How to open levomycetin eye drops. Levomycetin eye drops: features of use. Indications for the use of eye drops Levomycetin

Children often suffer from inflammatory eye damage, the causes of which are very different. Most often in younger patients age category diagnose conjunctivitis bacterial origin. In addition, barley, keratitis, blepharitis, etc. are often found. All these diseases are manifested by redness, itching, burning eyes, purulent secretions. Faced with similar symptoms, parents begin to look for drugs with which they can be eliminated without harming the child.

Eye drops for children called Levomycetin is an effective antibacterial agent that destroys pathogens. The antimicrobial drug is active against many harmful bacteria and some viruses. The drug is marketed in the form of tablets, eye drops, ointments. Eye drops are used to eliminate purulent inflammation.

Description of eye drops

An antimicrobial drug is prescribed for therapy inflammatory diseases bacterial etiology that appear in the conjunctival or cornea.

Drops Levomycetin have the following composition:

Thanks to the components that are in the drops, the drug stops the development pathogenic bacteria. In addition, Levomycetin drops are effective against microorganisms that are resistant to the action of penicillins, tetracyclines and sulfonamides. After processing most of chloramphenicol penetrates the cornea, vitreous body and iris. The active component does not enter the lens.

According to the instructions for use, eye drops are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by inflammation of the edges of the eyelids.
  • Inflammation of the cornea.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis (simultaneous inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea).
  • Purulent inflammation of the eyelash follicle or sebaceous gland in the eyes, etc.

Before using the medication for the treatment of a child, you must obtain permission from an eye doctor.

Levomycetin for newborns

When eye inflammation occurs in a baby, mothers begin to look for an answer to the question of whether Levomycetin can be used for children. According to pediatricians, it is better to use an antibacterial agent for newborns up to a year only when absolutely necessary, when other medicines cannot cope with the inflammatory process. Levomycetin is prescribed for the treatment of pneumonia, intestinal infections, diphtheria, menningitis, etc.

Such an appointment causes great concern among parents. And this is not surprising, because the instructions indicate that treatment with drops is permissible from three years. Babies up to this age are prescribed the medicine in the minimum dosage, while the doctor must constantly monitor the condition little patient. If the mother strictly adheres to the dosage, then no harm is expected from such therapy.

On sale there are drops for newborns, which are allowed to be used from 4 months. However, doctors often prescribe them to children from the first days of life.

A newborn may suffer from conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, etc. An infant is more difficult to tolerate the disease than an adult patient. For the treatment and prevention of these ailments in a child, Levomycetin drops are used.

Application and dosage

Levomycetin treatment can be started only after the approval of the pediatrician. If the child is 3 years old, then daily dosage- 1 drop into the eye cavity three or four times. If the children were prescribed only 3 sessions, then you should not add the fourth, so you will not only not speed up recovery, but also worsen their condition. The therapeutic effect appears 2 hours after eye treatment. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage to newborns in order to accelerate the action of the drug.

Do not worry that after using the medication, the child's eyes will suffer. The action of the drops extends to the aqueous medium, the iris, the cornea and the vitreous body. The drug does not penetrate into the lens.

Before dripping Levomycetin, familiarize yourself with the eye treatment technique:

  • Shake the drop bottle lightly.
  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  • Gently pull the lower eyelid and drip, pressing on the bottle.
  • After processing index finger lightly press the eye near the inner corner for 2 - 3 minutes (how much the baby can withstand).

Drip the medicine for no longer than 14 days. If within 7 days therapeutic effect does not appear, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Allowed internal application Levomycetin for younger patients. Tablets are prescribed for infections respiratory system and bodies abdominal cavity. In this case, the maximum daily dosage of the antibacterial drug is 2000 mg.

The external form of the drug (ointment) is used for purulent skin lesions of various origins that do not heal for a long time. Then the ointment is applied to cotton swabs or gauze and applied to the damaged area. The dressing is changed after 1 to 5 days.

Precautionary measures

Levomycetin is a strong antibacterial drug, which is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of bacterial origin. Inflammatory processes, intoxication, purulent lesions bacterial etiology can be eliminated with this medication.

However, according to medical research, Levomycetin has toxic influence on the Bone marrow. The drug inhibits protein synthesis and negatively affects the entire body. It is for this reason that the pediatrician should control the use of the drug for infants. If the child is 2 years old (or even younger), then it should be used only as a last resort or choose safer substitutes.

According to the instructions, Levomycetin is forbidden to use in the following cases:

  • Intolerance to antibiotic components.
  • Functional insufficiency of the liver and kidneys.
  • Violation of the functionality of the hematopoietic organs.
  • Patients under 3 years of age.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.

When using drops for children under 3 years of age, the likelihood of the syndrome " gray child", which is very dangerous. This pathology is manifested by a violation of the kidneys, which causes a deficiency of enzymes. On the background general poisoning the body is affected by the heart and blood vessels. accumulate in the baby's body toxic substances that the liver is unable to process.

Consequently, skin are painted in a bluish-gray tint, broken respiratory function, body temperature drops. In 40% of cases, the patient dies.

The effect of Levomycetin on children has not been sufficiently studied, and therefore the drug is prescribed only in extreme cases. In this case, it is worth making sure that the child does not have an allergy to the components of the medication.

With hypersensitivity or a combination of a drug with cytostatics and sulfonamides (drugs that inhibit the hematopoietic function), similar phenomena occur:

  • redness, itching, burning eyes;
  • excessive secretion of tear fluid;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, bouts of vomiting;
  • decrease in hemoglobin level.

In addition, in some children, after the introduction of drops, the clarity of vision decreases. That is why the newborn is prescribed the drug exclusively by a pediatrician.

In this way, eye drops Levomycetin is effective antibiotic, which is active against many pathogens. The drug is effective in cases where other medicines are powerless. However, if you are using the medicine to treat infants then strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor on the application. Otherwise, the child will suffer from side effects.

Levomycetin is an effective and inexpensive eye drop based on chloramphenicol. Ophthalmologists recommend using Levomycetin eye drops in most cases infectious lesions corneas and more deep structures eyes.

At the heart of these budget drops (the price for a bottle of 10 ml is in the range of 19-27 rubles) is the chloramphenicol compound. In 1 ml of eye drops it is 2.5 mg. Boric acid is also present here in small quantities. Chloramphenicol is antimicrobial drug a wide range(antibiotic). In addition to these two components, the composition also includes purified water, some other auxiliary substances.

Drops are sold in a convenient plastic container - dropper bottles of 10 ml.

The mechanism of action of Levomycetin

Levomycetin is indicated in many cases of infection of the eye and its components. It is effective against infection with gram-positive and gram-negative strains. Including in many of those cases when bacteria are insensitive to penicillins, streptomycins and sulfonamides.

The action of chloramphenicol is due to the inhibitory effect on protein production in the DNA of microorganisms. As a result, they are stabilized. important points in the application of Levomycetin there will also be that it has low level resistance (adaptability) of microorganisms, which allows it to be used long time With high efficiency results.

Chlorampinecol penetrates the iris, sclera, eye chambers and vitreous body, but does not penetrate the lens. In addition, it is absorbed into the systemic circulation.

The maximum efficiency comes in 30 min. after the instillation procedure. The most high concentration fixed in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Indications for the use of eye drops Levomycetin

Levomycetin drops are used for infectious diseases of the eye caused by microorganisms sensitive to this drug. Thus, figures 1-3 show the main types of eye diseases for which this medicine should be used. Among those will be:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the inner layer of the eyelids - conjunctiva) of infectious origin;
  • keratitis ();
  • century or barley);
  • keratoconjunctivitis.

Eye keratitis

Ophthalmologists also attribute Levomycetin in cases where other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eye remedies ineffective. He takes off quickly purulent inflammation clears eyes. This drug is used to treat eye infections in children.

Blepharitis eyes

When Levomycetin can harm

However, Levomycitin eye drops are an NSAID-based medicine. And they, like other drugs, have a number of contraindications for use, they can have side effects.

Yes, among adverse symptoms will be:

  • burning sensation in the eyes;
  • redness of the cornea and eyelids;
  • hyperlacrimation.

In addition, children may experience:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • drop in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Conjunctivitis of the eye

With long courses of treatment, hematopoietic disorders are very rarely observed: leukopenia, anemia or thrombopenia.

Careful application of eye drops Levomycetin

Due to possible side effects, in some cases, chloramphenicol eye drops should be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist and in strict accordance with the instructions. They are used with caution in the following cases:

  • for children over 2 years old. Here, treatment with Levomycetin should take place after consultation with an ophthalmologist, pediatrician and strict observance instructions. In some cases, a pediatric ophthalmologist may prescribe the drug to a child from 4 months old, but here the expected useful action should exceed possible side effects;
  • chlorampinecol penetrates into the systemic circulation, so it should be carefully used by nursing mothers, it is better to stop feeding. It is necessary to consult and supervise a doctor;
  • at radiotherapy or treatment with cytostatics in history, treatment with Levomycitin should be carried out very carefully. Perhaps the development of bone marrow hypoplasia;
  • if the work involves a strain of attention or vision. If necessary, work with complex mechanisms or driving. due to decreased visual acuity.

Contraindications to the use of eye drops Levomycetin

Among the contraindications for use, first of all, it should be noted allergic reactions to drug ingredients.

Do not use chloramphenicol eye drops also in the following cases:

  • in acute hepatic or kidney failure or their chronic forms;
  • if there is a history of porphyria;
  • with diseases of eczema and fungal diseases of the skin, as well as psoriasis;
  • during pregnancy;
  • children under the age of 4 months;
  • in violation of hematopoiesis. Here anemia, leukopenia can intensify.

Interaction of eye drops Levomycetin with other antibiotics

Levomycetin has the ability to reduce the effectiveness of other antibiotics. In this case, the beneficial effect of the drug itself is also reduced. When using these eye drops at the same time as one of the following NSAIDs:

  • erythromycins;
  • lincomycin;
  • phenobarbitals;
  • phenytoin;
  • penicillin preparations;
  • cephalosporins

the action of Levomycetin, as well as another drug, will decrease.

Interaction of Levomycitin with other drugs

With simultaneous use with radiation therapy or drugs that depress hematopoiesis, there is an increase side effects. As a rule, for violations of hematopoiesis, radiation therapy and treatment with hemostatics, Levomycetin drops are not used.

How and when is it better to drip Levomycetin eye drops

Usually this drug is prescribed 1 sachet every 4 hours. In the most difficult cases, the instruction provides for a reduction in the interval to 1 hour.

If there are lenses, they should be removed before instillation and put on no earlier than 0.5 hours after the procedure.

The vial is an individual package and should only be used for one patient.

When digging in, it is very important to adhere to simple rules hygiene:

  • wash your hands before the procedure;
  • do not touch the tip of the dropper to the eye and other surfaces;
  • carry out the procedure in a clean room;
  • keep the vial tightly closed.

The dose must be discussed with the optometrist and before using the drug, study the instructions.

An overdose is manifested by a decrease in vision. In these cases, the medicine should be washed out of the eye. large quantity pure water.

Cases of poisoning with chloramphenicol during the treatment of eye diseases have not been recorded.

Children should not use drops without consulting a doctor. In addition, before using the medicine, be sure to carefully study the instructions.

Analogues of eye drops Levomycetin

Among the analogues of this drug can be called a number of eye drops: Floxar, Normax, Tsipromed, Sulfacyl sodium and Albucid, as well as Tobrex. All of them in their composition have antibiotics, a wide spectrum of action. If we compare them with Levomycetin eye drops, then they will have:

  • narrower spectrum of action;
  • a higher degree of resistance (microbes get used to them faster, and this reduces their effectiveness);
  • and also have a much higher price compared to Levomycetin.

Levomycetin eye drops are indicated for use both for adults and for children from 4 months, they have an extensive antimicrobial action and relatively low price. This makes them indispensable in every home first aid kit.

From many ophthalmic diseases help eye drops Levomycetin. Instructions for use clearly explains to whom, how much and for how long Levomycetin can be used

The drug in the form of drops is mainly used in ophthalmology to combat microorganisms.

The tool is indicated for use in:

  • conjunctivitis of a bacterial nature;
  • keratitis;
  • barley;
  • inflammation of the eyelids and other related diseases.

Drops Levomycetin with barley on the eye

Levomycetin eye drops (instructions for use are presented below) - are a liquid antibiotic produced in Russia. The drug is designed for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Active ingredients contained in the drug - chloramphenicol, in addition, boric acid, distilled water are present in the composition.

The medicine helps to get rid of barley, while facilitating the course of the disease. Levomycetin disinfects, does not allow the disease to reappear, reduces pain, prevents rupture of the abscess and other problems.

The drug is sold in pharmacies and is available to the majority of the population. But the medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects.

Levomycetin for redness of the eyes

This remedy is great for redness in the eyes. various etiologies. After some time of use, the problem goes away.

The drug should be dripped into both eyes in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Levomycetin for eye injury

Eye injuries are injuries different kind, which are classified according to the degree of damage to the structure of the eyeball. The consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of damage. Levomycetin drops help fight the effects of mechanical, chemical, thermal damage.

Is it possible to drip Levomycetin drops into the nose with a cold

Despite the fact that the drops are an antibiotic and have an antibacterial effect, they should not be used to treat the common cold.

Many experts prescribe them for purulent tonsillitis with the hope that they will help in the treatment. The effect can be quite the opposite, because they contribute to addiction, as a result of which the disease becomes more severe.


Main contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • newborn age;
  • skin diseases;
  • oppression of hematopoiesis;
  • drug intolerance.

Is it possible to use Levomycetin eye drops during pregnancy

Many women are concerned about taking Levomycetin during pregnancy. This solution is among the antibiotic preparations that are contraindicated to be taken during gestation.

The instructions for the medicine state that it is allowed to take during pregnancy only when the woman's life is in danger. During the period of breastfeeding, it is necessary to transfer the child to milk formula.

Levomycetin eye drops, the instructions for use of which are not always clear, are capable of:

  • cause damage to the hematopoietic system;
  • provoke a miscarriage.

If one tablet was taken, do not panic. You just need to contact your doctor and consult.

Eye drops Levomycetin: use during breastfeeding

Despite the effectiveness this tool, use it when breastfeeding contraindicated. The drug penetrates into breast milk, and through it into the body of the baby. This can lead to indigestion, allergies. If there is no other way out, then it is necessary to transfer the child to artificial nutrition.

Levomycetin and alcohol: compatibility

Combining alcohol with the drug can lead to convulsions and even death.

Alcohol adversely affects the liver, antibiotics increase the effect.

The use of alcoholic beverages mixed with Levomycetin leads to:

  • vomiting
  • headaches;
  • weaknesses.

At what age is the drug prescribed for children

Instructions for Levomycetin eye drops for use are simple for everyone. Experts agree that the drug can be taken by children from the age of one. Until this age, only in cases where it is impossible to eliminate the problem in another way, in cases where life threatening child.

Such treatment may be needed in case of a number of diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • salmonellosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • diphtheria;
  • meningitis;
  • typhus;
  • chlamydia.

The instructions for the drug allow its use from the age of 3, however, doctors prescribe the drug earlier, but in very small doses.

How to drip eye drops Levomycetin - method of application

The duration and dosage of the presented medicine is prescribed personally for each attending physician. The longest course is no more than 2 weeks.

Instructions for use of eye drops Levomycetin. How to drip into the eyes correctly

Often the dosage is prescribed for 1 cap. three times a day, no more. Drops must be collected exclusively with a clean pipette, which is used only for this drug.

Instructions for use for adults - dosage, how much to drip

Timing and dosage medicinal product determines the ophthalmologist, but in accordance with the instructions. The duration of admission is about a week, 1 cap. 3 times a day.

First, you should rinse your hands thoroughly using antibacterial soap, then take the drug and shake well. The lower eyelid must be pushed back, and the gaze directed upward. The bottle is brought to the eye, but do not touch it.

Instructions for use for children, newborns - dosage, how much to drip

The instructions for the drug states that the drug is contraindicated for babies under 2 years old. Only in extreme cases can it be prescribed for babies from 4 months old.

Children after 2 years of age drip chloramphenicol according to the instructions, up to 2 years of age according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

Possible side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diarrhea.

Do I need to remove contact lenses before dripping Levomycetin

When instilling the eyes with any drug, the lenses must be removed. If this is not done, the medicine will not work, and in the worst case, it will harm.

How many days can Levomycetin be dripped into the eyes - a course of treatment

The course of treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Often it lasts about a week, sometimes longer.

How to store Levomycetin drops

The drug Levomycetin is stored out of the reach of small children, protected from light and at temperatures up to 30 ° C.

What is the shelf life after opening

The total shelf life of the drops is 2 years, but the medicine that has undergone an autopsy must be used within 30 days.

Interaction of Levomycetin with other drugs

The combined use of Levomycetin with sulfonamides and cytostatics leads to the risk of side reactions, such as a disulfiram reaction, as well as to a deterioration in liver metabolism. To prevent this from happening, Levomycetin eye drops should be taken according to the instructions for use.

During the period of therapy and combination medicinal product with hypoglycemic agents, the effectiveness of the drops increases.

With erythromycin, clindamycin and lincomycin, the effect is weakened.

The effect of penicillins and cephalosporins may also decrease.

When the drug is combined with phenobarbital, phenytoion and anticoagulants, a decrease in the metabolism of drugs is observed, and their excretion from the plasma also slows down.

Consequences of an overdose

With an overdose of the drug in babies, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • low temperature;
  • labored breathing;
  • heart failure;
  • bluish-gray skin color;
  • slow reaction;
  • in severe cases fatal outcome.

Help improve condition symptomatic therapy and hemosorption.

The consequences for adults are generally the same.

What are the possible side effects

Side effects can be very diverse:

  • digestive problems, such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, dermatitis, dysbacteriosis.
  • Problems with hematopoiesis. Thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, reticulopenia, granulocytopenia.
  • Problems with the nervous system. confusion, headache, hallucinations, depression.
  • Allergy, rash, swelling.

Precautionary measures

Overdosing can lead to problems hematopoietic system and many others. Mixing with some drugs also does not pass without a trace. Reception

everyone concomitant drug should be discussed with your doctor.

Levomycetin eye drops are known for their effectiveness. After reading the instructions and familiarizing yourself with the features of the application, it is necessary to apply the remedy individually as prescribed by the attending physician.

Video clips about Levomycetin

What is Levomycetin. Instructions for use of eye drops, tablets and other forms of medication:

Levomycetin for cystitis:

Suspicious discharge from the eyes appears, which they immediately try to remove with a clean cotton swab. But very soon it becomes clear that this is not enough, and mothers think about eye drops for their babies. The first thing that comes to mind is Levomycetin. After all, it is one of the most known means for eyes. Let's find out if it's suitable for babies.

Composition and pharmacological actions

This clear solution consists of active chloramphenicol and excipients: boric acid and distilled water.

Important! According to the content of chloramphenicol, there are two types: with a share of the active substance of 25.0 mg / ml and 12.5 mg / ml. You need to pay attention to this when buying medicine at a pharmacy. The vials indicate 0.25% and 0.125%, respectively.

The pharmacological action of this drug is directed against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, that is, it fights strains of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The action is based on the bacteriostatic effect, that is, it stops the development and reproduction of these microbes. This happens due to the suspension of the reproduction of proteins in bacteria, which are destroyed due to a lack of “building material”. Microbes resistant to penicillin, sulfonamides and streptomycin are sensitive to the action of Levomycetin. Their adaptation to Levomycetin is very slow. And at the same time this drug ineffective against bacteria resistant to acidic environment. When instilled into the conjunctival sac of the eye (the cavity between eyeball and eyelid) the active substance is concentrated in the cornea, mucous membrane of the eye, vitreous body and the iris, but does not penetrate into the crystal. The half-life of chloramphenicol is 1.5-4 hours, but it is slightly prolonged. It is excreted in the urine, bile, feces, and is also inactivated in the liver.

What diseases can be prescribed

Being an antibiotic, the drug is used in the treatment of the most various infections. In ophthalmology, eye drops based on Levomycetin are prescribed for the treatment of adults and children suffering from conjunctivitis, keratitis and others. infectious diseases - complete list indicated in the instructions for use.

Did you know? TearsIt is the natural defense of the eye against bacteria. Lacrimal fluid contains lysozyme- an antibacterial enzyme that destroys the walls of the cells of this type of microbes.

From what age is allowed

Most pediatricians believe that treating infants with this antibiotic is universally undesirable. It should be used only in exceptional cases, when other means and methods of treatment do not help. Here we are talking about ophthalmic diseases accompanied by inflammation or discharge of pus. Designed for small patients special dosages eye drops. In this dosage, Levomycetin can be prescribed to a child as early as four months of age. However, by special indications the drug with due care can be prescribed from the first days of the baby's life. After all, infections such as the already mentioned conjunctivitis and keratitis, as well as blepharitis and dacryocystitis, are more difficult for infants than adults.

Important! If an infant has inflammation of the eyelids, corners of the eyes or cornea, as well as a clogged nasolacrimal canal, contact a pediatrician immediately. The above symptoms may indicate eye infection at your baby.

How to drip the eyes of a child

So, we found out whether it is possible to give Levomycetin to children. Now let's figure out how to do it. As a rule, infants are advised to dose 1 drop 3-4 times a day. And here it is important to strictly follow the doctor's prescription: do not overdo it with the use of the drug, no matter how much you want to quickly cure the baby, but also do not spare him by skipping the planned procedure. The effect comes in best case 2 hours after instillation, so be patient. Don't worry about possible violation baby's vision. After all, as already mentioned, the active substance will be removed from his body very soon.

Rules for the use of eye drops:

  1. The pipette must be clean.
  2. An opened vial with drops is good for no longer than 30 days.
  3. Treatment should not last longer than 14 days.

Precautionary measures

"Levomitsetin" can not be used to treat non-bacterial forms of ophthalmic diseases in children - for example, with allergic or viral. And, of course, the drug cannot be used without the appointment of a pediatrician, not to mention some preventive purposes. To avoid side effects, eye drops should not be used simultaneously with the appointment of drugs that slow down hematopoiesis. The danger of exceeding the treatment period has already been mentioned above, but it is worth repeating. Indeed, when using drops for more than two weeks, hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol may develop, or bacteria will develop resistance to this. active substance. In addition, the drug contains boric acid as an auxiliary substance, and it can cause toxic reactions. Before the doctor prescribes treatment with Levomycetin drops, he must be notified of previous eye diseases, ophthalmic surgical interventions, eye injuries, about the current use of other eye medications.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Contraindications for small children include the following circumstances:

  • renal or liver failure;
  • violation of hematopoietic functions;
  • individual intolerance to chloramphenicol or boric acid;
  • the patient has gingivitis, eczema or mycoses ( fungal infections) skin;
  • age younger than 4 months is considered with extreme caution.
Eye drops "Levomitsetin", with the correct appointment and exact dosage for children, usually easily tolerated even by infants up to a year. However, in rare, exceptional cases, usually associated with hypersensitivity to the active or excipients of the drug, a rash on the skin may occur; burning or itching of the eyelids, their redness; as well as irritability and tearfulness of the eyes. Registered exceptional cases diarrhea and vomiting. Take care of the health of your babies from the first days of their life. After all, love lies not only in admiring one's own, but also in carefully monitoring his condition.

Often with infectious inflammations eye drops for adults and children are prescribed Levomycetin eye drops. These are justified measures, as they are an antibiotic that is effective against many bacteria. Consider what else the instruction says, what is the price of the drug and reviews about it?

Main active substance Levomycetin - chloramphenicol (0.25%), which has the ability to suppress the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria.

Levomycetin is effective against:

  1. coli.
  2. Staphylococcus.
  3. Streptococcus.
  4. Chlamydia.
  5. Gonococcus.

Levomethicin also acts against spirochetes, rickettsia and some other large viruses. Levomycetin eye drops can also affect strains that are resistant to streptomycin, sulfanilamide, or penicillin. But acid-resistant microorganisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, clostridia and protozoa are "indifferent" to them.

After instillation, the drug quickly penetrates into the eye and its therapeutic concentration is noted in the cornea, iris and vitreous body. Levomycetin eye drops do not penetrate into the lens, but can penetrate into the general bloodstream. Levomethicin is produced in glass or plastic bottles of 5 and 10 ml. Included in the package detailed instructions. average price- 15 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

For adults and children, Levomycetin is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • conjunctivitis.
  • Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis.
  • Blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis.
  • Secondary bacterial infection.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are: hypersensitivity to the components, chronic and acute renal or hepatic failure, hematopoietic disorders. Levomycetin eye drops are prescribed with caution for the treatment of lactating and pregnant women, newborns and children under 2 years of age, people suffering from skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis).

Levomethicin is used as follows: 1 drop in the eyes 3-4 times a day. Levomycitin drops are drawn from the bottle with a clean pipette. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, the optimal course is no more than 2 weeks.

In general, user reviews say that chloramphenicol drops are well tolerated. But in some cases, there may be eye irritation, profuse lacrimation, itching or skin rash.

special instructions

At long-term use may develop:

  1. thrombocytopenia.
  2. Leukopenia.
  3. Aplastic anemia.
  4. Secondary fungal infection.

The risk of side effects increases with the simultaneous use of drugs that inhibit hematopoiesis (sulfonamides, cytostatics), radiation therapy with Levomycetin. If Levomycetin is used with clindamycin, lincomycin or erythromycin, then their action will be mutually weakened.

Users contact lenses before dripping chloramphenicol drops should be removed, you can put them back on after 20-30 minutes. The instruction also states that excessive doses of the drug can provoke the development of reversible visual impairment. In cases of overdose, the eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water.

In children, Levomycetin can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia. In some cases, intoxication may develop, provoking a violation of the activity of the heart, kidneys and liver. Treatment with the drug in newborns and children under 1 year old can cause a "gray" syndrome, characterized by a decrease in body temperature, respiratory failure and the acquisition of a gray skin tone.

Before using Levomycetin, you should consult with your doctor. Our article is written for reference purposes.

If blurred vision is felt immediately after use, do not drive or perform potentially dangerous work. Store chloramphenicol drops at t 8-15 ° C, in a dry place protected from light and children. The shelf life of a closed bottle is 2 years, an open bottle is 1 month.

Video about childhood conjunctivitis (how to recognize, treat and prevent):

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