Embryo. Development of the embryo from the first days of conception during IVF: when does replanting take place, how does the fetus grow? The system perceives an intensively developing embryo

Before proceeding to consider the development of the embryo and fetus in dynamics, let us say that the concepts of embryo and fetus are not identical. An embryo, or otherwise an embryo, is an organism in which its main defining features are just being formed, it is an organism that is in the period of organogenesis (the formation of organs).
The human embryo goes through this period in eight weeks from the moment of fertilization. As soon as the body is formed, in which it is already possible to determine the main external morphological features, in which the corresponding internal organization has also developed, we have every reason to talk about the fetus. Starting from the ninth week of intrauterine development inclusive and ending with birth, the embryo is usually called the fetus.
First five days
Shortly after fertilization - about 12 hours after the fusion of the nuclei of the female and male germ cells - the egg begins to split. A fertilized egg is called an egg. Moving along the tube towards the uterine cavity, the egg loses its transparent shell. Cleavage of a fertilized egg occurs quite actively - two new crushings per day. The egg does not possess its own mobility; its promotion towards the uterus is possible solely due to three factors: peristaltic contractions of the muscular layer of the fallopian tube, directed movements of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium and the flow of fluid in the fallopian tube. In the event that, for one reason or another, the patency of the fallopian tube is impaired, the egg cannot enter the uterine cavity; however, the egg continues to split and grow, and an ectopic, or tubal, pregnancy develops. The term ectopia is still used to refer to an ectopic pregnancy, but it has a broader meaning, since, in addition to an ectopic tubal pregnancy, pregnancy in the ovary and even in the abdominal cavity can develop, although this is extremely rare.
Sixth - eighth day.
If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then the egg enters the uterine cavity around this time. In the uterine mucosa, under the influence of two hormones: estrogen (follicular hormone) and progesterone (yellow body hormone), by this time some changes had already occurred, with the aim of creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the embryo; the structure of the uterine mucosa becomes looser. An egg is grafted, or implanted: not far from the exit of the fallopian tubes, the egg settles on the surface of the mucous membrane; further, enzyme-like substances are released from the chorionic villi of the egg, which dissolve the mucous membrane, and the egg, as it were, sinks into it; the germination of the egg into the mucosa is deep enough so that the mucosal defect can soon close over the egg. In most cases, the process of egg implantation ends by the fourteenth day from the moment of fertilization.
Second and third weeks
Once under the protection of the uterine mucosa, the embryo continues its active development. The frequency of cell divisions in it is the same: crushings follow one after another every X" hours. There is a gradual separation of the embryo from the shells. Increasingly, increasing in size, the embryo reaches a length of 2 mm by the end of the third week (for comparison: the egg has a diameter of 0.5 mm). Bone, muscle and nervous systems are laid. Around the same time, the heart is laid - in the form of a paired germ; after some time, these rudiments merge and form a slightly curved heart tube. In parallel, the process of laying large blood vessels is underway. At the same time, the intestine separates from the embryo. At this stage of development, the embryo outwardly resembles the larva of a certain insect, and we have reason to recall the very popular theory that every individual repeats the path of development that his entire species has gone through over millions of years - from unicellular organisms to modern man in all his perfection (isn't this it is remarkable that in the ninth week of intrauterine development, the tail atrophies in the human fetus? does not, having been born, a person mentally repeat the development of his ancestors from the Cro-Magnon to our contemporary?); many researchers elevate this theory of "repetition of the path" to the degree of "basic biokinetic law".

Fourth week

The embryo grows quite quickly and already reaches a length of 5 mm. The nervous system receives a new impetus to development: the brain tube closes, the brain quickly forms (the main parts of the brain begin to stand out, the spinal cord is laid) and the spine. The autonomic nervous system is also laid. Large blood vessels undergo further development and close together. The heart begins to show activity; it is curious that at this stage of development it has three chambers. The chest is outlined. Primary buds are formed.

Fifth week

The length of the embryo at the fifth week is approximately 6 mm. Slowly, the embryo takes shape: characteristic curves of the body appear. You can determine the rudiments of the head, limbs, tail. There are gill slits. Lungs, liver, thyroid gland are laid; at this stage of development of the embryo, they look like hollow protrusions. The jawbones develop.

sixth week

In the embryo, the head and vertebral column can already be easily identified. The abdominal cavity can also be considered formed. The heart and circulatory system are functioning. The limbs of the embryo are short. The hands and feet are still taking shape.

seventh week

Organogenesis becomes more and more intense. Previously laid down organs are being improved. In the embryo, the head, back, chest, abdomen, arms and legs are easily determined. It is translucent. Some organs and large blood vessels can be seen. The embryo floats in the fetal sac, in the amniotic fluid. The heart and blood vessels are functioning more and more confidently. The embryo is connected to the placenta through the umbilical cord. Fingers are defined on the arms and legs, they are short and thick. The rudiments of eyes and ears are just emerging; moreover, these rudiments are still covered with an integument. Gonads appear - in the form of genital ridges. In length, a seven-week-old embryo can be from 12 to 15 mm.

Eighth week

The embryo grows quite quickly. The body is basically formed. The embryo already has all the organs, and many of them have begun to perform their functions. The digestive system consists of the esophagus, stomach, thin and tortuous intestinal tube. The head of the embryo and its body are approximately equal in length. The limbs are elongated. There is a noticeable difference in the structure of the genital organs. The face begins to take shape. Easily distinguishable nose, mouth, eyes, auricles. Gill slits atrophy. The length of an eight-week embryo is from 20 to 30 mm, weight - 10-13 g.
Ninth week

From this time on, we are no longer talking about the embryo, or embryo, but about the fetus. The main external morphological features are easily determined. The body in relation to the head gradually increases. The limbs are still lengthening. The tail is atrophied. The face is fully formed. The length of the fruit reaches 30 mm or more.

tenth week

The body of the fetus is growing rapidly. Development occurs along the path of further differentiation of internal organs. The fetus has easily distinguishable eyes, a tongue has formed in the oral cavity; hearing continues to develop
- its inner part. Several points of ossification of the skeleton appear. In the amniotic fluid, the fetus feels comfortable. In parallel with the development of the fetus, the placenta develops. Medical scientists believe that a ten-week-old fetus is already capable of feeling much of what its mother feels. There is also the following original opinion: at about ten weeks of age, the personal foundations of a person are laid.

Eleventh week

The fetus has clearly visible external genitalia. In proportional terms, the fetus changes quite quickly, but its head is still relatively large, and the arms and legs are short. Here it should be noted that the process of changing the proportions of the body is very long and stretches for many years, while the body grows, - up to the age of majority; but the intensity of this process changes; during the intrauterine development of the organism, its intensity is very high, then it gradually and steadily decreases.

Twelfth and thirteenth weeks

Many of the developing organs and systems are functioning. By the twelfth week, the fetus is already well established in the uterine cavity, as a result of which the likelihood of miscarriage is greatly reduced. The placenta continues its development, secretes the hormones necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Through the umbilical cord, the fetus receives blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from the placenta, while metabolic products are removed from the fetus through the umbilical cord. The fetus is already moving a little - slightly bending the limbs. At the twelfth week, the weight of the fetus is about 20 g, at the thirteenth - up to 30 g.

Fourteenth week

The length of the fruit reaches approximately 90 mm. Facial features are easily determined, since the eyes, nose, mouth, forehead are well expressed. The skin of the fetus is still very thin, and the blood vessels shine through it - like red threads. Limbs continue to develop; their growth is already noticeable, if only because the fetus is able to easily touch one limb with another; before it was impossible. The rudiments of nails appear on the fingers. The movements of the limbs in the fetus are becoming more active; the fetus bends and unbends its arms and legs, as if testing the acquired abilities, being surprised and rejoicing at them. However, the mother does not yet feel these movements of the fetus. Without difficulty, the sex of the fetus is determined.
Fifteenth week

In length, the fruit can already reach 100 mm. Gradually, the range of motion of the limbs becomes wider.

sixteenth week

The length of the fetus by the end of the sixteenth week is 150-160 mm, and its weight is up to 120 g. The skin is thin, has a reddish color; superficial blood vessels still shine through the skin - since the subcutaneous fat layer is still practically not developed; the superficial vascular network is especially visible in the area of ​​the temples, neck, back of the fetus, forearms, and thighs. The location of the navel is low (near the pubis). The process of ossification of the skeleton continues; ossification points also occur in the bones of the skull. The muscular system is formed and developed. The fetus not only bends and unbends the arms and legs, but also makes movements that can be called grasping, it grabs the umbilical cord, grabs the other with one handle. The fetus sucks its thumb. Makes movements similar to breathing - as if already preparing for breathing through the lungs. Swallows and also “breathes” (into the upper respiratory tract) amniotic fluid. Since the digestive and excretory systems are already functioning, the swallowed fluid is absorbed in the intestines (meconium is formed from the indigestible residue), and then excreted by the kidneys and thrown out into the amniotic fluid. Some foreign authors claim that a sixteen-week-old fetus has different facial expressions. Ultrasound scanning clearly shows the fetal head, which is already much smaller than the body, arms, legs, umbilical cord.

seventeenth week

The growth rate of the fetus is somewhat reduced. Development follows the path of perfection of organs. At the seventeenth week, the length of the fetus is about 180 mm. Movements are getting more and more active. Sometimes the fetus hiccups. Swallows amniotic fluid; but not all substances present in it are absorbed in the intestines of the fetus; This is explained by the fact that some enzymes are produced in the body of the fetus in insufficient quantities. Periodic swallowing of amniotic fluid should not be considered accidental (in the functioning and development of the body, perhaps, there is no place for chance; everything matters, everything can be given a logical explanation); through these ingestions, the digestive and excretory systems are developed and prepared for the strongest activity; these systems seem to learn how to function. The fact that the fetus receives nourishment from the amniotic fluid is of great importance, because the amniotic fluid does not meet the needs of patching. As the fetus grows and develops, it swallows everything in the amniotic fluid. Specially slow studies have found that by the end of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow more than 400 ml of amniotic fluid per day.

eighteenth and nineteenth weeks

The length of the fetus at this stage of development reaches 200 mm. And the weight is 250-280 g. At times, the fetus is actively moving, and the mother is already beginning to feel his movements. When listening through the tube of the abdomen of a pregnant woman, you can hear the fetal heartbeat. Under the skin of the fetus, fat begins to be slowly deposited, so the superficial blood vessels almost do not shine through. Although the skin is still quite thin and has a reddish color; gradually it thickens and brightens. The skin of the fetus is covered with very delicate vellus hair. This hair is called lanugo (germ down). The fetus may also already have hair on its head. The sebaceous glands embedded in the skin begin to become more and more active. They produce a lubricant, the purpose of which is to protect the skin of the fetus from the effects of amniotic fluid. If the sebaceous glands did not secrete their secret, the skin of the fetus would undergo maceration. It is curious that the movements of the fetus contribute to the uniform distribution of the secretion of the sebaceous glands over the surface of the skin.
Twentieth week

The length of the fetus can already be up to 260 mm, and the weight can be somewhat more than 300 g. During auscultation, the fetal heartbeat is heard. The skin of the fetus is still reddish. The secret of the sebaceous glands is mixed with the cells of the epidermis, and a cheese-like lubricant is formed; it is also called the original lubricant. Significant accumulations of this lubricant on the face of the fetus, as well as on the back, on the limbs. Cheese grease gives the skin a whitish tint. Gradually, the subcutaneous tissue becomes thicker. The fetus continues to occasionally swallow amniotic fluid. Due to this liquid, the body's need for water is partially covered. From the undigested residue, meconium, or original feces, is formed; meconium contains not only scales of the epidermis, fluffy hairs (lanugo), but also the secret of the sebaceous glands of the fetus, as well as bile. It is with bile that meconium is colored yellow-green or brown (sometimes meconium is green-black).

Twenty-first and twenty-second weeks

The growth of the fetus is again somewhat accelerated. The proportions continue to change gradually. The fetus no longer looks as big-headed as before. The accumulation of the subcutaneous fat layer is increasing. Due to this, the skin becomes less wrinkled. The development of all organs and systems continues. The skin is also developing. Two layers form in the skin: the epidermis (superficial layer) and the dermis, or skin proper (deeper layer). The fetus develops eyebrows and eyelashes, and the face takes on more and more individual features. The muscular system develops. The fetus perceives sounds coming from outside, but, of course, not all, but only those that come in the form of vibrations. Fruit weight - up to 600 g.

twenty third week

The weight of the fetus increases by another 30-50 g. The length of the fruit can reach 300 mm. Movements become more energetic; these movements are necessary for the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system. The accumulation of original feces in the intestines continues. The fetus already has hair on its head.

twenty fourth week
The weight of the fetus can reach 700 g, and the length of the fetus is approximately 310 mm. The internal organs are already well developed. The systems are functioning. Therefore, a fetus born by the end of the sixth month can even (although rarely, and under exceptionally favorable conditions) exist outside the womb. During this stage, brain tissue develops rapidly; brain cells differentiate. Those brain cells that determine consciousness reach maturity. The fetus has a sleep-wake cycle, and the mother knows when the fetus is "sleeping", she does not feel its movements; "Waking up", the fetus often begins to actively move. As the fetus grows, its movements become stronger and stronger; if the first movements that the mother felt, she compared with the movement of bubbles or with the flapping of butterfly wings (many mothers do not even pay attention to them during the first pregnancy), then later she feels real shocks from the inside and sometimes even shudders from them. The fetus at this stage already feels touches on the mother's stomach and reacts to them. And you can already “communicate” with him, which mothers often do. The fetus perceives sounds in the form of vibrations. In the same way, in the form of vibrations, the voice of the mother reaches him, and the fetus knows him. It can be assumed with a fair degree of certainty that the fetus is already able to distinguish affectionate intonations in the mother's voice from disturbing ones. It is possible that the fetus also perceives light that barely passes through the wall of the abdomen.

twenty-fifth and twenty-six weeks

The fetus is surrounded by a sufficiently large amount of amniotic fluid, so it has the ability to move quite actively. It reacts to a change in the position of the mother's body, to touching the stomach, to sounds coming from outside in the form of vibrations. The fact that the fetus perceives these sounds is proved by a simple experiment: an intense sound is given and the belly of the pregnant woman is heard through the tube; after the sound is given, the fetal heart rate increases somewhat. In addition to sounds coming from outside and the voice of the mother, the fetus hears rumbling in the mother's intestines, as well as the noise of blood moving through the large vessels of the mother. The question arises: why is the hearing acuity of a newborn child, who for the first days after birth can hear only loud sounds, knocking, so strikingly different from the hearing acuity of the fetus? The answer is simple: in a newborn child, the tympanic cavity does not yet contain air, it is filled with embryonic connective tissue, and amniotic fluid is present in the auditory tube for several more days (there is no fluid in the external auditory canal); the embryonic connective tissue presses from the inside on the eardrum and prevents the latter from responding to soft sounds; meanwhile, the fetus has practically the same environment both in the external auditory canal and in the tympanic cavity - amniotic fluid and gelatinous embryonic connective tissue, and there is no obvious predominance of pressure on either side; and how well sounds propagate in water is widely known ... The skin of the fetus at this stage of development is still red, covered with a cheese-like lubricant, and covered unevenly: there is more original lubricant on the face, on the arms and thighs than on other parts of the body. The eyes of the fetus sometimes open slightly, but mostly the eyelids are as if glued together. There is a pupillary membrane. 1 eyes are almost always blue or dark blue; only after some time has passed after birth (several weeks) do they acquire the color that will remain for life.

twenty seventh week

In length, the fetus already reaches 350 mm, and its weight is up to 1200 g. Since the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the fetus is still poorly developed, its skin is wrinkled, and the fetus looks “senile”. The skin is red, a lot of cheese-like lubricant. On the entire surface of the body - fluffy hairs (lanugo). The hair on the head reaches a length of 5 mm. Nails are short and soft. In boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum; in girls, the labia minora is not covered by the labia majora. The eyes of the fetus sometimes open slightly. The cartilages of the nose and auricles are soft.

twenty-eighth week

When listening (auscultation) of the abdomen of a pregnant woman, the fetal heartbeat is heard clearly. The normal heart rate is 120-130 beats per minute. There is still a pupillary membrane, but it is already defined at the edge of the pupil. The auricles are pressed against the head; the cartilage in the auricles is still soft. The nails of the fetus also remain tender and soft, and they do not protrude beyond the tips of the fingers. The place of attachment of the umbilical cord to the abdominal wall of the fetus at this stage is developed, remains still low. The fetus actively moves when "awake". Sometimes he has hiccups; scientists believe that the cause of hiccups in the so-called spontaneous waters. The mother may feel the fetal hiccups. Periodically, the fetus continues to swallow amniotic fluid. If, for some reason, childbirth occurs during this period, then the child, subject to very good, competent care for him, is able to survive.

Twenty-ninth, thirtieth and thirty-first weeks

The process of accumulation of fat under the skin of the fetus continues. Therefore, the skin becomes less and less wrinkled and more and more shiny. The skin is still reddish, covered with germinal down. The eyes continue to develop, the spectacle membrane is no longer present. Heart rate 120-140 beats per minute. The position of the fetus in the uterus - head up; what matters is the fact that the shape of the fetus at this stage of development ideally matches the shape of the uterus. However, in some cases, the fetus may turn head down already at this stage of pregnancy (usually the fetus turns over later).

thirty second week

The fruit is actively growing; in length, it can reach 450 mm, its weight is 2400-2500 g. In a normal pregnancy, the fetus at the thirty-second week of development is already turning head down. If preterm birth occurs, a viable baby is born, but it is considered premature; the special care that is required for him is very long.

thirty-three - thirty-six weeks

As a rule, by this time the fetus is already in a head-down position; this is the so-called cephalic presentation. The skin of the fetus is not as red as before. Rather, it can be called pink. The fatty subcutaneous layer is already thick enough, so the skin is smoother. Fat deposits are important: firstly, it is a reliable supply of food that can be claimed in the first days after birth, and secondly, due to the heat-insulating property of fat, its deposits help to maintain heat, and the body of a child in extrauterine existence (which , of course, worse than the conditions for the existence of the intrauterine); it also matters that fat deposits somewhat protect the fetus from mechanical influence from the outside, which is inevitable during childbirth; but if there are too many deposits (the fetus is “overfed”), childbirth is more difficult. The hair on the head becomes longer, while the vellus hair thins out. The nails are somewhat lengthened and already reach the edges of the fingers, but remain soft. The cartilages of the nose and auricles are gradually compacted. A special fatty substance, a surfactant, is secreted in the lungs; this substance subsequently favors the functioning of the lungs. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The place of attachment of the umbilical cord to the abdominal wall of the fetus is already much higher. The endocrine glands (endocrine glands) begin to show activity. By the thirty-sixth week of development, the fetus already occupies a head-down position in the uterus; here it should be noted that in women with a first pregnancy, the fetus retains this position until the very birth - this is explained by the fact that the muscles of the uterus and abdomen are not yet stretched, strong, and they no longer seem to allow the enlarged fetus to change position again and again; on the contrary, in women with repeated pregnancies, the fetus may change its position in the uterus more than once. Parts of the body of the fetus are already buried through the mother's abdomen. At the thirty-sixth week, the fetus reaches a length of 46 cm, and its weight is approximately 2750 g. If a child is born at this time, then he screams, his lungs straighten out, and reflexes are expressed - sucking and grasping.

thirty-seventh week

The fetus by this time has significantly increased in size and no longer has the ability to often turn over in the uterus (it does not feel as at ease as before); we have already said above that in women with a first pregnancy, the fetus is held by unstretched muscles of the uterus and abdomen in the position that it will occupy during childbirth. Since the subcutaneous fat layer is already significant, the fetal body looks plump. At this stage, the brain undergoes active development; the fetus develops the foundations of consciousness. The development of the organ of vision continues; eye movements are coordinated. The placenta no longer increases in size, but continues to function actively. The growth rate of the fetus is somewhat slowed down.

Thirty-eighth - forty-second weeks

The fruit reaches a length of 48-52 cm, and its weight can be from 3200 to 3600 g. The weight continues to increase, although it no longer has the same rate of increase. All signs of prematurity disappear; the fetus is fully formed, all its organs and systems are able to function independently, therefore the fetus is considered mature. The testicles in boys are lowered into the scrotum; in girls, the small labia are covered with large ones. The skin of the fetus is smooth due to sufficient deposition of fat, has a pale pink color. Vellus hairs remain only in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle. The head is covered with hair 2-3 cm long. The nails of the fetus are pink, soft, protrude slightly beyond the fingertips. The cartilages of the nose and auricles are denser and more resilient than they were before. After the fortieth week, the growth of the fetus slows down even more; after the forty-first week, the placenta functions less and less efficiently, which, of course, is one of the reasons for artificial induction of labor. A born mature child is distinguished by a loud cry, active movements - the child moves his arms and legs. During a cry, the skin turns red, the muscles of the abdomen and chest tense. Congenital reflexes are well expressed - sucking, grasping, plantar, etc.
If the fetus is born at the age of forty-two weeks or more, it is considered post-term. It is distinguished by thick hair on the head, long nails - significantly protrude beyond the fingertips. The skin of a post-term fetus is usually dry, flaky, sometimes even cracked. It is noteworthy that the post-term fetus has less original lubrication than the full-term one.
A full-term newborn baby weighs on average from 3000 to 3500 g. In the case when the weight of the newborn is in the range from 4000 to 5000 g, we are talking about a large fetus. If the weight of the newborn exceeds 5000 g, then it is customary to speak of a giant fetus.

Every woman who dreams of replenishment in the family, seeing the long-awaited two strips on the test, comes to an indescribable delight. Literally from the first days of pregnancy, she begins to take care of the unborn baby: she refuses bad habits, keeps to a diet, and reduces physical activity. However, not all ladies delve into the intricacies of the development of a tiny organism, limiting themselves only to studying ultrasound images. Meanwhile, while in the womb, the fetus goes a long way before turning into a full-fledged little man. In this article, we will look at the difference between a fetus and an embryo.



Fetus- a human body developing in the mother's womb after the laying of the main systems and organs. This term is used exclusively in relation to a child who has not yet been born. The considered period of development of the organism is called fetal and begins when it reaches 8-9 weeks of age. This stage is characterized by intensive growth, tissue differentiation, development of organs and systems, the end of the formation of fetal membranes and placenta. A 38 week old baby is considered full term. By this time, the fetus acquires signs of maturity: a length of 47 cm, a weight of 2500 g, a convex chest, pale pink skin without wrinkles, etc. Babies born between 28 and 37 weeks are considered premature, but at the same time quite viable. They require very careful care and sometimes for a long time are under the supervision of doctors. Ultrasound is recognized as the most effective method for diagnosing a fetus.


Embryo- a human embryo at the initial stage of its development until the moment of exit from the fetal membranes. During this stage, a body is formed from the egg, which has certain morphological features. This period lasts 8 weeks, after which the embryo is usually called a fetus. The embryo arises as a result of the fusion of the nuclei of the egg with the sperm. At the end of the third week of development, the embryo has a head and a primitive heart, and after a few more days it begins to pump blood through the body and placenta. In the process of embryo formation, limbs and eyes, ears and rudiments of teeth are formed in it, gradually decreases, and then the tail disappears altogether. By the end of the eighth week, the process of laying the main vital organs is almost completed.


Both of these terms refer to a growing organism at various stages of development. The embryo is called the embryo from the moment of conception and up to the 8th week of pregnancy. A microscopic body appears in a fetal egg, which is an oval or round formation a few millimeters in size. The yolk sac inside it provides nutrition to the embryo. The fertilized egg increases in size along with the embryo. At the initial stage of formation, the embryo bears little resemblance to a person. It outwardly resembles a tiny twisted "worm" with a tail and without a pronounced head. Closer to 8-9 weeks, limbs, eyes are indicated in the embryo, the heart begins to beat and other vital organs form. The head becomes distinguishable, but disproportionately large in relation to the body. The maximum size of the embryo reaches only 3-4 cm, and the weight is about 5 g.

The main difference between the fetus and the embryo is the intrauterine age of development. As mentioned above, an organism that forms during the first eight weeks is called an embryo. Upon reaching this age, the embryo begins to be called a fetus. From now on, his nutrition is provided not by the yolk sac, but by the placenta - an organ located inside the uterus that communicates between the mother and the unborn baby. As he develops, he becomes more and more human-like. The body lengthens and acquires normal proportions, the limbs increase in size, the ears take their place on the sides of the head, etc. The fetus is actively growing and gaining weight. The weight of a full-term baby is at least 2.5 kg, and the height is 47 cm.

To summarize, what is the difference between a fetus and an embryo.

How the fetus develops week by week is a real miracle. In just 38-40 calendar weeks, an embryo of several cells, similar to a bunch of grapes, becomes an infant with the most complex structure of the body. Immediately after giving birth, he begins to use a whole arsenal of skills and reflexes, quickly adapting to new living conditions. In our article - a brief description of the development of the child by day from the very moment of conception, a photo of the embryo and features of different months of pregnancy.

Human embryo in the first trimester

The first trimester is the most important and difficult stage in the development of the human embryo. It was at this time that the rudiments of its organs were laid, the nervous and other systems were formed. This period is associated with a large number of risks and requires the expectant mother to pay special attention to her health and lifestyle.

Embryo growth by weeks in 1 month of pregnancy

The first month is considered one of the most important and exciting for a reason, because right now a new life is born. At the beginning, his pregnancy has not actually occurred yet, but the body of the expectant mother is preparing for it by regulating the hormonal background and the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. All this is necessary not only for conception, but also for the normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus and the start of its development.

First trimester - start of pregnancy

1-2 weeks

From day 1 to day 14 of the new menstrual cycle, the follicle matures in the ovaries, from which the egg is released. It moves through the fallopian tube and meets with a sperm cell - one of almost 900 million that have entered the vagina. After fertilization, the morula embryo "descends" into the uterine cavity and the endometrium is implanted - approximately on the 12-17th day of the cycle. At this point, the actual pregnancy begins.

3 week

The fertilized egg continues to divide and grow into the wall of the uterus with shell cells. In parallel with this, the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord is launched - organs vital for the development of the fetus, through which it will receive nutrients. Now the embryo consists of more than 100 cells.

4 week

At this time, the first “jump” happens in the development of the child: the laying of all the systems of the future body of the baby begins. A particularly important stage is the formation of the neural tube, from which the brain and the entire nervous system are subsequently formed. The embryo grows to the size of a poppy seed less than 1.5 mm in diameter, from which time it is called an embryo. It is heavily implanted in the endometrium, which affects the level of the hCG hormone. It is at week 4 that a woman may notice a delay in menstruation and early signs of pregnancy.

Development of the human embryo at 4 weeks of gestation

Embryo development at 2 months

In the second month of pregnancy, every week the development of the fetus continues and is accompanied by significant changes in the structure of his body. During these 4 weeks, the umbilical cord, the neural tube, the rudiments of the limbs and fingers will form, the face will become even more proportional, the internal organs will differentiate.

5 week

The fifth week is the transition period between 1 and 2 months of pregnancy. Now the embryo has a conditional coccygeal-parietal size of up to 2.5 mm and a weight of about 0.4 g. The body systems are developing rapidly: the neural tube is being improved, future parts of the brain, lungs, stomach, trachea are highlighted, blood vessels are growing.

6 week

The embryo grows from 3 to 6 mm, it looks like a fry, because. limbs are not yet developed. The placenta begins to form from the chorionic villi, hemispheres appear in the brain. The small heart, in which division into chambers takes place, is already contracting, driving out blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients for the construction of the body.

7 week

The embryo in this week of development has a length of 13-15 cm, more than half of the "growth" falls on the head. His body still has an arched shape, a "tail" is preserved on the pelvic part. On the upper limbs, which are ahead of the formation of the lower ones, a hand and fingers are drawn.

8 week

The size of the embryo increases to 20 mm - the baby grows almost 2 times in just a couple of weeks. He has a brain with two hemispheres and several departments, the beginnings of the lungs, the heart, the digestive system. The face is becoming more and more like a "human" - the eyes, ears, nose and lips covered with eyelids are perfectly distinguished.

Photo: what the embryo looks like at 8 weeks of gestation

How the fetus develops week by week at 3 months

At this stage in the development of the human embryo, its length doubles, and a third of the growth falls on the head. Gradually, the proportions will change, and now the baby begins to move his arms and legs, foci of ossification appear in the cartilaginous rudiments of the skeleton, the skin becomes less transparent, it is divided into layers in which the rudiments of hair follicles are formed.

9 week

The ninth week is the transition from the second to the third month of pregnancy. During this time, the development of the child by day will be accompanied by a rapid increase in growth from 22 mm at the beginning to 31 mm at the end. The baby's heart beats at a speed of 150 beats per minute, the musculoskeletal system is improving. The head of the embryo is tightly pressed to the chest and seems disproportionately large relative to the body and limbs.

10 week

By the end of this week, the baby will grow to 35-40 mm in KTR, most of the time he is in a half-bent state. The way the embryo looks also changes: the “tail” disappears, buttocks form in its place. The baby swims freely inside the uterus and, touching its walls, pushes off with his feet or hands.

11 week

In the brain of an embryo, more than 250,000 new neurons are formed every minute. The baby has the rudiments of milk teeth and nails. His limbs are bent, but the child regularly makes spontaneous movements with them, clenching and unclenching his fists. The iris forms in the eyes.

12 week

The most important event of this week of embryo development is the beginning of the active functioning of the placenta, which protects and nourishes the fetus. Thanks to her, the baby will receive air and all the necessary substances for growth and building his own body.

Embryo development towards the end of the first trimester

Stages of embryo development in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all organs are already laid, they begin to grow and function. During this period, the development of the fetus is "directed" to the rapid growth and improvement of body systems.

How the embryo changes by day at 4 months

In the fourth month, the way the fetus looks is constantly changing: every day it looks more and more like a human embryo, the limbs are gradually lengthening, the head and torso will be more proportional by the middle of the trimester. The baby's organs are actively developing, forming different body systems.

13 week

This week of pregnancy is a transitional week between the first and second trimester, when, as a rule, the first scheduled screening is scheduled. It is necessary to assess the development of the embryo by day and exclude pathologies. By this time, the baby has a height of 6.5 to 8 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. The limbs, body and head become more proportional. The musculoskeletal system is being actively built, and there are already the rudiments of 20 teeth in the jaw.

14 week

Now the baby is completely fed through the placenta and umbilical cord. It grows up to 8-9 cm, a chin and cheeks are drawn on its face, the first colorless hairs appear on its head. The kidneys begin to excrete urine into the amniotic fluid. In girls, the ovaries move into the pelvis; in boys, the formation of the prostate gland begins.

15 week

What does the fetus look like at 99-105 days of development? Its proportions approach normal, KTR increases to 10 cm, and weight - up to 70-75 g. All parts of the face are formed, eyebrows and eyelids can be distinguished, the auricles acquire a characteristic shape and relief.

16 week

The KTR of the baby reaches almost 12 cm, and the weight is 100 g by the end of the week. The development of the embryo by day at this period is impressive: all organs have already been formed in it, the heart and kidneys are actively working. The structure of the facial muscles is improved, due to which the child begins to grimace.

Baby after 16 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy at 5 months: how the embryo develops by day

At the 5th month, the baby is growing rapidly, all his organs are gradually included in the work, various systems of the body are being improved and coordinated. In particular, the movements of the baby become more coordinated, and due to the increased weight of the fetus, the expectant mother will be able to feel the first movements.

17 week

The fetus grows up to 12 cm in KTR and already weighs about 140 g. This week, the baby’s own immunity comes into play, which, together with the placenta, will protect it from the negative effects of external factors. Thin skin is covered with original lubrication, subcutaneous fat begins to accumulate under it.

18 week

By the beginning of the week, the KTR of the baby is more than 14 cm, and the weight is from 140 to 200 g. How does the fetus develop by day? First of all, its proportions change: the limbs grow faster than the head. The hearing aid is active, the child reacts to sharp and loud sounds. The structure of the brain becomes more complex, the transmission of nerve impulses improves, due to which movements become more coordinated.

19 week

The CTE of the fetus increases from 15.3 to 19-20 cm, the average weight is 240 g. The baby's skin is covered with lanugo fluff. The bronchial tree grows. The sex and thyroid glands begin to produce hormones. The whole body is protected by a thick primordial lubricant.

20 week

The development of the fetus on the days of this week is associated with changes in its appearance and the coordinated work of different systems of its body. The skin of the baby due to lanugo and the gradual accumulation of subcutaneous fat becomes less transparent. More than 25 liters of blood per day passes through the heart.

Fetal development by week at 5 months

6 month: how does the human embryo change?

In the sixth month, the structure of the baby's brain improves. The length of the body and limbs and the size of the head become proportional, and the appearance is generally the same as that of a newborn. Interestingly, by this time the child already has a unique pattern on the fingertips.

21 weeks

By the end of this week, the baby grows to 26.7 cm and weighs about 300 g. His movements are clearly felt, and the movements of the child's day can be traced. What changes occur in the development of the fetus? Its digestive and excretory systems are trained, acid appears in the stomach, taste perception is improved.

22 week

The KTR of the child increases to 28 cm, the weight is already more than 400 g. The volume of subcutaneous fat increases, due to which the fetus every day becomes more and more like a newborn. Due to the rapid development of the brain and nervous system, the baby begins to "study" the surrounding space - pulls the umbilical cord, evaluates the taste of amniotic fluid, reacts to changes in light and different sounds.

23 week

The growth of the baby from the heels to the top of the head exceeds 29 cm, the weight reaches 500 g. How does the fetus develop this week? Since the second month, his brain has increased 40 times, reactions to stimuli and movements become logical and coordinated. According to some studies, the child begins to dream.

24 week

At this time, the baby grows to 30-32 cm and weighs about 530 g. A surfactant lubricant appears in the lungs, which is necessary for breathing protection. The cerebral cortex is covered with new grooves and convolutions. Subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively.

What does a fetus look like at 6 completed months?

The position and development of the fetus at 7 months

In the last month of the second trimester, the baby's skin smoothes out, becomes denser and gradually acquires a lighter shade. Under it, subcutaneous fat is accumulating faster and faster, which is vital for normal thermoregulation. The child often opens his eyelids, studying the surrounding space and reacting to bright light.

25 week

Height from crown to heels is about 34.5 cm, and weight increases to 700 g. Facial features are fully formed. The bone marrow takes over the function of hematopoiesis. The lungs develop alveoli - bubbles that will open after the first breath of the child.

26 week

At this stage, the size of the fetus by day changes a little more slowly than in previous months. The height of the baby is about 35 cm, and the weight is 760-850 g. All systems of his body are “training” and preparing to work outside the womb. Thanks to the coordinated work of the brain and the adrenal cortex, the synthesis of new hormones begins.

27 week

By this time, the child adds another 1 cm in height and already weighs about 900 g. He gradually accumulates subcutaneous fatty tissue. Hair on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows may become slightly darker. The organism becomes more and more viable, i.e. even in the case of premature birth, the chances of saving the life and health of the baby increase.

28 week

The development of the child by the end of the 7th month allows him to survive even outside the womb in the absence of pathologies in the structure of the organs. He gains enough subcutaneous fat, although for normal independent thermoregulation, its volume must increase significantly. At this time, the hemispheres of the brain work more actively, it is already known whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed.

After 7 months, the baby begins to gain subcutaneous fat

Embryo development by week in the 3rd trimester

The last trimester of pregnancy is the time of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, improvement and coordination of the work of body systems. All this is necessary to prepare the child for childbirth and life outside the mother's womb. How does the fetus develop by week?

fetus at 8 months pregnant

In the eighth month, the baby quickly gains weight and continues to grow. His skeletal and muscular systems are getting stronger. The lungs are preparing for breathing, the diaphragm is constantly “training”. The brain is already fully formed, but its structure and functioning are constantly being improved.

29 week

There is less and less space in the uterus, because the child grows up to 38 cm in height and already weighs more than 1 kg. Because of this, his tremors become more noticeable and can cause discomfort for the expectant mother. All systems of his body are actively working, in particular, the kidneys excrete almost 500 ml of urine per day into the amniotic fluid.

30 week

How does the fetus develop by day? First of all, he very quickly accumulates subcutaneous fat, due to which his weight increases to 1.3 kg. The skeletal system is getting stronger, the limbs are lengthening, the height from the crown to the heels is more than 39 cm. The skin brightens, the folds are gradually smoothed out. In the lungs, a protective lubricant-surfactant is actively produced.

31 weeks

This week, the child already weighs more than 1.5 kg and grows up to 40 cm. By his activity, you can track the sleep and wakefulness regimen, as well as reactions to external conditions - noise, bright light, lack of fresh air, uncomfortable posture of the mother. The eyes are fully formed, the color of the iris is the same for most babies, it will change after birth for three years.

32 week

The height of the child is 42 cm, weight is about 1.7-1.8 kg. The development of the fetus by day is aimed at preparing his body for independent functioning. For this, the recruitment of subcutaneous tissue is accelerated, respiratory and sucking reflexes are constantly trained, digestion and blood supply are improved. The work of the excretory, nervous and endocrine systems becomes more complicated.

Fetal development at 8 months: the baby is already like a newborn

9 month: how does the baby look and develop?

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered by many to be the “finish line”. Indeed, the development of the child by this time makes him viable: the baby will already be able to suckle milk on his own, and the risks of problems with breathing and thermoregulation are decreasing every day.

33 week

The child grows up to 44 cm and already weighs about 2 kg. It becomes crowded, because of which even weak movements are clearly felt. At this time, the baby takes the final position in the uterus - head or feet down. At week 33, the size of the heart increases, the tone of the blood vessels increases, the formation of alveoli in the lungs is almost completed.

34 week

The growth of the baby increases by another 1 cm, while the weight gain due to the set of subcutaneous fat can be almost 500 g. The musculoskeletal system of the baby is strengthened. The bones of the skull are still soft and mobile - this is necessary for passage through the birth canal. Hair on the head grows faster and can change color.

35 week

On average, height from heels to crown is 45 cm, and weight is from 2.2 to 2.7 kg. The child looks well-fed and every day accumulates more and more subcutaneous fat. On his fingers, the nail plates are clearly visible, the vellus hair-lanugo becomes a little less.

36 week

The height and weight of babies at this time can vary over a wide range. The body length is from 46 to 48 cm, and the weight is from 2 to 3 kg. The skin of the child becomes smooth and bright, the number of folds decreases. All his organs are ready to work, and the body becomes completely viable.

Development of the child by the end of 9 months: the baby is ready for birth

Child development in the last weeks of pregnancy

The 10th month of pregnancy is an exciting time: childbirth can begin any day. The development of the child by this time makes him fully viable, there are no longer any risks to his health during delivery.

37 week

The baby grows up to 49 cm. Every day he adds about 14 g. His appearance before childbirth will not change. The cartilages in the nose and on the auricles gradually get stronger. The lungs are ripe, the alveoli, protected by a surfactant lubricant, are ready for the first breath. The intestine performs periodic contractions to prepare for full peristalsis.

38 week

The fetus looks exactly like a newborn. His body is fully formed and ready to function. The baby takes the final position in the uterus and rests his head against its base. The bones of the skull are still mobile: thanks to this, the child will be able to pass through the birth canal.

39 week

The baby gains 20-25 g per knock, his height can vary from 50 to 55 cm. He "falls" into the pelvis and begins to put pressure on his bones. The limbs, the length of the body and the size of the head are completely proportional. All sense organs are well developed.

40 week

The development of the fetus by this time is completed - it is ready for birth, has all the necessary reflexes to maintain health and nutrition. This week, the placenta gradually ages, and hormonal changes in the woman's body trigger the natural process of childbirth.

Observation in the antenatal clinic for a pregnant woman is carried out according to a certain scheme. What does it include and why do we need all these numerous examinations, analyzes and examinations?

Ultrasound has been used in obstetrics not so long ago - since the mid-1960s. And, despite this, today it is no longer possible to imagine an examination of a pregnant woman without ultrasound. During this time, doctors have accumulated vast practical experience in the application of this research method, ultrasound scanners have been repeatedly improved, three- and four-dimensional ultrasound has appeared, and most importantly, more than one generation of healthy children has grown up.

How does ultrasound work?

Ultrasound is called sound waves propagating in space with a high frequency (above 20 kHz). Sensors of ultrasonic scanners are both a source and a receiver of ultrasonic waves. An ultrasonic wave passing through various tissues in the body changes its speed and is reflected, all these changes are recorded and converted into an image on the monitor of the ultrasound scanner. Currently, when examining pregnant women, two types of sensors are used: transabdominal - TA (with the help of which the study is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall) and transvaginal - TV (the study is carried out through the vagina). In the first trimester, both types of sensors can be used, but transvaginal ultrasound is more informative, because the TV sensor is brought closer to the uterus and has a higher frequency of ultrasound waves, which gives a clearer image on the monitor of the ultrasound scanner. From the second trimester, transabdominal ultrasound is mainly used.

Ultrasound of pregnant women is performed three times - in, and. If necessary, the obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe an additional ultrasound, and even more than one.

Special attention should be paid to the sonographic marker of chromosomal disorders - collar space (Nuchal translucency - NT). The collar space is measured on the back of the neck at a fetal CTE of 45-84 mm. Normally, the size of the collar space should not exceed 3 mm. An increase in this indicator makes it possible to diagnose up to 80% of chromosomal disorders at the end of the first trimester.

With the improvement of ultrasound machines, data are accumulating on the possibility of diagnosing malformations of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system (CNS), gastrointestinal tract (GIT), urinary system up to.

Study of extraembryonic structures

In addition to the embryo, ultrasound evaluates the yolk sac, chorion and amnion.

During physiological pregnancy, the yolk sac (an extraembryonic structure that performs nutritional and hematopoietic functions in the first weeks of pregnancy) is determined when the SVD of the fetal egg is more than 10 mm (gestation period is more than) in the form of a white ring with a diameter of 2 mm () to 7 mm (). A sign of a non-developing pregnancy is also the absence of a yolk sac with a fetal egg larger than 10 mm. After the yolk sac is not normally determined. There is a relationship between yolk sac size and pregnancy outcome. An increase of more than 7 mm and a decrease of less than 2 mm, an irregular shape and thickening of the walls of the yolk sac are prognostically significant only when combined with other disorders, such as a change in the thickness of the chorion (villous membrane), growth retardation of the embryo. An isolated discrepancy between the size of the yolk sac and the norm does not significantly affect the incidence of pregnancy complications.

Currently, three-dimensional ultrasound is gaining more and more popularity, in which a "volumetric picture" is obtained. Three-dimensional ultrasound makes it possible to diagnose some malformations at an earlier stage (for example, facial defects: cleft lip, etc.). But 3D scanning is a longer study, and, unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the necessary image. Yes, and experience in three-dimensional ultrasound has not been accumulated yet. Therefore, most likely, this method is the future, and at present it is just an additional research method.

So, ultrasound examination of the fetus and pelvic organs in the first trimester of pregnancy is one of the most important and indispensable diagnostic methods that allows you to assess the development of pregnancy from the earliest stages and choose the right tactics for its management.

Marina Ershova, obstetrician-gynecologist

Recognition for a conceived child of the status of a human being, whose life, health and well-being must be protected by law.

Many, for various reasons, do not really understand what rights are and what is the difference between an embryo and a baby. For them, it is "just to prescribe in the law."

Let's start with rights

RF Constitution, Article 17

Article 17
1. The Russian Federation recognizes and guarantees the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and in accordance with this Constitution.
2. Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belongs to everyone from birth.
3. Implementation of human and civil rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of others.

civil legal capacity arises With moment birth and is the basis for subjective right human, which in its absence to appear cannot, and therefore cannot be realized.

It won't be otherwise. Orthodox activists and the ROC can talk nonsense about the rights of the unborn as much as they like. It is important for them to "protect the status of a human being". And the fact that this will give rise to a wild number of legal problems and inexpedient expenses, they do not even think.

Starting with the need to register the subjects of legal relations themselves (present your embryo) to the mandatory registration of the death of the fetus. Anyone who believes that this is superfluous can try to enter into any civil law relations without documents. It’s even easier, without a driver’s license, to communicate with traffic police officers. pretend to be an embryo with rights.

With various property conflicts it will be even more interesting. Our fully born relatives cannot really share the inheritance, but imagine if the embryos also participate in this. It's about welfare

Yes, lawyers will do everything to prevent such a mess.

A fetus in the womb, regardless of the period of its development, is considered by the Russian legislator as a physiological part of the body, which she has the right to dispose of at her discretion. This means that the legislator treats the embryo as a system of cells, tissues and organs that are part of the female body, that is, first of all, as an object.

"But the embryo is an independent human organism. It has arms and legs." Well, then separate it from the mother and take it into care, since it is independent.

If the legislator treated the embryo as a subject of legal relations, any manipulations with them would be prohibited. Not only abortions, but all reproductive technologies from IVF to surrogacy. On all this joy of motherhood, you can safely put an end to it.

And there is also the reduction of embryos. It generally smacks of a criminal article.

The human embryo is not protected under criminal law. The law protects only human life from crimes related to murder or self-mutilation, when the object of the crime is a born person. Article 120 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for compulsion to remove human organs or tissues for transplantation. However, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Transplantation of Human Organs and (or) Tissues”, the objects of transplantation are not organs, their parts and tissues related to the process of human reproduction, including reproductive tissues.

One of the most important principles of the offense is the principle of public danger corresponding to the act. So, abortion does not pose any public danger. And its ban not only does not solve any problems, it entails the appearance of a mass of new ones that will cost society much more than abstract "moral" purity, which is a purely subjective thing.

Thus, the law does not recognize the legal capacity of the human embryo, that is, it does not give it the status of a subject of law.

Accordingly, the one who wants to forbid a woman to dispose of her own body, infringes on her rights. Whoever does not understand, once again carefully read paragraph 3 of Article 17 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

I mean, about the embryo. This is not a newborn baby or even a fetus. Not every embryo becomes one. This is an absolutely cynical substitution of concepts, calculated on emotions and ignorance. Try to find and distinguish a cat embryo from a human embryo in the picture.

The natural probability of developing an embryo into a fetus is approximately 45%. Medical research is allowed on the embryos. Everyone's favorite WHO approved. In some countries, even genetic experiments are allowed on embryos.


Fetus- a human body developing in the mother's womb after the laying of the main systems and organs. This term is used exclusively in relation to a child who has not yet been born. The considered period of development of the organism is called fetal and begins when it reaches 8-9 weeks of age. This stage is characterized by intensive growth, tissue differentiation, development of organs and systems, the end of the formation of fetal membranes and placenta. A 38 week old baby is considered full term. By this time, the fetus acquires signs of maturity: a length of 47 cm, a weight of 2500 g, a convex chest, pale pink skin without wrinkles, etc. Babies born between 28 and 37 weeks are considered premature, but at the same time quite viable. They require very careful care and sometimes for a long time are under the supervision of doctors. Ultrasound is recognized as the most effective method for diagnosing a fetus.

Embryo- a human embryo at the initial stage of its development until the moment of exit from the fetal membranes. During this stage, a body is formed from the egg, which has certain morphological features. This period lasts 8 weeks, after which the embryo is usually called a fetus. The embryo arises as a result of the fusion of the nuclei of the egg with the sperm. At the end of the third week of development, the embryo has a head and a primitive heart, and after a few more days it begins to pump blood through the body and placenta. In the process of embryo formation, limbs and eyes, ears and rudiments of teeth are formed in it, gradually decreases, and then the tail disappears altogether. By the end of the eighth week, the process of laying the main vital organs is almost completed.

difference between fetus and embryo

Both of these terms refer to a growing organism at various stages of development. The embryo is called the embryo from the moment of conception and up to the 8th week of pregnancy. A microscopic body appears in a fetal egg, which is an oval or round formation a few millimeters in size. The yolk sac inside it provides nutrition to the embryo. The fertilized egg increases in size along with the embryo. At the initial stage of formation, the embryo bears little resemblance to a person. It outwardly resembles a tiny twisted "worm" with a tail and without a pronounced head. Closer to 8-9 weeks, limbs, eyes are indicated in the embryo, the heart begins to beat and other vital organs form. The head becomes distinguishable, but disproportionately large in relation to the body. The maximum size of the embryo reaches only 3-4 cm, and the weight is about 5 g. The main difference between the fetus and the embryo is the intrauterine age of development. As mentioned above, an organism that forms during the first eight weeks is called an embryo. Upon reaching this age, the embryo begins to be called a fetus. From now on, his nutrition is provided not by the yolk sac, but by the placenta - an organ located inside the uterus that communicates between the mother and the unborn baby. As he develops, he becomes more and more human-like. The body lengthens and acquires normal proportions, the limbs increase in size, the ears take their place on the sides of the head, etc. The fetus is actively growing and gaining weight. The weight of a full-term baby is at least 2.5 kg, and the height is 47 cm.

To summarize, what is the difference between a fetus and an embryo.

comparison table

At the fetal stage, abortion is no longer possible. And it is right. Nobody argues with this.

Oh, these conservatives, they stand for the right of unborn babies with a mountain. They will do anything for the embryos. But as soon as a person is born, from that moment on he is for himself. Anti-abortion advocates are obsessed with the safety of the embryo from conception to exactly 9 months. After that, they no longer want to hear about him. And they certainly won't listen to what he wants in the future. No postpartum clinics, nurseries, kindergartens, state. subsidies and allowances. Nothing wakes up! If you are an embryo, then you are under their protection, but if you go to first grade, you are fucked. The next time you will be remembered is when you reach military age.

Now we can speculate about what rights are and why they are given.

Rights are a social contract, not a law of nature. In empowering subjects with rights, the public interest takes precedence. You get rights in exchange for respecting the rights of others. The embryo cannot respect the rights of others, cannot realize its own due to its physical condition.

What public interests require exclusive rights for embryos?

We are taking away the right to freedom from convicted criminals. We are taking away the right to life from those sentenced to death. We do not give rights to embryos, but we leave the choice to the woman. The decision to continue any pregnancy or terminate it solely and completely lies with the one who will bear the entire burden of responsibility (moral, material) for making a decision all his life.


1. The ability to have rights - arises in a person from the moment of birth.

2. An embryo is not a baby. And not even a fruit. The natural probability of developing an embryo into a fetus is approximately 45%. At the stage of the fetus, abortion is not possible.

That is, a condition so fragile is in question that it is purely speculative to appeal to the rights of the embryo. What politicians and the ROC quite successfully do for themselves.

The problem is not that some people are for killing children. As already written, this is an absolutely cynical substitution of concepts, which supporters of the prohibition of abortion constantly and recklessly use. The problem is that some people are against the granting of human rights to embryos.

Every person has the right to control his own destiny. But only your own. It is very easy to decide for others, completely disclaiming responsibility for such decisions.

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