How to relieve eye pain at home. Eyes hurt: causes and treatment. Eye pain after welding

Eye pain treatment folk remedies

Eye pain with overexertion

Often in our time you can find pain in the eyes with overwork, overstrain of the eyeball. It means you're overexerted eye muscles. As a rule, eye strain pain can also occur with severe fatigue during or after working at a computer. Or as a result of watching TV for a long time. In this case, pain occurs in the region of the eye socket.
Also fatigue oculomotor muscles can occur not only with their prolonged tension, but also with a too fixed position of the eyes. Hence the appearance of a feeling of dull pain after prolonged work with a computer monitor or reading a thick novel in the eye socket. In the event that the light falling on the pages of the book is too weak or the overhead light is too harsh, even more pronounced pain In eyes. In addition, fatigue of the eye muscles can occur with improperly fitted glasses or outdated contact lenses.
Pain in the eyes with overwork is felt as a slight burning sensation or pressure. It can also be accompanied by dry eyes long work at the computer (the so-called "dry eye" syndrome). The fact is that in our age of computer technology, when not a single house, not a single workplace, people work very hard without taking their eyes off the monitor, which leads to eye pain during overstrain: gradually pain and pain appear in the eyes, as if sand had been poured there.
Symptoms of pain in the eyes with overwork:
- the eyes become inflamed, there is redness of the eyes, red blood vessels appearing on the proteins, burst blood vessels
- there is a feeling of sand in the eyes
- eyes perceive surrounding objects not as clearly and clearly as before
- there is a burning sensation in the eyes
- Feels like something is in the eye
- the image becomes fuzzy, blurry, it is impossible to immediately focus the eye
- frequent headaches

Eye strain occurs as a result of the following reasons:

The fact is that the pupils of the eye are in constant motion, which we do not notice: we can look at the TV or computer screen for hours, our eyes work tirelessly when we read or drive a car. If you do not give your eyes a rest, inevitable overwork appears. Another cause of eye strain is unknown or for some reason not eliminated visual defects, due to which the eye muscles are forced to work hard and for a long time and strain with all their might.
A huge role for eye health is played by tear fluid, which comes from lacrimal glands and under the eyelid is distributed over the eye. The lacrimal fluid improves the optical properties of the cornea, washes away dust, caustic fumes and protects the eye from drying out and infections. However, if you look at the TV or computer screen for a long time, the amount of tear fluid decreases, the eye blinks not 14 (as expected), but 7 times per minute. This once again suggests that long TV sessions or excessive computer use are tiring, negatively affecting the state of the organ of vision.
Eyes hurt when tired and on a psycho-emotional background. The point is that at severe stress eye pupils are in a state of readiness to have a potential enemy in sight (here the stress reaction of a person developed since prehistoric times plays a role). This condition, if it continues for a long time, is very heavy and fatiguing for the eye muscles. Among other things, certain negative role often plays a reluctance to wear glasses due to false shame.

Diagnosis of eye pain with overexertion

Diagnosis is usually based on the characteristic complaints of the patient. The results of determining refraction (the refractive power of the optical system of the eye, expressed in diopters) and the state of accommodation (the ability of the eye to adapt to different distances when viewing objects) are also taken into account.

Treatment of eye pain with overexertion

The most important thing is to always remember that excessive visual load harms the eyes. If there is no way to avoid overloads, you need to take breaks more often, give rest to your eyes. It is necessary to take your eyes off the book or computer and translate them to objects located at a different distance. This must be done every ten minutes. You can also change the focus of the eyes at about the same frequency. It is also recommended to perform eye exercises, use special moisturizing eye drops during the day, and take vitamins with lutein. Also for removing pain syndrome and normalization of vision, ophthalmologists recommend good, uniform lighting while working at close range (in particular at a computer). After all, both poor and bright lighting lead to the fact that the eye muscles try to bring the eyes into the most comfortable position, which leads to their tension. In addition to all this, it is necessary with special care to protect your eyes from caustic cigarette smoke, strong wind and too bright direct light.
The easiest way to treat tired eyes is compresses and washes. Compresses can be either cold or hot.
The intake of special vitamins for the eyes and strengthening vitamins also has a beneficial effect. eye drops, as well as an introduction to daily diet carrots, blueberries, spinach, sorrel and other foods containing vitamins A and C.
It must be said that in recent years, in the treatment of eye pain with overwork, it has been widely used special gymnastics for eyes. The exercises included in its composition perfectly train the eye muscles. And if you are not lazy, perform them regularly, then the effect will be obvious (or rather, by eye!), Which means that eye pain will disappear. These exercises are not difficult and can be performed without the guidance of specialists:
1. You need to stand up, relax your knees, put your feet shoulder-width apart. At the same time, the arms hang freely along the body, the shoulders are relaxed.
2. Then you need to push the pelvis forward so that the spine is straight (there should be no bends in the sacral region).
3. Now you need to close your eyes and rotate your eyeballs several times clockwise.
4. And, finally, open your eyes as slowly as possible and fix a point in the distance.
You can also perform the following exercise: you need to follow the pencil with your eyes, slowly bringing it closer and moving it away from the nose (do it for a minute every twenty minutes).

Treatment with folk remedies

1) To relieve pain from eye strain, you can use eyebright tea. Eyebright is healing herb for eyes. To prepare tea, you need to pour a cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of eyebright, let it brew for 1-2 minutes, then strain and let cool. After that, you need to put pieces of cotton wool soaked in cold tea on your closed eyes, this will significantly reduce their irritation.
2) If the eyes are tired in the evening or if there is a break in work, you can apply slices to the eyes raw potatoes. Most importantly, during eye treatment, you need to relax and unwind. The compress should be removed after about 5 minutes.
3) You can reduce eye pain during overexertion with the following infusion: mix in equal parts calendula flowers, cornflower flowers and eyebright herb. Then pour the mixture with boiling water and let it brew for a while. Next - strain the infusion, and then apply the resulting vapor in the form of lotions, applying them to the eyes at night. It is necessary to conduct a course of 7-10 procedures, and in the future such treatment should be carried out if the eyes are tired and need nutrition and rest.
4) To get rid of eye pain during overwork, you need to take 4 parts of blueberry leaves, 3 parts of crushed dandelion root, 2 parts of calamus root, 2 parts of cornflower flowers, part of odorous rue grass. 3 tablespoons of raw materials should be poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool for 30 minutes and strain through 3-4 layers of gauze. Instill this infusion drop by drop into each eye 3 times a day. This tool nourishes the eyes very well, especially when combined with ingestion of blueberries.
5) You can also relieve eye pain during overwork by washing your eyes with a strained decoction prepared from a mixture of herbs. To do this, you need to take equal parts of toadflax herbs, cornflower flowers and elder flowers. Thoroughly mix the mixture, pour 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 8 hours. Then the infusion should be filtered and used for washing the eyes or in the form of lotions.

You should not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist if:
a) suddenly there are inexplicable pains in the eyes or they are afraid of light
b) vision deteriorates and it is necessary to strain to see objects well
c) a veil appears before the eyes.

With chronic fatigue, the eyes turn red, the eyelids swell, there is increased tearing and pain in the eyes. If you do not take action, then vision can deteriorate significantly. But how to relieve pain in the eyes, what to do?

Pain in the eyes is uncomfortable and annoying


If the pain in the eyes is caused by prolonged exposure to computer equipment, then simple exercises performed regularly throughout the day will help relieve it.

Bend your palms and squeeze your fingers tightly, and then attach them to your eyes. The fingers should be on the forehead. Close your eyes and sit in this position for a few minutes. After that, you need to blink for 30 seconds. The warmth emanating from the palms has a calming effect and relieves pain.

Exercise "Pendulum". Look straight ahead, move your eyes smoothly to the left and right. At the same time, you do not need to turn your head, do not strain your eyes. Stop, look straight ahead. Then close your eyes and do circular motions. You need to perform 5-6 times for each eye.

It will perfectly relieve pain and fatigue by alternately examining near and far objects. First you need to look at a distant object, carefully peering into it and trying to see the details. Then the gaze is immediately transferred to a close object (no closer than 30-40 cm). Repeat several times. Such exercises help strengthen the eye muscles.

Relieves eye strain by fast blinking. You need to blink for 60 seconds. Then relax and give your eyes a little rest.

Homemade Recipes for Eye Pain Relief

At home, you can relieve pain in the eyes with the help of traditional medicine. In almost any home there are ingredients such as honey, chamomile, mint, linden, parsley, viburnum, potatoes, black tea.

A real lifesaver for sore eyes. Equal amounts of mint juice, honey and boiled water mix well and instill 2 drops in the eyes in the morning and before bedtime. The composition helps to relieve fatigue and prevents hemorrhages. The course is 14 days.

Mint lotions are also effective tool with pain in the eyes. Pour one tablespoon of mint grass with hot boiled water and let stand for one hour. Then strain the infusion and drink in the form of vitamin tea. The remaining mint grass is used for lotions that are applied to the eyelids. Treatment is carried out within 3 weeks.

  • viburnum tea

Indicated for eye pain. Take two tablespoons of viburnum berries in a glass of boiling water, insist, and drink 0.5 cups in the morning and evening after meals.

  • Chamomile flower infusion

Has a beneficial effect on the eyes. The flowers are brewed with boiling water, infused for two hours and filtered. Eyes should be washed with this infusion in the morning and at night. As a result of this procedure, the eyes will become shiny, vision will become clearer, swelling will go away.

An infusion of chamomile will help if you suffer from pain in the eyes with inflammation
  • Linden blossom

It will help if you need to quickly relieve eye fatigue. Pour two tablespoons of flowers with boiling water, leave for half an hour, cool and pour into an ice mold. With such cubes they rub their eyes in the evening. You can wrap an ice cube in cotton cloth and apply to your eyelids for 5 minutes.

  • Parsley

Well relieves pain in the eyes of parsley juice. The leaves are crushed very finely and applied to the eyelids. The compress must be kept for about 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out within 2 weeks.

Parsley grass is wrapped in a gauze napkin and dipped in hot water. As soon as the juice begins to separate, the napkin is squeezed a little and put on the eyes. This procedure quickly relieves pain and.

  • Tea compress

May relieve pain. A cotton pad is moistened in cold, strong tea and put on the eyes. Keep 10 minutes.

  • Potato mask

Relieves eye fatigue and reduces puffiness. Boil potatoes in their skins and cool slightly. Then cut into pieces and apply them to the eyes for 30 minutes.


Regular prophylaxis will help relieve fatigue and pain in the eyes.

  1. Limiting computer work, regular breaks for 45 minutes.
  2. The use of specially designed glasses.
  3. Regular eye exercises.
  4. Eating foods that help strengthen retinal vessels - blueberries, carrots, black currants, greens (lettuce, green onion, dill, parsley), cod liver, cranberries and rose hips.
  5. Taking vitamin complex preparations, especially with zinc and calcium, and also based on blueberries and fish oil.

In the event that the pain in the eyes is prolonged or no remedy helps, you should consult a doctor. Conducted studies will find out the cause of sore eyes, and the prescribed treatment will help get rid of pain and restore vision.

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Irritations of the mucous membrane of the eye occur due to various pathogenic factors: microorganisms, mechanical particles, colds. Properly selected drops for inflammation will help get rid of various manifestations of the disease, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration.

Types of drops

As funds from inflammatory processes, specialists prescribe drops with steroid, non-steroid and combined components.

Varieties of eye drops:

  • Steroid used to treat inflammatory processes caused by infections. They are also used to eliminate the autoimonic component. But, at the same time, they are not able to eliminate bacterial causes the occurrence of inflammation, but only relieve symptoms;
  • Non-steroidal or anti-infective. They are used similarly to steroids, but in a more simple cases. May be used in combination with antiviral or antihistamine drugs. Despite the low likelihood of side effects, drops from this group cannot be prescribed to yourself;
  • Combined. Combine the action of an antibiotic component and an anti-inflammatory component. Thanks to this tandem, they simultaneously eliminate the cause and effect of the disease. Most wide application found in the treatment of bacterial or fungal eye diseases.

Also, an acute inflammatory process can occur against the background of an allergic reaction. When histamine is released, changes occur in the mucosa. These reduce it protective function, making it much easier to fall prey to an infection or bacterial irritant.

For treatment allergic inflammation mucous, specialized drops are used that block the release of histamine. Most of them are characterized by high speed of action and duration of effect.

Antibiotic drops for inflammatory processes

Depending on the cause of the irritation, ophthalmologists may prescribe steroid eye drops from inflammation of the eyes. They contain at least one active ingredient, characterized by a high spectrum of action.

Name Composition and application
Albucid This is a solution of sodium sulfacyl. Used for treatment bacterial conjunctivitis, diseases of the eyelids and some types of fungal diseases. Because of the aggressive action, along with this antibiotic, it is recommended to drip Levomycetin - it will speed up the recovery processes.
Vitabact The composition includes piloskidin, which blocks the reproduction of various pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. Used to treat conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis. Not recommended for use in children under 8 years of age.
L-Optic active ingredient The drug is levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is an antimicrobial agent with extremely wide range actions. In ophthalmology, it is used for the treatment of bacterial inflammation, blepharitis, dry eye. It is prescribed for pregnant women and children from 1 year.
Tsiprolet Contains ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It is prescribed for the treatment of various bacterial diseases eyes (including ulcers), acute inflammatory processes, as well as to accelerate tissue repair. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women.
Uniflox The composition of the drops includes ofloxacin, due to which the drug is a new generation antibiotic. It is prescribed for the treatment of keratitis, ulcers, inflammation caused by other pathogenic organisms sensitive to the main component.
Tobrex Urgent drops to relieve inflammation. Almost instantly eliminate redness and itching, thanks to tobramycin in the composition accelerate the recovery of the mucosa. Approved for use by children from 3 years.
Chloramphenicol This is an analogue of Levomycetin. Inexpensive drops, which quickly fight redness of the mucosa, swelling and bacterial exposure. Helps moisturize the cornea.

These medications can be prescribed exclusively by the ophthalmologist who conducted the examination and tests.

Antiviral drops

If no pathogenic bacterial effect is noticed during eye irritation, then antiviral drops from redness and inflammation.

Name Composition and scope
Acular LS Ketorolacathromethamine has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient quickly reduces the temperature, eliminates swelling and redness. It is strictly prohibited for use in pregnant women.
Diklo F They are Diclofenac. Characterized by an analgesic effect. They are used to eliminate inflammation resulting from mechanical damage to the mucosa or cornea. Safe for use by children, have virtually no side effects.
Nevanak The best postoperative drops. In ophthalmology, they are used to eliminate swelling and pain after surgical intervention or removal of the irritant by invasive means. Contribute to the removal of fatigue, normalization of lacrimation, acceleration of regenerating processes.
Oftan Dexamethasone Representative of combined drops with a wide area of ​​action. active substances is dexamethasone. It is characterized by the strongest anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Has a high speed of action. Removes redness, swelling, eliminates itching.

Drops against allergies

With an allergic reaction, itching in the eyes, swelling, uncontrolled lacrimation occurs. To get rid of these and many other symptoms, doctors recommend using specialized drops against inflammation and allergies.

Name Composition and description
Opatanol Highly good drops. They consist of a solution of olopatadine. This substance is considered one of the most powerful antihistamine compounds. The tool is characterized high efficiency and the duration of the effect. Suitable for long term use. Allowed for children from 3 years.
Allergodil Contains azelastine. It is considered a drug of "urgent" action. Instantly removes puffiness, hyperthermia of the eyelids, eliminates itching and the feeling of "dry" eyes. Can be used long time but only under the supervision of a specialist.
Ketotifen Consists of clenbuterol hypochloride. This compound strengthens the mucosa, normalizes the viscosity of tears, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. At the same time, it blocks mast cells and eliminates visible signs allergic reaction.
Vizin allergy A unique composition that allows you to simultaneously get rid of inflammation, redness and restore normal lacrimation. It is an improved prototype of the drops of the same name. Not allowed for use during pregnancy, while wearing lenses, and children under 12.

Universal drops

Naturally, diseases are not always the cause of redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. When working at a computer for a long time, the body can react to a light stimulus in the same way as to a mechanical one.

To prevent dry eye syndrome, eliminate pain, fatigue and redness, it is recommended to use special drops for inflammation of the eyelids and eyes. This list includes:

Name Composition and action
Vizin Narrows blood vessels, due to which it significantly reduces the redness of the protein. It has a local anti-edema effect, but is not recommended for long-term use.
Okumetil Refers to combined anti-inflammatory drugs. It has an anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive effect. At the same time, it helps to reduce puffiness and get rid of fatigue in the eyes. The active ingredient is zinc sulfate.
Polinadim This remedy is the most effective combination of diphenhydramine and naphthyzinum. Such a tandem has a cooling and soothing effect at the same time. Due to this, immediately after use, blinking is relieved, fatigue disappears, and the mucous membrane is moistened.
Alomid The main component is lodoxamide. The drug is able to block the release of histamine, urgently relieve inflammation and redness. It is also prescribed to restore damaged tissues, moisturize the eyelid.

Before using any drops, it is important to read the instructions for use. Otherwise, manifestations of side effects or aggravation of existing conditions are possible.

How to use drops

Brief instructions for the use of eye drops:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and wipe your eyes with Chlorhexidine solution. This will remove pathogenic microorganisms and cleanse outer surface eyes;
  2. Gently pulling back lower eyelid, you need to drip the number of drops indicated in the instructions into the eye bag;
  3. Excess funds must be removed with a sterile cotton swab.

Some time after instillation, there may be unpleasant sensations: blurred vision, tearing, or a slight burning sensation. If these symptoms do not go away within 10-15 minutes, then the remedy does not suit you and it is recommended to choose another drug.

Pain in the eyes can be of different intensity: from barely perceptible to sharp and unbearable. In order to find out the cause of pain in the eyes, one must take into account its characteristics, as well as the circumstances under which it arose.

Common causes of eye pain


With the appearance of pain in the eyes, many people think first of all that the cause of the disease lies in the eyes themselves. This may indeed be true. But also we must not forget that eye pain can manifest diseases of other organs and systems.

So, the cause of pain in the eyes can be:

  • Ophthalmic diseases (inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, injuries of the organ of vision);
  • Neurological diseases (, trigeminal and optic neuritis,);
  • Diseases of the ENT organs.

Ophthalmic diseases

Perhaps one of the most common causes of eye pain is inflammatory diseases of the eye.. So, many of us at least once in our lives faced with sharp - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. For inflammation of the conjunctiva, sometimes you don’t need much - just rub dirty hands eyes. Acute conjunctivitis manifested by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, burning sensation, pain in the eye, discharge from the eye.

The inflammatory process can quickly spread from the mucosa to other membranes of the eye. So, when the infection spreads to the cornea, keratitis . Symptoms of keratitis are photophobia, pronounced lacrimation, a feeling of sand, pain in the eye. Blepharospasm is also characteristic - when it is difficult for the patient to raise the eyelids.

With inflammation choroid eyes - uveitis the person is concerned about:

  • redness of the eye;
  • Feelings of heaviness, pain in the eye;
  • visual impairment;
  • The appearance of fog before the eyes;
  • Photophobia and lacrimation.

Eye pain can also be caused by increased intraocular pressure , which is typical for . This ailment is manifested not only by pain, but also by narrowing of the visual fields, blurred vision, the appearance of iridescent circles before the eyes when focusing on bright light. An acute attack of glaucoma proceeds very rapidly. Pain from the eye extends to the corresponding half of the head, and general weakness occurs.

Unpleasant pain also characteristic of xerophthalmia or This problem is faced by people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Staring at the monitor, a person forgets to blink, because of which the cornea dries up. The consequence of this is the appearance of burning, pain, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes, redness of the eyes.

Pain in the eye is accompanied by and. There are different types of eye injury:

  • non-penetrating;
  • penetrating.

Non-penetrating injuries include erosion and foreign body of the cornea. Erosion, in fact, it is a scratch on the surface of the cornea. Immediately upon injury, a person experiences sharp pain in the affected eye. Along with the pain, severe lacrimation, redness of the eye and photophobia occur. At foreign body of the cornea the patient is troubled by all the same symptoms plus a sensation as if something were in the way of the eye.

Penetrating wounds are classified as severe, because complete destruction of the structures of the eye and loss of vision are possible. At the moment of receiving a penetrating wound, a person experiences severe pain, then lacrimation, the inability to look at bright light, and decreased vision join. Similar states require emergency medical attention.

Neurological diseases

Such neurological disease how appears severe pain in one half of the head, descending on the region of the eye. The pain is paroxysmal in nature and is so intense that the person becomes almost immobile. The pain is aggravated by bright light, sounds. At the height of headaches occur,.


A characteristic sign of migraine is the presence of an aura, when visual, olfactory or neurological disorders. So, it may seem to patients that flashes of light, colored spots appear before their eyes.

Pain in the eye may be a manifestation . The trigeminal nerve has three branches:

  • Eye;
  • Maxillary;
  • Mandibular.

The pathological process can affect both the entire nerve and only one branch. The main symptom of the disease are bouts of severe, excruciating pain in the zone of innervation.. If the ophthalmic branch is involved in the pathological process trigeminal nerve, which means that a person will be disturbed by severe pain in the forehead, bridge of the nose, and eyes. During pain attack the person freezes, as if afraid to move, because any movement increases the pain. Blepharospasm, lacrimation may also be noted.

Pain in the eye is accompanied by neuritis optic nerve . Inflammation of the nerve develops against the background of demyelinating diseases or infectious lesions. Optic neuritis begins with sudden deterioration vision, impairment color vision, the appearance of all kinds of flashes of light before the eyes. A person begins to be disturbed by pain in the eye, which is especially aggravated by the movement of the eyeballs.

Pain in the eyes is also observed with. Deformed vertebrae compress nerve roots and vessels, which leads to the formation of a characteristic clinical picture. The main complaint of people with cervical osteochondrosis is aching headache from the occiput to the superciliary arches. Eyes can also hurt, and unpleasant pulling sensations focus behind the eyeballs. Also at cervical osteochondrosis symptoms such as:

  • , the appearance of colored spots before the eyes;
  • Doubling of objects;
  • visual impairment;
  • Crack in the neck.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Quite often, the organ of vision is involved in painful processes emanating from the ENT organs. This is facilitated by the close location of the orbit and paranasal sinuses. So, pain in the eyes can be felt by people with sinusitis.

inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) usually develops against the background of SARS. Mucus and pus accumulate in the sinuses, which increases the pressure inside the sinus. These changes lead to pain, which also extends to the eye area. Pain in the eye in this case is usually dull and aching, corresponding to the side of the face on which the sinus is inflamed.

By the way, at people often complain of a feeling of pressing pain in the eyeballs, when it is even difficult to move the eyes. This symptom is a consequence of intoxication of the body. Also, with ARVI, conjunctivitis often develops. In this case, in addition to signs of a respiratory infection (weakness, runny nose,

Pain in the eyes

Improper vision correction

If glasses or contact lenses are not fitted correctly ( big difference in diopters between the eyes, full or overcorrection) this causes unpleasant sensations: from visual discomfort to severe pain in the eyes: pressing, aching or cutting. This state often accompanied by headaches. At closed eyes or removing glasses (contact lenses), such eye pain may decrease or go away.
In such a situation, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist in order to check the compliance of the correction means and the person's vision.

For eye pain, discomfort and dry eye syndrome, the eyes need to be hydrated and repaired by creating a protective film on the surface of the cornea. This task is met by funds based on hyaluronic acid, for example, Artelak Splash eye drops, which are indicated to eliminate mild symptoms of eye fatigue that occur up to 2-3 times a day. With an intense manifestation of dryness that bothers a person throughout the day, you should pay attention to the Artelak Balance drops, which include a protector that provides a long-lasting moisturizing effect, and vitamin B12, which has pronounced antioxidant properties.

visual fatigue

Quite often when visual fatigue there is pain in the eyes. If a person spends the whole day behind a monitor screen or driving a car (especially at night), then at some point pain or pain in the eyes may appear. associated with excessive visual load.
AT this case recommend to be distracted more often, do gymnastics for the eyes or instill moisturizing drops (most effective group drugs in this moment are multicomponent Japanese eye drops. containing in its composition moisturizing and anti-inflammatory substances, vitamins). Ophthalmologists also recommend taking vitamins for the eyes with lutein. for example Lutein-Complex or Anthocyan Forte.

A positive effect for relieving visual fatigue and preventing its occurrence is given by the use of physiotherapeutic agents, for example, Sidorenko Glasses. This portable device relieves eye strain and improves vision, due to the complex effect on the eyes (read more about this here).

Inflammatory eye diseases

At inflammatory diseases eye tissues (both outside and inside) and its adnexa (eyelids), as a rule, there is pain in the eyes different intensity. If a we are talking about inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (conjunctivitis), then, as a rule, redness of the eye and discharge are present. With diseases of the muscles of the eye (myositis), pain in the depth of the orbit can also be observed. aggravated by movement of the eyeball. If it becomes inflamed vascular tract eyes (uveitis or iridocyclitis), then pain in the eyes also appears, aggravated by pressure on eyeball.

All these conditions require an appointment with an ophthalmologist!

Inflammatory diseases of the tissues surrounding the eye

Often with sinusitis (frontitis, sinusitis), there is pain in the eyes. This is due to the fact that the inflamed paranasal sinuses are located next to the orbit, and the sick person perceives this pain as eye pain.

In this situation, along with the consultation of an ophthalmologist, treatment by an ENT doctor is required.

Foreign body entry

On hit foreign body in the eye (dust, scale, shavings, insects, etc.) the pain is perceived as a "sand feeling" or "cut", which is aggravated by blinking. Often large particles can be seen with the naked eye.

In this case, it is necessary to rinse the eye with clean water, drip antibacterial drops(Albucid, Levomycetin, etc.) and consult an ophthalmologist.

Nerve inflammation

In some cases, the eyeball itself may remain unchanged, but with pathological processes in the nerves (trigeminal or ophthalmic) there is quite intense pain in the eyes. Often the disease occurs as a complication after a cold. With inflammation ophthalmic nerve there is a decrease in vision. With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, vision, as a rule, does not deteriorate.

In such a situation, you must immediately promise to see a doctor. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with a neurologist.

Acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma. usually asymptomatic at first. However, with the development of the disease and a significant increase in intraocular pressure, the patient may feel bursting, pressing pain in the eye. This is often observed in acute attack angle-closure glaucoma and may be accompanied by headache, nausea and iridescent circles when looking at a light source.

Glaucoma attack requires emergency medical intervention and, if left untreated, can lead to vision loss.

Pain in the eyes with general diseases

Pain in the eyes can be observed with common diseases such as arterial hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, neurosis, etc. In this case, the treatment of the underlying disease by an appropriate specialist is required.

In any case, no matter what cause causes pain in the eyes, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious illness and receive appropriate treatment. We recommend that you choose an institution that has everything necessary for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. The following is a rating of specialized ophthalmological institutions where you can undergo examination and treatment if you have pain in your eyes.

Choosing drops for pain in the eyes

There are 2 dozen drops for pain in the eyes, there are also several reasons for discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to choose which drops to drip after finding out the reasons discomfort and assortment analysis eye remedies. Don't be fooled by advertising and pretty promises, dealers often promise too much.

Cause of eye pain

The eye requires uniform and high-quality hydration, without this they start to hurt, the sensation has a definition - “eye fatigue”. Important condition uniform hydration - complete closure of the upper and lower eyelids (blinking). The liquid for this is produced by the lacrimal glands, it is not water, as many mistakenly believe, but a special low-salt solution.

For a uniform distribution of moisture in humans, there is an unconditioned blink reflex. Normally, a person, without even noticing it, reflexively blinks every 3-5 seconds. When reading a book and moderate illumination, the blinking frequency is reduced by 1.5-2 times, and at the computer, the blinking reflex disappears almost completely. That is why the computer causes eye fatigue so quickly.

Gymnastics and drops

An often overlooked point is that we already have the perfect source of eye drops and hydration – our lacrimal glands. Any "artificial tears" eliminate the pain only for a while, so they have to be used constantly. On the other hand, due to daily use the lacrimal glands reduce their activity, as a result, the eyes begin to get tired even faster. Therefore, doctors recommend doing eye exercises instead of drops.

They are quite simple:

  • make yourself blink every 5-10 seconds
  • take a ten-minute break every 45 minutes
  • every 5-10 minutes look at a distant object (landscape outside the window)
  • Finally, if you forget to exercise or are just too lazy, you can turn down your monitor's brightness and contrast. It is desirable to reduce the brightness to 50% or at least 80%, the contrast can be reduced slightly - up to 70%. Thus, the monitor will look more like a book, of course, this requires good lighting.

    Which drops to choose

    Conventionally, any eye drops can be attributed to one of four groups.

    1. For moisturizing the eyes. These products simply mimic the composition of natural tears. Artificial tears do not relieve inflammation and require permanent use. As a harmless way to relieve eye fatigue after working at a computer, they are ideal.
    1. To prevent drying, retain moisture. These products create a film on the eyes that binds moisture and prevents it from evaporating. They must be chosen carefully, some drops damage contact lenses ("Oftagel"). Also using them, you need to be observed by a doctor so that he checks the absence negative influences on the retina and ocular proteins.

    Useful information: Medical treatment cervical osteochondrosis

    1. For food. Calcium is useful for the eyes, and vitamins A, E, B2, C are no less valuable. But they can be obtained not only with food, but also in the form of drops. Oxygen-containing products with lutein will also be useful. They enrich the retina with oxygen, make vision sharper. For people who spend a lot of time at the computer, it is better to use such drops constantly.

    1. To relieve redness. They can be used when you need healthy look(at an interview, date) and red eyes spoil the impression. But the effect of the remedy is exclusively “cosmetic”, these drops do not relieve fatigue and do not treat eye diseases. Since their main action is vasoconstriction, these drops should not be used frequently (no more than 1-2 times a month).


    Its composition is similar to Hilo-Komod, since the main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. The volume of the bottle is the same, it is also dispensed without a prescription. Used to moisturize the eyes and to retain moisture. Stored in a dark place, at a temperature below 25°C, the shelf life of an open vial is 2 months.

    Bury 1 drop no more than 3-4 times a day or as recommended by a doctor. Allergic reactions (redness, tearing, burning) are rare. Despite the similar composition, Oksial and Hilo-Komod are not compatible with each other, use only one drug.


    Moisturizing and preventing dry eyes. Moisture is retained with the help of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drops. It can be used by a person contact lenses without removing them. It is also recommended for damage, trauma to the cornea or eye proteins. Sold without a doctor's prescription in 10 ml pipette bottles, 1 drop is instilled into the eyes as needed. side effects not found, no contraindications. The tool can not be used when using other drops.


    A glossy, colorless moisturizer with a fairly thick consistency. Due to the density, it stays on the cornea for a long time and does not dry out. Stored in a dark place room temperature. The main active ingredient is carbomer 974R. If you wear lenses, then they must be removed before using the drug and dressed 15 minutes after use. Sometimes observed allergic reactions- blurred eyes, burning, lacrimation. After opening the bottle, it is important to use it within a month.


    The drug serves to narrow the vessels of the upper eye shell- sclera. It also relieves swelling of the eyelids and bruises under the eyes. The tool acts instantly - in a few minutes, and for a long time - within 4-8 hours. Drops should not be used by children under 2 years old, allergy sufferers, people with high intraocular pressure. Also, with caution and under the supervision of a physician, it should be used by people with cardiovascular diseases.

    Useful information: What headache remedies are allowed and effective during lactation

    The shelf life of the product in an open bottle is a month. The drug can be used only 1-2 times in 30 days, otherwise an overdose may occur. At frequent use addiction develops, as well as:

  • there is a constant dilation of the pupils
  • heartbeat is disturbed, arrhythmias appear
  • blood pressure rises
  • lungs swell
  • observed increased arousal, confused consciousness
  • there is nausea or vomiting.
  • Vizin Pure Tear

    The main component is TS-polysaccharide and water, the composition is as close as possible to natural tears person. The tool is sold without a doctor's prescription, but it is advisable to be observed by a specialist when using. Rarely observed allergic reactions (burning, lacrimation, redness). The drug is stored at room temperature, after opening the vial, it is important to spend it within a month.

    Useful information

    Burning in the eyes

    With complaints such as redness, dryness and burning in the eyes, intermittent lacrimation, people go to the doctor every day.

    And most often these common disorders are symptoms of eye diseases.

    What are the symptoms talking about? Irritation and dryness of the eyes can lead to a violation of the mechanism for the formation of tear fluid. Also in this case, the change normal composition tears. Common eye diseases, in which these symptoms may appear, include conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, dry eye syndrome, computer syndrome, refractive error (incorrectly selected glasses or lenses) and other diseases. To prevent development serious complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

    Some Causes of Burning

    VIZIN & reg with burning in the eyes

    Choose VIZIN ®. which will help you cope with discomfort in the eyes.

  • If the burning sensation appeared after long work at the computer or while wearing lenses. In this case, use VIZIN® Pure Tears drops in a 10 ml bottle or ampoules for several instillations. The advantage of Vizin & reg Pure Tears is that it is based on natural component- seeds of tamarind (a tree growing in India), which in its composition is close to a human tear. You can use drops on a regular basis.
  • If irritation and itching are a manifestation of an allergy. VISIN & reg Alergi will help you - antihistamine latest generation, active substance which is powerful selective blocker H1 receptor levocabastin. Eye drops relieve swelling, redness and watery eyes within 5 minutes after application. The drug has no restrictions on the duration of the course. One instillation will help to get rid of discomfort for 12 hours and allergic irritation eye.
  • When should you see a doctor

  • With constant burning in the eyes.
  • With visual impairment (double vision, photophobia and other disorders).
  • With pain in the eyes.
  • When a foreign body enters, chemical burn and others emergency conditions you need to seek immediate medical attention.
  • You need to read the instructions.
    Consult with a specialist

    Johnson & Johnson LLC, Russia, 2010-2016
    This site is owned by Johnson & Johnson LLC,
    which is fully responsible for its content.
    The site is aimed at individuals and legal entities from Russia and the CIS.
    Last updated: 25/01/2016 .

    Released without a prescription. Johnson & Johnson LLC,
    Moscow, st. Krylatskaya, 17, building 2, tel. (495) 726-55-55, fax: (495) 580-90-29.

    Registration certificate VIZIN ® Classic P N013621/01 dated 04/02/2008.
    Registration certificate VIZIN ® Pure Tear and VIZIN ® Pure Tear (for 1 day) № ФСЗ 2009/05110 dated 12/28/2011.
    Registration certificate VIZIN & reg Alerji P N014198/01 dated 07/22/2011.

    What to do if your eyes hurt after welding

    In this article, you will learn what to do if your eyes hurt from welding: how to relieve pain, how to treat folk remedies at home, and who to turn to for professional help.

    There are a number of professions that are included in the group increased risk by eye injury. The profession of a welder is in the lead in this conditional top list. Pain in the eyes. caused by welding is called electrophthalmia.

    Welding work has high risk eye damage.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Electrophthalmia occurs due to elementary non-compliance safety rules when working with a welding machine. The eyes must be protected by a special mask or goggles. If this rule is not followed, a retinal burn or electrophthalmia occurs.

    The symptoms of such eye damage depend entirely on the degree of burns. There are 4 degrees of eye burn, and each has its own symptoms.

    1. Mild eye burn:

    1. Burning
    2. Redness of the conjunctiva
    3. Itchy eyelids
    4. Clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye.

    2. Medium eye burn:

    1. Sharp pain
    2. Sensitivity to light
    3. The appearance of a film on the conjunctiva
    4. Erosion of the cornea.

    3. Severe eye burn:

    1. Severe clouding of the cornea
    2. Nagging pain
    3. Eyelid swelling
    4. Decreased vision
    5. Sensation of a foreign element in the eyelid.

    4. Fourth degree - extremely severe:

    1. Pain in the eyes and inability to open the eyelids
    2. tissue necrosis
    3. Gradual death of the conjunctiva
    4. Blindness
    5. The cornea becomes faded and colorless.
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