What is the best drink for pain in the heart. Treatment of cardialgia at home. Pressing pain in the heart

In the life of every person there are moments when the pain in the heart area becomes unbearable. Fear for life makes people look for an answer to the question, what to do if the heart hurts a lot?

The first signs of pain, what to do in this case

In the case when there is pain in the heart, the symptoms will not be long in coming. Consider the most common.

Sharp pain

For starters, don't panic. If there is a sharp pain in the heart area, try to relax all the muscles of the body as much as possible. To do this, you need to find an opportunity to lie down or sit down so that nothing is embarrassing or squeezing. Begin to breathe slowly and deeply, inhaling and exhaling air at a level where pain is not yet felt. If within 5-10 minutes the pain does not go away, take Corvalol or Corvaldin (your age is equal to the number of drops).

If a sharp pain in the heart is caused by feelings or a stressful situation, then take valerian tincture, it is available in a pharmacy and is effective. After the pain subsides a little, be sure to contact a medical facility, but if the discomfort persists, call an ambulance.

It is important to know that there are many diseases that are manifested by pain in the region of the left side of the ribs. For example, intercostal neuralgia can be manifested by acute pain when inhaling, numbness of the fingers on the hands, and shortness of breath. Therefore, you need to calm down and call a doctor.

Important! The success of treatment depends on a reliable diagnosis. For pain in the heart area, you need to undergo an examination.

What to do if the heart hurts a lot, and there is no way to call a doctor? There are various methods and recipes that allow you to neutralize pain at home. Let's look at the different situations and what measures to take.

Heart hurts

It is desirable in this case to know the diagnosis. Fresh air is essential under any circumstances. If the reason is unknown - do not be nervous, keep calm. It is necessary to take heart medications such as Corvalol, Valocordin or Validol.

What to do if the heart aches, what to do first? Take one aspirin tablet with a glass of water. If after a quarter of an hour the pain has not subsided, call an ambulance. But painkillers only eliminate discomfort. After getting rid of the symptoms, you should visit a doctor, get a consultation and determine the diagnosis.

Important! If your heart hurts and bakes, presses behind the sternum, urgently call an ambulance!

First aid

In case of unexpected pain in the heart, at home, first of all, call an ambulance. Provide yourself with fresh air and the opportunity to breathe deeply (remove tight things, open windows and doors if you are indoors). Take a position that is comfortable to be in. Take 40 drops of Valocordin, Corvalol. If you are alone, then inform someone close about the condition. After a painful attack, make an appointment with a doctor, let him examine and tell you about further actions.

My heart hurts and it's hard to breathe

Your heart hurts, it's hard to breathe - pull yourself together and don't panic. Get into a comfortable position (change where you are). Free yourself from clothing, unfasten buttons and belts. Be sure to drink heart, sedative medicines. Take deep breaths in and out. If after a few minutes it does not improve, take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue (not at low pressure!), wrap yourself in a warm blanket and call an ambulance. If you experience these symptoms - do not let everything take its course. Perhaps these are the first signs of a serious illness that needs to be treated so that it does not develop into a serious form.

Important! If your heart hurts in the heat, then urgently take measures to get out of the sun and provide yourself with coolness.

It is recommended that you enter an air-conditioned room or space, take a comfortable position, and calm your breathing. The main thing is not to panic! If after 30 minutes it does not get better, call an ambulance or ask someone to do it.

My heart hurts and my left arm goes numb

If you experience these symptoms, try repositioning. You need to take a deep breath and exhale. Check your blood pressure, take your pulse. Call a doctor. Place a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue. Let your loved ones know about the situation so they can come quickly. Leave the door open.


Most of the drugs are sold without a prescription and must be at home. You can get acquainted with the types of drugs in the article:

  1. Validol. It has a calming effect, useful for eliminating stress. In the fight against angina pectoris, the drug is ineffective, to enhance the action, the simultaneous use of nitroglycerin is recommended. Both funds are placed under the tongue and dissolve. Drugs can dramatically lower blood pressure.
  2. Corvalol. It has a calming effect, but does not help with intercostal neuralgia. Available in the form of tincture and tablets.

Attention! It has been proven that the abuse of Corvalol adversely affects the functioning of the liver. Before use, you need to consult a doctor.

  1. Acetylsalicylic acid. Everyone knows Aspirin is able to cope with pain in the heart, one tablet is enough. The drug must be chewed well.
  2. Cardiomagnyl. Thins the blood, is used to prevent heart attack and stroke. A single dose of one tablet.

These remedies will help when the heart hurts at home.

Important! Any drug must be approved by a specialist.

Treatment with folk remedies

In ancient times, there were no modern medicines, people successfully healed heart diseases with the gifts of nature. How to help a sick heart? Many recipes have survived to this day and help when the heart hurts and the hand goes numb.


Daily use of two cloves of garlic, according to healers, will help prevent heart pain. But doctors deny the effectiveness of this method.

Attention! Garlic should not be eaten with diseases of the stomach and pancreas.


An infusion of berries will help in the treatment of heart pain. For cooking you need:

  • take red hawthorn berries - 20 g and lemon balm grass - 15 g;
  • put in a glass, add boiling water and send to a water bath;
  • cook for 20 minutes, then cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Infusion can be drunk 20 ml before each meal. The course of treatment is two days.

You can also make hawthorn tincture: the berries are poured not with water, but with vodka and infused for 14 days in a dark place.

herbal collection

To prepare the dosage form, you will need herbs of succession, motherwort, lingonberry leaves and chamomile flowers with hawthorn, they are taken in 20 g and mixed thoroughly. Now take 25 g of the composition, place in a glass and pour boiling water. Infuse for 4 hours, then strain through cheesecloth, squeezing out the infusion. Drink 50 ml at a time, in the morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

wild carrots for heart pain

The recipe is useful in that you can cook at any time. The medicine has the form of an infusion, for preparation you need 60 g of wild carrot seeds, pour 250 ml of vodka. The remedy is infused for 20 days in a cool and protected from sunlight place. For the prevention of pain, 6 drops per 20 ml are used. water. Drink three times a day. If there is severe pain in the region of the heart, then drink 3 drops every 30 minutes.

heather grass

Based on the plant, an infusion is prepared that will help eliminate pain. In the process of preparation, 10 g of a dry plant is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused in a water bath for 5 minutes. Drink 50 ml with an interval of 4 hours.

May lily of the valley

This recipe is time-tested, it has come down to our days from ancient times. How to cook:

  • take a liter jar and fill three-quarters of the plants with flowers;
  • pour vodka up to the neck and cover with a lid;
  • insist 20 days, then strain.

For use, you need to dissolve 20 ml of tincture in water. Take water in a ratio of 1:10. Drink no more than three times a day.

Attention! The plant is very poisonous and should be used with caution.

Mint and Melissa

These plants will not cope with heart pain, but they will calm the nerves, which will favorably affect the treatment. The recipe is simple:

  • herbs, taken in 25 g, pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • insist an hour, then filter;
  • drink 25 ml 20 minutes before meals.

Attention! Mint lowers blood pressure.

Questions to the doctor - what to do if the heart hurts?

With a hangover

Answer: First of all, cleanse the intestines - drink activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of your weight), drink it with non-carbonated water. Dilute the water with lemon juice. Replenish the body with vitamin C and mineral salts. Take 16 drops of valocordin and hawthorn tincture per 100 ml of water. Do not increase the dose. Open the windows, ventilate the apartment, lie down under the covers, try not to think about the bad and fall asleep. Remember, alcohol is injurious to health.


Answer: If a teenager has heart pain, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Be sure to follow the general recommendations: do not overeat (especially at night), exclude coffee, spicy and fatty foods from the diet, give preference to diet food. Physical activity has a beneficial effect: morning exercises, walking at a calm pace, swimming, light running (starting with short distances and gradually increasing them).

It is worth drinking a course of sedatives: valerian or motherwort. Before going to bed, take baths with the addition of salt. Get a massage session to help relieve pain.

If the heart aches unexpectedly, help the child to take a comfortable position, wash his face with water, provide fresh air and give a sedative. Monitor the health of the child and sign up for a consultation with a specialist.

When inhaling

Answer: The very first thing to do with pain in the heart during inhalation is to abruptly change the position in which you are and take a deep breath. Such a syndrome is considered harmless, it can make itself felt several times a day. But under such circumstances, it is still necessary to visit a doctor.

From experiences

Answer: In stressful situations, adrenaline is released and heart spasms appear. To get rid of discomfort, you need to do some exercises, provide yourself with physical activity. You can do about 30 squats, push-ups, running in place will help. You can drink a course of sedatives (tinctures of hawthorn and motherwort) so as not to react so sharply to situations that irritate you.

After coffee

Answer: Better to drink in moderation! You can change the brand, switch from custard to instant variety. If the case repeats repeatedly - exclude coffee from the diet, be sure to consult a cardiologist until the cause is clarified and the diagnosis is determined. Then follow your doctor's instructions.

During pregnancy

Answer: Treatment of severe heart pain during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not every drug can be used. Some drugs can cause an abortion, other drugs will adversely affect the health of the child. Heart treatment should take place only under the supervision of doctors, self-medication is unacceptable. You can strengthen your heart to avoid such troubles.

How to strengthen the body

To prevent the onset of the disease, various methods are used to strengthen the heart muscle.

Important! First of all, you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Charging, walking in the fresh air, and small physical exertion have a beneficial effect on the state of the body. You can provide additional help to the heart by using various formulations.


You need to take 6 fruits of the tree and pour a liter of vodka. Infuse for a month, shaking from time to time. Drink tincture of 35 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening, preferably before meals. The course of treatment is designed for 11 days.

natural honey

Scientists have proven the fact that the daily use of honey significantly strengthens the heart. It is enough to eat one spoonful three times a day.

Attention! With a sick heart, honey should not be consumed with hot drinks.

Bananas, raisins, walnuts

It is enough to eat these foods daily so that the heart works calmly, without interruption.

Despite the apparent ease of getting rid of pain in the heart, you need to know that a full recovery will occur only in the case of examination and treatment by a specialist.

What can be done at home if the heart hurts? This question was asked by everyone who has ever experienced attacks of heart pain in themselves or loved ones. The procedure depends on the nature of the pain, the diagnosis, as well as the accompanying symptoms. Read more about first aid in this article.

If the heart hurts for the first time

The procedure for the sudden onset of pain in the heart area depends on their nature and causes.

Consider the most common types of pain and the procedure for their elimination:

  • relax - take a comfortable position and make sure that nothing bothers you;
  • breathe correctly - take slow, but deep breaths, trying not to cause discomfort.

The pain should pass within 5-10 minutes, you can take a heart remedy or a sedative drug when the pain was preceded by stress.

  • take a comfortable position, it is best to lie down;
  • take care of comfort - unfasten the belt and buttons, clothes should not press;
  • if the room is hot, turn on the air conditioner or open the windows;
  • calm down, take a sedative, heart drug, nitroglycerin;
  • breathe deeply.

The effect of the activities should be felt in half an hour.

  • take a heart drug;
  • try to move less;
  • Call a doctor.
  • get rid of clothes that hinder movement;
  • Open the window;
  • breathe deeply;
  • you can drink nitroglycerin.

The condition should improve in 15 minutes.

Pain in diseases

If a person already has a confirmed disease, then, depending on the diagnosis, there are different approaches to relieving pain in the heart:

  • give up the load - in case of manifestation of pain, you should urgently stop doing any work;
  • ventilate the room - open windows and doors;
  • relax - take a supine position, remove clothes that bother you;
  • take nitroglycerin;
  • if after 5 minutes it does not get better, take 1 more tablet.

To expand the vessels and improve blood circulation in angina pectoris, you can attach a mustard plaster or pepper patch to your chest.

2. . With increased pressure, heart pain is most often manifested in a hypertensive crisis. In this case:

  • call an ambulance - you can’t hesitate in a hypertensive crisis;
  • take a comfortable posture;
  • provide access to fresh air;
  • take a pill that gradually lowers the pressure;
  • you can take a sedative or diuretic.

3.Neurosis. In this case, pain can occur due to stress, so you should:

  • calm down, distract from experiences;
  • drink a drug with a sedative effect.

4. Depression. If heart pains appear against the background of an oppressed emotional state, it is necessary to take sedatives.

Even if it was possible to stop the pain syndrome, it is still necessary to make an appointment with a doctor to find out the cause of its occurrence. Very often, the pain soon returns and can become a threat to health and life.

In some diseases, pain can be mistaken for heart pain:

  • Lung diseases. Pain may be accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, and sometimes fever. You should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a serious respiratory disease.
  • Diseases of the stomach. Occurs in a state of hunger or after eating food. You need to see a gastroenterologist.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. Pain occurs during physical exertion or in an uncomfortable position of the body. You need to consult with a neurologist.
  • Myositis. Muscle disease in which pain occurs with overexertion. Requires a referral to a specialist.

You can distinguish heart pain from erroneous pain if you change your position and take a deep breath. If the pain does not go away, it is associated with heart disease, if it begins to subside, the cause is in other organs.

When should you call a doctor?

Most often, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist when the pain does not subside for 20 minutes to 1 hour after attempts have been made to calm it down (heart and sedative drugs do not help).

The most dangerous are the following accompanying symptoms:

  • pressing sensations in the chest;
  • excessive increase in pressure;
  • the appearance of cold sticky sweat;
  • chills or fever;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorder of consciousness;
  • anxiety and panic attacks;
  • speech distortion;
  • shortness of breath.

If several of the above symptoms appear at once, you should immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid to the patient.

What to do before the ambulance arrives?

Immediately after the decision was made to call an ambulance for a person suffering from heart pain, first aid must be provided.

The following actions should be taken:

  • Reassure the patient. It is better to use proper breathing techniques or provide the most calming atmosphere. Take medications only in critical cases.
  • Take a comfortable posture. It is best to lie down, but do not create pressure on the heart - the most optimal position is to lie on your back.
  • Provide air access. Open all windows.
  • Get rid of clothing that restricts movement and interferes with breathing. You need to unbutton the buttons and get rid of tight things.
  • Give aspirin. This remedy helps improve blood circulation.
  • Give nitroglycerin. This drug should only be used when it is certain that the pain is caused by a heart problem.

Before you purchase these drugs for your home first aid kit, consult your doctor about their safety for you personally.

Among the drugs that can be taken at home with the appearance of heart pain, there are:

  • Validol. Has a calming effect. When taken concomitantly with nitroglycerin, it may reduce blood pressure. It should be taken by putting it under the tongue and slowly dissolving.
  • Aspirin. Helps to cope with heart pain. When taking it, you need to chew it thoroughly.
  • Corvalol. It also has a calming effect, but is ineffective for intercostal neuralgia. Can be taken as drops or tablets.

    The drug has a negative effect on the liver and is contraindicated in people with hepatic pathologies.

  • Cardiomagnyl. An excellent pain reliever. Does not adversely affect the digestive system. Produced in the form of tablets.
  • Nitroglycerine. Designed to provide emergency care to patients with cardiac pathologies. It helps to relax the smooth muscles of the venous bed, thus expanding the vessels. Tablets and capsules are taken sublingually.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in people with low blood pressure.


You can also get rid of pain in the heart with the help of folk methods. Below are a few simple remedies that you can make at home:

1. Herbal infusion. Effective Pain Remedy:

  • take 3 tbsp. l. chopped valerian root, 3 tbsp. l. dried motherwort leaves, 2 tbsp. l. yarrow and 2 tbsp. l. anise fruit;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pour the resulting mixture with 1 cup of hot water;
  • let it brew for 3 hours;
  • strain.

Take 1/3 cup 2 times a day.

2. Calming collection. It helps well with neuroses, which are often the cause of pain in the heart:

  • take 3 tbsp. l. valerian root, 2 tbsp. l. yarrow, 2 tbsp. l. hop cones and 3 tbsp. l. lemon balm;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • 1 st. l. pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water;
  • let it brew for about 30 minutes;
  • strain.

Drink 1 glass of the finished product for 4 times.

3. Collection of hawthorn. Excellent remedy for heart pain:

  • take 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn, 1 tbsp. l. rosehip and 1 tbsp. l. motherwort;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • boil for about 5 minutes;
  • wait until the product cools down;
  • strain.

Drink the collection instead of tea several times a day.

4. Wild Carrot Remedy. You can drink both for prevention and for severe pain:

  • take 6 tbsp. l. seeds of wild carrots;
  • pour 250 ml of vodka;
  • for 20 days, put the product in a cool, dark place.

As a prophylactic, take 6 drops 3 times a day. If severe pain occurs, you need to drink 3 drops every half hour.

5. Veres infusion. It is an effective means to strengthen the heart:

  • take 2 tsp. dry heather;
  • pour 1 cup boiling water;
  • put in a water bath and wait 5 minutes.

Drink 1/4 cup every 4 hours.

6. Lily of the valley infusion. This recipe has been known since ancient times, its effectiveness has been tested by time:

  • take a 1 liter jar and fill it with plant flowers by about 3/4;
  • fill with vodka to the brim;
  • clean in a cool place and leave for about 20 days.

Dissolve 20 ml of tincture in 1 glass of water. Drink no more than 3 times a day.

7. A mixture of honey, lemon and dried apricots. Helps strengthen the heart muscle:

  • take 1 glass of honey, nuts and dried apricots, grind thoroughly;
  • add the zest and juice of 1 lemon;
  • mix ingredients thoroughly.

Take 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day. It is better to store the product in the refrigerator.

Also, if you experience heart pain, the following exercises can help:

  • Little finger biting. Bite about 20 times the little finger on the left hand, then on the right. Repeat. Over time, the pain will begin to subside.
  • Proper breathing. Take a deep breath and then exhale slowly.

These exercises are more effective if done consistently, in combination.

You can find out about methods and acupuncture wheelbarrows that can help get rid of pain in the heart, if you don’t have the necessary funds at hand, by watching this video:


To avoid pain in the heart, or at least limit the number of possible attacks, you should adhere to preventive measures.

Basic Rules:

  • To improve the functioning of the heart, it must be regularly strengthened. Moderate exercise or endurance training can help with this. An excellent solution would be a morning run or daily walking long distances.
  • Stay calm. Stress and traumatic events have a negative effect on the entire body and are common causes of heart pain. To avoid this, try to remain calm even in the most critical situations. Breathing exercises, meditation techniques, or contacting a professional psychologist can help with this.
  • Eat the right foods. The work of the heart is helped by foods rich in potassium. These are, first of all, nuts and seafood. But fatty and salty foods, on the contrary, create an additional load, so it is better to refuse it.
  • Give up bad habits. The use of alcohol and nicotine creates serious obstacles to the normal functioning of the heart, so if you want to prolong your life and not suffer from regular pain, then it is better to give it up.

Also, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a doctor to make sure that the heart is functioning normally and receive the necessary recommendations.

Very often, pain in the heart can be a symptom of serious diseases. Timely first aid can save you from complications, and sometimes save your life. But you should not be limited only to home methods. For any pain in the heart area, a specialist consultation is necessary.

It is not without reason that the heart is called the most important human organ - perhaps that is why even a slight pain in the heart causes mystical horror in us. And if at least once you didn’t put your hand on the left side of your chest and exclaimed “My heart hurts!” You can count yourself lucky. - the most common complaint at a therapist's appointment, which can be heard from both a child and an adult. But where does this unpleasant phenomenon come from and how to treat it?

The nature of heart pain

The nature of heart pain is very diverse and depends on what causes the pain. But, perhaps, it is not difficult to single out the main characteristics. So, the pains are:

Aching, pulling, stabbing, squeezing, burning and piercing;

Concentrating on a specific area, extending to the shoulder blade, shoulder, arm, neck, abdomen or lower jaw;

Fast or long;

Also, the pain can be constant and intense. To understand the cause of pain and get rid of it, you need to determine which category your pain belongs to.

The reasons

All heart pains are divided into two groups:

1) Anginal, that is, pain associated with, a disease caused by insufficiency of coronary circulation.

2) Non-anginal pain, the cause of which is inflammation, congenital heart disease or.

Anginal pain

Anginal pains are sometimes called ischemic or angina pectoris, and their source is an insufficient supply of the myocardium. When a person is subjected to severe stress or heavy physical exertion, the body needs increased blood circulation. Usually, the sensations in the chest during attacks are similar to burning, squeezing or pressure, pain gives to the left arm, lower jaw and shoulder. The rhythm of breathing is disturbed, shortness of breath often appears. To relieve this kind of pain, you don’t need much: breathe a couple of times calmly, relax and drink the necessary medicine. However, if you feel incredibly strong pain, sharp and pressure - just do not panic! - this may be an acute myocardial infarction, and in this case, urgently call an ambulance.

Nonanginal pain

The causes are damage to the heart muscle (myocarditis), inflammation of the pericardial sac (pericarditis), damage to the peripheral nervous system and arteries. If you feel a prolonged, aching, stabbing, burning pain in your chest that radiates throughout the left side of your torso, you should take painkillers.

Other types of heart pain

It often happens that the heart can hurt for a reason that is completely unrelated to the heart. In such cases, other organs that provoke heart pain are to blame. for the most part appear with sharp turns of the body, a deep breath. Some diseases are given to the chest, and therefore it seems to us that it is the heart that hurts. For example, pain can be caused by thoracic radiculitis, costal cartilage pathology, osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, neurosis, or diseases of the digestive system. The heart can also hurt in stressful situations, with muscle contraction or changes in blood pressure.

How to relieve heart pain?

Emergency help!

Of course, at the slightest pain in the heart, you should contact a cardiologist. But what if there is no way to call a doctor, but you need to relieve the pain right now? If the pain occurs suddenly, you must:

- Stop the actions being performed;

- Sit or lie down, trying to calm down;

If the pain is pressing in nature, similar to angina pectoris, you should put a nitroglycerin tablet or a capsule of corvalment under the tongue, drip corvalol or valerian; access to fresh air will be useful;

If you feel a sharp, stabbing pain in your heart, most likely the diagnosis is vegetative-vascular dystonia. The standard advice in such situations is calmness, patience and valerian;

If there is a suspicion that the pain is due to increased pressure, take something fast-acting to reduce pressure, such as corinfar;

With sharp pains, there is a possibility of an attack; such pain can be relieved by sitting down and dipping your feet in hot mustard water, put validol under your tongue, take no more than 40 drops of corvalol or valocordin, and if this does not help, put a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue;

If this is your first attack, and you do not know the cause and diagnosis, you should use medicines very carefully! No need to be nervous, calmness and prudence help in any cases. Take up to 40 drops of Valocordin, Corvalol or Validol. Use aspirin or analgin - you need to drink both tablets with half a glass of water. Use nitroglycerin only when necessary, no matter how, it is a potent medicine.

If the pain does not go away for a long time, immediately call an ambulance and try to stay calm until qualified help arrives.

However, remember: if there was an attack of heart pain, and you extinguished it with medicines, this does not mean that you need to forget and live on! Pain in the heart does not occur spontaneously, it is a kind of signal from the body about the presence of serious problems. This, you know, is not a scratch on which you put a band-aid and wait for recovery. It is unacceptable to self-medicate here if you do not want to get a myocardial infarction and die. At the first opportunity, contact a competent cardiologist, otherwise major health problems will not keep you waiting.

Treatment of pain in the heart

To start treatment, you should contact a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon and undergo a thorough medical examination. First, it is worth doing an ECG - an electrocardiogram, it is indispensable in determining any heart defects. After determining the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the course of treatment, which must be followed strictly. Heart disease is not a toy, so take care of your health and well-being!

A broken heart is hard to mend, but it can be healed.

The heart is a small organ, its diseases lead to big problems.

It is located in the chest next to other organs. Pain in this area is called chest pain or, scientifically, thoracalgia.

During their lifetime, 20-40% of people experience chest pain. Heart problems are life threatening and require immediate medical attention in only 8-18% of cases of chest pain.

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Of the 440 causes of thoracalgia, only 40-50 are common. These are acute conditions that require urgent treatment (dissecting, embolism of the trunk and branches of the pulmonary artery, spontaneous pneumothorax) and chronic diseases that last for years (gastroesophageal reflux disease, Tietze's disease).

Common causes in adults: gastrointestinal disease (42%), ischemic disease (31%), musculoskeletal disease (28%), pericarditis (4%), and pulmonary embolism (2%). Other less common causes include pleurisy, lung cancer, and aortic aneurysm.

Pain can be of cardiac or non-cardiac origin. However, the symptoms of a heart attack or angina can vary greatly.

Tietze syndrome (rib chondritis) is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the chest.

Pain in the esophagus is similar to cardiac ischemia: the esophagus and heart are located nearby and are innervated by the same nerves. In diseases of the digestive system, pain is associated with food intake, heartburn, belching, and bitterness in the mouth often occur.

There are many reasons for heart pain. The main thing is to find out the reason and act correctly.

Pain in the chest of cardiac origin.

With ischemic (coronary) heart disease, pain occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the narrowed vessels.

The main reason for the narrowing of the arteries and the development of ischemia is. This is the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries. Manifestations occur when the artery is narrowed by at least 70%. The resulting pain syndrome is called angina pectoris, in the literature "angina pectoris".

A myocardial infarction (heart attack) is an emergency. The reason is the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque and the formation of a thrombus in this place, which completely blocks the coronary artery. This leads to the cessation of blood flow and the death of heart muscle cells.
ACS (acute coronary syndrome) combines myocardial infarction and unstable angina. In this condition, an ambulance arrives immediately and immediately takes to the hospital.

The typical pain syndrome in a heart attack is more intense than in angina pectoris. There is sweating, palpitations and fear of death. A heart attack often occurs in the early morning hours - this is due to the circadian rhythm of increasing hormones in the blood. The pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin and lasts more than 20-30 minutes.

In addition to IHD, pain in the heart area is present with myocarditis (viral inflammation of the heart muscle), pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardial sac), mitral valve prolapse, ruptured aortic aneurysm, and pulmonary embolism. It is important to remember that only a doctor will establish the correct diagnosis!

Chest pain is easier to prevent than to treat.

First aid for chest pain

    Cessation of physical activity. It is necessary to sit down and lower your legs down - the load on the heart will decrease. Unfasten your clothes. Provide enough fresh air.

    Take one nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue or nitrospray for one dose. If pain persists after 5 minutes, take nitroglycerin again. Be sure to read the contraindications.

  1. Call 911 immediately if the attack occurs for the first time or at rest, or if the pain is intense and prolonged.

Pain may be accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat or slow pulse, dizziness, vomiting or nausea, and a drop in blood pressure. If these symptoms are present, and nitroglycerin does not help, call an ambulance.

Most heart diseases are accompanied by a feeling of palpitations. This feeling of your own heart beating - originates in the chest and is transmitted to the throat or neck. It is important to distinguish it from tachycardia - with it above 90-100 beats per minute.

Below the norm - 60 beats per minute - occurs in people who regularly exercise or take drugs that slow down the rhythm, as well as with certain diseases (decreased thyroid function or blockade of impulse conduction in the heart).

The palpitations are disturbing but not harmful. Rarely, palpitations are a symptom of a serious heart condition. But if the heartbeat is irregular (arrhythmia), then treatment is required.

Palpitations often occur during times of anxiety, fear or stress, as well as a panic attack. Use stress management techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga and meditation to stay calm during stressful situations. Normalize rest and.

Another reason is a sedentary lifestyle. Untrained people are more likely to experience palpitations when playing sports or doing physical work. The heartbeat increases after drinking alcohol. The reasons for this phenomenon are still not clear.

Often people who experience heart palpitations at night have no difference in heart rate during the day. However, the heartbeat at night is more noticeable, because in silence there are no extra sounds.

Accidental pressure on the vagus nerve while lying on the back or bringing the heart closer to the chest on the left side also gives a temporary sensation of palpitations.

How to prevent heart pain?

Eliminate foods, drinks and substances that cause palpitations. Get more sleep, rest, move. Seek medical attention if you have not experienced palpitations before. Call an ambulance if, in addition to a heartbeat, there are:

  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Chest pain.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Strong sweat.
  • Dizziness.

Be healthy! Treat your heart responsibly!

Most people far from medicine believe that if heart pain occurs, validol or Corvalol should be used. But validol in angina pectoris is ineffective. For angina pectoris, a much better cure for heart pain is nitroglycerin.

Heart pain often occurs behind the sternum during stress, sometimes it can be very strong, causing fear of death. With such an attack, it is necessary to put a tablet of nitroglycerin and validol under the tongue. If the first expands the lumens of the coronary vessels, then the second relieves stress. Quite often, the use of nitropreparations causes headaches, and validol will help get rid of them or significantly weaken them. But Validol almost does not expand the vessels, so it does not make sense to use only this drug alone.

Valocordin for heart pain

Valocordin, like its analogue Corvalol, is able to moderate developed irritability, neurosis, palpitations, relieve insomnia, since it has a general calming effect on the nervous system. They are able to dilate blood vessels, which increases the blood supply to the myocardium, as a result of which the pain behind the sternum subsides. This is not to say that these drugs do not have side effects. So, their use can cause drowsiness, dizziness and inhibited reaction, so drivers should take them only after the permission of a doctor.

If heart pain is caused by severe cardiac pathology, then in this case emergency medical care will be required. In these situations, the efficiency with which the patient asked for help is extremely important, since his life often depends on it. But as a first aid, you can use the appropriate medicine for pain in the heart.

Pain in the chest area can be companions of many diseases that are extremely life-threatening. When they occur in a person for the first time, he should immediately call a doctor who will try to establish their causes and prescribe appropriate treatment or refer the patient for additional examination.

What should be done in case of a heart attack?

Attacks of heart pain most often occur in people suffering from angina pectoris, and it develops against the background of coronary heart disease. Pain can occur against the background of emotional stress or significant physical exertion. In this case, any work should be stopped immediately and try to calm down. It is necessary to sit down or take another comfortable position and put nitroglycerin under the tongue. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to half a tablet so that excessive weakness and headache do not appear. With normal tolerance of nitropreparations, you can take a whole tablet.

Nitrates act quickly, the effect becomes noticeable after 5 minutes.

If the pain in the heart has not subsided, then it is useless to take a new dose, and a specialized cardiac care team should be called immediately.

When taking nitroglycerin, one should be especially careful in patients with such a pathology of the organs of vision as glaucoma. With her, nitropreparations cannot be used.

The regimen and the required dosage are determined only by the attending physician, and self-medication in such a situation can pose a direct threat to human life, since time will be lost to identify the cause of heart pain.

In the presence of emotional stress, sedatives and sedatives are very useful. Since the normal emotional state of the patient helps to eliminate pain, such drugs are also used in therapeutic measures. If a patient has hypertension as a concomitant pathology, then it is very important to control his pressure level, reducing it, if necessary, with antihypertensive drugs.

Medicines for heart pain

ACE inhibitors

This group of drugs delays the production of an enzyme that causes blood vessels to narrow. With their help, the condition of patients with myocardial damage and simultaneously suffering from hypertension is monitored. It is also prescribed to heart attack patients to help their weakened heart pump better. For the same purpose, ACE inhibitors are indicated for people with heart failure, in which the heart is not able to pump blood in sufficient volumes to ensure the normal functioning of the body. These drugs include captopril, lisinopril, enalapril, enalaprilat, perindopril, moexipril, etc.

Beta blockers

These drugs reduce the strength of heart contractions and their frequency, due to which blood pressure decreases, and the heart itself experiences less stress. They are used for high blood pressure, for pain in the heart, and help prevent the recurrence of new attacks. These include metoprolol, nadolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol, propranolol, atenolol, esmolol, etc.


Preparations of this group, which includes nitroglycerin, expand the lumen of blood vessels, while blood flow is activated and heart pain stops. They are used for many types of coronary heart disease, for example, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris. In addition to nitroglycerin, nitrates include isosorbide dinitrate and isosorbide-5-mononitrate.

Calcium channel blockers

They relieve vasospasm, increasing blood flow to the heart. This group of drugs is used for high blood pressure and heart pain. One of these drugs is cardezim, which is good for angina heart pain and can serve as a prophylaxis against some manifestations of angina symptoms. This group of drugs also includes diltiazem, nifedipine, nicardipine, verapamil, amlodipine, and others.

Medicines that lower blood cholesterol

Designed to reduce the level of "bad" LDL-cholesterol. The cause of most heart diseases is the overgrowth of coronary vessels with cholesterol plaques, which narrows their lumen. Taking these drugs prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart disease develops more slowly, attacks occur less frequently and lose their strength. One such remedy is Zocor, which is recommended for patients with various cardiac disorders. This also includes tricor, lipantil, gemfibrozil, etc.

Thrombolytic drugs

Used for pain caused by angina pectoris. At the same time, they eliminate both the symptom and the cause in the form of blood clots - blood clots that prevent normal blood flow, and sometimes completely block it. Streptokinase is the cheapest drug, followed by urokinase, anistreplase, and alteplase in ascending order of price.

Additional treatments

The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the examination of the patient. It is based on cardiological drugs that have hypotensive, vasodilating, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive and metabolic effects. But they can be supplemented by herbal preparations that help joint relief of pain.

One of the best plants for the heart is hawthorn, which is included as a component in many natural preparations.

One of the preparations with hawthorn is kratal, which contains, in addition to hawthorn, taurine and motherwort. It is widely used in cardiology practice, as it relieves pain with its calming and vasodilating effect. At the same time, the heart rhythm normalizes, and the nutrition of the myocardium becomes better.

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