How to recover after vacation. When to go back to work? Return to work after vacation number

Period start (separator or slash or dot)
Duration in days or year.month
Marked weekends of the week
Take into account the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of days
Are working days included in the period? NO - in case of calendar days

In your work, if you deal with contracts, it is almost always necessary to calculate the end date of the contract. If you went on maternity leave or vacation, you also have a question, but when should I go to work?

After all, vacation is different for everyone, not only 28 days like most office clerks, but sometimes 45 days like junior officers of the Border Troops, or employees working in the Far North, whose vacation lasts more than 60 days ...

What would seem to be the problem? We add the number of calendar days to the original date and get that the next day, after the calculated one, is the first working day.

Immediately I would like to two nuances that do not allow us to solve the task so easily

1. The calculated day may fall on a Saturday or Sunday, but it's not very difficult to calculate, much more difficult if the calculated date falls on a "transferred" Sunday, which is actually a working day, or falls on a holiday, and the weekend following it.

2. The contract period is sometimes calculated not in calendar days, but in working days. This is indeed quite common and it is impossible to ignore this nuance. Here it is even more difficult to calculate the final date of the end of the contract. As an example: what day will be the end of the contract if the contract is concluded from January 1, 2014 for 10 working days?

Here, and with the calendar, the answer is obtained - January 13, 2014, and not January 11, as we would like to think, and if we take into account 10 working days, then the correct answer is January 22, 2014.

In general, you appreciated how "dreary" it is to calculate the first working day after any period. And this is where our bot will help you. No, of course, you can use external third-party programs, for sure it is in 1C, in other personnel and accounting programs, but on the other hand, why do you need such difficulties, if everything is possible to calculate here on the online site.

The bot allows you to calculate the first working day after a certain period specified in working or calendar days, as well as take into account the frequency of days off within a week.

The bot is expandable and can take into account not only the production calendar for Russia, but also for any other country.

The bot is optimized for young mothers and does not force them to transfer 1.5 years a day to determine the exit from parental leave.

It is enough to write instead of the number of days the number of years and the number of months separated by a dot, that is, 1.6 - one year and six months - this will be 1.5 (one and a half) years.

The date returned in the response is always a business day. Calculator optimized for this task: the definition FIRST WORKING days after the expiration of the specified period, relative to the specified date.

Syntax for XMPP client users

decret date_start period code week

start_of_term - start date of the decree, contract, vacation

period - a number indicating how many days must elapse from the start of the period

It can be either an integer (then this period is considered in days) or a fractional number, then the integer part means the number of years, and the fractional part means the number of months. For example, if the period is designated as 7 months, then you need to write 0.7, if 7 days, then just 7, and if the year and 7 months, then 1.7

code - 0 or 1. 0 - calendar days are considered, 1 - working days are considered. If the period contains a fractional number, then the calculation is always in calendar days.

We calculate for the Russian Federation and take into account that the employee has a 5-day week with days off (Saturday and Sunday)

Decret 5/9/2012 1.6

1.6, as already mentioned, means that the period consists of 1 year and 6 months, that is, the one and a half years we need so much.

We do not specify the rest of the parameters, since they are accepted by default.

The answer will be as follows

First working day, from date 5/9/2012

After 549 calendar days

Coming 11/3/2014

I would like to note that all weekends and holidays adopted in the Russian Federation are taken into account.

Vacation began on September 2, 2014. Vacation duration is 60 calendar days. When do you need to take vacation?

Decret 2/9/2014 60

The answer, as you can see, takes into account the November holidays

First working day, from date 2/9/2014

After 60 calendar days

Coming 5/11/2014

The contract concluded with the manufacturer provides for the production time of 148 working days.

Decret 4/2/2013 148 1

First working day, from date 4/2/2013

After 148 workers days

Coming 9/9/2013

Throughout the year, working people look forward to vacations. This is the most wonderful time when you can relax, chat with friends, go for a walk. Leave to rest on the sea, in the mountains or go abroad, where everything is included and you can forget about everything. Vacation gives us the opportunity to have a good rest, relax and forget about work. But once everything ends and the day comes when you need to go to work. After a long rest, this is very difficult. How to tune in to work after the holidays, we will consider in our article.

How to deal with stress after a holiday?

It is very difficult to tune in to the work process and return to the usual mode. Many people even experience stress, psychologists call it “post-holiday syndrome”. This is the kind of stress that comes after a relaxing and enjoyable period in life. To get rid of this stress, you need to make significant efforts, sometimes even people turn to specialists for help. Studies have been conducted in various institutions that have shown that 67% of employees experience stress when returning to work after a vacation.

The most common signs of such stress are:

  • headache;
  • sadness;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • despondency;
  • yearning;
  • anger;
  • nervousness.

In order to cope with stress, you need to take care of yourself and not give up. To tune in to the working regime after the holidays will help:

  • gradually begin to return to your working mode, do not immediately plunge into work with your head;
  • on the first working day, it is advisable not to plan serious and business meetings;
  • try to go in for sports or do at least the lightest physical exercises, because. sport helps to deal with stress;
  • treat yourself, buy a gift, go to a cafe, meet friends.

In the early days, try not to plunge completely into the labor process, take time for loved ones, friends, and yourself in particular. You should have harmony inside. Get rid of negative emotions and thoughts. And most importantly, start thinking about where you will spend your next vacation, this will help you tune in and get into the rhythm.

Yesterday you were enjoying your freedom to the fullest, warming your belly on the beach, splashing in the pool and not knowing any worries at all, and today you are already gathering dust in a stuffy office, looking at the sad faces of your colleagues and the mountain of accumulated work that you don’t seem to have time to complete until next vacation. Of course, this is a huge stress for the body. Uncle psychologists even came up with a term that characterizes this condition - post holiday syndrome. This disease affects about 40% workers returning from vacation. Let's take a closer look at what kind of animal this is - "post holiday syndrome", and with what it is eaten.

Statistics tell us that 80-85% resignation letters are written by employees who have just returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that after giving yourself a break in the form of a vacation, and then, returning to work rested, it is easy to look at your work from the outside, analyze how much it is dear to you and how much it satisfies you. I would not recommend writing an application in the first week after the vacation. The fact is that against the backdrop of post-holiday depression, it may seem to you that your work does not suit you at all, but this the feeling can be deceiving. Therefore, postpone this decision until at least next week, and if the intention to leave this job does not disappear, then it is really worth writing a statement.

Causes of post-holiday depression

The reason for this disease is that during the holidays the body adjusts to a new schedule. Everything changes biological and psychological rhythms, emotional background, diet and sleep, changes in the amount of mental and physical stress. And if you are relaxing in a different climate and in a different time zone, then you can add to all this also acclimatization. When you go to work, your body has to adjust back to a tough schedule. This takes some time (usually 2-5 days). At this time, your body and spirit, as it were, protest against the fact that you arrange such stress for yourself. Hence, physical and psychological ailments arise, the name of which is - post holiday syndrome.

If you are using alcohol, then it is quite possible that on vacation you will often abuse it, which is also will negatively affect the body when going to work.


Post-holiday syndrome is accompanied a lot of bad feelings, the most common of which are:

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • lethargy
  • Diffidence
  • irascibility
  • Headache
  • Pressure surges
  • insomnia

A person can even get sick with some ORZ- the body may well react in such a way as to extend its vacation.

Risk group

can strike any worker, but there are some categories of citizens who are more at risk of experiencing all the delights of this syndrome for themselves.

Dissatisfied with their work. If work does not bring any pleasure, and a person has to force himself to go to work just for the sake of money, then after a few weeks full of positive emotions and vivid impressions, returning to an unloved job will be a very difficult test.

Mentally unbalanced people. A sharp change in the rhythm of life, first of all, unbalances people who are prone to rash and impulsive actions.

Men. As a rule, it is more difficult for men to get involved in work than for women. This is due to the fact that women have a more flexible psyche and they often go to work with pleasure, looking forward to how they will tell colleagues about their wonderful vacation and about the travels and adventures that took place on this vacation.

People who take long holidays. The clearest example is teachers. The longer the vacation lasts, the longer it will take to get into the working rhythm.

People aged 40-45 years. At this time, many are experiencing the so-called middle age crisis. A person is overcome by thoughts about his own destiny, he tries to analyze the years he has lived and the mistakes made in his life. On vacation, he may well indulge in these philosophical reflections, but at work this may cause problems. Therefore, at this age, the return from heavenly pleasure to the harsh truth of life is especially painful.

So if you a mentally unstable man in his early 40s who works as a teacher and hates his job- I have bad news for you 🙁

But don't despair, friend! I have prepared some recommendations for you how to return to work after vacation if not with pleasure, then at least by minimizing discomfort, depression And stress.

How to return to work after vacation

Get out of vacation in the middle of the week. Try to plan your vacation so that the first day of work falls on middle of the week, not at its beginning. Otherwise, the first working week may seem unbearably endless to you.

Come back from vacation 2-3 days before going to work. During this time, you can slowly cool down from impressions, get involved in the urban rhythm, adapt to the weather and mentally tune in to the working mood.

Do not spoil the last days of vacation with household chores. After returning home from vacation, many try to redo the accumulated household chores in the last days of the vacation, thereby poisoning themselves these days. Women are especially guilty of this. No, I don’t call on the last days of vacation to wallow in a vegetable on the couch, but excessive activity is useless. Try to find some balance. A little cleaning will be more than enough. You can deal with the rest of the things later.

Think positively about work. Remember why you love your job. Replay in your head some positive things about your job and your co-workers. Imagine how when you go to work, you will be share impressions with colleagues, show photos and videos from the rest, Maybe, give someone brought souvenirs. This positive attitude will help you enter the working channel easily, naturally and with pleasure.

Get enough sleep. Get enough sleep to alleviate post-vacation syndrome. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Plan your working hours. During your vacation, a lot of work must have accumulated. There is no need to panic and take on everything at once. Better plan your working hours. Deal with the main things first, and do the minor things later. And don't forget to get distracted every hour, especially if you have a sedentary job.

Postpone important decisions. Try to postpone all responsible and important decisions until the time when you get involved in work.

Try to spend the first working days "relaxed". Do not overload yourself in the early days. Do a little cleaning, clean up your desk, check your email. No labor feats in the first days! You don't have to stay at work. If possible, try to leave early. And on your first weekend, try to have a good rest.

Don't worry if thought processes are difficult. A person who has been in the sun for several weeks IQ declining points on 20 . This discovery was made by German scientists. So, if you feel like you're a little silly after your vacation, don't worry about it. In a few days IQ will recover.

Pamper your body with endorphins. Include some in your diet bitter chocolate and more vegetables And fruits. Better take fruit oranges And bananas. These foods will saturate your body endorphins which will make you feel a little happier. Don't forget also about morning exercises And walks in the open air. Drink more clean water. From other drinks, pay attention to green tea And mineral water. But from strong tea And coffee better to refuse.

No major changes during this period. If you have decided to change something globally in your life, the first week after your vacation is not the best time. After all, such changes require a lot of energy and, accordingly, can negate the positive effect received from rest. But if your hands are itching to change something in your life, start with the little things, and when you get involved in the working rhythm, then you can think about global changes.

Analyze your condition

Severe post-vacation syndrome is a sure sign that you are out of place. For people who work, as they say, "in place" post-holiday syndrome goes away either mildly, or they are not at all familiar with this condition.

Personal experience

Personally, the last days of my vacation are the hardest for me, and when I go to work, I quickly get involved. But in the last days of vacation, the mood is always at zero.

As for the duration of the vacation, I I like to go on vacation for a whole month. A few years ago I worked at an enterprise where I was provided with additional 14 days holidays. I took a vacation there once a year, all at once - on 42 calendar days. I don't like to go on vacation 2 weeks- the subconscious mind does not perceive this as a vacation 🙂 Moreover, in order to rebuild from a working rhythm to a vacation one, it also takes time - 3-4 days. And the last 3-4 days I'm starting to think about work. So that leaves only a full week of vacation. Whether it's a vacation 4 weeks! 🙂


Cutting transition from a relaxed state, which lacks discipline And obligations, and there are joy And pleasure, in a state of strict discipline perceived by the body as the strongest stress. The human psyche perceives the end of a vacation as a huge loss. The stress of such a sharp restriction of freedom can only be compared with parting with a loved one.

Have a smooth transition from vacation to working days! And let your work bring you as many positive emotions as possible! Then no post-holiday syndrome threatens you!

Vacation has come to an end. It would seem that you can go to work with renewed vigor and fresh thoughts, but for some reason you don’t feel like it! you feel very tired and dissatisfied with your work. There is no desire to work. Many at this time even think about leaving. Well, it's post-holiday depression.

How to get ready for work after vacation? Make it so that the work was a joy, and did not seem hard labor? Some advise not to go on vacation for more than two weeks, so as not to fall out of the working atmosphere and quickly return to the usual schedule after the vacation. Others even recommend not to retire from business, even to call up colleagues and, as they say, keep abreast. But is it worth following such recommendations? After all, it is almost impossible to relax and unwind, constantly thinking about work. In addition, your constant telephone conversations with colleagues are likely to offend the one with whom you went on vacation. How to relax, forgetting about work, and then make sure that going to work after a vacation does not become painful?

  1. First, decide how much you will rest and how you will spend your vacation. If you want to travel to the tropics, take a vacation of at least 2 weeks. The fact is that while on vacation, you will have to go through acclimatization, which will take several days. Imagine, your body has just become accustomed to humid air and high temperatures, and you re-stress it (and acclimatization is stress for the body) by returning too early. Naturally, returning to work after such a vacation will be painful. If you can afford to take a few vacations, spend it in your familiar climate zone. You can go to the country, visit relatives or friends;
  2. Remember the rule: "at work - I work, at rest - I rest." If you can separate these two activities, then after the holidays it will be easier for you to tune in to business. At the same time, do not forget that rest is not everyday festivities until the morning ... Of course, you can afford to drink a little, but if you don’t know when to stop, then after a two-week alcohol marathon, the place for you is not at work, but in the hospital ! So it is better to direct forces to restore the body after;
  3. Try to return from vacation 3-4 days before going to work. This will help you reacclimatize and get ready for work. Try to get more rest these days. Do not burden yourself with urgent household chores these days. It will be possible to visit friends, give brought souvenirs or make at home at the end of a new working week;
  4. A couple of days before the end of the holiday, try to do it at the same time as on weekdays. This will help set the body to work after the holidays;
  5. In the first working days after the holidays, you should not take on new projects or tasks that are too difficult. It is better if you finalize an already started project, because it is much easier to finish it than to start doing something from scratch. If there is no such activity, then start planning. Make a to-do list for the next few days. By the way, you can do this even a few days before the end of the holiday, then after the holiday you can safely proceed to the implementation of the planned.

To avoid post-holiday depression, you need to follow these recommendations, allow your body to gain strength, energy and vitamins. Then it will be much easier to return to work after the holidays. After all, you will not feel overwhelmed and devastated. Work will be a joy, and new forces will help in the implementation of any ideas and projects.

And remember, proper rest is the key to productive work.

First, let's figure out what a decree is and what it is eaten with. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 255 and 256), the entire period, which we simply call "decree", consists of two parts.

  • The first is maternity leave. It is provided for a period of 140 to 194 days, depending on the course of pregnancy. In fact, this is an analogue of a sick leave.
  • The second is parental leave for up to three years. Moreover, up to a year and a half the allowance is accrued, after a year and a half it is not accrued. This leave can be used not only by the mother, but also by the father, and the child's grandparents (if they actually care for the child).

You you can go to work on any day, having warned the employer in advance with a relevant statement, and not wait until the child is three years old.

And you obliged go to work the day after the third birthday of the child was celebrated. From this day on, the vacation ends, failure to appear at the workplace will be considered absenteeism.

Can you get fired

Someone is afraid of going to work because they do not want to part with the child. And someone is worried that on the very first day after the decree he will receive a work book in his hands.

The employer cannot dismiss you during maternity leave until the organization itself is liquidated.

If you went to work earlier and your child is under three years old, you are also relatively safe. According to Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer can terminate labor relations with you on its own initiative if the organization is being liquidated or if you have grossly violated labor discipline.

But when the child has grown to three years old, the employer will take you at least the next day (exceptions are single parents, breadwinners of large families and parents of disabled children).

Only women who have entered into a fixed-term employment contract need to worry. If it has expired, you may receive a notice of termination. The employer is obliged to extend the term of the contract only for the period of pregnancy, but not for the period of parental leave.

How to go to work and stay at it

From the point of view of the head, the situation with the mother, who came after the decree, is ambiguous. The employee, who worked in the required position for three years, got used to it and showed his best side, and the employee, after a long break, still needs to restore her qualifications and enter into a working rhythm. According to the law, it is impossible to give a new position to a “maternity leave”, my mother returns to the same job from which she went on vacation. In addition, everyone is afraid that young mothers will often disappear on sick leave and ask for time off for matinees.

What does this mean? That you have to get to the workplace in advance and talk with your superiors, and not wait for the end of the vacation.

Indicate your desire to return to work and defense, talk about the conditions under which you will start working again. Perhaps, after such a conversation, you will draw conclusions whether it is worth getting an office suit out of the closet or it's time to look for a new place.

Find out what has changed in the workplace during your absence. Who came to the team, who of the old people remained in their place, who received a promotion. Ask how the organization is doing: is it planning to expand, enter new markets, or, conversely, ahead of a period of austerity on everything.

Read professional literature. This is useful for not missing important information and for keeping the brain functioning at its best.

Look for professional communities, watch videos. So you can keep your finger on the pulse in your field.

How to Prepare for the New Regime

If after the third birthday of a child you take him to kindergarten for the first time, and you yourself cheerfully run to work, everything will be bad, really. A week after the abrupt start of the new regime, a catastrophe awaits you: a mess at home, a child is upset, you are squeezed like a lemon, you are unhappy at work. Prepare your body and family for change before it hits you.

Solve the issue with the kindergarten and the nanny in advance. The child will need to get used to the new environment and to the regime. In 99.9% of cases, morning tears await you. Prepare your child for new circumstances and devote evenings to him.

Get up earlier. If you used to get ready for work, say, in 15 minutes, and you can collect the child in 30 minutes, then the formula for calculating the time will be: (15 + 30) × 2. And this is still the minimum stock. You will always have something going on that can make you late. Because the law of meanness works without interruption.

Distribute responsibilities. Parental leave usually includes taking care of the home. Now you will not have enough time for everything at once. Ask for help and distribute responsibilities among family members so as not to go crazy with the load.

Postpone new things for later. If the new regime is hard, no one thinks about additional activity. But sometimes women experience a frantic burst of energy. Finally, there is so much to do! There is a desire to visit all the exhibitions, every day to go to training or foreign language courses. Especially if you were completely focused on maternal affairs.

The resources of the body are not endless, for a couple of months you will fly and flutter, and then such fatigue will fall on you that you will not even have the necessary strength left.

In this situation, the principle "quieter you go - you will continue" opens in all its glory. Want to move mountains? Roll back, but gradually. First, learn how to distribute time between home and work, and when you feel that there is a lot of energy left, look for a use for it.

How to behave at work

After a long break, going to work feels like entering another world. You will be afraid and worry about the quality of your work and your knowledge. Try to calm down. You return to the same job you left. You have already started working in this organization once. And nothing terrible will happen to you.

Ask questions and don't be afraid to show that you don't know something. Better to ask and do it right than to redo it later. And the more questions you ask, the faster you will catch up with your colleagues.

Learn to be silent about the personal. Everyone talks about what worries him, and you will worry about the child.

I remind you. To the question "How are you?" you need to answer: “Thank you, good! What about you?". And don't tell me how you're really doing.

Do not tell the details of your family life to every colleague, not everyone is interested in hearing when your child took the first steps (to be honest, almost no one is interested).

Follow the dress code. Even if the company has a free form of clothing, a business image will help you tune in.

What to do if there is no one to leave the child with

The reality is that not everyone is lucky with kindergarten even by the age of three. Sometimes there is no one to leave the child with, or a ticket to a preschool institution will appear in a few months, but you need to work. Unfortunately, there are few options in this situation:

  • Look for a nanny.
  • Negotiate with the employer about the possibility of remote work.
  • Write an application for unpaid leave at the right time.

You can start working before the end of parental leave on a part-time basis. Of course, you need to coordinate the issue with the employer.

You will only have to rely on good relations with superiors and your value to the company. So all the tips above will work for you as well.

And we won't go to work!

What if you're not going to work? Usually, women who were on parental leave are concerned about the exact opposite question. Therefore, those who, for whatever reason, have decided to put off hard work are left out.

How to part with work correctly? Try to maintain warm relationships at work. All of a sudden you decide to come back.

The most professional way out would be to state your intention in advance so that the employer can prepare and find a replacement for the employee. Or did not kick out someone who is already working in your place.

Bring the news in person. On the one hand, everything we have is sharpened entirely and completely under the papers, and by law you can communicate with the employer only with the help of statements and "". And moreover, you must notify the decision to leave the position in writing. But it is humanly important that a conversation be attached to a letter and a statement. A personal conversation is not always possible (for example, you have moved or you have no one to leave the child with), but at least call.

Count payouts. If you decide to quit your job after parental leave, make sure that you are paid all compensation if you did not go on vacation before going on maternity leave. Moreover, the first part of the decree (maternity leave) is included in the vacation period, the rest are not.

Chase away the guilt. If it seems to you that you are letting someone down with your decision, that the work cannot be done without you, it seems to you. While you were on maternity leave, everything functioned without your presence, your dismissal will not destroy the organization.

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