Viral enteritis in dogs symptoms treatment. Enteritis (Parvovirus enteritis)

Viral enteritis is one of the five most common and most dangerous infectious canine diseases. It is often caused by intestinal viruses, but in reality, in parallel with the defeat of the gastrointestinal system, the kidneys, liver, heart and many other organs suffer. The disease should be detected quickly, and treatment should be provided in a timely manner, since the risks of death are very high.

Mechanisms of development of viral enteritis in dogs

The disease affects dogs of absolutely any age and breed - the difference is only in the course and the likelihood of recovery. Deadly enteritis is considered for small puppies 2-14 weeks of age, dangerous - for the age of 20 weeks to a year, relatively not dangerous and treatable - for older dogs. The virus does not have a breed predisposition, but it has been recorded that Whippets, Dobermans and East European Shepherd Dogs endure the disease much harder than other breeds.

The group of viral intestinal diseases unites three types of enteritis (depending on the pathogen):

  • rotavirus;
  • coronovirus;
  • parvovirus.

All three species have common routes of infection, the same clinic and the same treatment regimens. The fundamental difference is the severity of the course of the disease: parvovirus enteritis, which is considered the most dangerous for dogs and is especially highlighted by veterinary medicine, “wins” in this race.

The intensity of the development of the disease is determined by three main factors:

  • the amount of the virus that entered the body and its strength;
  • the state of health of the dog during the period of infection;
  • the presence or absence of concomitant intestinal abnormalities.

The purpose of viruses in the body of a dog are cells in a period of active growth and with an active metabolism. That is why puppies suffer the most, because. in them, in the first weeks after birth, it is precisely the cells of the heart muscle and the intestinal mucosa that are actively dividing. Next, the liver begins to suffer due to age-related inability to neutralize toxins, which in large quantities enter the bloodstream from the breakdown of intestinal cells.

Enteritis is transmitted at the time of contact of the dog with the material, where it is most of all - feces and vomit from a sick animal at the time of their sniffing. The destructive power of enteroviruses is such that just 1 g of vomit or feces at the height of the disease can infect up to a million dogs (according to laboratory data).

A distinctive feature of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is the sudden onset, i.e. the appearance of the disease cannot be associated either with a change in diet and walking, or with a change in places for walking, or with the presence or absence of stress, etc. The incubation period may vary from 1 to 5 (7) days.

Immunity is included in the protection of the body almost immediately, but a sufficient amount of antibodies to fight the disease accumulates only by 5-6 days. But this rate of immune response is not enough compared to the rate of development of clinical signs. Those. there is a chance of survival in animals that, with active medical therapy, crossed the line of five to seven days after the onset of the disease.

Mortality with rotavirus enteritis - no more than 5%, coronavirus - up to 10%, parvovirus - above 80-85%.

Symptomatic picture of the disease and the rate of its development

All types of enteritis in dogs have exactly the same symptoms - the difference is only in the severity of the course and the rate of development of the disease. If the dog is ill with enteritis, then the most striking clinical signs accompany the infection with parvovirus.


  • a general state of oppression;
  • complete loss of appetite, refusal even from your favorite treat;
  • persistent vomiting with mucous impurities or foam;
  • fetid diarrhea of ​​​​not a natural color and often with impurities of mucus and blood (from black-yellow to burgundy-red), when examining feces, fragments of exfoliated intestinal mucosa are found;
  • a sharp jump in body temperature up to 40-41 ° C;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen (determined by the doctor upon examination);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • a decrease in the level of leukocytes (seen from the results of a blood test);
  • signs of heart failure (cardiac arrhythmias, shortness of breath, coughing).

The disease has two forms - cardiac and intestinal. Usually intestinal (in adults) or both (in puppies) occurs, separately signs of myocarditis are very rare (and again only in young dogs).

The first symptoms appear after 1-5 days after the viruses enter the body - refusal even from your favorite food, depression, fever. 3-20 hours after the first clinic, diarrhea and vomiting appear, which lead to exhaustion and a state of dehydration quite rapidly. The signs of general intoxication increase, from which, against the background of dehydration, the animal dies. The dog dies from enteritis on the 3rd, sometimes on the 5th day if timely treatment is not provided. In special cases, the animal manages to hold out for up to 7-9 days - basically everything is decided by age: it is very difficult to save puppies. This is a classic enteric (intestinal) form of the disease.

In the cardiac form, shortness of breath is added to the symptoms, the pulse quickens, but with weak filling (because the work of the myocardium worsens), or tachycardia is noted. A slight cyanosis of the mucous membranes (blue) is possible against the background of oxygen starvation of the tissues.

The dynamics of development in all intestinal infections of a viral nature, regardless of the form, is always rapid - slight malaise and refusal to eat on the first day is abruptly replaced by vomiting, diarrhea, visible emaciation and heart failure on the second.

Treatment of enteritis

There is no single ideal cure for enteritis. Symptomatic treatment is carried out in parallel with the giving of vitamins, as well as medicines to maintain the heart and liver. Full recovery of the dog after clinical recovery takes a decent amount of time. If enteritis is suspected in dogs, treatment at home is pointless and risky!

Differentiation by type of enteritis is not carried out because of the duration of the laboratory analysis and the rapidity of the disease. In any of the cases, treatment is carried out, as for parvovirus enteritis, observing the dynamics of the animal's condition along the way, changes in the clinic, and making adjustments for therapeutic drugs during therapy.

Important: only a veterinarian should treat enteritis of viral origin under his strict control! There are no folk or home ways to deal with these diseases, even taking into account the ease of flow of some mild forms!

Treatment is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • destruction of enteritis viruses;
  • removing the animal from dehydration;
  • elimination of vomiting and diarrhea;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • restoration of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system;
  • restoration of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Important: at the beginning of therapy, all drugs are administered only by intravenous, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. Frequent vomiting and disturbances in the work of the intestines and stomach exclude the possibility of oral (through the mouth) administration of drugs.

The main goal of treatment is to support the work of all organs and systems of the body as efficiently as possible until the moment when the animal’s own immune forces enter the fight against the disease (by 5-6 days, when the production of its own antibodies begins to fight viruses). Given the rapid dynamics of the development of the disease, literally a day after the start of treatment, the animal will either get better (which will be the start to recovery), or the animal will die (if the treatment has not brought effective results). But it always makes sense to fight for the life of a pet!

Etiotropic therapy (antiviral)

The very first medical aid to block the free circulation and reproduction of enteritis viruses in the body. For this, sera, immunoglobulins, interferons and interferonogens are used.

  • Fosprenil(veterinary antiviral drug). A single dose varies according to the weight of the dog: 0.1 ml per weight up to 1 kg; 0.25 ml - up to 5 kg; 0.5 ml - 5-10 kg; 1 ml - 10-20 kg; 1.5 ml - 20-30 kg; 2 ml - over 30 kg. It is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, through the mouth with a doubling of the dose, and intravenously with a doubling of the dose. Scheme: 1 day - 4 doses every 6 hours, 2-8 days - 3 doses every 8 hours, 9-11 days - 2 doses every 12 hours, 12-15 days - 1 dose daily.
  • Immunofan(a veterinary immunostimulating drug used in combination for the treatment and prevention of various microbial and viral infections). Maintenance dosage - 1 ml once a week for 1-2 months; therapeutic dose - 1 ml once a day (up to 5 injections in total, making every other day). Subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
  • Cycloferon(soft immunostimulating drug, increases the recovery of cells of the affected mucous membranes - an option for veterinary medicine): the dose varies from the weight of the dog: up to 1 kg - 0.8 ml / kg; up to 2 kg - 0.4 ml / kg; up to 5 kg - 0.2 ml / kg; 6-12 kg - 0.15 ml / kg; up to 25 kg - 0.12 ml / kg; 26-40 kg - 0.10 ml / kg; over 40 kg - 0.08 ml / kg. Enter intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscularly on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. In acute course, it can be combined with globulins, sera and interferons.
  • Anti-enteroviral sera(sources of ready-made antibodies against enteroviruses. It is always used in combination with vitamins, antibiotics and other treatment-supportive drugs). Dose for dogs up to 5 kg - 2-3 ml, more than 5 kg - 5-6 ml (according to serum concentration according to the instructions for the drug).

Pathogenetic treatment

This treatment of the animal includes a whole range of additional therapies:

  • rehydrating,
  • detox,
  • symptomatic.

Rehydration Therapy

aimed at removing the body from a state of dehydration. In this state, the use of any drugs is considered absolutely ineffective. Rehydration solutions restore the alkaline balance of the blood and contain the necessary salt set of elements. Administered intravenously by stream or drip. Sometimes subcutaneous administration in small doses is allowed. All solutions should be brought to body temperature (38-40°C) and injected (dripped) until the dog begins to drink on its own without vomiting. After several times a day, it is recommended to pour into the mouth in small doses.

  • Ringer-Locke solution. The dose is 10-20 ml per kg of animal weight.
  • Trisol. Dose 7-10% of body weight.
  • Rehydration Blend: 200 ml saline + 20 ml 40% glucose solution + 4 ml 5% ascorbic solution. Dose: 30-100 ml/kg body weight once a day, depending on the general resistance of the animal's body.


This is a set of measures aimed at removing toxic products from the body from the processes of viral vital activity and cellular decay of the intestinal mucosa. Often combined with hepatoprotective drugs.

  • Hemodez(pronounced detoxifier that binds toxins and removes them by the kidneys). Dose: 5-10 ml/kg body weight 1-2 times a day until signs of general intoxication pass.
  • Sirepar(a veterinary drug with a pronounced hepatoprotective and detoxifying effect). Dose: 2-4 ml once a day until signs of intoxication disappear. Slowly intramuscularly or intravenously.
  • Hydrolysin(replenishes proteins in the body, removes toxins). It is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously in a mixture with saline. Dose: 5-15 ml for 3-5 days.

Symptomatic therapy

It is aimed at general maintenance of the body, as well as the elimination of general clinical symptoms that accompany the disease.

  • Antiemetics:
    • Cerucal. Dose 0.5-0.7 ml up to 3 times a day. Do not use in small puppies and pregnant bitches. Continuous use should not exceed three times a day for 7 days.
    • Cerenia(Serenia is an antiemetic veterinary drug specifically for dogs). Dose: 1-2 mg/kg. Enter only subcutaneously.
  • Hemostatic drugs (if blood is found in the stool or vomit).
    • Vikasol(a hemostatic drug that increases blood clotting - a synthetic analogue of vitamin K). Dose: 1-2 mg/kg body weight once a day for 3-5 days with general medical therapy. Intramuscularly.
    • Etamzilat(veterinary hemostatic agent of capillary direction). Dose: 10-12 mg/kg. Intramuscularly.
  • Supportive means for the cardiovascular system:
    • Sulfocamphocaine ( cardiac drug that stimulates the heart). Dose: 1-2 ml once a day for a month. Puppies are not assigned. It is impossible if heart failure is manifested by tachycardia.
    • Cordiamin(a cardiodrug used for weakness of the heart). Dose: 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly or up to 3 drops orally.
    • Riboxin(cardiac remedy that improves nutrition and oxygen supply to the heart muscle). Dose: 5-10 mg/kg every 12 hours for two weeks.
  • Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for prolonged elevated temperature and suspicion of secondary infection:
    • Cefazolin(a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic). Dose: 5-10 mg/kg dissolved in water for injection. The interval between injections is 6-8 hours daily for 5-7 days.
  • Probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora, prescribed when the animal returns to appetite.
    • Bioprotectin(hepatoprotector + probiotic). Dose: 1 caps. for weight up to 5 kg, 2 caps. - 5-10 kg, 4 caps. - more than 10 kg. Course - 23 days. Mix the contents of the capsules with food or drink.
    • Bactoneotim(probiotic for normalization of digestion). Dose: 1 tab. / 10 kg of weight of a large dog, ½ tab. puppies. It is crushed, mixed with water and given half an hour before feeding twice a day.

Feeding during the recovery period

Feeding a sick animal can be started already when vomiting has been stopped and taken under control. Feeding should be strictly dietary and in small fractional portions.

Important: it is forbidden to try to force-feed the dog - only after the appearance of a natural appetite and the cessation of vomiting!

You can use special ready-made dietary complexes, or you can make up your own diet. Frequent crushed feeding should be maintained for at least a month.

  • limit carbohydrate food;
  • the first week to introduce fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir);
  • low-fat and weak chicken broth is allowed;
  • a week or two after the appearance of appetite, boiled meat can be introduced;
  • later introduction of mucous porridges on the water into the diet;
  • you can gradually introduce boiled vegetables.
  • any sausages;
  • spices;
  • flour and sweet;
  • fatty meat or fish products;
  • bones.

You will have to follow the dog's nutrition for quite a long time, because. one of the consequences of recovering from viral enteritis is a long-term disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. See also do's and don'ts.

Preventive measures

Prevention of enteritis in dogs is carried out only by vaccination - mono- or polyvalent vaccines. Even after recovering from illness, immunodeficiency states are possible, in which a recurrence of the disease is possible even in a short time. The risk of getting sick in a vaccinated dog is only 4-5%, the course of the disease is several times weaker, and mortality tends to zero.

Vaccination schedule:

  • 1st: at 4-6 weeks of age with a vaccine for puppies;
  • 2nd: at 8 weeks with an "adult" vaccine;
  • 3rd: revaccination with the "adult" vaccine 3-4 weeks after the 2nd injection (11-12 weeks);
  • 4th: at 6-8 months (approximately after the change of teeth) planned;
  • 5th and all subsequent: annual - recommended 11 months after each previous one.

Only clinically healthy animals that have been dewormed 2 weeks before vaccination are subject to vaccination.

Important: it is forbidden to vaccinate bitches during estrus and at the time of pregnancy. After giving birth, adult dogs are vaccinated along with the 2nd vaccination of puppies (at 12 weeks).

Due to the fact that parvovirus enteritis is a deadly danger for small puppies, you need to follow some more preventive measures to reduce the risks of infection:

  1. Unvaccinated puppies should not be allowed to free range.
  2. Unvaccinated puppies should not be approached in shoes and clothes in which they were on the street.
  3. Before petting a puppy, hands should be washed after the street.
  4. Before admitting a lactating bitch to offspring after a walk, you need to wash her stomach and paws.
  5. Do not allow small puppies to be squeezed by guests and strangers who come to the house - most often enteritis is brought in precisely with such visits.

The most commonly used vaccines for the prevention of viral enteritis

There are a huge number of all kinds of poly- and monovaccines against viral enteritis. It is more convenient to apply polyvaccines. However, a complex vaccine preparation also has a corresponding cost, so the use of monovaccines is also justified.

The most commonly used vaccines are:



Nobivakpolyvaccinal preparation, including viral enteritis. Immunity - 12-14 months.

Production: Netherlands.

Price: 200-310 rubles.

Multikanpolio vaccine with enteritis. Immunity is created in 2-3 weeks and lasts up to 12 months.

Production: Russia.

Price: 210-400 rubles.

Biovac- polio vaccine together with enteritis. A tense immune response is created up to 1 year.

Production: Russia.

Price: 260-410 rubles.

Eurikancomplex vaccine, including viral enteritis. Keeps the immune response up to 12 months.

Production: France.

Price: 350-490 rubles.

Asteriontwo-component polio vaccine for dogs, which includes several diseases, including viral enteritis. Provides immunity: in adult dogs 12-15 months, in young animals - up to 8 months.

Production: Russia.

Price: 150-300 rubles.

Enteritis of viral origin is a rather dangerous and difficult to treat disease in dogs. If your pet loses appetite and develops diarrhea, you should immediately seek the advice of a veterinarian. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment is a guarantee of saving the life of the animal.

Canine viral enteritis- a dangerous acute infectious disease. The development of inflammatory processes of the small intestine, severe fever, myocarditis is manifested. Note the defeat of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Viral enteritis is included in the group of the most dangerous, common.

Dogs are especially dangerous parvovirus, coronovirus enteritis. It should be noted that if therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the disease ends in death. The most susceptible are small puppies up to 7-8 months old, with unstable, completely undeveloped immunity. Infection with enteritis in older dogs is not excluded, but at an older age the disease is less dangerous than in young animals. Breed predisposition to enteritis was not revealed. Gender, fertility also do not matter. The mortality rate of puppies born from unvaccinated bitches is 70-80%. Dogs vaccinated against enteritis get sick less often, acquire stable immunity.

Enteritis in dogs requires long-term, complex treatment. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms of an insidious disease in time, to prevent the spread of infection by promptly seeking help from a veterinary clinic.

Etiology, pathogenesis of enteritis

Viral enteritis is caused by Canin Parvovirus, which is highly resistant to various conditions and factors. The enteritis virus is resistant to high and low temperatures, survives on dry surfaces for a long period of time, and is resistant to conventional disinfectants.

Infection of a dog with enteritis can occur by airborne, fecal-oral route, even with a short contact of a healthy individual with an infected animal. A dog can become infected with a dangerous disease by sniffing the feces, saliva of sick animals. The pathogen can enter the house on shoes, household items, clothes, hands. Contained in feces, secretions, so it can be found in grass, puddles, soil. A dog can catch a dangerous infection through contaminated food, feed, drinking water, objects of the external environment.

The duration of the incubation period is from five to ten days, in small puppies - from one to three days.

Symptoms and signs of enteritis

Depending on the specifics of the manifestation of pathological manifestations, the degree of severity, the following forms of enteritis are distinguished:

    cardiac (myocarditis);

    intestinal (intestinal).

The classic symptomatology of the cardiac form is manifested by an acute lesion of the heart muscle (myocardium), degenerative processes in the tissues of the myocardium. Viral myocarditis develops. The temperature rises to 40-41 degrees. This pathology, which proceeds at lightning speed, is noted in puppies aged from three weeks to two or three months. Symptoms appear suddenly, progress very quickly.

Puppies have shortness of breath, shortness of breath. Dogs refuse offered food, babies cannot suck their mother's milk. Bouts of nausea, vomiting, apathy, decreased response to external stimuli, heart rhythm disturbance, arrhythmia are noted. The death of animals occurs due to collapse in 24-48 hours from the moment of manifestation of the first manifestations.

The most typical form of enteritis in dogs is the intestinal form, which is acute, subacute. The main characteristic features include: debilitating vomiting, a sharp decrease in body weight, anorexia (complete refusal of food and water), hemorrhagic lesions of the intestine, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, severe pain on palpation of the peritoneum, fever. In the first days from the onset of infection, the temperature is slightly increased, in the following days it may drop below the physiological norm. The vomit is frothy, has a yellowish-greenish tint. On the first or third day after infection, diarrhea appears. Feces exude an unpleasant, pungent putrid odor, there may be blood clots, mucus, white flakes. Initially, the fecal masses are slimy, watery, then become bloody, fetid. In places of destruction of cellular structures, intestinal tissues, bacteria begin to multiply intensively, poisoning the animal's body with endo- and exotoxins.

Exhausting foamy vomiting, profuse diarrhea lead to dehydration, exhaustion, disruption of homeostasis processes. In the bloodstream, the number of monocytes decreases, persistent leukopenia develops, and blood viscosity increases. Animals are severely weakened, developing pulmonary, heart failure as the infection progresses.

Often, dogs are diagnosed with a combined, mixed form of viral enteritis, which is characterized by pathologies of varying degrees, the nature of the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory tract. Most often observed in dogs, small puppies with a weakened immune system, in babies who were born from unvaccinated bitches, in the presence of associative (secondary) diseases, infections. Clinical manifestations are multifaceted, depending on the system and organs in which pathologies occur.

In the case of progressive homeostasis, the mortality of puppies is 55-70%. With a super-acute, lightning-fast course, babies die on the first or second day.

Diagnosis of enteritis

When establishing a diagnosis, epizootological data for the region, the general condition of the dog, and the severity of the clinical picture are taken into account. Animals are prescribed a series of laboratory diagnostic studies, take a blood, feces, urine test. perform x-ray, ultrasound of the chest, peritoneum. Given the similarity of symptoms in enteritis with other infectious diseases, such as, differential diagnosis is additionally carried out.

Effective Treatment for Canine Enteritis

Treatment of enteritis in dogs is carried out on the basis of the results of the data obtained, after a comprehensive examination. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of a favorable prognosis. Therefore, if you notice a deterioration in the condition of your pet, immediately show the dog to a veterinary clinic.

The veterinarian selects treatment individually, taking into account the versatility of symptoms. Owners must strictly follow all the instructions of the veterinarian, regularly donate biomaterial for re-analysis.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs is aimed at:

    destruction of the virus;

    elimination of symptoms of dehydration;

    removal of toxins, poisons;

    normalization, restoration of physiological functions;

    normalization of cardiac activity, intestinal microflora, digestive processes;

    increase in resistance, resistance of immunity.

Animals are prescribed antiviral drugs, pathogenetic, etiotropic therapy, antibiotic treatment. Polyvalent hyperimmune sera, monovalent immunoglobulin, nonspecific antigens are used for treatment.

When diagnosing mixed infections in dogs, symptomatic drugs, antibacterial, cardiac, antipyretic drugs, analgesics, pacemakers (a group of cardiac medications) are prescribed. To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, animals are given intravenous droppers based on physical ones. water-salt solutions enriched with vitamins, glucose. To remove exotoxins, a course of detoxification is prescribed.

To increase immune forces, activate nonspecific immunity in animals, new generation immunomodulators are used: disol, trisol, lactasol, quattrosol. The choice, dosage of administered solutions depends on the age, general condition of four-legged patients.

To restore the physiological functions of the body, a course of replacement therapy is prescribed. Dogs are prescribed a feeding regimen, a therapeutic diet, which should be followed for several weeks after complete recovery, general strengthening drugs, multivitamin complexes, means for restoring intestinal microflora, and normalizing metabolic processes. The feeding regimen should be as gentle as possible.

In the case of a favorable prognosis, a specific stable immunity is formed in recovered dogs. But puppies who have been ill before three months of age have a risk of re-infection.

Prevention of enteritis

Prevention consists in the timely conduct of active immunization, vaccination of dogs. Puppies against viral enteritis are vaccinated at the age of two to three months. Revaccination - in a year. In regions unfavorable for epizootological data, with the mass keeping of dogs in kennels, monospecific immunoglobulins, monovalent hyperimmune sera against.

General preventive methods are aimed at maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions. Attention should be paid to the conditions of detention, feeding your pets. The diet should be of high quality, fully balanced, nutritious. Until all the necessary vaccinations have been made, you should not walk with a puppy on the street, in places of mass dog walking, and even more so, allow contact with stray, homeless animals.

The puppy has enteritis, we make a dropper

Greetings friends! When talking about enteritis in puppies, most often they mean an infectious disease caused by a virus. Here we will talk about it.
At first, before writing this article, I wanted to talk in detail about the virus that causes enteritis in puppies, and then I thought - why do you need it? I do not write Wikipedia and do not do scientific research.

It will be more useful to find out how enteritis manifests itself in puppies and what needs to be done so that there is no disease, and if the dog gets sick, then we will consider what and how to treat.

Why does illness occur?

Once again, I will clarify, we will talk about viral enteritis in puppies, that is, about an infectious disease. Most often, puppies get sick at the age of 1.5-2 months, just at the time when weaning occurs.

After the dog got into a new home, the environment, nutrition change and there are practically no antibodies received from the mother. Also, the puppy most likely has worms.

Everything can come together: a sudden change in nutrition, worms, no antibodies, stress due to the loss of your flock. And if a virus gets in at this time, then there is a very high probability that the puppy will have enteritis.

How is it manifested?

Enteritis in puppies will manifest itself depending on the age at which the disease began and where the virus originally got. For example, if the pathogen enters the intestines, then there will be diarrhea and vomiting. Most often this happens, so the disease has such a name.

And if the heart muscle is affected, then we may not see symptoms at all - immediately death, well, this is in the saddest scenario.

So, with enteritis in puppies, it usually starts with oppression and refusal to feed. Then we find fetid diarrhoea, often streaked with blood. The smell from a sick dog is difficult to confuse with something else, when you enter the house, you feel that it “smells like enteritis” here.

The second characteristic sign is frequent vomiting, which is difficult to stop.

In most infectious diseases, the temperature is most often kept above normal, but with enteritis in puppies, it does not rise significantly, or be within the normal range.


There is no specific treatment for enteritis in puppies, except for serum with immunoglobulins, but it is effective only in the first days of the disease.

Basically, therapy is aimed at helping the animal cope with the virus and prevent critical changes in the body. Due to diarrhea and vomiting, fluid is quickly lost, dehydration occurs. The biological balance is disturbed, it is also called homeostasis, the blood thickens, very dangerous changes occur, intoxication.

In such cases, you need to start replenishing fluid losses intravenously as soon as possible, I wrote about how to put a dropper. Forcibly watering an animal when vomiting, as many do, does not make sense and often leads to increased vomiting.

As a last resort, you can put a subcutaneous drip, but this is not as good as intravenous.

Also, with enteritis in puppies, antibiotics are used, although they do not act on viruses. Why then use them? Viruses disrupt the work of natural barriers, and there are always conditionally dangerous bacteria in the body. It turns out now there is no protection, bacteria can roam, and in order to avoid this binge, antibiotics are used. I wrote an article and made a video about how to use them correctly, watch and read.

Saline solutions and vitamins

Also, during enteritis in puppies, vitamin preparations are used, means to improve the functioning of the heart and liver.

Mortality in this disease is high, especially if the heart muscle is affected and the puppy is infected, and not the adult. But if you start therapy in a timely manner, you can save the dog.

Important! During the recovery period, the owners often make a mistake - they begin to feed in the same mode, and sometimes more than the norm. After infusions and other drugs, the puppy becomes lighter, vomiting and diarrhea occur less often, appetite appears. And then, to celebrate that it is better, they overfeed - which cannot be done.

After viral enteritis, the puppy's mucosa is damaged, enzymes do not work correctly, and at this time you give food and often in large quantities, of course, it cannot be digested normally. In the end, they wanted to do the best, but it turned out even worse. Do not worry, if the dog did not die from the disease, then it will not die of hunger, but it can from food.


To prevent enteritis in puppies, you need to start with the mother. A few weeks before mating, the bitch is vaccinated against viral diseases, including against parvovirus.

Then the young are weaned and vaccinated correctly, read how to do it.


Friends, as with most viral diseases, specific treatment against enteritis in puppies has not been developed. That is, there are no drugs that kill the virus.

It is necessary to vaccinate the dog on time and correctly, not to be led by pseudoscientific information that vaccines are harmful. Do not listen to those people who point to their dog and proudly declare that they have not had a single vaccination, they were just lucky.

Well, if a puppy has enteritis, then do not treat yourself, seek help from a doctor. Puppies quickly become dehydrated, and you can’t indulge. I look forward to your questions and suggestions in the comments.

Friends, who like to watch more, here is a video on the topic of enteritis in puppies, the video is almost the same as what I stated in the article, maybe with slight differences.

Enteritis (Parvovirus enteritis)- acutely occurring super-contagious disease, accompanied by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and myocardial damage. Especially dangerous for puppies aged 2 to 8 months is parvovirus enteritis, which is most common. In addition to it, there may be enteritis caused by coronaviruses. This disease is not as severe as the first, but most often coronavirus enteritis is complicated by a secondary infection, and in this case, according to the severity of the disease, it is practically indistinguishable from parvovirus enteritis. We need special serological studies, which are not yet carried out in ordinary veterinary laboratories, but only in research institutes.

In diagnostic studies of dogs with viral enteritis, in 6% of dogs, coronavirus was isolated as the causative agent of the disease, in 0.7% of cases there was a mixed infection of parvo- and coronavirus, in the rest - parvovirus enteritis, t. most often, dog owners and veterinarians have to deal with parvovirus enteritis.

The causative agent of parvovirus enteritis - the virus - is structurally related to panleukopenia viruses in cats and mink enteritis. Animals of the canine family are susceptible to the virus, with young animals aged 2-12 months being the most sensitive. The main source of the virus is sick animals and virus carriers, from which it is excreted in faeces in large quantities within 10 days after the onset of the disease. It is possible that urine and saliva also play a role in the spread of the virus. The virus is highly resistant to physical and chemical influences, it withstands heating at 60 ° C for an hour, is not inactivated when treated with ether, chloroform, and is resistant to acidic environments; in a frozen state, it is viable for up to a year, and at room temperature - up to 6 months.

The virus usually enters the body through the mouth and nose. Once in the body, it multiplies in the epithelial cells of the intestine, crypts, causing their destruction. Once in the circulatory system, the virus, multiplying, causes changes in the walls of blood vessels. The morphological composition of the blood, as a response to the introduction and reproduction of the virus, changes before the first clinical signs of the disease appear. Already in the first 1-2 days after the introduction of the virus, there is a sharp leukopenia, t. decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood. Morphological changes in the blood indicate pathological and inflammatory processes in the hematopoietic organs. At this time, there is a slight increase in temperature.

In connection with damage to the blood vessels, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes, especially the digestive tract, occur. Under the action of the virus, the mucous membranes become necrotic, resulting in the formation of small erosions. In the further process of destruction of the mucous membranes and in the formation of erosions and ulcers, various microflora of the digestive tract (bacteria, fungi) takes part. These secondary processes on the mucous membranes lead to intoxication of the body and its depletion.

Clinical signs:
The disease manifests itself in 3 forms: intestinal, cardiac and mixed, which usually proceed with lightning speed or acutely.
The most characteristic sign of the onset of enteritis is the appearance of white foamy vomiting. Not always before this there is a refusal to feed. Sometimes the appetite becomes capricious, or food is eaten in much smaller quantities than usual. But necessarily there is a change in the behavior of the puppy. Usually mobile and inquisitive, the puppy becomes lethargic, inactive, lies more, not showing any interest in the events taking place. True, on a walk, interest in life can resume, the puppy will play and run with other dogs. But at home, instead of rushing after a walk to refresh his strength to a bowl of food, the puppy indifferently passes by her and fits into a secluded place. From this moment until the next walk, time will pass for him in continuous drowsiness, interrupted occasionally by vomiting.

After the onset of vomiting, the symptoms of the disease are on the rise. Diarrhea appears yellowish-gray or gray-green. The color of the feces gradually changes to brown and dark brown with a terribly fetid odor. In general, feces can be of all shades from poisonous yellow to dark brown, which the owners usually refer to as "bloody diarrhea." But this is an incorrect definition, because in these feces there is no blood in its pure form, that is, the blood that flows through the vessels. This color is given to stool by hemolyzed erythrocytes, blood cells that have left the bloodstream through the affected walls of blood vessels. Hence such a terrible frightening color of feces. But this is not the worst. The surest sign of hopelessness that I have seen is the appearance of a light-colored stool, the consistency and color of heavy cream. After that, the puppies always died. Such feces are typical for the fulminant form of the disease, which lasts 1.5-2 days after the first signs of the disease appear. This despite the fact that qualified assistance was provided using the most effective means. Without treatment, the puppy dies within the first day.

In the usual acute form of enteritis, after the onset of diarrhea, the patient's condition worsens. The puppy completely refuses food and water, lies, rising only when vomiting or defecation. The condition may worsen to the point that the puppy will walk under him, unable to crawl away from this place, lying in a puddle of feces. Breathing is rapid, intermittent. The pulse quickens to the point that it is almost impossible to count it.

On the third day of illness, less often on the second and very rarely on the first, the nature of vomiting changes: from a white foamy one, it takes the form of a yellowish transparent viscous mass. Before death, the eyes usually sink, and the muzzle looks swollen, as if swollen, despite general dehydration. The puppy dies against the background of inhibition of all functions in a deeply coma.

Pathological changes:
The most characteristic changes in the small intestine. The mucous membrane is purple-red, hemorrhagically inflamed, thickened. On section, each layer of the intestinal wall is clearly visible. In the small intestine, viscous transparent mucus is dark yellow or reddish in color. The gastric mucosa is folded, the fundus is moderately inflamed, there is a small amount of foamy liquid in it.

The liver is greatly enlarged in size, flabby, blood-filled with blunt edges, there are light foci of degenerate tissue on the liver. The gallbladder is enlarged, filled with dark brown or tarry bile.

Vessels of the mesentery are filled with blood, the course of branching of the vessels is clearly visible. The spleen is slightly or almost not enlarged with slightly blunted edges. Lungs blood-filled, stagnant. The heart is enlarged, filled with blood, the muscular wall is thinned, especially of the right ventricle.

In the differential diagnosis of parvovirus enteritis, there is a characteristic sign of this disease - the speed of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease or, more simply, the speed of manifestation of the signs of the disease. There are practically few diseases that would progress at such a rate. In the morning the puppy was cheerful, playful, ate well. In the evening he also ran, but he already refused to eat, he did not even touch the tempting pieces of meat. In the morning, lethargic, without joy, he went for a walk, then vomiting, diarrhea, depression and shortness of breath increase. And at this stage of the disease, it is difficult to count on a favorable prognosis even with the most excellent treatment.

Successful treatment of enteritis depends on many conditions. And the most important of them is the time of visiting a doctor. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome of the disease. Over the years, the treatment of parvovirus enteritis has become increasingly complex. If earlier it was enough to treat injections of tilane and camphor, now they are completely ineffective. And even earlier, when enteritis had just appeared, it was enough to treat it with a few tablets of intestopan. Now we only have to remember about this time, taking the puppies out of a difficult condition.

The first thing an owner should do if enteritis is suspected is to give up any attempt to feed the animal. A few days - a complete starvation diet. Only drink plain boiled water. You can dissolve rehydron, but many dogs drink it reluctantly. And then see a doctor. The treatment of enteritis is complex, which consists of the use of sulfonamides, antibiotics, novocaine blockade, heart drugs, and the prevention of dehydration.

With parvovirus enteritis, a suprapleural blockade of the splanchnic nerves according to V.V. Mosin has a high therapeutic effect. This type of blockade consists in the introduction of a novocaine solution into the suprapleural tissue surrounding the borderline sympathetic trunks and celiac nerves. Almost all nerve sympathetic pathways to the organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavities are blocked. At the same time, anesthesia of the abdominal and pelvic cavities occurs, the body's defenses are mobilized. The high therapeutic efficacy of suprapleural novocaine blockade is due to favorable shifts in the functional activity of organs and systems that increase the body's protective and adaptive mechanisms.

The blockade technique in dogs is as follows. At the base of the last rib, an operating field is prepared on both sides: cut off, smeared with iodine. Sterilize the syringe and two thin injection needles 6-8 cm long with the end sharpened at an angle of 45°. The point of injection of the injection needle is located at the point of intersection of the posterior edge of the last rib with the dorsal group of vertebral muscles. To determine the point of injection of the needle, the index finger of the right hand should be advanced along the posterior edge of the last rib until the finger rests on the dorsal group of vertebral muscles. Next, a needle is injected into this point and advanced from top to bottom and forward at an angle of 20-30° to the horizontal plane of the animal's body parallel to the rib until the end of the needle is felt to rest on the vertebral body. Then the needle is fixed in this position with the left hand, and a syringe filled with novocaine solution is attached to it with the right hand. After that, the needle together with the syringe is deflected by 10-20o to the sagittal plane and, evenly pressing on the piston, smoothly move forward until novocaine freely enters the epipleural tissue.

At this point, you need to make sure that the position of the end of the needle is correct. To do this, the syringe should be disconnected from the needle. If the end of the needle is in epipleural tissue infiltrated with novocaine, there is an anesthetic solution in its lumen, which sometimes fluctuates synchronously with the aortic pulse wave and the act of breathing. If the end of the needle is in a blood vessel, blood will flow out of the needle, and if in the pleural cavity, then there will be no solution in the needle, and air will be sucked through the nose. In these cases, it is necessary to remove the needle a little and insert it again according to the method described above.

After making sure that the position of the end of the needle is correct, an appropriate dose of novocaine solution is injected, namely 2 ml of a 0.5% solution per 1 kg of animal weight. The full dose of the solution should be administered in equal portions on each side of the spine. With the correct technique for performing epipleural novocaine blockade of the celiac nerves and borderline sympathetic trunks, no complications are observed in animals.

Against the background of the suprapleural novocaine blockade, the effectiveness of the use of medications increases: first of all, this is the introduction of intravenous large amounts of such solutions as a 5% glucose solution in saline, polyglucine, reopoliglyukin, gelatinol, etc. It is necessary to introduce them into the vein not less than 5 ml, and preferably 10 ml of a 5% solution of ascorbic acid. The doses of these solutions are from 100 ml to 250 ml, for large dogs I administered up to 0.5 l of a 5% glucose solution. These solutions support and regulate osmotic processes and fluid content in the body, i.e. they are used as plasma-substituting and nutrient solutions. Ascorbic acid is especially necessary for infectious diseases, because with them its amount in the body is reduced by 10-85%. It has been established that the more pronounced its deficiency, the more severe the infectious process in the animal, ascorbic acid significantly affects the production of antibodies in the body. In addition, it affects the metabolism, the state of sympathetic innervation, increases the resistance of animals to toxic metabolic products during infection.

If, due to the small size of the puppy, it is impossible to get into a vein, then these solutions are injected subcutaneously into the neck area, but less ascorbic acid is taken, because it has an irritating effect, 2-3 ml is enough. Of the other vitamins for enteritis, injections of thiamine bromide (B1) are indicated, at a dose of 0.5 ml for small puppies, and 1 ml for large puppies intramuscularly. In the liver, cocarboxylase is formed from thiamine, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart. Vitamin B1 affects the provision of the therapeutic effect of antibiotics. In addition to the above, it has a diverse effect on the body, metabolism in it.

Diphenhydramine- the next drug that I definitely use for enteritis. It is an active antihistamine drug. Very quickly relieves spasms of smooth muscles, restores the functional state of capillaries, reduces pain, and has a beneficial effect on many inflammatory processes. Its doses are 1 ml 2 times a day intramuscularly, regardless of the size of the puppy, since there is such a relationship with him: the smaller the animal, the larger the dose. True, this dependence exists not only in relation to Diphenhydramine.

To reduce spasms of smooth muscles, an intramuscular injection of a 2% solution of no-shpa should be done at a dose of 1 to 2 ml, depending on the type of dog (small - less dose). In the absence of this drug, it can be replaced with papaverine, cerucal.

With enteritis in puppies, the cardiovascular system and especially the heart are severely affected, so the use of cardiac drugs is necessary and strictly mandatory. Most often, a 20% oily solution of camphor is used, which stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, and also has a direct effect on the heart, normalizing metabolic processes in the myocardium.

A good effect can be obtained if 1 ml of corglycon or 0.5 ml of strophanthin is administered intravenously along with a nutrient solution. But in parallel, it is necessary to inject camphor subcutaneously at a dose of 1 to 2 ml, depending on the size of the puppy. All of the above drugs will not have the desired effect if, in parallel with them, chemotherapeutic agents are not introduced into the body of a sick animal: antibiotics, sulfonamides. All, of course, in injections.

Previously, as I have already noted, tilane (tylosin, farmazin) was very effective. Now its effect has faded. Since the spring of 1990, I have been using a combination of antibiotics with sulfonamides. Most often, potent antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are used: tseporin, tseporex, kefzol, klaforan, rifavit, rifocin, rifampicin. Of the sulfonamides, soluble forms are used that can be administered parenterally: vetrim, cosulfazine, biseptol.

This is the main method of treatment of parvovirus enteritis. In addition, drugs such as calcium borogluconate and levomisol can be used as additional anti-inflammatory drugs. Calcium borogluconate, in addition to anti-inflammatory, has a pronounced positive effect on the walls of blood vessels. It must be administered subcutaneously at a dose of 3 to 5 ml daily.

Levomizol used to restore the protective ability of the body in the form of a 7.5% solution subcutaneously, 0.5-1 ml. The entire course of treatment in a state of moderate severity lasts 4-5 days. An intensive course with the introduction of large amounts of nutrient solutions usually lasts 2 days, rarely 3. If there is no improvement on the third day after the start of treatment, then the intensive course continues. If the puppy began to drink, and vomiting stopped, then the course of treatment continues in the form of injections of sulfonamides with antibiotics and camphor. Everything else is optional, because on the first day a suprapleural novocaine blockade was made, and its therapeutic effect lasts for several days.

Sometimes, if rare vomiting and slight diarrhea, as well as oppression, are still observed, the blockade can be repeated on the 4th day. The disease lasts 5-7 days, rarely 8. And only in the first 3 days it makes sense to start treatment. For some breeds of dogs, these periods are shorter, as I will discuss in more detail in the next chapter.

There are a lot of excellent medicines in the form of tablets, infusions, decoctions, but it is difficult to give them to a dog through the mouth with this disease, most often it is impossible due to severe vomiting, so it is better to rely on medicines in injections for treatment.

A starvation diet lasts 2-3 days, sometimes more, depending on the condition of the puppy. When the condition of the sick puppy improves, you need to give him small portions every 2-3 hours. You can give boiled rice, mixing it with jam or boiled egg, pasta, vermicelli, that is, carbohydrate feed should prevail. Boiled fish, preferably sea fish, cheese, fresh cottage cheese, beef broth, it is advisable to give it removed, that is, cool and catch all the fat from there, will not hurt. Kefir, low-fat sour cream, fermented baked milk can diversify the diet at this time. In no case should you give whole milk, cream, fatty sour cream, raw meat. The disease can resume with renewed vigor.

Among non-specialists, and sometimes specialists, such a remedy for treating a dog with parvovirus enteritis, like vodka with honey, is very popular. This is a ridiculous prejudice. And allegedly reliable stories are told in confirmation of how the dog was cured in this way.

The complex of measures for the treatment of enteritis includes an enema and gastric lavage. An enema can be started at the first suspicion of enteritis. In any case, there will be no harm. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (colloquially - potassium permanganate) of a slightly pink color in boiled and chilled water. The amount of solution to be injected depends on the size and age of the puppy. For babies, this procedure can be done with a small syringe, and preferably with a large 20-gram syringe, after lubricating the cannula of the syringe with petroleum jelly or any greasy cream. 100 ml of solution is injected, then it flows out, mixed with fetid feces, and the procedure is repeated until clean water flows from the anus. In the same way, an enema is done for large puppies, only for this it is better to use Esmarch's mug.

Medium puppies can use large syringes or the same Esmarch mug for enema, but the volume of fluid injected should not exceed 0.5-1 liter. An enema is necessary in order to regularly flush out accumulated toxic metabolic products from the intestines. Otherwise, they are reabsorbed, and the condition of the animal worsens.

Now, with viral enteritis, such a symptom as diarrhea is mostly absent. And this is an important diagnostic sign. And if your puppy is depressed, does not eat, does not drink, lies on his bedding and slightly vomited white foam after giving him an enema, you will be convinced of your suspicions, or, conversely, dispel them. A very fetid grayish-yellow mass that will pour out of the puppy's anus convinces you that the puppy is beginning to enteritis and urgent treatment should be started.

As for gastric lavage, the principle is the same here: pour a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate into the stomach until the puppy begins to burp it unchanged, without admixture of vomit. This procedure is associated with certain difficulties and not all owners of sick puppies will be able to do it. Even in a very serious condition, the puppy actively resists putting anything into his mouth, using his sharp growing teeth. The owner bitten repeatedly, with his best intentions, backs down and stops this method of treatment, preferring an enema. Thank God the dog has no teeth in the back. And this method is also very effective. Starting to do an enema before the doctor arrives, many owners note an improvement in the condition of the puppy. In the early days, an enema is done every 2-3 hours, even at night, with some improvement in the condition, you can do an enema every 4 hours with a break for the night. When the puppy begins to drink, it is enough to do an enema 3 times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.

It's no secret that dogs are considered man's best friend, but to maintain their health, special attention must be paid to nutrition and vaccination. It will be interesting to know that parvovirus enteritis in dogs often occurs in animals at the age of 3 months, leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and dehydration. The first signs of the disease almost do not appear, so it is difficult to diagnose it. But below we will learn about how to do it at home and provide first aid.

How is parvovirus infection transmitted in dogs?

Enteritis is transmitted through the blood and excretions of sick dogs or cats. Please note that the main symptoms of the virus coincide with the appearance of pathogenic cells in the dog's feces or vomit. This occurs three to four days after infection. It all starts with infection of the epithelium of the nose with penetration into the digestive tract, usually enteritis also affects the bone marrow, leading to deformation and pathology in the muscle tissue. In addition, myeloid cells of the spleen and lymph nodes are completely destroyed. If the course of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is long, then the animal's body will infect a lot of bacteria that bring new symptoms and poor health.
By the way, enteritis causes the following series of problems:

  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • vascular insufficiency;
  • beriberi and oxygen starvation of cells;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fever.


It is important to know that the general symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in dogs are varied and insidious, so it is difficult to immediately diagnose, which is why the disease progresses. You can determine the first signs if you are attentive to the general condition of the pet and take it to scheduled examinations. So, let's highlight some of the main manifestations inherent in the virus:

  • fatigue and lethargy of the dog;
  • temperature above 38 degrees;
  • pain in the abdomen and back;
  • poor appetite;
  • vomiting and diarrhea with leftover food;
  • dehydration;
  • dryness of the nose.

Remember that the incubation period for parvovirus enteritis is about 10 days, and sometimes the temperature begins to rise only before death. It is important to pay attention to the dog's condition, appetite and behavior. It is better to go to the doctor for a preventive examination so that the infection is detected immediately.

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