Multiple chalazion. Chalazion of the lower eyelid. Chalazion - what is it? A photo

Barley, blepharitis and this phenomenon are all inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, which quite often affect small children and younger children. school age. Definitely about eye barley You know much more than about this disease. And this is quite justified, since this disease is much less common. What is this disease? How does this disease manifest itself? What are the causes of its occurrence and how to deal with it? Most likely, all of the above questions are of interest only to those parents whose children have become "hostages" this disease. However, it should be noted that this is not entirely correct. Every parent should be aware of this disease.

It is an inflammatory eye disease characterized by small tumor, which is formed in the thickness of the century. Typically, this disease occurs as a result of blockage of the meibomian gland. Those people who have had this disease know that it requires special treatment. There are many methods of treating this disease. Quite often, they try to get rid of it with the help of folk recipes. We all know that traditional medicine has absorbed all the knowledge regarding diseases, methods and treatments that are transmitted among ordinary people from generation to generation. Thanks to centuries of use, traditional medicine has already earned recognition huge amount of people.

Treatment of this phenomenon is possible conservative at the beginning of the disease. It consists in the injection of special preparations into the area of ​​​​the chalazion. But most often, surgical methods are used for treatment. The operation is very short - only a quarter of an hour. Local anesthesia is performed, and after surgical intervention a tight bandage is placed on the operated eye for twelve hours. After the operation, the patient should drip the eye with the prescribed means for several days.

However, more recently, trials of the drug have been conducted in America. kenalog for resorption of the chalazion. Almost one hundred and fifty people took part in the experiment. The number of injections in each was assigned individually. But already after the first injection, in two-thirds of the patients, the chalazion decreased by eighty percent, and in another twenty percent, the size decreased after the second injection.

At the same time, during the experiment, no cases of complications were recorded. If three injections do not give any results, then it is advisable for the patient to undergo surgery.
Since one of the main causes of this phenomenon was diseases gastrointestinal tract, carry out prophylaxis with the help of biologically active additives. Corporation On average, its value is 5 - 6 mm, but it is able to grow further, which, by putting pressure on the eyeball, leads to astigmatism.
This disease, as a rule, has a benign chronic course and is formed at any age; often recurs after healing.

The reason for education this disease is a blockage of the excretory duct, due to inflammation sebaceous gland century, which causes the progression of the characteristic tumor.
A chalazion can also form on indoor barley soil.
In the case where the disease often recurs, mainly in adults, a biopsy is required to prevent cancer. sebaceous glands.

The reasons for the formation of a chalazion can be very different. This is a decrease in the protective functions of the body, colds - especially hypothermia, violation of the rules of personal hygiene, the use of contact lenses, constant touching of the organs of vision.
It can also be caused by the fact that a person, in principle, has enough oily skin: increased production of this gland. Increased secretion can cause blockage of the lacrimal outflow. This disease is not inherited - it is acquired.

Blockage of the duct of the membo gland, sometimes the Zeiss gland, often leads to the development chronic process, which is called a chalazion or hailstone. The chalazion of the eyelids has a rather unsightly appearance, and as a result causes discomfort.

Pain is absent or minor character. Therefore, most people suffering from this ailment initially try not to treat it, but to hide it by resorting to the use of cosmetics.

Moreover, according to outward signs this disease resembles clinical picture. The patient begins to apply heat, self-medicate, not realizing the seriousness of the pathology.

What is a chalazion?

At healthy person The sebaceous glands contribute to the production of fatty secretion.

It is necessary for the mucous membrane of the eye, moisturizing it, there is a decrease in friction of the inner surface of the eyelids on the front edge of the eye during blinking movements.

With the development of the pathological process, a blockage of the membo gland occurs, it increases in diameter and is filled with a heat secret.

If timely treatment is not performed, the process acquires chronic, followed by cyst development.

Although outwardly the chalazion of the eyelids resembles barley, this disease is more difficult to treat, and in advanced forms it requires surgical intervention.

Causes and mechanisms of chalazion formation

A chalazion develops after the formation of a plug in the duct of the membo gland. This is the main cause of this pathology. In addition, there are many provoking factors in the development of this process.

These include:

The drug is effective for the prevention of eye diseases, protects against falling vision. Especially recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and feel tired eyes. Restores the process of natural moisturizing of the eyes, protecting the mucous membrane from dryness.

The drug is effective for the prevention of eye diseases, protects against falling vision. Especially recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and feel tired eyes. Restores the process of natural moisturizing of the eyes, protecting the mucous membrane from dryness.


The symptomatology of this disease is characterized by a gradual increase in the inflammatory process, and a gradual transition to chronic form illness.

Initially, the patient appears:

This course of the disease becomes chronic, with periods of exacerbation and remission.

In more severe forms, a chalazion on the eyelids may have several seals, which tend to merge with each other, acquiring large sizes.

Upper eyelid chalazion

If there is a blockage of the sebaceous gland in the area upper eyelid, this may indicate that the patient:

  • He suffered from allergies.
  • Such a place of localization is observed in women using false eyelashes.
  • Did not comply with sanitary standards, cleanliness of the container for contact lenses.
  • He washed his hands poorly, and did not adhere to the norms of hygiene for the care of the skin of the face.

A characteristic feature of the chalazion of the upper eyelid is that it is clearly visible during visual observation. Since it is often located on outside century.

This condition is most often caused by:

  • Diseases that significantly reduce the protective functions of the body, and cause the development of an immunodeficiency state:
  • Diabetes.
  • Influenza virus infection.
  • Unsanitary living conditions, negligent attitude to facial skin care.

Chalazion of the lower eyelid most often affects its inner part. This allows close contact with the conjunctiva of the eye.

This poses a risk of joining various infections and complication of the course of the disease, especially if an independent opening of the seal occurs.

Sometimes it can be invisible, and be accompanied only by the appearance of mild soreness.

The development of such a clinical picture requires urgent medical intervention. Because, after 2 weeks, stop the disease using conservative methods treatment is not possible. To eliminate this pathology, one will have to resort to prompt decision this problem.

Chalazion of the eyelid in children

The appearance of a chalazion in childhood it is not a rare pathology.

In the etiology of development, the following reasons are distinguished:

  • Children often do not keep their hands clean, touch their faces, and rub their eyes.
  • In childhood, the final formation has not yet occurred immune system body, and therefore they often suffer from colds, which are complicated by the appearance of chalazion.

A variety of this pathology can have a single or multiple character. It is very easy to diagnose the disease by conducting a visual examination. In a child, you can notice a small hyperemic tubercle, when pressed, pain intensifies.

The difficulty of diagnosis arises in that case if the pineal seal is localized directly near the cartilaginous part of the eyelid. The peculiarity of the course, this process in a child, can be attributed to the fact that the chalazion is often opened, followed by the release of the sebaceous plug.

If the parents did not turn to the ophthalmologist in time, the seal develops into a cyst, which makes it impossible to treat without surgery.


In most cases, the clinical picture of a chalazion speaks for itself, and therefore it is not difficult for a doctor to put correct diagnosis and choose a treatment.

What tests need to be done with a chalazion of the eyelid?

Sometimes situations arise that require additional research methods, despite the fact that the diagnosis has already been established.

This can happen:

Stories from our readers!
"My vision has always been low. Ever since my youth I had problems with eye pressure and high fatigue. Eyes are often watery severe burning, sometimes dryness, irritation and conjunctivitis.

My husband brought these drops to try. What I like the most is that it is natural, no chemicals. Since then I forgot about discomfort! Thank you for this drug, I advise!

Chalazion eyelids at different stages

This disease is characterized by a cyclic process, in connection with this, 4 stages are distinguished:

Consequences of a chalazion of the eyelids - what is the danger?

The first danger in the development of this pathology is associated with the rupture of a compacted hailstone. Especially if the chalazion is localized on the inner surface of the eyelid. Its contents enter the conjunctival sac, which is the reason possible development keratitis or conjunctivitis.

These diseases can lead to:

What to do if there was a rupture of the chalazion of the eyelids?

It is very important, when self-opening a chalazion, to provide needed help sick.

For this you need:

Treatment of eyelid chalazion

When starting therapy for chalazion, it is necessary to establish at what stage it is inflammatory process:

  1. At the initial stage of development of this pathology, treatment using eye drops and ointments.
  2. Running forms are treated with laser removal or surgical intervention.

Conservative method of treatment

If the seal does not reach a large size (less than 4 mm in diameter), the patient is prescribed:

  • Applying dry heat to the site of inflammation of the sebaceous duct. This procedure can be performed only in the absence of purulent contents inside the capsule.
    For this, it can be used:
    • Heated salt, which is poured into a small bag.
    • Blue lamp.
    • Sollux device.
    • UHF therapy.
  • Be sure to prescribe the instillation of eye drops, for this purpose it can be used:
    • Tsipromed.
  • appointed agents blocking the production of histamine:
    • Allergodil.
  • In that case, if the inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, Biseptol tablet forms are prescribed.


  • Positive dynamics in the treatment of eyelid chalazion can be achieved by using and based on corticosteroids:
    • Ichthyol.
    • Ointment according to Vishnevsky's prescription.
    • Prednisolone.

Steroid injections

To enhance the process of resorption of the resulting seal, and to avoid surgical intervention, direct administration is allowed. nonsteroidal drugs in the region of the cone-shaped outgrowth.

Good results can be achieved using:

  • Diprospan.
  • Kenalog.

Immediately before administration, data dosage forms diluted with lidocaine solution.

The use of laser techniques for the removal of eyelid chalazion

This is the safest and most atraumatic method that occurs in outpatient settings and does not require the placement of the patient in a hospital.

  • Before the start of the operation, local anesthesia is performed using ultracaine instillation.
  • After that, the capsule is evaporated through the outer incision of the eyelid.
  • The operation is considered bloodless, and after its implementation, complications are practically not observed.
  • When carrying out, there is no need for suturing and wearing a pressure bandage.

The only limitation in postoperative period, avoid washing your face so that water droplets do not penetrate inside eyeball.

Surgical intervention

This type of therapy is used if:

  1. All previous options for the use of medications did not lead to a positive effect.
  2. In the process of fusion, the chalazion reaches large sizes.
  3. There is a tendency to repeated relapses this pathology.
  4. The adenocarcinoma of the sebaceous gland develops.

Removal of a chalazion through surgery is performed using local anesthesia. Usually this happens on an outpatient basis, sometimes, in advanced forms, the patient is placed in a hospital. The duration of the operation usually does not exceed 30 minutes.

Stages of the operation:

In order to prevent complications, in the postoperative period it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the ophthalmologist.

To avoid infection, you must:

Development of possible complications:

Eyelid massage

Stages of eyelid massage:

Proper massage improves blood flow in the eyeball area, and restores the patency of the sebaceous gland.

Treatment at home

Using Recipes traditional medicine can be applied on initial stages chalazion. But like any other drug, decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs, is allowed for use after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

The doctor may prescribe:

Barley and chalazion century - difference

Due to the fact that these two forms of the pathological process, at the initial stage of their development, have a similar clinical picture, problems may arise in establishing an accurate diagnosis.

This is due to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • In the etiology of development, the main cause is pathogenic microflora.
  • The main part of the provoking factors is the same.
  • During the onset of the disease, therapy does not have significant differences.
  • Recipes of folk medicine can be used both in the first and in the second case. But this can only happen with the permission of an ophthalmologist. This takes into account age, the cause of the disease, and individual characteristics patient.
  • Barley and chalazion do not pose a threat to human life, and in most cases, in addition to pain, cause cosmetic discomfort.

In a detailed study of these diseases, experienced specialist, without much difficulty, recognizes this chalazion or barley.

  • With chalazion, the attachment of infection, secondary feature , since the pathology begins with obstruction of the sebaceous gland.
  • Chalazion always has chronic course, and raising the temperature is extremely rare. When probing the hailstone, it is noted that it is not associated with skin tissues. In some cases, pain may be absent.
  • A lump with a chalazion of the eyelid, spontaneously opens rarely, the purulent contents are not completely removed and, as a result, a fistula is formed, from which the sanious contents are constantly separated. Over time, the cavity of the capsule is gradually filled with pus. This leads to a relapse.
  • With the development of barley, pathological process begins acutely, accompanied by the appearance of hyperthermia(may have indicators up to 38 degrees), the tubercle has a smaller shape than with a chalazion, but severe pain is noted during its palpation.
  • After opening the seal formed during the development of barley, the wound surface heals quickly without leaving cicatricial and adhesive changes.
  • Barley heals well medications, which cannot be said about chalazion therapy. If precious time is lost, the main treatment option is surgery.


The main preventive measures should be aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body (especially in childhood).

Therefore, the patient needs:

Today we will talk about chalazions that appear on the eyelids, talk about their difference from the classic picture of the symptoms of barley, tell the site about the reasons for their appearance, typical symptoms in humans, diagnosis, and, of course, the treatment and prevention of this ophthalmic pathology.

What is a chalazion on the eye?

Century chalazion (chalazion)- this is benign tumor, which develops due to blockage of the meibomian gland and in severe cases causes visual distortion.

Meibomian glands are located along the edge of the eyelid in an amount of 50 to 70 pieces. The function of the gland is to moisturize the cornea and prevent the evaporation of tears by secreting sebaceous secretions.

After blockage of the external opening of the gland, the secret still continues to form, but, not being able to reach the surface, it accumulates and forms a tumor ranging in size from millet to an average pea.

The immune cells of the body perceive the accumulated secretions of the gland as foreign dangerous body and form a capsule around the cluster. Over time, the eyelid turns red, swells, irritates the eye.

Spontaneous opening of the abscess is possible and causing, thus, inflammatory diseases eyes. In the absence of treatment, iron atrophies and loses its functional ability. The consequence of this process is

Chalazion can occur in anyone, regardless of age. But according to statistics, people from 30 to 50 years old most often suffer from this disease. Statistically, both the chalazion of the lower eyelid and the chalazion of the upper eyelid occur equally.

Chalazion is also called hailstone, meibomite or internal barley. But this disease has significant differences from barley. With barley on early stages an abscess is already forming, prone to soreness and active growth. The reason is various infections.

Reasons for the appearance of x alazions

  1. Hygiene failure. This group includes sleeping with unwashed cosmetics from the eyelids and rubbing the eyes. dirty hands. The latter is often seen in children of preschool and primary school age.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, enteritis, gastritis.
  3. Pathology of the endocrine system. Diabetes.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Hypothermia of the body.
  6. Tendency to colds and viral diseases.
  7. Regular psycho-emotional overload, stress.
  8. Chronic fatigue, .
  9. Long , not designed for this .
  10. oversupply cosmetics on the eyelids and false eyelashes.
  11. Skin diseases.
  12. Hypovitaminosis, lack of trace elements.
  13. Chronic inflammatory pathologies eyes. For example, and .
  14. Overactive secretion of the meibomian gland or increased density of secretions.
  15. Diseases of the biliary tract.
  16. Recurrent barley.
  17. Undertreated barley or its incorrect treatment.
  18. Pathology of blood vessels supplying the tissues of the face.

AT rare cases possible degeneration of the chalazion into cancerous tumor, that is, the process of malignancy.

Symptoms x alazion on the lower and upper eyelids

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the degree of development of meibomitis. Often seals are single, occurring only on the upper or only on the lower eyelid. But there are multiple hailstones on both eyelids or located in a horizontal row on one of them.

Stages of development.

Beginning of chalazion formation

A person may not feel symptoms of discomfort. Almost always, compaction detection occurs randomly. The tumor does not exceed a few millimeters in diameter and is located in the thickness of the skin layers of the eyelid. Perhaps the development of pathology with concomitant swelling, swelling, redness. At this stage, chalazion is often confused with barley.

Active growth stage

After about 14-30 days, the hailstone significantly increases in size (up to the volume of a pea), becomes easily visible visually and when probed. This is another difference from barley, which grows rapidly. Localization of the chalazion on the inner side of the eyelid.

Hailstone inflammation stage

Occurs due to reproduction pathogenic microorganisms or rupture of the chalazion capsule. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, either treatment or removal of the tumor is performed. The remaining pus, if you do not go to the hospital, tends to provoke the appearance of new seals.

Seal resorption

The stage of inflammation can be avoided if it is treated early in the development of meibomitis. In this case, there is a complete disappearance of the tumor.

Acute chalazion

The course of the disease is divided into acute and chronic.

Acute chalazion.

  • strong ;
  • , there is increased lacrimation;
  • the patient feels a burning sensation and a feeling of discomfort in the eye from the seal;
  • the hailstone is located on the side of the conjunctiva and has a gray or white center;
  • at a palpation of a tumor morbidity is noted.

The growing chalazion reaches the phase of suppuration, and the symptoms of the disease are supplemented by new signs.

  • there is constant itching;
  • incessant tearing;
  • the skin around the seal is red, edematous;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile values;
  • touching the inflamed area causes discomfort and pain;
  • throbbing pain;
  • feeling of pressure by the neoplasm on the cornea of ​​​​the eye;
  • the formation of a cyst with mucous contents is possible;
  • the eyelid blinks less often, the eye is slowed down during movements;
  • the center of the tumor softens, perhaps a spontaneous opening of the hailstone;
  • after breaking through the skin is hyperemic, dry;
  • constantly appear crusts from secreted pus.

A fistula may form. Granulations around the fistulous tract grow rapidly, the creamy discharge can infect neighboring healthy meibomian glands. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Chronic chalazion - signs

This type of flow is characterized by long hailstones that do not break through for a long time.

There are constant relapses and distortion of vision from pressure on the cornea of ​​a growing seal.

  • a seal measuring 5-7 millimeters, has a red-gray tint, the skin around the tumor is edematous;
  • the edges of the eyelids are hyperemic and thickened;
  • constant itching;
  • fear of light;
  • chronic conjunctivitis develops;
  • the patient feels constant feeling discomfort, heaviness, presence foreign body in the eye;
  • eye movements and blinking of the eyelids occur with difficulty and slowing down;
  • dried or fresh purulent plugs are observed along the edge of the affected eyelid.

Diagnosis of chalazion on the eye

Enough to make a diagnosis visual inspection the affected eyelid by an ophthalmologist using a slit lamp.

Also tested for helminths skin diseases and allergic reactions.

In some cases (when the tumor is actively growing during its development), a histological examination is performed to detect atypical cancer cells.

Chalazion treatment

Conservative treatment possibly in the early stages of chalazion.

  1. Phytotherapy. It is prescribed when the size of the neoplasm is not more than 4 millimeters. This method favorably affects blood circulation and provokes tumor cells to disappear as soon as possible.
  2. In the hospital, UHF, electrophoresis, and laser heating are performed. The duration of the procedure and their number depend only on the condition of the patient and the stage of development of the disease.
  3. At home, you can warm up with a hard-boiled egg. The egg must be cooled to the optimum tolerable temperature, wrapped in cotton cloth and applied to the affected eyelid.
  4. Eyelid massage. It is often carried out for the prevention of the disease or in the very initial stages of development. Movements are carried out from the periphery of the eyelid to its center. Thus, there is a mechanical removal of the accumulated thick lipid secretion. You can use ophthalmic gels along with massage on the recommendation of your doctor.
  5. Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out at the beginning of the development of hailstones and at the stage of its growth, but not exceeding the size of 4-5 millimeters. The action of therapy is aimed at weakening the activity protective cells organism. This prevents the formation of a capsule around the accumulated secret and its removal. Ointments such as prednisolone and dexamethasone are prescribed. Injections with solutions of dexamethasone and kenalog are carried out only by an ophthalmologist.

Surgical intervention is an indication for the treatment of a chalazion that has reached a size of more than 5 millimeters and when an infectious process is attached. The operation is carried out in several ways using local anesthesia- injection of 2% or 4% lidocaine.

Surgery with an incision in the skin. In its process, the seal is removed along with the capsule, and sutures are applied to the skin. Within a week after the manipulation, it is recommended to wear a tight pressure bandage and use ointments and drops with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Removal of neoplasm with laser beam . The capsule and its contents are removed separately. Complications and recurrences of the disease practically do not happen. To prevent chafing of the cornea postoperative suture Wearing a soft contact lens is recommended.

From folk methods of treating chalazion often use the juice of garlic and aloe, washing with decoctions of medicinal herbs (, cornflower flowers,). Their action is aimed at anti-inflammatory and antibacterial treatment of the affected eyelid.

Chalazion prevention

To prevent the occurrence of the disease or its recurrence, the following points must be followed:

  1. get rid of chronic infectious processes in the body. For example, tonsillitis and caries.
  2. Be sure to comply hygiene standards, thoroughly wash hands, eyes, wash off cosmetics.
  3. Limit the intake of foods containing artificial colors, sugars and flavor enhancers.
  4. Keep a sleep schedule. It is best to use pillows with synthetic winterizer or other hypoallergenic filler.
  5. Avoid constant stress, avoid overwork.
  6. According to the doctor's recommendations, regularly drink courses of vitamins and trace elements.
  7. As a preventive measure, massage the eyelids. It improves blood flow metabolic processes and does not allow clogging of the gland.

When a person develops a chalazion, treatment should be carried out in without fail. If you let the disease take its course, the consequences can be very unpleasant, up to loss of vision. Chalazion is quite common eye disease. It affects children and adults over 30 years of age.

Eyelid chalazion should not be confused with stye, which is caused by infection in the meibomian glands. The main difference is that with a chalazion they become clogged. As a result, fluid accumulates in the soft tissues around the eye.

To know how to get rid of chalazion, you need to familiarize yourself with the etiology of this disease, its symptoms and causes. This will allow you to find the right approach to treatment. various forms ailment.

Brief description of the disease

Consider what a chalazion is, from what and why it happens. On each eyelid there are several dozen glands that secrete fluid. It is designed to keep the eyes from drying out when the flow of tear fluid is stopped or limited. If under the influence of external or internal factors there is a blockage of the gland, then an increase in its size is observed.

The accumulated substance gradually becomes cloudy, becomes viscous with a tendency to harden. In some cases, the flow of fluid stops, and the size of the tumor stabilizes. It can be determined by touch and visually. A chalazion appears on the eye as a hard grain in the soft tissues of the eyelid.

Its boundaries are quite tangible and permanent. With such a defect, a person can live for decades without risk to health. Treatment of a small chalazion is the choice of the patient.

However, it happens that the fluid continues to flow, causing the growth of the nodule. Such holazions can reach quite large sizes, causing visual impairment, severe pain and moral discomfort. In such cases, the treatment of chalazion is mandatory, it is not worth delaying with it.

Stages of development of pathology

The lesion of the eyelid occurs in the immediate vicinity of the eyelashes. The progression of the disease occurs in the same way, regardless of its location. As a rule, chalazion disease occurs on the upper or lower eyelid. Sometimes, by coincidence, tumors occur simultaneously on both eyelids.

This eye disease in its development goes through the following stages:

  1. Redness of the eyelid, accompanied by slight swelling, slight itching and burning. On the this stage manifestations of the disease are practically no different from barley. Preparations such as ointments, drops and washes provide only minor relief.
  2. The formation of a seal under the skin. Gradually, the swelling and redness subside. The nodule hardens and becomes painful. The drops don't help.
  3. Increasing the volume of the bump. The pain syndrome increases, bringing the patient tangible discomfort. Even an adult loses his peace, becoming nervous and irritable.
  4. The tumor acquires a configuration that threatens the integrity of the eyeball. Delay with qualified help fraught with fatal consequences. At this stage, drops and ointments will no longer help. Surgery is required.


It should be borne in mind that even a cured ailment can be fraught with relapse. This means that a person needs to reconsider his lifestyle, excluding all possible prerequisites for the chronic chalazion to become aggravated.

Causes of the disease

The eyes are such organs that react sharply to all internal and external stimuli. The mucous membrane has the ability to collect dust, viruses and bacteria.

Chalazion causes may have the following:

  1. Prolonged exposure to wind or dust. This causes the eye glands to become clogged. large quantity solid microparticles.
  2. Unhealed barley. An inflamed gland is a pathway for penetration into soft tissues the age of all kinds of garbage that clogs the ducts.
  3. Irrational nutrition. Long term diet, a lack of proteins, vitamins and minerals may well provoke disturbances in the work of the meibomian glands and change the density of the fluid they secrete.
  4. Severe and prolonged hypothermia. Hypothermia negatively affects the condition of the eyeball and the functionality of the glands that produce fluid for wetting.
  5. Violation of the rules for wearing contact lenses.
  6. Deviations in hormonal balance. The pathology of the liver can provoke the disease, thyroid gland or diabetes.

We should not forget that the chalazion can have causes that are caused by the person himself. It's all about bad habits. Smoking and drunkenness introduce an imbalance in the work of all body systems, disrupting the functioning of the organs of vision.

Chalazion in children

Main symptoms

The disease begins immediately after the eye has been subjected to an impact that has caused blockage of the meibomian glands. In the first hours, the victim feels a burning sensation and discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid. There is a feeling that a solid object has fallen under it.

As the disease progresses, the pea becomes visible both on the outside and on the inside of the eyelid. In especially severe cases, several tumors can occur on one eye at the same time. It's pretty nasty cosmetic defect, which is very difficult to hide.

As a rule, chalazion symptoms are as follows:

  • local redness in the area of ​​​​the appearance of the tumor, acquiring a crimson hue;
  • painful reaction to even the most careful touch;
  • constant throbbing pain, which is relieved only by strong drops of local action;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • a strong increase in the century in volume;
  • impaired visual acuity due to deformation of the eyeball;
  • burning and tingling that may radiate to maxillary sinuses and ears;
  • copious secretion of tears, which entails a runny nose and a violation of the timbre of the voice;
  • slow movement of the affected eyelid, which blinks much more slowly than the healthy one;
  • annoying itching, giving rise to an unbearable desire to scratch the inflamed area.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately take measures to alleviate the condition of the victim. To prevent aggravation of the situation, it is advisable to see an ophthalmologist at the first opportunity. The specialist will be able to supply accurate diagnosis and recommend to the patient how to cure the chalazion.

Treatment with injections

Diagnosis of acute chalazion

Only an ophthalmologist can determine the presence of a disease, using various tricks, fixtures and equipment.

Diagnostics is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Initial examination by a specialist. The doctor checks with the patient possible reasons and symptoms of the disease. During an external examination, the size and condition of the tumor is determined. Instrumental diagnostics is not required.
  2. Analysis of blood and urine. This procedure is necessary in order to determine the nature of the disease. Before treating a chalazion, it is necessary to get rid of the infection. A blood test will determine its type.
  3. If observed rapid increase tumors, heat and a strong pain syndrome, then a histological examination and differential diagnosis with meibomian gland adenocarcinoma are prescribed to detect the presence or absence of oncology.

According to the results of the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is carried out by various methods, including complex ones. This process can take quite a long time, require patience and care from the patient.

Treatment Method

Treatment of a chalazion is a rather lengthy undertaking. Given the close proximity of the eyeball to the focus of inflammation, the choice of ways to influence the tumor must be approached very differently.

To get rid of a painful and unpleasant tumor, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Medical. The impact on the focus of the disease is carried out by such pharmacological forms like ointments, creams and drops. Preparations with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties are selected.

Tobrex, Floksal and Tsipromed drops have proven themselves well. These drugs inhibit and destroy pathogens, relieve inflammation and pain. in an efficient way getting rid of chalazion are ointments.

Yellow-mercury, hydrocortisone, ichthyol and tetracycline ointments are applied directly to the affected eyelid. This approach provides prolonged exposure to the tumor. Due to this, the resorption of the hardened substance and the outflow of the formed pus occur.

The active components of the drugs relieve inflammation, itching and burning. Medicines have antihistamine and antiseptic properties, which contributes to the absence side effects in the course of treatment. Antibiotics, which are part of the ointments, destroy all types of infection, preventing possible complications.

Methods of treatment

  1. Physiotherapy. In the treatment of chalazion, the use of all available methods physiotherapy. On the early stages warming up gives a good effect. Exposure to heat helps to eliminate plugs in the gland, soften seals and remove pain syndrome. However, warming up an already formed chalazion will not give any therapeutic effect. To get rid of the tumor, massage, ultrasound and electrophoresis are used. Positive results gives magnetotherapy and phonophoresis.
  2. Surgical. Operation is indicated when conservative treatment turned out to be ineffective. There are several ways to get rid of the tumor. The most common is the opening of the capsule, and suturing. A more gentle way is to introduce a special drug into the tumor, which dissolves its contents. Today, the treatment of tumors with a laser has begun to be practiced. Under the influence of a laser beam, their contents disintegrate. In this case, the incision, sutures and bandage are not used.

After the operation, there may be a slight seal under the eyelid. it normal phenomenon, the bump resolves within a month.

Disease prevention

To avoid this unpleasant disease a number of rules and restrictions must be observed.

Chalazion prevention involves the following activities:

  • avoidance of strong general and local hypothermia;
  • wearing safety glasses in sunny and windy weather;
  • properly formulated diet natural products without preservatives and flavor enhancers;
  • maintaining a mobile lifestyle that prevents the formation of congestion, stabilizes blood circulation and metabolism;
  • reduction in time spent in in public places during epidemics and the peak of infectious diseases.

We must renounce once and for all bad habits avoid stress and overload.

Before and after removal


The term "chalazion" comes from the Greek word meaning "small knot, hailstone". Chalazion (chalazion) is a slowly developing tumor-like formation that occurs due to blockage and swelling of the sebaceous gland (meibomian gland) in the eyelid.

The meibomian glands are located inside the eyelid, just behind the eyelashes. Their number is about 50-70 in each century. These glands help keep the eyes moist by preventing the watery layer (tears) from evaporating from their surface. This is achieved due to the production of the outer layer of the tear film - lipid (consisting of fatty acids- lipids).

Often, chalazion is confused with barley, which also manifests itself in the form of swelling on the eyelid. Barley is an infection of the sebaceous gland in the eyelid. It causes redness, swelling, painful swelling on the edge or inner surface of the eyelid. Styes usually occur closer to the surface of the eyelid than chalazion. Sometimes uncured barley turns into a chalazion.

Chalazion is a widespread eye problem. This disease affects people of all age groups, but more adults than children, and occurs most often between the ages of 30 and 50.


The reasons


What is a chalazion?

Chalazion differs from barley in that it is chronic illness. It is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid in the area of ​​​​the cartilage of the eyelids, as well as the meibomian gland. The disease can manifest itself after clogging of the output channels of the gland and the accumulation of secret fluid in them. If the chalazion does not open and has been present for a long period of time, then it can cause a harmful cyst with mucous contents.

The disease develops gradually, on average about two weeks. The first manifestation of the disease is a change in the appearance of the century. In this case, there is a lifting of the skin of the eyelid, the value of which is 5-6 mm, but can grow further. This puts pressure on the eyeball, which can cause astigmatism. In most cases chronic illness proceeds benignly, may occur in different ages may recur after treatment.

The risk group includes people who are over forty. In the event of the onset of the disease at this age, it is not recommended to delay the visit to the doctor. Many are in no hurry to start treatment, I think about the harmlessness of the disease. However, breast cancer may develop at this age. appearance resembling a chalazion. That is why it is better to play it safe and get rid of the trouble as soon as possible. The operation is performed in an outpatient clinic and takes about two minutes. During the operation, a hailstone located in the conjunctiva is removed.

Symptoms of a chalazion

The main symptom of the disease is manifested in a dense formation on the surface of the eyelids. The skin above the eyelid will remain mobile, but you may feel a slight swelling in the eye. Sometimes suppuration even occurs, in which case there is pain, redness of the skin of the eyelid. In some cases, spontaneous opening may occur, as a result of which pus flows out of the conjunctiva.

During the occurrence of a chalazion, people do not rush to the doctor, because basically they do not feel much discomfort. The disease can go away without treatment, but it will take quite a while. long time. Basically, the surgical method is used to treat the disease. The operation will take no more than three minutes, but will help to get rid of the unpleasant ball forever.

Causes of a chalazion

The cause of the development of a chalazion is considered to be a blockage of the excretory duct, which occurs due to inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid, which can cause the development of a specific tumor. Another common cause of chalazion can be internal barley.

With the progression of the disease, especially in adults, a biopsy is prescribed to prevent sebaceous cancer.

There are many reasons for the appearance of a chalazion. The disease can develop during a decrease in the protective function of the body or common cold, as well as with hypothermia, violations of the rules of personal hygiene, frequent touching of the organs of vision or the use of lenses.

Chalazion in children

Parents should not forget that the disease in children should never be treated on their own. Applying various folk recipes can cause development secondary infections, which will be much more difficult to cure, and which may be more dangerous. When the first symptoms of chalazion appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. AT modern medicine There are three methods of treating the disease in children. The first method is considered conservative treatment, the second is corticosteroid therapy, and the third method involves surgical intervention. Conservative treatment is used only in the early stages of the development of the disease, this treatment consists in the use of disinfectant drops, applying applications containing yellow mercury ointment.

More running cases require corticosteroid therapy. The principle of therapy is to introduce steroids into the cavity of the chalazion using a thin needle. This type of treatment promotes the resorption of the contents, which is located in the thickness of the eyelid.

Surgical intervention is used only in cases where conservative treatment or corticosteroid therapy has not brought desired result. During the operation, anesthesia is applied, tweezers-clamp is applied to the eyelid and after that a small incision is made in the conjunctiva, the chalazion is exfoliated, preserving its walls. The bed is thoroughly cleaned with a special spoon and lubricated with a disinfectant liquid. This operation does not require stitches. If the operation is performed on a child, then antibiotics are injected under the conjunctiva. For one to two days it is necessary to impose aseptic bandage. This method of treatment can be considered safe, because the operation is performed from the side of the mucous membrane and does not leave any marks on the eye.


Folk remedies for the treatment of chalazion

When a chalazion appears, many people are afraid of surgical intervention, so they begin to re-read grandmother's notes in search of traditional medicine recipes. You can try to cure chalazion with the help of traditional medicine, using aloe juice for treatment.

To do this, you need to take aloe juice, without diluting it with anything, and instill four drops five times a day into the sore eye. After that, gently massage the bump for several minutes. This treatment ensures the release of pus, as a result of which the disease passes.

Heated salt should be put in a small bag and warmed with it every day before going to bed. sore spot. This way folk treatment will lead to the appearance of pus, which should soon break through. It is recommended to lubricate the place where the chalazion appeared with ichthyol ointment.

You can also use egg. It must be boiled, peeled, wrapped with a scarf and applied to the sore eye. The egg must be warm.

You can apply an aloe or linden leaf to the sore spot, and also try washing the sore eye with tar soap.

Folk remedies for chalazion

Cottage cheese. The sore eye must be washed with boric acid, after which you need to attach fresh cottage cheese, previously wrapped in a napkin. Such a remedy of traditional medicine helps not only with chalazion, but also with blepharitis.

Dill. You need to take one and a half glasses of boiling water and mix with one tablespoon of pre-chopped dill. The resulting composition must be infused, after the broth has completely cooled down, you need to dip a cloth into it and apply it to the sore eye.

The most interesting news

The term "chalazion" comes from the Greek word meaning "small knot, hailstone". Chalazion (chalazion) is a slowly developing tumor-like formation that occurs due to blockage and swelling of the sebaceous gland (meibomian gland) in the eyelid.

The meibomian glands are located inside the eyelid, just behind the eyelashes. Their number is about 50-70 in each century. These glands help keep the eyes moist by preventing the watery layer (tears) from evaporating from their surface. This is achieved due to the production of the outer layer of the tear film - lipid (consisting of fatty acids - lipids).

Often chalazion is confused with barley. also manifested in the form of swelling on the eyelid. Barley is an infection of the sebaceous gland in the eyelid. It causes redness, swelling, painful swelling at the edge or inner surface of the eyelid. Styes usually occur closer to the surface of the eyelid than chalazion. Sometimes uncured barley turns into a chalazion.

Chalazion is a widespread eye problem. This disease affects people of all age groups, but more adults than children, and occurs most often between the ages of 30 and 50.


At first, a chalazion looks and feels just like a stye: swollen eyelid, mild pain, and irritation. However, these symptoms disappear after 1-2 days, but there remains a round, painless swelling on the eyelid, slowly growing during the first week. Rarely, the swelling continues to grow and may press on the eyeball, causing slight blurring of vision. Perhaps the formation of a red or gray spot on the back of the eyelid. If the chalazion grows very large, it can become painful.

The reasons

The causes of most chalazions are not clear, but the glands can become blocked due to infection, as in barley, or due to abnormal growth, as in a tumor (although this is rare). Skin conditions that cause infection or inflammation, such as seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea, can also cause clogged glands.

In most cases, such blockages resolve on their own, and the contents come out naturally. But if this does not happen, then a chalazion is formed.


About 25 percent of chalazion cases are asymptomatic and resolve without any treatment. For other cases, there are several methods of treatment.

Self help. Hot compresses, followed by eye massage, can help clear the blockage and release the contents of the inflammation. For a compress, use napkins soaked in warm, but not scalding hot, water. The compress should be comfortable for the skin. Put it on your eyelid for about 15 minutes. Repeat this procedure 4-6 times a day. Massage your eyelid with your finger in a circular motion directed upward if the chalazion is on the lower eyelid, or downward if on the upper. You must do this within a minute. Massage will help to remove the blockage and release the accumulated contents.

Steroid injections. Steroid injections may be used to treat chalazion. This reduces inflammation within 1-2 weeks after the injection. The doctor injects steroids directly into the center of the chalazion through the integumentary tissues inside century.

Surgery. If the chalazion is very large, brings discomfort or constantly recurs, then it may be necessary surgical removal. It is performed by incision and scraping (curettage).

This procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis or in a day hospital. local anesthetic is used for complete blockade pain sensitivity in the area of ​​the eye. The operation takes about 20 minutes. After the procedure, you will be prescribed an antibiotic. eye ointment. The eyelid may become swollen and bruised during the first week after surgery.

If the chalazion recurs despite treatment, it is necessary to be examined by a therapist. Sometimes a chalazion may be caused by another predisposing pathology, such as skin disease, or (very rarely) the swelling may be malignant.


Chalazion (from Greek - nodule, hailstone) is characterized by chronic proliferative inflammation of the eyelid around the meibomian gland, which develops when its excretory canal is blocked and secretions accumulate in it. Meibomian glands are located in the thickness of the cartilage, have tubular structure and open with their output ducts to inner surface century. Each eyelid contains about 50-70 glands that produce the outer (lipid) layer of the tear film. The function of the meibomian glands is to keep the eyeball moist and prevent tears from evaporating from the surface of the eye.

In ophthalmology, chalazion is a widespread problem and overall structure eyelid pathology 7.4%. The disease can affect people of all ages, but is more common among adults, mostly aged 30-50 years.

Causes of a chalazion

The reason for the development of a chalazion is the obstruction of the duct of the meibomian (sebaceous) gland of the eyelid, as a result of which the lipid secretion formed does not have an outflow to the outside and accumulates in the lumen of the duct of the gland. This mechanism leads to inflammation of the tissues around the gland, encapsulation of the focus and the formation of a benign nodular seal on the eyelid.

Contributing factors can be stress, hypothermia, SARS. hypovitaminosis, infection in the eye in violation of the rules of personal hygiene, improper handling of contact lenses.

Microscopically, a chalazion is formed granulation tissue and a large number of epithelioid and giant cells.

Symptoms of a chalazion

With the development of a chalazion, a dense rounded formation appears under the skin of the lower or upper eyelid. This nodule is located in the thickness of the cartilage, not soldered to the skin, painless on palpation. Education tends to slowly increase and can reach a size of 5-6 mm. As the chalazion increases, it becomes visible from the skin, forming a swelling and a visible cosmetic defect. From the side of the conjunctiva, on examination, an area of ​​local hyperemia with a central grayish zone is revealed. It is possible to form several chalazions simultaneously on the upper and lower eyelids.

In some cases, chalazion is accompanied by itching and lacrimation, hypersensitivity to touch. The growing chalazion can press on the cornea, causing astigmatism and visual distortion. An unopened chalazion that exists for a long time turns into a cyst with mucous contents.

With suppuration of a chalazion, symptoms of inflammation appear: local reddening of the skin, swelling, throbbing pain, softening of the nodule. An increase in body temperature and the development of blepharitis are possible. Chalazion can spontaneously open on the surface of the conjunctiva with the release of a purulent secret. In this case, a fistulous passage is formed, around which granulations grow. The skin of the eyelids becomes dry, reddened, covered with dried crusts of discharge.

Diagnosis of a chalazion

Recognition of a chalazion is performed by an ophthalmologist during an external examination of a modified eyelid. The main signs of education are the detection of a seal in the thickness of the eyelids the size of a millet grain or a small pea, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. When the eyelid is everted, local hyperemia of the conjunctiva is noted. When moving, the affected eyelid lags behind the healthy one and makes blinking movements less often.

Holding instrumental diagnostics with chalazion, as a rule, it is not required. Recurrent and rapidly growing chalazions require differential diagnosis with adenocarcinoma of the meibomian gland. For this purpose, it may be necessary to histological examination biopsy of education.

Chalazion treatment

In the early stages of chalazion, conservative methods are used. Instillations of disinfectant eye drops are prescribed, mercury ointment is placed behind the eyelid. For the treatment of chalazion, dry heat compresses, UHF therapy can be used. massage of the eyelid and clogged gland. Inflammation of the chalazion is a contraindication to thermal procedures, since heating can contribute to the spread of inflammation to nearby tissues with the development of an abscess or phlegmon of the eyelid.

good healing effect have injections into the chalazion of corticosteroid drugs (diprospan, kenalog). Corticosteroids are injected into the cavity of the chalazion with a thin needle and lead to the gradual resorption of the neoplasm.

Radical treatment of chalazion is carried out surgically. The operation is outpatient, performed under local anesthesia through a transconjunctival or skin incision. During the operation, the chalazion is husked along with the capsule. When a fistulous tract is formed, the surgical incision is made along its entire length, after which the altered tissues are excised. After removal of the chalazion, sutures are applied to the eyelid, and a tight pressure bandage. In the postoperative period, the use of anti-inflammatory eye drops or ointments is recommended for 5-7 days.

An alternative to the classic surgical method is laser removal of chalazion. In this case, the capsule is cut with a laser, the contents of the chalazion are removed, followed by the evaporation of the capsule. laser radiation. laser removal chalazion is less traumatic, does not require suturing and eliminates the recurrence of the disease. To prevent injury to the cornea postoperative scar for several days, the patient is advised to wear a soft contact lens.

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