Redness of the skin around the head. Causes and treatment of redness on the head and foreskin of the penis in men. Skin irritation and allergic reactions

Irritation or redness of the foreskin and glans penis of an adult male indicates the presence of one of the diseases, which is the result of an allergy, a fungus, an infection transmitted during unprotected sexual contact. Also, the cause of the formation of a red spot on the penis can be chronic diseases of the genitourinary and endocrine systems. Inflammatory processes on the foreskin of the male genital organ are the most common reasons why representatives of the strong half of humanity seek help from a dermatologist or urologist.

The reasons

The head and the skin around it can turn red as a result of traumatic injuries during intercourse, tight clothing, or a negative reaction of the immune system to the powder used to wash underwear.

Nevertheless, most often hyperemia and itching of the penis is provoked by the presence of pathogens of the fungus, or by infection. The presence of the latter is always distinguished by a stormy clinical picture of the course of the disease, which periodically passes into an exacerbation phase, and then for some time may not be felt at all. Therefore, a periodically appearing red rash on the penis should alert a man and become an incentive to contact a dermatologist or urologist.

Most often, the culprits of irritation on the foreskin and the surface of the head are microorganisms such as trichomonas, chlamydia, and also gonococcus, which causes gonorrhea. Treatment of this cause of a red rash on the male genital organ requires special attention and scrupulousness, since sexually transmitted infections without proper therapy can be very dangerous for the entire male genitourinary system.

Pathogenic bacteria are able to rise up the urethra, penetrate into the prostate gland, bladder walls, ureter and even kidneys. In all these parts of the excretory system, the infection provokes chronic foci of inflammation, the presence of which can cause infertility, prostatitis, impotence, cystitis, and even kidney failure.

Irritation on the penis with balanitis

There are many urological pathologies of the male genitourinary system. Along with others, a disease called balanitis is no less rare. In fact, this is an inflammation of the upper layer of the skin that covers the head of the penis. The nature of the inflammatory process may be different. This is only a primary diagnosis, the etiology of which is established during a detailed examination of the patient's body. Balanitis is classified into the following types:

  1. Infectious. Includes inflammation caused by genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, fungus.
  2. Non-infectious. These are unfavorable environmental factors, mechanical injuries of the penis, allergic reactions, non-compliance with basic hygiene rules, complications of diabetes mellitus and other dermatological diseases.

Balanitis is always dangerous because in the absence of adequate treatment, the inflammatory process only intensifies. Its development is facilitated by the constant closeness of the intimate zone and a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, the usual irritation gradually turns into a solid red spot, on which erosions, abscesses and necrosis of the affected tissues form.

At this stage, it is already difficult to help the patient with drug therapy alone, and in 75% of cases, doctors have to resort to the use of surgical treatment methods with excision of the affected areas of the foreskin.

Irritation on the head with balanoposthitis

This is another disease of the foreskin of the penis, which is often diagnosed in men. Its distinguishing feature is that the head and the skin surrounding it turns red, swells and begins to itch a lot. On visual inspection, it can be seen that the inflammation is distributed over the surface of the organ inhomogeneously and can manifest itself in the center of the penis or only on one side. This pathology occurs in the presence of the following factors and circumstances:

Treatment of balanoposthitis on the head of the penis is always specific and is based on what exactly caused the inflammation of the foreskin of a man. To do this, immediately after a visual examination of the penis, the patient is sent for the delivery of urine, blood from a vein, smears from the mucous membrane of the walls of the urethra and the directly affected surface. Based on the results of a laboratory study, the attending physician can already form a therapeutic course for the patient aimed at getting rid of a dermatological problem.

Redness of the head with a sexual infection

In the case of unprotected sexual contact with a non-permanent partner, there is always a risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. These include trichomoniasis, chlamydia. After they hit the penis, inflammation begins only after a few weeks, and sometimes months, since each type of these microorganisms has a different incubation period. The disease begins to manifest itself with a slight irritation of the foreskin. Multiple pimples are formed, covering the entire head and penis.

It is extremely rare that these inflammatory formations transform into one red spot, with the exception of the formation of a syphilitic chancre on the penis, but this is possible only in the last stages of the disease.

Venereal inflammation of the foreskin in adult men does not cause itching, and most of the sensations are painful. 2-5 days after the onset of the rash, a cutting pain during urination joins. From the urethra, unusual discharge begins to appear with impurities of blood and pus. As the disease progresses, the symptoms of pathology increase. In this case, the sooner treatment begins, the shorter the therapeutic effect on pathogens will be.

Treatment of irritation on the head of the penis

Therapy of the inflammatory process on the foreskin of the penis of a man is based on what caused the painful condition of the skin. With an infectious lesion of the genitals, potent antibacterial drugs are used as treatment. The patient takes them in tablet form, he is given intramuscular injections and prescribed antiseptic baths. The type of antibiotics used directly depends on the type of microorganisms detected in the urethra and on the surface of the patient's penis during a laboratory test.

Candidiasis of the foreskin is always treated only with antifungal creams and ointments - Clotrimazole, Mycospor, Lomexin, Pimafucin. In complicated cases, similar drugs are prescribed to the patient in the form of tablets. Therapy of allergic reactions is performed with antihistamine drugs such as Citrin, Suprastinol, Ketotifen, Suprastin. Factors that provoke allergies are also established. It is recommended to wash clothes only with baby or laundry soap and do not use synthetic powders. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics, and it should be changed daily after taking water procedures.

The ultimate treatment for irritation and inflammation of the foreskin in men is surgery. It is possible to carry out local operations to remove extensive purulent formations, as well as tissues, after prolonged inflammation of which necrosis has developed. In complicated forms of the inflammatory process, surgical circumcision of the foreskin is not excluded in order to deprive infectious pathogens of their natural habitat. Carrying out this operation is not dangerous for the health of a man and normalizes the balance of microflora in the intimate area. Only the appearance of the penis changes.

The male genital organ can be prone to various diseases. Some of them can be manifested by redness of the head and foreskin of the male penis, as well as other symptoms characteristic of diseases of the male organ.


Balanoposthitis - this is what medicine calls redness on the head and foreskin in men.

It should be noted that balanoposthitis occurs in men of different ages. The disease can appear both in an adult and in boys of preschoolers and schoolchildren. Irritation on the head of the penis is a fairly common occurrence. The result of this disease can be phimosis - a narrowing of the foreskin, which usually causes pain during exercise and urination. It is worth remembering that any, even the most harmless, redness on the penis can lead to serious consequences.

Why does redness occur on the head of the penis

The head of the penis and its foreskin are very sensitive - the skin in this area is thin, prone to microtrauma, and therefore easy penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Many inflammations of the penis affect only the head, while in most cases there is irritation on the penis, as well as itching, burning and sometimes fever.

The problem of reproduction of bacteria on the genitals can affect every man. The lack of fresh air and high humidity, in turn, are good conditions for the life of various microorganisms. Depending on the structural features of the skin and its microflora, the disease can develop rapidly.

If the head or foreskin turns red, this is a serious reason to think that a certain failure has occurred in the body. Why redness may appear on the penis:

  • Irritation - may occur due to mechanical damage, temperature or allergies. Usually this is the body's reaction to an irritant.
  • Temporary redness - appears during a sharp rush of blood with increased vascular tone or as a result of a neurogenic manifestation.
  • Inflammatory reaction - caused by an inflammatory process or the onset of a disease.

Causes of irritation on the head of the penis

The causes of redness of the foreskin in men can be different: it can be either a normal irritation or any disease of the genital organs.

It is worth remembering that at the first signs of redness, you should consult a doctor and in no case should you self-medicate. After contacting a specialist, he will prescribe an examination, tests, according to the results of which he will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

The causes of redness can be:

  • Allergy to synthetic underwear. To get rid of the misfortune, you just need to give up clothes that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • . If partners do not release enough natural lubrication during intercourse, redness may appear on the penis. To prevent this from happening, additional oil-based lubrication must be used.
  • Candidiasis is a disease usually transmitted from a sexual partner who has thrush. Symptoms are reddening of the head and foreskin, itching and burning in the penis in a man.
  • Some skin diseases such as ringworm, psoriasis, pemphigus.
  • Bacterial or viral infection, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes can act as pathogens. Often the infection is mixed.
  • The simplest microorganisms, such as Trichomonas.
  • Mechanical damage to the head. Redness can cause piercings, diapers, masturbation.

Every man, when the first symptoms of balanoposthitis appear, should consult a specialist. Thanks to timely and proper treatment, quite dangerous diseases such as necrosis of the glans penis and cancer can be avoided.

Redness of the foreskin can be caused by the following factors:

Acute infectious balanoposthitis

Irritation on the penis is one of the main symptoms that an inflammatory process has begun in the body. The disease can be transmitted during unprotected intercourse, and also appear with the rapid reproduction of one's own microorganisms.

Symptoms of infectious diseases in a man appear when:

  • fungus candida;
  • herpes;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • conditionally pathogenic bacteria.

During the examination, the doctor first determines which bacteria caused the disease. After that, he prescribes treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibacterial agents.

Allergy on penis

Sometimes allergic reactions in the male body can cause irritation on the head of the penis. If red dots appear on the penis, accompanied by itching and burning, but there is no discharge, then this may be due to an allergy.

It can be caused by various factors:

  • Non-natural fabrics, synthetic underwear.
  • Incorrectly selected personal hygiene products.
  • Washing powders.
  • Medicines.
  • Condoms.

In any case, no matter what caused the irritation, you should consult a doctor. If he confirms that it is due to an allergy, then antihistamines are prescribed.

Hormonal imbalance

Often, redness on the head in men occurs due to hormonal imbalance. In this case, the epithelium on the penis begins to change. Old cells die and are replaced by new ones, but this happens rather slowly. During this process, the skin becomes inflamed and red patches of irritated skin can be seen.

A man can aggravate his situation himself, because when itching appears in the groin, some try to scratch it, it is because of this that cracks appear through which the infection can enter. To avoid the development of the disease, you should consult a doctor and restore hormonal balance.

Improper hygiene of the penis

Hygiene is of great importance for the health of the male genital organs. If it is bad to wash the penis or do it quite rarely, smegma may begin to accumulate - a natural lubricant secreted by glands located on the surface of the penis under the foreskin. Old smegma is a source of an unpleasant odor and a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora. A man should wash the genitals not only from the outside, but also pull off the foreskin, gently washing the head. If a man neglects hygiene, this will lead to the rapid growth of bacteria, which provoke the development of penis diseases.

Only regular washing of the penis can ensure that bacteria cannot develop in sufficient numbers to cause inflammation. It is worth remembering that the faster the infection develops, the worse the inflammation, which can be difficult to cure.

Balanoposthitis in men: stages of the course of the disease

  • simple form

The first symptoms at this stage will be: redness of the glans penis, it may increase in size due to a slight swelling. In some cases, there is a discharge of pus and the appearance of cracks. These symptoms are accompanied by pain and cutting.

  • erosional stage

The symptoms of this stage were the appearance of a white coating on the penis. Depending on the characteristics of the body, lymph nodes may increase. The skin of the penis becomes dry and begins to thin.

  • gangrenous stage

If you run the disease to this stage, you can find the formation of small ulcers on the genitals. They are quite deep and bring great discomfort to a man. In some areas of the penis, dead skin cells can be seen as a result of progressive necrosis. The patient becomes lethargic and weak, fever may begin.

Risk factors

Not always the immediate causes of the disease are the main ones for the redness of the penis, quite often this phenomenon occurs:

  • If the reproduction of microorganisms occurs in the foreskin.
  • In case of violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
  • When a mother improperly cares for the genitals of a child.
  • Because of the indiscriminate choice of sexual partners.
  • With diabetes.
  • Due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Some nations have a tradition of circumcising even very young boys. In men who have not had it, in the absence of proper hygiene, burning, redness, and white plaque may occur. Many doctors argue that if the foreskin is missing, then bacteria and microorganisms have nowhere to develop. Thus, circumcision becomes a good method of prevention against balanoposthitis and phimosis.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis

Redness of the foreskin and head of the penis in a man is only one of the symptoms of the disease. The rest include:

  • Itching, pain, burning of the male genital organ.
  • Redness of the head of the penis, as well as swelling and visible swelling of the skin around the head.
  • Significant reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse. Ejaculation occurs faster than usual.
  • The head of the penis becomes dry, cracks and ulcers appear.
  • May exude pus.
  • The general condition of the man becomes worse, weakness and lethargy appear.
  • Smegma begins to stand out more than usual.

Balanoposthitis treatment

In the normal state, the head and foreskin of the penis have a pale pink color. But often a man begins to complain of redness of the foreskin and head of the penis, sometimes it comes to the point that unpleasant and painful sensations appear. Since there are many reasons for this, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

After the doctor has made a diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. It is worth remembering that you can recover faster only if the disease has not been started. Treatment is carried out according to the following principle:

  • Antibacterial therapy - the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotic treatment.
  • Treatment of a viral infection. The doctor prescribes pills and ointments to the patient, which are aimed at treating viruses.
  • The specialist prescribes antifungal drugs. Ointments and tablets are used to eliminate itching, burning and white plaque.
  • Your doctor may prescribe metronidazole to treat trichomoniasis.

When a disease occurs, the immune system becomes weak, so taking vitamins is mandatory.

  • It is recommended to use antimicrobial solutions to eliminate external manifestations.
  • In the case of an allergy, its symptoms must be eliminated.
  • If balanoposthitis arose due to a pathology caused by provoking factors, then it is treated.

It should be understood that if the redness of the penis is caused by mechanical damage, more precisely, after intercourse or masturbation, then the treatment will be simple and short-lived. If balanoposthitis has developed as a result of an infection, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which, depending on the situation, may vary in time.

Complications of the disease

The main complication of balanoposthitis is a decrease in the sensitivity of the head, this is due to prolonged irritation. This gives a man great discomfort, as the quality of sexual life is reduced, and, accordingly, there is almost no satisfaction.

There are cases when urethritis develops due to balanoposthitis. Urethritis is a narrowing of the urethra that develops when the urethra becomes inflamed.

Often, it is precisely because of the narrowing of the foreskin that various inflammations and irritations begin.

A man with an abundant release of smegma from the penis is advised to monitor his hygiene. Its long stay on the genitals can provoke the formation of oncological diseases.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

The main prevention of balanoposthitis is the observance of hygiene of the genital organs. It is recommended to use condoms during sex. Every man should regularly visit a urologist for examination.

Everyone, without exception, should remember that with the right lifestyle, the disease appears much less frequently. Therefore, the main prevention of any disease is considered to be the observance of a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and physical activity will only strengthen the immune system.

If a man has a predisposition to allergic reactions, then you should try to avoid contact with the allergen, choose the right underwear and washing powders.

It is worth remembering that during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to completely exclude sexual intercourse. Interaction with other microorganisms can only aggravate the situation.

If a man is attentive to his health and treats redness in time, then there is nothing to worry about.

Other diseases that cause penis redness

Not only balanoposthitis can cause irritation on the penis and foreskin of the male genital organ. There are other diseases that must be treated.

A reddened penis can be the result of such diseases:

  • Lichen

It usually affects mucous membranes and skin. It may be red or blue in color. Lichen looks like small shiny nodules. During this illness, severe itching appears, sexual life becomes difficult.

  • Bowen's disease

An oncological change in the skin, which doctors characterize as. The disease can appear on the finger, hands or feet, but most often the disease develops on the extreme skin of the penis. A small plaque appears on the male genital organ, which has a bright red color. A feature of the plaque is that its surface is wet. can take quite a long time. It is imperative to monitor the development of the disease, as it can develop into cancer. Usually, the doctor performs surgery or removes the plaque with a laser.

  • Erythroplasia of Queira

Oncological disease, with it, redness and itching of the penis appear. This disease is also considered a precancerous disease. Usually the disease develops on the foreskin and, unfortunately, in fact, in 60% it develops into cancer. With Keyra's erythroplasia, the doctor prescribes surgery and uses chemotherapeutic methods of treatment.

  • Paget's disease

Most often seen in older men. Red spots and weeping plaques appear on the penis. This disease is characterized by its long course, and in rare cases it can develop into oncology.

  • Purulent hydradenitis

It develops on the head and foreskin of the penis. It is dangerous because sepsis may develop if untimely or improper treatment occurs.

Thus, it became clear that redness on the genitals is a rather serious deviation. You should definitely consult a doctor and find out what caused the disease. You can not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

It must be understood that the state of his penis has a great influence on the general health of a man.

Redness of the skin on the genitals of a man is a completely normal physiological process, the head of the penis is very sensitive, there are numerous nerve endings on it, which allows it to change color to external irritation.

However, if the redness of the head continues for a long time, and is also accompanied by additional, not natural symptoms, this is most likely already a pathology, a manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease.

First of all, you need to seek help from a dermatologist or venereologist, since redness on the head without itching often appears as a result of an allergic reaction, or sexually transmitted infections or those associated with non-compliance with hygiene rules, and only a doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

In this article, you will learn: what are the signs and symptoms of redness on the head, the features of diagnosis, the specifics of treatment, as well as the prognosis and measures to prevent the consequences.

What is redness on the head without itching

Redness on the head without itching

Redness on the head without itching in men may indicate the presence of some of the infectious diseases or allergies. Fungal diseases disappear here, since they are almost always accompanied by itching and an unpleasant burning sensation of the head of the penis. Infections associated with non-compliance with hygiene rules (balanoposthitis), as well as an exacerbation of the genital herpes virus, are distinguished by the same itching. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, it is very important to track additional symptoms associated with redness.

If redness on the head without itching caused STIs or non-specific infections, then the following additional symptoms are possible:

  • pain during urination and purulent discharge are a sign of gonorrhea;
  • the appearance of small pustules occurs with a staphylococcal infection;
  • large ulcers - with streptococcal infection;
  • characteristic fishy smell - with gardnerellosis.

It is impossible to cure such infections on your own. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will conduct a course of treatment with antibacterial and antiviral drugs. Also, in parallel, it will be necessary to pay attention to strengthening immunity.

It is quite difficult to identify an allergic process, because its symptoms are similar to the course of herpes. Redness on the head of the penis without itching and its swelling may begin, and then transparent bubbles appear. Usually, the appearance of such an allergic reaction is preceded by the use of new cosmetics, drugs, lubricants or condoms.

That is why it is so important to consult a doctor at the first signs, who will be able to diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to observe personal hygiene, wear loose cotton underpants, use condoms during sexual intercourse with new partners, and do not abuse various cosmetics.


The specificity of the phenomenon

The head of the male penis has a very sensitive skin, which is important for the corresponding physiological functions. To protect it from various external influences, the foreskin, which is a double skin membrane, is designed.

It has a unique structure: high elasticity, no fat component, the presence of a thin muscle layer, numerous nerve fibers and blood vessels. So the nervous system of the foreskin includes more than 70 m of fibers and thousands of nerve endings, which allows you to respond to changes in pressure and temperature, to the slightest touch.

Under normal conditions, both the head and the foreskin have a specific, natural color. Their redness is a natural reaction to external irritation or to processes occurring inside the body. In principle, such a phenomenon can be caused by both aggressive exogenous factors and endogenous causes of a pathological nature.

The redness of the skin on the genitals of men can be caused by 3 main mechanisms:

  1. short-term redness caused by a blood rush as a result of increased vascular tone or manifestations of a neurogenic nature;
  2. reaction to exogenous factors (temperature or mechanical influence, sensitizing reaction to allergens);
  3. inflammatory process caused by skin pathologies or diseases of internal organs.

Redness of the organ can be expressed by various signs, as well as be accompanied by additional symptoms of a local or systemic nature.

The most characteristic manifestations included in the concept of redness of the head and flesh:

  • generalized hyperemia;
  • pigmented spots;
  • skin rash of various types;
  • swelling in the form of acne, papules;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesion.

Of course, the very fact of redness cannot be immediately considered as a pathology. This may be a short-term violation, which means that the first action before visiting a doctor should be a hygiene procedure and the elimination of domestic causes.

In the intimate zone of a man, quite comfortable conditions are created for the vital activity of various microorganisms (constancy of temperature, humidity, sweat secretions). In such an environment, an infection is ready to join any skin anomaly at any time, and therefore redness caused by ordinary physiological factors can transform into an infectious lesion.

If such a manifestation does not go away on its own, and the genital organ itches and alarming additional symptoms appear (pain, burning, etc.), then you should consult a dermatologist.


Predisposing factors

The skin on the head of the penis is very sensitive, and to protect it, nature provides for the foreskin. These elements, which play an important role in the male genitourinary system, are very susceptible to the influence of external negative factors, and therefore, at the slightest abnormal impact, they immediately give out external pathological symptoms.

The most common response to such circumstances is redness on the head of the skin. In such negative pigmentation, experts note the presence of three main types:

  1. temporary redness, provoked by a sharp rush to the penis of blood due to neurogenic manifestations or increased vascular tone;
  2. pronounced redness, which appeared as a reaction to some external stimulus - interaction with an allergen, mechanical influence, a sharp change in temperature;
  3. inflammatory reaction with a pathogenic character.
In such concepts as "irritation" or "redness", experts put several external manifestations. Basically, these are various rashes, age spots, hyperemia, acne, swelling, erosion and sores.

The risk of appearance and active development on the head of pathogenic flora, ready at any moment to join the physiological processes provoking the appearance of irritation, is created by the peculiarities of the functioning of the genital organ.

They consist in his constant presence in a closed space with high humidity and temperature, where air does not enter, as well as in direct contact with tight linen.



The most common etiological mechanisms of redness and inflammation on the male genital organ are discussed above. In addition to these reasons, this phenomenon can be the result of various endogenous factors:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases, primarily venereal diseases. They can manifest as redness, skin rash, ulceration, which is accompanied by itching, pain syndromes, signs of general intoxication, etc. The most dangerous infections: syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes.
  • Infectious lesions of the genital organs of a bacterial and fungal nature. In addition to the Candida fungus, characteristic symptoms on the head and foreskin appear when Trichomonas, gardnerella, streptococci, staphylococci, etc. are activated. The main symptoms: redness, peeling, dry skin, skin rashes, itching, burning, pain.
  • Skin diseases. One of the most common causes is psoriasis, which causes redness and flaking of the foreskin. Manifestations are aggravated by sexual contact. Other factors include pathologies such as pemphigus, lichen. The causes of the phenomenon may lie in congenital factors. So, if a person has dry skin from birth, then even small external influences can cause serious manifestations in the form of redness, itching, and pain.
  • Systemic pathologies with impaired metabolic processes. With such diseases, redness and other manifestations on the penis become characteristic symptoms. The following pathologies can be distinguished: diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, Bowen's disease, Paget's disease, Keyr's erythroplasia. In the case of systemic lesions, in addition to pigmentation, the following signs are observed: pain; burning; itching; swelling in the area of ​​the urethral opening; discharge with purulent inclusions, and sometimes with blood; ulcers and erosion; skin cracks; increase in body temperature; swelling of the lymph nodes; headache.
  • local defects. Redness may develop as a result of a violation of its functions. So, phimosis, which is a steady narrowing of the foreskin, sometimes causes this phenomenon in young years. Paraphimosis, caused by annular gathering of the skin fold, can cause swelling of the penis, itching, and pain.


Main reasons

Due to the fact that such negative symptoms appear quite often, questions about the causes provoking it, as well as ways to eliminate them, are relevant for men.

In the case when the head of the penis turns red, but it does not cause itching, it may be a question of the patient developing diseases associated with the appearance of an allergy or the influence of an infection. The presence of fungal forms of the disease with such symptoms cannot be, since they all occur accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and sometimes unbearable itching.

The same signs also occur when a man's personal hygiene is insufficient, or his herpes virus is exacerbated. That is why the most important thing in making a diagnosis is to track additional symptoms associated with the appearance of hyperemia on the head of the penis.

In the event that redness without itching appears on the head associated with the development of STIs, sexually transmitted infections, the following negative symptoms may appear:

  1. gonorrhea is accompanied by painful urination and the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra;
  2. with a staphylococcal infection, small pustules form on the head of the penis;
  3. infection with streptococcus leads to the appearance of ulcers that are quite large;
  4. the development of gardnerellosis is characterized by a pronounced smell of fish.
The appearance of an allergic process, accompanied by such symptoms, is very difficult to identify. This is due to the direct similarity of its symptoms with herpes, which begins with reddening of the head, not accompanied by itching, and then transparent blisters appear on the penis.

The only factor that will testify in favor of an allergy is the use of a new hygiene product, lubricant or condom.



Red spots on the head of the penis do not appear just like that. Therefore, immediately upon detection of such a symptom, you should seek the advice of a doctor. Indeed, not only the ability to have an active sex life, but also the state of health in general will depend on the correctness and timeliness of treatment. Today, doctors distinguish several symptoms of the appearance of red spots on the glans penis. Consider all these symptoms in more detail:

  • The most harmless cause of redness on the glans penis is contact dermatitis. It can be both normal and allergic. Ordinary dermatitis, as a rule, appears immediately after exposure to the irritant and disappears after a few hours. Allergic dermatitis develops gradually and lasts for several days or even weeks, while itching of the glans penis increases.
  • Spots on the head of the penis and on the foreskin in men may be the result of thrush. Usually, along with this, there is also itching, slight pain during intercourse or urination, plaque on the head, which has a white color, curdled structure and a sour smell. Infection occurs mainly through sexual contact, but can also be inherited.
  • Small pink spots on the head of the penis with well-defined boundaries, which from time to time flake and itch strongly, may indicate such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as psoriasis. Most often, it develops against the background of stress, reduced immunity, or is inherited from one of the parents.
  • A red spot on the head of the penis that itches a lot and secretes a clear liquid may be the result of genital herpes. Along with this, there is a deterioration in general well-being, a decrease in appetite, pain and a strong burning sensation during urination or during intercourse. If you do not take any measures, then the redness of the glans penis can go to the foreskin.
  • A spot on the head of the penis may indicate a dangerous disease such as syphilis. It usually appears a few weeks after infection. The red spot quickly turns into a pea, on top of which the borders are clearly visible. In this case, the color of the foreskin may also change. In this case, it is extremely important to immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for men's health.
  • Rarely, but still there are cases when redness of the head of the penis indicates a cancerous disease. Most often, a harmless red spot or a few spots appear that itch and peel off a little. After some time, they may disappear imperceptibly, redness of the foreskin will appear. In the absence of timely treatment of the head of the penis, everything can develop into cancer of the penis.

All of the listed causes and symptoms cannot be used to make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, if even slight changes in the appearance of the glans penis or foreskin are detected, an experienced urologist should be consulted.


Physiological factors of redness

Most often, redness of the head and foreskin without additional manifestations, both in children and in adults, can be attributed to non-dangerous physiological phenomena caused by exogenous factors of a domestic nature. This phenomenon is not associated with any disease and is easily eliminated without the intervention of medicine. The following main reasons for this type can be distinguished:

  1. violation of hygiene in everyday life and during sexual contact;
  2. wearing tight, synthetic underwear;
  3. failure to take action with profuse sweating;
  4. hypertrophied sexual activity;
  5. the use of low-quality detergents.
Particular attention should be paid to the intimate places of a teenager during puberty, when hormonal changes take place. During this period, inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the head is possible, which may look like a pink rash. In this case, it is enough to carry out iodine treatment and regular washing with warm water.

The cause of redness can be a change in the composition of urine as a result of malnutrition or excessive alcohol consumption. In such circumstances, the chemical activity of urine increases, which causes irritation. The use of overly aggressive hygienic sprays, soaps and other detergents has a similar effect.

Temperature external influences cannot be discounted - hypothermia when sitting on a cold surface or bathing in cold water, exposure to excessively hot water. The problem of reddening of the penis in an infant is very relevant.

Infrequent diaper changes cause urine to corrode the skin, causing irritation. It is impossible to allow the child to always be in "diapers" - it is necessary to periodically provide access to fresh air. To avoid irritation, children's ointments and powders, baths with soothing herbs (string, mint, etc.) are recommended.

Growing children may have certain physiological problems with the genitals.

At a certain stage of development, smegma begins to separate - particles of the skin, the remnants of the secreted composition, fat cells. It is needed to ensure the separation of the foreskin from the head and is the norm. However, quite often (especially when adding dirt), the accumulation of smegma causes an inflammatory reaction (redness, itching, burning). The treatment of this phenomenon is provided by a moisturizing type cream.

Another problem of adolescence is the appearance of adhesions. At a certain age (15-16 years), the boy's foreskin should freely move away from the head, but sometimes in some areas there are attachment zones for these elements (adhesions).

Various substances (including smegma) accumulate in these places, which can cause irritation and an inflammatory reaction. Until the age of 18-19, mechanical destruction of adhesions cannot be used, because. they usually break down on their own. Treatment is limited to appropriate hygiene and creams.


Who is at risk

Since there are many causes of redness on the head and foreskin without itching and pain or with these symptoms, the lesion can be observed in almost every man throughout his life. Factors that can cause penile discomfort:

  • accumulation in the foreskin of secretions that depress its protective functions;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene: this factor includes both ignoring it and excessive care;
  • promiscuous sexual contacts;
  • unprotected oral sex with casual partners;
  • diabetes. Urine excreted in diabetes contains a significant amount of glucose in its composition, which is a favorable environment for the active development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • dermatological diseases of a chronic nature.

Burning and redness of the head is observed most often in men who have not undergone circumcision.

Despite the fact that this is a matter of religion, from a medical point of view, this is a very useful procedure that prevents the active development of pathogenic microorganisms, and also increases endurance in bed in adult men.


Presumptive diagnosis

A disease in which a focal or diffuse inflammatory process develops on the head and on the inner leaf of the foreskin is called balanoposthitis. If only the skin of the head suffers from inflammation, and the foreskin remains healthy, then the disease is called balanitis.

If only the inner leaf of the foreskin suffers, then the term "fasting" is used. The structure of the penis in men is organized in such a way that the foreskin and head are almost always involved in the inflammatory process at the same time.

What causes a red rash on the head:

  1. mechanical: injuries, hemorrhages;
  2. allergic: an adverse reaction, for example, to a new type of lubricant;
  3. infectious: diseases of the genitourinary system;
  4. other diseases: beriberi, diabetes mellitus, anemia.

For each case, the doctor selects the necessary list of studies that will help specify the diagnosis. The patient can think about the answers to questions in advance:

  • What preceded the discomfort? Popular answers: intercourse, using a new lubricant or brand of condoms, swimming in a pond or taking a bath.
  • How does discomfort manifest itself? Do the little pimples cause any physical disturbance or just look weird?
  • What are the symptoms of the urinary system, is there any retention of urine, frequent urination, pain in the urethra?
  • What is the dynamics of the disease, does the affected area increase over time? Red bumps can appear and disappear periodically, decrease or increase.

Taking an anamnesis is an important diagnostic measure, but analyzes provide the main information. And since the patient does not have a pocket laboratory with all the necessary equipment, he needs to see a doctor.

What tests need to be done? In each case, the list of analyzes is determined by the urologist. There are standard methods of examination, and the attending physician decides which one is suitable for a particular patient. To find out the reason why the pimples appeared, help:

  1. blood test for sexually transmitted diseases;
  2. PCR diagnostics;
  3. taking a smear from the urethra and bacteriological culture;
  4. according to indications - a general clinical analysis of urine and sowing according to Nechiporenko;
  5. according to indications - examination of the prostate gland.
Most often, bacteriological research is used, because with laboratory conditions it is possible to immediately check the resistance of a colony of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics.

All infectious diseases sooner or later give a complication to other organs of the genitourinary system:

  • inflammation of the urethra, urethritis;
  • inflammation of the testicles, epididymitis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, prostatitis;
  • inflammation of the bladder, cystitis;
  • inflammation of the kidneys, pyelonephritis.

If the analysis shows that the rash on the head is caused by an infection, then the treatment takes place simultaneously with a permanent sexual partner. If any other people are in a sexual relationship with the patient, it is ethically necessary to notify the entire circle of interested parties about your ailment.

The epidemic of sexually transmitted infections has reached such proportions that trichomoniasis is already more popular than the flu. Conscious actions by the patient will help slow the spread of the infection.


Mechanical damage

The glans penis has a developed innervation and an extensive network of capillaries. Any intense activity, such as passionate oral sex, can cause small hemorrhages that look like red dots on the head without itching.

The normal physiological reaction to exposure to vacuum should be complete within 6-8 hours. The patient can observe the state of the penis during the day, if the points do not pass, you need to contact a urologist.

In addition to oral sex, mechanical damage leads to:

  1. Phimosis. This disorder, which is common in male infants and children, is rare in adult males. The essence of the malaise is damage to the penis as a result of narrowing of the foreskin. Phimosis has a characteristic symptom - the patient cannot completely expose the head. During sexual intercourse or pulling the foreskin, discomfort and pain occur.
  2. Exposure to hard tissue, such as when riding a horse or cycling. It is quite difficult to injure the penis in this way, but if the patient was in a state of intoxication, it is possible.

Mechanical injuries do not pose any danger to life. Treatment consists only in eliminating the symptoms.

The urologist will help you choose the means that accelerate tissue regeneration. Many men are worried about red dots after oral sex and even suspect that they have a sexually transmitted disease.

The impact of vacuum on any part of the body causes small hemorrhages, and the penis is no exception. If the points pass within 2-3 hours, there is no reason to worry. To unequivocally exclude pathological causes, it is necessary to pass tests.


Allergic reaction

Individual intolerance can occur upon contact with absolutely any substance. If you take any drug and read the instructions, the possibility of an allergy in a patient will be described there. What can be allergic to the skin of the penis:

  • for vaginal or anal lubrication, including condom lubrication;
  • on underwear, washing powder, shower gel;
  • to another substance that accidentally came into contact with the skin of the hands, and then with the penis.
Non-allergic patients don't get intolerance tests, don't know their list of irritants, and are surprised when they see an allergy.
What are the symptoms of an allergy:
  1. rashes, dots, spots appear;
  2. when an infection penetrates the damage to the skin, red pimples appear;
  3. if contact with the allergen does not stop, dermatitis or eczema develops.

Sometimes dermatitis on the glans penis is autoimmune or psychosomatic in nature. In this case, all examinations for allergens and infections will not provide comprehensive information.

With such a diagnosis, it will be necessary to consult a competent psychotherapist, a specialist in psychosomatic disorders. In addition, you can contact an allergist, a specialist in autoimmune disorders.

In the case of ordinary allergies, the rule applies: the earlier an irritating substance is detected, the faster and easier it is to get rid of the manifestations of the disease.

To identify intolerance, you can go through one of 2 types of examination:

  • blood test, blood is taken from a vein;
  • skin test, the allergen is applied to small cuts on the forearm.

The list of reagents contains the main substances to which allergies most often occur. If there is still some time left before visiting the urologist, you can treat the skin of the penis with a mild antiseptic solution:

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. Miramistin or similar means.

The task of the patient is to prevent infection. If a bacterial infection enters the cracks and wounds caused by contact dermatitis or eczema, a pimple is formed, in some cases a full-fledged boil. This complication can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. It is imperative to get a consultation from a urologist, to identify the cause of the allergy, and to restore the integrity of the skin is a must.

Mentioning that you are enrolling through our website. You can ask your question to our urologists in the "Ask a question" section.

Symptom: redness of the head of the penis.

Which doctor to contact: to the urologist-andrologist.

One of the most frequent requests of patients to urologists is redness of the glans penis. Sometimes it is accompanied by burning, itching. One of the most common causes of reddening of the skin of the penis or its head are various infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. Also, similar symptoms can occur as an allergic reaction to food, hygiene products, latex. Fungal infections, such as candidiasis, cannot be ruled out. The cause of redness can be diseases such as balanitis and balanoposthitis, sexually transmitted bacterial infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

Redness of the skin of the penis and other inflammatory processes can be caused by improper or irregular hygiene care. The foreskin of the glans penis makes it difficult to clean the head, salts and bacteria accumulate under it, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of fungi or pathogenic microbes. Irregular hygiene often leads to a disease such as phimosis. The result of this disease is the difficulty in opening the glans penis or the complete impossibility of opening it. In addition, non-compliance with the rules of personal intimate hygiene leads to diseases that disrupt metabolism, such as diabetes.

But still, the most common causes of reddening of the glans penis are various infections. It can be streptococci, E. coli, enterococci, staphylococci, not counting sexually transmitted infections.

Most often, men who have regular sexual relations with a partner suffering from dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis of the vagina suffer from such infections. The causes that cause inflammation and redness of the glans penis are often oral sex, with a partner who has oral diseases (for example, such a common disease as caries) and anal sex without using a condom.

Almost any infection, when it enters the glans penis, can cause inflammation and, consequently, its redness.

Redness of the head of the penis often accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms. A variety of secretions can be observed, usually during inflammatory processes of the head, smegma is released in large quantities. Redness of the glans penis is often accompanied by itching, burning, increased sensitivity. Cracks, sores, red spots may appear.

If you have redness of the glans penis, you do not need to self-medicate, you should definitely find out the cause of the symptom, do a bacterial analysis. Redness can be caused by a variety of reasons, and the sooner these causes are identified, the faster and easier it will be to eliminate them.

Treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician, do not let the disease take its course or use folk remedies. The selection of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out by the attending physician based on your medical history and the individual characteristics of your body. The only thing you can do yourself, if redness or itching occurs in the genital area, is to observe personal hygiene more carefully.

A neglected disease can lead to a variety of consequences: a decrease in general immunity, metabolic disorders, sexual disorders.

If you have redness of the penis, head, then contact our Republican Center for Human Reproduction and Family Planning. Experienced doctors can help you.

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