From what papillomas appear and how HPV is transmitted. Are papillomas dangerous? Why papillomas appear on the body

Ugly, skin-disfiguring papillomas on the human body are like a plague: if you miss one, they begin to appear everywhere. This is not only a cosmetic defect, they can be infected. The causes of papillomas on the body are viruses of various types.

Papilloma - a collective designation of benign tumor-like formations of a warty nature. They bring a lot of discomfort. Most of the papillomas are not dangerous to health.

Types of papillomas, their appearance

Any new formation on the body is suspicious, especially if it appeared unexpectedly and is located in a conspicuous place. You can identify a mole, wart or papilloma by appearance. They differ in color, size and shape.

Papillomas and moles have from each other:

Papilloma is a group of cells that extend beyond the flat surface of the outer layer of the skin. It looks like a mushroom, usually dangling on a thin stem. In this it differs from other formations on the skin: moles, birthmarks, melanomas. Various photos clearly demonstrate this.

There are several types of skin neoplasms. They all look different. Classical papilloma is initially a small light spot or nodule on the skin. This can be seen in the photo.

After some time, the nodule begins to increase in size, there is an increased peeling in the center, a dense hyperkeratic rim is formed. If you make a careful autopsy, you can see reddish-gray small nodules. They are sclerosed vessels with a large number of blood clots.

All types of papillomas on the human body can be divided into the following groups:

  • general, or simple;
  • pointed;
  • filiform;
  • senile;
  • plantar;
  • flat;
  • finger-shaped;
  • genital.

Simple ones are called vulgar, or ordinary. They often form on the back of the hands and in the groin. Initially, a slight elevation above the level of the skin from 1 to 3 mm in diameter can be seen. They can be located throughout the body and exist for decades. They rarely disappear on their own.

Flat papillomas most often appear on the neck, arms, external genitalia, cervix, around the anus. Plantar formations are localized on the feet. They cause pain and discomfort when walking. The photo shows how they look like flat warts.

Filamentous papillomas initially appear as small, yellowish skin lesions. Then they grow, stretch and become rough. Pointed can only appear when infected sexually. They are pink or bodily formations in the form of papillae.

Localization of papillomas

Skin growths can appear anywhere, but the favorites are:

  • armpits;
  • torso;
  • navel area;
  • inguinal-scrotal region;
  • anal area;
  • near-anal area;
  • genitals;
  • mucous membranes;
  • Hands;
  • soles of the feet.

Skin outgrowths appear in prominent places on the body. But very often they are on the mucous membranes and genitals.

Reasons for the appearance

It is impossible to say clearly why papillomas appear. The main reason is virus infection. A lot of them. The risk of cancerous tumors increases, as signaled by the body in which papillomas appear.

An outgrowth on the skin does not appear immediately after a person is infected with a virus, but after 2-3 months, or even several years. Most often they appear in people with reduced immunity.

Papillomas on the female and male genital organs can be caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. The presence of sexually transmitted diseases exacerbates the appearance and spread of neoplasms. This is always a predisposing factor.

Violation of personal hygiene, fungal diseases can contribute to the appearance of warts. The risk of a virus entering the body is increased by:

  • skin damage and unkemptness;
  • overwork;
  • hypothermia;
  • colds;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • impaired immunity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • introduction of an intrauterine device;
  • abortions.

If a person has a lot of papillomas on the body, then this indicates the presence of diseases internal organs. This is due to the fact that all ailments come out, including in the form of warts.

Everyone who has outgrowths on the skin is interested in whether papillomas are dangerous. They are contagious, and are transmitted from person to person, most often through sexual contact. Rarely spread by contact-household method, through objects of common use and personal hygiene. Public baths, saunas, swimming pools, gyms, beauty salons are the source of papillomavirus penetration.

Symptoms and diagnosis of papillomas

The virus can be present in human blood for various reasons and not be manifested by the formation of benign tumors. This is typical for those who have a strong immune system. Symptoms begin to appear when the body's defense system is weakened. The virus accumulates and manifests itself in areas of the skin with neoplasms. This is papillomas.

Further, soft nodules on a round stalk of different sizes are formed on the skin. Initially, they can be observed on the neck, or on the genitals. As papillomas grow, their spread can be increased. Over time, the disease covers many areas of the skin.

Papillomas have manifestations that are unpleasant and uncomfortable for a person:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • itching and burning in the groin and in the genital area;
  • the appearance of pain.

Skin formations caused by a virus can turn from benign tumors into malignant ones. This leads to cancer. That's what papillomas are dangerous for. Violating the beauty, they can also lead to serious incurable diseases. You need to carefully examine your body every day.

If papillomas began to appear, you should constantly monitor them. Particular attention is paid to the shape, symmetry, color, size. When changing these parameters, there is a reason to contact medical institution.

The number of lesions on the skin depends on the degree of infection of the body with the virus. It occurs equally often in both men and women. Examination and therapy is carried out by a venereologist and a dermatologist. In most cases, the doctor easily determines papilloma from other skin formations on the human body. Her appearance has characteristics.

To prescribe the right treatment, it is necessary not only to determine the presence of a human virus in the body, but also its type. Sophisticated clinical studies are also carried out to identify the presence of oncogenic risk. Detailed diagnostics is carried out by the polymer chain reaction of the virus - PCR. There are cases that this method is not enough to determine oncogenic papilloma. Then they do a biopsy.

All types of research for diagnosis are prescribed by a doctor. It is important to identify the disease in time, to carry out its treatment in combination with strengthening the immune system.

Traditional treatment

After carrying out a complex of diagnostic measures, the method of treatment is determined. The most common is the removal of formations from the skin by the method of radiofrequency coagulation. Surgical treatment is the most popular. It quickly gets rid of unpleasant skin formations.

There are many methods of surgical treatment of papillomas:

Treatment of papillomas consists not only in their removal, but also in strengthening the patient's defense system. The immune system needs to be supported by a balanced diet, moderate exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Each person can go to a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist for a cure for papillomas. He will be happy to help. Popular in treatment is celandine and products based on it. It acts by burning the legs and base of the neoplasm. As a result, it dies and disappears.

There are a number medicines topical application for treatment at home. Before using them, it is mandatory to consult a doctor. No less popular are preparations for removing growths on the skin with liquid nitrogen. The most convenient to use at home are special strips on which a destructive solution is applied.


In the treatment of skin formations by folk methods, celandine occupies the first place. Papilloma, all as it looks, must be lubricated 3 times a day with fresh juice of a medicinal plant. The result of using fresh celandine is identical to the drug purchased at the pharmacy.

It is strictly forbidden to tie a skin neoplasm with a thread so that it falls off faster.

Another popular treatment is egg white. It is effective for newly appeared formations. They need to be lubricated every 2 hours. Do not wash off the previous layers.

Treatment with folk methods can be carried out using ordinary laundry soap. It is necessary to rub them on the wart before going to bed. After about 3-4 days, the skin under the neoplasm will turn red, and then no further manipulations are necessary.

In folk medicine, garlic is widely used to treat skin lesions. With fresh juice of this natural phytoncide, papillomas should be rubbed 2 times a day.

Before using any traditional or traditional methods of treatment, it is recommended that you first consult with a dermatologist.

Virus prevention

Why papillomas appear on the body is already known. They are amenable to treatment: traditional and folk remedies. There are vaccines for the human papillomavirus. But only from 2 types: 16 and 18. They provoke the development of the cervix and the appearance of pointed papillomas on the genitals.

Vaccination as a preventive measure can and should be carried out at the age of 11 in three stages:

  • initial;
  • the second - after 2 months;
  • the third - six months after the first.

If vaccination is not carried out at this age, then it can be done up to 26 years. There are a number of contraindications to this procedure. All recommendations can be given by a doctor.

Most often, a neoplasm on the skin is formed during a decrease in immunity. As a result, a preventive measure is its maintenance and strengthening. It is necessary to eat properly and balanced, lead a healthy lifestyle.

The main measure for the prevention of papillomas of all kinds is personal hygiene, avoiding the early onset of sexual activity, and careful selection of sexual partners. Attentive attitude to your health will help to avoid the occurrence of neoplasms on the body.

Wherever there are benign tumors, they bring a lot of inconvenience. At the first suspicion of the presence of a virus, you must contact a medical institution for qualified help.

It is not enough to know the cause of papilloma, and in order to eliminate it from the female body, it is important to establish the type of education.

The most important thing is to realize the danger of the human papillomavirus in women and take the necessary measures in time so that the disease does not develop into oncology.


There are many types of the virus, but many do not know what the type of HPV is. Some involve the development of genital warts, various formations, others cause cancer.

Strains of pathology are divided into types of risk:

  • 1, 2, 3, 5 - do not cause cancer;
  • 6, 11, 42, 43, 44, 53 - have a low risk of oncology;
  • 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 51, 52, 59, 68 - high risk of developing oncological pathology.

The type of HPV is determined after passing laboratory tests.

  • Condylomas in a single amount merge over time, forming a growth in the form of broccoli. The pointed growths do not show any symptoms. In rare situations, there is itching, pain during intercourse and emptying the bladder. Caused by types 3, 6, 11. With their development in the cervical region, the risk of cancer increases several times.

The papillomavirus is detected already at an advanced stage, when the immune system is weakened. In this state, the virus accumulates in one place, begins to divide.

At the beginning, small growths are noticed, which can be either singular or plural. Sometimes burning is connected.

Photo of HPV in women

Papillomas on the nipples Papillomas on the nipples Papillomas on the nipples Papillomas around the anus Papillomas on the vagina

The danger of HPV for women

HPV tends to harm the baby and mother if the woman is pregnant. Expectant mothers should be tested for the presence of the papillomavirus.

If HPV occurred during pregnancy, then therapy is delayed until 7 months. During this period, the child formed all the organs.

The danger of HPV depends on the form of infection. Not all of them pose a threat to life. There are aggressive types that can provoke cervical cancer. We are talking about types such as 16, 18, 31, 39. If treatment is neglected, papillomas and condylomas can begin to fester and spread throughout the body, which will greatly worsen a woman's health.

HPV does not always cause cancer. If a strain of the virus with a high oncogenicity is present in the body, cancer will occur only with a strong weakening of the immune system.

To reduce the risk of contracting a viral infection, young women are advised to follow basic and important recommendations:


Viruses that have a high risk of degenerating from a benign to a malignant stage must be eliminated quickly. It is worth knowing that it is impossible to completely remove the infection from the body, therefore, vaccination is carried out for preventive purposes.

3 injections are given every six months. Now, such schemes are not followed, since medications have the ability to “muffle the work” of the virus already in the first days after the start of therapy, even without a vaccine. Vaccination is recommended for girls aged 10-17 years.

Every woman has the right to manage her health as she wants. But it is worth remembering that HPV is insidious, and even in the absence of symptoms, it can significantly undermine health, the consequences are irreversible.

Any drug for HPV is prescribed by an experienced doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable. The effectiveness of drug treatment has not been proven, positive dynamics is not observed in everyone. No doctor guarantees a complete cure.

Papillomavirus infection is represented by more than 100 serological types. The main manifestation of the disease is an atypical skin growth. Most of the symptoms are benign, but sometimes it also occurs. The pathological focus is characterized by the following parameters:

  1. The diameter of the neoplasm ranges from 1 mm to 2 cm.
  2. Papilloma in the initial period of growth it has a flesh-colored shade, which may darken over time.
  3. The main localization sites are the eye area, the skin of the head, neck, knees, armpits and groin.

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Causes of the formation of malignant papilloma

The cause of papillomatous mutation is a viral infection. The development of the disease is facilitated by a decrease in the protective abilities of the body. This virus is dangerous because after the infection enters the body, a significant period of time can pass.

What are the ways of HPV infection?

This pathology is considered an acquired disease. This means that the spread of viral particles occurs after birth. The main routes of infection include:

  1. Autoinoculation is a procedure of self-infection, which is carried out during an accidental cut or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Household method, including the spread of infection through shared towels or clothing.
  3. Sexual contact, which is the most common cause of infection.
  4. perinatal infection. Transmission of the virus from a sick mother to her child is about 0.1% of clinical cases.

What is the danger of HPV?

Each type of papillomavirus has its own specific clinical course of the pathological process. Viral pathology without signs of cancerous transformation does not pose a danger to the patient. In some cases, this infection can cause the following processes:

  1. Transformation of a viral neoplasm into .
  2. The formation of spontaneous bleeding.
  3. Malignant airway mucosa can lead to impaired respiratory function.

The most oncogenic strains of papillomatous infection are HPV 16 and HPV 18, which are potentially prone to the formation of and.

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What does a malignant papilloma look like?

The transformation of a benign tumor into a cancerous one is accompanied by a sharp darkening of the skin growth, inflammation of the edges of the pathological focus, reddening of the epidermis, the formation of dense crusts and periodic bleeding.

Malignant transformation proceeds extremely slowly. Initially, atypical cells located in the central part of the papilloma become cancerous. In the future, all papilloma formation is involved in the cancer process.

What are the main methods for diagnosing HPV?

If manifestations of papillomatosis are localized on the skin and oral mucosa, then preliminary diagnosis does not present any particular problems.

Definitive diagnosis requires the following procedures:

  1. PCR analysis. This technique is aimed at identifying the type and type of viral infection.
  2. HPV test, which is a detailed study of the body's DNA to determine the concentration of papillomavirus.
  3. Cytological examination. This diagnostic method determines the cause of the lesion by 80%.

If a highly oncogenic virus is detected, the specialist recommends that the patient undergo the following studies:

  • Colposcopy :

Instrumental examination of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs makes it possible to assess the size and extent of the spread of the papillomatous focus.

  • Biopsy :

Histological analysis of a small area of ​​epidermal growth with high accuracy determines the nosological form of the disease.

  • Urethroscopy :

A detailed study of the urinary system is necessary to rule out.

Malignant papillomaa photo:

Modern methods of treatment of malignant papilloma

You can remove malignant papilloma using the following modern techniques:

radio wave excision

Isolation of papilloma occurs at the site of its attachment to the skin. After cutting off the neoplasm, a crust is formed, which dissolves on its own after one week. A distinctive feature of this technique is bloodlessness, painlessness of manipulation and the absence of a postoperative scar.


- This is a local freezing of pathological tissue with liquid nitrogen, which causes necrosis and rejection of mutated cells. Clinical trials show the almost complete absence of complications after such an intervention.


Exposure to high-frequency electric current destroys the neoplasm. The rehabilitation period, as a rule, takes 7-10 days.

Laser therapy

The treatment consists in layer-by-layer excision of the mutation using point laser beams. The main difficulty of such therapy is the inability to determine the required dosage of laser therapy. In such cases, a radiation burn of the skin can form.


To date, radical intervention is practically not used to remove papillomatous lesions. The operation includes local anesthesia and surgical clipping of the neoplasm. In this case, postoperative scars and scars are considered a significant drawback. In addition, after a radical intervention, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic for several days.

Since it is considered a viral disease, the mandatory method of treatment is the use of immunostimulating agents that raise the level of the body's defenses. Unfortunately, experts do not know a way to completely eliminate papillomavirus. The modern approach to the treatment of such patients consists of the combined use of radical and conservative methods.

A person is usually born with absolutely clean infant skin. However, in the process of life, it can acquire a variety of marks. Most often, a person is faced with the formation of moles and a variety of age spots. It is worth noting that some of them appear within a few months after birth.

Also, a person may have warts. In this article we will talk about education called "papilloma". What is it, you will learn further. It is also worth mentioning the types of this growth. You can find out in what ways you can eliminate such an unpleasant pathology.

Human papilloma: what is it?

Papilloma (condyloma or wart) can be called a formation that appears on the skin or mucous membrane during life. It is worth noting that it does not just happen. There is always a trigger. In some people, it is present in the body from birth and manifests itself at the slightest decrease in immunity.

Most often, papilloma (what kind of education it is, you will learn later) does not manifest itself in any way. Many women and men learn about such an outgrowth quite by accident. Often this pathological mole is mistaken for a wart.

Types of papillomas are different. Some of them are absolutely safe for humans, while others can develop into a malignant formation. That is why it is so important to remove the growth in time.

Types of papillomas

So, you have a papilloma. What kind of growth is this and what virus it is caused by - the doctor will be able to determine for sure. However, by appearance and location, you can guess the nature of the disease. So, what can be a papilloma? What it is? A photo of education for clarity is presented in the article.

Common warts

Such formations are also called vulgar papillomas. Most often they appear on the neck, hands, knees and fingers of people. The formations are not very large. Usually they look like medium-sized balls with a leg. In some cases, such papillomas can merge into groups. Usually they do not pose any danger to their owner. However, medicine knows cases when papilloma vulgaris (what it is, you already know) developed into a malignant tumor.

plantar warts

It is worth saying that the human papillomavirus (what it is, we have already considered) has several types. This type of formation is caused by a combination of several strains. Such a papilloma is formed exclusively on the sole area and in some cases causes particular discomfort. Education does not pose any danger. Most often, it disappears on its own with a change of season or with an increase in the body's immune defenses.

flat warts

These formations most often appear on the back of the hand and foot. This human papillomavirus is caused by the third and tenth strains. Most often, such formations do not have legs and fit snugly against the skin, acquiring a flesh color. Many patients complain of pain, itching and burning in the area of ​​the wart.

Filiform warts

Such formations are most often age-related. The virus lives in the human body all its life, but sleeps. With a change in the hormonal background, the growth of such warts begins. Most often they are located on the face, eyelids, under the mammary glands and in other places.

How can you get rid of papillomas?

If you suspect that you have the human papillomavirus (we have already found out what it is and what types it is), then you should first contact a specialist. It is much easier to prevent the formation of growths than to get rid of them later. With a simple blood test and a vaginal swab, the doctor will be able to identify or refute the presence of the pathogen in your body. It is worth recalling that the virus can have up to 60 different strains. However, only certain 32 of them are dangerous.

Treatment of a direct build-up can be carried out in several ways. It can be a surgical or laser method, a folk method, a medicinal effect, and so on. Consider in detail the manipulations that help get rid of warts.

Surgical method

If you have uterine papilloma, what is it? And how can you get rid of it? Most often in this case, it is surgical intervention. If the formation has struck the mucous surface of the reproductive organ from the inside, then the doctor prescribes curettage of the cavity using hysteroscopy.

Manipulation is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the woman is asleep and does not feel anything. The doctor expands the cervical canal with special devices and removes the overgrown endometrium. After that, the papilloma is excised and the entire uterine cavity is examined.

The surgical method can also be used in the case when the formations affect the external areas of the skin. However, this method is already quite outdated due to discomfort during the procedure and the remaining scars after it.

laser removal

Increasingly, beauty salons are using laser treatment. Such treatment often does not cause much discomfort and does not require hospitalization of the patient. This method is chosen when it is necessary to remove the growth on the face or visible part of the body.

The procedure is performed without prior anesthesia. The patient is located on the couch, and the doctor applies a device that emits laser beams to the growth. The base of the papilloma is excised and the bleeding stops immediately. You can remove one or more warts with this method.

Chemical exposure

This method is rarely chosen. Preference is given to him when it comes to malignant education. In this case, chemicals are injected into the patient's blood that affect the entire body. It is worth noting that hair loss and other side effects of chemotherapy may occur after such treatment.

If you have cervical papilloma, what is this formation and how can it be cured? In this case, chemical treatment can also be used. However, in this case, the substance is not introduced into the body, but is applied to a swab, which is tightly applied to the wart. It is worth saying that large dosages of such a substance can be very toxic. Such treatment is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as it can cause fetal death in the womb or milk poisoning.

Medical treatment

Sometimes doctors prescribe a traditional correction. However, before this, it is necessary to reliably establish the strain and type of virus. After receiving the results of the analysis, treatment with antibacterial and antiviral medicines is prescribed, for example: Vilprafen, Naxodzhin, Metranidozol, and so on. In addition, immunomodulatory therapy is necessarily used. This includes the appointment of the following drugs: "Interferon", "Viferon", "Kipferon", "Cycloferon" and so on. Remember that treatment should be carried out in both sexual partners. Otherwise, at the first sexual contact, you will receive a new portion of the virus.


Some patients try to remove the growth on their own. To do this, they take a nylon or dental floss and tightly bandage the formation. After a few days of such exposure, the blood supply to the papilloma stops, and it disappears.

Also, some people manage to simply tear off or cut off the wart. In this case, capillary bleeding most often occurs, which is quite difficult to stop.

Remember that any independent impact on education can lead to massive infection and the formation of a large number of new foci.

Folk methods of treatment

There are several grandmother's recipes for dealing with such neoplasms. Let's consider some of them.

Garlic and celandine

You can burn the foci of warts with the help of celandine and ordinary garlic. You can purchase the first component at any pharmacy chain without providing a prescription. It is better to use garlic not young, but last year's.

Take a few drops of celandine and squeeze a clove of garlic. Mix these ingredients and apply a gauze bandage soaked in this solution to the hearth every night before going to bed. Use a new composition each time, and store it in the refrigerator if necessary.

Castor oil

Surely everyone knows about the benefits of castor oil. In this case, it can help nullify overgrown papillomas. If you have a papilloma in your throat, what does this mean? Most likely, a catarrhal disease of the respiratory tract became the reason for the reproduction of the virus.

Lubricate the wart regularly with warmed castor oil. After a few sessions, you will notice that the process dries out and decreases. Remember that this method is categorically not suitable for the transition of papilloma into a malignant formation.

Conspiracy from papillomas

Many superstitious people use this method of cleansing the body from warts and consider it quite effective. For manipulation, you will need a few threads from a fabric bag. This should be done on a waning moon.

Tie a few knots in the air right above the papilloma. At the same time, wish yourself a speedy recovery and no recurrence of the disease. After that, the thread must be buried in the ground. You can use a flower in a pot or go outside for the procedure. As soon as the tool for getting rid of papilloma begins to rot, you will see the reverse transformation of the wart, which will soon disappear altogether.

Also, some people turn to healers and grandmothers who can speak such growths. Doctors do not take this treatment seriously. Doctors strongly discourage such experiments.


So, now you know what papilloma is and how you can get rid of it. Remember that the best treatment option is a combination of medication and laser. Only in this case, you can definitely get rid of the virus and remove all warts on your body. Turn to specialists, and do not self-medicate. Ask your doctor, let him explain to you: papilloma virus - what it is. The specialist will tell you in detail about this disease. Remove papillomas in a timely manner, until they begin to grow and interfere with your normal life. Good health to you!

Papillomas are small, benign, flesh-colored growths on the skin. Responsibility for their appearance lies with the human papillomavirus, which behaves rather modestly in the carrier's body. However, in conditions of weakened immunity, he goes on the offensive, as can be judged by the characteristic growths.

Today's medicine, both traditional and folk, offers a rich arsenal of ways to get rid of papillomas. At the same time, it is worth understanding: the virus is to blame, which means you need to fight it first of all. Only you will not only solve the current problem, but also stop the possibility of its recurrence in the bud.

The most obvious way of transmission of papillomavirus is contact-household. That is, infection most often occurs within a family or couples living together. But it roams not only between relatives and cohabitants. You can also get a harmful microorganism as a result of visiting such public places as:

  • baths, saunas;
  • locker rooms and showers of sports centers;
  • hydromassage salon.

Special mention deserves genital warts. During childbirth, there is always the possibility of transmitting the virus to the child from the mother during childbirth, which manifests itself in the form of characteristic growths in the oral cavity or on the larynx of the baby.

Important! HPV, which causes warts, is perfectly transmitted through sexual contact, including the variety that causes genital cancer.

What are dangerous papillomas on the body

An unidentified human papillomavirus is a potential predisposition factor for oncology, in particular, cancer of the cervix and external genital organs: the head of the penis and the outer part of the vagina in men and women, respectively.

However, the discovery of papillomas is not necessarily a cause for panic. HPVs are classified according to the degree of risk, and only types 16, 18 and a number of others pose a really high threat. At the same time, from the moment of infection to malignant transformation, it takes from 10 to 20 years.

The process is catalyzed by:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • in other words, any circumstances that affect the immune system.

It is worth highlighting venereal diseases, which add fuel to the fire, regardless of the state of immunity. These are genital herpes, syphilis, chlamydia and others.

An isolated case is papillomas in problem areas, such as the armpits, groin and face. With such a specific arrangement, it is difficult to avoid accidental injury.

Important! Frequent damage to papillomas can very soon provoke their malignant metamorphosis. Therefore, it is not necessary to delay the removal, especially in relation to large formations.


To make sure that the wart is harmless and to identify its nature in order to select the best treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis:

  1. First of all, visit a dermatologist (dermatovenereologist or gynecologist, if the problem is localized accordingly).
  2. After a routine examination, they may be referred to a surgical oncologist to assess the risk of developing cancer.
  3. For this, a fragment of the altered tissue is taken for a biopsy.
  4. In any case, a test for the type of HPV will be done.

Types of papillomas

Papillomas appear both separately from each other and in the form of close clusters, which is typical when neoplasms are located in the armpits and on the neck. The variety of papillomas reaches almost hundreds of types, most of which are benign tumors. The most common of these are:

  1. Simple (vulgar). They differ in a round outline and a keratinized head, reaching a millimeter in diameter. They develop on the hands and fingers, as well as on the knees. The latter is typical only for children. Patients do not experience any discomfort. In their primary form, the formations remain for several years, followed by a growth phase.

  2. flat. Smooth warts of irregular shape, barely noticeable due to their flatness and skin color. They inhabit mainly the hands and face. They make themselves felt through severe itching, redness and inflammation of the papilloma and the skin around.

  3. plantar, as the name implies, appear on the lower surface of the foot in separate foci, which are rare, but may be accompanied by additional small growths. They are characterized by a rounded shape and a rough surface and a well-defined border with healthy skin. A person experiences pain that reaches a peak when walking. They can pass without medical intervention, the chance of which is especially high in childhood.
  4. - the most frequent case of manifestation of the disease on the body, characteristic of middle-aged people (40 - 50 years). Initially, they are a cone-shaped wart, which eventually divides into several elastic processes that have an elongated shape and can protrude 6 mm above the skin surface. This type of papillomas chooses the armpits, groin and face as the place of its development. Sometimes the stage of the onset of tumors is accompanied by skin inflammation. In this case, a spontaneous solution to the problem is not necessary, therefore, when it is detected, it is better to immediately go to a specialist.

  5. - a consequence of exclusively sexual intercourse and affect the mucous membranes of the genitals, the outer epithelium of the perineum, as well as the uterine cervix in women. These accumulations of pinkish pointed papillae, if the disease is ignored, pass into the growth stage.

    Important! Given the high risk of developing cancer, ignoring the presence of genital warts is fraught with disastrous consequences.

Modern ways to get rid of papillomas

Today's medicine offers a number of affordable methods to rid yourself of the external consequences of infection. However, these procedures fight only with the external symptom, ignoring the root of the disease. Because of this, antiviral drugs are recommended in the postoperative period.

Important! Medications cannot be called a complete solution: a tool has not yet been developed that can completely destroy the papilloma virus that has settled in the body. Therefore, patients should find time and energy to strengthen immunity through sports and healthy eating.

Video - How to treat papilloma virus


The radio wave method is popular with alternative techniques because it offers a quick and non-traumatic removal. Due to the fact that the radioknife allows a competent specialist to act with maximum delicacy, the procedure excludes damage to healthy skin, and the affected area itself, from which the papilloma grew, is completely restored after the procedure. In this case, the re-emergence of growth in the same place does not occur.

Laser coagulation

The operation is carried out using a special laser, which is able to "uproot" even deeply rooted warts. The action of the beam is such that, penetrating through the thickness of the formation, it simultaneously seals the adjacent vessels and prevents bleeding.

The procedure takes no more than half an hour, and after a month the wound heals completely without scars or other traces. The laser should be preferred by owners of vulgar, plantar warts, as well as genital warts.


A special device that supplies high-frequency alternating and direct current makes it possible to control the depth of heat treatment. The operating temperature range is in the range from 20 to 80 degrees. Switching between modes allows you to gently process the border with living tissue and at the same time burn the core of the papilloma more efficiently. The procedure cannot be called painless. The wound healing process is quite long and is accompanied by considerable discomfort. In addition, there is no guarantee of a traceless recovery.

The technique is universal for all types of formations. Given its shortcomings, thermal irradiation should be resorted to when you are not concerned about the cosmetic aspect.


If the previous options are associated with thermal exposure, then this method is based on the use of liquid nitrogen and, accordingly, the freezing of warts. Such an operation does not require anesthesia and stands out for its elementary nature, and most importantly - painlessness. The tool here is an applicator impregnated with nitrogen, on contact with which the tumor cells die and the unwanted growth dies off. This solution is ideal for the elimination of poorly developed papillomas of any type in small quantities.

Important! Although these methods do not require special preparatory measures, it will not be superfluous to make sure that there are no overlaps with contraindications.

Preparations for the treatment of warts

It is possible to get rid of an unwanted neoplasm without the participation of specialists from dermatosurgery. Of course, this is only allowed if it does not contradict the instructions of the doctor, who should be consulted before taking any action.

The following pharmaceuticals may appear in self-treatment:

  1. Kollomak- a composition based on lactic and salicylic acids with the addition of polidocanol. Lactic acid destroys the transformed tissue, salicylic acid softens it, which speeds up the process, and at the same time disinfects and prevents inflammation, and polidocanol has an anesthetic effect.
  2. Salipod- a plaster impregnated with a composition with salicylic acid, which must be worn constantly and changed every few days. Before applying the wart should be steamed.
  3. Supercleaner- a liquid that allows for 4-5 applications to reduce the keratinized skin layer. The drug is aggressive, therefore it should not be allowed to get on healthy skin and especially mucous membranes. If there are contraindications of an allergic nature, the remedy will have to be abandoned.
  4. Kondilin- a solution that levels inflammation and contributes to the death of papilloma.
  5. Solcoderm- a solution of oxalic, acetic, nitric and lactic acids, cauterization of which very effectively destroys the formation cells.

You can get a more detailed idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthese funds by examining the table:

NameImageRelease formaverage priceContraindications
Kollomak Solution308 r.kidney failure;

Infant age;

Allergy and hypersensitivity

Salipod Patch30 r.kidney failure;

Infant age;


Allergy and hypersensitivity;

Presence of moles in the affected area

Supercleaner Balm40 r.Age up to 5 years;


Location of formations on the face, mucous membranes and genitals

Kondilin Solution690 rublesNot identified
Solcoderm Solution710 rublesAllergic reaction to drug components

Folk recipes

Video - How to get rid of papillomas with folk remedies

The best treatment is prevention

A conscientious attitude to one's health requires much less effort than the measures that have to be taken to get rid of an already existing disease. Therefore, heed the following tips:

  1. Take care of your health. Physical education, hardening and dietary adjustments will be enough to provide your body with solid protection not only from HPV, but also from other infections.
  2. When going to saunas and pools, use slippers and dry towels, keeping them clean.
  3. The banal use of condoms does not eliminate, but significantly reduces the likelihood of transmission of genital warts.
  4. The unpleasant consequences of sexual intercourse can be prevented with a vaccine aimed at resisting viruses 16, 18, 6 and 11 types of papillomavirus. By making such a vaccination before you begin to have an active sex life, you will provide yourself with excellent insurance against oncological strains of the microorganism.

Removing the papilloma itself is the easiest step in the fight against papillomavirus. It should be followed by a complex complex of treatment, which implies not only the use of medicines, but also measures to restore and stabilize the immune system. In this case, the result largely depends on the consciousness and patience of the patient.

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