Charge your tablet with it on or off. How to charge your tablet for the first time. How much to charge the tablet for the first time since purchasing the gadget so that it works as long as possible. As for charging them, there are two methods

How to charge the tablet so as not to damage the battery? Charging your tablet is simple, however, it is not recommended to charge your tablet when you are, say, playing a game that requires a lot of resources. At this time, the back of the tablet heats up, which heats up the battery, which in turn reduces its service life and capacity. Modern tablet batteries are afraid of only one thing - overheating. Therefore, read this article on how to properly charge the tablet further, it will outline the basic principles of charging the tablet.

How to properly charge a tablet?

Modern tablets are constantly better controlled so that the charge level is always between 40-80%, if you go into the battery options, you can see that the graph turns red when the battery drops below 20%, which means that the developers think this is bad. Moreover, you should put the device on charge on time, I can’t imagine that you are sitting with a tablet in your hands for 4 hours in a row. Therefore, the answer, how to properly charge the tablet, will be regular. In principle, following this simple point, you will already be charging the tablet correctly, there is nothing complicated.

  1. Modern lithium-ion batteries do not have a memory effect, so full discharge followed by a major charge is not required;
  2. The service life of lithium-ion batteries is several years, this is due to the number of charging cycles, so they still have to be changed, fortunately, the gadget becomes obsolete in a few years so much that the process of replacing the battery in the tablet comes down to replacing the tablet itself;
  3. Sometimes, however, let's charge the tablet a little longer, sometimes its charging indicator starts to show that the device is charged. In reality, you use it for only half an hour, and then the battery drains sharply. This means that you are not properly charging the battery on the tablet, put it on a 2-hour charge and do not touch it at all;
  4. A bad outlet is bad for the battery life of the tablet. It seems that the device is charging, and then once the contact is disconnected, and the entire tablet starts to discharge again, giving charge through the cable.

Rules for operating a lithium-ion battery

Charge your tablet regularly, but do not overcharge the battery. It will be right if the tablet battery is regularly recharged, it is desirable that the charge level does not fall below 50%, this is such a recommendation. At 20%, urgently put on recharging, I highly recommend not to allow the tablet to completely discharge until the device automatically turns off, because the battery fails faster.

Always control the charge level of the tablet, let me remind you, preferably within 50-80%. Do not leave a full battery on charge, otherwise the battery will be overcharged, which will adversely affect the quality of the battery. Remember, overcharging a battery is always bad, it's better not to charge a little than to wait for 100% charge.

Avoid overheating your tablet while charging. This means that you should not charge the tablet while playing games.

However, it should be remembered that the lithium-ion battery will still fail and will need to be replaced.

If charged to 100%, will it affect battery life?

To answer these questions, we have collected all the information you need.

Many people have already become addicted to smartphones, so much so that some have even become nomophobes (nomophobia is the fear of being left without a smartphone).

Also, many people are constantly worried that their phone can run out of power at any time. However, few people think that battery life is also important.

Battery life

For the average user, the battery can last about 3-4 years, but this figure can be significantly increased if you follow some tips.

It is immediately worth noting that so far there are no eternal batteries. Most smartphone manufacturers report that their devices are designed for 300-500 charge cycles.

According to Apple, iPhone batteries can reach 80% of their capacity after 1,000 charge cycles.

After that, phone batteries can no longer maintain a charge for a long time.

Here are some tips on how to properly charge your smartphone (iPhone or Android phone), tablet or laptop.

How to properly charge the battery

Many people wonder whether it is worth discharging the battery to zero before starting to charge it.

To answer this question, it is worth learning more about the term "memory effect"

What is the "memory effect"?

Batteries are able to remember how much charge is left (only works when there is still charge in the device and it has not been completely discharged).

If you frequently charge from 20% to 80%, then the battery can "forget" about 40% that were not charged (from 0 to 20% and from 80 to 100%).

However, this applies to old nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries, but does not apply to lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-pol) batteries (we will talk about the latter below).

Li-ion and Li-pol batteries don't suffer from "memory loss" so they should be charged frequently but not completely, and don't let them drain to zero.

How to properly charge your phone/tablet/laptop

Do not charge your battery from 0 to 100%

The rule of thumb for lithium batteries is to keep them at 50% or more at all times. When the charge drops below 50%, recharge it if possible. The best option is to charge the battery a little several times a day.

But don't charge it to 100%. This, of course, will not be fatal to the battery, but regular charging to the maximum will significantly reduce battery life.

It is worth noting that when discharging-charging by 50%, you can increase the battery life up to 1,500 cycles.

To summarize: it is better to charge the battery from 40% to 80%, do not let the charge fall below 20% and rise to the maximum.

Charging the battery correctly

How often can the battery be charged to 100%?

Despite the fact that completely discharging a phone or laptop is not very good, there is still one exception. Lithium batteries (Li-ion and Li-pol) need to be discharged to 0% at least once every 2 months.

This technique is similar to rebooting a computer, or a summer vacation for people. This action also applies to smartphones and laptops.

Such training will help the device calibrate the electronics that are responsible for the correct display of the charge level.

How to properly charge the battery

Should you charge your phone overnight?

Most modern smartphones are smart enough to stop charging when the battery is full, so there's not much risk of leaving your phone charging overnight.

However, it is worth knowing that after a full charge, the battery of a phone, tablet or laptop will feed the device from time to time so that the charge remains maximum. This action keeps the battery in a state of "stress", thereby gradually reducing its capacity.

If you leave your device to charge overnight for a year, you will notice that your phone or laptop runs out of power faster than it used to.

How to properly charge a new phone or laptop

Now, with modern technology, there is no special instruction on how to charge a new phone or tablet. You just start using it, maintaining the charge between 40 and 80%

Previously, if you purchased a new smartphone or a new battery for your phone, then it needed a “buildup”. This means that the battery had to be discharged to zero (until the phone / tablet / laptop turned off). They even advised the new battery to be discharged and charged up to 100% 3-4 times. Now this is not necessary.

Lithium-polymer battery

It is worth noting that the technology for creating lithium-ion batteries improves approximately 1-2 times a year. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand the behavior of new batteries after extended storage.

The lithium-ion battery has many advantages, but still, it has some problems associated with safe operation, as well as high cost.

To solve these problems, lithium-polymer batteries (Li-pol) were created, which appeared relatively recently.

More and more modern smartphones, laptops and tablets use this type of battery. In addition, such batteries can be found in modern radio-controlled toys.

What is the difference between Li-pol and Li-ion batteries

Left Li- ion battery, right Li- pol battery

Lithium-ion batteries use a liquid electrolyte, and therefore there are problems when using them. Lithium-polymer batteries work in much the same way, but have a different structure and dry electrolyte instead of liquid. Dry electrolyte is a solid polymer and looks like a plastic film.

Today it is possible to create lithium-polymer batteries up to 1 mm thick, as well as to make them of any shape. It is also worth noting that the aluminum or steel case, which is used in Li-ion batteries, has been replaced with foil in Li-pol batteries.

How to charge lithium polymer batteries (Li-pol) batteries

It is worth remembering that a lithium-polymer battery must have certain voltage limits during its entire life. Most often it is from 2.7 (minimum charge) to 4.2 (maximum charge).

These batteries have a lower capacity, but a longer service life. Li-pol batteries do not like full discharge and charging up to 100%. The boundary condition for such batteries has a bad effect on their service life.

To maximize the life of lithium-polymer batteries, it is worth keeping the charge in the range of 40% - 60% (in extreme cases, between 30 and 80%.).

New Li-pol batteries when buying, they have a charge level just within these limits.

We charge the smartphone correctly

Is fast charging worth it?

Many Android phones have a fast charging feature (this can be Qualcomm Quick Charge, or, in the case of Samsung phones, Adaptive Fast Charging).

These phones have a special code found on a chip, also known as the Power Management IC (PMIC). This chip communicates with the charger and signals to it that a more powerful voltage is needed for a fast charge.

Fast charging heats up the battery, so you should also remove the case. Experts advise turning off the fast charging function if possible.

How to properly charge your phone battery

High and low temperatures harm the battery

* In order not to harm your phone, tablet and laptop, do not leave the device in a closed car, near a stove or heater, or in direct sunlight.

* The same goes for low temperatures, so don't leave your electronics in a cold room, and in winter, don't carry it in an outside jacket pocket.

* A very useful thing for a laptop in the summer is a special stand that provides good ventilation for the device.

How to properly charge the battery of a smartphone or laptop

Can any charger be used?

If possible, use the same charger that came with your phone. If you decide to purchase a charger from a third party, make sure the manufacturer approves its use.

Cheap alternatives can harm your phone. There have already been cases of ignition of cheap chargers.

* Do not wait until the battery is completely discharged.

* Do not charge to 100%. After 80%, you can safely disconnect from the adapter.

* If the battery is still discharged, immediately put it on charge.

* Ideally, the battery charge should be kept at 50%. This is difficult to do, so you can keep the charge between 30 and 80%.

* Frequent charging from the outlet is harmfulLi-pol batteries. Try sometimes to charge from a laptop (just plug your phone into a USB port). At the same time, it is better not to connect anything else to the laptop, otherwise there will not be enough current for charging.

* Li-pol batteries do not like prolonged exposure to high and low temperatures.

* Once every 2-3 months, you need to completely discharge and charge the Li-pol battery i.e. calibrate.

* When you decide to replace the lithium-polymer battery, carefully look at its characteristics (voltage, connector, type, etc.) - they must completely match the characteristics of the battery being replaced.

* Lithium batteries, no "memory effect", therefore, they do not need to be "overclocked", that is, discharged and fully charged several times.

* Do not leave the battery discharged for too long. It is better to keep the battery charged by about 40-50%.

* Every month batteries lose 5-10% of their capacity when fully discharged.

* If you leave a discharged battery for a long time, eventually it will not be able to hold a charge.

* Spare batteries should also be charged at 40-50% and only then store for future use.

When buying a tablet, sellers in stores quite often face questions about how to properly charge the battery of the device. And this is due to many reasons, one of them is mobile phones of the early 2000s, the batteries of which had a memory effect and, if not used correctly, even a third of the time laid down in them ceased to hold during the year. Let's take a closer look at modern batteries that are used in tablets.

Modern batteries in tablets

When mobile devices were just starting to fill store shelves, manufacturers in most cases used nickel-magnesium batteries, which had the so-called memory effect. Therefore, the sellers advised to make several charge-discharge cycles so that the battery could remember the maximum and minimum values.

Modern devices use either lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries, which are characterized by maximum capacity. The second option is the continuation of the successor to the Li-Ion battery, which consists of almost one element and does not remember the charging limits. But the user does not need to be on the alert so that the charge mark does not fall below a certain level.

How to properly charge a new tablet?

All modern mobile gadgets, including tablets, do not need charge-recharge cycles, that is, the device can be immediately charged and used until the last "breath", that is, until the screen goes blank.

But, here it is necessary to take into account several nuances at once that affect the durability of the battery:

  1. It is advisable to use the original tablet charger. If it stopped working due to a power surge or physical impact, pay attention to the sticker (engraved on the memory case), which indicates the number of volts, resistance and current strength. You need to purchase exactly with the same indicators.
  2. Do not use the fast charger on tablets that do not support this technology. Such chargers are usually marked with lightning and wear out the battery of the device very quickly.
  3. Do not charge the tablet in networks less than 220 V, unless you have a special adapter for working with low-voltage networks. Firstly, the charging process itself will be quite lengthy, and secondly, for stable operation of the battery, a constant voltage is needed, with certain minimum indicators. Quite often, sockets with 110-120 V can be found in foreign hotels.

Articles and Lifehacks

Many owners of a modern device do not know how to charge a tablet for the first time. When purchasing this computer device, you will need to take into account some rules.

The user needs to correctly treat the new battery that the gadget is equipped with.

Sequential instruction

The first charge of a new tablet involves:
  1. Calibrating the power controller.
  2. First, the battery installed on the device is completely discharged.
  3. When charging for the first time, you need to make sure that the network is functioning correctly. It must meet the technical requirements.
  4. It is important to determine the compatibility of the tablet and charger.
  5. Then the charger is connected to the device, after which it can be connected to the network.
  6. After that, the computer mobile device must be fully charged once, to the maximum level. These actions will allow you to correctly determine all the standard initial values.

    In this case, the user will provide correct and competent control over the power supply of the tablet.

Some nuances

The duration of the first charge of the device deserves special attention. This time depends on the voltage and rated current.

If the power level is insufficient, then the gadget may encounter a battery failure. It is equally important to know exactly how to charge the tablet for the first time in order to avoid systematic "undercharging" of the battery. Here's why it's so important:

  • The device should be charged exactly as much as the power controller determines. He is able to timely turn off the charging of a computer device. In this case, the capacity will have an optimal level of allowable charge.
  • As a rule, it is recommended to charge a new tablet for the first time for at least 5-6 hours.
  • During this procedure, you will need to use only the "native" device for charging, the desired temperature regime. It is equally important to check the correct and reliable connection of cables and wires with a computer device.
  • It is recommended to refrain from using low-power and non-native chargers. They usually don't get the job done. Doing so may damage the tablet's battery.
  • It is best to use charging with small cable parameters. The longer it is at high resistance, the output, the connector will have a lower voltage indicator.
In order for the gadget to work for a long time, it is important to always control its correct charging and proper discharge.

Tablet computers or tablets today, without exaggeration, can be called the most popular portable electronic devices. First of all, the popularity of these devices is due to their compactness and mobility. It is quite natural that one of the most important characteristics of such computers is their battery life, which directly depends on the battery charge level. Many tablet owners are concerned about the question of how to properly charge the tablet so that it works as long as possible? In this article, we will try to answer it.

There is an opinion that for proper charging it is necessary to wait until the device is completely discharged. However, it is not. The above opinion among users arose from the experience of operating devices equipped with nickel batteries. This type of power supply has a so-called “memory effect” and therefore, before turning on the charging of a device with nickel batteries, it is advisable to wait until it is completely discharged. Lithium-ion batteries, which are equipped with most models of modern tablets, do not have this drawback. And now, in order, how to properly charge.

Charge your device regularly

Contrary to the established belief above, do not wait until your tablet is discharged to zero. It is best if you charge your device regularly. If we compare the dependence of battery life on the number of charge-discharge cycles, we will see the following. When fully discharged, the battery can withstand up to 500 battery charge cycles, when discharged to 50 percent, the battery life increases to 1500 cycles, the battery can withstand 2500 charge cycles at a 25 percent discharge level and 4,700 cycles at a 10 percent discharge. Thus, we can conclude that in order to properly charge the gadget, you should not lower the battery level below 50 percent, but it would be best if you charge the computer when its batteries are discharged by 10-25 percent.

Don't leave your tablet on charge

Lithium-ion batteries used in modern tablets do not need to be 100 percent charged. The most optimal charge level is from 70 to 80 percent. If you still charged the device to the level of 100 percent, then you should not leave it plugged into the outlet. Many owners of tablet computers do just that. They put the device on charge overnight and as a result unknowingly reduce the life of the battery. Modern gadgets are equipped with a built-in battery charge controller that automatically turns off charging when the battery level reaches 100 percent.

Completely charge and discharge the battery once a month

This statement will certainly seem to you contradictory with the above. Let's try to explain everything. Once a month, you need to charge and discharge the tablet battery in order to calibrate the device. As a rule, the charge level is displayed on the screen in the form of symbols, scales, and so on. This indication may not display information correctly after many discharge and charge cycles, and therefore it is recommended to calibrate once a month. As a result, the readings will be more accurate.

Don't let your device overheat

Ambient temperature greatly affects the battery life of your tablet. For example, at an air temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, the battery can lose up to 15 percent of its charge level. Therefore, you should avoid overheating the device, for which, for example, you should not keep the computer on your lap for a long time. In any case, try to always have a charger for your tablet with you and, if possible, recharge it. We hope that this note will help you properly charge your gadget and use the device for a long time. On our website you can also find out what to do if the tablet does not turn on and other information that is useful to you.

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