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Curtains are a necessary element of the decor of the apartment. Recently, interior design has become more and more ambiguous and housewives do not find suitable models of curtains that will harmoniously fit into the already formed space. Therefore, many dared to start looking for patterns to sew curtains and curtains on their own.

In fact, this is not such a difficult task. Of course, it all depends on the model that you would like to see on your windows. But, if you carefully study the instructions and follow them clearly, everything will definitely work out.

Before you start sewing, you need to decide which curtains you want. It is worth starting from the color scheme of the room in which the product will hang, the style (minimalism, modern, Provence, etc.), the functions that the curtains should perform.

In order for you to be able to sew a product of any complexity and model, consider the proposed patterns for curtains of basic models and tailoring workshops.

  • sewing machine (optional)
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • tailor's chalk;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • centimeter tailor's tape;
  • safety pins.


Whatever model you decide to sew, almost any option involves a combination with tulle. Therefore, first of all, it is worth considering this particular instruction.


  • thin translucent fabric;
  • tape for curtains;
  • threads in the color of the fabric.


Self-tailoring of tulle should begin with measuring windows, detailed instructions for the correct taking of measurements are given below.

Advice! Slippery fabrics are best laid out on a textured surface so that it clings and does not ride. Carpet or any rough fabric will do.

Classic curtains

The lightest are classic. They are the most ordinary straight-cut curtains in combination with tulle.

You will need:

  • the cloth;
  • tape for curtains;
  • threads in color.

Sewing such simple curtains is almost no different from sewing tulle.


  1. Fabrics are recommended to take twice the width of the window opening. If you only need one curtain, then you can use the tulle sewing guide, as it will not be any different. If you need two curtains, then each in width will correspond to the width of the window. Thus, together they will create the required number of folds and the desired size.
  2. Measure the desired values ​​​​on the fabric, you can do it in the same way as with tulle, and then simply cut the resulting fabric lengthwise into two curtains.
  3. Then follow the instructions for sewing tulle. You will have to go through all the steps twice, as you should get not one curtain, but two of the same.

Advice! Do not rush to get rid of the pieces of fabric remaining after sewing. They can come in very handy when creating decorative elements, both for curtains and just for the home.

Roman curtains

Before you need to take measurements from the windows as accurately as possible, as it is assumed that they will close them tightly and completely.

You will need:

  • dense or coarse fabric;
  • threads in color;
  • special cornice for Roman curtains.


Roman sewing is one of the easiest, they also do not need patterns.

  1. Mark and draw the curtain on the fabric, according to the dimensions of the window. The fabric for such curtains is usually taken dense and rough and not slippery, so the process will be facilitated. To the drawn curtain, add 5 cm for allowances on the sides, and 12 cm from the bottom.
  2. Roll up with an iron on all sides of the fabric and stitch along the edges.
  3. Now you only need to put the curtain on a special fixture.


Another stylish and easy-to-tailor option for curtains. For them, you can choose almost any dense fabric. It is better to avoid drawings, because because of the sun, it can quickly fade and the curtains will lose their original appearance.

You will need:

  • special devices for vertical blinds;
  • the cloth;
  • wooden panels;
  • threads in color.


  1. First you need to determine the length, width and number of lamellas. Standard values ​​are: 127 - 89 mm.
  2. Now cut out the slats according to your measurements and cut them out. Don't forget to add seam allowances.
  3. Fold each with the right side inward and start the lines. Turn out.
  4. Iron the resulting slats with a steam iron.
  5. Put them on the guides. Tidy up your vertical blind system.

The advantage of self-tailoring blinds is that for their manufacture on the market they offer a lot of different materials and devices, so that you can easily realize any of your ideas.

Advice! It is better to do any curtain patterns before buying fabric, since only after that you will be able to determine as accurately as possible how much you need it.

Additional decorations

Even the simplest models of curtains will sparkle in a completely new way if they are supplemented with various decorative elements.


Lambrequins will give a refined and chic look to even the simplest options.

You will need:

  • fabric (usually take the same as when sewing curtains);
  • threads in color;
  • oblique inlay.


The advantages of lambrequins are that they are not difficult to manufacture and, at the same time, greatly decorate the room.

Roses for curtains

There are two ways to make roses to decorate curtains:

As a result, you will get a very realistic and beautiful flower.

How to take measurements correctly

In order for your product to turn out to be even, neat and beautiful, use the following tips for the correct measurement of windows:

  • When measuring the height from floor to ceiling, do this in at least two places (depending on the width of the window), as the ceiling or floor may be crooked. In the event that the values ​​\u200b\u200bare different, it is necessary to make a smooth bevel during cutting to the side that is smaller in height.
  • Make all measurements as accurately and carefully as any mistake can affect the final result of the product.
  • Measure the width of the window from one end of the curtain to the other, that is, the entire perimeter, which the curtain will have to close in the future.
  • When measuring, you do not need to add allowances! This is done during the construction of patterns!

How to sew curtains is of interest to many women who would like to make beautiful curtains on their own, not only for summer cottages, but also for home. It is possible to sew curtains with your own hands, but this applies only to those models that do not require the use of complex technologies and special equipment. But beautiful, stylish and simply unusual curtains can be sewn at home. There are no great difficulties in this matter. It is enough to decide on the desired type of curtain, purchase the necessary material and get to work.

Sewing curtains with your own hands is a rather painstaking process, but the result is worth the time spent.

Preparation for sewing curtains at home

Sewing curtains with your own hands is a simple process, but everything will work out only if the height and width of the desired curtain are correctly and accurately measured. A huge role is played by how evenly and accurately it will turn out to align the curtain along the edges. Even the smallest error in the data obtained can completely spoil the product. Therefore, the curtain may turn out to be either too short or too long. Sometimes, after the finished curtain is already hung on the cornice, it turns out to be skewed, which, of course, was also not included in the plans of the needlewoman. This shortcoming can be corrected only if we are not talking about cheap tulle and curtains, on which there is no pattern. It is better to entrust such products to professionals.

Curtain edges should be framed using hemming, bias binding, or rolled hems. It is worth first deciding how the edges of the curtain will be processed. Since, for example, a rolled seam requires the use of an overlock, which can finish the fabric with a seam of the same name. But he does this sewing work with two threads. Therefore, it should be taken care of in advance.

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How to sew curtains with your own hands

In order to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should definitely calculate how much bias tape and curtain tape you will need to buy. It is necessary to take into account this nuance, the coefficient of formation of the assembly of the curtain tape can be different, for example, 1.5, 2 or even 2.5. Therefore, with a curtain width of 2 m, it is strongly recommended that with a coefficient of 1.5, choose ribbons of 3 m. Exactly the same amount you need to buy textiles for sewing curtains. After the curtain is pulled together with tape, with the help of special ropes, it will reduce its length to about 2 m.

A wide translucent braid is often used to sew curtains from delicate thin fabrics. A large curtain tape made of textiles is sometimes used in tailoring curtains or lambrequins. Often thin curtain tape is chosen to create curtains without draping. Curtains on the rings also have a narrow tape. In addition, tacks are used for them, which beautifully frame the window, letting in as much light as possible into the room.

It is very easy to process the edges with a rolled seam thanks to the overlock, but it is difficult to finish the curtain by bending it or using a bias tape. Professionals do not even resort to the help of an iron. After all, the cut edges of the curtains can be bent even without the use of a special holder.

To do this, lay an even line, which has approximately 0.1 mm along the edges of the fold. But novice needlewomen will definitely have to use the iron 2 times when processing the edges of the curtain. After that, you need to reliably sweep with a thread, which also applies to curtain tape.

In order to recreate the curtain you like with your own hands, before sewing it, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technological requirements for curtain and tulle textiles. It is also necessary to take into account the real possibilities of a home sewing machine. The thickness of the needle and thread should be chosen so that they are suitable for the intended fabric. The sewing thread should be thin, strong, and also elastic. It is best to take a needle that is not very old, because if it is blunt or bent, then there is a high probability that it will simply ruin the fabric. On many types of textiles, such a tool will not only leave unnecessary and very noticeable traces of processing, but also form strong puffs.

Before you start sewing curtains, it is highly recommended to check the thread tension well in the sewing machine. In addition, in no case should we forget that the pressure of the tissue holder determines how tight and reliable the stitches will be. Then you need to properly adjust the height of the rack teeth so that there are no wrinkles on the organza or tulle during sewing.

The function of the highly raised rack teeth is to sew cloth and drape fabrics. For very delicate textiles, the height of the teeth should be as low as possible. During this process, it is imperative to check the pressure force of the holder on the workpiece. If at least one of these rules is not observed, the stitch will be too tight. Such an error cannot be corrected by any iron in the world.

If you need to lower the fit of textiles while sewing a curtain, many professionals simply pull the end of the curtains with your hand to their side.

But this method is fraught with consequences, since you can break the needle or deform the bottom of the curtain. As a result, the edges of the curtains will be wavy. It is best to stretch the fabric with both hands. Thanks to this method, it is possible to avoid a tight fit of textiles.

In no case should you install too small a stitch, as it will not strengthen the curtain in any way. Because if it is necessary to open it, the needlewoman will have to spend quite a lot of her time, given that the total length of the stitches on one curtain can be about 15 m. And double curtains simply do not accept this.

I decided to summarize a lot of my advice, master classes, photos and videos on the topic "How to sew curtains with your own hands."

The fact is that the other day I went into the Yandex search engine and typed the above question, to which he gave me an answer from a variety of sites, and on the first pages in the issue were sites completely unrelated to learning to sew curtains and lambrequins, the articles of which consisted of a simple set words and photos that do not reveal the essence of this request at all.

And the purpose of writing these articles is not the desire to teach users how to sew curtains, but to promote their sites on the first page of search engine results and break into the first places in terms of traffic. And those sites that really teach how to sew curtains and lambrequins are not visible at all for any basic user requests.

On my site, there are a lot of practical photos of master classes and videos, after viewing which you can not only answer the question: “how to sew curtains with your own hands”, but also learn how to do it in practice. You can get acquainted with them.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to answer the question: how to sew curtains with your own hands in one article, since the curtains are different in style, sewing technology and drapery.

However, there is some rule for sewing straight curtains.

First you need to decant the fabric. That is, steam it with an iron, and then let it lie down to dry for a while (for example, overnight) so that it shrinks.

Then we measure the size of the window, adding allowances on the edges for their processing.

After that, we process the curtains with machine stitching.

Watch this video on how to sew a curtain with your own hands.

This technique is applicable for tailoring the manufacture of almost all types of curtains in the form of simple straight canvases.

Video: curtain manufacturing technology:

This technology is suitable for such curtains, the photo of which I posted below:

DIY curtains photo

You can see all the photos of simple curtains in this gallery.

To enlarge a photo, click on it, and then just scroll through the gallery:

The only difference in the processing of all these curtains is the processing of the top edge.

So, if you have to lead the product to a simple or ceiling cornice with hooks, then processing the top edge with mounting tape is required.

If you want to hang a sewn curtain on a round cornice, then this processing is not necessary.

Hinged curtains

But also, to hang the curtain on a round cornice, you can make a drawstring, or sew fabric loops to the upper edge.

In the same way, you can also lengthen already sewn curtains.

Another way to lengthen them is to insert a piece of fabric in a contrasting color:

See how the hinged curtains look original:

I repeat that all of the above and the curtains shown in the photo are sewn and processed using the same technology shown in the video about the curtain.

How to sew filament curtains.

If you do not want to bother with processing and cutting fabric curtains, then you can make filament curtains. But this process, in my opinion, is more difficult.

In addition, you are unlikely to be able to save on self-made kisei.

How to sew filament curtains yourself, see my detailed photo master class.

You can purchase ready-made filament curtains by sewing a curtain tape to their upper edge so that they can be hung on a cornice:

You can cut the muslin to the length you need with ordinary scissors:

Photo of filament curtains.

Kisei can be combined in different shades on one window.

And you can imitate filament curtains by making them from multi-colored ribbons:

But there are curtains that are much more difficult to sew: these are Roman, Venetian, London, marquise, or French curtains, etc.

You will learn how to sew Roman curtains if you look at the photo master class.

A detailed photo master class on making Venetian curtains, you can see

This video is a master class on how to make Japanese panels:

From the remnants of the curtain fabric, you can sew original ties and decorative pillows.

When sewing or ordering curtains, you should know that textiles, their colors and textures must be in harmony and fit into the interior of your room, home.

In this case, your home will be cozy and harmonious.

Many needlewomen prefer to equip their home with their own hands, but at first they don’t know how to sew curtains or lambrequins correctly.

If you want to learn all the secrets and technology for making curtains and lambrequins, then my author's video course will help you with this:

Sewing curtains and lambrequins with your own hands. From simple to complex"

I will be glad to answer your questions.

Stylish curtains in the interior - a dream come true! Thanks to the abundance of fabrics, it is easy to choose any fabric to decorate the interior in a single style. Ordering tailoring in the atelier is expensive. If the hostess wants to decorate the house and save the family budget at the same time, she can sew curtains. To do this, you need a sewing machine and the ability to handle it.

Before starting work, you need to purchase:

  • tool - sewing machine;
  • fabric and threads suitable for it;
  • a set of needles and pins;
  • measuring ruler and centimeter;
  • tailor's scissors;
  • iron.

How to sew curtains (step by step instructions)

To sew quality products, you need to prepare a pattern and check how the sewing machine works with the fabric you need.

  1. sewing machine a few stitches on a small piece of fabric to make sure the stitching is even.
  2. Sketch the future curtain on paper. The simplest model is 1 or 2 pieces of rectangular material.
  3. Patterns are applied to the fabric and circled.
  4. Scissors cut off a piece of fabric.
  5. To sew the top edge. Fold up the allowance at the top and stitch the curtain ribbon.
  6. Tuck and finish the side cuts. Inside the seams, remove the edges of the ribbon so that, if desired, you can pull the edges and tuck the curtains.
  7. Fold the bottom of the product and sew. Fasten the threads and iron the finished curtain.
  8. Iron finished products.

Material selection

You can safely sew from taffeta: real material almost does not fade at all and is well washed. Silk will reflect excess light. When choosing, give preference to cream or pastel colors: brighter shades may fade. polyester can withstand multiple washes. Linen is the perfect choice for a child's room: it won't fade, just like viscose or velvet.

The color scheme of products designed for rooms that face south should be cool. This palette may include blue, blue, green, gray. The denser the fabric, the better. In the summer heat, curtains will save you from the heat. When there is not enough sunlight in the room, it is better to choose fabrics painted in light shades: orange, yellow, beige and red. Here, products made of light fabric of transparent color look great. When choosing a fabric and sewing curtains on your own, you can adjust the interior space: vertical stripes will visually make the room taller, and horizontal stripes will make it wider.

Practical organza products are popular: they are easy to wash and do not require ironing. For the kitchen it is recommended to use natural fabrics:. However, on the sunny side, cotton fabric quickly fades and loses its attractiveness. Blinds will help protect products from the sun.

Measure and cut

If we sew curtains ourselves, then we calculate the amount of material on our own. We determine the consumption of fabric and curtain tape. It is better to take it with a margin of 50 cm. Measurements are made from the eaves to the bottom edge of the products. Consider the consumption of material for the hem. Curtains are either long or short. You can sew beautiful curtains that cover radiators or barely reach the windowsill.

Measurements on the fabric should be marked on the edge. Measure the width and pull a couple of threads out of the fabric to outline where to cut. Cotton and blended fabrics should be moistened and ironed so that they do not sit in the product.


Before sewing curtains, it is necessary to adjust the equipment. It is better to insert a new needle into the sewing machine. Pre-adjust the mode of its operation. The optimal stitch length is 4-6. You need to adjust the thread tension with the presser foot. The desired height of the rack teeth is also set so that the seam does not tighten the fabric. Curtains can not be altered several times: visible traces remain from the seams.

Tailoring of curtains

Curtain tape is sewn as follows:

  1. Align the curtain and on the wrong side, hem about 2 cm.
  2. Heat the iron slightly and iron the hem.
  3. To prevent the tape from moving out, tuck it in 1.5 cm and pin it with a pin.
  4. First make the top stitch at a distance of 0.3 or 0.5 mm from the edge of the tape. In this case, the braid must be hidden.
  5. Run the bottom line.
  6. Pull the cords and tie them in a knot so they don't run away.
  7. Cut off excess pieces of tape.

Making curtains on eyelets

Adaptation - grommet greatly facilitates the process of hanging curtains and curtains. The new solution fits perfectly into the laconic interior styles. You can also sew curtains with rings for hanging at home.

Roman blinds were borrowed from Roman sailors. And in those days and now, the Roman curtain is made according to the same principle by which sails were made in those distant times: a piece of fabric that can be raised and lowered.

Moreover, this piece of fabric is completely straight, without any draperies.

Roman blinds are designed to either completely block out sunlight or vice versa to let it through, but at the same time reliably protecting you from immodest gazes.

In the latter case, translucent fabrics must be selected for Roman blinds.

Sewing the simplest Roman blinds with your own hands is not particularly difficult. You just need to know how to do it.

Roman blinds can be made by buying a special cornice with a lifting mechanism in a specialized store, which will cost you quite a lot.

In this master class, we will look at how to sew a Roman blind with our own hands from improvised materials, that is, from what is always not expensive, available for purchase, or even available in the house.

But here, too, there are two options for making a Roman blind:

The first option: inside the window opening, so that the curtain fabric is near the glass itself.

The second option: a Roman blind is attached to the outside of the window. In this case, the Roman blind should go 5-10cm. on both sides of the window relative to the slopes.

These two options differ only in the way the dimensions of the Roman blind are measured.

In the first case, we will measure the height of the curtain and its width (length along the cornice) inside the slopes, and in the second case, from above, as for an ordinary curtain. See picture:

Here is a mount for a Roman shade bar inside a window opening:

And here is a mount for a bar for a Roman blind over a window opening:

By the way, earlier I wrote how to make one of the varieties of Roman blinds with soft folds.

Here is a diagram for cutting the simplest Roman blinds. You need to cut along the dotted line:

This is the scheme for the finished Roman blind:

And you can take your own distances, which ones suit you. I personally tried to make the distance between the folds 40 cm, and it turned out great. The same distance is halved in the raised state of the curtain.

The length of the Roman curtain, the height that I will make in this master class is 115 cm, the width (length along the cornice) is 65 cm.

I will make it from two identical pieces of fabric cut from the base material. That is, both the face of the curtain and its underside are made of the same fabric.

Here is a pattern for a Roman blind for the given sizes, which I will sew:

How to choose a purchased cornice for a Roman blind, you can learn from

I took the fabric, folded it in half and cut out two cuts according to this pattern according to the pattern:

I folded these cuts facing each other, pinned them with pins and gave a machine line 1 cm from the edge.

I scribbled the sides and bottom of the curtains. Left the top unstitched:

Now you need to turn the curtains over its upper edge. You get a bag like this:

Then I sewed the stitched edges of the curtain on the right side, first to the edge of the fabric, then stepping back from the previous line to the foot:

Here we have a semi-finished product of our curtains, which we will process under the Roman one:

Now I will make the bottom pocket of the curtain in order to insert a weighting bar there. I measured my bar that I will insert into this pocket and it turned out that I should make it 6 cm wide.

I measure 6 cm from the bottom edge. over the entire width of the curtain:

I draw a line along the front side of the curtain:

I tighten the fold on the wrong side along the marked line:

I fasten the placket pocket to the edge with a machine stitch:

Here's what happened from the face of the curtain:

Now we put the curtain with the front side on the table and on its wrong side we mark the lines for making pockets for the rails, according to the pattern laid out above:

Now, along the marked lines on the wrong side of the curtain, I will sew on a narrow curtain tape, 2.5 cm wide, making pockets for the rails. You can take any other tape.

Here's what should happen from the wrong side of the curtain:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. the wrong side of the curtain

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. the wrong side of the curtain

And this is the front side of the curtain:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. face curtains

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. face curtains

Now we proceed to the design of the upper edge of the curtains. To do this, we put the curtain on the table with the front side facing us and mark its final length (height) from the bottom edge of the curtain. We draw a line across its entire width:

DIY roman blinds DIY roman blinds

DIY roman blinds DIY roman blinds

The bend should be 2 cm (as in the pattern diagram). We iron by bending these 2 cm to the wrong side of the curtain:

On this bend we put the soft part of the Velcro tape (lipun). We combine the upper edge of the curtain with the edge of the tape, we give a line first on one side of the tape, then on the other. The tape will cover the raw edge of the curtain because it is 2.5 cm wide:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. sew on velcro tape

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. sew on velcro tape

DIY roman blinds DIY roman blinds

DIY roman blinds DIY roman blinds

Here is what the wrong side of the curtain should turn out:

How to sew different types of curtains, watch the video master classes.

The sewing of the curtain itself is finished. Now you need to insert slats, a weighting bar into it and equip it with a lifting mechanism of your own manufacture. And also make a home-made cornice on which our curtain will be attached.

For all this, we need glazing beads for rails, a bar for a cornice, and for a weighting bar, I took a piece of cash:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. lifting mechanism materials

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. lifting mechanism materials

It is necessary to cut pieces of 64 cm from glazing beads, cashing and bar. 1 cm less than the width of the curtain.

For this I used a jigsaw:

First, let's make a homemade cornice. To do this, we cover the bar with a cloth. Hot glue and a stapler will help us with this:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. homemade cornice

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. homemade cornice

Glue the rigid part of the Velcro tape with hot glue to the lower edge of the fabric-covered bar. You can walk for reliability in several places and with a stapler:

On the back side of our bar, I attached fasteners so that the bar could be hung on the wall. But this method is only suitable if your curtain will hang outside the window opening. For fastening the bar inside the window opening, it is better to use the corners.

If there are men in the house, they will figure out how to do it:

Everything, our homemade cornice is ready. And we will attach our curtain to it with Velcro tape:

Now we insert a weighting bar and slats into the pockets of the curtains:

Here's what the curtain looks like now from the inside:

DIY roman blinds DIY roman blinds

DIY roman blinds DIY roman blinds

Now we put the curtain on the table face down and sew plastic rings in three rows to the pockets for the rails. The extreme rows should be located at a distance of 2.5 cm from the side edges of the curtain:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. DIY roman blinds

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. DIY roman blinds

The layout of the rails and rings on the Roman blind:

We put the cornice on the table and attach the curtain to it.:

We turn the curtain over with the cornice with the wrong side towards us and mark the position of the iron ears on the cornice, which we will screw into the bar from its lower side to fasten the lifting mechanism of the curtain:

For the ears, I bought these hooks in the store and bent them into rings with pliers:

4 ears must be screwed in: three opposite the rings and one from the edge of the bar through which you will bring the lifting shaft. I chose the right edge of the curtain.

Bar with screwed ears:

Here is a diagram for clarity, but there are only 3 ears on it:

Here, according to this scheme, we will produce a lifting mechanism for our curtains. To do this, take 3 pieces of cord. Each segment should be equal: two curtain heights plus its width.

I took the cord that I had. You can buy in the store in any other color:

how to sew roman blinds how to sew roman blinds

how to sew roman blinds how to sew roman blinds

We tie our cords for the lower rings.

We pass the cords to the top row of rings. You need to repeat this with all the cords. Then we bring the cords through the ears to one side of the curtain. In our curtain, we display to the right (from the inside to the left):

When all the cords are brought out through the last eyelet, we fasten them together with a knot:

Then we continue to fasten our cords together, weaving a pigtail of the length we need from them:

At the end of our pigtail, I attached a ring from a round cornice:

Everything, the curtain is ready:

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. finished roman blind

Master Class. How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands from improvised materials. finished roman blind

The scheme of the finished curtain:

For clarity, I hung it on the wall, as I sewed just for the lesson:

Let me tell you about one more small nuance.

In order to fix the curtain in a raised state, it is necessary to attach to the wall near the window in a place convenient for you, a hook for attaching the cord, on which it will be wound in the position when the curtain is raised.:

But since I didn’t have such a hook, I just screwed a screw into the wall:

OK it's all over Now. Now you know how to sew a Roman blind with your own hands.

And this Roman blind is sewn using the same technology, only a single piece of fabric is taken and the bottom of the curtain is decorated with a curly bar:

How to sew Roman blinds on a purchased cornice, see

Do you want to make roller shutters out of wallpaper? Like these ones:

If you understand this master class, then you can easily sew a variety of Roman blinds-London blinds, which have the same lifting mechanism:

The principle of sewing such a curtain, see.

I would like to draw attention to some of the shortcomings that can occur when sewing a Roman blind.

Here is a photo of the curtain, performed by one of the visitors to my site for this master class:

A nice curtain turned out, and most importantly, the goal was achieved - blackout in the room and there is no need to sew a curtain.

However, when the curtains are raised, the following uneven folds are obtained:

This may occur due to the fact that the tension of the threads in the lifting mechanism is different. Or maybe it's just the way the curtain behaved the first time it was raised. You can hang the curtain after sewing, sprinkle it a little with water from a spray bottle, lift it, lay the folds evenly and let it dry in this state. So the folds will take the desired shape.

And another tip, do not attach the cord of the curtain lifting mechanism to the battery, as was done in this version:

This is not beautiful and not convenient, especially since this is not just a master class. You have to deal with this inconvenience every day in your home.

Sewing supplies stores sell very nice and inexpensive hooks that are used for hooks. The price is acceptable - 30-50 rubles. And screwing it to the wall is a five-minute matter.

Here on such a hook I fixed the cord of a Roman curtain (color-silver, cost 40 rubles):

Moreover, you can make just a few turns around it and not even knit knots, as shown in the photo with a battery. The curtain keeps perfectly and the cord does not unwind, despite the fact that it is heavy-double and is made of curtain fabric on both sides:


Olga Sokolanski:

Today (03/29/14) I received an email from a visitor to my site:

Olga Sokolanski Here is what she writes:

"Good afternoon.

Thank you for the masterclass..

The windows of my apartment face the west and in summer the sun shines strongly and ordinary curtains do not fit, and it is expensive for me to buy a good branded Roman blind.

I sewed a double curtain 140 cm wide from cotton fabric that I found at home,

To reduce the weight of the curtain (due to the fact that the fabric is double and the curtain is wide), I bought light and durable bamboo sticks instead of a glazing bead, such sticks are sold in a flower shop:

In order for the wide curtain to rise well and fit neatly into the folds, I increased the number of lifting cords to five.

The curtain is put on directly on the cornice and for stretching I sewed an additional drawstring and inserted a stick.

I calculated the number of folds and the width between them in my own way, guided by the length of the finished curtain and the number of sticks .. according to this calculation: from the lower end of the curtain, a distance equal to half the width of the fold, and then set aside the full width of the fold.

Thanks to your master class, I finally managed to sew a Roman blind!!! Hooray!! and now in the summer my curtain will reliably protect the room from the sun!

I wish you great creative success.”

I considered it not superfluous to lay out Olga's ideas in this article. Maybe someone will find them useful.

And here is the curtain sewn by Olga:

Vorobieva Natalia:

Hello Galina!

Thanks again for the tutorial! As promised, I send photos with a little description.

I really like to design various interesting little things, then the need arose for sewing curtains for the kitchen. The main difficulty was that the window sill is quite spacious and there are some household appliances on it. Therefore, for convenience, I needed some kind of special option, rather than simple curtains, and following your master class, I got such a functional and comfortable curtain.

I want to highlight some points:

1. There is a huge question in terms of materials for weighting and slats. I used metal thresholds for the weighting agent (sold in household stores, they join linoleum, I took 30 mm wide.). And as slats, I used a cable channel, or rather its top cover, size 15 mm.

And today, 11/23/14, another visitor to my site, Yulia Belyavskaya, sent me a photo of her work, which she completed for this master class. In my opinion, everything turned out very neat and beautiful, in the spirit of minimalism. Such curtains emphasize the refined character of simplicity and conciseness in the interior:

Here is what Julia wrote to me in a letter with these photos:

Galina, I want to express my gratitude to you for the master class on sewing Roman blinds. THANKS!!! Everything is very well laid out. I was going to sew it for a long time, probably about a year, but finally the Roman blind flaunts on my window in the kitchen :) I have a 4th floor, so the curtain is needed not to hide from prying eyes, but, as I wanted, translucent, for beauty. I sewed it single (since it is translucent), slats - bamboo sticks from a flower shop (I took the advice of one of your students), sewed rings only in two rows (since the curtain is thin and narrow and I thought that this would be enough), my husband nailed the bars-cornices directly to the window, I didn’t sheathe it, but right to this cornice with small carnations they nailed a Velcro tape. Everything else is exactly according to your instructions. Thanks for your masterclass! Sincerely, Julia.

DIY Roman blinds Roman blind photo

I really liked this cheerful, floral, to match the curtains Roman blind, performed by Elena.

Thanks to all the craftswomen who share their work with all the visitors of this site!

Well, in the end, I bring to your attention a video lesson on how to make an openwork lambrequin:

You can see how to make a roller blind, you can

You can see how to sew a soft lifting curtain (without rails)

If you want to perfectly master the technology of sewing various styles of curtains and lambrequins, as well as Roman blinds, then the detailed video course "Sewing curtains and lambrequins" will help you with this. From simple to complex:

The video course includes 20 video lessons on sewing various styles of curtains and lambrequins and such very original elements as a swag spike and a flip with an overlap, sewing a lambrequin with swags with a vertical shoulder, as well as 14 ready-made patterns for those elements for lambrequins that pissed off in video tutorials


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