It became a meme. What is a meme. The cook salts the meat

12/16/2017 at 15:55 12/12/2018 at 15:38

At the end of the year, it is customary to take stock. This time we did not make a selection by category, but tried to compile the most objective rating of popular memes. Our list is partly based on the results of research and, but this data reflects only the most misunderstood and, as a result, the most requested words and expressions in search engines.

Many memes undeservedly remained outside the field of attention. It may seem that some of them have already been forgotten, but this is not so. The real indicator of popularity is not the frequency of searches on the Internet, but the number of accesses to specific memes in network creativity. Unfortunately, this is almost impossible to calculate, but it is quite obvious that all the participants in our rating continue to circulate in the media space. And some even went offline and became truly popular. Memepedia presents: Top 20 memes of 2017.


A gray shapeless creature with the head of a sea elephant conquered Runet users at the very beginning of 2017. It was originally created as the personification of a person sitting in a hospital queue, waiting for everything in the world.

The secret to the success of this meme is simple: it reflects a part of life that is understandable and familiar to absolutely everyone. People who are used to living in anticipation recognize themselves in Zhdun and smile, looking at a cute, slightly clumsy creature.

Zhdun has become not just a meme, but also a brand: in July, CD Land acquired the rights to use it in Russia and the CIS. And in October on VKontakte and Megafon for misuse. How the proceedings ended is still unknown.

The cook salts the meat

A charismatic chef from Turkey has won the hearts of Internet users with his elegant way of salting meat. A video from his Instagram went around the world in January, and the chef's signature gesture became a meme.

Realizing his popularity, Nusret began posting similar videos on Instagram. And in February, Leonardo DiCaprio came to his restaurant in Dubai. And Goekce also salted the meat for him.

On the bottom

The victory in the nomination "Hype of the Year" undoubtedly belongs to. An ordinary 17-year-old girl from Ulyanovsk, who accused a guy of rape, appeared on federal television channels dozens of times. Now the guy is serving a sentence in a colony, and for the operator of Channel One, he sells advertising on social networks, continues to go to various TV shows and is preparing to become a singer.

After a series of broadcasts on Channel One, a new meme was born at the suggestion of Diana. - this is not only a corporate gesture and determining the amount of alcohol consumed, but also an indicator of the standard of living in the country that speaks volumes.


The love of the Russian people to blame all the troubles and problems on others has led to the transformation of the image of the "universal enemy". If earlier Barack Obama was such a person, then in 2017 he was replaced by opposition leader Alexei Navalny. A meme with a distorted photo of Vladimir Putin and an inscription appeared in the spring in one of the VKontakte publics and instantly spread throughout the Runet.

Very soon, the phrase took on a life of its own and entered into oral speech. The meme started the fashion for erratives. And the format of distorted pictures with crazy captions has developed into a whole genre this year.

The expression "blat Nevalny" means the desire to shift the responsibility for their mistakes to someone else who frankly has nothing to do with the problem. And writing the name of a presidential candidate through "e" gives the message a significant amount of irony, expresses a dismissive attitude towards him or just a desire to joke.

so blet

This meme is the most striking example of the popularity of the word "blet". A bird with arms, which is still confused with a kiwi, appeared in May 2017 in public VKontakte, and then spread throughout the Russian-speaking Internet. To the pose of a disgruntled cashier, who was spotted in the picture, something simply suggested itself colloquial and everyday. And it became such a phrase.

The meme has become an excellent reaction to everything incomprehensible and unpleasant. In some cases, he personifies the expectation, but, unlike the humble Zhdun, this expectation is rather a very irritable and impatient person.

glowing brain

Rapper Purulent (Glory to the CPSU) defeated Oksimiron himself in the battle and began to hype under the slogan "Antihype". It got to the point that the "underground" rapper sits on the jury of the music show on STS and with the pop king Philip Kirkorov.

Agutin and red button

Another bright meme of 2017. The turbulent emotions on his face and the musician's sweeping gesture during the filming of the show "Voice" fell in love with netizens.

With about the same feeling and desperation, we ourselves make rash or very difficult decisions. It’s funny that Agutin himself didn’t really understand how popular the meme with him became: “The main thing is that I don’t harm anyone, even, as I understand it, on the contrary,” commented Leonid.


In early June, the teenager released a video in which he very aggressively criticized people who are sure that the Earth is a ball, and called them "ball-lovers." The guy relied on the theory of a flat Earth, popular in narrow circles. Most viewers of the video caused laughter, they could not understand whether the teenager was joking or speaking seriously. The word "ball-lovers" went to the people and became a meme.

We would not have included Maxim in this selection if the hype around the flat earth theory had not continued. In September, the American rapper decided to prove to the whole world that our planet is actually shaped like a plate. Even the appeals of the astronauts will convince him.

The Russian channel REN-TV, which on September 25 on this topic, also became the mouthpiece of supporters of the flat Earth, and users again remembered Maxim Ozherelyev.

The floor is lava

A children's game, familiar to the residents of Russia and the CIS as "Higher feet from the ground", in 2017 was transformed into a popular flash mob. At the suggestion of British bloggers, the whole world began to shoot videos in which people were asked to climb somewhere with their feet as quickly as possible, imagining that the floor or earth was boiling lava.

A photo with a jumping guy who spreads his legs wide in the air became the most popular personification of this challenge and turned into a meme. And later - according to the scheme already familiar to us - a separate phrase became a meme.


The word of the year for meme lovers was the mysterious, who came to Russia with a rapper. It comes from the English slang from the rapper party esketit, which in turn means let's get it ("let's get it", "let's stir it up"). But as a meme "eschkere" exists in Runet with a different meaning.

Due to the fact that thousands of schoolchildren began to repeat Face, this word very quickly lost its original meaning and turned into a meaningless chant. Therefore, today “eschkere” is rather a sign of a narrow-minded mind. It is in this context that it most often appears in various memes.

Easy-easy, ryltok, sink about it

Came into widespread use thanks to rappers. This time, two distinguished themselves at once: Oksimiron, who said these words in the battle with Purulent, and Purulent himself, who began to repeat them after his opponent as trolling.

Unlike "eschkere", these speech constructions have a clear meaning. For example, “easy-easy” is a tracing paper from English easy-easy (“wow-wow, take it easy”). "Ryltok" - real talk ("in kind"). And "think about it" is translated as "think about it, think about it."


One of the most controversial memes of 2017 was the girls and guys who are called. In September, anonymous people from Dvacha drew attention to young girls with bright short hair and languid looks who like to go to exhibitions, read smart books and drink wine from bags.

The discussion of the phenomenon went beyond the imageboards, many saw such "blanks" among their friends. In social networks, it has become customary to ridicule their clothing style, pseudo-intellectual hobbies and arrogant tone of communication.

Some netizens, including people who have received the title of "vinishko", do not agree that this is some kind of separate subculture - after all, the attributes named by two people are suitable for many modern young people.

Any Internet user had to hear the word "meme" more than once. And it often sounds in the media. However, if you ask at least 10 people about what is a meme- hardly half will answer.

In fact, any images, phrases, comics, video clips, and even just popular ideas can act as these cultural units.

The more successful, sonorous and in every sense a bright meme, the more likely it is that it will “go to the people” and begin to spread rapidly.

It is important to emphasize that viral distribution through the media, social networks, jokes, movies, etc. is typical for memes.

Without going into the scientific context of the described term, and without touching on its controversial aspects, it can be argued with confidence that memes have long been part of popular culture.

Here are some examples:

Chinese basketball player Yao Ming. The photographer caught a bright facial expression that immediately became a meme.
Sasha Fokin

As a rule, successfully replicated memes have a clear structure. To simplify it, we can say that any meme consists of an attractive form and a certain content. For imagery, many researchers compared the meme to a Trojan horse or a virus, under the shell of which there is an information component, thanks to which your meme becomes popular. In short, in order to become a successful meme, you need to consider two important points:
1. The outer shell of the meme, its form, must be bright, memorable, and at the same time universal. The attractiveness of this form determines the success of the meme's replication in the media space. A funny photo, an unusual drawing, a catchy chorus or melody, a new phrase - the closer the shape of your meme is to what is called an earworm, the better. We must also not forget that the form should be understandable to the majority of the audience, be universal.
2. The content of the meme, its information core. Any meme contains at least one message - an emotion, a political program, an attitude to a particular issue, and so on. Your meme ideas, for a successful and long life of the latter, must be understandable to the audience, universal and "vital". In other words, under the bright shell of "hilarious" you give the audience a whole set of cultural codes, symbols and meanings, which should be easily read and deciphered by a person belonging to the same cultural space as you.

Well, as the previous answerer already said, there is a lot of competent force, because nothing in these our Internets by itself, like a pimple on the forehead, pops up. But we must not forget that no matter how much you force "professional" ("Typical nuclear physicist"), local (zaxaroid with Peekaboo) or just unpopular mediocre memes, they will not be replicated beyond a certain (very small) audience.

It's hard to become a meme. For example, Linda's method works a little worse than nothing and is a little more than completely demagogy.

The fact is that memes appear so unpredictably... But in 80% of cases, not without the help of an imageboard. The same Russian-Chinese dictionary was forced there, and the threads with the humunculus appeared 5 times a day. (And this was in those days when the very first video with a white pseudo-humunculus had about 700 views).

There's also the question of how exactly you want to be a meme - elite like pepe or tasteless like NOTHING. Universal like pekaface or a meme for a narrow circle of people like Suisei Seki.

Another problem is that it’s much easier to become a meme-drawing, a meme-cat, and even a meme, a motherfucking dress, than a meme-person (especially not a famous person).

In general, more specifics are needed, a lot of charisma, a lot of effort, a lot of force, a lot of originality ... And all this does not give any guarantees ... It's not worth it in general.

Photo memes are very popular among internet users. There are millions, billions of photos on the global network, and a certain part of them are not just funny or unsuccessful, they are truly epic.

Photo memes as a phenomenon appeared a long time ago, and over time, their popularity does not decrease at all. And all because, like 10 years ago, people now love to have fun, cheer up with the help of funny pictures. Before social media became a mainstream phenomenon, pictorial humor was available from comics, which were in high demand.

Photo memes differ from ordinary pictures in that they are often live photos of various people and animals. Recently, the main characters of such memes have become such characters as an uncomprehending African and a lemur from the cartoon "Madagascar", who spread the word "Uzbagoyzya" on the Internet. However, old photo memes do not lose their relevance.

Photo memes have become an integral part of our lives, especially for young people from 14 to 20 years old. We, without noticing it, sometimes insert phrases in conversations - quotes of images popular on the network. In addition, watching them is the easiest way to easily cheer yourself up.

What Internet jokes do we come across most often?

With the development of the World Wide Web, users are finding more and more new methods of communication. One of the most original ways to exchange information has now become memes - viral ironic and witty drawings, photos and demotivators.

1. Troll and rage faces

These funny, seemingly child-drawn faces have been conquering the Internet since 2008. Millions of users today use them when creating demotivators or as comments on posts to express a variety of emotions - from happiness and affection, to grief and awkwardness. Initially, these pictures were created for simple comic comics on various forums. But due to their simplicity, which vividly conveys feelings, they soon became recognizable to any user. For example, what is a "trollface" is simply unnecessary to explain - everyone knows this face.

2. Movie memes

Travolta is confused. 20 years after the release of Quentin Tarantino's cult film Pulp Fiction, Internet users have given new life to the character Vincent Vega, played in the film by John Travolta. Just a few seconds of doubt and confusion in the performance of Travolta today fit very organically both in the frames of other popular films, and in current news videos or simply iconic life situations.

The Great Gatsby. Internet users really liked the frame with actor Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie "The Great Gatsby". With different captions, this picture is used to illustrate either cynicism, or sarcasm, or humor on the verge of a foul.

A shot of the character Boromir, along with the first part of his catchphrase from The Lord of the Rings, is one of the most recognizable memes today. However, few people remember that in the film itself he said: "One does not simply walk into Mordor". That is, "You can't just take it and go to Mordor."

Internet users are already used to ending Boromir's phrase in their own way, depending on what process or event they want to make fun of.

Meme about Karl. Not everyone is aware of where Internet trolls got pictures of a boy in a big hat and his crying father. This meme originated from the post-apocalyptic American TV series The Walking Dead. In fact, according to the original plot, there is nothing funny in these pictures. After all, they depict the moment when the main character of the series Rick realizes that his wife died in childbirth, after which he begins to cry and scream, and his son Carl, in shock, just stands and is silent.

The episode was first laughed at when it appeared on YouTube in 2013 in a recut version titled "Rick finds out his son Carl is gay."

But Carl really became a meme at the suggestion of the American edition of Buzzfeed, which posted the material "19 of the best dad jokes from Rick." Then the beginning of all demativators with a boy in a hat was laid.

Facepalm or handkerchief. If you stumble upon terribly stupid or incompetent material on the Internet, this picture without further ado will help convey all your feelings to the author of the publication. A lowered head with a hand covering her face very intelligibly explains to anyone - "you did it very very much in vain." This gesture has become especially popular in the performance of the captain from the American TV series Star Trek (Star Trek).

3. Memes with real people

disaster girl. In 2007, photographer Dave Roth, while walking with his daughter Zoe, saw a training session for firefighters and captured his daughter against the backdrop of a specially set fire to the house.

Sasha Fokin. Distinguished on the Internet and the Ukrainian boy Sasha. The teenager appeared on a TV show on one of the domestic channels, in which all his favorite games were removed from the computer of 11-year-old Sasha. It was the reaction of the hero to the tragic loss that formed the basis of the meme. Now it is used when someone loses something very important for virtual life.

Yao Ming. The image of Chinese basketball player Yao Ming has become a famous meme thanks to an interesting facial expression that the cameras managed to capture. Yao Ming Face is used on the Web as a reaction to unwise words or to show their contempt.

Sad Keanu. Actor Keanu Reeves has become a victim of fotozhaberov after a successful shot of the paparazzi. Photographers caught the actor in the park, when he was sitting on a bench with a pie in his hand. The actor looked rather sad, but it was this look of him in hundreds of photoshops that made his photo one of the most famous memes on the Web.

Cheerful Leo. The photo with actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who strides wide down the street and swings his arms unnaturally, appeared during the filming of the film Inception. The photo instantly spread across the Web and became the victim of thousands of photo-toads. The satisfied actor went to the moon, escaped from the Titanic and found himself in all situations where his happy smile was completely out of place.

Putin on horseback The fate of the victim of the photo-toad and Russian President Vladimir Putin did not bypass. His naked torso, with which he "shone" on horseback, became the reason for the appearance of hundreds of funny memes.

Girl with soap bubbles. A little girl in a yellow raincoat, who runs funny somewhere with soap bubbles, became the heroine of the Internet space already in 2009. Since then, from whom only she did not run away - from bears, explosions and dinosaurs.

What kid? The story of this funny meme, which is used to express complete misunderstanding, is no less epic than the expression on the hero's face. A well-known meme was a screen from a training video for children on the correct use of the toilet.

Successful child. A photo of little Sammy, who is holding sand in his fist, about to feast on it, has been turned into a meme by users - a symbol of success. The gesture of the baby was perceived as a manifestation of an imperious character and began to be used in the meaning of the successful resolution of certain cases. It should be noted that Sammy's worldwide popularity thanks to the meme helped him raise money for an operation for his father.

4. Animal memes

It should be noted that users express their opinion on the Internet not only with the help of cinematic frames and funny cartoon faces. Often the stars of the Web, and later famous memes, are animals. Thanks to a special facial expression or a good photo, the smaller brothers manage to portray a whole palette of emotions - from sarcasm to surprise.

"Angry cat" In particular, among the most famous animals among users can be called the Grumpy Cat. The image of a disgruntled cat, which owes its popularity to the wrong bite, is most often used to express dissatisfaction or complete indifference to something. It should be noted that the cat became the "meme of the year" in 2013.

"Johnny Catsville". The hilarious shot, which later became a famous meme, was taken by the owner of the cat quite by accident while playing with the animal. However, after getting on the Web, fluffy became a "blogger", allegedly taking pictures against the backdrop of interesting events.

"Stoned fox". A separate point is worth remembering the fox - not a very successful job of the taxidermist Adele Morse - who has become very popular in the CIS countries, resembling a sad drug addict with his appearance.

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