How to stop a cold if you feel it coming. How to quickly and effectively beat a cold: a simple treatment regimen (video)

We call the common cold an ailment associated with various infections respiratory tract. As a rule, they are accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose. You can get a cold at any time of the year. It is enough to supercool your feet or get caught in the pouring rain. Since the common cold is a frequent occurrence in people's lives, today there are many ways to overcome this disease.

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About a cold

Doctors talk about a cold as a consequence of hypothermia. Even in the middle of summer in hot weather, you can easily catch a cold, for example, after spending a few minutes under the air conditioner. The symptoms of a cold resemble many respiratory diseases, say, SARS and laryngitis. It is worth noting that respiratory diseases have different nature occurrence. The appearance of a cold is based on hypothermia, and SARS on viral infections. Many consider these diseases to be identical, due to similar manifestations.

How to quickly cure SARS

If a cold occurs from banal hypothermia, then SARS is due to the fact that an infection enters the human body, which is transmitted by air - by drip. With SARS, inflammation of the nasopharynx occurs and the following symptoms appear:

  • sore throat
  • cough
  • sneezing
  • runny nose

On average, the disease reaches its peak within seven days. But if you start treatment immediately after the first signs of SARS appear, then after 3-4 days a person feels much better. Similar diseases treated with both medicines and folk remedies.

lo who knows but red wine is powerful weapon against colds. The drink kills harmful microbes, especially when heated. In addition, it restores the internal resources of the body, energizes and reduces the symptoms of a cold to a minimum. If in warm wine, add fruit with high content vitamin C, and natural honey- the effectiveness of the tool rolls over. For this reason, mulled wine is an excellent drink, especially in chilly weather. It will warm the airways and increase immunity. original recipe mulled wine requires preparing a drink over low heat. You will need a bottle of red wine with the following ingredients:

  • orange slices
  • apple slices
  • a couple of slices of lemon
  • 2-3 cinnamon sticks
  • a few seeds of cloves
  • honey to taste

The wine, along with all the contents, must be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Infuse the resulting drink for 10-20 minutes, and then consume it warm. Please note - it is not recommended to drink more than 2 glasses at a time.

SARS treatment with beer

Another recipe from traditional medicine It's a hot beer with spices. It turned out that such an exotic drink has beneficial influence on the body. Using heated beer, a person receives the following benefits:

  • fat breakdown
  • strengthening the skeletal system
  • healing of the gastrointestinal tract
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • easier breathing with a cold
  • excretion of salts from the body
  • improved blood circulation
  • decline oxygen starvation internal organs especially the heart

Moreover, warm beer with spices has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect, and also soothes nervous system. There are many ways to treat colds with this intoxicating drink. Here are the most popular methods for you:

If the throat is sore, the use of compresses is recommended. Take a glass of beer, warm it up and add a tablespoon of honey. Soak a cloth or towel in the prepared liquid, and apply a compress to the throat.
A strong cough should be treated with beer infusion. To prepare it, you need to mix 0.5 liters of beer, 250 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of anise leaves and 2 tablespoons of chopped licorice root. Mix all the ingredients in an enameled bowl and place on water bath. In an hour, the broth will be ready. You need to use it 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
In 0.5 liters of beer, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, heat up and drink immediately. This recipe will relieve a lingering dry cough.
Remove pronounced cold symptoms a mixture of 0.5 liters of beer and 2 tablespoons of honey will help. Warm up the drink and take it in small sips, and then go under a warm blanket.

This is only a small fraction of the recipes for colds that many years of experience in traditional medicine can offer. In fact, there are many more. By the way, beer drinks should be treated, and not consumed in in large numbers for drunkenness.

We know that during colds you need to eat garlic. But there are methods that allow you to use an odorous plant externally. Cut the garlic into small cloves, divide into 2 parts. Then cut 2 strips of gauze, distribute minced garlic in them in equal proportions and twist. Insert the resulting flagella with garlic into your ears for 15 minutes. In this way, useful material will penetrate the nasopharynx, killing microbes. Over time, the duration of the procedure can be increased up to 30 minutes.

Treatment of respiratory diseases with improvised products

In addition to the described methods of treatment, there are many other recipes using products that are in every home. Almost everyone knows that at the time of the onset of the disease, you can have a powerful blow to microbes by drinking a glass of vodka with red pepper. Kiwi, citrus and taiga berries have a beneficial effect on immunity. Very useful various herbal decoctions and teas.

During the off-season, a person has every 100% chance of catching a cold, since it is during this period of time that the human body is very weakened and there is a large lack of vitamins. According to statistics, 5-6% of Russians suffer from colds almost every year.

It is important to remember that a cold must be treated as soon as possible. early dates in order not to get sick with the flu and other viral diseases in the future.

Symptoms of a cold

Most often, the symptoms of a cold last from 2 to 7 days. For a viral cold, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Aches all over the body;
  • Headache can be local (when the temples or frontal area hurt), or it can be intense, most often this happens when high temperature body. With complications (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), pain can be in the forehead and nose, aching and almost constant.
  • Runny nose;
  • Profuse sneezing;
  • A sore throat does not occur with any cold. The pain may be minor or it may be intense;
  • Elevated body temperature, most often ranging from 37.3 - to 38;
  • Cough, both dry and loose;
  • Eye pressure;
  • Nausea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Loss of strength (weakness);
Irs 19

As soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear, measures should be taken, because if you do not start treating this disease even at the most early stages, it can lead to serious complications. And grow into chronic diseases nasal and oral cavities (sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis and others).

For nasal congestion, sprays should be used, vasoconstrictor drops, lozenges, are currently being developed to combat symptoms while activating the body's immune system. you can learn more about the drug IRS 19, which fights ARI, nasal congestion, activates the body's immune processors.

Before use medicines you should visit the ENT, especially if it concerns the health of the child.

Cold prevention

There is no cure for colds and flu as such, as we treat only its main symptoms and manifestations. That is why the most main task a person should become timely prevention of this ailment.

A large number of cold viruses spread around a person. Microbes are able to maintain their viability for up to several hours, in order to avoid nucleation, it is necessary to wash your hands as often as possible with soap and other disinfectant. It is also recommended to use enough liquids, on average an adult should consume at least 2 liters of water.

It is worth noting the important observation of doctors, smoking and drinking man most susceptible viral diseases. This is due to the fact that such a person the immune system very weakened, it is because of this that viruses are able to easily penetrate the body. In order not to get sick, doctors recommend breathing fresh air before going to bed, doing all kinds of physical exercises and get enough vitamins.

Effective ways to treat a cold at home

So that the cold does not develop into more severe form diseases, it must be treated at the most early stages manifestations. So let's take a look at the most actionable advice to help fight colds.

  1. Lung ventilation. In order to avoid complications after a cold, it is necessary to actively ventilate the lungs by walking on fresh air preferably before bed.
  2. Breathe in warm steam. Doctors recommend using hot baths with fillers and water baths for these purposes. This method is great for getting rid of colds.
  3. Air humidification. In order to avoid nasal congestion, you need to ventilate and humidify the room as often as possible. Modern air humidifiers, which can be easily purchased at almost any store, are effectively suitable for such purposes.
  4. Washing the nose and mouth saline solution. This procedure can get rid of numerous bacteria that are located inside the body.
  5. Consume as much as possible more vitamin C found in lemon, parsley, garlic and honey.
  6. Drink chicken bouillon. Thanks to this method, you can get rid of nasal congestion and relieve a big sore throat.
  7. Eat honeycomb as often as possible and drink mulled wine.
  8. Do aromatherapy with onion or garlic.

At the very first signs of the manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to start taking special antiviral drugs and carefully work to strengthen your immunity. After all, thanks to a single treatment of the whole organism, literally after a few days there will be no trace of a cold.

The best protection against a cold is timely prevention, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, a cold still overcomes us. The fact is that microorganisms and viruses can live on untreated surfaces for up to 18 hours (until the virus finds its host). Viruses and bacteria penetrate the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes, spreading through the air with coughs, sneezes and even simple conversation. You may not be able to completely prevent a cold (SARS), but there are several ways to ease symptoms and speed up recovery (these methods also include frequent washing hands).


Part 1

Take Urgent measures

    If your throat starts to hurt, gargle with salt water. Gargling with salt water will help reduce inflammation and flush out mucus and phlegm. To dilute salt in water, add to a glass warm water 2.5 g salt (1/2 teaspoon), then gargle with this solution for 30 seconds. After rinsing, spit out the water, being careful not to swallow anything.

    Accept hot shower to relieve nasal congestion. A feeling of congestion and heaviness in the nose greatly aggravates the course of a cold. To get rid of congestion, stand under a hot shower and stand there for a while - the steam will help ease the heaviness.

  1. Use a saline nasal spray if you have a runny nose. Salt sprays are made from salt water and are designed to be sprayed into the nasal cavity in the treatment of the common cold. For the prevention and treatment of runny nose and congestion, use saline nasal spray. You will immediately feel relief.

    • Continue using the nasal spray every day until you feel better.
  2. Turn on the humidifier to maintain optimum humidity. The moisture in the air helps loosen the secretion of snot and mucus, avoiding congestion and heaviness. Put a humidifier in your bedroom to keep the air moist while you sleep. Also put a humidifier in other rooms where you spend a lot of time.

    • Remember to change the humidifier filter frequently, because a dirty filter can lead to problems with the humidifier. respiratory system. Read your humidifier's instruction manual to know exactly when to change the filter.
  3. If possible, skip school or work. It can be quite difficult to rest and drink enough water when you are working or studying. If you can, stay home and focus on your recovery so your condition doesn't get worse.

    • If you decide to take a day off from work, contact your superiors as soon as possible by phone or e-mail. State that you are ill and will not be able to attend, and apologize for the inconvenience. In addition, you can contact a therapist and get a sick leave.
    • If you think your boss is hesitant to give you a day off, ask if there is an opportunity to work remotely that day (if your specialty allows it).

Part 3

Take medications and supplements
  1. Take paracetamol or other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) if you have a sore throat, headache, and high fever. Paracetamol belongs to NSAID group, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects, thereby reducing the manifestation of cold symptoms. Follow the dosage recommendations (in the annotation to the drug) and do not take a dosage exceeding the daily allowance.

    • I must say that paracetamol and other NSAIDs do not fight SARS (colds), but only weaken the manifestation of symptoms, but they help control your condition, so you can focus on recovery.
    • Other common NSAIDs: ibuprofen, aspirin, nurofen, naproxen.
    • Paracetamol is also found in combined preparations"Brustan" and "Gevadal".
  2. To relieve cough and phlegm, try mucolytic or antihistamines. Over-the-counter antihistamines and mucolytics help relieve coughs and clear phlegm. Before use, be sure to read the annotation to the drug and do not mix several drugs at once, otherwise you may accidentally exceed the recommended dosage.

    • Do not give mucolytics and antihistamines to children under 5 years of age.
    • If you have an elevated arterial pressure, glaucoma, or kidney disease, be careful when taking over-the-counter drugs. Always read the package leaflet first and consult your doctor before starting a new drug.
  3. To help your body fight infection faster, take vitamin C or echinacea supplements. Although this issue is still considered controversial, studies have shown that vitamin C and echinacea supplements help reduce the severity and duration of a cold. Since these supplements are not harmful to the body, try them and see if they help you fight your cold.

    • Vitamin C ( vitamin C) in powder helps shorten the duration of a cold.
    • Before you start taking the drug, read the information about potential interactions different drugs and about them side effects(in the annotation to the preparation). If you have any medical conditions, before taking medicinal product or herbal treatment, consult your doctor.

Text: Olga Kim

Many people disdain advice on how to beat a cold: they think that a slight runny nose, coughing and slight weakness in the body can go away by itself. But here it all depends on the strength of your immunity, sometimes it can really cope with the onset of a cold on its own. But how to defeat a cold if the immune system has not been able to cope?

How to beat a cold: recognize the first signs

How to beat a cold? There is only one answer: "Treat!" If you feel that you are getting sick, take immediate action! main reason colds are viruses. And they spread through the body very quickly, so you won’t even notice how you are already lying in bed with a thermometer under your arm and a full set inflammatory processes in the body (runny nose, sore throat, cough). In this case, you are an irresponsible patient who ignored the first signs of a cold.

The first step to defeating the disease is to take a hot shower or bath. But don't stay there for a long time, 10-15 minutes is enough. Then immediately lie down under the covers and drink, already in bed, something hot and diaphoretic. For example, tea with raspberries or honey and lemon, or an infusion lime blossom. Linden is an excellent diaphoretic, do not be surprised if you wake up the next morning in a wet bed and the same wet pajamas. But on the other hand, the next morning the result is felt immediately (provided that you have taken action on time).

If you can not take a shower or bath, steam your feet with dry mustard (1 tbsp per basin of water). If this is not possible, rub your feet with vodka and wrap them in woolen socks immediately. In principle, vodka or vinegar, diluted in a ratio of one to two with water, should be rubbed all over the body, but it is advised to do this at a high temperature. If you have one, you need to drink cranberry or lingonberry juice - this is an excellent antipyretic. Remember how you breathed over potatoes? This recipe is timeless. Boil the potatoes, drain the water, put a towel over your head and breathe-breathe over it for 10 minutes.

How to beat a cold: dealing with the consequences

If the disease is already running and thriving in your body, not giving you peace and sleep, we will fight each of the inflammatory processes separately.

Help with a runny nose:

  • a foot bath with mustard helps, but this is contraindicated for people with heart and kidney diseases, as well as for varicose veins;

  • cotton swabs soaked in onion juice. Lay them 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes in each of the nostrils;

  • press the garlic and inhale its vapors - also effective remedy from a runny nose;

  • beet juice, cabbage or aloe helps. It should be dripped 3-4 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.

Help with cough and sore throat:

  • start rinsing it with a solution of furacilin. It is sold in tablets. Crush 1-2 tablets in a glass of warm water and rinse 4-5 times a day for 2-3 minutes. Mind you, this medicine doesn't taste good;

  • mustard plasters. Again, a recipe from childhood. Rub your chest first camphor oil before slight redness skin. Then put mustard plasters on your chest at night. The next morning, the sore throat should subside.

  • radish juice with honey excellent tool with dry cough. Cut a deep hole in the washed radish, fill it with honey and leave for 3-4 hours. Then take the resulting medicine for 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals and at bedtime.

Unfortunately, no one has yet come up with a vaccine for the common cold, because the viruses that cause it change every year and they force us to fight them again and again. And why not ask every time the question “How to beat a cold?” You need to constantly take care of your body and maintain its immunity.

And the first thing everyone runs to the pharmacy to replenish stocks of medicines. Antiviral and immune preparations, cough drops, nose drops - and this is just the beginning. But the treatment began, but there was little sense. Neither cough nor runny nose go away for one or two, as the annotations to the drugs promise.

In fact, mild cold- this is not the case to drink pills in handfuls. This will only reduce the already weak immunity, will contribute to the development of malaise. But folk remedies will be the best assistants in this matter.

AT dangerous period epidemics, for prevention, you can start gargling with a solution of soda and salt. In saline-alkaline environment pathogenic bacteria die, which prevents the development of the disease. Chopped onions or garlic, placed around the apartment in small plates, will also help clean the room from viruses. Half a teaspoon of grated or dried ginger in evening tea will quickly give up its positions. And how much medicinal herbs can help a weakened immune system!

For example, rosemary tea activates blood circulation and will help to cope with malaise in a matter of days. If there is no temperature, then you can make a foot bath with a few drops of rosemary essential oil. It helps a lot with aches and chills.

Sage can not only toothache but also the throat. With angina, a decoction of sage is simply gargled, and in the treatment of respiratory organs, it should be drunk 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Thyme (thyme) is a real storehouse of useful. It is an antiseptic, antispasmodic, and wound healing. When coughing, it is used as an expectorant. Thyme oil, with the addition of almond oil, you can rub your chest with bronchopulmonary infections, as well as take inside a tincture of thyme. With a runny nose, inhalations with a decoction of thyme help well.

Lavender flowers are not only a good antiseptic. Lavender restores strength, improves cerebral circulation. To prevent colds, you can inhale essential oil lavender. This can be done with an aromatic lamp or, carefully and little by little, with a handkerchief.

A decoction of mint helps reduce fever, so it is useful during a cold. Mint tea. Peppermint oil relieves headache. To do this, rub a couple of drops into the skin at the temples.

Young shoots of marjoram are good for a cold. This plant is real. natural antiseptic. A decoction of marjoram is used for inhalation, essential oil, like lavender, helps with aromatherapy, and alcohol tincture should be applied to the points at the base of the wings of the nose. This reduces mucosal inflammation and makes breathing easier.

Methods for treating colds are known to many, but for some reason few people use them. It's not just a cure, it's general strengthening, saturation with vitamins. natural remedies mobilize the forces of the body and allow you to independently overcome the disease. Tablets won't help.

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