How to restore sleep folk remedies. How to improve sleep folk remedies? What to drink? Dealing with closed eyes

Sleep disorder according to sociological data occurs in every fifth person. Poor sleep at night in an adult can be caused by a variety of external stresses and internal psychological problems. What to do in this case? After all, it is known that sleep problems can worsen a person’s general condition, undermine it and lead to serious mental illness.

In the pharmacy you can find a lot of medicines that will help you solve this problem. But such treatment is considered too radical, and may lead to other side effects and addiction. Therefore, it is advisable to treat sleep disturbance with folk remedies that do not harm the body in any way. Below is a list of home remedies for improving sleep. After reading it, you will learn how to normalize sleep without harming your body. In addition to treatment, with the help of these tips, you can generally improve your health.

Benefits of herbs for insomnia

Teas and herbal infusions do not bring the desired effect in one day or one glass of drunk decoction. Only with systematic use, you can feel better and improve sleep problems. In this, oddly enough, there is a plus of phytotherapy. Since herbs are not addictive and do not harm the body.

In addition to healthy and sound sleep, you can eliminate other diseases or body disorders associated with insomnia. Namely:

  • slag
  • excitability of the nervous system
  • reduced immunity
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Digestive problems

Let's look at the most common and effective methods of folk treatment for insomnia.

Five herbs for sound and healthy sleep

  1. Melissa. This herb has a calming effect and reduces accumulated. However, lemon balm lowers blood pressure, so hypotensive patients are not recommended to abuse it.
  2. Lavender. To improve sleep, this herb is used not only in the form of tea or herbal decoction. Lavender oil is safer and has a wonderful aroma that acts as a sleeping pill for a person.
  3. Thyme (thyme). If the main causes of insomnia are overwork, mental or physical exhaustion, then drinking tea or an infusion of this herb will help normalize sleep. However, thyme is contraindicated in pregnant women and patients with gastritis.
  4. Oregano. The use of herbs for good sleep will help not only sleep soundly, but also increase appetite, strengthen the nervous system. Oregano is contraindicated for pregnant women, ulcers and men suffering from sexual problems.
  5. Mint. Among the sedative and tonic herbs, mint is the most popular. It is advisable to drink a decoction of mint in the afternoon after meals. This herb helps to fall asleep soundly and without awakening.

Each of the listed herbs can be taken as separate tinctures. However, the herbal collection, which includes the five listed components, has a very effective effect. So, you should mix 5 parts of lemon balm, 4 parts of oregano, and 3 parts of lavender, thyme and mint. After one teaspoon of a mixture of herbs for sleep, pour a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink this tincture before going to bed.

In addition to this collection of herbs, there are many more collections specifically aimed at treating sleep disorders and excessive excitability of the nervous system. For example:

Collection of valerian, peppermint, chamomile, cumin.

  • Valerian and hops.
  • Melissa, motherwort, valerian.
  • Peppermint, motherwort, valerian, hops.
  • Lavender, hawthorn, thyme, chamomile.

Infusions for insomnia

Valerian tincture. Recipe: Pour 20 grams of grass with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 25 minutes. The infusion should be drunk during the day and before going to bed.

Motherwort tincture. Recipe: 2 teaspoons of motherwort per cup of boiling water. To normalize sleep, this tincture is drunk every day from 1 to 2 times.

Combined tincture for sound sleep. For the treatment of sleep disorders, it will be very effective to drink a mixture of tinctures of peony, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, corvalol. Mix everything in equal parts and drink from 10 to 30 grams per day.

Wormwood tincture. Recipe: 1 tablespoon of wormwood is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which the infusion should stand for about two hours. To sleep well, this infusion is recommended to use before bedtime.

Tincture of dandelion, oregano, mistletoe, valerian. According to the advice of Chinese medicine, this tincture will improve sleep in seven days of regular use.
Treatment with tinctures is permanent. For sound sleep, it is necessary to regularly drink infusions not only before going to bed, but also during the day. Some decoctions may have an unpleasant taste, in which case it is recommended to drink plenty of water with them.

Herbal tea for sleep

Melissa and mint. Brew a teaspoon of herbs for 15 minutes with a glass of boiling water. The drink calms, restores the nervous system and is pleasant to drink.

Hop. Two teaspoons should be poured with a glass of boiling water. If you also add valerian to hop tea, then these sleepy herbs will immediately act, and you will fall asleep soundly.

Lavender. A spoonful of lavender inflorescences in 1 glass of water, it is advisable to drink such tea on the second water. Pour boiling water for 2 minutes, drain, and then brew tea again.

Heather, cudweed, valerian, motherwort. A teaspoon to a glass of boiling water. These plants contain substances that help calm the nerves.

Chamomile. It is advisable to drink such tea for sleep in a warm glass a day. This tea is used even for babies whose nervous system is not yet stable. It is very convenient to drink chamomile for people who do not have enough time to take care of the tincture for sleep in advance. After all, the pharmacy sells chamomile tea bags. People suffering from ragweed should take chamomile with caution.

So, teas for sleep are not only useful, but also taste good. Apparently, therefore, they are the most popular remedy for combating insomnia. The main thing is to try to relax and enjoy the aroma of herbal tea before going to bed.

Honey in the fight for healthy sleep

For sleep, it is customary to use, adding to any herbal tea. For example, brew a bag of chamomile tea and add honeycomb to it to taste. Sweet, soothing tea will set you up for a sound healthy sleep. You can also sweeten a glass of warm milk at night with honey.

Bath before bed

To fall asleep after a busy day, you should take a cooling bath. In cool water, the body will cool down, and the heartbeat will slow down. Water will help you calm down and tune in to the right wave. After taking a cool bath, the body will warm up under the covers, and sleep will be much more comfortable.

You can also add any herbs for sleeping in the bath. Since many decoctions that improve the functioning of the nervous system, even without ingestion, with the help of their sedative properties, soothe and have a hypnotic effect.

For many adults exposed to daily stress, the question arises: what to do with insomnia? advises to drink herbal teas, take herbal baths, as well as just cool baths and honey at night.

The most common folk remedy that is used to normalize sleep is grass or herbal collection. This herb for sleep can be purchased at a pharmacy, in special departments on the market, or you can collect it yourself. The latter is not advised for those who are not familiar with the rules for collecting medicinal herbs. After all, its quality and useful properties directly depend on the time, place of its collection and germination conditions.

Treatment with folk remedies is a popular way to deal with sleep disorders, so there is no point in doubting the effectiveness of these tips. In addition to recommendations for treatment, I would like to advise: not only fight the investigation, but also eliminate the causes of insomnia.

Lack of sleep can greatly reduce the quality of life. It is quite possible to drive away insomnia without resorting to medications.

Insomnia refers to any sleep disturbance at night. It can be difficulty falling asleep or intermittent sleep, early awakening: in total there are about 80 varieties of sleep disorders. Not a single person is immune from the disease: people of all ages, as well as children, are susceptible to insomnia.

Sleep is the most important state of the body, during which the processes of regeneration of cells and tissues take place, as well as the restoration of all systems. During a night's sleep, the body rests: all muscles relax, nervous tension passes. If a person for some reason is deprived of the opportunity to get enough sleep, the nervous system begins to work in emergency mode: susceptibility to stress increases, while performance decreases.

How to deal with insomnia

To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to fight insomnia at the first signs of the disease. Beginning insomnia can be easily eliminated without medication: you just need to make some adjustments to your usual schedule.

Method number 1: purification of thoughts
Psychologists say that most often people suffer from insomnia due to the fact that they cannot stop thinking about pressing matters, even going to bed. The best way to clear your mind is to live in the present, not to fill your head with sad memories or dreams of the future.
Sleep experts are sure that negative emotions, such as anger and resentment, provoke insomnia and prevent the body from relaxing. It is very important to try to get rid of such feelings, or at least stop thinking about them.

Method number 2: sports
Excessive mental stress and lack of physical labor is another reason that can cause insomnia. If sleep disturbances have already been outlined, sign up for a gym. Try to exercise about 3-4 hours before bed. During exercise, the hormone endorphin is released into the blood, which neutralizes the action of stress hormones. Good exercise in the evening will help you sleep better.

Method number 3: water procedures
A warm (37-38 degrees Celsius) bath is the simplest and most pleasant way to combat insomnia. The effectiveness of the procedure will increase significantly if you add coniferous extract or a decoction of medicinal plants, such as lavender and string, to the water. Even Avicenna ordered people suffering from insomnia to spend as much time as possible by the water. Try to lie down in the bath and leave the faucet open: the sound of running water has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Method number 4: fresh air
It is very important to air the bedroom before going to bed. Oxygen promotes fast falling asleep and good sleep. Ideally, keep the window open even in winter. The comfortable temperature for sleeping is 18 degrees Celsius. You can improve the microclimate in the room with the help of ionizers and air purifiers. These devices disinfect the air, killing the pathogenic flora.

Method number 5: walks
Movement is life. Without sufficient physical activity, a good and even sleep is impossible. Experts recommend daily walks before bed for those who suffer from insomnia. Minimal outdoor training, for example, a brisk walk in the park or an evening jog, will give the body a pleasant fatigue, saturate every cell with oxygen. As a result, you will fall asleep much faster.

Method number 6: a comfortable bed
Properly selected mattress, pillow and blanket are important components of a comfortable sleep. So, for example, the mattress should be of medium hardness, preferably orthopedic: it will save you from back pain in the morning.
A buckwheat husk pillow will help fight insomnia. It provides micromassage, providing an anatomical position of the head and shoulders, and a slight rustling of the husk calms the nervous system.

Method number 7: moderation in food
You should not eat before bedtime and load the digestive system: at night it is supposed to rest. The execution of this rule allows you not only to fall asleep faster, but also protects the figure from extra centimeters. True, you should not lie down on an empty stomach: sleep will be disturbing. Ideally, drink a glass of kefir or warm milk with honey at night. Warm milk stimulates the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Method number 8: aromatherapy
When used correctly, aromatherapy can help with insomnia. Essential oils, unlike sleeping pills, do not have side effects. Hang an aromatic sachet in the bedroom, next to the bed, or put a few drops of oil on the corner of the pillow: the effect will not be long in coming. The most popular oils with a calming effect are chamomile, lavender and neroli esters.

Method number 9: the correct position
It is best to fall asleep on your right side¸ with your legs slightly bent under you. This position is considered the most suitable for sleeping: the muscles are relaxed, and the weight of the body does not put pressure on the heart muscle.

Method number 10: persistence
A person needs about 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to fully relax and recover. Ideally, you should go to bed no later than 1 am: in the period from 2 to 4, the body experiences the deepest phase of sleep, when there is maximum relaxation of all systems. And it is better not to skip this interval.

A young man named Randy Gardner went 264 hours (11 days) without sleep.
The result of the experiment was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Youth
it took only 14 hours of sleep at night to restore their strength.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalya Karpova

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How to normalize sleep - this question was asked by every person who at least once encountered any sleep disturbance. If the violations are in the nature of random phenomena, then in order to normalize sleep, it is necessary to establish the cause and eliminate it.

Often, in order to normalize sleep, it is enough to adjust the mode, that is, go to bed and wake up at the same time. At the same time, you should relax and throw out all the disturbing problems from your head.

In order to normalize sleep, many experts recommend taking long walks in the air, before going to bed you can drink a glass of sweet water.

In addition, a warm ten-minute bath with essential oils will effectively relieve tension and relax.

It should be remembered that taking sleeping pills is an extreme radical measure, as they say, if nothing else helps. You can’t immediately get hooked on sleeping pills, as this can cause addiction, and a person without drugs will simply stop sleeping at all.

Sleep medications are usually not used at all in young children, as in many cases the use of sleeping pills can cause the child to become nervous and irritable. The use of sleep medications is only reasonable in extreme cases, for example, if the child is in severe pain and therefore cannot sleep.

In the case of sleep disorders in aged and elderly people, sleep normalization consists of a few simple recommendations that are very easy to follow:

- You should always go to bed at the same time. Moreover, the time should be familiar to a person;

- going to sleep is necessary when only drowsiness is felt;

- in bed you should only sleep, not using it for other purposes;

- if you are worried about night awakenings, then you should not suffer in bed, trying to fall asleep. It is better to leave the bedroom for a while, and then return when you want to sleep again.

- in case of violations of night sleep, it is recommended to cut daytime rest.

How to normalize sleep with chronic deviations.

If a person suffers from severe sleep disorders, then there is a need to use more effective methods to normalize sleep, which can be carried out in medical institutions. These treatments for sleep disorders include exposure to rhythmic sound, thermal and ultrasonic effects. The electrosleep procedure helps to achieve a stable positive result.

All methods of sleep normalization are carried out in special conditions that contribute to falling asleep - the room should be quiet and almost dark. The patient is placed on the couch on his back, the electricity is turned on, which becomes more and more intense. The patient at this time experiences mild tremors that act lullingly on him. The strength of the current depends on the state of health of the patient.

Sleeping pills are used only on prescription. Sleeping pills are prescribed when:

- the patient suffers from short-term sleep disturbances no more than three weeks in a row;

- in chronic sleep disorders, when the inability to sleep bothers the patient several times a week.

In this case, drugs are prescribed only in the minimum allowable dosage in order to avoid addiction.

Sleeping pills include:

- barbiturates, the danger of using which lies in their strong toxicity, for which reason their prescribing must be extremely careful;

- benzodiazepines that normalize sleep;

- drugs of antihistamine origin, which calm the central nervous system.

Insomnia is a late falling asleep and an early rise, a decrease in the depth of sleep and its night interruption. Insomnia is manifested by a partial or complete lack of sleep. Moreover, such a violation can occur even in an absolutely healthy person with mental excitement or overwork. If insomnia is caused by one of the diseases, then you should consult a doctor, but if sleep problems arise from nervous excitement, then you can try the methods of alternative and traditional medicine.

Usually insomnia is manifested by the fact that a person cannot fall asleep for a long time or wakes up early quite often, and the dream itself is interrupted several times during the night. Sometimes sleep can last long enough, but not be deep.

There is no better home sleeping pill in the world than honey. However, it does not harm the body. A steam bath with an oak broom will help calm the nervous system.

To prepare sleeping pills based on honey, take a tablespoon of honey and Borjomi mineral water. Mix and add half a tablespoon of finely chopped lemon. Mix all the ingredients well and use the mixture in the morning for a month.

Take a glass of warm water and dilute a spoonful of honey in it. Drink sweet water before going to bed. You can also smear whiskey with lavender oil before bed.

Take a glass of kefir and dilute a spoonful of honey in it. Drink this remedy at night for a week. You can take in the evening and in the morning from 30 to 50 grams of honey, adding a teaspoon of royal jelly to it.

Take half a glass of water and soften a glass of bran in it. Then add half a glass of liquid honey to the bran. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and consume a few tablespoons before going to bed. The full course lasts several months.

If the sleep disturbance is caused by tides of blood to the head, then grated horseradish or mustard plasters can be applied to the calves of the legs. When carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to use cucumber pickle diluted with honey. It is worth noting that this remedy weakens well. A glass of brine requires a tablespoon of honey.

Take a cup of honey and add three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Mix the components thoroughly and consume just before bedtime, a few teaspoons of gruel. After taking it, you will fall asleep in just half an hour. If you woke up in the middle of the night and feel very weak, you can repeat taking such sleeping pills. By itself, honey has a calming and tonic effect. If you mix it with apple cider vinegar, the effect will only increase. This tool cleans the vessels well and.

Expert opinion

Insomnia is a serious illness that can lead to memory and attention disorders, increased irritability, and various kinds of mental illness. The main causes of insomnia are stress, nervous or physical overstrain, various pathologies of the central nervous system. To regain normal sleep, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe adequate therapy.

If you have problems with falling asleep and the duration of sleep very rarely, you can use folk methods. An hour and a half before bedtime, drink a relaxing tea made from mint or lemon balm. Perfectly soothes infusion of valerian or motherwort. Warm milk with honey also promotes a calm and sound sleep.

Herbal preparations

Take a piece of sugar and put a couple of drops of lavender oil on it. Dissolve this sugar before going to bed.

Take 30 grams of motherwort and peppermint leaves, 20 grams each. common hop cones and valerian rhizomes. Grind all the ingredients, of course, and then mix thoroughly. Take about 10 grams of the finished collection of herbs and pour just a glass of boiling water. Put the collection in a water bath and bring to a boil. Boil the decoction for 15 minutes. Then remove it from the water bath and cool. Strain the broth and bring to the original volume with boiled water. Take ½ cup three times a day for constant insomnia or nervous overexcitation.

Take 20 grams of hop cones, valerian rhizomes, three-leaf watch and peppermint. Chop everything and mix well. Take a tablespoon of the resulting collection and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water for 30 minutes. Take three times a day for 100 milliliters.

Take 10 grams of white mistletoe, peppermint, hawthorn flowers, motherwort, valerian rhizomes. Chop everything and mix. Pour a tablespoon of the finished herbal collection with 200 milliliters of water and let stand for 30 minutes. Take a ready-made infusion at night and in the morning in a glass.

Take 5 grams of valerian rhizome and 10 grams of oregano. Chop and mix. Pour 10 grams of this collection with 100 milliliters of water and put on fire. Boil the broth for 12 minutes. Remove from heat and let it stand for one hour. Drink the finished product at night, 100 milliliters.

Take 5 grams of marigold flowers, thyme and motherwort. Chop and mix. Pour 10 grams of the collection with water - 200 milliliters and boil for 15 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and let it brew for an hour. Take 100 milliliters before bedtime, adding a little honey to the decoction.

If you do not know exactly the cause of your insomnia, then you should not take any means on your own. Better visit your doctor. Perhaps the reason lies not only in stress.

Why do we need sleep? How much sleep do you need? What is the risk of sleep deprivation? Where does sleepwalking come from? I promise to answer all questions. But first, I propose to make a brief digression into physiology and talk about the stages of sleep.

1st stage: falling asleep

Drowsiness appears, susceptibility to various stimuli (sound, tactile) changes, the reaction rate slows down, and the heart rate decreases.

Stage 2: non-REM sleep

Consists of three substages. Like a computer, we begin to go into sleep mode: the eyes are closed, but moving under the eyelids, there are small muscle contractions. It is easy to wake you up at this moment. Then sleep passes into a light substage. The eyeballs do not move, the pulse slows down, the body temperature decreases.

In the substage of delta sleep, the energy lost during the day is replenished - blood is directed from the brain to the muscles. It is difficult to wake you up at this stage. But if you do this, you will feel disoriented, you will not understand where you are. By the way, we see 80% of dreams in the substage of delta sleep.

Stage 3: REM sleep

The brain in this stage works so actively, as if the body is awake. Eyeballs move, but we ourselves do not. We see the most vivid and interesting dreams at this stage.

I would call this stage free psychotherapy, since at this moment the brain solves its problems, both new and old. Stresses, conflicts, complexes, and even some everyday problems at this moment pass from the subconscious into consciousness for processing. Problems appear before us in dreams in the form of the most intricate images in order to attract attention to themselves and offer a number of solutions. Also at this stage, the structuring, processing, analysis and memorization of the information that we received during the day takes place. The slow and fast stages in a healthy person alternate throughout sleep.

What helps us sleep?

The hormone melatonin. It causes drowsiness, and also participates in the work of the endocrine and immune systems, regulates blood pressure, slows down aging, relieves stress. If you have no problems falling asleep, you have enough melatonin in your body. If insomnia is your frequent "guest", it's time to take action.

In order for melatonin to be produced well:

  • go to bed no later than midnight, since the peak production of this hormone occurs between 24:00 and 02:00 hours. And by 4 o'clock in the morning, your body should develop its maximum amount.
  • sleep in the dark. If you have to get up at night, don't use bright lights.
  • turn off the TV, computer and other luminous devices at night.

What makes us feel refreshed after sleep?

In order for you to feel the benefits of sleep for yourself, it is necessary that a sufficient amount of the hormone serotonin is produced in the body during sleep. Its largest amount accumulates between 6 and 8 in the morning, so it is useful to wake up during this period of time.

If there is little serotonin in the body, we see sad, empty, uninteresting dreams, and even nightmares. Also, those who do not receive enough serotonin suffer from bad mood, suffer from allergies and inflammation, vascular problems and gastrointestinal problems.

For serotonin to be produced well:

  • add chocolate and bananas to the menu;
  • be in the sun more often, at least walk in sunny weather.

How much sleep do you need?

Perhaps you have the number 8 in front of your eyes? Yes, the phrase “A healthy person needs 8 hours of sleep” has been inscribed in our consciousness almost since childhood. Meanwhile, we are all very different, and the rate of production of the necessary hormones in our body is the same. Therefore, to determine the amount of sleep you need is possible only empirically. Listen to your body when do you feel better? When do you sleep 7, 8, or maybe all 10 hours?

Sleep disorders

Sleep is not always rest, sometimes it can create problems for both the sleeping person and his relatives. Let's talk about sleep disorders.


It is also gnashing of teeth, found in adults and children. The disorder is inherited. And the reason is not worms, as is commonly believed, but stress and pressing problems that did not have time to be resolved at the moment of wakefulness. Our society is full of moral attitudes that discredit the manifestation of aggression. And therefore, during sleep, muted aggression allows itself to break through in dreams. And hence the slight physical activity - a person clenching his teeth, moving his jaws, straining. Bruxism not only prevents others from sleeping, but also harms the condition of the patient's teeth, causes headaches.

How to help a loved one?

  • Conversation. Aggression is a normal natural emotion. And so that there is no need to constantly extinguish it, a person should reconsider his attitude to the problem itself. If your relative has problems with the boss, you don’t need the whole family to wish the boss the most terrible nasty things. This will not help, will not punish, but will only cause another aggression, which means it can provoke bruxism. Try other paths. For example, ask someone who is having trouble at work to find out the root of the problem, what they both want, and how to come to a consensus.
  • Preparation for sleep. Sleep for an emotionally sensitive person should not start abruptly. He needs time to calm down. Make sure that your loved one does not watch negative programs before going to bed, does not solve global problems. It is also worth avoiding a heavy dinner. You can create a calm environment with a relaxing bath, a good book and a glass of milk.

Sleep conversations

Approximately 5% of adults talk in their sleep. Children talk more. Activity options can be very different - from incomprehensible muttering to quite a serious dialogue with an imaginary and real (yes, there are such jokers) interlocutor. And not always conversations are a continuation of sleep. Most often in a dream, people talk about what worries them, what they often see and what they often do. For example, many speakers may have an imaginary dialogue with co-workers in a meeting.

How to help a loved one?

  • Preparation for sleep. Emotionally sensitive people also suffer from sleep talking. So help your loved one adjust to sleep. For a description of the preparation, see the previous paragraph.


What kind of stories do the relatives of the sleepwalker not tell! The sleepwalker gets out of bed in the middle of the night, wanders around the apartment, moves things, goes to the balcony, climbs on the windowsill, goes out into the hallway or outside. Some sleepwalkers can even get behind the wheel if you do not hide the keys from them. Sleepwalkers talk reluctantly - they are silent in response or answer the first thing that comes to mind: “I want to go to the toilet”, “Where is my beautiful dress?” Walking lasts from a minute to half an hour. Then the person either wakes up or goes back to bed (by himself or with the help of relatives).

How does the sleepwalking mechanism work? In a healthy person, protective inhibition is triggered during sleep. It is necessary for our safety. Without it, we would actively move during sleep, perform the actions that we dream of: we would run around the apartment, hide from someone, jump into an imaginary pond, etc. And we would wake up, at best, with bruises, among the destroyed furniture and battered dishes. In lunatics, the mechanism of protective inhibition does not work well, since it does not apply to the entire cerebral cortex, but only to part of it.

Who usually suffers from sleepwalking? The disease is typical for people who are impressionable, unstable to stress, as well as for people who, for certain reasons, constantly have to suppress their true “I” (for example, there are special norms in society that he needs to get used to, or he chose the wrong profession, etc. .).

How to help a loved one?

Psychology alone is not enough, so be sure to show your relative to the doctors for the diagnosis of the central nervous system. Establishing the work of the central nervous system helps to cure sleepwalking.

In addition, in order to avoid accidents, do not leave the sleepwalker alone to sleep in the apartment. Hide the keys to the apartment while you sleep, keep sharp objects in the kitchen, and lock it too. Put handles with a lock on the windows, which are bought for children to prevent them from falling. With such a handle, it is possible to ventilate the room, but you cannot open the window wide.

If you see that your relative "went for a walk", go up to him and gently return him to bed. Speak laconic, in a quiet, calm voice, excluding any criticism. It is impossible to wake up a sleepwalker, he can be very frightened, which will provoke a heart attack.

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