What is a complete oral hygiene. The importance of oral hygiene for the health of teeth and gums. “Is it possible to sanitize at home?”

Every person, both an adult and a child, has to go through at least once in his life medical commission. And often, at the same time, a remark appears in the medical card or bypass sheet after examination by the dentist: “Rehabilitation of the oral cavity is necessary.” Not all people know what it is, they get scared and avoid the dentist in every possible way, believing that they are in danger of a serious and painful operation.

Sanitation of the oral cavity should not be frightening - it is recommended for almost everyone, and often the event is limited to the removal of tartar and carious spots on tooth enamel.

But if there are serious problems, then sanitation oral cavity and teeth will help to identify and eliminate them before inflammation develops and makes itself felt with swelling, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. What awaits the patient at the door dental office, if sanitation of the oral cavity is indicated to him?

What is the procedure

In the language of doctors, the sanitation of the oral cavity and teeth is a series of procedures and activities, the main purpose of which is to detect and eliminate any dental pathology. These include:

  • removal of tartar and soft touch;
  • elimination of minor defects in tooth enamel by filling and remineralization;
  • caries treatment;
  • treatment of periodontal diseases;
  • removal of untreated teeth, pulp and roots;
  • treatment infectious diseases oral cavity - candidiasis, stomatitis, etc .;
  • orthodontic and orthopedic measures.

With the help of sanitation of the oral cavity, all functions are restored dental system, aesthetic appearance of the dentition, the procedure also improves general condition organism, since the focus of infection in the oral cavity can be the cause of a number of diseases of other internal organs.

For events, a drill, ultrasonic and laser therapy, medications(mineral and antiseptic solutions), filling materials and, if necessary, various orthopedic constructions and fixtures.

Antibiotic treatment is required only if it is not possible to stop the inflammatory process and stop the spread of the infection in another way. Or oral diseases are a complication of another bacterial disease that requires antibiotic therapy.

When is oral hygiene indicated?

There are several types of sanitation of the oral cavity:

  1. Planned or treatment-and-prophylactic. It is carried out in without fail in preschool and educational institutions, military units, at some enterprises and industries, whose employees are on dispensary care.
  2. Individual. In this case, the patient own will refers to the dentist for treatment and prophylactic procedures.
  3. Periodic or one-time. This form of sanitation is carried out for narrow groups of people, if it is included in the medical examination plan.

Sanitation of the oral cavity can be carried out centrally - in the conditions of a dental office in a clinic or hospital, or decentralized - in an office at an enterprise, in a preschool or educational institution. AT countryside teams of dentists travel on specially equipped buses to carry out activities for the population that does not have regular direct access to dental services.

  • surgical intervention is planned;
  • the child enters Kindergarten, school or university;
  • a woman is planning a pregnancy or is already in a position;
  • a long business trip, business trip or trip is ahead;
  • a person works in a hazardous chemical industry or in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions, which can threaten the health of the teeth and oral cavity.

There are no contraindications to rehabilitation as such, only some of its stages can be postponed for some time. For example, pregnant women are not recommended to remove teeth in the second trimester of pregnancy - it is better to do this in the first or recent months, or even after childbirth, if the condition of the tooth allows.

Some chronic or acute diseases, taking certain medications can also be the reason why the sanitation will be postponed to a more favorable period.

Stages of sanitation of the oral cavity

Procedure in rare cases limited to one visit to the dental office. Often you have to connect a therapist and narrow specialists: an orthopedist, an infectious disease specialist, an immunologist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a surgeon. Complete sanitation of the oral cavity includes the following steps.

  1. Initial examination of the patient's teeth and oral cavity. After the examination, the doctor determines which measures are necessary and develops a treatment regimen, coordinating it with the patient.
  2. If there are fungal or infectious diseases of the mucosa and gums, they are first eliminated.
  3. Then filling of carious teeth is performed.
  4. At the next stage, teeth are removed, which can be cured conservative methods does not seem possible.
  5. Finally, periodontal pathologies are treated.

Orthopedic operations - prosthetics, splinting, installation of braces and other bite-correcting structures - are carried out only after all defects have been eliminated. At the request of the patient, the procedure of whitening, mineralization, varnishing and polishing of teeth can be performed.

Sanitation is usually carried out using local anesthesia. Patients who experience a pathological fear of the dentist are prescribed a course of treatment before starting the procedures. sedatives. AT severe cases rehabilitation can be carried out general anesthesia. When serving children, as a rule, a child psychologist is involved.

AT good clinics after complete sanitation of the mouth, the doctor conducts training sessions on correct use hygiene products for home care behind the teeth: toothbrush, dental floss, paste, powders and rinses, irrigator. You should not refuse such classes, as a rule, the doctor gives valuable advice on the selection of optimal means and instruments for each patient individually.

Regular and proper care behind the teeth and oral cavity at home - this is a guarantee that the next planned or individual sanitation of the teeth and oral cavity will not be curative, but preventive.

To get a sanitation of the oral cavity, you can make an appointment with a dentist in the district free clinic or contact a private specialist. In any case, this event will cost less than the treatment of dental pathologies in a neglected form after a few months.

Sanitation of the oral cavity - what is it? Such a simple question may arise in many people. So there is nothing complicated here, and in translation from Latin, reorganization is translated as - treatment, or recovery. This is a set of procedures aimed at preventing and necessary treatment diseases, affecting the cavity mouth. When sanitation of the oral mucosa and teeth is carried out, an examination is carried out, diseases, such as caries, are detected, and the necessary treatment is carried out.

Also, during the examination, various histological defects are identified and eliminated, decayed teeth are removed, and dental deposits are removed. In addition, in case of detection of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and other diseases, the necessary anti-inflammatory measures are taken.

The procedure involves a number necessary activities which include:

Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist. Identification of possible diseases;

Elimination of dental deposits (bacterial soft plaque, tartar);

Treatment of detected diseases and their complications (caries, periodontitis);

Treatment of non-carious lesions;

Carrying out the necessary therapy of gums, periodontium. Anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out in case of detection of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, tongue diseases;

The necessary removal of decayed teeth and their roots, wisdom teeth, if they interfere or are located in the wrong position;

Carrying out measures to correct the bite and prosthetics, if necessary.

During rehabilitation, all the necessary types of therapy are used, which are aimed at eliminating the source of infection. Antibiotics are usually not used in this case, so as not to form bacterial resistance to it.

Conventional instruments are used, such as a dental bur, which is used to mechanical cleaning. Carry out treatment with ultrasound or laser, be sure to carry out antimicrobial rinsing of the mucosa and teeth.

Impact of oral infections on general health

In this regard, sanitation measures are aimed at healing and treatment. After all, as you know, the oral cavity can be a source of various common diseases. That is, an infection that develops in the oral cavity easily spreads throughout the body.

For example, according to experts in the field of dentistry, such chronic infections cause the development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, there is a direct connection: the more infectious foci in the mouth, the more atherosclerotic plaques appear in the blood vessels.

Besides, similar infections are one of the main reasons for the development chronic tonsillitis in children, as well as the cause of rheumatic lesions of the heart, bones and joints.

In addition to infectious diseases, there are also viral diseases mucous membrane and are found quite often. They can have a chronic or latent course, that is, they develop slowly and imperceptibly. The most common disease is herpes.

Manifestations of the herpes virus are similar to other viral diseases, for example, chickenpox. First, a fluid-filled vesicle (vesicle) appears on the mucosa, after which it transforms into a painful sore. Viral diseases, usually, are manifestation of the general diseases of all organism.

Often on the oral mucosa are detected and fungal diseases. These include, for example, the well-known candidiasis (thrush).

Thus, we can say with confidence that the classical sanitation of the oral cavity is the key to good health the whole organism.

Sanitation forms

There are three forms of these events:

- Individual. When a patient goes to the dentist on their own. After which he is given full course necessary activities.

- periodic(one-time). It is carried out in certain, limited groups of the population, on the basis of a plan of developed measures for clinical examination.

- Planned sanitation of the oral cavity (therapeutic and prophylactic). Systematic work to detect and treat diseases of the oral cavity in certain groups of people who are on dispensary care. For example, it is carried out without fail in all preschool institutions, schools, military units and commissariats (conscripts) and industrial enterprises.

There are also centralized and decentralized methods of sanitation.

With a centralized - the procedures are carried out in medical institutions.

With decentralized - procedures are carried out in special treatment rooms that are available at enterprises or schools.

Often a team method is carried out, in which a medical team consisting of doctors with nurse and a nurse on a specially equipped bus. They carry out sanitation of workers or the population.

This procedure is simply necessary for patients awaiting surgery. This will help prevent possible complications. Sanitation is also needed for those who are going to go on a long business trip or expedition. But this is especially true for women who are planning a pregnancy or are already expecting a baby. Be healthy!

The health of many organs depends on the state of the oral cavity, since dangerous microorganisms easily penetrate into all internal systems with food and saliva.

We list only a few diseases caused by pathologies of the teeth and: rheumatic lesions of the heart, bones and joints, viral infections kidneys and liver, chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.

How to protect yourself from this? - a question that only a few think about. Let's talk about what sanitation of the oral cavity is, as well as how and why it is carried out.

What does oral hygiene mean?

Under the sanitation of the oral cavity is understood a complex of health-improving measures of a therapeutic and preventive nature, carried out in order to identify and eliminate dental diseases and other pathological processes and disorders.

The concept is quite broad and includes the following procedures:

It is extremely important to know how to properly care for them, so any questions regarding this, the mother should not ask her friends or grandmothers, but a qualified doctor.

The sanitation procedure in children is absolutely painless and is aimed at identifying carious processes, timely filling, saturation of teeth with vitamins and microelements, as well as the detection of possible orthodontic problems ().

An examination is mandatory before entering kindergarten and school. The task of parents is to prepare the child so that the doctor can establish a trusting relationship with him. Schoolchildren undergo sanitation at least once a year without fail.

Carrying out the procedure at home

Sanitation at home is not carried out. All that can be done without the help of a specialist is to properly care for the oral cavity: regularly, free hard-to-reach places from food debris, remove, carry out, etc.

It is impossible to independently assess the condition of the oral cavity, as well as the need for certain dental procedures.

It is worth understanding that modern medicine allows you to save the tooth in most cases, which means that the person does not have to undergo the procedure of extraction and subsequent implantation.

Timely access to a doctor is a guarantee that sanitation will be a short-term, painless and inexpensive procedure.

cost in dentistry

Improvement of the oral cavity can cost a person in different amounts.

If a we are talking about inspection and cleaning, the cost can be 2-3 thousand rubles.

If necessary, and sealing, the average amount of the check is 3 thousand rubles (one unit).

Orthodontic problems and bite correction can cost several tens of thousands of rubles.

Only one thing can be said unequivocally: the less often sanitation is carried out, the more neglected the problems with the oral cavity, which means the higher the price for the services of a professional.

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How is oral hygiene performed?

- a guarantee that a person will feel confident in absolutely any situation. The responsibility for maintaining the health of the oral cavity lies with each patient personally.

Not everyone pays attention to certain dental problems in time. Regular sanitation of the oral cavity is a guarantee that you will have to visit the dentist only twice a year and only for the purpose of prevention, not treatment.

Modern medicine deals not only with the treatment of diseases that have already arisen, but also with the prevention of their occurrence or complications. Dental problems take leading place among diseases. Dental services are considered one of the most popular, and such a disease of hard dental tissues as caries is common among representatives of any gender and age. Oral health is one of critical aspects healthcare. Problems of the maxillofacial area affect not only the aesthetic component of the quality of life, but also the communicative, mental and behavioral ones. Preventive dentistry considers the mouth not as a separate part of the body, but as a component of the whole organism.

It should be noted that prevention can be primary and secondary. Primary prevention- a set of measures that prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors on the development of the disease. The secondary is aimed at eliminating the expressed risk factors that can lead to the onset, complication and recurrence of the disease. Some authors highlight tertiary prevention, which is basically a set of rehabilitation measures. Such a procedure as sanitation of the oral cavity can refer to any kind of prevention, which will be discussed in this article.

Definition of sanitation

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of therapeutic and preventive measures to improve its condition, identify and prevent pathologies of a dental nature. It is one of the most basic elements of preventive dentistry.

Dental sanitation includes the following activities:

Interesting! One third of sanation measures consists in patients complying with all doctor's recommendations at home ( hygiene procedures, power correction, reception medicines), which will vary slightly on a case-by-case basis. The rest of the activities necessary for a full reorganization are carried out professionally.

The recovery process can be classified as follows.

Sanitation is carried out in two ways: centrally and decentralized. In the first case, the process takes place in medical institution, and in the second case - on the basis of educational institutions and workplaces.

Decentralized sanitation method

Execution steps

The algorithm for professional sanitation varies depending on the indications and the specific condition of the oral cavity, however, in a generalized form, the sequence of manipulations and activities is as follows.

Important! This algorithm based on the list of services that are included in the sanitation of the oral cavity. The need for some activities is excluded during the examination and evaluation by the doctor himself.


To special indications for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity include the following.

  1. Preschool age.
  2. Some chronic diseases.
  3. Conscription or service in the army.
  4. The need for surgical intervention.

Each indication should be analyzed separately.


Sanitation like others preventive measures, it is best to carry out before conception. The whole complex services, including dental, are provided expectant mother because maternal and child health is the most important public health goal.

Pregnancy leads to huge neurohumoral changes in the mother's body, which is certainly associated with a high incidence of oral diseases. Calcium is necessary for the formation of the skeleton of a child. It is washed out of the bones. Changes mineral composition saliva, which together with hormonal disruptions leads to a decrease in local and general resistance to dental infections. This can lead to complications both during pregnancy and childbirth, and after the birth of the baby. More than ninety percent of pregnant women have caries, (inflammation of the gums) and periodontal disease.

Important! In a third of all pregnant women, lesions of intact teeth are possible.

Examination and improvement of the oral cavity of a pregnant woman should not be limited to a one-time appointment with a doctor. It is necessary to dynamically monitor the woman at all stages of pregnancy. The frequency of visits to the dentist during natural uncomplicated pregnancy in low-risk groups is once a trimester.

Exist unfavorable causes women's vulnerability to invasive dental procedures during pregnancy.

  1. Stress of a psycho-emotional nature, due to the very trip to the dentist and the expectation of unpleasant sensations.
  2. Long stay in horizontal position in a chair, which is a particular difficulty on later dates pregnancy.
  3. The need for use in the rehabilitation process.

Some factors can be prevented by increasing the awareness of the woman and the professionalism of the dentist, who will choose medicines for sanitation, taking into account all possible contraindications for baby and mother.

At the sixth week of pregnancy, a woman's blood circulation becomes hyperdynamic in nature: the filling of blood vessels increases, the pulse quickens. In pulse pressure increases, and arterial pressure is often lowered. At the end of the second trimester and in the third trimester, pressure surges are possible.

Important! Such unstable hemodynamics and inadequately intense cardiac output increases oxygen uptake and nutrients. This can lead to cardiopulmonary failure in response to prolonged lying and emotional stress.

Possible fainting, extrasystoles and hypertension up to eclampsia. Ten percent of women, when in a horizontal position, develop a syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava, the flow to the heart decreases, and arterial pressure. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspeptic symptoms (vomiting, heartburn), as well as reflux disease, are due to a combination of relaxed smooth muscle with an increase intra-abdominal pressure associated with horizontal posture. Therefore, the woman in the chair should be in a semi-sitting position.

When choosing medicines (especially anesthetics), it is important to take into account the fact that the reparative processes of bone structures and the process of restoring the antibacterial protection of the oral cavity in pregnant women differ from the norm. This is due to some changes in the body of the expectant mother.

  1. Iron deficiency associated with the presence of the fetus and placenta, as well as the need breastfeeding after childbirth.

  2. Calcium deficiency, which slows down and complicates the regeneration process bone tissue jaws.

  3. Immunosuppression in response to foreign fetoplacental antigens. Populations of T-suppressors predominate. The number of T and B-lymphocytes decreases.

  4. Anaphylactic reactions leading to the formation of microthrombi. Microthrombi isolate the antigens of the embryo from the immune defense system of the mother.
  5. It is not surprising that against the background of such hormonal, psycho-emotional and immunological changes, the sensitivity of the body of a pregnant woman can differ significantly from the reaction of a non-pregnant woman. All of the above makes a woman vulnerable to any invasive intervention, including dental, but the risk of development postpartum complications much lower in women who have had an oral cavity sanitation procedure.

    Important! The mineral composition of the child's milk teeth also depends on the general condition of the expectant mother.

    Maximum risk of having inflammatory processes in the periodontal tissues of a woman is noted in the second trimester, and the risk of cariogenic changes is increased in the third trimester.

    Important! Based on this information, the optimal time frame for conducting preventive sanitation oral cavity.

    Preschool and school age

    Dental preventive actions aimed at children, differ in a number of features. Caries in children is a fairly common problem that requires consideration age features not only the maxillofacial apparatus and other organs, but also psycho-emotional development. Special approach required for children who have dental phobia (which is a fairly common problem).

    Such instrumental methods studies such as probing and percussion of the teeth are difficult.

    Important! The examination is performed without instruments based on the anamnesis.

    The doctor collects information about antenatal and postnatal risk factors that contribute to the destruction of dental tissue and other dental diseases. Antenatal factors include features of the course of pregnancy and maternal illness. To postnatal - unformed hygiene skills, night feeding, excessive consumption of sweets and others.

    Important! Due to the increased frequency of stomatophobia in childhood and negative attitudes towards healthcare workers in general Special attention Preventive dentistry focuses on teaching the child the skills of sanitation of the oral cavity at home.

    Special attention is paid to planned reorganization in educational institutions. Primary sanitation is carried out in the first year of study (from six to eight permanent teeth), in the fifth grade (cut through all permanent teeth), in the ninth and eleventh. Secondary sanitation is carried out in the second, sixth and tenth grades. The rest of the time, the dentist observes the condition of the teeth of young patients.

    Interesting! AT preschool age rehabilitation begins at the age of three, since children at this time already have uncomplicated forms of future dental problems.

    Chronic diseases and other indications

    The oral cavity serves as an indicator of the state of a number of internal organs. Not surprisingly, some background pathological processes may increase the risk of dental disease. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, gastroduodenal peptic ulcer, arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    Important! Dental diseases can be the result of both chronic diseases themselves and their treatment.

    During reflux disease, acid enters the oral cavity and changes the pH of the mucous membrane, which leads to demineralization of the teeth and dysregulation of the number of microorganisms in hard and soft tissues oral cavity. Characterized by soft tissue lesions, enamel erosion and halitosis - bad smell from mouth.

    Arterial hypertension increases the risk of complications during dental procedures, since local anesthetics have vasoconstrictor effect. In addition, the risk of developing dental problems may be associated with chronic circulatory hypoxia.

    At diabetes there are changes in the composition of saliva, the structure changes salivary glands, the frequency of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity increases. Symptoms worsen neurological manifestations in the form of a sting. breeds pathogenic microflora, against the background of an immunosuppressive state, chronic diseases of the oral mucosa develop. The rate of repair of damaged tissues decreases.

    The need for sanitation of the oral cavity in persons of military age is associated with the prevalence of carious and non-carious lesions in this category, and odontogenic inflammatory diseases are one of common causes military hospitalizations.

    Important! Before surgical interventions the need for sanitation of the oral cavity is explained by the risk of infection spreading from foci of inflammation.

    Complications and possible errors

    Errors in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity are associated with the following factors:

  • technical violations during local injection anesthesia;
  • violation of the technique of surgical and therapeutic interventions;
  • choice local anesthetic without taking into account the accompanying somatic problems and possible hypersensitivity.

When choosing medications, the physician should consider the presence or absence of the following somatic lesions in the patient.

The above conditions and processes are accompanied by liver diseases, determine the risk groups for hypersensitivity and are taken into account when choosing a local anesthetic.

Preventive medicine is the most effective branch of medicine, which needs a competent formation of health programs and raising public awareness.

Interesting! Prevention is the result of high-quality and close interaction between healthcare systems, doctor and patient. oral cavity and maxillofacial area like any other human organ, should be considered as a component of the whole organism.

Also, the patient should adjust the diet, if necessary, - such a measure will also help to avoid diseases of the oral cavity.

Sanitation should not be only a set of dental procedures. In most cases, proper nutrition correction is necessary, which acquires special meaning with concomitant diabetes mellitus. An isolated perception of dental pathologies can lead to unforeseen and severe complications.

Video - What TV says about oral sanitation

To receive you need to beautiful smile, oral hygiene must be strictly observed. This procedure should be given at least 10 - 15 minutes a day.

If the prevention of dental diseases is treated “in a slipshod manner”, then after some time you can get very serious illness and lose teeth.

We all want to have not only beautiful, but also healthy teeth. In our time, modern medicine has gone quite far, doctors use in their work modern technologies and great equipment.

Therefore, dreams of beautiful and healthy teeth can and should be implemented by us. All you need is a regular trip to the dentist.

The word sanation in translation from Latin means recovery or treatment. Very clear and accessible designation of this concept. This is a set of effective procedures that are aimed at the timely prevention and treatment of all diseases that affect the oral cavity.

When examined by a dentist, already existing diseases (for example, caries) are detected and therapeutic measures are taken. Also, during the examination, the specialist eliminates the identified defects, such as decayed teeth and plaque.

It is possible that during rehabilitation can be identified the following diseases oral cavity:

Regular follow-up with a dentist is very important for children aged 15-16. During this period, permanent teeth are formed. And it is very important not to miss the moment and keep them healthy for the future.

Sanitation of the oral cavity must be carried out for people preparing for surgery, as well as for those who are planning long business trips, expeditions, etc.

Before planned sanitation, patients with increased nervous excitability are advised to take sedatives a few days before the procedure.

For those who are terribly afraid of dentists, the possibility of a complex is not excluded. medical measures under general anesthesia.

S.p.r. can be both on the personal initiative of a person, and planned. Planned sanitation is carried out in medical and sanitary units or clinics at the place of work or study.

First of all, planned activities for the detection and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity are carried out by the following categories of the population:

  • Workers of confectionery and flour-grinding industries. Employees of these enterprises are often diagnosed with caries.
  • Persons in contact with acid vapors. They show acid necrosis of the enamel.
  • Gingivitis is common among greenhouse workers.
  • Children who are in child care facilities. Namely: in kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, sanatoriums, camps, etc.
  • Conscripts and students of military schools.
  • To all women who are preparing to become a mother.

Planned rehabilitation is necessary for people suffering from chronic somatic diseases. This must be done in order to prevent the formation of foci of odontogenic infection.

Sanitation stages

Before the start of the rehabilitation, therapeutic measures are taken.
And only after that they move on to more radical measures: removal and orthopedic treatment.

Sequence of stages of execution of s.p.r.:

A set of measures that involves sanitation:

  • treatment ;
  • , not amenable to treatment;
  • conducting anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • elimination of defects in tooth tissues;
  • professional preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics or for;
  • bite correction.

The treatment plan may include the following procedures:

  • removal of tartar;
  • replacement of defective fillings;
  • carrying out procedures related to teeth whitening;
  • eradication of problems with the periodontal tissues;
  • getting rid of inflammatory processes.

Sanitation should be carried out by a dentist. If necessary, the patient will be referred to a surgeon or orthodontist.

After all the procedures have been completed, the doctor should make recommendations about the paste, and the rinse. It will not be superfluous to remind you of the rules for brushing your teeth, especially for children.

Many patients want sanitation to be completed in one visit. Unfortunately, this is not always a feasible task. Very often it is not possible to carry out all the work on the treatment at one time. Everything will depend on the "neglect" of the patient's mouth.

Sanitation of the mouth during pregnancy

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy should be carried out without fail.
And it is even better to do it during its planning.

As you know, during this wonderful period of every woman, some changes occur in her body. The process of metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins changes radically, minerals are poorly absorbed.

There is nothing wrong with this, but the expectant mother has to adjust her diet. In the body of a woman, processes occur, as a result of which the teeth become brittle.

The fetus takes all the calcium from the mother's bone tissue. That is why dentists insist on the sanitation of the oral cavity of pregnant women.

In pregnant women, tooth enamel is destroyed, and the pH of saliva also decreases. As a result, there is an intensive reproduction of bacteria in the oral cavity, and this in turn leads to caries.

Due to wrong mineral metabolism. On metabolic processes in the periodontium (periodontium is the tissue surrounding the tooth) have pernicious influence hormonal changes.

For this reason, periodontitis occurs. Almost all pregnant women suffer from gingivitis (inflammation of the gingival papilla). If the inflammation is not cured in time, periodontitis will begin.

From the foregoing, it follows that pregnant women need to visit a doctor for sanitation of the oral cavity.

If a focus of infection occurs in the oral cavity, it can adversely affect the fetus. A woman has no right to endanger her unborn child.

Pay attention to the following fact: if the mother did not carry out sanitation during pregnancy, this may adversely affect the baby's milk teeth. It is necessary to treat with great responsibility the birth of a new life. Damaged teeth in a mother are a danger for an already born baby.

Sanitation before pregnancy is a guarantee of their preservation during the bearing of a child. If you followed all the recommendations of the dentist before pregnancy, this is not a reason not to visit the doctor during it.

During pregnancy, caries develops much faster than before. So a woman in a position should not be passed by dental clinics.

AT modern hospitals all rehabilitation procedures are carried out painlessly and without harming the mother and unborn baby.


It will be very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. As we have already learned, the concept of reorganization includes several definitions.

The cost of treatment will directly depend on the procedures performed. For example, hygienic cleaning oral cavity costs from 1500 to 200 thousand rubles.

- this pleasure is not cheap. After the doctor evaluates the scope of work and selects suitable materials for filling, he will be able to tell how much the treatment will cost the patient.

Teeth whitening is not so expensive procedure. The cost will depend on the chosen method of whitening. Price policy this question is very broad. Therefore, if you are interested in how much teeth whitening will cost you, look for information on the websites of dental clinics in your city.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is quite safe and required procedure which must be carried out at least once every six months. Without the help of a dentist, you will not be able to identify the harmful processes that occur in your mouth. Only experienced doctor diagnoses a progressive disease.

Sometimes sanitation acts as a precautionary measure for many diseases of the oral cavity. Don't neglect her. By contacting the dentist in time, you can avoid serious problems with teeth in the future. Do not skimp on your health, do not wait until going to the doctor can turn into an insurmountable obstacle for you.

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