Why do gray chickens dream. Why do yellow chickens dream. Feed, water, catch chicks in a dream

Dream interpretation chickens are small a lot

We tend to get used to and not attach importance to everyday things. Therefore, an ordinary dream is unlikely to arouse our keen interest and desire to look into the dream book. But what emotions visit us at the mention of chickens? For a city dweller, it is not so usual to see such living creatures than for the inhabitants of the province. Ducklings, chickens and other chicks are associated with peace of mind. They take us away from city lights and noise, bustling life. We find ourselves in a calm village full of clean air and peaceful atmosphere. Leading predictors and psychologists will help to figure out what chickens are dreaming of.

Be an observer

In most cases, we are not subject to the process of what we dream. The world of dreams has prepared the role of a silent observer, an eyewitness of events, and it remains only to obey him. Being a witness, it is necessary to pay attention to how the object behaved in a dream, what external signs it possessed.


If you dreamed a lot of chickens

Usually a lot of chickens lead to a lot of hassle, problems and needless worry. However, sometimes only a general definition is not enough, because we dream of various variations and deviations from the generally accepted standard.


In a dream, not a single detail should go unnoticed. The color characteristic plays an important role in interpretation. What color did the creature have?

  1. Yellow. The most common dream, where yellow chickens and ducklings appear. In this case, the dream book advises you to pay attention to your own health. You exhaust yourself and your physical strength is running out. A planned visit to a specialist will not hurt, so that he determines the current condition and a further plan of action.
  2. Black. You have complicated and unresolved cases that require a logical conclusion. In life, stagnation has come, a lack of progress, you are overwhelmed with indecision and bouts of laziness. This dream is a call to action, challenge your comfort zone and put your life in order.
  3. Non-standard. Atypical colors include bright green, blue and other colors that are not typical in everyday life. They dream of change and let pleasant surprises into your life. Feel free to wait for cute gifts from your soulmate, as well as the approval of your superiors and, possibly, a new position.
  4. Nondescript. The dream calls to plunge into your inner world and try to find the causes of mental disorders. At some point, you were overcome by blues, depression and melancholy, and since then it has firmly settled in life. The dream book advises you to contact a specialist in psychological matters, who will help you find the cause of the decline in mental strength and the joys of life.

The state of the animal

If the chick just hatched

No less importance should be attached to the state of what we dream. Why did sick chickens and ducklings come to our dream along with other living creatures? Remember and analyze these details.

  1. Awake, energetic. Small fluffy lumps dream of well-being. Soon you will experience favorable changes that will allow you to live in abundance and luxury. It remains only not to miss the possible chances that fate presents us.
  2. Tiny. When there are a lot of chicks, and even small sizes, this indicates that you are mired in household worries and troubles. You are fixated on everyday affairs and you just need to think about the true goals and purpose.
  3. Dead. Such an event is dreamed of when you are too vulnerable spiritually. Someone from the environment will definitely try to take advantage of temporary weakness for selfish purposes. In general, conflicts and any manifestations of negativity should be avoided.
  4. Dying. Did you dream that the forces were gradually leaving the animal? This phenomenon in a dream personifies your relationship with your loved one in reality. Perhaps now you are experiencing a certain crisis in a relationship where there are quarrels, misunderstandings and a gradual fading of interest. If your soulmate is dear to you, be patient and try to maintain the union in peace and harmony.
  5. Recently hatched. A new life dreams of the emergence of creative ideas and profitable ideas. Now is the time to implement the plans that have been put off for a long time. However, it is worth considering that the path to success will be long and thorny, requiring great willpower and material costs.

What happened to observe?

If they peck at the grain

In a dream, events can develop rapidly, or they can remain in the form of one episode. They are united by the fact that each incident has its own interpretation. What happened to see?

  1. They go to the chicken coop. An unfavorable sign showing that you have hidden enemies. Perhaps they are hiding behind the masks of false friends and preparing to strike a stunning blow, waiting for the right moment.
  2. Bird of prey attack. If you dream of a hawk that is trying to attack, then someone from your inner circle needs your protection and support. Ask if any of the relatives are in a difficult situation.
  3. They peck at the grain. In this case, it should be noted that a large number of birds promise the arrival of uninvited guests in your house, and if they also consume food, then in the near future you will experience an improvement in material well-being.
  4. They squeak. This circumstance speaks of your nobility. In reality, you will protect a person who is not able to retaliate, as a result you will receive respect and recognition.
  5. They drink water. Thirst for water will lead to a loss in the fight with the ill-wisher. Your impulsiveness, distraction and lack of concentration will be to blame. In the end, the more prudent opponent will win.
  6. In hand. You should not make quick decisions. Perhaps the offer will seem tempting and profitable, but in the end it will turn into long-term problems.
  7. Tries to fly. It doesn’t matter if chickens or ducklings were in a dream, the nature of the take-off matters. Strives up. You will receive news that will improve your financial situation and help you achieve new heights in your career. Falls to the bottom. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid losses, which, regardless of your caution, will inevitably occur.
  8. Hatching. The process of birth is dreaming of the implementation of projects, ideas and creative ideas. Your efforts were not in vain, and now you only have to reap the fruits of labor.

Presence of other persons and objects

If a hen dreamed

Why see in a dream not only the main object, but also the presence of any objects or living beings? What are they saying and what are they trying to convey? The dream interpretation will give an answer to these questions.

  1. Ducklings. No less cute chicks will bring happiness and prosperity to your home. Henceforth, there will be no swearing and loud scandals in the house, but a warm atmosphere and harmony will reign. Ducklings also symbolize material wealth, which you will certainly possess.
  2. Chickens with babies. Unfortunately, there have been many missed opportunities in your life. The current period is no exception. The time is coming when you need to make every effort so as not to miss the chance.
  3. Eggs and chicks. Why a mixture of many fluffy lumps and eggs? The dream calls for sensitivity and maximum attention to the people close to you. The environment needs your love and affection.
  4. Mother hen. You should show maximum diligence in your work. There is clear competition in your field of activity, so you need to make efforts so as not to lose your job.

Miller gave negative forecasts. He is convinced that chickens promise danger from the cunning of your colleagues.

Show participation

Why not only be an observer, but also an active participant? Such actions dream of various turns of fate.

What did you do?

If they collected chickens

What actions were taken in relation to animals? The dream interpretation focuses on these details.

  1. Feed. In the near future, you will have the opportunity to act as a mentor. Someone from the environment needs your acquired skills and longs to have the same knowledge. You will have the right to choose whether to share the experience with other people.
  2. Catch. It is unlikely that the desired occupation in reality will lead to fuss and vain chores. You will have to spend a lot of physical and mental strength in order to achieve a certain goal. The result will be scanty, but will not cancel your emotional satisfaction.
  3. Gather. Why the eternal collection of restless birds? This is a symbol of fatigue from everyday affairs. If they run restlessly indoors, then the cause of fatigue lies in their own home. Gathering in an open area indicates a lack of privacy and peace.
  4. Eat. You should pay maximum attention to your kind of activity, as it is going through hard times. There is also a high probability of loss of reputation and established image.

Who dreamed?

An important factor is not only nightly incidents, but also the dreamer's gender, his occupation.

  1. Woman. The fair sex can safely expect the emergence of a new life. This incident promises a woman an early pregnancy.
  2. Man. A favorable sign, indicating that his beloved wife may expect a child. It will not be superfluous to visit a doctor who will indicate the current condition.
  3. Farmer. People who are connected with agriculture should expect a possible crop failure. Everything will not be your fault, but external causes that will be beyond your control.

The esoteric dream book claims that a large number of chickens speaks of spiritual emptiness, which is filled only with worldly troubles and vain experiences.

Many people, having seen cute, fluffy, little yellow chickens in a dream, imagine a picture that should promise only good changes in life, changes and updates. But it's not that simple. In order to find out why little chickens dream of a woman or a man, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream - the color, actions and number of chicks.

General interpretation

Yellow chickens symbolize the emergence of new life. Our ancestors believed that if a young woman sees a chick in a dream, she will definitely become pregnant soon, and her marriage will be successful and long.

But not always little fluffies bring good luck. It happens that such dreams bring trouble and some worries in real life. The more little chickens or cockerels in a dream, the more problems ahead.

Number of chicks

If you dreamed of many hatched chicks, this portends an inner fear in reality. And also such a dream can mean the beginning of a new life, the beginning of a new business.

To find out the meaning of sleep, you should pay attention to its details:

It’s good if you dreamed of little crumbs with a mother chicken. You will definitely be happy, and soon a joyful event will happen in your family.

Newly hatched chicks

Often in dreams we see eggs from which wet, squeaking chicks hatch. This dream has a positive meaning:

Small pet coloring

Very often in a dream we are not even surprised why chickens are yellow, but sometimes they have the most unexpected color that scares and makes you wary:

Miller's dream book says that chicks of any color are the presence of happiness and harmony in your home.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

A dream with little chicks is most often a dream for a woman, and this is understandable, because this is a symbol of birth:

Sometimes dreamers see entire films featuring little pussies.

Other actions

The most common among dreams is the one where you are trying to catch these fast chicks. This suggests that you have hard work ahead, but the result will be invisible and will not bring joy.

Give the kids food - it's time to help others with valuable advice or provide friendly support.

Eat fried chicken - small but temporary money problems.

Chopping or cutting young chickens - a change for the worse awaits you. To avoid them, you should seek advice from senior comrades.

Popular dream books

All interpreters interpret dreams with chickens in different ways, whether they are many or few, they squeak or peacefully walk with a hen:

In order to correctly interpret what yellow chickens dream of, you need to find out several meanings and compare all the details of the dream.

But why do chickens dream? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do chickens dream - the main interpretation

If you dream of a chicken, such a dream promises you minor troubles with children and people who need your care. Try to give your loved ones maximum care and maximum attention. Don't deprive them of anything. Try to help them in everything.

It is important to take into account all the details of the dream, not to miss a single important point:

Where did the chickens come from in your dream;

Did you take them in your arms;

What color was their plumage;

Who else did you dream about;

What feelings did you experience.

If you dream of black chickens, you are in for some pretty difficult times. You will be all in trouble and worries and will not know how to avoid difficulties, where to put yourself, so as not to harm yourself or others. Because in the near future you will be all on your nerves, it will seem to you that you are underestimated and disliked. All this will put pressure on you.

If you see that you have a huge number of chickens in your yard, they run around it and squeak - you will have troubles associated with your loved ones, with children. You may have to participate in a mass event that will not bring you pleasure, will not become a holiday for you. You will be very tired, you will even be disappointed with what happened in your life.

If you dream that you are feeding a chicken from your hand, such a dream means that someone will use your trust. You will enter into the position of some person, become very close to him, and in the end, you will get into trouble from him.

If you dream that you are stroking chickens, you will be supportive of your loved ones. After such a dream at work, you may improve, you can become active and joyful. You will become more involved in personal affairs, because at work you will be fine anyway.

If you dream that the chickens are sick, you should be wary of unforeseen health situations. It can worsen dramatically, and you will not know how to influence it. It will seem unfair to you that you help many people, but you yourself have problems. And when you need help, no one will come to meet you. You will just wait until they pity you, accept you, forgive you. But that moment will not come.

If in a dream you see dead chickens, then some part of your life will remain in the past. You can forget about something important, about what embarrassed you or bothered you. Now you will be freed from many troubles, you will become more free and more whole. Do not try to bind people from the past to you. Don't try to earn their approval. Focus more on yourself and your goals. Try to rise above the problems and forget about them. So that problems do not become your companions.

If you dream that someone is taking away chickens, you will meet a person who will give you joy and then take it away. You can no longer count on active communication with this person, because he will disappear from your life, he will give you hope and will soon take it back.

You shouldn't get upset. The dream book advises you to enjoy a favorable period of life and does not seek to prove anything to anyone. Be attentive to yourself and to your desires. Much depends on them in life.

If you dream that chickens hatch and squeak loudly, such a dream portends great joy to you. You will be happy that your loved ones are with you, that everything in your life is finally getting better and you can finally enjoy all its moments. Do not worry if after sleep you temporarily feel apathy and despondency. Perhaps you cannot believe that everything in your life will be so wonderful, so beautiful. Strive to be an important and necessary person for other people.

If you see a cat running after chickens - someone cunning and two-faced will come into your life and difficulties will begin in it. You may not be ready for this turn of events, you may not be ready for what he will tell about you later. Therefore, the dream book advises not to trust your secrets to anyone, not to trust your personal life and try to diversify your vacation, try to diversify your life and not depend on anyone at the same time. It's actually very simple. The dream book advises to try only once, and everything will work out.

The dream in which you cook chickens promises you misfortunes and disappointments. At first, it will seem to you that you won the argument, won the war with some person. But all events will turn against you. You will be trapped. You will fall into anger, then into joy. You will try your best, but you will not be able to return to the measured lifestyle that you had before. The whole reason is that you have become overconfident. And it prevents you from seeing things clearly.

If you dream that a chicken is squeaking somewhere in your house and you can’t find it in any way, such a dream means that you will have troubles and you will try to pay attention to your loved ones, forgetting about yourself. This will lead to frustration and even anger. You will not be able to contain your emotions and will be constantly on edge.

The dream book advises you to learn how to switch off from everyday problems and turn on the realization that minor household troubles are inevitable, but they can be quickly and effectively resolved. You can learn to deal with everything on your own.

Why do chickens dream of Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that chickens dream of troubles and misunderstandings in their personal lives. But they will eventually lead to a wonderful future and happiness. The dream interpretation promises the appearance of pleasant romantic moments between you and your partner, if in a dream the chickens surrounded you.

You will also be surrounded by attention and care. You will be filled with positive emotions and happy. For a lonely girl, such a dream promises a meeting with a pleasant gentleman with whom she can have a lot of fun. Nothing serious may come of these relationships, but they will remain in her memory for a long time.

A dream in which a girl washes chickens indicates that she will be able to get rid of envious people and those who prevent her from building relationships. Those who bring discord and sadness to them. It can be gossips, ill-wishers. If a girl dreams that the chickens are all black, she will have unpleasant troubles associated with relationships.

White chickens promise romance and the opportunity to get an offer to marry. It can be so sudden that the girl is confused. Dead or sick chickens dream of problems in their personal lives. They will become so sudden for you that you will be confused and will not be able to do anything about it.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a chicken, she will soon become a happy mother of a healthy baby. If the chicken is sick, she should also listen to her body, isn't it difficult for her? Isn't she tired? If so, it's time to take care of yourself and relax.

What do chickens dream about in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that chickens dream when you are almost ready for a new stage in your life. This will be a joyful period that will bring you happiness and success. Get ready for it. Don't delay the opportunity to improve your life.

A dream in which you see a man carrying chickens in his hands promises you a protector and helper. You will be glad to have such a person in your life. You will finally be able to feel complete happiness and freedom from the routine.

Why do chickens dream of other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that chickens dream of small chores. You will work very hard, but you will also get a wonderful result from your work. If until recently you were discouraged, then after such a dream you will be full of strength and joy. You will try to improve your personal relationships and your personal connections. Try to live now with an eye to the future.

Why do chickens dream according to Aesop's dream book? They dream of happiness and success. But, if they annoy you and you want to run away from them, such a dream promises you a great desire to put an end to the past and get to grips with the present. Be vigilant, after such a dream, your enemies may become more active. But they won't be able to harm you anymore. They will only be able to watch how happy and successful you are. You will really be happy with everything that will happen to you, wait for this bright moment.

Everyone knows how important sleep is in our lives. Sometimes a sleeping person may dream of chickens, hens, and other types of birds.

In case you saw a dream in which birds are present, this means that you live your life in illusions that must be urgently destroyed in order to start living a real life, not a virtual one.

Dreamed of a lot of little chicks? This dream means a symbol of the beginning of a new life, the renewal of the old, as well as outside help in business. Depending on the plot of the dream itself, there are a sufficient number of different interpretations.

Dreamed of chickens what it is

  • If you dream of little chickens and there are a lot of them or they are all dead, be prepared for the fact that not all your dreams will come true soon. As a rule, to implement your plan, you will need not only time, but also certain efforts that should be spent in this direction.
  • A successful undertaking, success in business and personal life threatens you when you see a chicken or a lot of chickens in a dream.
  • Does a pregnant girl dream of little chicks? According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream portends the birth of a first-born or twins.
  • According to the dream book of Miller or Freud, the interpretation of a dream in which birds are present means a short separation from a loved one or spouse, if any.
  • Dreamed of dead animals - to be in trouble.
  • If you dreamed of a dead chick, then you definitely should die your egocentrism and selfishness, become softer and turn your own gaze to other aspects of your life. If you believe the predictions of foreign dream books, then this plot portends a break in relations with your companion and a reunion with your other half, which fate has prepared for you. At the same time, your future chosen one may appear in this dream.
  • Catching live chickens for a woman, according to the dream book, is an approaching good luck, which you must catch her and not let go.
  • Sometimes you may dream of hatching from an egg - in this context, you should pay attention to your health and strengthen your immunity, as you are at risk of catching respiratory diseases.
  • A woman may dream of hatching from a chick's egg in the event of an early and planned pregnancy.

Why do little chickens dream

  • Little chickens are dreaming - to children's laughter in the house and the presence of small children in your life.
  • According to Miller's dream book, this context means peace and prosperity in your home, as well as material success.
  • Dead white chicks in a cage are locked dreams that will not come true if you also step in this direction.
  • Seeing white chicks for a woman is a chore that will be pleasant.

A lot of chickens why dream

  • Little chickens dream a lot - you will find many small quarrels with relatives and friends that will not bring results.
  • I dreamed of yellow live chickens - expect a lesson in life, which, most likely, will come from the opposite sex.
  • Many chickens - unfortunately and gossip.

Why do chickens dream of a woman

  • A woman dreams of little chickens - an early marriage and childbearing.
  • Also, according to Vanga's dream book, you need to carefully analyze your future life and identify all the hidden pros and cons in your character. In small matters, a good omen and good luck await you.
  • Holding chickens or a chicken in your hands is a minor chore and worries that can drain your energy.
  • If in a dream a woman has to feed a bird, you have a hidden enemy who wants to harm you.
  • A lot of chickens in a dream book - a large number of things that will overtake you unexpectedly.

If you dreamed of dead chickens, what does it mean

In common practice, a large number of dead chickens are dreamed of when a person lives in his illusions for a longer amount of time than in real life. As recommendations, it is worth delving into your thoughts, reconsidering your views on life and throwing out everything that is illusory and unreal.

A woman should be careful in choosing a life partner, perhaps he is not at all the one he claims to be.

Why dream of a chicken with chickens

  • A woman dreams of chickens and hens - you are overprotective of your children, surrounding them with care that they have the right to leave to themselves.
  • A lot of yellow hens with chicks means the good news that your friends or work colleagues will bring.
  • But you should be extremely careful, as Vanga's dream book warns us not to get close to some people, as they can bring danger and unnecessary anxiety into your life.

In a dream, even a city dweller can see pets and birds. Why do small chickens dream, many chicks in a dream - this is a good sign. If you dreamed of chickens, the dream book says that they portend unexpected and unusual changes that will occur in your life. Seeing chickens in a dream can symbolize a new beginning. Especially if you see a chicken in your house.

Why do little yellow chickens dream - dream books say that this is a good sign: for a woman, such a dream promises an increase in the family, and for a man, an increase in income.

Why is the chicken dreaming? As almost every dream book will tell you, a chicken in a dream is a symbol of prosperity, good luck and abundance. What then does it mean if in a dream you cook chicken? Is a dead chicken a good or bad sign? What about the dream in which the chick hatches from the egg? There are many details that affect the interpretation of the plot and can completely change the meaning of the dream.

Who saw the dream: a girl, a woman, a man or a child

  • If a girl dreamed of small chickens, this may mean that she may soon receive an offer to marry. Also, a chicken in a dream can mean that you will soon have a brother or sister. Why dream of chickens and live chickens can portend that someone will return to your life after a long period of separation, this event will bring joy and happiness. The dream, in which the girl had a dream, can also reflect worries about the health of her mother or sister.
  • Why do little chickens dream of a woman - most often this means that she will soon become a mother. According to the dream book, a chicken with chickens for a woman says that soon all her free time will be taken up with household chores and caring for the future of children. To dream that a lonely chicken is running after you warns of the appearance of someone who will cause inconvenience.
  • Why dream of yellow chickens for a man - this indicates imminent success at work. Even if right now it seems to you that things are not going uphill, do not rush to conclusions. Soon you yourself will understand that everything is not at all as bad as you thought. A big cash reward awaits you. It is highly likely that you will open your own successful business.
  • According to another interpretation, what a man dreams of a lot of chickens means that soon a weak person will turn to you for help with a request for protection, which you cannot refuse. And if you dream of a running chicken, be careful. Such a dream speaks of possible financial losses and turned away luck.
  • For a child in a dream, a chicken symbolizes himself. If the chicken is healthy and cheerful, then the baby is happy and satisfied. If the chick is lethargic and sick, then the child is upset about something. A dream in which a child sees a dead chicken means worries about failure. Talk to him, explain why something did not work out for him and cheer him up. This will quickly dispel his bad mood.

Dreamed of little yellow chickens

Yellow in a dream is a symbol of life. It is the color of energy, the sun, wealth, generosity and intelligence. Dreams in yellow colors speak of the need to act, enjoy life and have fun. Dreams of yellow color also symbolize awareness and high hopes for the future. One of the main associations with yellow is the sun, summer and warmth. Therefore, the yellow color in a dream also symbolizes warmth and love.

And why do little yellow chickens dream - a lot of bright-colored chicks means wealth. Your income will skyrocket soon. At the same time, you will not put much effort into this, and you will not incur much responsibility. You will spend money, wallow in luxury and enjoy.

There is a high probability that you will reveal your talent, which will bring a high income. You can become a famous person, like a movie star. If you are engaged in scientific activities, you will make an important discovery in the scientific field.

The second meaning, yellow chickens in a dream, what is it for, they symbolize strong love and affection for your children. But do not get hung up on this, otherwise you risk spoiling them. Why do chickens dream of a woman suffering from infertility, such a dream promises an unexpected pregnancy.

Seeing a lot of chickens - what does it mean?

  • As the dream book says, small yellow chickens make big profits. A lot of chickens in a dream can also mean that you highly value friendship and love your friends.
  • If you are a young girl, then such a dream speaks of the habit of gossip. Soon, thanks to this, you will make enemies for yourself. Remember that "language will not lead to good."
  • And if you have a dream in which the chicken is losing feathers, it means that, on the contrary, one of your friends is spreading gossip about you.

See the chicks and the mother hen with them

  • As almost any dream book will tell you, a chicken with chickens in a dream warns you of an imminent addition to the family. If you were thinking about starting planning for the birth of a child, then the most favorable period has come.
  • Sleep, chickens are small and the chicken in which they look unhealthy or ugly means that in the near future you may have problems with the health of the reproductive system of the body. Serious hormonal disruptions are possible.
  • Seeing a lot of chickens in a dream that surrounded the mother hen and squeak is a warning - check your health. You may get sick soon. This will throw you off balance for a while. Try to have people nearby who will help you in everyday matters.
  • To see how a chicken lays eggs - to wealth. If a hen lays black eggs, wealth will float out from under your nose.

Seeing in a dream how chickens hatch from eggs promises you harmony and happiness.

See the process of hatching from eggs

It means that a period of happiness and complete peace will soon come. Most likely, you will finish some important business and feel great satisfaction from this. You may even receive an award or recognition for your accomplishments.

Another meaning of sleep is that you are in the process of spiritual growth, and the hatched chicken speaks of an imminent "enlightenment." Some interpreters claim that to dream of a chicken hatching from an egg is a symbol of the approach of small problems.

Seeing dead chickens and chicken meat

  • Why do dead chickens dream - in general, such a dream indicates the approach of good luck. Read also:.
  • For a young man, a dead chicken in a dream means a quick love relationship. Several beauties will be located to him, one of which he will choose.
  • A dream about a dead chicken, which causes a feeling of fear, suggests that you are cowardly and unable to fend for yourself;
  • Cooking a chicken dish in a dream means that someone wants to harm you. You already guess who it is. Try to keep yourself away from this person.
  • If you cook a dish of fresh, beautiful and healthy chicken, this predicts wealth and prosperity for you. Cooking in a dream a store-bought or stale chicken, on the contrary, speaks of financial losses.
  • Some interpreters argue that the dream in which you eat cooked chicken symbolizes your selfishness, which causes suffering to those around you. Try to become less intolerant and stubborn person.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Seeing chickens in a dream - what is it for? In most cases, a chicken in a dream is an auspicious sign. For those people who dream of children, he promises an increase in the family, and for those who strive for wealth, he promises success and prosperity. This is the general meaning of the dream, but there are also nuances that are explained in different ways by interpreters. Each dream book of what chickens dream of interprets a little in its own way. So let's look into the most interesting and popular dream books of our time and compare their chicken predictions to find similarities and differences in interpretation.

Miller's dream book - replenishment in the family

Seeing chickens and chickens in a dream promises joyful events, basically such a dream is a dream to increase the family. This may mean an early pregnancy, or maybe the arrival of long-awaited relatives or friends.

According to this dream book, small chickens symbolize a large number of small things, some of which can bring good profits.

If a chicken squeaks and tries to bite you, then soon someone close to you will be angry with you and try to offend. Take it easy. Soon this person himself realizes that he is acting stupidly and apologizes. And if you enter into conflict with him, then the situation will turn against you.

Wangi's dream book - good news and surprises

If you saw a chicken in a dream, then pleasant chores await you. If you dreamed of chickens with a mother chicken in a dream, this is a pleasant surprise. A lot of chickens and hens means the arrival of guests and a fun feast. Feed a chicken - get an unexpected gift.

A dream in which you eat uncooked chicken or try to bite it is a bad sign. You need to solve all household problems as soon as possible, otherwise they can lead to disastrous results.

Freud's dream book - you dream of children

A chicken or chicken in a dream is a sign of fertility and femininity. Most often, dreams involving hens and chickens are dreamed of by women and characterize their feminine qualities. For example, for a girl, a chicken in a dream means fear of intimacy and inexperience. Why does a woman dream of a chicken - such a dream symbolizes the desire to become pregnant.

If a man dreams of a chicken or a chicken, then a woman or a girl has appeared in his environment, which corresponds to his ideals. Feeding a chicken means soon meeting an inexperienced partner. And to see chickens in a dream, a lot of chicks, speaks of health problems.

Modern dream book - unexpected wealth

  • To see a chicken in a dream - to unexpected wealth;
  • If you saw a beautiful big chicken, then great love awaits you;
  • An egg-laying hen promises good news;
  • A dream in which a rooster is chasing a chicken portends problems and disagreements in the family.
  • If you often see a mother hen with a brood in a dream, then you worry too much about your children. Such a dream signals that you need to calm down and give the children a little more freedom.
  • If in a dream you are treated to a chicken dish, then soon you will fall under someone's influence;
  • Cooking a chicken yourself in a dream speaks of your independence and determination;
  • A dream in which a rooster is surrounded by chickens means that you will win a large amount of money. But this must be kept secret, because someone will try to rob you.

Egyptian dream book - spend a lot of money

As this dream book says, small yellow chickens mean that a large amount of money will be quietly spent on all sorts of little things. Catching chickens - part-time job, overtime. To feed - to squander money, to waste stocks irresponsibly.

Italian dream book Meneghetti - a big responsibility

Chickens in a dream, which means such a dream: responsibility for the safety of fragile items. Perhaps you have to look after a group of children or transport easily breaking cargo. Feed the chickens - care for fragile things, cleaning, etc.

There are many dream books, each of which interprets little yellow chickens in a dream in its own way.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers - Little Trouble

Somehow harm the chicken, kick, crush - offend someone. Catching is a lot of small but tedious tasks. Feed - your activity leads to unpleasant consequences.

Assyrian dream book - chores and fuss

Chickens - vanity and wrong decisions. Vain efforts, lack of success in business, a lot of trouble and small things. Chicken with a brood - problems with raising children. Fighting chicks - your selfishness prevents you from communicating with people.

Psychoanalytic dream book - small things

Chickens are your chores and worries, many of which are not worth the attention and time that you devote to them. Try to figure out which of the many small things can be temporarily shelved.

Druid Dream Interpretation - Stock Up

To see chickens feeding or drinking water - to stock up for the next year, order expensive gifts. To see trembling chicks is to seek protection from unworthy people. Brood in a box - abundance on the table and wealth in the bins.

Big dream book - empty rumors

Little chickens - minor troubles and fruitless fuss. Seeing in a dream how they hatch from eggs is to believe empty rumors or superstitions. A chicken with little chickens in a dream can be a prediction of problems with raising children.

Family dream book - you need rest

Seeing a lot of chickens in a dream means that you are tired of constant employment and do not see the end of the chores, believing that only you can handle them. Learn to accept help from outside and give yourself the right to rest.

Dream Interpretation Fortune Telling House - the threat of theft

In a box - you are in uncomfortable climatic conditions, you should think about a vacation in warmer climes. Drinking water - replacing work partners, business will not bring the desired effect. Noisy or randomly running - a threat to your home, theft, loss of important things.


If you saw a chicken in a dream, then a joyful event awaits you ahead. Get in a good mood. Fate is preparing generous gifts and surprises for you. However, do not forget that nothing happens just like that. Thank fate for its gifts and loved ones for their warmth and love. In case of great success, remember that the other side of it can be pride and vanity, so cultivate kindness and modesty in yourself.

Video "Why do chickens dream"

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