Scrofula in children: why it appears and how to treat it? Description and treatment of scrofula

Scrofula in children is considered an infectious disease. Most often, it is caused by a combination of adverse factors and manifests itself in the form of rashes on various parts of the body. Doctors call scrofula exudative diathesis or atypical dermatitis. What is this disease and how is the disease manifested? Can it be cured? This will be discussed in our article.

Scrofula is an infectious disease. However, it is not contagious. The manifestation of atypical dermatitis is due to a violation of metabolic processes in the body and the addition of tubercle sticks. In medical reference books, the disease has two interpretations. Some sources call it a mild form of tuberculosis. Other authors of reference books describe the disease scrofula as a manifestation of diathesis.

In most cases, the disease affects infants. Rashes often disturb children under 10 years of age. But scrofula in adults is diagnosed extremely rarely.

Where does it begin?

Scrofula behind the ears in adults and children indicates the development of the first stage of dermatitis. Yellowish crusts of dry consistency appear on the skin. The rash tends to quickly spread to other areas. In a short period of time, elbows, knees, face, scalp can be covered with crusts.

The way the disease looks in a child is practically no different from the manifestation of the disease in an adult. Papules cause severe itching. When tearing off the crusts, the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bpink skin is exposed. The sores constantly ooze and cause pain.

Symptoms of scrofula in the ears in adult patients most often portend a more aggressive course of the disease. Signs of rash and itching are accompanied by an increase and soreness of the lymph nodes, an increase in body temperature. Therefore, if you know what scrofula is and how it manifests itself, you can achieve recovery by starting the correct treatment.


Depending on what symptoms of scrofula are diagnosed in a patient, the doctor distinguishes two forms of the disease. This is a torpid and eretic type of disease.

The first form is caused by the sluggish course of dermatitis. Torpid scrofula in infants often causes excessive pallor of the skin, slight swelling of the lips, and bloating. At the same time, children often refuse to move and eat. In this regard, the treatment of scrofula behind the ears cannot be postponed.

The eritic form of the disease most often affects people with reduced body weight. In children, this feature can be caused by excessive activity. However, this type of people is distinguished by thin, pale skin, which, at the slightest contact with irritants, becomes covered with rashes.

Risk group

The opinion of experts on this issue is somewhat different. One group of doctors believes that the symptoms of scrofula in adults and children arise due to pathological processes that prevent the proper functioning of the circulatory system. Another opinion is expressed about the fact that the risk group includes people with improper metabolism. And scrofula behind the ears is just a side effect of these disorders in the body.

The list of situations that can provoke the occurrence of atypical dermatitis:

  • Conceiving a child under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • There is a high probability of infection with a stick from a sick mother at the time of intrauterine development, childbirth, feeding;
  • Scrofulous skin lesions may occur in people living in unsanitary conditions;
  • There is a risk of scrofula disease in children born to a mother in old age;
  • With a lack of vitamin "D" and minerals;
  • Scrofula on the head of a child occurs when a large amount of sugar is consumed;
  • With artificial feeding.

Scrofula disease in adult patients is most often caused by poor heredity.

As a rule, the parents of these people already had a history of tuberculosis. Or the following factors are related to the occurrence of dermatitis in their child in adulthood:

  • Conceiving a child while intoxicated;
  • If the parents are related by blood;
  • When a child is born from people who are addicted to drugs.

How to treat scrofula in a child? In service with modern doctors there are many ways to solve the problem. It should be noted right away that the signs of scrofula will quickly disappear with timely access to a specialist and a series of activities.

It is extremely important to follow a diet after rashes have been found behind the ears. Doctors recommend eliminating sugar, sweets and other sweets from the diet. At the same time, following a hypoallergenic diet will help achieve a quick recovery. By keeping a food diary, parents can identify which ingredient is the irritant.

Consider another option of how to treat scrofula behind the ears in a child. To put things in order in the diet add external use of drugs. After the examination, the pediatrician or dermatologist chooses an ointment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the small patient and the nature of the course of the disease.

The use of Topikrem, Sudocrem or zinc ointment will help relieve inflammation and itching. These funds will soften the skin, thereby bringing relief during the treatment of scrofula in children behind the ears. You can moisturize the affected areas by applying Bepanten or Drapolen cream.

If treatment behind the ears of scrofula for several days does not bring a positive result, the specialist recommends cauterization of the papules with "Fukortsin".

Treatment of adult patients

Scrofula in adults is a disease, the treatment of which will largely depend on the form of the course of the disease. Diagnosis consists in carrying out a biopsy of the crusts, as well as the study of cells taken from the lymph nodes. Along the way, the patient is given an x-ray and a blood test for latent infections.

In the form caused by tubercles, scrofula is treated by prescribing antibiotics to the patient. As a rule, these are drugs used for tuberculosis.

Treatment of scrofula (a form provoked by mycobacteria of the non-tuberculous type) is fundamentally different. What can be used to treat the disease in the first case is ineffective here. This form is resistant to antibiotic therapy. But with surgery, scrofula in adults, the symptoms of which worsen the patient's quality of life, can be quickly stopped.

It remains to pay attention to the fact that in children and adults scrofula appears not only behind the ears, but also on the head. A distinctive feature of the disease is that the hairline does not suffer. The disease is not contagious, but is transmitted to a newborn from an infected mother. All this information will help to distinguish the considered dermatitis from common diathesis and start treatment in a timely manner.

An adult, when he feels the appearance of crusts behind his ears, usually tries to perform hygiene measures more carefully. It is washed several times a day, lubricates the inflamed area with an antiseptic. If the crusts behind the ears do not go away, and the inflammation passes to the scalp, then official medicine is involved in the elimination of discomfort - they go to see a dermatologist.

According to the results of the smear analysis, the diagnosis is accurately made and treatment begins. Crusts in the ears in an adult appear when the immune status decreases and may indicate the development of serious diseases - for example, tuberculosis.

In an adult, dry crusts can appear in the area around the ears and inside them for various reasons, below we will consider what exactly provokes the problem.

  • Scrofula
  • Allergy
  • Eczema and dermatitis
  • ear fungus
  • Reviews and comments


Scrofula usually develops in childhood, but its occurrence can be affected by:

  • depleted diet;
  • bad habits;
  • decreased immune status due to infectious diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body associated with functional disorders of the endocrine system;
  • genetic factors.

Scrofula develops when Koch's sticks, bacteria that cause tuberculosis, are introduced into the body.

This symptom is one of the manifestations of the clinical forms of the disease.

The main symptom of scrofula is that dry crusts form behind the ears, which have a yellowish color. The skin becomes very pale. If you tear off the crust - and this happens often, since the skin itches very much under the crusts - you can see the inflamed red surface of the epidermis, which is constantly getting wet.

Tuberculosis is indicated by additional symptoms: subfebrile temperature, weight loss, fever, agitation, involvement of the submandibular lymph nodes in the inflammatory process. In this case, the disease manifestation of scrofula can be stopped only with the treatment of the underlying disease.

In other cases, for the treatment of scrofula, first of all, it is necessary to improve living conditions - to provide a diet with products that include a complex of vitamins necessary for a healthy life.

The crusts are lubricated with an ointment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that normalize metabolic processes in the body and antibiotics can be prescribed - these drugs are taken orally.

The sea climate and air baths contribute to a speedy recovery.


The appearance of crusts on and around the ears can cause contact with the allergen. A negative reaction can be provoked by inappropriate hair washing products, fabric or fur of a headdress, contact with the material of earrings, eyeglasses or headphones.

Treatment - elimination of contact with the allergen, taking antihistamines and applying local anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agents to the inflamed area.

If the allergen cannot be established for a long time, there is a risk of eczema.

Eczema and dermatitis

These diseases are caused by mechanical irritation and allergic reactions. The impetus for the development of diseases can be a decrease in immunity during infectious processes.

For dermatitis, the most characteristic is the formation of crusts in the ear and around the ear canal. Rashes appear on the skin - small papules with serous fluid. When pimples open up, in their place, inflamed, constantly weeping skin forms, on which crusts dry out. Ear passages swell. Treatment is the same as for allergies.

With eczema, papules with liquid content appear more on and around the auricles. The exacerbation lasts 21-28 days. First, the skin thickens and begins to itch, then a rash forms in place of the “burning” surface, which itches just as intensely. If it is torn off, the inflamed dry skin cracks, weeping crusts form on it, surrounded by a small rash.

To bring the disease to remission, the skin is treated with oily solutions and aerosols with oxycort. To prevent secondary infection - in order to prevent the attachment of a fungal infection - weeping places are treated with ether or alcohol antiseptics. With dry peeling, preference is given to ointments with anti-inflammatory properties.

If you start treating eczema at the first symptoms, after 7-10 days the disease can be stopped to the stage of exacerbation. Severe itching is stopped by antihistamines of local and general action.

ear fungus

In adults, the formation of a crust in the ear can be caused by the introduction of a fungal infection. Active reproduction of opportunistic flora, constantly living on the human body, is caused by a decrease in immunity and violations of hygiene rules.

Moreover, the fungus is activated not only when the ears are not washed, and sulfur and desquamated epithelium accumulate in the passages - a favorable environment for the development of spores - but when the ablutions are too thorough. In the latter case, the natural lubrication of the skin is washed off, which is a protection against the introduction of the fungus. Ear mycosis can be infected through other people's earplugs or headphones, hearing aids.

Symptoms of ear mycosis:

  • skin itching;

  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • the formation of a sulfur plug;
  • feeling that the ear canal is clogged with something;
  • discharge - serous, purulent or clear - from the ear canal.

Treatment - antifungal agents that are injected into the ear passages with a cotton turunda until complete recovery. Symptoms of itching are eliminated by antihistamines.

It is difficult to eliminate scrofula and other inflammatory processes, since in most cases a secondary infection joins the primary infection. With dermatitis, eczema and scrofula on the inflamed skin, the activity of the fungal flora - Aspergillus or Candida - increases, with a fungal infection, Staphylococcus aureus can be sown from the smear test.

Traditional medicine helps to cure scrofula

The fungal flora cannot be destroyed with the help of traditional medicine recipes, as well as eczema, in the appearance of which hormonal disorders play a huge role. But in the case of dermatitis or scrofula, which does not have an infectious etiology, you can use recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

Wipe irritated skin with infusions of medicinal herbs: string, calendula, sage, chamomile, yarrow. To reduce the number of rashes, make up an herbal mixture.


  • succession;

  • chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • elecampane.

Mix in equal proportions, brew 1 tablespoon of herbal raw materials with a glass of boiling water, wipe the ears and skin behind them 6 times a day, and also take a third of a glass of broth during the day in equal portions.

Ointment from scrofula - mix 1 part of crushed red brick, 2 parts of linseed oil and crushed charcoal, 8 parts of rendered interior lamb fat.

All this is mixed and frozen. It is applied to inflamed places in the form of a compress. Those who are not ready to be treated with chipped bricks will have to be content with pharmacy products.

To avoid crusts behind the ears, the following requirements should be observed:

  • adhere to the rules of asepsis without abusing them;
  • when sunbathing, close your ears from increased ultraviolet radiation - the skin on the shells is very delicate;
  • it is advisable to give up bad habits - smoking;
  • streamline your own diet - eat right and fully;
  • do not use other people's headphones or earplugs, or at least wash them if you do not have your own.

By following these simple rules, the possibility of getting sick with scrofula can be minimized.

Symptoms, causes and treatment of scrofula in children and adults.

If troubles come one after another, people remember the proverb: "If not diarrhea, then scrofula." What kind of disease is scrofula? How to insure yourself and the child from illness?

What is scrofula in adults and children behind the ears: symptoms and signs of the disease

Important: Scrofula is a non-infectious skin disease. The disease affects children under 10 years of age, it practically does not occur in adults.

The manifestations of scrofula are similar to atopic dermatitis. However, the diagnosis of this disease is much more difficult. The fact is that some experts associate scrofula with tuberculous lesions, others consider scrofula a form of diathesis.

Scrofula in children behind the ears

Signs of illness

  • The very first sign of scrofula is the formation of diaper rash behind the ears, as well as on the scalp. Subsequently, redness takes on a different form: yellowish crusts
  • The affected areas are very itchy. The child may constantly tear at the sore areas with his hand or fidget with his head on the pillow to relieve itching.
  • The place of localization of scrofula is behind the ears and on the head. If the disease is not treated, the area of ​​​​the rash can spread to the face.

In addition to yellowish crusts and itching, the following may be observed: scrofula symptoms:

  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Discharge from the nose and ears
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck
  • Pain and swelling of the joints
  • Eye redness

Scrofula disease: causes

Important: Children who suffer from sweating are susceptible to scrofula. Increased sweating, coupled with adverse factors, can affect the onset of the disease.

Scrofula occurs for many reasons. For example:

  1. Child living in unsanitary conditions
  2. Eating unlimited sweets
  3. Feeding infants with unadapted mixtures (cow or goat milk, semolina porridge)
  4. The birth of a child from parents "aged"
  5. The presence in the family of such diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis

Symptoms of scrofula

Is scrofula contagious?

Important: Scrofula is not an infectious disease. That is, it is impossible to catch scrofula from a sick child. Therefore, it is not advisable to isolate a sick child from society.

Scrofula in children behind the ears treatment

Treatment for scrofula should begin immediately. Negligent attitude to the formation of a rash can complicate the healing process. In addition, scrofula causes discomfort in the form of itching.

Treatment of scrofula boils down to two points:

  1. Eliminate the cause of the rash
  2. Removal of external manifestations of the disease

Parents should first of all review the diet of the child:

  • Avoid sweets
  • Avoid milk, citrus fruits, walnuts

Important: It is easier to track reactions to foods if you keep a child's food diary. Every day it is worth writing down the menu, as well as the reaction of the skin or its absence when using certain products.

Atopic dermatitis in a child

Parents need to seek help from a pediatrician, dermatologist and allergist. Specialists will help to establish the picture of the disease, as well as select the appropriate local treatment for scrofula in this particular case.

The next step in the treatment of the disease is removal of itching and elimination of crusts from the skin. There are many ointments that help to cope quickly.

Ointment for scrofula behind the ears

  1. Sudocrem
  2. Zinc ointment
  3. Bepanthen
  4. Topikrem
  5. Drapolene

Ointment from scrofula

  • Each ointment has the desired effect, so it should be selected wisely. Zinc ointment and Sudocrem, for example, dry the crusts well. Dry crusts are easier to remove. You also need to dry wet.
  • But if the places affected by scrofula are overdried, cracks have formed in some places, then in no case should you use a drying ointment. In this case, the skin needs to be moisturized. Bepanten will cope well with this task.

In some cases, it is necessary to cauterize the affected areas of the skin with fucorcin. Fukortsin is a drug that has an antimicrobial effect. Has a crimson color. When cauterized, it may cause a short burning sensation.

Video: How to cure atopic dermatitis?

How to cope with allergic skin lesions in children, says Dr. Komarovsky.

Scrofula in infants, newborns

  1. Scrofula may appear in infants. Nursing mothers should change their diet, eliminate possible allergens, switch to a nursing diet
  2. If the baby is on artificial nutrition, then this should be an adapted mixture.

Important: Pediatricians publicly talk about how harmful it can be to feed a child with goat's or cow's milk. Cow's or goat's milk is a strong allergen, besides, it is not intended as the main food for the baby.

Scrofula is accompanied by severe itching

Scrofula on the head of a child

Scrofula is manifested not only by rashes behind the ears. The affected areas often appear on the scalp. To fight the disease, you do not need to shave your child's head. It is enough to treat the areas with ointment and remove dry crusts.

Important: When the scrofulous skin of the head is affected, the hair remains intact. They do not fall out, do not break in the affected areas.

How to treat scrofula behind the ears in an adult?

Scrofula also occurs in adults. But quite rare. In this case, the doctor can diagnose skin tuberculosis.

Scrofula in an adult is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes
  2. Joint swelling, pain
  3. Purulent sores behind the ears
  4. Peeling of the affected skin behind the ears
  5. Wounds and ulcers on the body may be less common.

The treatment for scrofula in adults is to take antibiotics. The course of antibiotic therapy is long, can last up to 1 year.

Preparations for the treatment of scrofula in adults:

  • Clarithromycin
  • Pyrazinamide
  • Ethambutol
  • Isoniazid

In addition to antibiotic therapy, local treatment of the affected skin is necessary. Rubbing the skin with decoctions of medicinal herbs will be useful.

Tuberculosis of the skin in adults

Treatment of scrofula with folk remedies

To get rid of the external manifestations of scrofula, traditional medicine recipes are widely used.

It can be baths:

  1. With chamomile
  2. With oak bark
  3. With walnut leaves
  4. With calamus roots
  5. With tea tree essential oil

Interesting: In the old days there were ways to treat scrofula. It was believed that the kings of the French Capetian dynasty healed the sick with one touch of the hand. As they did so, they uttered magic words. Much later, in Russia, girls could avoid scrofula by piercing their ears and wearing earrings. They said it helps.

A string of scrofula

Conspiracies from scrofula

Some tried to cure scrofula by magic, reading conspiracies. In the old days, it was important to resort to magical help in all matters, not only for the treatment of scrofula.

This plot is read at sunset over a sick scrofula:

So that the eyes look, the ears do not hurt
At the servant of God (name),
Rolled back, fell off to foreign shores,
Dirty water, wet weather.
Zolotukha - an evil old woman,
Get away from the servant of God (name). Amen.

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan,
Lies a stone forty fathoms,
And on this stone sits a girl,
Invents gold.
Scrofula-rubella, you should not be here,
You can't live here, don't break bones,
Joints do not fester. Amen

At present, it is foolish to believe that wearing earrings or touching a healer's hand will get rid of scrofula. It is also illogical to resort to conspiracies. Medicine has long proven its ability to quickly and reliably get rid of scrofula. Treatment of scrofula is simple, but you should carefully and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Video: Treatment of scrofula in a folk way

Modern children often suffer from diathesis. Its manifestations are varied, although this unpleasant phenomenon is familiar to many parents and has already become familiar. However, the same symptoms can signal different diseases.

These symptoms include crusts and sores behind the ears in children. The same crusts, sometimes wet, may form on the cheeks or head. This phenomenon is called scrofula. Why does it occur?

What is scrofula, why is it dangerous?

Many newborns have yellow crusts on the head that pass quickly. This is seborrheic dermatitis. It is easy to get rid of it by simply removing the crusts. They are lubricated with vaseline oil, and when washed, they fall off. Without medical treatment, plaque disappears in a few weeks.

Similar crusts may appear behind the ear, the skin cracks. Usually this happens later, with children from 2 to 10 years old. The nature of such signs is different. This phenomenon is called "scrofula". By itself, it is treated quite easily, but if you do not pay attention to it, it can cause other diseases. Cracks and wounds open the way for penetration of infections that lead to bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and a number of other diseases. Scrofula is also a symptom of certain diseases.

Causes of scrofula behind the ears in children

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If crusts appear behind the ear, both dry and weeping, you should consult a doctor. The same symptoms occur in diseases caused by different causes. This may be exudative diathesis, which, according to doctors, is a food allergy or a pseudo-allergic reaction. In infants, the development of the process is due to their anatomy and physiology. The underdevelopment of enzymatic systems, a reduced barrier function of the intestine can provoke the occurrence of allergic or allergic-like reactions.

A factor in the development of the pathological process can be artificial feeding or too early rejection of breast milk, perinatal hypoxia, and violations of the intestinal microflora. Improper unbalanced nutrition also leads to formations on the skin. Environmental factors also contribute to the development of the disease: poor water, polluted air.

Crusts behind the ears in a child can also signal scrofula - skin tuberculosis. The disease is caused by tubercle bacillus, a tuberculosis microbacterium.

A child who develops sores is initially prone to exudative diathesis, but in this case, the reaction does not occur to food, but to a bacterium penetrating from other organs.

The development of the disease is most often the result of:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • unsanitary conditions in which the baby lives;
  • conception in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • poor heredity, in which the disease occurred in previous generations;
  • conception and birth of a child by an elderly mother;
  • the presence in the family of oncological diseases, tuberculosis, venereal diseases;
  • premature birth.

Symptoms of the pathological process

The condition caused by tuberculous microbacteria is not limited to the formation of sores behind the ears. In addition to crusts, other manifestations of the disease are possible:

Often scrofula occurs in newborns. The exacerbation begins after 3 months and culminates by six months. Babies with exudative diathesis are irritable or, conversely, phlegmatic. Their skin is loose, edematous, lymph nodes are enlarged.

In cold weather, in autumn and winter, additional problems are possible. Children are observed:

  • diaper rash, hives, eczema (we recommend reading:);
  • the appearance of peeling, crusts on the eyebrows and under the hair.

How to distinguish scrofula from allergies and weeping diathesis?

Symptoms of scrofula, weeping behind the ears are easily confused with other diseases, the symptoms of which look exactly the same. Types of external lesions of the skin in various diseases are shown in the photo. To make a diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe samples for allergens and other tests. According to the results of examinations, the doctor will determine the nature of the disease.

It is difficult to independently establish the source of discomfort in a child. Scrofula develops as follows:

  • first there is severe itching and peeling behind the ears, then cracks form;
  • often irritation and crusts begin to spread throughout the head;
  • lymph nodes in the neck, which cannot be felt in a healthy child, swell and roll under the fingers;
  • the stomach swells;
  • the chair is broken.

With weeping diathesis, redness behind the ears also occurs, rashes and scaly crusts of a gray-yellow color appear. It seems to rot behind the ears. All these phenomena are accompanied by itching and burning. Bubbles that appear at the site of redness burst, their location is painful.

Dryness, itching and burning are also characteristic of allergies, the area behind the ears and the earlobe also reddens and flakes. The spots may become wet and swollen. Cracks appear, gradually turning into wounds.

It is not possible to determine the difference on these grounds. Refusal of laboratory diagnostics can lead to the fact that time for the treatment of a serious disease will be missed.

Diagnostic methods

Laboratory diagnostics is aimed at identifying the causative agent of the disease in order to properly treat it. Appointed:

  • a general blood test, which helps to identify the inflammatory process;
  • bakposev of ear secretions, which allows to identify the pathogen, if there is a suspicion of otitis media;
  • tests for allergens - make it possible to determine the causative agent of an allergic reaction in a child;
  • a smear from the skin behind the ears - to detect fungal infection;
  • immunological study - to assess the state of immunity;
  • test for tuberculosis - helps to exclude scrofula;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs - with suspicion of their defeat;
  • if scrofulosis is suspected - analysis of the purulent contents of sores, lymph nodes.

How to treat scrofula behind the ears in babies of different ages?

To cure scrofula, it is necessary to establish the origin of the disease. For exudative diathesis, a rejection of products and products that cause allergies will be required. To treat scrofula, it is necessary to defeat internal tuberculosis - the supplier of bacteria that causes skin lesions.

After identifying the causes of scrofula, treatment can begin. Often the disease develops against the background of unfavorable living conditions of the child. It can be cured only if the dangerous factors are eliminated.

During the treatment period, the baby needs a balanced diet, careful skin hygiene, and exposure to fresh air. During treatment, it is not recommended to wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Persistence and patience, the implementation of doctor's prescriptions will help to cope with the disease and eliminate relapses in the future.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to review the child's diet, exclude from it those foods that can cause allergies. Treatment of infants implies and restrictions on the nutrition of the mother.

Ointments and other preparations for external use

Means for external use are designed to eliminate discomfort, get rid of crusts and rashes, and create conditions for skin regeneration. For the treatment of crusts, cracks, sores behind the ears, ointments and creams are used. Baths are effective, especially if the child is still very small.

To relieve itching, alleviate the patient's condition, the following ointments are used:

  • zinc ointment - a good antiseptic, relieves inflammation, but dries the skin;
  • Tsindol - designed to treat wet skin areas;
  • Advantan - a hormonal drug that quickly removes all external manifestations of the disease, is used in a short course and only as directed by a doctor;
  • Sinaflan is also a hormonal agent, the use is limited;
  • Topicrem;
  • Sudocrem;
  • Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone - light hormonal agents;
  • Bepanthen;
  • Fukortsin.

Medicines for oral administration

With exudative diathesis, not complicated by tuberculosis microbacteria, antihistamine drugs are used. Children are prescribed Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil (we recommend reading:). Of great importance is the overall strengthening of the body. For this purpose, children are given fish oil, vitamin complexes containing vitamins of groups A, B, C and D.

If the causative agent of the disease is the bacterium tuberculosis, fortifying agents are also useful, but the main treatment is taking antibiotics that are effective against tuberculosis. The child is prescribed Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide, or Isoniazid. Treatment can last several years, because. Bacteria develop resistance to the drugs used.

Folk remedies

It is good to supplement the drug effect with the use of traditional medicine methods. They are also designed to improve the condition of the child's skin and strengthen his body.

For external use, it is recommended to use various infusions and decoctions of herbs. Bathing in a decoction of oak bark or tricolor violet will help reduce inflammation and relieve your baby of itching. Older children are recommended to wipe diseased skin areas with decoctions. For these purposes, shoots and leaves of currant, tansy, succession, yarrow, plantain leaves, viburnum twigs are used.

Scrofula on a child's head

The spread of scrofulous crusts throughout the scalp occurs in the absence of timely treatment. If such a nuisance happened, you should not shave the baby's head. It is enough to treat the affected areas with the ointment prescribed by the doctor, rinse with decoctions and infusions of herbs. It is easier for kids to use these products when bathing, at an older age - in the form of lotions and washes.

Preventive actions

Despite the possible hereditary predisposition, the disease can be avoided by following simple rules. The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky believes that scrofula primarily affects children with an unstable nervous system living in poor conditions. He recommends first of all to identify and eliminate the allergen that has become the direct culprit of the skin reaction. They can be not only food or household chemicals, but also dust, pet hair.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to provide the child with normal living conditions. He must live in a clean room, have the opportunity to be in the fresh air, eat rationally. Food should be natural, without dyes and preservatives.

Scrofula behind the ears is a skin disease that is often caused by diathesis or tuberculosis. The disease is caused by tubercle stick, which is similar to Koch's stick. Some experts believe that if you do not start treating scrofula in a timely manner, it can lead to a number of serious diseases, including tuberculosis. But do not be afraid, scrofula, unlike tuberculosis, responds well to treatment, it usually takes no more than 2 weeks to recover.

What is scrofula

Scrofula (scrofula) is a skin disease that is becoming less common every year. The disease is more common in young children, but can also occur in adults. This disease is considered a type of atopic dermatitis and most often affects children under 10 years of age. It is noteworthy that the disease in adults is more severe and often leads to complications.

The disease proceeds with a change in the color and appearance of the skin. Scrofula is not considered an infectious disease, therefore, with such an illness in a small child, it does not need to be isolated. Often the disease occurs with damage to the skin around the auricles, but in addition, the head, neck and limbs can be affected.

What is dangerous

Scrofula is a sore that affects mainly the skin of the head. Initially, these are single rashes, which then merge and form a scrofulous crust. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then after a few days the patient's condition worsens, and the rash affects other parts of the body.

Scrofula can cause not only allergies to certain foods and substances, but also one of the first signs of tuberculosis, syphilis, diphtheria and a number of fungal diseases. You can not leave such a disease unattended.

Causes of scrofula behind the ears

Doctors can't say exactly what causes scrofula, but there are a few theories. Experts believe that peeling and itching of the skin behind the ears can be caused by such factors:

  • Insufficient hygiene, rare bathing.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs by future parents.
  • Heredity, as a rule, those children whose parents also suffered from this disease face a problem.
  • At risk are children born to parents at a later age, or people who have had tuberculosis and syphilis.
  • Poor nutrition of a child with a lack of vitamins can also lead to symptoms of diathesis.
  • Eating sweets by a child leads to the appearance of red, scaly patches on the skin.
  • If a pregnant woman gets sick with scrofula, then most likely the baby will also get sick soon after birth.

The risk group also includes children who have been bottle-fed since birth. These children usually have severely reduced immunity.

It is possible to start treatment of scrofula only after the provoking factor has been identified and eliminated.


The disease begins with redness and itching behind the ears. Then the skin begins to peel off, cracks appear on them. Initially, the scrofulous spots are small, but after only a few days they spread, merge and form extensive crusts.

How to recognize the disease

Initially, scrofula appears as small yellowish-red crusts behind the ears. If such a crust is torn off, you can see the glossy skin.

The affected areas are very itchy. The patient cannot even sleep normally, so even during sleep there will be attempts to scratch. Due to inadequate sleep, a person becomes irritable and nervous.

With scrofulosis, characteristic signs appear that help to quickly recognize the disease:

  1. Small bubbles filled with a yellowish liquid appear.
  2. It gets wet and itches behind the ears, the itching getting worse every day.
  3. The lymph nodes are noticeably enlarged, they become red and hot to the touch.
  4. Scales and scabs form. After they fall off, inflamed, shiny skin is exposed.
  5. The patient loses weight.
  6. There is abnormal sweating.
  7. Subfebrile temperature persists for a long time.
  8. There is a runny nose and lacrimation.
  9. Joints swell and hurt.

In addition, there may be dyspeptic symptoms - abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If an adult falls ill with scrofula, then his condition is very serious, the temperature rises to critical levels and does not go astray. A yellowish liquid flows from the wounds, the skin becomes wet and itchy. Adults often have to be treated in a hospital setting.

The rash first appears only on the head and behind the ears. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, the rash will affect the face and other parts of the body.

How to treat scrofula behind the ears

The treatment regimen in each case is determined individually. Therapy is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and fighting the causative agent of the disease. Treatment is reduced to the use of different drugs:

  1. Bepanthen or Zinc ointment. These drugs are applied to the affected area several times a day. Ointments with zinc dry the wounds and promote their rapid healing. It is necessary to apply the ointment until the weeping areas are completely healed.
  2. If scrofula is caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, broad-spectrum antibiotics are recommended. Most often, Amoxiclav and Augmentin are prescribed. If the patient is allergic to drugs of the penicillin group, cephalosporins or macrolides are prescribed.
  3. To quickly remove toxins from the body, it is necessary to use adsorbents. The patient can be given Polisorb or Enterosgel in therapeutic dosages.
  4. If there is an indigestion, the patient is prescribed probiotics - Linex or Bifidobacterin. It is necessary to take such drugs simultaneously with antibiotics in order to prevent the development of dyspeptic phenomena.
  5. To strengthen the immune system, the doctor may prescribe multivitamin preparations and immunomodulators.

You can supplement medical treatment with traditional medicine recipes. In the old days, patients with scrofula were recommended to bathe in a strong decoction of the string. The grass was brewed, insisted and then added to a bath of warm water.

Bathing in salted water also helps. For a therapeutic bath, it is better to use sea salt, it is dissolved in water in the ratio of a glass of salt to 15 liters of water. Take this bath before going to bed.

Scrofula can be treated with a decoction of pine needles. Brew 1 kg of needles in 5 liters of water. The broth is insisted, filtered and poured into warm water.

If the treatment does not help for 4-5 days, you should consult a doctor who will adjust the therapy.


Prevention of the disease comes down to hygiene and strengthening the immune system. Children should often walk outside and play sports. Breastfeeding of infants on demand is recommended.

It is necessary to ensure that the diet is rational. Lack of vitamins and minerals leads to the development of skin diseases.

To avoid scrofula in children, parents should ensure that the child does not eat too much sweets and does not abuse allergenic foods. At the first signs of skin diseases, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

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