The cat has a cold and wet nose. What nose should a healthy cat have? Reasons for excitement

The cat's nose is one of the most important organs of touch. It is with his help that she learns the world. In addition, it is a kind of indicator of the pet's health - an attentive owner can determine how he feels by his condition. Therefore, it is important to know what kind of nose a healthy cat has, which is a variant of the norm or a cause for concern.

To understand the reason for this phenomenon, it is enough to recall the feline belonging to the family of predators. By their nature, they are designed to track prey, and the moderately moist surface of the olfactory organ increases its sensitivity, which makes it possible to better capture odors from the air and accurately locate prey. Hydration is due to:

  • fluid released from the mucous membranes;
  • saliva falling on him during licking.

Therefore, a slightly moist nose is the norm, which is a manifestation of good health. Humidity can change repeatedly during the day and there is nothing to worry about.

Snub-nosed breeds tend to have a wetter nose because they lick it more often. These pets are also more likely to experience respiratory problems as the flattened nasal cartilage makes it difficult to breathe.

When there is no reason to worry

Concerned owners, having found a hot dry nose in a cat, consider this a manifestation of the disease, which is not entirely correct. It is important to understand that dryness can be normal in the following cases:

  • during sleep and within 20-30 minutes after waking up;
  • with prolonged exposure to the sun, in a hot room with poor ventilation or near heating appliances;
  • after physical exertion and active games;
  • in case of severe fear or stressful situation.

Note: In older cats, a dry nose is considered normal.

In an alert state, dryness can even appear due to minor deviations in the functioning of the body (malnutrition or overeating, a mild cold), which disappear on their own within a few hours or days.

But if the dryness of the nose does not change for a long time, you need to measure the body temperature by carefully inserting a vaseline-lubricated thermometer into the anus. In a healthy cat, body temperature ranges from 38-39°C. If the thermometer shows numbers lower or higher, this is already an occasion to take a closer look at the pet and pay attention to the appearance of other symptoms. An elevated temperature may be a symptom of poisoning, inflammation, a viral infection, or the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage.

What to look out for

If the nose remains dry for a long time, this is usually a sign of the development of the disease, while a hot one is a sign of an increase in body temperature. Not only the temperature and humidity of the olfactory organ can indicate health problems. A change in its color can also be a sign of a cat's disease:

  • lightening - typical in case of disturbances in the work of the circulatory system, hypothermia, poisoning;
  • blue - indicates a lack of oxygen or cardiovascular diseases;
  • yellowing - appears with diseases of the kidneys or liver;
  • redness - develops with damage, fever or pressure, various infections (runny nose, sinusitis) and allergic reactions.

In this matter, not everything is so simple, because the color change is affected by the ambient temperature, as well as the color and breed of the pet: in some, the nose darkens when it is cold, while in others, on the contrary, it slightly brightens. To determine the state of health, the presence of other symptoms should also be taken into account. For example, if a cat refuses food and water, becomes lethargic and inactive, vomiting or stool disorder appears - these are clear indications for consulting a veterinarian who can determine the causes of this phenomenon and provide the necessary assistance.

Do I need to monitor the condition of the nose

The cat takes care of its own nose: licks it if it becomes dry on a hot day, washes with the help of the tongue and paws if it gets dirty after walking or sniffing objects. But it is important for the owner to periodically examine and feel the pet's nose in order to notice suspicious symptoms in time. This is done by lightly touching the back of the hand. A healthy olfactory organ should be slightly moist, cool and shiny, even and without peeling. But even this option does not guarantee the health of the animal. Loss of smell for a cat, especially at an early age, is tantamount to the threat of death, as he loses his orientation in space and may refuse to eat. Therefore, it is important to be especially attentive and monitor the general well-being of the pet.

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The nose for a cat is a full-fledged organ, without which it is difficult to imagine the existence of an animal. Only by its appearance it is possible to identify the disease in a timely manner, and immediately take action. It is unfortunate that many owners have no idea what a healthy cat's nose should look like. Think this is a joke? Then look closely at it: it can be wet or dry, and watching it is of great importance.

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The nose of a healthy animal

In its structure, a cat's nose is no different from a human's: two nasal passages separated in the middle by cartilage. The differences start further. These passages lead to a labyrinth of lattice shells, which have a very high sensitivity. If necessary, cats can retain this or that smell and even filter it from impurities in order to feel as accurately as possible. Contamination on the surface of the nose reduces its sensitivity, so it must always be kept clean.

A healthy cat's nose performs many other tasks. For example, the air inhaled by an animal is cleaned and heated in it. The outer skin is highly sensitive to temperature, so it's easy for your pet to tell what food is in front of them without even touching it.

The shape of the nasal cavity in a cat can be different depending on the breed. The most healthy nose in terms of physiology in cats of traditional breeds. Conversely, pets with a flattened face very often have breathing problems due to the irregular shape of the nasal openings and septum.

Many owners are worried about what should be the color of the cat's nose? This directly depends on the color and age of the fluffy. So in older cats, the color may be darker, and even age spots may appear. Sometimes its color can change depending on the season, for example, by winter, the hairline can noticeably darken. But this does not mean that something threatens the health of domestic cats, even if it has become a different color.

So, having decided on the features of this organ, we approached the question, what should a healthy pet's nose be like? First of all, clean. Otherwise, a nose that is cold and slightly damp to the touch is considered normal.

Kitten's nose

For a kitten, his nose is even more important than for an adult cat. From the first days of life, while the eyes of a newborn kitten are not yet open, it is with his help that he gets to his mother for feeding and warming. As with adult animals, a healthy kitten's nose should be slightly damp and cold, but not dry. Only after sleep, active play or in a state of serious stress can it be warm or even hot. If the kitten's nose is dry for several hours, then this is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Why is the nose wet?

You may have wondered more than once: why is the cat's nose wet? To understand the reason, one should turn to the ancestors of the cats, and remember who they are. Without exception, all cats have a predatory nature, their instinct is sharpened to track down prey, so a moderately wet nose is more of a norm than a deviation. A moist surface helps to better capture the smell from the air, accurately identifying prey. Humidification of the nose occurs in two ways: with the help of fluid released from the mucous membrane, and with the help of saliva when the cat licks itself.

You should be wary only if the cat's nose is dry. This may indicate a problem with the intestines. Which one - the veterinarian will tell you, but most often this happens due to stagnation of wool in the body. As a preventive measure, you can give special food or paste for cats, but consultation with a specialist is required.

If the nasal surface remains dry for a long time, then the problem can be much more serious. No one is entirely sure why this is so, but a cat's dry nose may be indicative of a viral infection in cats as well. In this case, it is worth immediately starting treatment, at least with drops, and only then find out the cause and wait for other symptoms.

In any case, as you have already understood, if a wet nose is absolutely normal, because it is a kind of indicator of good health. It helps to constantly monitor the condition of the pet, and, if necessary, quickly take appropriate measures.

Video "Cat scratches its nose"

The video shows how funny the cat scratches its nose.

A healthy feline has a moist and cool nose. This is due to the fact that on the nasal mirror (the so-called leathery tip of a cat's nose) there are many special glands that secrete mucus. This phlegm covers the sensitive skin in a thin layer, making it moist.

The main component of sputum on a cat's nose is water. With its natural evaporation, the surface temperature decreases. As a result, the nasal mirror becomes cool.

The layer of phlegm on the surface of the cat's nose allows the animal to perceive and distinguish different odors from each other. The smallest molecules of a substance that carry information about the aroma are deposited on sticky mucus and travel further along the nasal cavity to the olfactory receptors.

In addition to excellent capture of odors, the function of the wet nose of the cat is to participate in the thermoregulation of the body of the animal. Since cats do not have sweat glands, and their coat is quite thick, it is difficult for furry pets to get rid of excess heat.

And the body of the animal warms up both from high air temperature and from active movements. A wet nose in such a difficult situation allows the cat to cool down faster. Nature, with the help of phlegm on the nose, took care of the health of cats.

healthy wet cat nose

A healthy active feline has a cold nose. It happens that after a long sleep or a live game, the cat's nose becomes dry and hot. There is nothing to worry about, very soon the cat's organ of smell and touch will be moistened again and phlegm will cool its surface.

If the cat's nose remains dry for several hours, you need to consult a veterinarian. If the cat's nose is very cold and pale, then the animal's body temperature has dropped sharply, which indicates poisoning, hypothermia or shock. In this case, the pet also needs to be shown to the doctor.

The cat maintains its own nose in working condition. If the weather is hot and dry, the animal licks its nose. Often cobwebs, litter and dust stick to the wet surface of the cat's nose. Then to unclog the nasal passages, and long paw.

Check your pet's nostrils from time to time. If you notice dry scales, scabs, or peeling, visit your veterinarian with your cat. Do not forget that the surface of the nose should be wet, but it should not flow from it. The cat needs a runny nose.

The nose is one of the most important sense organs of cats. Their sense of smell (like that of most animals) is ten times more sensitive than that of humans. This makes it possible to identify and separate odors into constituent elements, thus orienting in space. Having determined this or that object, cats make a decision - to perceive it as dangerous, suspicious, tasty, and so on.

Normally, the cat's nose should be moist and cool. Depending on the emotional state, climatic conditions and other external factors, the animal may experience slight dryness. For example, when the cat is sleeping or in a state of drowsiness, as well as within 30-60 minutes after waking up.

In the process of active games, especially if the apartment / house is too stuffy, the surface of the mucous membrane dries up, which also does not give rise to panic. The effect of nasal dryness is often present in cats and in a state of stress or non-compliance with the diet (hunger, overeating). If the animal does not behave as usual, and at the same time the abnormal condition of the nasal lobe can be traced for a long period (several hours / whole day), then a veterinarian consultation is also necessary here.

How is the nose of cats

The nose of cats is a complex system, anatomically representing two passages separated by cartilaginous tissue. Inside, the cavity is “lined” with a mucous membrane, which is penetrated by many nerve endings and blood capillaries. The main role of the mucosa is protection from household pollution, viruses and bacteria that can be transmitted from other animals and humans.

Olfactory receptors are also located in the mucous tissue, with the help of which, in fact, cats learn about the world around them. When you inhale, the air does not immediately enter the lungs, but is filtered by special pores and valves inside the nasal passages. Epithelial receptors "diagnose" odors received from the outside and give appropriate signals to the brain - there is danger ahead, hot food, the owner's hands, an angry dog.

Also inside the nasal cavity are special glands that secrete a mucous secret, which protects the outer earlobe from drying out and cracking. Thanks to constant moisture, the animal can not only regulate its body temperature, but also significantly expand the range of its sense of smell.

Important: the body of cats is designed so that they do not sweat naturally, and it is the nose that regulates heat transfer. It acts as a natural "cooler" in case of excessive activity or an increase in the temperature outside in the summer.

When to Worry

One of the first symptoms that signal some kind of illness or illness in a pet is a dry and hot nose. However, do not forget that the body temperature of cats differs from the human norm and ideally equals 38-39 ° C. The animal may be perfectly healthy, but the lobe will feel hot.

Signs indicating that the cat is still sick may include the following:

  • Copious discharge flows from the nose, ears burn. Symptoms indicate the presence of an infection - for example, rhinotracheitis or panleukopenia.
  • Too wet nose, fever, sneezing, lack of appetite. Perhaps there is a cold or SARS.
  • Abundant discharge from the nasal cavity, with blood or purulent inclusions. It is not excluded the possibility of getting into the nasal passage of some foreign object.
  • Excessive phlegm secreted from the nose can be an allergic reaction to household chemicals, plant pollen, tobacco smoke, medications taken, house or street dust.
  • The lobe is very wet, and the cat itself sniffs heavily and breathes mainly through the mouth. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of a polyp and damage to the mucous membrane inside the nasal cavity.
  • A wet and very cold nose indicates hypothermia or poisoning of the animal.

Also, the presence of health problems can be judged by the color of the nose. So, a bluish tint, as a rule, is a consequence of disorders in the cardiovascular system. Yellow almost always gives a "tip" to problems with the kidneys or liver. White indicates changes in the functioning of the circulatory system.

Nose care

A healthy cat copes with its hygiene perfectly and on its own. As the air temperature rises, it begins to lick more actively and moisten the nose. The same thing happens when some rubbish, dust and other contaminants get on the lobe. In the natural environment, the animal cleans the nose mechanically, in contact with trees, plants, grass, etc. Pets solve the problem with enhanced washing.

The only exceptions are flat-faced breeds, in which, as a result of selection, the anatomical proportions of the skull were changed. Due to a broken nasal septum, these cats often develop crusts and excess phlegm on the nose or near the nostrils. In such cases, you need to carefully remove the scales and remnants of snot with cotton swabs or swabs.

What to do is prohibited:

  • Wipe your nose with wet alcohol wipes with antibacterial impregnation or perfumed fragrances. The mucous membrane can react with a strong allergic reaction.
  • Use iodine or brilliant green for disinfection, especially if there are cracks and scratches on the nose. Actions can provoke a burn and swelling, which, in turn, will make it difficult for the animal to breathe and introduce it into additional stress.

In any case, you should never self-medicate and at the first sign of malaise, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent therapy.

Owners who take care of their pets should be able to determine their well-being by their appearance. An indicator of whether a cat is healthy or sick is the condition of the tip of her nose. If a cat has a wet nose, then it can be assumed that she is healthy. But even if the nose is dry, this does not mean that the cat is necessarily sick. There is a small percentage of cats for whom a dry nose is normal. The final conclusion about the state of health of the pet can only be made by a veterinarian.

The condition of the cat's nose when it is healthy

The sense of smell in cats is much stronger than the sense of smell in humans. To prevent it from decreasing, cats always carefully monitor the cleanliness of their nose. The organ itself consists of two nasal passages that separate cartilage. The organ is not covered with hairs in front. This part of it is called the lobe or mirror. It contains glands that secrete a special fluid. Mucosal secretions make the urine moist and cool. His condition is normal. These secretions themselves are a viscous substance, thanks to which the animal is able to easily recognize odors. With the help of a mirror, a cat is able to determine the temperature of food without touching it. Since cats do not have sweat glands, the sputum of the earlobe carries out the thermoregulation of the whole body in them.

Another function of a wet nose in a cat is to determine the direction of the wind. This is dictated by her hunting instincts - cats lie in wait for prey from the leeward side. A cat feels cold air currents with its nose long before a person feels them. Therefore, if a cat hides its nose, then this indicates an impending cold snap.

A dry and hot lobe indicates that the pet may have a fever. But it can be in a healthy animal. A dry nose happens to a cat during sleep and immediately after waking up, especially if she sleeps near heating appliances. If the cat shows increased physical activity, the humidity of his nose also decreases. This is especially true for kittens because of their mobility and playfulness. Also, the lobe "dries up" when it enters a hot room or after severe stress.

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Signs of the disease

The first sign that a pet is sick is dry and hot urine. This is caused by increased body temperature and the fact that the sick animal drinks less liquid. If there is a suspicion that the cat has a fever, then you should use a thermometer. An additional sign of a fever in an animal is hot ears.

If it is established that the temperature of the cat is elevated, then it may be a cold, an infectious or dermatological disease, or poisoning. Sometimes the lobe also changes color. In this case, the nature of the pathology can be determined by its color:

  • bright red color is a sign of infection or rhinitis;
  • the bluish color gives reason to fear that the pet has heart problems;
  • a yellow tint may indicate liver or kidney disease,
  • white color - there is reason to assume a violation of the functions of the circulatory system.

A sign of rhinitis is also too wet lobe. In all these cases, urgent veterinary consultation is necessary.


Usually a cat keeps its own nose clean, but sometimes it needs help. You need to wipe your pet's earlobe very carefully, adhering to certain rules. Do not use wet wipes for this purpose, as the composition with which they are impregnated can cause allergies in the animal. If dust or dirt gets into the nose, the cat will sneeze and wash until the ducts are cleared. In case of severe contamination or the formation of crusts from snot, the animal's earlobe can be cleaned with a cotton swab. But cotton swabs can only be used to clean the visible part, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate them inside the nose. If the crusts are very dry, they should first be lubricated with petroleum jelly.

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