Glucose solution 20. Medicinal reference book geotar. How to use Glucose and dosage

Producer: Pharmland LLC Republic of Belarus

ATC Code: B05CX01

Farm group:

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for infusion.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active ingredient: 200 g of anhydrous glucose in 1 liter of infusion solution.

Excipients: sodium chloride.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. With the introduction of hypertonic solutions into a vein (20%, 30%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, diuresis increases. .

Indications for use:

20% glucose solutions are used for liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic coma), for osmotherapy with insufficient diuresis, collapse and shock, with severe infectious diseases, cardiac decompensation, various intoxications (poisoning by drugs, cyanides, carbon monoxide, etc. .), with hemorrhagic diathesis. Full or partial. Glucose solutions can be used both independently and according to indications in combination with other medicinal substances (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, NaEDTA, etc.), and can also be used to dilute drugs.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Dosage and administration:

Hypertonic glucose solution (20%) is injected only into a vein, 10-50 ml once or drip up to 300 ml per day. If necessary, the introduction of large volumes of hypertonic glucose solution is allowed. For more complete absorption of glucose, administered in large quantities, insulin is prescribed simultaneously with it at the rate of: 1 unit of insulin per 4-5 g of glucose. Patients with diabetes, glucose is administered with caution, under the control of sugar in the blood and urine.

Application Features:

With repeated administration of the solution, violations of the functional state of the liver and depletion of the insular apparatus of the pancreas are possible. Due to the increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood, a 20% solution is injected into the central vein using a catheter.


A relative contraindication is in diabetes mellitus.


An overdose of hypertonic glucose solutions may develop hyperglycemia. To correct it, insulin is used, and symptomatic therapy is also carried out.

Storage conditions:

In a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of +5 to +30 °C. Shelf life 2 years.

Leave conditions:

On prescription


100, 250 or 500 ml in polymer containers for infusion solutions.

International non-proprietary name

Dosage form

Solution for injection 40%, 10 ml and 20 ml


1 ml solution contains

active substances: glucose monohydrate 0.4 g in terms of anhydrous glucose

Excipients: 0.1 M hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, water for injection


Clear colorless or slightly yellowish liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Plasma substituting and perfusion solutions. Other irrigation solutions. Dextrose.

ATX code B05C X01

Pharmacological properties


After intravenous administration, glucose with the blood flow enters the organs and tissues, where it is included in the metabolic processes. Glucose stores are stored in the cells of many tissues in the form of glycogen. Entering the process of glycolysis, glucose is metabolized to pyruvate or lactate, under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is completely metabolized to carbon dioxide and water with the formation of energy in the form of ATP. The end products of the complete oxidation of glucose are excreted by the lungs and kidneys.


Glucose provides substrate replenishment of energy costs. With the introduction of hypertonic solutions into a vein, intravascular osmotic pressure increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes accelerate, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, diuresis increases. With the introduction of a hypertonic glucose solution, redox processes are enhanced, glycogen deposition in the liver is activated.

Indications for use

    hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

Dosage and administration

Glucose solution of 40% is administered intravenously very slowly (once), for adults - 20-40-50 ml per injection. If necessary, administered drip, at a rate of up to 30 drops / min. Dose for adults with intravenous drip - up to 300 ml per day (6.0 g of glucose per 1 kg of body weight).

Side effects

    injection site pain, vein irritation, phlebitis, venous thrombosis

    hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia, glucosuria, acidosis


    polydipsia, nausea


    allergic reactions (fever, skin rashes, angioedema, shock)


    hypersensitivity to drug components

    intracranial and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the spinal cord, with the exception of conditions associated with hypoglycemia

    severe dehydration, including delirium tremens

  • diabetes mellitus and other conditions accompanied by hyperglycemia

    glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome

    cerebral edema and pulmonary edema

    acute left ventricular failure


    hyperosmolar coma

Drug Interactions

Glucose solution 40% should not be administered in the same syringe with hexamethylenetetramine, since glucose is a strong oxidizing agent. It is not recommended to mix in one syringe with alkaline solutions: with general anesthetics and sleeping pills, as their activity decreases, with alkaloid solutions; inactivates streptomycin, reduces the effectiveness of nystatin.

Under the influence of thiazide diuretics and furosemide, glucose tolerance decreases. Insulin promotes the entry of glucose into peripheral tissues, stimulates the formation of glycogen, the synthesis of proteins and fatty acids. Glucose solution reduces the toxic effect of pyrazinamide on the liver. The introduction of a large volume of glucose solution contributes to the development of hypokalemia, which increases the toxicity of simultaneously used digitalis preparations.

special instructions

The drug should be used under the control of blood sugar and electrolyte levels.

The drug should not be administered simultaneously with blood products.

It is not recommended to prescribe a glucose solution during the acute period of severe traumatic brain injury, with acute cerebrovascular accident, since the drug can increase damage to brain structures and worsen the course of the disease (except for cases of correction of hypoglycemia).

In case of hypokalemia, the administration of glucose solution must be combined simultaneously with the correction of potassium deficiency (because of the risk of increasing hypokalemia).

For better absorption of glucose in normoglycemic conditions, it is desirable to combine the administration of the drug with the appointment (subcutaneously) of short-acting insulin at the rate of 1 unit per 4-5 g of glucose (dry matter).

Do not use the solution subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

The contents of the ampoule can only be used for one patient, after the ampoule is broken, the unused solution should be discarded.

With renal failure, decompensated heart failure, hyponatremia special care is required, monitoring of central hemodynamic parameters.

Use during pregnancy or lactation

Glucose infusions in normoglycemic pregnant women can lead to fetal hyperglycemia and cause metabolic acidosis. The latter is important to consider, especially when fetal distress or hypoxia is already due to other perinatal factors.

Pediatric use

The drug is used for children only as directed and under medical supervision.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or potentially dangerous mechanisms

No data.


Symptoms: hyperglycemia, glucosuria, increased osmotic blood pressure (up to the development of hyperglycemic coma), hyperhydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Treatment: the drug is canceled and insulin is prescribed at the rate of 1 unit for every 0.45-0.9 mmol of blood glucose until a blood glucose level of 9 mmol / l is reached. Blood glucose levels should be reduced gradually. Simultaneously with the appointment of insulin, an infusion of balanced salt solutions is carried out.

If necessary, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

Release form and packaging

10 ml or 20 ml in glass ampoules with a break ring or a break point. 5 or 10 ampoules, together with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, are put into a pack with corrugated cardboard inserts.

Composition and form of release

250 ml - bottles for blood and blood substitutes (1) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Means for rehydration and detoxification.

Isotonic dextrose solution (5%) is used to replenish the body with fluid. In addition, it is a source of a valuable nutrient that is easily absorbed. When glucose is metabolized in tissues, a significant amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the life of the body.

With the on / in the introduction of hypertonic solutions (10%, 20%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from the tissues into the blood increases, the metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, the vessels expand, the diuresis.


Dextrose, entering the tissues, is phosphorylated, turning into glucose-6-phosphate, which is actively involved in many parts of the body's metabolism. Excreted by the kidneys.

Clinical pharmacology

Preparation for rehydration and detoxification for parenteral use.

Indications for use

Compensation for the lack of carbohydrates in the body. Correction of dehydration due to vomiting, diarrhea, in the postoperative period. Detoxification infusion therapy. Collapse, shock (as a component of various blood-substituting and anti-shock liquids). It is used to prepare solutions of drugs for intravenous administration.

It is used as a component of various blood-substituting and anti-shock liquids. for the preparation of solutions of drugs for intravenous administration.

Contraindications for use

Hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hyperhydration, postoperative disorders of glucose utilization, hyperosmolar coma, hyperlactacidemia.

With caution - severe heart failure, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, hyponatremia.

Use in pregnancy and children

It is possible to use dextrose during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) according to indications.

Side effects

Fever, hypervolemia, development of infection and thrombophlebitis at the injection site of Glucose, extravasation.


Dextrose solutions are administered intravenously.

5% solution: up to a maximum of 150 drops / min, the maximum daily dose for adults is 2 liters;

10% solution: up to a maximum of 60 drops / min, the maximum daily dose for adults is 500 ml;

20% solution: up to a maximum of 40 drops / min, the maximum daily dose for adults is 300 ml;

40% solution: up to a maximum of 30 drops / min, the maximum daily dose for adults is 250 ml.

Excipients: sodium chloride.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. With the introduction of hypertonic solutions into a vein (20%, 30%, 40%), the osmotic pressure of the blood increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes increase, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, blood vessels dilate, diuresis increases. .

Indications for use:

20% glucose solutions are used for hypoglycemia and liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatic coma), for osmotherapy with insufficient diuresis, collapse and shock, with severe infectious diseases, cardiac decompensation, various intoxications (poisoning with drugs, cyanides, carbon monoxide and etc.), with hemorrhagic diathesis. Total parenteral nutrition or partial. Glucose solutions can be used both independently and according to indications in combination with other medicinal substances (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, NaEDTA, etc.), and can also be used to dilute drugs.

Dosage and administration:

Hypertonic glucose solution (20%) is injected only into the vein pml once or drip up to 300 ml per day. If necessary, the introduction of large volumes of hypertonic glucose solution is allowed. For more complete absorption of glucose, administered in large quantities, insulin is prescribed simultaneously with it at the rate of: 1 unit of insulin per 4-5 g of glucose. Patients with diabetes, glucose is administered with caution, under the control of sugar in the blood and urine.

Application Features:

With repeated administration of the solution, violations of the functional state of the liver and depletion of the insular apparatus of the pancreas are possible. Due to the increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood, a 20% solution is injected into the central vein using a catheter.


A relative contraindication is hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus.


An overdose of hypertonic glucose solutions may develop hyperglycemia. To correct it, insulin is used, and symptomatic therapy is also carried out.

Storage conditions:

In a place protected from moisture and light at a temperature of +5 to +30 °C. Shelf life 2 years.

Leave conditions:


100, 250 or 500 ml in polymer containers for infusion solutions.

Leave feedback

Similar drugs

Plasma substitutes. Dextran.

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Solutions for intravenous administration. Carbohydrates.

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Solutions for intravenous administration. irrigation solutions.

Means for medical nutrition. Carbohydrates.

Plasma substitute, means for parenteral nutrition


Active substance

Pharmacological groups

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and form of release

in a bottle of 500 ml; in a pack of cardboard 1 bottle.

pharmachologic effect

Indications for Glucose

Hypertensive dehydration; parenteral nutrition; study of kidney function in dehydrated patients (10% solution).


Dosage and administration

In / in, drip. A 5% solution is administered at a maximum rate of 7 ml/min (150 drops/min; 400 ml/h); the maximum daily dose is 2000 ml; 10% - up to 3 ml / min (60 drops / min), the maximum daily dose is 1000 ml. In / in, jet - 10–50 ml of 5 or 10% solutions.

In adults with a normal metabolism, the daily dose of glucose administered should not exceed 4–6 g/kg, i.e. about 250-450 g / day (with a decrease in metabolic rate, the daily dose is reduced to 200-300 g), while the volume of fluid administered is 30-40 ml / kg / day.

For parenteral nutrition, along with fats and amino acids, on the first day, 6 g of glucose / kg / day is administered, and subsequently up to 15 g / kg / day. When calculating the dose of glucose with the introduction of 5 and 10% solutions, it is necessary to take into account the allowable volume of the injected fluid: for children weighing 2-10 kg - 100-165 ml / kg / day, 10-40 kg - 45-100 ml / kg / day

Rate of administration: in the normal state of metabolism, the maximum rate of administration for adults is 0.25-0.5 g / kg / h (with a decrease in metabolic rate, the rate of administration is reduced to 0.125-0.25 g / kg / h). In children - no more than 0.5 g / kg / h, which is about 10 ml / min or 200 drops / min for a 5% solution (20 drops \u003d 1 ml).

For more complete absorption of glucose administered in large doses, insulin is prescribed simultaneously at the rate of 1 IU of insulin per 4–5 g of glucose. Patients with diabetes with the introduction of the drug, it is necessary to control the glucose content in the blood and urine.

Precautionary measures

Storage conditions of the drug Glucose

Keep out of the reach of children.

Expiration date of the drug Glucose

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Prices in pharmacies in Moscow

The information provided on the prices of drugs is not an offer to sell or buy goods.

The information is intended solely for comparing prices in stationary pharmacies operating in accordance with Article 55 of the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" dated April 12, 2010 N 61-FZ.

tablets 0.5 g, 10 pcs.

Pharmstandard JSC (Russia)

tablets 0.5 g, 10 pcs.

Pharmstandard JSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 10%, 1 pc.

Alium Production pharmaceutical company (Russia)

solution for infusions 10%, 12 pcs.

Kraspharma OJSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 10%, 24 pcs.

Kraspharma OJSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Sakhamedprom State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Alium Production pharmaceutical company (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Kraspharma OJSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Kraspharma OJSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Sintez OJSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 1 pc.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 10 pcs.

solution for infusions 5%, 12 pcs.

Kraspharma OJSC (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 15 pcs.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 24 pcs.

Kraspharma OJSC (Russia)

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 28 pcs.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

solution for infusions 5%, 28 pcs.

Mospharm OOO (Russia)

Armavir biofactory FKP (Russia)

solution for intravenous administration 40%, 10 pcs.

Slavyanskaya Apteka OOO (Russia)

Binnopharm CJSC (Russia)

solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml, 10 pcs.

Groteks OOO (Russia)

solution for intravenous administration 400 mg/ml, 10 pcs.


Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Glucose - a means for carbohydrate nutrition; has a detoxifying and hydrating effect.

Release form and composition

Indications for use

  • as a source of carbohydrates;


  • hyperlactatemia;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • dextrose intolerance;
  • hyperosmolar coma;

Method of application and dosage

Side effects

special instructions

drug interaction


Terms and conditions of storage

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released for hospitals.

Glucose tablets 0.5 g 10 pcs.

Glucose 500mg №20 tablets

Glucose solution 5% 250 ml

Glucose solution for infusions 5% 200 ml vial

Glucose solution for infusions 10% 200 ml vial

Glucose Brown solution 5% 500 ml

Glucose 5% solution for infusions 200ml No. 1 vial /Mospharm/

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. This is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system in men. How.


250 ml - containers (32) made of multilayer polymer film based on polypropylene - cardboard boxes.

500 ml - containers (20) made of multilayer polymer film based on polypropylene - cardboard boxes.

Participates in various metabolic processes in the body. The infusion of dextrose solutions partially replenishes the water deficit. Dextrose, entering the tissues, is phosphorylated, turning into glucose-6-phosphate, which is actively involved in many parts of the body's metabolism. 5% dextrose solution is isotonic to blood plasma.

It is absorbed completely by the body, it is not excreted by the kidneys (the appearance in the urine is a pathological sign).

Lack of carbohydrate nutrition;

Rapid replenishment of fluid volume;

With cellular, extracellular and general dehydration;

As a component of blood-substituting and anti-shock liquids;

For the preparation of drugs for intravenous administration.

Postoperative violations of the utilization of dextrose;

Circulatory disorders threatening swelling of the brain and lungs;

swelling of the brain;

Acute left ventricular failure;

FROM caution: decompensated chronic heart failure, chronic renal failure, hyponatremia, diabetes mellitus.

In / in jet, drip. The dose of the administered solution depends on the age, body weight and clinical condition of the patient. In / in jet poml. With intravenous drip, the recommended dose for adults is from 500 to 3000 ml / day. Recommended dose for children weighing 0 to 10 kgml/kg/day; body weight from 10 to 20 kgml + 50 ml for each kg over 10 kg/day; weighing more than 20 kgml + 20 ml for each kg over 20 kg / day. The rate of administration is up to 5 ml/kg body weight/h, which corresponds to 0.25 g dextrose/kg body weight/h. This rate is equivalent to 1.7 drops/kg bw/min.

When administering glucose solutions possible: fever, inflammation of the tissues at the injection site, thrombosis and / or thrombophlebitis, which is most often associated with a violation of the injection technique.

Symptoms: overdose develops persistent hyperglycemia, glucosuria, hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar coma, hyperhydration, impaired water and electrolyte balance, acute left ventricular failure.

Treatment: the drug should be discontinued, short-acting insulin administered and symptomatic therapy carried out

Dextrose solution cannot be used in conjunction with blood preserved with sodium citrate.

Infusions of large volumes of dextrose are dangerous in patients with significant electrolyte loss. It is necessary to monitor the electrolyte balance.

To increase osmolarity, 5% dextrose solution can be combined with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. It is necessary to control the concentration of glucose in the blood.

For a more complete and faster absorption of dextrose, you can enter s / c 4-5 IU of short-acting insulin, at the rate of 1 IU of short-acting insulin per 4-5 g of dextrose.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Freezing the drug, provided that the package is sealed, is not a contraindication to its use. After transportation in conditions of negative temperatures, the containers in the shipping container must be kept at a temperature of 15° to 25°C until completely defrosted.

If the contents of the container become cloudy, do not use. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life - 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date

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Glucose in ampoules instructions for use

Director of the Diabetes Institute: Throw away the meter and test strips. No more Metformin, Diabeton, Siofor, Glucophage and Januvia! Treat him with this. »

Release form and composition

  • solution for infusion 5%: colorless transparent liquid [100, 250, 500 or 1000 ml in plastic containers, 50 or 60 pcs. (100 ml), 30 or 36 pcs. (250 ml), 20 or 24 pcs. (500 ml), 10 or 12 pcs. (1000 ml) in separate protective bags, which are packed in cardboard boxes along with the appropriate number of instructions for use];
  • solution for infusion 10%: colorless transparent liquid (500 ml in plastic containers, 20 or 24 pieces in separate protective bags, which are packed in cardboard boxes along with the corresponding number of instructions for use).

Active substance: dextrose monohydrate - 5.5 g (corresponding to 5 g of anhydrous dextrose) or 11 g (corresponding to 10 g of anhydrous dextrose).

Excipient: water for injection - up to 100 ml.

Indications for use

  • as a source of carbohydrates;
  • as a component of anti-shock and blood-substituting fluids (for shock, collapse);
  • as a base solution for dissolving and diluting medicinal substances;
  • with moderate hypoglycemia (for prophylactic purposes and for treatment);
  • with dehydration (due to diarrhea / vomiting, as well as in the postoperative period).


  • hyperlactatemia;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • dextrose intolerance;
  • hyperosmolar coma;
  • allergic to foods that contain corn.

Additionally for 5% glucose solution: uncompensated diabetes mellitus.

Additionally for 10% glucose solution:

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus;
  • extracellular hyperhydration or hypervolemia and hemodilution;
  • severe renal failure (with anuria or oliguria);
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver with ascites, generalized edema (including edema of the lungs and brain).

Infusion of 5% and 10% dextrose solutions is contraindicated within 24 hours after a head injury. It is also necessary to take into account contraindications for medicinal substances added to the dextrose solution.

Can be used during pregnancy and lactation according to indications.

Method of application and dosage

Glucose is administered intravenously. The concentration and dose of the drug is set depending on the age, condition and weight of the patient. The concentration of dextrose in the blood should be carefully monitored.

Usually, the drug is administered into a central or peripheral vein, taking into account the osmolarity of the injected solution. The introduction of hyperosmolar solutions can cause irritation of the veins and phlebitis. When possible, when using all parenteral solutions, it is recommended to use filters in the solution line of infusion systems.

  • as a source of carbohydrates and with isotopic extracellular dehydration: with a body weight of about 70 kg - from 500 to 3000 ml per day;
  • for dilution of parenterally administered drugs (as a stock solution): from 50 to 250 ml per dose of the administered drug.
  • as a source of carbohydrates and with isotopic extracellular dehydration: with a body weight of 0 to 10 kg - 100 ml / kg per day, with a body weight of 10 to 20 kg - 1000 ml + 50 ml for each kg over 10 kg per day, with body weight from 20 kg - 1500 ml + 20 ml for each kg over 20 kg per day;
  • for dilution of parenterally administered drugs (as a stock solution): from 50 to 100 ml per dose of the administered drug.

In addition, 10% glucose solution is used to treat and prevent moderate hypoglycemia and rehydration in case of fluid loss.

The maximum daily doses are determined individually depending on age and total body weight and range from 5 mg / kg / minute (for adult patients) to 10-18 mg / kg / minute (for children, including newborns).

The rate of administration of the solution is chosen depending on the clinical condition of the patient. In order to avoid hyperglycemia, the threshold for utilization of dextrose in the body should not be exceeded, therefore, the maximum rate of administration of the drug in adult patients should not exceed 5 mg / kg / minute.

  • premature and full-term newborns - 10-18 mg / kg / min;
  • from 1 to 23 months - 9-18 mg / kg / min;
  • from 2 to 11 years - 7-14 mg / kg / min;
  • from 12 to 18 years - 7-8.5 mg / kg / min.

Side effects

Pharmacies once again want to cash in on diabetics. There is an intelligent modern European drug, but they keep quiet about it. It.

Based on the available data, the incidence of side effects cannot be determined.

  • immune system: hypersensitivity*, anaphylactic reactions*;
  • metabolism and nutrition: hypervolemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, dehydration, hyperglycemia, hypophosphatemia, electrolyte imbalance, hemodilution;
  • skin and subcutaneous tissue: rash, increased sweating;
  • vessels: phlebitis, venous thrombosis;
  • kidneys and urinary tract: polyuria;
  • pathological condition of the injection site and general disorders: infection at the injection site, chills *, phlebitis, fever *, local pain, irritation at the injection site, extravasation at the injection site, fever, tremor, febrile reactions, thrombophlebitis;
  • laboratory and instrumental data: glycosuria.

*These side effects are possible in patients with corn allergy. They can also manifest as other types of symptoms, such as cyanosis, hypotension, bronchospasm, angioedema, itching.

special instructions

I have been diabetic for 31 years. Now healthy. But, these capsules are not available to ordinary people, pharmacies do not want to sell them, it is not profitable for them.

There have been cases of infusion reactions, including anaphylactoid / anaphylactic reactions, hypersensitivity reactions when using dextrose solutions. If symptoms or signs of a hypersensitivity reaction develop, the infusion should be stopped immediately. Appropriate therapeutic measures should be taken depending on the clinical indications.

Glucose should not be used if the patient is allergic to corn and corn by-products.

Depending on the patient's clinical condition, metabolism (dextrose utilization threshold), infusion volume and rate, intravenous dextrose may lead to electrolyte imbalances (namely, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hyponatremia, overhydration/hypervolemia, and, for example, congestive states, in including pulmonary edema and congestion), hypoosmolarity, hyperosmolarity, dehydration, and osmotic diuresis.

Hypoosmotic hyponatremia can cause headache, nausea, convulsions, lethargy, coma, cerebral edema, and death.

With severe symptoms of hyponatremic encephalopathy, emergency medical attention is required.

An increased risk of hypoosmotic hyponatremia is observed in children, women, the elderly, patients after surgery and those with psychogenic polydipsia.

The risk of developing encephalopathy as a complication of hypoosmotic hyponatremia is higher in children and adolescents under 16 years of age, premenopausal women, patients with central nervous system disease, and patients with hypoxemia.

Periodic laboratory studies are required to monitor changes in fluid balance, acid-base balance and electrolyte concentration during prolonged parenteral therapy and, if necessary, evaluate the doses used or the patient's condition.

Glucose is prescribed with extreme caution in patients with an increased risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, exacerbated by increased free water load, hyperglycemia, and the need for insulin.

Clinical indicators of the patient's condition are the basis for preventive and corrective measures.

High-volume infusion should be carefully monitored in patients with pulmonary, cardiac or renal insufficiency and overhydration.

When using a large dose of dextrose or long-term use, it is necessary to control the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma and, if necessary, prescribe potassium supplements to avoid hypokalemia.

To prevent hyperglycemia and hyperosmolar syndrome caused by the rapid administration of dextrose solutions, it is necessary to control the rate of infusion (it must be below the threshold for utilization of dextrose in the patient's body). With an increased concentration of dextrose in the blood, the infusion rate should be reduced or insulin administration should be prescribed.

With caution, intravenous administration of Glucose solutions is carried out in patients with severe malnutrition, severe traumatic brain injury (Glucose solutions are contraindicated on the first day after receiving a head injury), thiamine deficiency (including in patients with chronic alcoholism), reduced dextrose tolerance (to for example, in conditions such as diabetes mellitus, sepsis, shock and injury, renal failure), fluid and electrolyte imbalances, acute ischemic stroke, and neonates.

In severely malnourished patients, refeeding can lead to the development of refeeding syndrome, which is characterized by increased intracellular concentrations of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus due to increased anabolism. Fluid retention and thiamine deficiency are also possible. To avoid the development of these complications, it is necessary to carefully and regularly monitor and increase the intake of nutrients gradually, avoiding overnutrition.

In pediatrics, the rate and volume of infusions are determined by the attending physician experienced in intravenous fluid therapy in children and depend on the body weight, age, metabolism and clinical condition of the child, as well as concomitant therapy.

Newborns, especially those born prematurely or with low birth weight, are at high risk of developing hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, so they need more careful monitoring of blood dextrose concentrations. Hypoglycemia can cause prolonged seizures, coma, and brain damage in newborns. Hyperglycemia is associated with delayed fungal and bacterial infections, necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, prolonged hospital stay, and death. Particular attention must be paid to the control of intravenous infusion devices and other drug administration equipment to avoid potentially fatal overdose in neonates.

Children, both newborns and older children, are at increased risk of developing hyponatremic encephalopathy and hypoosmotic hyponatremia. In the case of the use of glucose solutions, they need constant careful monitoring of the concentration of electrolytes in the blood plasma. Rapid correction of hypoosmotic hyponatremia is potentially dangerous due to the risk of serious neurological complications.

When using a dextrose solution in elderly patients, one should take into account the presence of cardiac diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as concomitant drug therapy.

Glucose solutions are contraindicated before, at the same time or after blood transfusion through the same infusion equipment, since pseudo-agglutination and hemolysis may occur.

There are no data on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms.

drug interaction

The simultaneous use of catecholamines and steroids reduces the absorption of glucose.

It is possible that dextrose solutions affect the water-electrolyte balance and the appearance of a glycemic effect when used together with drugs that affect the water-electrolyte balance and have a hypoglycemic effect.


Analogues of Glucose are: solutions - Glucosteril, Glucose Bufus, Glucose-Eskom.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

  • solution for infusion 5%: 100, 250, 500 ml - 2 years, 1000 ml - 3 years;
  • solution for infusion 10% - 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released for hospitals.

An isotonic dextrose solution (5%) is injected into a vein (drip) at a maximum rate of up to 7.5 ml (150 drops) / min (400 ml / h). The recommended dose for adults is 0 ml/day;

For infants and children weighing 0-10 kgml/kg/day; with body weight - ml + 50 ml for each kg over 10 kg per day; with a body weight of more than 20 kgml + 20 ml for each kg over 20 kg per day.

The level of possible glucose oxidation should not be exceeded in order to avoid hyperglycemia.

The maximum dose level is from 5 mg / kg / min for adults to mg / kg / min for children, depending on age and total body weight.

Hypertonic solution (10%) - drip - up to 60 drops / min (3 ml / min): the maximum daily dose for adults ml.

In / in jet 5% and 10% solutions.

Patients with diabetes mellitus dextrose administered under the control of glucose in the blood and urine. The recommended dose when used for dilution and transport of parenterally administered medicinal substances (as a stock solution): ml per dose of the administered drug.

In this case, the dose and rate of administration of the solution are determined by the characteristics of the drug dissolved in it.

Prior to use, do not remove the container from the polyamide-polypropylene plastic bag in which it is placed, because. it maintains the sterility of the product.

Instructions for using Clear-Fiex & Containers

1. Remove the bag from the protective outer packaging.

2. Check the integrity of the container and prepare for infusion.

3. Disinfect the injection site.

4. Use 19G or smaller needles when mixing medicines.

5. Thoroughly mix solution and drug.

Instructions for using Viaflo containers

a. Remove the Viaflo container from the polyamide-polypropylene plastic bag just before use.

b. Within a minute, check the container for leaks by squeezing the container tightly. If a leak is detected, the container should be discarded as sterility may be compromised.

c. Check the solution for transparency and the absence of inclusions. The container should be discarded if the transparency is broken or there are inclusions.

Preparation for use

Use sterile materials to prepare and administer the solution.

a. Hang the container by the loop.

b. Remove the plastic fuse from the outlet port located at the bottom of the container.

With one hand, grasp the small winglet on the mouth of the outlet port.

With the other hand, grasp the large wing on the lid and twist. The lid will open.

c. When setting up the system, you should follow the rules of asepsis.

d. Install the system in accordance with the instructions for connecting, filling the system and injecting the solution, which are contained in the instructions for the system.

Adding other drugs to the solution

Attention: the added drugs may not be compatible with the solution.

a. Disinfect the drug injection area on the container (drug injection port).

b. Using a syringe, make a puncture in this area and inject the drug.

c. Thoroughly mix the drug with the solution. For drugs with a high density (for example, potassium chloride), gently inject the drug through a syringe, holding the container so that the injection port is on top (upside down), then mix.

Attention: do not store containers in which drugs are added.

To add before the introduction:

a. Move the clamp of the system that regulates the supply of the solution to the “Closed” position.

b. Disinfect the drug injection area on the container (drug injection port).

c. Using a syringe, make a puncture in this area and inject the drug.

d. Remove the container from the rack and/or turn it upside down.

e. In this position, gently bleed air from both ports.

f. Thoroughly mix the drug with the solution.

g. Return the container to the working position, move the clamp of the system to the "Open" position and continue the introduction.

Pharmacological action of glucose

Glucose is needed in the body for various metabolic processes.

Due to its complete assimilation by the body and conversion into glucose-6-phosphate, the Glucose solution allows you to partially replenish the water deficit. At the same time, a dextrose solution of 5% is isotonic to blood plasma, and 10%, 20% and 40% (hypertonic) solutions contribute to an increase in blood osmotic pressure and an increase in diuresis.

Release form

  • Tablets of 500 mg and 1 g, in packs of 10 pieces;
  • 5%, 10%, 20% and 40% solution for intravenous administration in ampoules and vials.

Glucose analogs

The analogues of Glucose in terms of the active ingredient are the drugs Glucosteril and Dextrose in the form of a solution for infusion.

Analogues of Glucose in terms of the mechanism of action and belonging to the same pharmacological group include Aminocrovin, Aminotroph, Aminoven, Aminodez, Aminosol-Neo, Hydramin, Dipeptiven, Infusamine, Infusolipol, Intralipid, Nefrotekt, Nutriflex, Oliklinomel and Hymiks.

Indications for use Glucose

Glucose solution, according to the instructions, is prescribed:

  • Against the background of insufficiency of carbohydrate nutrition;
  • Against the background of severe intoxication;
  • In the treatment of hypoglycemia;
  • Against the background of intoxication in liver diseases - hepatitis, dystrophy and atrophy of the liver, including liver failure;
  • With toxic infection;
  • With dehydration of various etiologies - diarrhea and vomiting, as well as in the postoperative period;
  • With hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • In collapse and shock.

These indications are also the basis for the use of Glucose during pregnancy.

In addition, Glucose solution is used as a component for various anti-shock and blood-substituting fluids, as well as for the preparation of drug solutions for intravenous administration.

Contraindications for use

Glucose in any dosage form is contraindicated for:

  • hyperglycemia;
  • Hyperosmolar coma;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • Hyperhydration;
  • Hyperlactacidemia;
  • Circulatory disorders threatening swelling of the brain and lungs;
  • Postoperative disorders of glucose utilization;
  • Acute left ventricular failure;
  • Edema of the brain and lungs.

In pediatrics, do not use a glucose solution that exceeds 20-25%.

With caution, under the control of glucose levels, the drug is prescribed against the background of decompensated chronic heart failure, hyponatremia and diabetes mellitus.

Glucose solution during pregnancy is used under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital.

How to use Glucose and dosage

Glucose is administered to adults intravenously by drip:

  • Glucose solution 5% - up to 2 liters per day at a rate of 7 ml per minute;
  • 10% - up to 1 liter at a rate of 3 ml per minute;
  • 20% - 500 ml at a rate of 2 ml per minute;
  • 40% - 250 ml at a rate of 1.5 ml per minute.

According to the instructions, a solution of Glucose 5% and 10% can also be administered intravenously by stream.

For maximum absorption of large doses of the active ingredient (dextrose), it is recommended to administer insulin along with it. Against the background of diabetes mellitus, the solution should be administered, controlling the level of glucose in the urine and blood.

For parenteral nutrition, children, along with amino acids and fats, are administered on the first day a solution of Glucose 5% and 10% at the rate of 6 g of dextrose per 1 kg of body weight per day. In this case, it is necessary to control the allowable daily volume of injected fluid:

  • For children weighing 2-10 kg - ml per 1 kg;
  • With a weight of kg - ml per 1 kg.

During the treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of glucose.

Side effects of glucose

As a rule, glucose solution does not often lead to the development of side effects. However, against the background of certain diseases, the use of the drug can cause acute left ventricular failure and hypervolemia.

In some cases, when using the solution, local reactions may occur at the injection site in the form of thrombophlebitis and the development of infections.

With an overdose of Glucose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Violation of water and electrolyte balance;
  • Glucosuria;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • Hyperhydration;
  • Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar coma;
  • Increased liponeogenesis with increased CO2 production.

With the development of such symptoms, a sharp increase in minute respiratory volume and fatty infiltration of the liver can be observed, which requires the withdrawal of the drug and the introduction of insulin.

drug interaction

When combining Glucose with other drugs, their pharmaceutical compatibility should be monitored.

Terms and conditions of storage

  • Tablets - 4 years;
  • Solution in ampoules - 6 years;
  • Solution in vials - 2 years.

A 5% glucose solution is isotonic with respect to blood plasma and, when administered intravenously, replenishes the volume of circulating blood, when it is lost, it is a source of nutrient material, and also helps to eliminate poison from the body. Glucose provides substrate replenishment of energy costs. With intravenous injections, it activates metabolic processes, improves the antitoxic function of the liver, enhances the contractile activity of the myocardium, dilates blood vessels, and increases diuresis.

After administration, it is rapidly distributed in body tissues. Excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use:

Indications for the introduction of Glucose are: hyper- and isotonic dehydration; in children to prevent water and electrolyte imbalance during surgical interventions; intoxication; hypoglycemia; as a solvent for other compatible drug solutions.

The drug Glucose is used intravenously. The dose for adults is up to 1500 ml per day. The maximum daily dose for adults is ml. If necessary, the maximum rate of administration for adults is 150 drops per minute (500 ml / hour).

Electrolyte imbalance and general body reactions that occur during massive infusions: hypokalemia; hypophosphatemia; hypomagnesemia; hyponatremia; hypervolemia; hyperglycemia; allergic reactions (hyperthermia, skin rashes, angioedema, shock).

Gastrointestinal disorders: ? very rarely? nausea of ​​central origin.

In case of adverse reactions, the administration of the solution should be stopped, the patient's condition should be assessed and assistance should be provided.

Glucose solution 5% is contraindicated in patients with: hyperglycemia; hypersensitivity to glucose.

The drug should not be administered simultaneously with blood products.

The drug Glucose can be used according to indications.

Interaction with other drugs:

With the simultaneous use of Glucose with thiazide diuretics and furosemide, their ability to influence the level of glucose in the blood serum should be taken into account. Insulin promotes the entry of glucose into peripheral tissues. Glucose solution reduces the toxic effect of pyrazinamide on the liver. The introduction of a large volume of glucose solution contributes to the development of hypokalemia, which increases the toxicity of simultaneously taken digitalis preparations.

Glucose is incompatible in solutions with aminophylline, soluble barbiturates, hydrocortisone, kanamycin, soluble sulfonamides, cyanocobalamin.

An overdose of Glucose may be manifested by an increase in the manifestations of adverse reactions.

Perhaps the development of hyperglycemia and hypotonic overhydration. In case of an overdose of the drug, symptomatic treatment and the introduction of ordinary insulin preparations should be prescribed.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 0C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Glucose - solution for infusion. 200 ml, 250 ml, 400 ml or 500 ml vials.

active ingredient: glucose;

100 ml of solution contains glucose 5 g;

excipient: water for injection.

The drug Glucose should be used very carefully in patients with intracranial and intraspinal hemorrhages.

With prolonged intravenous use of the drug, control of blood sugar levels is necessary.

In order to prevent the occurrence of plasma hypoosmolarity, a 5% glucose solution can be combined with the introduction of an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

With the introduction of large doses, if necessary, prescribe insulin under the skin at the rate of 1 OD per 4-5 g of glucose.

The contents of the vial can only be used for one patient. After vial leakage, the unused part of the contents of the vial should be discarded.

Release form and composition

Glucose is produced in powder form, in the form of tablets in packs of 20 pieces, as well as in the form of a 5% solution for injection in 400 ml vials, a 40% solution in 10 or 20 ml ampoules.

The active ingredient of the drug is dextrose monohydrate.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Glucose in the form of a solution is used in the following cases:

  • Isotonic extracellular dehydration;
  • As a source of carbohydrates;
  • For the purpose of dilution and transport of medicinal substances used parenterally.

Glucose tablets are prescribed for:

  • hypoglycemia;
  • Lack of carbohydrate nutrition;
  • Intoxications, including those resulting from liver diseases (hepatitis, dystrophy, atrophy);
  • Toxic infections;
  • Shock and collapse;
  • Dehydration (postoperative period, vomiting, diarrhea).


According to the instructions, Glucose is prohibited for use when:

  • hyperglycemia;
  • Hyperosmolar coma;
  • Decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • Hyperlactacidemia;
  • Immunity by the body of glucose (with metabolic stress).

Glucose is prescribed with caution when:

  • Hyponatremia;
  • Chronic renal failure (anuria, oliguria);
  • Decompensated heart failure of a chronic nature.

Method of application and dosage

Glucose solution 5% (isotonic) is administered drip (into a vein). The maximum injection rate is 7.5 ml / min (150 drops) or 400 ml / hour. The dosage for adults is ml per day.

For newborns whose body weight does not exceed 10 kg, the optimal dosage of Glucose is 100 ml per kg of body weight per day. Children whose body weight is kg take 150 ml per kg of weight per day, more than 20 kg - 170 ml per kg of weight per day.

The maximum dose is 5-18 mg per kg of body weight per minute, depending on age and body weight.

Hypertonic glucose solution (40%) is administered drip at a rate of up to 60 drops per minute (3 ml per minute). The maximum dose for adults is 1000 ml per day.

With intravenous jet administration, glucose solutions of 5 and 10% are used in a dosage of ml. To avoid hyperglycemia, do not exceed the recommended dosage.

In diabetes mellitus, the use of glucose should be carried out under regular monitoring of its concentration in urine and blood. For the purpose of dilution and transport of drugs used parenterally, the recommended dose of Glucose is ml per dose of the drug. The dose and rate of administration of the solution depend on the characteristics of the drug dissolved in Glucose.

Glucose tablets are taken orally, 1-2 tablets per day.

Side effects

The use of Glucose 5% in large doses can cause hyperhydration (excess fluid in the body), accompanied by a violation of the water-salt balance.

With the introduction of a hypertonic solution, if the drug gets under the skin, necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue occurs, with a very rapid introduction, phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and blood clots (blood clots) are possible.

special instructions

With too rapid administration and prolonged use of Glucose, the following are possible:

  • hyperosmolarity;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • Osmotic diuresis (as a result of hyperglycemia);
  • Hyperglucosuria;
  • Hypervolemia.

If overdose symptoms occur, it is recommended to take measures to eliminate them and supportive therapy, including the use of diuretics.

Signs of overdose caused by additional drugs diluted in a 5% Glucose solution are determined primarily by the properties of these drugs. In the event of an overdose, it is recommended to leave the administration of the solution and carry out symptomatic and supportive treatment.

Cases of drug interactions of Glucose with other medicines are not described.

During pregnancy and lactation, Glucose is approved for use.

In order to better assimilate Glucose, patients are simultaneously prescribed s / c insulin at the rate of 1 IU per 4-5 g of Glucose.

Glucose solution is suitable for use only if it is transparent, the packaging is intact and there are no visible impurities. The solution should be used immediately after the vial is connected to the infusion system.

It is forbidden to use containers of glucose solution connected in series, as this may cause the development of an air embolism due to the suction of the air remaining in the first bag.

Other drugs should be added to the solution before or during the infusion by injection into the area of ​​​​the container specially designed for this. When adding the drug, the isotonicity of the resulting solution should be checked. The solution resulting from mixing should be applied immediately after preparation.

The container must be thrown away immediately after using the solution, regardless of whether there is medicine left in it or not.


Structural analogues of Glucose are the following drugs:

  • Glucosteril;
  • Glucose-E;
  • Glucose Brown;
  • Glucose Bufus;
  • Dextrose;
  • Glucose Eskom;
  • Dextrose-Vial;
  • Solution for peritoneal analysis with glucose and low calcium content.

Terms and conditions of storage

According to the instructions, Glucose in any dosage form should be stored at a cool temperature, out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the drug depends on the manufacturer and ranges from 1.5 to 3 years.

general characteristics

international and chemical names: glucose; (+)-D-glucopiranosy monohydrate;

Basic physical and chemical properties

colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent liquid;


1 ml of solution contains 0.4 g of glucose in terms of anhydrous glucose;

excipients: 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution, sodium chloride, water for injection.

Release form


Pharmacotherapeutic group

Solution for intravenous administration. Carbohydrates. ATC code B05C X01.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Glucose provides substrate replenishment of energy costs. With the introduction of hypertonic solutions into a vein, intravascular osmotic pressure increases, the flow of fluid from tissues into the blood increases, metabolic processes accelerate, the antitoxic function of the liver improves, the contractile activity of the heart muscle increases, diuresis increases. With the introduction of a hypertonic glucose solution, redox processes are intensified, the deposition of glycogen in the liver is activated.

Pharmacokinetics. After intravenous administration, glucose with the blood flow enters the organs and tissues, where it is included in the metabolic processes. Glucose stores are stored in the cells of many tissues in the form of glycogen. Entering the process of glycolysis, glucose is metabolized to pyruvate or lactate, under aerobic conditions, pyruvate is completely metabolized to carbon dioxide and water with the formation of energy in the form of ATP. The end products of the complete oxidation of glucose are excreted by the lungs and kidneys.

Indications for use

Dosage and administration

Glucose solution of 40% is administered intravenously (very slowly), for adults - poml per injection. If necessary, administered drip, at a rate of up to 30 drops / min (1.5 ml / kg / h). Dose for adults with intravenous drip - up to 300 ml per day. The maximum daily dose for adults is 15 ml / kg, but not more than 1000 ml per day.

Side effect

With rapid intravenous administration, the development of phlebitis is possible. Perhaps the development of ionic (electrolyte) imbalance.


Diabetes mellitus and various conditions accompanied by hyperglycemia.


With an overdose of the drug, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, increased osmotic blood pressure (up to the development of hyperglycemic hyperosmotic coma), hyperhydration and electrolyte imbalance develop. In this case, the drug is canceled and insulin is prescribed at the rate of 1 unit for every 0.45–0.9 mmol of blood glucose until a blood glucose level of 9 mmol / l is reached. Blood glucose levels should be reduced gradually. Simultaneously with the appointment of insulin, an infusion of balanced salt solutions is carried out.

Application features

The drug should be used under the control of blood sugar and electrolyte levels. It is not recommended to prescribe a glucose solution during the acute period of severe traumatic brain injury, with acute cerebrovascular accident, since the drug can increase damage to brain structures and worsen the course of the disease (except for the case of correction of hypoglycemia).

In case of hypokalemia, the administration of a glucose solution must be combined simultaneously with the correction of potassium deficiency (because of the risk of increasing hypokalemia).

Glucose infusions in pregnant women with normoglycemia can cause fetal hyperglycemia and cause metabolic acidosis. The latter is important to consider, especially when fetal distress or hypoxia is already due to other perinatal factors.

For better absorption of glucose in normoglycemic conditions, it is desirable to combine the administration of the drug with the appointment (subcutaneously) of short-acting insulin at the rate of 1 IU of glucose (dry matter).

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the fact that glucose is a fairly strong oxidizing agent, it should not be administered in the same syringe with hexamethylenetetramine. It is not recommended to mix a glucose solution in one syringe with alkaline solutions: with hypnotics (their activity decreases), alkaloid solutions (they decay). Glucose also weakens the action of analgesics, adrenomimetics, inactivates streptomycin.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Holiday conditions


10 ml or 20 ml in an ampoule. 5 or 10 ampoules in a pack.



04080, Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Frunze, 63.

  • allergies
  • anemia
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Diseases of the arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels
  • eye diseases
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Diseases of the teeth
  • Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura
  • Diseases of the legs and feet
  • Heart diseases
  • Ear, nose and throat diseases
  • Thyroid disease
  • Backache
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Vitamins and trace elements
  • Restorative medicine
  • Genital herpes
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Headache and migraine
  • Flu
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Leukemia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • eating disorders
  • Cold
  • Healthy food preparation
  • Psoriasis
  • Skin cancer and melanoma
  • Lungs' cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Healthy food recipes
  • Diabetes
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • Organ and tissue transplantation
  • fibromyalgia
  • Cholesterol
  • Eczema
  • Physiotherapy
  • Compulsory health insurance in Russia

Instructions for use:

Glucose - a means for carbohydrate nutrition; has a detoxifying and hydrating effect.

Release form and composition

  • solution for infusion 5%: colorless transparent liquid [100, 250, 500 or 1000 ml in plastic containers, 50 or 60 pcs. (100 ml), 30 or 36 pcs. (250 ml), 20 or 24 pcs. (500 ml), 10 or 12 pcs. (1000 ml) in separate protective bags, which are packed in cardboard boxes along with the appropriate number of instructions for use];
  • solution for infusion 10%: colorless transparent liquid (500 ml in plastic containers, 20 or 24 pieces in separate protective bags, which are packed in cardboard boxes along with the corresponding number of instructions for use).

Active substance: dextrose monohydrate - 5.5 g (corresponding to 5 g of anhydrous dextrose) or 11 g (corresponding to 10 g of anhydrous dextrose).

Excipient: water for injection - up to 100 ml.

Indications for use

Glucose is used:

  • as a source of carbohydrates;
  • as a component of anti-shock and blood-substituting fluids (for shock, collapse);
  • as a base solution for dissolving and diluting medicinal substances;
  • with moderate hypoglycemia (for prophylactic purposes and for treatment);
  • with dehydration (due to diarrhea / vomiting, as well as in the postoperative period).


  • hyperlactatemia;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • dextrose intolerance;
  • hyperosmolar coma;
  • allergic to foods that contain corn.

Additionally for 5% glucose solution: uncompensated diabetes mellitus.

Additionally for 10% glucose solution:

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus;
  • extracellular hyperhydration or hypervolemia and hemodilution;
  • severe renal failure (with anuria or oliguria);
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver with ascites, generalized edema (including edema of the lungs and brain).

Infusion of 5% and 10% dextrose solutions is contraindicated within 24 hours after a head injury. It is also necessary to take into account contraindications for medicinal substances added to the dextrose solution.

Can be used during pregnancy and lactation according to indications.

Method of application and dosage

Glucose is administered intravenously. The concentration and dose of the drug is set depending on the age, condition and weight of the patient. The concentration of dextrose in the blood should be carefully monitored.

Usually, the drug is administered into a central or peripheral vein, taking into account the osmolarity of the injected solution. The introduction of hyperosmolar solutions can cause irritation of the veins and phlebitis. When possible, when using all parenteral solutions, it is recommended to use filters in the solution line of infusion systems.

  • as a source of carbohydrates and with isotopic extracellular dehydration: with a body weight of about 70 kg - from 500 to 3000 ml per day;
  • for dilution of parenterally administered drugs (as a stock solution): from 50 to 250 ml per dose of the administered drug.
  • as a source of carbohydrates and with isotopic extracellular dehydration: with a body weight of 0 to 10 kg - 100 ml / kg per day, with a body weight of 10 to 20 kg - 1000 ml + 50 ml for each kg over 10 kg per day, with body weight from 20 kg - 1500 ml + 20 ml for each kg over 20 kg per day;
  • for dilution of parenterally administered drugs (as a stock solution): from 50 to 100 ml per dose of the administered drug.

In addition, 10% glucose solution is used to treat and prevent moderate hypoglycemia and rehydration in case of fluid loss.

The maximum daily doses are determined individually depending on age and total body weight and range from 5 mg / kg / minute (for adult patients) to 10-18 mg / kg / minute (for children, including newborns).

The rate of administration of the solution is chosen depending on the clinical condition of the patient. In order to avoid hyperglycemia, the threshold for utilization of dextrose in the body should not be exceeded, therefore, the maximum rate of administration of the drug in adult patients should not exceed 5 mg / kg / minute.

  • premature and full-term newborns - 10-18 mg / kg / min;
  • from 1 to 23 months - 9-18 mg / kg / min;
  • from 2 to 11 years - 7-14 mg / kg / min;
  • from 12 to 18 years - 7-8.5 mg / kg / min.

Side effects

Based on the available data, the incidence of side effects cannot be determined.

  • immune system: hypersensitivity*, anaphylactic reactions*;
  • metabolism and nutrition: hypervolemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, dehydration, hyperglycemia, hypophosphatemia, electrolyte imbalance, hemodilution;
  • skin and subcutaneous tissue: rash, increased sweating;
  • vessels: phlebitis, venous thrombosis;
  • kidneys and urinary tract: polyuria;
  • pathological condition of the injection site and general disorders: infection at the injection site, chills *, phlebitis, fever *, local pain, irritation at the injection site, extravasation at the injection site, fever, tremor, febrile reactions, thrombophlebitis;
  • laboratory and instrumental data: glycosuria.

*These side effects are possible in patients with corn allergy. They can also manifest as other types of symptoms, such as cyanosis, hypotension, bronchospasm, angioedema, itching.

special instructions

There have been cases of infusion reactions, including anaphylactoid / anaphylactic reactions, hypersensitivity reactions when using dextrose solutions. If symptoms or signs of a hypersensitivity reaction develop, the infusion should be stopped immediately. Appropriate therapeutic measures should be taken depending on the clinical indications.

Glucose should not be used if the patient is allergic to corn and corn by-products.

Depending on the patient's clinical condition, metabolism (dextrose utilization threshold), infusion volume and rate, intravenous dextrose may lead to electrolyte imbalances (namely, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hyponatremia, overhydration/hypervolemia, and, for example, congestive states, in including pulmonary edema and congestion), hypoosmolarity, hyperosmolarity, dehydration, and osmotic diuresis.

Hypoosmotic hyponatremia can cause headache, nausea, convulsions, lethargy, coma, cerebral edema, and death.

With severe symptoms of hyponatremic encephalopathy, emergency medical attention is required.

An increased risk of hypoosmotic hyponatremia is observed in children, women, the elderly, patients after surgery and those with psychogenic polydipsia.

The risk of developing encephalopathy as a complication of hypoosmotic hyponatremia is higher in children and adolescents under 16 years of age, premenopausal women, patients with central nervous system disease, and patients with hypoxemia.

Periodic laboratory studies are required to monitor changes in fluid balance, acid-base balance and electrolyte concentration during prolonged parenteral therapy and, if necessary, evaluate the doses used or the patient's condition.

Glucose is prescribed with extreme caution in patients with an increased risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, exacerbated by increased free water load, hyperglycemia, and the need for insulin.

Clinical indicators of the patient's condition are the basis for preventive and corrective measures.

High-volume infusion should be carefully monitored in patients with pulmonary, cardiac or renal insufficiency and overhydration.

When using a large dose of dextrose or long-term use, it is necessary to control the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma and, if necessary, prescribe potassium supplements to avoid hypokalemia.

To prevent hyperglycemia and hyperosmolar syndrome caused by the rapid administration of dextrose solutions, it is necessary to control the rate of infusion (it must be below the threshold for utilization of dextrose in the patient's body). With an increased concentration of dextrose in the blood, the infusion rate should be reduced or insulin administration should be prescribed.

With caution, intravenous administration of Glucose solutions is carried out in patients with severe malnutrition, severe traumatic brain injury (Glucose solutions are contraindicated on the first day after receiving a head injury), thiamine deficiency (including in patients with chronic alcoholism), reduced dextrose tolerance (to for example, in conditions such as diabetes mellitus, sepsis, shock and injury, renal failure), fluid and electrolyte imbalances, acute ischemic stroke, and neonates.

In severely malnourished patients, refeeding can lead to the development of refeeding syndrome, which is characterized by increased intracellular concentrations of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus due to increased anabolism. Fluid retention and thiamine deficiency are also possible. To avoid the development of these complications, it is necessary to carefully and regularly monitor and increase the intake of nutrients gradually, avoiding overnutrition.

In pediatrics, the rate and volume of infusions are determined by the attending physician experienced in intravenous fluid therapy in children and depend on the body weight, age, metabolism and clinical condition of the child, as well as concomitant therapy.

Newborns, especially those born prematurely or with low birth weight, are at high risk of developing hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, so they need more careful monitoring of blood dextrose concentrations. Hypoglycemia can cause prolonged seizures, coma, and brain damage in newborns. Hyperglycemia is associated with delayed fungal and bacterial infections, necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, retinopathy of prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, prolonged hospital stay, and death. Particular attention must be paid to the control of intravenous infusion devices and other drug administration equipment to avoid potentially fatal overdose in neonates.

Children, both newborns and older children, are at increased risk of developing hyponatremic encephalopathy and hypoosmotic hyponatremia. In the case of the use of glucose solutions, they need constant careful monitoring of the concentration of electrolytes in the blood plasma. Rapid correction of hypoosmotic hyponatremia is potentially dangerous due to the risk of serious neurological complications.

When using a dextrose solution in elderly patients, one should take into account the presence of cardiac diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as concomitant drug therapy.

Glucose solutions are contraindicated before, at the same time or after blood transfusion through the same infusion equipment, since pseudo-agglutination and hemolysis may occur.

There are no data on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms.

drug interaction

The simultaneous use of catecholamines and steroids reduces the absorption of glucose.

It is possible that dextrose solutions affect the water-electrolyte balance and the appearance of a glycemic effect when used together with drugs that affect the water-electrolyte balance and have a hypoglycemic effect.


Analogues of Glucose are: solutions - Glucosteril, Glucose Bufus, Glucose-Eskom.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

  • solution for infusion 5%: 100, 250, 500 ml - 2 years, 1000 ml - 3 years;
  • solution for infusion 10% - 2 years.
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