Is it possible for a child to have snot. Antiviral or immunomodulatory drops from the common cold. Non-infectious causes of the common cold in children

Ekaterina Rakitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


No matter how parents care about the health and well-being of their baby, sooner or later snot may appear.

Snot is the mucus that forms and exudes from a person's nose. Usually mucus begins as a protective manifestation for some external stimuli. If certain causes of a cold, allergic and other nature occur, the secretion of mucous masses can increase significantly. Abundant appearance mucus from the nose is called a runny nose (rhinitis).

Snot is produced by the nasal mucosa, humidifies the inhaled air and is a kind of filter that traps inhaled dust. Depending on the external environmental factors, the amount of such a component of mucus as mucin increases, and this substance fights the penetration of infections, viruses, or simply dust into the nose. If copious mucus is not accompanied by fever, painful manifestations, interspersed with blood or pus, then the snot in most cases goes away on its own and does not need to be treated.

Nose problems are common in children. There are many reasons for this. Snot can deliver many unpleasant minutes not only to the baby, but also to his parents. The child can act up, cry, snot interferes with the baby to sleep peacefully, eat, cause irritation of the skin near the nose and on the upper lip.

How to get rid of children's snot - a question that parents often ask pediatricians infants.

For example, Dr. Komarovsky explains that not all situations of discharge from the nose of a newborn should worry parents and require treatment for a runny nose. There are many situations when it is not necessary to intervene during childhood rhinitis.

The most important thing that Komarovsky advises to do to the worried parents of the child is to establish the nature of the origin of the mucus secretions. Based on the found cause, you can either find out the type of disease, or determine other physiological features. respiratory system baby.

Circumstances affecting the appearance of discharge from the nose

Dr. Komarovsky identifies several factors that traditionally cause snot in a newborn:

  1. Almost immediately after birth, a small amount of mucus from the nose is physiological in nature and is normal. If there are no signs of a cold, and the discharge is small and transparent, then they do not need to be treated. They will go away on their own in about 2 months. Such snot just speaks of the restructuring of the respiratory system born child and adaptation to new living conditions.
  2. Causes of an infectious nature. Often the appearance of snot occurs after a viral infection enters the body of the baby, which is usually transmitted by airborne droplets. Infants are infected viral infection occurs very rapidly, its symptoms are pronounced. But you should not worry much - the protective properties of the body and the immunity of the newborn are still very high, and therefore the viruses and bacteria that have entered the child's body die almost immediately. However, due to age viral causes the appearance of mucus requires contacting a pediatrician.
  3. allergic reasons. In infants with nasal breathing, there are often manifestations in the form of a runny nose for household allergens (dust, pet hair, flowering of some plants). Allergic rhinitis always requires a search for the cause of its appearance, that is, the allergen.
  4. The reason for the appearance of snot may be the reaction of the vessels of the nasal mucosa to any external irritants, for example, a strong irritating smell, dry air in the room, that is, individual environmental circumstances become an obstacle. Usually they provoke bouts of sneezing, congestion and copious mucus from the nose. Allocations stop if the provoking factor is eliminated.
  5. Snot and nasal congestion in a child can cause enlarged adenoids. As children's otolaryngologists explain, soon after the birth of a child (due to its physiological development) his adenoids begin to increase rapidly, which also sometimes becomes a provoking moment for the appearance of discharge.
  6. Often, the snot of a child is associated with the time of eruption of the first teeth.

Komarovsky about children's snot of an infectious nature

According to Dr. Komarovsky, young inexperienced parents of a child under 1 year of age often create the conditions under which children often get sick. Small children are too wrapped up, they are irregularly with them in the fresh air, they rarely carry out wet cleaning in the nursery. These reasons most often lead to the appearance of rhinitis in a child.

Komarovsky constantly reminds that children's snot can be left untreated, they will disappear on their own when the cause that provoked them is eliminated.

In addition to eliminating the cause of a runny nose for a newborn, comfortable conditions for normal breathing and providing restful sleep. According to Komarovsky, comfortable conditions for the baby are:

  1. The temperature in the room should be no more than 18-20 degrees Celsius.
  2. The optimum humidity in the nursery should be 50-70%.
  3. It is recommended to ventilate the room daily and carry out the air humidification procedure.

Swelling of the nose and discharge from it, not associated with a cold, in most cases occur due to dry air when the central heating is turned on.

For treatment viral rhinitis Simply creating a comfortable environment for the child is not enough. As Dr. Komarovsky explains, viral snot in infants occurs as protection against the penetration of the virus: the nasal mucosa tries to prevent the infection from entering the nasopharynx and bronchi. And for this purpose, it produces a mucous mass designed to destroy viruses and bacteria.

Komarovsky emphasizes that in addition to the medication prescribed by the pediatrician, parents should not allow the child's mucous membrane to dry out when he begins to breathe through his mouth. After all, the mucus formed during this thickens and easily moves into the bronchi and lungs, which causes the development of bronchitis and pneumonia.

So that the nasal mucosa in children does not dry out, Dr. Komarovsky recommends giving them plenty to drink (water, dried fruit compote, tea with lemon) and providing clean and humid air in the room for normal breathing.
Komarovsky also suggests moistening the nasal passages of a newborn with special means, which thin the mucous masses and contribute to their evacuation from the nose. Most often, saline is used for these purposes or isotonic solution sodium chloride, which are freely sold in all pharmacies.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to drip 3-4 drops of the above drugs into both passages every 40-60 minutes.

Among medicines for babies, Ekteritsid has proven itself well. It is based on an oily liquid that perfectly lubricates the nasal mucosa of the child and prevents it from drying out.

Also, Dr. Komarovsky suggests using any medicinal oils(tea, vaseline, olive) or oil solutions vitamins E and A.

Features of the course of rhinitis in infants up to 1 year

Treatment of rhinitis in infants has a number of anatomical features:

  • babies of this age have very narrow nasal passages;
  • children themselves do not know how to free their nose from mucus;
  • in infants, it is difficult to breathe through the mouth, which causes a lot of trouble during feeding and sleeping.

If appropriate treatment and preventive measures are not taken to remove mucus from the nose of infants, then anatomical structure nasopharynx can cause such severe complications like otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

What should be done to cleanse the nasal cavity of a child

Depending on the type of discharge from the nose (their color, consistency), as well as the discomfort delivered to the baby, the treatment and assistance of adults to alleviate the child's condition depends. It is good to remove thick secretions with the help of nasal aspirators, dried crusts on the walls of the nose must be treated with softening ointments. Frequent instillation with saline or sea salt solution will be like rinsing a baby's nose.

Preventive measures to help prevent mucus

  • maintain regularly correct mode days;
  • provide the child with a healthy diet;
  • do gymnastics with the child taking air baths;
  • try to be outdoors more often;
  • if possible, carry out wet rubdowns.

Treating rhinitis in children is much more difficult than in adults, so parents should be patient. Let the baby's nose breathe freely, and parents and the baby feel calm together.

Watch the video - Dr. Komarovsky advises how to treat a runny nose for a child:

Frequent snot in children, especially accompanied elevated temperature or cough, require parental attention and mandatory medical advice. Cause chronic rhinitis may become an allergic reaction or immunodeficiency due to concomitant somatic pathology. It is possible to cure persistent snot in a child only by eliminating the root cause of the disease.

To put correct diagnosis and develop medical tactics you need to contact your pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist. Home therapy does not always lead to complete recovery, as a result of which the inflammatory process can persist in the nasopharynx for a long time and spread to healthy tissues.

What are the most common causes of a runny nose? childhood:

With structural anomalies of the nose, only surgical intervention can help get rid of rhinitis.

  1. exposure to low temperatures. This may be general hypothermia due to prolonged exposure to frost, draft, or getting wet in the rain. Protection of the nasal mucosa is also reduced by inhalation of frosty air, when vasospasm occurs in the nasopharynx;
  2. allergic causes. Depending on genetics, the immune system of each child may respond differently to environmental factors. Under certain conditions, pollen, dust, wool, household chemicals, pungent odors can become "provocateurs", after contact with which an allergic reaction develops. Often, signs of rhinitis appear after the allergen settles on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, penetrating into the nose. by air. When the allergen is a medication, hygiene products or food, it is possible to attach a cough, skin rashes and tissue edema. If the child was vaccinated on the eve of the appearance of snot, a short-term runny nose can be considered a post-vaccination reaction;
  3. adenoids. The growths of the tonsil can become a source of infection, as microbes accumulate in the hypertrophied tissue, thereby maintaining inflammation in the nasopharynx. On the other hand, adenoids interfere with the physiological sanitation of the nasal cavities, which also contributes to the preservation of infection and inflammation;
  4. the causes of frequent rhinitis may be hidden in the presence of diseases of the endocrine, vascular or nervous system. In this case, control over vascular tone is disrupted, due to which the vessels respond inadequately to the influence of environmental factors;
  5. chronic infection in the upper respiratory tract. If children are diagnosed chronic otitis media or tonsillitis, with exacerbation of diseases, the risk of infection spreading to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages increases.

Clinical picture

Frequent runny nose in a child can be manifested not only by rhinorrhea, but by other symptoms. Depending on the cause of the disease clinical picture may include:

  1. hyperthermia. The fever level can reach 39 degrees and persist for a long time if the cause of rhinitis is a bacterial infection. Even while taking antipyretic drugs, hyperthermia does not decrease below 37.8 degrees. In the treatment, antibacterial agents of local or systemic action. At viral disease high fever is retained for the first three days, after which it gradually decreases.

Hyperthermia is an indicator of an infectious rhinitis.

If a child constantly has a runny nose and stuffy nose, the risk of such complications increases:

  • bone destruction, cartilage tissue in the nose due to the progression of the atrophic process;
  • mental disorder, physical development against the background of hypoxia;
  • changes in the structure of the facial skeleton;
  • weight loss. AT infancy feeding the child is difficult, since there is no possibility of sucking the breast with nasal congestion. At an older age, the problem of weight is not so relevant, since the diet is quite wide, and nutrition is carried out with a spoon;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of surrounding organs with the development of otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis.

General mode

What to do with persistent snot? start fighting with chronic runny nose it is necessary, having reviewed the nutrition and living conditions of the child:

  1. in the children's room, a certain temperature regime. The temperature should be 20 degrees. Considering irritant effect dry air on the nasal mucosa, the humidity in the room should be 65%. For supporting optimal level you need to use hardware humidifiers or hang wet sheets;
  2. to reduce the concentration of allergens and dust, it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room. These activities facilitate breathing, provide oxygen delivery to internal organs and improve children's sleep;
  3. meals should include fresh vegetables, fruits to saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements. Do not spoil children with a lot of sweets, rich products or carbonated drinks;
  4. sufficient daily drinking allows you to activate the elimination of toxins from the body, normalize water balance and the work of each cell. The calculation of the allowable volume of fluid should be done by the pediatrician, taking into account the severity of the disease and the age of the patient;
  5. fresh air is useful at any stage of the disease. With a fever in children, only airing the room is allowed if the child is temporarily taken to another room. When the temperature returns to normal, the general condition improves, walks on the street are recommended, provided the weather is good. Their duration can reach two hours a day, which will saturate the body with oxygen, facilitate nasal breathing and provide physiological sanitation of the cavities.

In many ways, the health of children depends on the attentiveness of parents and proper care of the child.

What medicines are allowed for children?

The doctor will help to find out the reason why the child has. Based on the diagnostic results, he selects the optimal drug therapy, taking into account the age, weight of the child and the presence concomitant diseases. This table will help you navigate the features of the drugs used in the treatment, but it is important to understand that their self-administration is not recommended.

A drug Action Application
Flemoxin Antibacterial. It is prescribed for bacterial rhinitis based on the results of bakposev material from the nasal cavities The duration of the course is 7-10 days
Bioparox, Isofra (spray) Antibacterial. Used for local sanitation of the bacterial focus The duration of the course is 5-7 days. Not applicable for viral rhinitis
Nazoferon (nasal drops) Immunomodulating. It is prescribed for colds. Used for 5 days viral origin rhinitis
Oscilococcinum (granules) Antiviral, immunostimulating. Refers to homeopathic remedies. Course 3 days. Children can dissolve the powder in a small amount of water.
Nurofen (syrup) Antipyretic. Not only normalizes the temperature, but has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Take no more than three times a day. Maximum course - three days
Zodak, Loratadine (syrup) Antihistamine. Blocks development allergic reaction, reduces swelling of the mucosa Course - 10 days. Prescribed for allergic rhinitis
Sinupret Anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous. Refers to herbal preparations. Is used for internal reception or inhalation
Dolphin, No-sol Thanks to natural composition(sea salt) provided gentle cleansing nasal mucosa Can be used for a long time (for prevention, treatment)
Nazivin, Vibrocil Vasoconstrictor. Temporarily relieve nasal breathing The maximum course is 3-5 days. Appointed in acute stage disease
Furacilin, Miramistin Antiseptic. Used for gargling, inhalation Prescribed for bacterial rhinitis

Auxiliary medical methods

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good effect. In childhood, ultraviolet, laser therapy is recommended. The doctor may also authorize the use folk remedies, for example, aloe juice or onion inhalations.

Note that herbal medicines can cause an allergic reaction.

To minimize the frequency inflammatory diseases ENT organs, you need to strengthen the child's immunity, starting from the first days of life. Infants are protected through breastfeeding.

With age, it is recommended to teach children to observe personal hygiene, hardening procedures, proper nutrition and sports activities. It is important for parents to detect the disease in a timely manner by observing the activity and appetite of the child.

As soon as in children, it is necessary to begin treatment without waiting for the progression of the pathology. One of the reasons for the constant runny nose is wrong therapy acute rhinitis. In this regard, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the child has signs of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Every mother sooner or later first encounters a child's runny nose. Even the most healthy, hardened baby can get sick with it, and you should not be afraid of this. The main thing is to recognize the beginning of rhinitis in time and take action. By itself, this disease is not dangerous, but if it is started, it can develop into a serious disease. Therefore, it is important for all parents to know what to do if a child has a runny nose.

At first glance, the procedure for washing the baby's nose may seem like a difficult task to an inexperienced mother, but in fact, she will quickly adapt and begin to perform these simple manipulations “on the machine”.

In general, regularly rinsing the nasal passages of both nostrils for the treatment of uncomplicated rhinitis will sufficient for a speedy recovery. This will prevent the onset of a runny nose and prevent the development of a serious illness.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

If you see that it is too difficult for a child to breathe, you should use another remedy - vasoconstrictor drops. Your doctor or pharmacist may recommend them to you. Such drops cannot be dripped longer than 7 consecutive days. Be sure to read the instructions before using the medicine, follow the dosage and do not exceed the recommended treatment time.

When in doubt, it is always best to consult a doctor for advice. It is advisable to use drops after washing the nose to keep the nasal passage clean and free of mucus.

The use of vasoconstrictor drops is last resort, which is used when other methods of treatment are ineffective

When to see a doctor?

If a runny nose in a child with the above treatment regimen does not go away for a long time, it is important to see a doctor on time. Complications may occur or a runny nose may appear. In such cases, the help of a specialist is indispensable. After all, only he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

  • runny nose does not subside for more than 10 days after its onset;
  • the child's body temperature reaches 37 ° C and continues to rise;
  • the child looks lethargic and apathetic;
  • cough joins the common cold;
  • nasal discharge acquired or, blood streaks appeared in them;
  • the child complains of a headache or earache.

How to avoid a runny nose in the future?

After the first transferred baby runny nose mothers begin to worry about the question: how to avoid the appearance of mucus from the nose next time?

To do this, you can take some preventive measures:

  • regularly ventilate the child's room;
  • maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the baby's bedroom;
  • wash your child's nose before visiting public places(e.g. clinics, shopping centers, kindergarten) and after them,
  • strengthen his immune system with good nutrition, taking vitamins, hardening.


Now you know how to stop a runny nose in a child if it starts. Remember that a runny nose is not scary, but you should not let the situation take its course either. Preventive measures and timely treatment will help your precious children get sick less often and recover faster.

A child who cannot blow out the mucus that has collected in the nasopharynx experiences discomfort, it is difficult for him to breathe, since the nasal passages are blocked at this time, and breathing through the mouth is problematic for the baby, especially during sleep. Therefore, you should know how to remove snot from the nasopharynx of a child by taking effective measures immediately after the occurrence of such a problem.

In medical circles, nasal mucus is also called mucosal secretion. It is produced from the mucous membrane in the nose to purify the inhaled air and moisten it. But, with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which occurs by various reasons, the amount of mucus discharge from the common cold increases. It accumulates in the nasal passages, forming clots and snot in the throat.

Significant amount pathogenic microflora from a mucus-filled nose it is expectorated by the usual blowing of the nose. To help the immune system cope with the disease, medicines and medical procedures are used.

The main reasons that provoke increased mucus formation in children are:

  1. Allergic manifestation of the reaction of the body without signs of a cold. This condition can be caused by polluted air or hereditary feature. It is manifested by nasal congestion, frequent sneezing and itching in the nasal passages, the larynx may swell, and it is impossible to alleviate the condition by blowing your nose.
  2. Snot stagnate in a child due to narrowing of the passages with a deformed nasal septum.
  3. Causes swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation of the infection. In this case, as a rule, it is discharged from the nose green slime.
  4. Too dry or waterlogged air negatively affects the condition of the child. This causes an internal runny nose and copious excretion from the nose.
  5. Infant formulas for feeding infants can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and snot in the throat. This pathology is due to the individual vascular response.
  6. and internal snot may appear after prolonged use of nasal drops. It is recommended to change nose drops every 3 days, as longer use of the same drugs reduces their effectiveness.

There is no such thing as a minor runny nose in adults or children. The inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa can spread to neighboring tissues, causing tonsillitis, sinusitis or otitis media. It needs to be cured otherwise advanced cases symptom may occur allergic edema throat, making breathing difficult.

A careful approach to diagnosis and the question of how to treat is required for newborns who have a stuffy nose. But it must be remembered that not quite developed the immune system child, may not cope with the infection, as a result of which such serious illness, like bronchitis, otitis and other diseases, and this can happen in a very short period of time.

How to treat

If a infant started snoring slightly obvious signs colds, it is possible that the snot in the throat caused the dust that got into nasal cavity. Therefore, to get rid of discomfort, you can carry out the procedure of washing the nose with a saline solution.

For this purpose, you can buy in pharmacies finished product Aqualor or Aquamaris. They are inexpensive. After such washing, the outflow of mucus will be restored, and the nasal mucosa will be moistened, the snot in the throat will begin to be expectorated after a while. Cheaper but no less efficient rinsing helps clear mucus from the throat mineral water Essentuki-17.

Before the procedure, the required volume of water is heated to evaporate carbon dioxide, used in blockage of water, and also so that it does not cause spasm and discomfort when injected into the child's nose. Treatment by instillation of salt water from a cold can be carried out more than 5 times a day.

The child is placed on a barrel and water is injected into the nostril. In this case, mucus will flow out of the nose along with water. At the end of this procedure, 1 drop of saline solution is injected into each nostril so that it acts similarly. remedy until the next wash. When injecting, the child's head should be tilted back so that the salt in the child's nasopharynx can continue its effect. Shortly thereafter, the baby will be able to cough up.

Salt solution from table or sea salt can be prepared independently. In 0.5 l. warm boiled water 0.5 tsp is added. salt. After that, the solution must be filtered through gauze or a filter. This tool processes the nasopharynx throughout the day, if the child has snot in the nasopharynx and they do not blow their nose. Before repeated use, the liquid must be heated to a comfortable temperature. A child older than 4-5 years old can flush the nose by drawing water up to the nasopharynx. This will help loosen the mucus and let it out through the mouth.


Some doctors prescribe inhalation. This procedure not only thins and helps to remove mucus, but also has healing effect from a runny nose.

For steam inhalation with children, keep in mind that they must be over 6 years of age. In the pharmacy chain you can buy a special inhaler. For newborns, it is enough to be in a room with a saturated content of steam in the air for some time, so that the snot is then coughed up.

Inhalation is carried out saline solution or with the addition of interferon. The isotonic saline solution penetrates deep into the mucous membrane and has a cleansing effect, after which the sputum is expectorated.

  • if the child has a fever (more than +37.5 degrees);
  • if rhinitis is caused by bacterial infections;
  • in violation of the walls blood vessels and ;
  • with simultaneous diseases of the heart, lungs or ear diseases.

Note! Before inhalation procedures, it is not recommended to eat less than 1.5 hours before the session. Steam is inhaled through the nose; the child should not be allowed to talk at this time. After inhalation, you should wait an hour before eating. In addition, during the first hour, it is advisable to observe vocal rest and not drink liquids.

The duration of inhalation for newborns and infants is about 3 minutes, and for babies over 1 year old, about 5-7 minutes. This procedure is carried out 1-3 times a day. At the time of inhalation, the crusts swell, and then the child can blow their nose.


In the first aid kit intended for the treatment of a child, nasal vasoconstrictors should be kept. But you can not use them for more than 3 days in a row. Such funds are instilled 2 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril. When a child has an internal runny nose, they help open the lumen for access to the nasal cavity medicines and antibiotics.

Most often, snot in a child is the first sign that a respiratory infection has entered the body. The kid sneezes, sniffs his nose, eats poorly, sleeps lightly, becomes capricious and irritable.

And the ill-fated runny nose is to blame for everything! Children are too vulnerable to colds due to their weak immune systems. Therefore, a child with snot is a fairly common phenomenon, but it is imperative to fight it so that the runny nose does not turn into chronic form and did not cause serious complications, for example, sinusitis, otitis or purulent sinusitis.

Viral or infectious colds in most cases begin precisely with the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose and discomfort in the nose and throat. But, unfortunately, it happens that it seems that the baby’s neck has already passed, and the temperature has returned to normal, and the snot stubbornly annoys. Protracted coryza in such situations, which at first was transparent and thin in consistency, becomes highly viscous and acquires a yellowish or even green color. This sign may indicate the presence on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity increased concentration bacteria, and sometimes about the development purulent pathogenesis in paranasal sinuses nose.

Many parents are convinced that snot, both in adults and in children, with or without treatment, will go away on its own in a maximum of a week. But this is a serious misconception, because children's body is only at the stage of formation, and it is much more difficult for him to overcome the infection.

An incompletely cured rhinitis in a child threatens with the addition of a secondary bacterial infection and the development of a purulent-inflammatory focus, no matter what pathogen it was caused earlier - a virus, an infection or an allergen.

Therefore, any etiology of a runny nose needs immediate and proper treatment in order to stop pathogenesis in a timely manner and not allow it to give complications.

Watery and clear snot

Provocateurs of a runny nose in a child characterized by watery and transparent secretions from the nose, are various factors Let's take a look at them.

  • ARI and SARS. At first, the body reacts to infections and viruses that cause colds by forming thin and colorless mucus secretions in the nasal cavity, which contain a large amount of protective antibodies. Together with the appearance of liquid snot, the child's body temperature rises, his eyes water, and frequent sneezing, lay the nose and ears. Sometimes nasal symptom after 3 the day is coming to decline, and after 5-7 days it completely disappears. But very often after a week, if the runny nose has not disappeared, it is complicated by bacterial pathogenesis. In this case, the snot becomes thick and viscous.
  • Allergy. If a child has hypersensitivity of the respiratory organs to certain substances that, when they get on the nasal mucosa, irritate it, watery, colorless snot appears. Along with abundant plexus, frequent sneezing, swelling and tickling in the nose, swelling of the face are observed. Often allergens are found right within the home, they can be house dust, feather pillows, mold, pet hair, fish food. In addition, snot often provokes certain flowering plants or poplar fluff in children. Although this form of rhinitis has allergic origin It is extremely important to carry out treatment and prevention, since the progression of an allergic reaction can develop into bronchial asthma.
  • Features of the physiology of infants. In the first months of life, newborn babies may develop a runny nose, which is completely unrelated to respiratory infection, it is called physiological. A newborn organism, having been born, thus undergoes adaptation to new conditions that are different from the humid intrauterine environment. Physiological snot does not need drug treatment they will disappear after a short period of time. But, in order to be sure that a runny nose in a baby is not associated with colds, the baby must be examined by a children's doctor.
  • Nasal vasoconstrictor drugs . Pharmacy solutions for nasal use can cause the opposite effect, or, side reaction. The risk of not curing a runny nose, but complicating the condition of the child's nasal mucosa, occurs mainly with long and uncontrolled instillation with such agents as Galazolin, Farmazolin, Naphthyzin. Side effect manifested in sneezing, dryness, swelling in the nose, burning and increased secretion of nasal mucus.
  • Injury to the nasal mucosa. watery secret from the nose can occur on the basis of thermal or mechanical lesions of the intranasal structures. Burns and hypothermia, as well as getting into the baby's nose small foreign objects, all this violates the integrity of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ, causing it to swell and stimulate the production of liquid mucus.

In certain situations, a watery fluid discharged from the nose appears due to a head injury. Special attention here it is required from the parents, since such secretions are a specific fluid of the cerebrospinal region that flows into the nose due to a head injury.

If a given state the baby was preceded by a head strike, perhaps the place has precisely the liquorrhea, and not rhinitis. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately show the child to the doctor to establish true reason the occurrence of this symptom. The biological composition of ordinary snot and cerebrospinal fluid is different.

Treatment of watery clear snot

Liquid snot should be treated for any disease, be it a cold or an allergy. running process in both cases, it can provoke serious consequences: the addition of bacterial pathogenesis with the appearance of green mucus, the development bronchial asthma, the spread of bacteria in the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis) or in bronchopulmonary structures (bronchopneumonia). That is why it is so important to timely destroy the pathogenesis in its earliest manifestation.

  1. At colds in a child, a doctor prescribes in addition to the main treatment of washing the nasal passages with saline. You can cook it yourself (0.5 tsp. salt per 1/2 liter of warm water) or purchase at a pharmacy saline sodium chloride . Salt wash spout will help to neutralize pathogens, prevent inflammation and the appearance of bacteria, postpone the nose and speedy recovery. Washing in large portions is strictly prohibited, this is fraught with the ingress of a solution with mucus into the middle ear! For children, it is enough to instill a solution of half a milliliter into each nostril. After 1-2 minutes, the child needs to blow his nose.
  2. Good products from the children's series, designed to clear the nasal passages of mucus, are pharmacy solutions with names such as Aqualor, salin, Snoop, Aquamaris. All of them are made on the basis of sea water. The principle of procedures is similar to point 1. Be sure to remove the snot from the nasal cavity after washing. If the baby is too small and still cannot blow his nose, you will need to “suck out” the mucous secretion through a baby syringe or a special graduate student Otrivin Baby. Cleansing measures will be especially beneficial for the condition of a child who has problems with adenoids.
  3. With liquid snot, it is not necessary to use bactericidal nasal preparations; a pediatrician should warn about this. If the discharge is sparse and not colored green, then there is no bacterial environment in the nasal cavity, so it is pointless and risky to use solutions with antibiotics and antibacterial compounds. It is possible to cure such a runny nose using simple and safe methods for health.
  4. Inhalation procedures are conveniently carried out using special devices that can be bought at any pharmacy. AT nebulizer or, for example, mechanical inhaler, add medicinal solution, the vapors of which the baby needs to breathe. As the main fillers, experts recommend using saline sodium chloride mixed with mineral water of the hydrocarbonate group (Essentuki) in a ratio of 1: 1. It is also useful to breathe decoctions with chamomile, sage, mint. It is strictly forbidden to add to solutions for inhalation herbal remedies for alcohol and oil based! They can cause damage to the respiratory throat with bronchi.
  5. With severe swelling of the nasal cavity, which prevents the child from breathing normally through the nose, it is allowed to drip or inject a drug with a vasoconstrictor property, but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Nasal solutions in the form of a spray or drops with a decongestant effect are often prescribed by pediatricians. Nazol Baby, Vibrocil, Tizin, Rinza, Xylen. Instillation is carried out exactly according to the indicated dosage. The duration of use of drops with vasoconstrictive properties should not exceed 3 days. Compounds containing naphazoline (Naphthyzinum) are harmful to the child's body, such drugs negatively affect the functioning of the heart and central nervous system.
  6. The doctor may prescribe to the baby an injection into the nose of an immunostimulating active substance with fragments of bacterial lysis products. It stimulates local immunity on the nasopharyngeal mucosa and promotes the production of antibodies for intensive control and protection against pathogenic pathogens. Aerosol is considered good in pediatric practice. drug IRS-19. Its action is based not only on the treatment, but also on the prevention of respiratory ailments. Minimum exchange rate therapy with this drug is 2 weeks.
  7. With viral infectious etiology of snot it is also recommended drop-by-drop administration of a solution of human leukocyte interferon into the nasal cavity, due to which the immune response to pathogenic antigens that attacked the mucous membranes of the airways will increase. The effect produced will speed up the healing process, and the runny nose with watery mucus will be eliminated in a matter of days. Dissolved interferon can be enriched with saline sodium chloride in the inhalation method of treatment.
  8. Snot in children, provoked by allergens, is treated with antihistamines, but only on the recommendation of a specialist. To prevent the sudden appearance of a runny nose in the future allergic form, parents should find out which substance the child has hypersensitivity to and completely protect the child's body from contact with this irritant. If it is difficult to determine this on your own, the baby should undergo a simple test in the clinic, which will show the nature of the allergen.

Thick nasal discharge

Runny nose in children can be different in viscosity and even color. So, in addition to liquid snot, spontaneously pouring from the nose, mucus often has a thickened structure. Thick snot comes out of the nose more difficult, therefore, so that they do not clog the child's nasal passages and do not interfere with breathing, they must be liquefied. This will help to clean the nose as much as possible, both from the mucus itself and from pathogenic microorganisms.

The transparent color of the snot, as a rule, changes to a yellowish or green color when advanced stage rhinitis. If on initial stage a viral infectious disease, the discharge does not have a color, then with a protracted runny nose, bacterial pathogenesis joins it, and therefore the snot becomes green or yellow.

Clear and white thick snot

The discharge is thick in consistency, having a transparent and cloudy white color, usually observed in respiratory pathology, if a runny nose could not be prevented in 5-7 days.

In addition, such a clinical picture often observed in children with hypertrophied nasal tonsils (adenoids). In the moment allergic rhinitis if the air in the living room is dry, the snot can also turn from a watery consistency into a thick form. Treatment of a thick, colorless or white runny nose is required in without fail, so that a highly bacterial microflora is not created on the mucous membranes, and acute inflammation with a purulent course.

Snot of a high-viscosity structure clogs the nasal passages to the maximum, which adversely affects the child's breathing, oxygen supply to the brain, appetite and mood of the baby. And if an adult child can blow his nose on his own, then a newborn baby cannot perform cleansing actions yet. Therefore, a baby cannot do without the help of a mother at all; it is only possible to draw out the ill-fated mucus mechanically: using a small syringe or a special device for "suction" of snot - a baby aspirator.

Green snot thick consistency

The appearance of thick green snot is always preceded by a protracted common cold. If the parents found mucus pigmented in green in a child, this only means one thing - bacterial pathogenesis progresses in the nasal cavity. Pigmentation is caused by the activity of specific antibodies that fight bacteria in the nose. Waste proteins and bacterial remains give the snot a greenish color.

Such discharges require competent treatment, since a long pathogenic focus is dangerous by degeneration into chronic condition. It is very important to remove green snot in a maximum of 10 days to avoid adverse effects. In rare situations, thick and green mucus occurs immediately after the child freezes or due to regular exposure to allergic substances on the susceptible mucous membrane of the olfactory organ.

Yellow thick mucus

Yellow thick discharge or yellow-green from the nasal passages - frequent sign inflammatory and purulent process in the paranasal sinuses, which is characteristic of sinusitis. For no reason, this disease does not develop, but occurs as a result of prolonged rhinitis in a child. It should be noted that sinusitis is characterized by its own characteristics - heaviness in the frontal part, snot is yellow or yellow-green, often fetid, while they stand out from one nasal opening. To establish the exact origin of the nasal symptom, the child needs to be examined for a condition maxillary sinuses in the hospital by x-ray.

Do not immediately panic, especially if there are yellow snot a few days after infection with a respiratory ailment. This often happens at the end of infectious pathogenesis, as a result of the struggle of immune cells with the bacterial environment formed in the nasal cavity during catarrhal rhinitis. A runny nose at this stage inevitably needs to be continued treatment, but with an emphasis on cleansing the nasal passages by washing with saline and the use of bactericidal drops.

Treatment of thick snot

The method of treatment for the most part coincides with the methods of dealing with watery snot. It should be noted that only a pediatrician should prescribe any therapy measures.

A runny nose that does not go away for a long time, as well as the appearance of highly viscous mucus, the color of which is green or yellow, should alert parents and encourage them to immediately contact an ENT doctor! Prolonged discharge from the sinuses may indicate that the treatment of common infectious or allergic rhinitis is not properly carried out, and, as you know, such a runny nose can lead to bad consequences.

It is worth emphasizing that it is very important to determine if the child has inflammation in the nose. If it is available, and a specialist will help to find out in this, then in no case should warming procedures be used in therapy, such as: inhalation with hot vapors, lubrication of the outer surfaces of the nose with warming balms and ointments, warming up with salt or boiled eggs! Similar actions lead to worsening of the disease and progression of the inflammatory focus.

The general principle of dealing with a runny nose that occurs with increased formation of a thick mucous secretion is based on the following main therapeutic measures:

  • the use of drugs that have the properties of thinning viscous mucus, these include nasal remedies such as Rinofluimucil, Xymelin, Aquamaris;
  • instillation with solutions that produce a pronounced antibacterial effect: they help to cope well with the congestive snot of a running bacterial origin drops Protargol, Spray Isofra Framycetin, nasal Polydex spray with phenylephrine(their use is possible only with the permission of the doctor!);
  • in case if local treatment bactericidal drops poorly cope with the neglected form bacterial rhinitis, a doctor may prescribe a systemic antibiotic (self-medication is dangerous for the health of the baby!);
  • vasoconstrictor drugs are indicated in the presence of severe swelling in the nose, they are dripped for a limited period (3-5 days), clearly maintaining the dosage: an example of such drugs are Nazol Baby, Vibrocil, Otrivin, Adrianol, but pay attention, such drugs should be designed specifically for children according to the active composition (do not deviate from the instructions!);
  • flushing the nasal passages with a physical solution based on sodium chloride, it is inexpensive, but is considered one of the the best means when a child's nose is heavily clogged with thick snot; no less effective are a solution of sea or ordinary salt and a decoction of chamomile, prepared at home;
  • inhalation through the nose of vapors of the substance of sodium chloride (saline solution) will help cleanse the nasal cavity from highly viscous accumulations of green and green mucus yellow color, recovery normal microflora on the mucous tissues of the nose, preventing the spread of microbes along the connecting channels leading to the ears, throat, bronchi;
  • excellent results will be given by inhalations over decoctions of eucalyptus, sage, calendula, yarrow, you can drop 1 drop of fir or juniper essential oil into the solution used;
  • children who are worried about a runny nose need to create comfortable conditions in the nursery: maintain optimal air humidity for breathing and nasal mucosa - from 50% to 65%, and the temperature in the room should be within 18-22 degrees;
  • it is mandatory to carry out frequent ventilation and daily wet cleaning in an apartment or house, which will provide the child quick deliverance from annoying snot;
  • such a phenomenon as the appearance in the mucous secretion bloody streaks, indicates damage to the capillary formations in the nasal passages, this is not scary and quite typical with frequent blowing your nose; to reinforce the walls small vessels it is advisable for a child to give vitamin C during an illness in the dosage prescribed for age;
  • infants need to treat a runny nose in gentle ways, such as instillation of pharmaceutical saline or drugs Aqualor, Aquamaris 2 drops in each nostril, followed by "suction" of snot with a syringe or aspirator; in severe cases the doctor will select the safest bactericidal and anti-inflammatory topical agent for the baby.

The child has a runny nose: when should I see a doctor?

In fact, any change in the child's well-being requires an urgent call or independent visit doctor. A runny nose is not such a simple and harmless disease as many used to think. The variety of types of rhinitis and the complications that may follow respiratory disease in the nasal cavity, with improperly organized treatment, completely proves the opposite.

It is better for caring mothers to play it safe once again and go to the doctor with a baby who has snot flowing from his nose. Unfortunately, this rule is often ignored, and only the appearance of otitis media, sinusitis, acute frontal sinusitis or bronchopneumonia, due to an untreated runny nose, makes parents seriously worried and run to the hospital for help.

If the child is not observed during the illness in the clinic, immediately call the doctor at home in such cases as:

  • mucous discharge from the nose from the very beginning of their manifestation have bad smell or a specific color - green or yellow;
  • treatment of a runny nose does not give results, and the snot in a child does not disappear for more than 7 days;
  • with signs of rhinitis, an increase in body temperature is observed, and if the temperature has reached 39 degrees, quickly call an ambulance;
  • colorless snot changed color - became yellowish, greenish, brown (dark-bright colors are a sign of severe bacterial or purulent inflammation);
  • against the background of a runny nose and nasal congestion, the child began to be disturbed by painful sensations in the ears, dizziness or headache;
  • along with snot or appeared after a while coughing, wheezing in the chest, separation of purulent sputum;
  • discharge from the nose was preceded by a head injury - it may not be a runny nose at all, but liquorrhea (outflow of cerebral fluid), which is dangerous for dehydration of the brain, the development of rhinogenic meningitis.

The vigilance of parents, even with a runny nose in a child, should remain on high level. fast and proper treatment will save the baby from a runny nose for a maximum of a week, and is guaranteed to protect against development chronic pathogenesis with all its unpleasant complications.

And don't forget that the children's immune system is not as well-coordinated as that of an adult, it still needs time to finally form and grow stronger. Therefore, start treatment in a timely manner. colds, follow the balance of nutrition, the daily routine of the child, temper it, go out into nature more often and just walk in the fresh air in the city park, then annoying snot will stop appearing in the nose of the little man.

Material prepared: children's otolaryngologist Mironova Svetlana Vasilievna

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