areas, tongue, inner surface cheeks and lips. After 4 days acute stage there is a gradual decline in herpes. Erosions heal and do not leave scars.

In children, herpetic stomatitis has a wave-like character. After the rash comes a stable period. Upon its completion, the rash increases, accompanied by a jump in temperature.

If a secondary bacterial infection joins, a pustular skin lesion develops. The acute form usually lasts 7 days or more. Against the background of herpes, a septic lesion may develop, in which internal organs and membranes of the brain. This condition is especially dangerous during breastfeeding.

Moderate form of herpetic stomatitis

In the child's saliva during the examination, no a large number of interferon and high rate natural antibiotic - lysozyme. The child experiences a sharp decline in strength, becomes apathetic. The baby's skin becomes sensitive. Hyperesthesia can also extend to the muscles. Sleep can be completely disturbed due to a headache in a baby. On the background sharp decline forces manifest pain in the joints, difficulty in movements.

Visually, the child looks tired, sad look. Sometimes there is a cough. If the lips are not affected by the rash, then they turn red and become dry. Moderate rashes are localized not only in the mouth, but also on the conjunctiva, eyelids and hands. If untreated, herpetic gingivitis easily transforms into necrotic form. An admixture of blood appears in saliva. Are exposed to inflammation Airways, nasal mucosa. This form of pathology requires urgent hospitalization.

The reasons:

  1. Decreased immunity against the background of various viral diseases;
  2. Infection of a child from a sick mother during childbirth;
  3. Contact with a carrier of infection;
  4. Contact with contaminated objects (toys, dishes, linen);
  5. Sudden changes in temperature (overheating of the body or hypothermia);
  6. mucosal injury;
  7. Poor oral hygiene;
  8. stressful situations.


Serodiagnosis allows to detect herpetic stomatitis in children. Treatment must be adequate, so detection of specific antibodies will be required. This technique applies to last stage infections. In other cases, cytological examination is used. There is also express diagnostics, which uses a fluorescent microscope. Hyperimmune serum, stained with a special composition, is applied to the mucosa.

  1. catarrhal stomatitis;
  2. Shingles;
  3. angina;
  4. Mucosal candidiasis;
  5. Stomatitis of vesicular origin.

In some cases, it is determined atypical form herpetic stomatitis. The most severe stage is marked by generalized lesions and persistent chronic course without remission.


Therapy in early age carried out taking into account individual characteristics child, severity of infection and immune status. Are taken into account accompanying illnesses and complications.

The pediatrician or dentist is engaged in the observation of the child and prescribes a course of treatment. For the treatment of infection with herpes, drugs of general and local action are provided.

Groups of drugs for herpetic stomatitis:

  1. Antiviral agents;
  2. Painkillers;
  3. Antipyretic (suppositories, suspension, tablets);
  4. Antihistamines to reduce an allergic reaction;
  5. Immunomodulators;
  6. Vitamins.

If a bacterial infection with a pustular lesion joins, broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated. For infants antimicrobial drugs are prescribed in extreme severe forms.

Local treatment

  1. Sanitation of the oral cavity with anesthetics (lidocaine, trimecaine). Allows you to instantly act on nerve endings reducing pain.
  2. Treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions (furatsilin, potassium permanganate, brilliant green solution).
  3. Applying ointments with antiviral components to all affected areas. Lotions and solutions with interferon are used.
  4. Babies lubricate their mouths with vitamin A in an oil solution.


At home, ulcers and open blisters should not be lubricated with iodine. This can lead to mucosal burns.

If no improvement is observed, the child is transferred from outpatient treatment to stationary mode. Refusal of treatment can lead to complications that are characteristic of the chronic form.


Herpetic stomatitis in children requires adherence to a diet with the restriction of many foods. With a weakened immune system, the child needs a full supply of useful elements. Acid-neutral will help avoid irritation on the mucosa. fresh juices- carrot, pumpkin. It is allowed to puree vegetables that contain zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower.

The child can eat dairy products, lean meat and fish. If the baby is experiencing severe pain while eating, the oral cavity is pre-treated with an anesthetic. Liquid food without high temperature is acceptable. Too cold dishes are also not recommended. If intoxication is noted, the child must be given a large amount of fluid. This will restore the balance in the cells.


A severe form of herpetic stomatitis is especially dangerous for a child. Without timely treatment the chronic form develops. It leads to complete failure infants from drinking and eating, which causes dehydration and death. A herpes infection can spread to the eyes. When the infection is advanced, this condition causes blindness.


With primary infection and early contact with the pediatrician, the virus responds well to treatment. In 7 out of 10 cases, therapy prevents the recurrence of stomatitis.


  1. Parents should protect the child from contact with a sick person if the virus is in the active stage.
  2. Ensuring constant oral hygiene, monitoring the child during outdoor games. This will prevent infection through dirty objects.
  3. It is necessary to maintain the immunity of the baby for high level to protect the body from hypothermia. During the outbreak of SARS infection, it is recommended to give antiviral drugs.
  4. visit preschool undesirable if there are cases of herpetic stomatitis.
  5. Mouthwashing is done as a preventive measure. various decoctions herbs with antiseptic action.
  6. It is advisable to visit the dentist every 6 months to check for possible oral infections.

Stomatitis in children Komarovsky - video

The child began to eat poorly and is constantly naughty, and did he have a rash on the oral mucosa? Most likely, it is herpes stomatitis. This is a serious disease that provokes inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. From our article you will learn why herpes stomatitis occurs and what it looks like. Photos of children, treatment of pathology and measures for its prevention will also be presented below.

Features of the pathological process

Herpes stomatitis is a common disease characterized by the development inflammatory process on the oral mucosa. There are two forms of it: acute and chronic relapsing. Each of them has certain features of the flow.

Fever, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, general malaise- these symptoms accompany acute herpes stomatitis. Children, this form of the disease affects only the primary infection with the virus. Therefore, the average age of patients is 1-3 years. In some cases, it is detected in children over younger age especially in those who are breastfeeding.

After initial infection the virus usually goes into a latent form. Its subsequent activation is observed only when favorable conditions appear. One of them is a decrease in immunity. Therefore, treatment should be started immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. The lack of timely therapy can affect the work of the whole organism.

The main causes of herpes stomatitis

In the role of the causative agent of the disease acts. Once in the body of a child, it begins to actively multiply inside the cells of the epithelium and lymph nodes. Upon transition to a latent form, the virus remains in the body forever, remaining in the nerve ganglia. But for the occurrence of a recurrence of the disease, a steady decrease is required. Most often this occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • ARI, SARS;
  • frequent stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • overwork;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • the use of drugs that suppress the immune system.

Herpes most often manifests itself in winter time of the year.

Who is at risk

Herpes stomatitis belongs to the category of infectious diseases. It affects people of all ages and social classes. However, more often than others, newborn babies from six months are sick. Why?

The thing is that until this age, the baby's body fights against ailments due to the immunity received from the mother. Gradually, its effect fades away. Maternal antibodies disappear with age, and the child's own immunity is still too weak to withstand the attacks of viral agents. Development risk pathological process increases several times when a newborn begins to cut teeth.

The main ways of infection

Given the wide prevalence and high contagiousness of the disease, it can be infected almost everywhere: on the playground, in public transport or hospital. In this case, the virus is transmitted in the following ways:

  • contact household;
  • airborne;
  • hematogenous.

Infection with the virus can occur even in the womb, during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely.

First symptoms

The incubation period of the disease can vary from one day to whole week. At the same time, children complain of headaches, lack of appetite, loss of strength. They become overly capricious and refuse to eat. Similar symptoms are characteristic of many diseases, therefore, to recognize herpes stomatitis in a child on initial stage quite difficult.

In a few days, the temperature may rise sharply. In especially severe cases, incessant vomiting occurs. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity swells strongly, a white coating appears on the surface of the tongue. At the same time, it is very painful for the child to swallow. After a few more days, the oral cavity is covered small pimples. They are filled with a colorless secret. Gradually, this liquid begins to become cloudy, and the bubbles themselves burst. As a result, multiple erosions are formed, which heal for a very long time.

The herpes symptoms of which we describe are often accompanied by a strong burning sensation in the mouth, in the affected area, why the child may refuse to eat. Some lose sleep and cry all the time. As the pathological process develops, the lymph nodes increase in size. The rash spreads to skin in the area of ​​the lips and nose. Sometimes it is found even on the reproductive organs.

Diagnostic methods

As already mentioned, it is quite difficult to recognize herpes stomatitis in a child at the initial stage of development, since characteristic symptoms is still missing at this time. Many parents begin to sound the alarm only when the temperature of the baby jumps to 39 degrees.

Diagnosis of the disease consists of several stages:

  1. Initially, the pediatrician examines a small patient, listens to complaints.
  2. He then proceeds to study the anamnesis. This may require the help of mom or dad, because without them to compose complete picture pathological process is not possible. Parents should tell when the first rashes appeared, whether herpes stomatitis was observed in the child earlier, which of the family members suffers from this disease. Usually this information is enough to make a definitive diagnosis.
  3. Sometimes, for a deeper study of the disease, the pediatrician prescribes a series of tests (serological / cytological examination). Based on their results, you can find out which type of herpes virus caused the illness. However, such a detailed examination takes time, and it is necessary to deal with the disease immediately.

How to treat herpes stomatitis in a child

In the absence of complications, the treatment of the disease is carried out on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is mandatory only for patients under three years of age. General recommendations include bed rest, light diet and plentiful drink. Until the final recovery, the small patient should use individual means hygiene and utensils.

How to treat herpes stomatitis in a child, only the doctor decides. The choice of a specific treatment regimen depends on the severity of the disease and the nature of the clinical picture. Usually, children are prescribed the following remedies:

  • antipyretics ("Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol");
  • decongestants ("Fenkarol", "Diazolin");
  • immunocorrectors ("Immunal", "Taktivin", "Lysozyme");
  • antiviral ("Acyclovir", "Zovirax").

Also, small patients are shown physiotherapy procedures. For example, ultraviolet irradiation accelerates the regeneration process.

Additional oral care

The areas of the oral cavity affected by stomatitis must be treated several times a day. antiseptic preparations. In addition, pediatricians recommend:

  1. Rinsing. Treatment of herpes 2 years and younger can be complicated by the fact that he does not know how to rinse his mouth on his own. Therefore, the affected areas of the mucosa are irrigated by tilting the head of the crumbs over the basin. Older children can independently rinse their mouths with decoctions based on medicinal herbs, which are already sold in finished form in a pharmacy.
  2. Medical treatment of the oral cavity. After rinsing, pimples and erosion are recommended to be treated with analgesic or wound healing drugs. It is important to carefully lubricate the affected areas, but at the same time gently lubricate them. For children over four years old, it is allowed to use "Stomatidin". The medicine has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect.
  3. Gadgets. With the formation of herpetic crusts, pediatricians recommend making applications. Lotions with analgesics or herbal ingredients help to relieve discomfort, reduce inflammation. At the healing stage, you can use solutions of vitamins A and E, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn.

Special meals

Children's herpes stomatitis cannot be cured with drugs alone. The treatment of this disease is without fail provides for compliance strict diet. Properly selected products contribute to a speedy recovery.

What is better to give up? From the diet it is necessary to exclude all those products that have an irritating effect on the oral mucosa. These include spicy and spicy dishes, sweets and pastries. Food should be liquid or mushy. Solid foods are best ground in a blender. The child's menu may include meat and fish meals steamed. Vegetable broths are cooked without the use of spices. After eating, pediatricians recommend rinsing your mouth every time. To enhance the disinfecting effect, you can add to the water a small amount of soda.

In the early days of illness, the process of eating often causes discomfort, but you should not refuse food. It is also necessary to monitor drinking regimen. Small patients are allowed ordinary non-carbonated water, a variety of vegetable juices. They support the body with vitamins, accelerating the healing process.

Help of traditional medicine

Many parents, regardless of the severity of the disease and possible consequences unwilling to seek professional help. They prefer to use traditional medicine recipes, endangering the health of the baby. At the same time, they are often interested in what herbs it is better to treat a herpes positive effect after using one or another lotion.

Various applications, decoctions and vegetable oils really help to reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucosa. However folk remedies cannot be an alternative to antiviral drugs. So, before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

For example, the well-known chamomile is characterized by anti-inflammatory action. Therefore, for the treatment of herpes stomatitis, a decoction based on it is often used. To prepare it, you need 4 tablespoons of dried flowers, pour 1.5 liters of water and boil. Then the broth should be filtered and can be used for rinsing.

The pulp of aloe leaves is also used in the treatment of herpes stomatitis. This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the attachment of a bacterial infection. The pulp of the leaves is recommended to be applied to the affected areas in the form of applications for 15-20 minutes daily.

Prevention methods

Is it possible to prevent herpes stomatitis in children? Photos of small patients, which are presented in this article, suggest a negative answer. Specific measures for the prevention of this disease have not been developed.

To prevent the entry of the virus into the human body, doctors recommend observing elementary rules personal hygiene. From an early age, parents should teach their children about the importance of washing their hands after walking and before eating.

And in order to prevent recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to conduct rational image life. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the immunity of the child, to strengthen it. To do this, it is recommended to eat right and exercise.

From this article you will learn:

  • what does stomatitis look like in children: a photo in the mouth,
  • symptoms and treatment
  • children's stomatitis how to quickly cure at home.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Stomatitis in children is of 3 main types -

1) acute herpetic stomatitis,
2) chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis,
3) chronic aphthous stomatitis.

Depending on what form stomatitis develops in children, the symptoms and treatment will be very different, because. depending on the cause of stomatitis (herpes virus, bacteria, allergies, immune pathology), completely different drugs are prescribed. Therefore, if you decide to cure stomatitis in a child at home, carefully read the symptoms of different forms of stomatitis in order to choose the right type of treatment.

Forms of stomatitis of moderate severity (especially those not accompanied by severe symptoms of intoxication and dehydration) can be successfully treated independently with topical agents in the oral cavity. But for treatment severe cases not only the intervention of a doctor may be required, but also possibly systemic drug therapy and even hospitalization.

1. Herpetic stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Herpetic viral stomatitis in children has 2 forms of the disease. Firstly, there is acute herpetic stomatitis, which develops during primary infection with the herpes virus (i.e., the very first case of the disease). Such acute form stomatitis is characteristic only for children of the youngest age, and most often occurs in a child aged 9 to 28 months.

Herpetic stomatitis in newborns/infants is rare. This is due to the fact that at this age in the child's blood there are still quite a lot of antibodies specific to the herpes virus, obtained during pregnancy with the mother's blood. Therefore, it rarely occurs in children younger than 3 months. The second form of the disease is chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis (i.e., all repeated cases).

a) Acute herpetic stomatitis -

As we said above, the primary case of herpetic stomatitis develops in children most often between the ages of 9 and 28 months. This is due to the fact that at this age, antibodies specific to the herpes virus, obtained from the mother, gradually disappear in the child. Important point here lies in the fact that if the primary case of the disease develops against the background of still enough high content antibodies to the herpes virus received from the mother - the symptoms of stomatitis will be very weak.

That is why primary herpetic stomatitis in 90% of children proceeds almost imperceptibly, and many parents generally take such symptoms as teething symptoms. However, when primary herpetic stomatitis in children develops against the background of an already sufficiently low content of maternal antibodies to the herpes virus in the blood, the disease is acute (with severe symptoms of intoxication).

Herpetic stomatitis in children: symptoms
the duration of clinical manifestations is usually 10-14 days. At the beginning, weakness, malaise, headache, muscle pain appear, which is associated with intoxication of the body. The temperature (depending on the severity of the disease) by the end of the first or second day can be from 37.5 to 41 degrees. Regional lymph nodes (especially submandibular) are enlarged, painful.

Stomatitis in children: photo in the mouth

Please note that when stomatitis is formed on the tongue of a child, herpetic eruptions / ulcers can be not only on visible surfaces (for example, on the back and tip of the tongue), but also on the sides, as well as on bottom surface tongue (Fig. 6).

Painting in the mouth
the mucous membrane of the oral cavity becomes bright red, edematous. During the first 1-2 days from the onset of prodromal symptoms (malaise, fever, etc.), rashes of small bubbles appear on the mucous membrane of the lips, cheeks, tongue, palatine arches (Fig. 1) - approximately the size of a millet grain. Bubbles are usually arranged in groups. The blisters are first filled with transparent contents, but then it becomes cloudy, and after about 2 days the blisters burst with the formation of bright red ulcers.

The resulting ulcers very quickly become covered with a whitish or yellowish fibrinous coating (Fig. 2-6). In parallel with this, children often have a total reddening of the gums, which resembles the symptoms of acute gingivitis (Fig. 7-9), and this condition is called herpetic gingivostomatitis. In addition, very often herpetic gingivitis is combined with herpetic eruptions on the skin around the mouth and the red border of the lips.

Photo of gingivitis associated with herpetic stomatitis -

Important : in many cases, ulcers can be very painful. Pain increases sharply when the surface of the ulcer comes into contact with water or food while eating. That is why many children refuse to drink, which leads to the development of dehydration. Against the background of dehydration, the symptoms of intoxication become even stronger, which may require urgent hospitalization. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of treating stomatitis in children is to prevent the development of dehydration.

b) Chronic herpetic stomatitis -

After a primary herpes infection, the virus remains in the body for life. Herpes viruses persist for life in the nerve ganglia, and when various adverse factors affect the body, the virus is activated. Periodic relapses are usually due to the following reasons

  • hypothermia, SARS,
  • avitaminosis, stressful situations, allergy,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (tonsillitis, sinusitis ...),
  • taking corticosteroids,
  • trauma to the oral mucosa and the red border of the lips,
  • foci of dental infection (tartar, dental caries, gingivitis),
  • mouth breathing (it causes dryness of the lips and oral mucosa, and as a result - the appearance of cracks).

Symptoms, picture in the oral cavity
chronic recurrent form of herpetic stomatitis in the oral cavity manifests itself in the same way as the acute form (see clinic and photo above). The difference is that general state, as a rule, does not suffer, i.e. symptoms of intoxication are usually minimal or absent. At the same time, regional The lymph nodes, as a rule, are enlarged and painful on palpation. Further in the article we will describe in detail - how to treat stomatitis in children at home.

Herpetic stomatitis in children: treatment

How to treat stomatitis in a child (of herpetic origin) will depend on the severity of the clinical manifestations. At mild form disease will be enough medicines for topical application + be sure to avoid dehydration in the child. But at severe course herpetic stomatitis, first of all, the use of tableted antiviral drugs (such as) + again control of dehydration will be shown.

It is very important that parents do not treat their child with antiviral drugs in absolutely every case of herpetic stomatitis, because. there is a direct relationship: the more often and longer the courses of antiviral therapy with Acyclovir are, the faster the herpes virus will develop resistance to the drug, and it will cease to be effective. Usually, resistance develops after 4-5 courses of antiviral therapy with acyclovir, and primarily in immunocompromised children.

Treatment of mild/moderate stomatitis -

Removal of symptoms of intoxication –
in the prodromal period of the disease, i.e. even before the formation of herpetic vesicles on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, there is usually an increase in temperature, lack of appetite, malaise, and muscle and headache may appear. Often parents mistake this for teething symptoms. With such symptoms, the child can be given a drug with ibuprofen (for example, children's Nurofen).

But keep in mind that taking antipyretic drugs is not advisable at low temperatures, because. this reduces the body's production of its own interferons and prevents the formation of full-fledged immunity against viruses and bacteria. Usually, antipyretics are prescribed to children if their body temperature is not less than 37.8–38.0 degrees.

Local treatment of herpetic eruptions –
after the opening of the herpetic vesicles, painful ulcers form in their place, and therefore, because of the pain, the child may refuse to drink and eat. If this is observed, then it will be very important to avoid the development of dehydration in the child, because. it will promote sharp deterioration general condition (even with a fairly slight severity of lesions of the mucous membrane with herpetic eruptions). To cope with this will allow the application of either an anesthetic anti-inflammatory gel or special film-forming protective agents to the surface of the ulcers.

Below you will find a comprehensive list of effective drugs that are used local treatment herpetic stomatitis. With moderate severity of the disease, such treatment will be sufficient without resorting to systemic tablet antiviral therapy.

1) Antiseptic rinses -

2) Anesthetic anti-inflammatory gel -

If the surface of the ulcers is very painful and the child refuses to eat, drink, brush his teeth, it is necessary to use an anesthetizing agent for ulcers. Optimal choice- Holisal topical gel, which can be used from 0 years old (there are no age restrictions). This gel has not only analgesic, but also a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

But sprays and gels based on lidocaine (for example, Kamistad) will not be in this case good choice, because Lidocaine will mix with saliva, gradually numbing the entire mouth. In a young child, this can cause numbness of the tongue, and as a result, a violation of swallowing and choking with saliva.

3) Protective film-forming agents -

For a long time, it is possible to protect the surface of ulcers from the action of irritants not only with the help of an anesthetic gel, but also special means, which, when applied, form a thin protective film on the surface of the ulcer. Such a film will not only reduce soreness and inflammation, but also accelerate the subsequent epithelialization of ulcers. These drugs include preparations based on bismuth subsalicylate.

Typically, drugs with this component are used in the treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Preparations of this series for herpetic stomatitis can be used in the form of a suspension for application to the surface of ulcers in the oral cavity, or in the form chewable tablets. As a result of the application, an insoluble protective film is formed on the surface of the ulcers, which will reduce pain and inflammation.

The protective gel Gerpenox (from the manufacturer Roks) can also be attributed to film-forming agents. This medicine contains hydroxyethyl cellulose and Chelate Organic Germanium Guanine Complex. These components also create a protective film on the surface of the ulcers, which protects the ulcers from irritants and reduces pain, and secondly, it will accelerate the healing of the damaged mucous membrane by about 1 day.

4) Preparations of the Viferon line -

5) Oral hygiene with stomatitis -

Because ulcerations can be very painful - brushing your teeth can be painful, but this does not mean that hygiene should be abandoned. The accumulation of a large amount of bacterial plaque on the teeth and tongue can lead to the development bacterial complications such as ulcerative necrotic gingivostomatitis. To reduce pain when brushing your teeth, you need to use toothbrush with soft bristles.

If the child does not yet have teeth, the treatment is carried out using a gauze swab dipped in an antiseptic solution. At the end of the article, you will also find information on children's toothpastes, which are best used to prevent the occurrence of new cases of stomatitis.

Treatment of stomatitis SEVERE -

Next, we will tell you how to treat stomatitis in children in the mouth (caused by the herpes virus) if the child develops severe clinical manifestations. It is still critical to prevent dehydration, which can develop due to a child's refusal to drink water, and it is also necessary to control elevated temperature and other symptoms of intoxication. Used in parallel local preparations(Miramistin, as well as Cholisal - for pain relief of ulcers).

1) Systemic antiviral therapy

However, if severe herpetic stomatitis occurs, in children, the main treatment should be carried out with already tableted antiviral drugs (such as Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir). The peculiarity of their use is that they will be effective only when taken in the first 72 hours of the disease. Moreover, the later you start taking it, the less the effect will be. Therefore, the best results of therapy are achieved when you start taking it in the first 12 hours after the onset of herpetic eruptions.

  • The drug "Acyclovir" () -
    it is the main antiviral drug for children, which is quite well tolerated and has little side effects. For children from 2 years old and adults effective dosage will be the same - 400 mg 5 times a day (only 5 days). Often in the instructions you can find information that the base dosage is 200 mg, and not 400 mg 5 times a day. This dosage not effective, and here's why...

    Randomized clinical researches() showed that oral acyclovir (200 mg 5 times a day, for 5 days) had practically no effect on either the duration of the pain syndrome or the healing time of herpetic ulcers. At the same time, it was the dosage of 400 mg according to the above scheme that led to a more rapid decrease in pain and healing of ulcers. As for children under 2 years old, at this age the dosage simply decreases exactly 2 times.

Important : the use of acyclovir may be ineffective in immunocompromised children, because. in this case, the herpes virus can develop resistance to acyclovir. Therefore, in children with weakened immune systems, many experts recommend the use of antiviral drugs only in extreme cases, and focus on local therapy + immunostimulating drugs that will stimulate the body to produce its own interferons.

Remember that the herpes virus develops resistance to acyclovir quite quickly, and not only the state of immunity affects, but also the frequency / duration of antiviral therapy courses. Those. the more often you take acyclovir, the faster it will lose its effectiveness. However, if an acute primary (with severe symptoms intoxication) stomatitis in infants - treatment should begin with the immediate intake of antiviral drugs, such as Acyclovir.

2) Immunostimulating agents -

As we said above, drugs in this group can be considered as an alternative to antiviral drugs, in case of resistance to them in the herpes virus, or if the child has weakened immunity. Such drugs should not be prescribed to your children on their own, because. the introduction of a non-specialist into the immune system can only harm and further only worsen the situation. Therefore, drugs of this series should be prescribed only by a doctor.

How to treat stomatitis in children against the background of weakened immunity - for this, the drug Cycloferon, which is an inducer of the production of its own interferon in the body, can help you. This drug can be prescribed to children from 4 years of age. The drug is taken 1 time per day (half an hour before meals, drinking plenty of water). Single dose for children 4-6 years old - 150 mg each,
in children 7-11 years old - 300-450 mg, in adults and children over 12 years old - 450-600 mg.

Although this medicine is over-the-counter, before taking it, it is advisable to consult with an immunologist and pediatrician about the strategy for treating herpetic stomatitis in your child and choose the best option. Remember that when we artificially force the body to produce an increased amount of interferons, it gradually stops doing this at all without additional artificial stimulation. Therefore, everywhere you need to maintain a balance and consult with specialists.

Important : herpes on the red border of the lips or herpetic stomatitis - in children, the skin around them is often also complicated. This is due to the fact that the child first licks his fingers, and then touches his eyes with infected hands. What to do with it - read the link above.

2. Chronic aphthous stomatitis in children -

The aphthous form of stomatitis is manifested by the formation of one or more solitary ulcers on the oral mucosa. Typical localization of ulcers is the mucous membrane of the cheeks and inside lips, soft sky, the surface of the tonsils and palatine arches, as well as the lower and side surfaces language. Less commonly, ulcers can occur on the back of the tongue, the red border of the lips, or the mucosa of the gums.

Unlike herpetic stomatitis, with aphthous stomatitis, the general condition practically does not suffer, but a slight temperature and an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes may still be present. In addition, with aphthous stomatitis, most often only 1 ulcer (or no more than 2-3) is formed - usually 0.5 to 1.0 cm in diameter. AT rare cases ulcers can reach 2-3 cm in diameter.

Aphthous stomatitis in a child: photo

If you look closely at the photo above, you will notice that the surface of the ulcers is always covered with a gray or yellowish necrotic coating. In addition, along the perimeter of the ulcer is always surrounded by a bright red rim of inflamed mucous membrane. Ulcers up to 0.5 cm in diameter usually heal in 6-8 days, about 1 cm in diameter in about 10-14 days without scarring.

But larger ulcers with a diameter of 2-3 cm will heal much longer - up to 6 weeks, and healing most often occurs with the formation of a scar on the mucous membrane. It should also be noted that almost always ulcers are sharply painful when touched, and therefore children may refuse to drink, eat, and brush their teeth with a toothbrush.

Causes of aphthous stomatitis -

The causes of this form of stomatitis have not been fully studied, however, it has been established that the following factors can trigger the development of aphthous stomatitis -

  • allergy to the components of oral hygiene products (especially often - to sodium lauryl sulfate),
  • food allergens,
  • some pathogenic bacteria
  • biting the mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips,
  • mucosal injury with a sharp edge of a filling or during an anesthetic injection,
  • large amount of nitrates drinking water and products.

In addition, there are many conditions of the body that can also cause aphthous stomatitis or increase the risk of its development. Especially often this happens against the background of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, the immune system, blood diseases, etc.

How to distinguish between herpetic and aphthous stomatitis -

  • Herpetic stomatitis in a child is manifested by the formation of many small vesicles, which then burst with the formation of numerous small aphthae (although they can then merge with the formation of one extensive ulceration). With aphthous stomatitis, aphthae are worn single character, and usually they are significantly bigger size- most often from 5 to 10 mm.
  • With herpetic stomatitis, as a rule, there is redness and swelling of the marginal gums around all teeth, which looks like acute gingivitis (Fig. 7-9). With aphthous stomatitis, symptoms of acute gingivitis are never observed.

Aphthous stomatitis in children: how to treat

If a child has developed aphthous stomatitis, treatment should be aimed at eliminating pain and speedy healing of ulcers, but it is very important to try to determine possible cause diseases in order to prevent the development of new outbreaks. Therefore, immediately after you find aphthae in a child, you must immediately exclude from the diet. allergenic products(honey, strawberries, chocolate, nuts, citrus). The same applies to spicy, spicy, rough foods, highly salty and acidic foods (no tomatoes, pineapple, fruit juices), as well as carbonated drinks.

Check if your child's toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate. If there is, it is urgent to replace it with a paste without this component. Elimination of other local causal factors will require a visit to the dentist. Because an allergic reaction is one of the most common causes of this form of stomatitis - it makes sense to immediately start taking antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs for a course of 10 days.

Local treatment in the oral cavity

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis with mild symptoms and moderate severity is usually sufficiently carried out with topical preparations in the oral cavity, + physiotherapy procedures and a laser are sometimes used.

  • Antiseptic rinses
    they are necessary, because often pathogenic bacteria of the oral cavity are involved in the development of aphthous stomatitis. In very young children, it is optimal to use Miramistin spray for this, and for older children (who are already able to rinse their mouths themselves) - a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine. The spray can be used either to irrigate oral ulcers, or to moisten a gauze swab with it to treat the mucous membrane. Scheme: 3 times a day, for 10 days.

  • Laser treatment -
    use of special medical diode laser with a wavelength of 940 nm, or Nd: YAG laser - almost instantly after a single procedure reduces pain, and also provides significantly more fast healing. For example, laser-treated ulcers measuring 0.5 cm in diameter are completely epithelialized in just 3-4 days (instead of 7-10 days). Usually such treatment is carried out in private medical centers.

    A weaker alternative to laser is UVR (ultraviolet irradiation of the oral cavity). This method of physiotherapy also helps to accelerate the healing of ulcers in aphthous stomatitis, and the device is in any physiotherapy room for children. dental clinic. You can get a referral to a physiotherapy room from a dentist or pediatrician.

  • Epithelial agents
    after the subsidence of pain and inflammation, it is necessary to focus on the early epithelialization of ulcers. This can be done with the help of special tools that accelerate the epithelization of lesions of the oral mucosa, for example, in the form of a gel. It should be noted that this gel also has a moderate analgesic effect.

Treatment of severe aphthous stomatitis -

With severe symptoms, for a long time non-healing ulcers, as well as in the case of the regular occurrence of this form of stomatitis, home treatment with topical preparations is no longer enough. It is very important in these conditions to examine the child. Depending on the symptoms, a complete blood count may be required to rule out hematological disorders, tests for plasma immunoglobulins and lymphocytes, and testing for various types of antibodies in the blood plasma to rule out autoimmune diseases.

Usually, in severe cases of aphthous stomatitis, the following types are used drug therapy

  • a single injection of glucocorticoids at the base of each ulcer,
  • systemic glucocorticoid therapy,
  • taking immunomodulators.

Prevention of stomatitis in children -

The first is regular oral hygiene. The fact is that the lack of proper hygiene in the oral cavity accumulates a large amount of microbial plaque. Plaque bacteria constantly release acid and toxins. The secreted acid destroys tooth enamel, and toxins affect the oral mucosa, weakening its protective factors (i.e., reduce local immunity in the oral cavity).

As a result, the mucous membrane is more vulnerable to herpes viruses, pathogenic bacteria and others adverse factors. Therefore, good hygiene is the first and foremost thing to prevent the development of new cases of stomatitis. You can read more about this in the article:.

Second important aspect is the use of hygiene products with special components such as: licorice extract, lysozyme and whole complex lactic enzymes (such as lactoperoxidase, glucose oxidase, etc.). Such components increase the local immunity of the oral mucosa, which contributes to the prevention of the development of stomatitis. Such is, for example, the company SPLAT.

In general, we hope that our article on the topic: How to treat stomatitis in children at home turned out to be useful to you, and it became clear to you that frequent repeated cases of stomatitis indicate significant disorders in the child’s body and it’s not enough just to anoint with blue or drink acyclovir . Here, consultations of doctors, analysis of the blood system, immunity, etc. are necessary.

(152 ratings, average: 4,16 out of 5)

Herpetic (viral) stomatitis is dental disease, which manifests itself in the form of painful ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips.

At the moment, there are practically no people in whose blood this virus would not be detected. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population fell ill at least once in their life.

Once in the body, it remains in the blood forever, most often jumping out, on the tongue and. If a person’s immunity is strong, then the virus can “sit” in the body for a lifetime and not manifest itself in any way. However, with a decrease in the body's defenses, the disease will immediately "come out" outside.

According to some data, the use of too aggressive toothpaste for adults may be the impetus for the development of herpetic stomatitis in children.

How is viral stomatitis transmitted?

Acute viral stomatitis is a primary herpes infection. Most often it occurs in children aged six months to 3 years.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that at this age the child loses antibodies to the virus obtained with mother's milk. In 90% of children, the symptoms of acute stomatitis are not pronounced, while in the remaining 10% the disease is very severe.

Chronic disorder

Because after once past illness Since the herpes virus remains in the body for life, there is always a high risk of recurrence and manifestations of stomatitis in the mouth and on the lips. Most often it occurs at times when the body is weakened.

The impetus for the development of chronic viral stomatitis I can be:

  • hypothermia, cold;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • the use of drugs that negatively affect the immune system;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • oral trauma;
  • the presence of foci of infections in the oral cavity;
  • breathing through the mouth.

Chronic herpes stomatitis proceeds, as well as acute. The only difference is the absence of intoxication in the chronic form of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is usually not difficult for a dentist to make a diagnosis, although in some cases, patients still have to undergo some procedures.

First of all, the doctor must find out whether the child has previously encountered the herpes virus. To this end, doctors usually carefully study the child's medical record.

After that, the specialist must assess the nature of the lesions of the oral mucosa. In addition, the dentist should ask the parents how the disease proceeded before going to the hospital.

Drawing conclusions from the inspection, records in medical card and the patient's complaints, the doctor will be able to determine the type of virus that caused stomatitis, the form of the disease, the nature of the course, and the stage at which it is located.

If this is not enough, the doctor may prescribe a cytological, virological and immune examination to the patient. Only after that, the dentist prescribes treatment and monitors the dynamics of the course of the disease.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Treatment methods for herpes stomatitis in children are the same. The difference can only be in the dosage of the drugs.

Principles of therapy

It is antiviral and general. However, in order to achieve best results it is recommended to combine these methods.

Antiviral treatment of the herpes virus on the lips and in the mouth includes the following principles:

  • treatment of the disease when its first signs appear;
  • antiviral drugs it is necessary to apply not only locally to the affected areas, but also to the entire oral mucosa;
  • use antiviral drugs at least 3-5 times a day;
  • with the extinction of the symptoms of the disease, antiviral drugs are canceled.

General treatment consists of:

  • enrichment of the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • usage antiviral agents in the form of tablets or injections;
  • the use of antihistamines;
  • with the consent of the pediatrician - taking medications that stimulate the immune system.

Purpose and application

Drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis:

Possible difficulties and complications

It has been proven that children, even without treatment, are able to recover in 10-12 days. However, taking medication can speed up this process somewhat.

Children with herpes stomatitis often develop herpetic conjunctivitis, a purulent-ulcerative disease of the eye caused by the herpes virus. If left untreated, this disease can lead to blindness.

In addition, refusal to eat due to painful sensations during chewing can cause dehydration. Loss of body weight and, as a result, an even greater deterioration in immunity.

Not many people know, but the herpes virus can negatively affect nerve fibers person. All this as a result can lead to partial or complete paralysis, severe pathologies CNS.

The best cure is no cure

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect a child from the herpes virus. However, if infection does occur, everything possible must be done to keep the virus in an inactive form. To do this, you must carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

If a child has an acute form of herpetic stomatitis, he should allocate separate dishes. This will help avoid spreading the virus to other family members. In the presence of herpes on the lips, it is not recommended to kiss the child or make any physical contact with him.

And most importantly - strengthening the immune system, which consists in sufficient sleep and rest, proper nutrition, sports, moderate exposure to the sun. With good defensive forces body, the child will be able to avoid not only stomatitis, but also many other diseases.

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