How to get sick with a fever. How to get sick quickly: simple tips for any occasion

You can always get sick. But doing it on purpose is pretty weird. We can say with confidence that a person who is looking for a way to get sick is not able to overcome the obstacles that life puts on him. Don't try to get sick, dear reader. Try to overcome yourself and cope with difficult tasks. Once you get sick, you can be crippled for life.

Pursuing the goal of the article, we will talk about the behavior that can lead to illness in a fairly short time.

How to get sick overnight - ways

There is a huge amount of advice on how to get sick quickly. And they are very efficient. But remember, if you still managed to get sick using the information in our article, then immediately start treatment.

  • Wash your hair and go outside for a walk - most likely you will have a cold, but it may also be meningitis, that is, inflammation of the membranes of the brain - a very serious disease.
  • To get a severe and difficult to cure cough, you need to set fire to plastic and inhale burning - you will get a temperature of up to 39 degrees and gas poisoning - there and not far from the grave.
  • Engage in vigorous physical activity for a while, long enough to break a sweat. After that, you can go out into the cold for a while in the same clothes - get a cold, flu, some kind of inflammation, etc.
  • A method similar to the previous one - after a shower, heated, go outside - similar consequences.
  • You can get poisoned in a variety of ways, for example, drink stale cherry juice - stomach poisoning, ulcers, gastritis and a lot of problems are provided for you.
  • There is a tricky way to deceive a doctor. Drink two or three cups of coffee, and then call the doctor at home, saying that you have high blood pressure. Doctors are careful people. He will probably prescribe you a week and a half of rest from classes. But remember, this amount of coffee can seriously damage the heart.
  • We return again to the cooling procedures. Eat ice cream, then chew a strong mint gum and eat ice cream again - the effect in the form of a red sore throat is guaranteed to you.
  • Don't do anything to your body. Just press the thermometer to the battery, and the temperature itself will run up with pleasure. Cheating loved ones is the worst thing you can do.
  • Pretty well known trick. Put a drop of iodine on a piece of sugar and eat. The result is a huge temperature with which you can end up in intensive care.
  • In the cold, take 50-60 big breaths. At least a red sore throat. Maximum - death from pneumonia.

We really hope that you will not be able to get sick overnight, but will be able to overcome yourself and find the strength to fight life's difficulties.

Any disease is a lot of trouble and stress for the body. However, sometimes there are situations when, having become ill, you can avoid some of the difficulties that have arisen. And if you want to catch a cold, it's easier than ever. It is enough to use a few “useful tips”, namely, to do the following.

If the house has air conditioning, it's a breeze. You just need to lower the temperature and spend time in a room with cold air. Having frozen well, the result will not be long in coming. However, do not overdo it too much, as this event can result in pneumonia. And jokes are bad with him. If there is no air conditioning in the house, you can also catch a cold. It is enough to make a draft in the rooms. Having opened the windows wide open in opposite rooms, he will immediately appear. 15 minutes for an organism with weak immunity is quite enough - this is a guaranteed cold. For those who have a sensitive throat, there is a much simpler and more effective way: drink ice compote or water from the refrigerator. And if there is milk in the arsenal, then a cold will come even earlier, because dairy products are very dangerous to consume in an excessively cold form. After a good physical activity, jogging, for example, the body will sweat well. It's time to unbutton the jacket wide open and stand still in one place. A pleasant light breeze that blows on the street will very quickly do its dirty work, rewarding the body with a cold.

In addition, you can dress inappropriately for the weather, while getting your feet wet, or after a warm bath, jump out onto the cold balcony in a light T-shirt, jump into the hole in the Epiphany frosts, and go outside with a wet head.

Surely, at least once in a lifetime, every person thought - how to quickly get sick with the flu, what are the most proven ways to catch a cold? If you wish, you can get the flu in 5 minutes, read the article on how to do it.

  1. Turn on the air conditioner to the minimum temperature and stand near it. It is enough to stay in a chilled room for 20 minutes and a serious cold will not keep you waiting. In this way, you can easily get bronchitis.
  2. If there is no air conditioning at home, create a draft or stand under a fan for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Drinking cold milk is one quick way to induce a sore throat and lower immunity.
  4. Dress appropriately for the weather so you can get cold.
  5. If it's raining outside, walk through puddles to get your feet wet.
  6. Take a shower, and then open the window for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Stand next to and talk to a cold person. If he coughs, sneezes next to you, you will absolutely become infected. In the midst of an epidemic, you can come to the "hotbed of infection" - the clinic. Stand in line next to sick people, and flu or SARS viruses will attach to you.
  8. Get a flu shot and then don't be afraid - go wide open, for example. So you can get into intensive care.
  9. In the summer, open the windows in the car and take a ride with the breeze.
  10. Walk with bare feet on tiles or tiles. In addition, chill the bladder and kidneys.
  11. Chew a mint gum, go out into the cold and start inhaling air in large sips.
  12. Eat ice cream outside in the winter or drink a carbonated drink.
  13. Eat less fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products. Proteins and vitamins will no longer enter the body, you will begin to wither and any small draft will catch a cold. Keep in mind that beriberi is then treated for a long time, causes serious metabolic disorders, affects the appearance, for example, hair begins to fall out.

How to catch a cold in 5 minutes

  • If you are thinking how to get the flu even faster at home, then the following method will break the resistance of even a strong immune system: take a cool shower so that you freeze, then stand in a draft or go out to the balcony in cold weather. You can supplement the effect by drinking a glass of drink from the refrigerator in one gulp.
  • Eat a quick ice cream and wash it down with a cold soda.
  • In the cold season, arrange a run down the street, and after you sweat, unbutton your clothes and take a leisurely walk. Breathe through your mouth.
  • Going out on the balcony for 5 minutes with wet hair in winter is a sure way to catch the flu.
  • In summer it is no less easy to catch a cold than in winter. Stay in the sun for a long time, sweat, and then enter the room with the air conditioner running. This method unsettled the most hardened organisms.

Attention! Ways to quickly get sick with the flu are "bad advice." Following them will quickly lead to life-threatening diseases - influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, which can be fatal. Take care of your health and life!

Situations are different. For example, you are not ready for a physics test, you do not want to attend a boring meeting, you need to urgently go somewhere. Or just want to lie on the couch doing nothing. How to quickly get sick with a cold at home? The methods will also be different. Decide: do you really want to get sick? Or do you just need to appear sick? In each case, their own means are used to "get a cold."

Sick or seem sick?

So, let's decide: to get sick or to convince others that you are sick? In most cases, the answer will be the second: you need to convince your parents or superiors that you are sick. Indeed, rarely does anyone want to endanger their body if they can only pretend to be sick!

Now decide for how long you need the disease: for a couple of days or for a week. Please note: when you begin to “plan” your illness, decide on its timing, study the symptoms, and so on, your subconscious mind is already beginning to prepare for a real illness. It is ready to support your aspiration. This is a certain autogenic training of consciousness, which contributes to the control of the body. So don't be surprised if you do get sick.

If this does not happen, there are other options. What is easier and “safer” to get sick? Colds, of course. ARI, SARS, influenza, tonsillitis and other diseases are "earned" very easily. To do this, you just need to cool enough, hustle in line at the clinic, or just take the subway during the flu season. You can chat with sick friends or acquaintances, and you are guaranteed a cold.

This is a last resort. Remember, the real disease is not difficult to get. It's harder to cure it. By the way, treating a cold during pregnancy is not an easy task. Therefore, we do not recommend simulating in an interesting position! In the meantime, learn how to only appear sick, while remaining healthy?

Imaginary cold

Do you have a control or check "from above" tomorrow? Try to "slope". Here are some tips on how to appear sick. Choose the most suitable ones, based on the level of trust your parents or superiors have in you.

    How to increase body temperature? This method is known to many: put a couple of drops of iodine in a spoonful of sugar. Eat this sugar. Within a few hours you will have a fever - a sure sign of a cold.

    You can just warm up the thermometer. To do this, use not very hot water, a battery, a burning light bulb, or simply rub the thermometer on a fleecy cloth. Just do not overdo it: heat up to 38-38.5 degrees.

    Another way to get a high temperature is to rub your armpits with garlic or salt.

    How to portray a runny nose? It's also easy. Try to breathe through your mouth, not through your nose. And when talking, say the words "through the nose." This is how real patients communicate.

    How to make eyes hurt? Rub your eyes, moisten your eyelashes a little (if there is no water, you can use saliva). To make the eyes turn red, use some kind of irritant. For example, a drop of perfume, mascara, etc. And make a sad, suffering expression in your eyes. You will definitely be sympathized.

    How to induce sneezing? To do this, there are some substances that cause irritation of the nasal mucosa. It can be, for example, black pepper, tobacco, dust, even just a feather, etc. After these irritants, you won’t get rid of sneezing for several minutes, your eyes will be red, tears will flow.

    How to induce a cough? Cough is caused by irritation of the respiratory tract. Burn some polymer material and breathe in the smoke. By the way, this method can also lead to an increase in body temperature. In case of poisoning by combustion products.

    How to create the appearance of a sick person? Try to appear sick from the evening. To do this, you need to portray lethargy, apathy, bad mood, refuse to eat, constantly lie down, moan, complain of a headache, etc.

If the imaginary cold “didn’t work”, you will have to get sick for real. In fact, a cold is not such a harmless disease. If you do not start treatment on time, unpleasant consequences may occur. For example, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, treatment should be started immediately.

We offer several ways to "get" a cold. The above list has winter and summer options.

  • Dress lightly, out of season. For example, walk in the cold in sneakers and thin pants.
  • Walk barefoot in the snow. Just so passersby don't notice. Otherwise, they will be sent to a mental hospital.
  • Walk through the cold with a wet head. Although, it is quite dangerous: it is better not to joke with your head.
  • Take an ice cold shower. Of course, if you're not used to it.
  • Visit public places. This is especially true at the peak of the incidence in your region.
  • Visit sick friends. You can drink after them from a glass.
  • Set up a draft at home. It is better if before that you sweat well or take a hot bath.
  • Breathe through the cold. Your throat hurts for sure.
  • Eat lots of ice cream. The voice will be hoarse, the throat will hurt.
  • Sit under the air conditioner. This is the most common cause of colds in stuffy offices.

And yet it is better not to joke with health. After all, any disease can respond with serious problems in the future. There are many ways to get a cold. Make it simple. And it will be much more difficult to recover.

Often there are questions from school-age children, students, sometimes from the older generation. How to quickly get sick with a temperature for real? Let's take a look at them in this article.

There are millions of microorganisms in the environment that affect our body. The immune system resists their effects and therefore we do not get sick.

But there are stressful situations, they adversely affect the body. It weakens and the person falls ill with this or that infection. The risk of the disease increases when a healthy person is near a sick person during an acute infection. Such diseases include: tonsillitis, SARS, influenza, chickenpox, etc.

How to quickly get sick in 5 minutes?

People try to avoid contact with the sick, but sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to get sick.

How to quickly get sick in 5 minutes? There are many ways that will help you deal with the problem at some point.

How can you quickly cause yourself a temperature?

  • put literally a drop of iodine on a cube of sugar and the temperature will rise.
  • for a safer way, rub salt under your arms, the temperature on the thermometer will rise significantly.
  • dip the thermometer into hot water or heat your forehead with a heating pad, this is if the parents want to check the temperature tactilely.

These methods will literally free you from classes for a few days. To get sick for a longer period, you have to work a little.

How to quickly make a sore throat?

For this you need:

  • to break your voice well, that is, to shout.
  • eat quick ice cream or drink ice water.
  • if it is spring or autumn, wet your feet and the effect will not take long.
  • drink fatty cold milk. It is advisable to drink it after steaming. The next day, a sore throat will appear, a slight fever, and you will be released for a couple of weeks.

How to get sick quickly in winter with a temperature?

In order to get sick in the winter, a lot of effort is not required. After all, during this period the body is weakened and experiences beriberi, the incidence of the population increases. In educational institutions, in transport, the infection spreads the fastest.

To get sick in the winter in a non-educational institution:

  • you need to throw snow on your collar, while the body should be hot. It is advisable to do this after a run.
  • to go outside without a hat with wet hair or immediately after a bath, lightly dressed. Colds are guaranteed, just take care of your ears. If you get a cold in the middle ear, you will have to spend about a month in the hospital.
  • you can eat ice cubes, snow. By the way, there are many microorganisms in the snow from the street. Inflammation of the throat is guaranteed to you and subsequently the temperature will rise.
  • if the house contains geraniums. Take a geranium leaf and rub the nasal mucosa well. The nose will turn red, a runny nose will begin, you can also do it with pepper. The imitation of the disease will be successful. But this is provided that you are not allergic to these ingredients.
  • Eat mints and immediately start inhaling cold air frequently. You will see the result in a couple of hours.

How to quickly get sick in the summer?

Some are concerned about this question, is it even possible. Of course it is possible, but this can be difficult. After all, in summer our immunity is strongest. We use more vitamins, the sun, infections are less due to the warm, dry period. So in the summer there is a chance to overheat and the temperature will rise to 38 degrees by the evening.

  • go to the beach in the morning and stay in the sun without a hat for as long as possible, overheating is guaranteed.
  • swim for a long time in a pond and at the same time eat ice cream, drink a cold drink. A sharp drop in temperature will weaken the body and disease will set in. Of course, the throat, bronchi, and lungs will suffer.
  • if possible, go out of the heat into an air-conditioned room where the difference in temperature is at least 10 degrees and stand under it. The longer the better. Cold guaranteed.
  • at night, open the windows and turn on the fan, direct it in your direction.
  • if you have a car, you should open the windows and drive at high speed, but there is a risk of chilling the facial nerve. In this case, the face can skew to one side, and the recovery is long.

In the summer, you can easily pick up an intestinal infection. It is worth eating a dairy product that has been standing without a refrigerator for several days. Poisoning guaranteed. Or a fish product, but this can lead to a dangerous botulism infection. So it's not worth the risk with fish.

How to quickly get sick with angina?

What is angina?

This is an unusual sore throat. Angina gets sick when in contact with a sick person. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. With angina, the tonsils are predominantly affected. This disease is acute. Caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, possibly as a complication after the underlying disease. Angina still has another name - acute tonsillitis. Streptococcus is the most common cause of angina. It can develop in just a couple of hours.

Signs of angina:

  • high temperature begins 38 - 39 degrees
  • headache
  • acute sore throat swollen lymph nodes
  • laryngeal edema
  • plaque on the tonsils
  • hoarseness

It is important to isolate the patient. But if your goal is to get a sore throat, then you should eat from his plate or he will sneeze on you. You will pick it up very quickly. Treatment of angina only with antibiotic therapy. With improper treatment, rheumatism, pyelonephritis, meningitis, otitis media causes complications. The most serious complication is sepsis (blood poisoning). Possible death.

How to get sick quickly at school?

There are no special difficulties to get sick at school. In rooms that are poorly ventilated, there are many infections. If one person in the class gets sick, then the possibility of the rest to pick up the infection increases. Yes, if the windows are constantly blowing.

  • you need to take a good run during the break, and then sit near the window in light clothes.
  • drink a lot of coffee, your heart rate will increase, the pressure too, and a sick leave is guaranteed for the day.
  • in a chemistry lesson, accidentally knock over a reagent with acid on yourself.
  • in a labor lesson, injure a finger or accidentally pour boiling water on yourself.

Sick leave is guaranteed for several days. Just don't overdo it. We do everything carefully, thoughtfully. Simulation also helps, bandage a healthy hand and you will not be able to write in the classroom, supposedly there was an injury.

How to quickly get sick with the flu at home?

Enough contact with the patient. Influenza is a viral disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Find out which of your friends have this disease. Come visit, be in the same room, hug, kiss, drink from his cup. The flu is guaranteed. For reliability, take a long walk on the street in wet weather, ride buses, minibuses, metro, where there is a lot of people. The disease will manifest itself in a few days.

How to quickly get sick with chickenpox?

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. This is a childhood disease, because it is mostly carried by children at an early age. Immunity, after suffering a disease, remains for life. A person can get sick only if he did not get sick in childhood. Chickenpox is caused by the herpes virus (herpes zostor). It spreads rapidly indoors, and quickly dies in open areas. Easily gets on the mucous membranes of the body. A sick person is considered contagious three days before the rash, during the rash. After the last papule popped out, the period of contagiousness passes. The incubation period for this disease is 21 days.

With rashes, the patient feels:

  • temperature rise
  • headache
  • terrible itching.
  • rashes all over the body and mucous membranes
  • general malaise

Papules should not be scratched, this can lead to scars that do not resolve. Even there are rashes on the mucous membranes of the eyes. Zelenka is smeared in order to find out when the last papule popped up, in order to understand that the patient is on the mend. The contents of the papule are watery, if you comb it, other rashes will pop up around. During this period, water procedures are strictly prohibited. Chicken pox usually resolves without complications. Recurrences do happen, but very rarely.

How to get pneumonia?

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is a bacterial disease. Maybe as a complication after an infection.

Caused by bacteria:

  • Pneumococcus
  • streptococcus
  • klebsiella
  • golden staphylococcus.

The main route of infection is airborne. Most often they get sick in winter, autumn. Moisture increases in the atmosphere, bacteria live longer in such a climate. So you can get sick only through kisses and air.

Most often, people who have a weak immune system get sick:

  • smokers
  • the presence of systemic diseases
  • during stress
  • chronic fatigue
  • with reduced immunity
  • at a constant horizontal position

Pneumonia can form during congestion, if a person spends a long period in a horizontal position, ventilation of the lungs deteriorates and microorganisms actively multiply. Elderly people are highly susceptible to pneumonia. Most often, pneumonia begins asymptomatically, a slight fever, general malaise, a cough and shortness of breath begin in a couple of days. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor. Treatment is only antibacterial under medical supervision. It can lead to complications if not properly treated. Possible death.

Other ways to get sick quickly

  • go to the bath early in the morning close up and emit poisoning. Pour the ladle of water into the bath while doing this, making vomiting jerks. Get out of the bath, holding your stomach, supposedly poisoning.
  • take vegetable oil, warm it up and drink it. It will be hot and your throat will be inflamed.
  • smell the laundry detergent. You are provided with a runny nose, lacrimation.
  • drink stale juice or week-old tea. An upset stomach is guaranteed.
  • take a dip in the icy water.
  • walk with bare feet on the cold floor. This is especially true in the private sector.

In custody I want to add, now you know what diseases you can quickly get sick and their consequences. Ask the question, is it worth it? After all, some diseases can have unpleasant consequences, and you can afford a good hit. After all, treatment is expensive. It's better to go to school even if you don't want to. These are just the little things in life. We must try to cope with difficulties. After all, a lot of life problems can happen further and you can no longer get rid of them. Good luck guys. Be healthy!!!

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