Does a disabled person of group 2 have benefits? Benefits for disabled people of the second group: a list and rules for registration. The activities of the medical commission for the examination

Disability is a social phenomenon that no society has been able to overcome. Any state, large or small, depending on the level of its development, on the chosen priorities and available opportunities, forms its own socio-economic policy to solve the problems of people with poor health and disabilities.

The scale of disability in a given country depends on the following main factors:

  • the state of health of the nation;
  • the quality of the health care system;
  • the level of socio-economic development of society;
  • participation in military conflicts.

Unfortunately, the number of people with disabilities in Russia is growing rapidly. But public policy towards people with poor health has a long history and tradition. In addition, there are charitable organizations and foundations to help the disabled in Russia. Benefits and compensations for people with poor health are never in any way correlated with their income. They are entitled to special rights (privileges) in all important areas of life - in health care, social security, employment, rehabilitation.

Benefits and compensations due to people with disabilities are not provided for by a single law, but are published in various legal acts. The system of benefits is so legally complicated that often individual norms either duplicate each other, or are completely mutually contradictory.

To facilitate the perception of the entire system of benefits for people with disabilities, it can be divided into three very conditional (in order to facilitate perception) groups:

1. By the form of provision

  • benefits that have a "moral" form, which are expressed in a priority or preferential right in something;
  • incentives in the form of money, such as tax credits,
  • free medicines, free or subsidized treatment, etc.;
  • Benefits in kind, such as free vehicles or wheelchairs, provision of essential groceries.

2. By the frequency of provision

  • provided with a large frequency or having a one-time nature, for example: installation of a home telephone free of charge, major repairs of living space belonging to a disabled person;
  • provided monthly, for example, in the form of compensation for part of the accrued housing and communal payments;
  • characterized by an annual frequency, which includes benefits for free travel once a year on intercity transport, as well as treatment in sanatoriums or special resorts.

3. For reasons of disability

  • invalids of war (combat operations) or categories of citizens equated to them;
  • disabled since childhood;
  • Chernobyl invalids;
  • visually impaired;
  • and other categories.

Recognition of a person as a disabled person is carried out after a medical and social examination (MSE), based on a comprehensive, comprehensive examination (and assessment) of the level of health and the degree of disability. According to the results of the survey, group 1, 2 or 3 (one of them) of disability can be assigned, and persons under the age of 16 years can be assigned a special, preferential category “child with a disability”.

Benefits and compensations for people with disabilities are provided depending on the established disability group.

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 in 2018-2019

  1. Provision of labor and special social pension, the amount of which is determined at the legislative level and does not depend on the length of service (exceptions are cases of disability as a result of intentional mutilation or in connection with criminal activity).
  2. Free provision of medicines according to the list of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation according to the prescriptions of doctors.
  3. Treatment in specialized sanatoriums is free of charge both for the disabled person himself and for the person accompanying the first one during the trip and during the stay in the sanatorium.
  4. Compensation for the cost of a train or plane ticket to the institution or place where medical procedures will be performed and back, once a year.
  5. The right to free travel in public public transport (however, except for taxis for obvious reasons), if the disabled person lives in a rural area, then in public vehicles, but only within the boundaries of the administrative district located at the place of residence.
  6. Compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of the rent (if the housing is state or municipal), as well as compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of utilities, despite the fact that this is a constant value that does not depend on belonging to a particular housing stock (read also:).
  7. A similar discount (at half the cost) for paying bills for the use of electricity and telephone (read also:).
  8. Disabled people of group I who need prosthetic limbs are provided with prostheses free of charge. The necessary orthopedic shoes should also be provided free of charge.
  9. A social worker is provided for weak and lonely persons to help with household chores or for shopping. Medical care for such disabled people is carried out at home.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

  1. Free travel in public public transport (however, except for taxis again), and in public transport when a person with disabilities lives in rural areas.
  2. Once a year, travel to the place of treatment required by the patient is provided free of charge, the return journey to the home is also paid.
  3. The opportunity to purchase medicines prescribed, respectively, according to the prescription of the attending physicians with discounts, as well as to receive dressings for free, and also, if there is an ITU conclusion, medical products.
  4. Compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of the rent (if the housing is state or municipal), as well as compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of utilities, provided that the ownership of the housing stock is not important in this case.
  5. Discount of up to half the cost of electricity and telephone bills.
  6. Providing a discount (depending on the complexity of the product) when buying orthopedic shoes.
  7. A person with disabilities has the right to receive additional living space from the state, provided that his illness does not allow the rest of the family members to live comfortably with him (that is, either in the same room or in the same apartment).
  8. The right to priority provision of housing, provided that the person was recognized in the appropriate manner as in need of improving the quality of current housing conditions, or he has the right to receive additional living space on the same grounds.
  9. The right to free dental prosthetics (with the exception of precious metal dentures).
  10. The right to a benefit of 50% (exactly half) of the cost of notary services.
  11. Admission on a non-competitive basis to higher and secondary professions. educational institutions owned by the state, only subject to a positive (successful) delivery will enter. exams and compliance with the profile of the educational institution, that is, training should not be contraindicated by the medical certificate available to the disabled person. If a disabled person has entered and is studying at a state or municipal educational institution, then he is obligated to receive a scholarship and receive free (or on preferential terms) special teaching aids.

Tax exemptions are discussed in the relevant section below.

Benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group

This section deals with benefits for non-working disabled people.

  1. The right to compensation, indicated by a value of 50% of the amount of services (in other words, travel) of intercity lines of all types of transport: rail, air (air), road or river for the period from October 1 to May 15, as well as in another season, but only once (respectively, there and back).
  2. Providing discounts for certain types of orthopedic shoes.

Tax exemptions are discussed in the relevant section below.

Benefits for working disabled people

  1. The right to purchase certain types of medicines and medical devices for the appropriate purpose (that is, prescribed by the attending physicians) at a 50% discount.
  2. Payment of half the cost of a sanatorium voucher and travel expenses to the place of treatment and back. The second half of the cost is paid at the place of work from the appropriate fund (social insurance).
  3. The reduced duration of the working week, that is, the working week of a person with disabilities, for any reason, should not be more than 35 hours, and the wages remain unchanged.
  4. Annual leave must be at least (that is, at least) 30 days (not working, but calendar).
  5. Once a year, a disabled person has the right to receive leave (though unpaid, that is, without pay), at any time convenient for him, provided that the duration is less than 60 days (again, calendar days) inclusive.
  6. A disabled person cannot be involved in overtime work assignments, as well as work activities on holidays and weekends (when most employees rest), and on night shifts (time) without his written consent.

Benefits for people with disabilities since childhood

People whose disability occurred before the start of their labor activity, before the age of 16 (or for persons undergoing training - up to 18 years), are called disabled since childhood. The disability group for children is not established.

Disability since childhood is mentioned as a cause of disability, but not the category of disabled person itself. Upon reaching the age of 18, a person is assigned a disability group.

  1. Children with poor health are provided with a social pension, they have the right to receive the necessary medicines free of charge, taken as prescribed by doctors, the right to medical rehabilitation means, they are provided almost out of turn (in the forefront) with places in preschool, health or treatment-and-prophylactic institutions. Benefits are provided for mothers or other persons (usually guardians) involved in raising a disabled child. An unemployed but able-bodied person providing necessary care for a disabled child who has not yet reached the age of 16 is entitled to compensation in the form of 60% of the minimum wage.
  2. A mother who has raised a disabled child before she reaches the age of 8 is entitled to a pension upon reaching the age of 50, provided that her total work experience is more than 15 years inclusive.
  3. The total work experience includes (at the level of working hours) the period of time required to care for a child with disabilities, if such permanent care is provided for by the conclusion of a medical institution.
  4. Labor legislation also provides for benefits for a working parent or guardian of a disabled child.
  5. A child with disabilities and one person accompanying him/her have a special right to travel on any type of public transport (except taxis) free of charge.
  6. Families that include a disabled child are provided with a subsidy in the form of payment of 50% of the cost of rent (if the housing is state or municipal), as well as compensation in the amount of 50% of utility bills, provided that the property has lived. The fund is not affected in any way. In addition, there is a 50% compensation for the use of a telephone and a radio station.
  7. Medical care for disabled children is provided free of charge.
  8. They have the right to undergo treatment in a sanatorium, appointed according to an individual rehabilitation program.
  9. According to the conclusion of the ITU doctors, they are given bicycle carriages or wheelchairs free of charge at the place of residence.
  10. Also free of charge are given means that make life easier for sick children - handrails, accessories for the bathroom, toilet, etc.

Tax exemptions are discussed in the relevant section below.

Benefits for persons of all categories of disability

  1. Disabled people of all groups have the right to count on a cash benefit, which is formed as a result of adding pension accruals, respectively, for disability and monthly cash payments.
  2. The amount of pensions is determined for each disability group separately and indexed annually. The size of the pension can be increased, but this will already depend on the number of so-called dependents of persons in the care (or provision) of a disabled person.
  3. Disabled people of all groups (1, 2, 3), as well as families with a disabled child, are given the right to receive (acquire) a land plot in the first place. Land plots close to the place of residence of a disabled person are suitable for individual housing construction, for running a summer cottage or subsidiary farming, as well as gardening.
  4. The right to free (or on very favorable terms) the acquisition of the technical means necessary for the individual in rehabilitation - specially equipped cars or motorized wheelchairs, as well as free repair of these technical means as a matter of priority. Compensation of expenses associated with the operation of these vehicles (TC). This benefit is provided only for relevant medical indications (conclusion of the main bureau of the ITU).
  5. The right to drive a vehicle granted to a disabled child is also transferred to an adult family member or a person replacing him, that is, a legal representative.
  6. Also, disabled people who have the necessary medical indications for the provision of a special vehicle, but who did not receive it for any reason, should be paid annual monetary compensation for transportation costs.
  7. The free services of social protection authorities (including social workers) are entitled to use those disabled people whose incomes are negligible, below the regional subsistence level.

List of home social services for disabled people

  1. assistance in providing a person with food, including home delivery of necessary products;
  2. some assistance in buying medicines and other goods from the category of essentials;
  3. assistance in obtaining the necessary medical care. assistance, which may include accompaniment of a disabled person to honey. institutions;
  4. maintenance in accordance with the hygienic requirements of the living conditions of a disabled person;
  5. providing the necessary legal assistance;
  6. assistance of various kinds during ritual services (read also:).

Tax credits for the disabled

  1. For personal income tax. The following incomes of individuals with disabilities are not subject to taxation:
  • all state benefits, payments and compensations received in accordance with the current laws of Russia;
  • state pensions;
  • the cost (full or partial) of vouchers to health or sanatorium institutions (except, however, tourist vouchers)
  • one-time financial (or other material) assistance in the form of assistance or targeted charitable assistance;
  • material (mainly financial) assistance to an employee who went on a well-deserved rest due to disability, in the amount of up to 4,000 rubles;
  • the cost of medicines (medicines) paid to a disabled person by an employer in the amount of up to 4,000 rubles.
  • Persons who received a disability as a result of the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, just like at the Mayak derivative association, as well as persons of 1,2 or 3 groups of disability received due to injury or other injury, shell shock in military operations necessary to ensure the protection of the USSR or the Russian Federation, are entitled to an increased amount of tax deduction when carrying out an operation withholding the amount of personal income tax in the amount of 3,000 rubles for each month included in the tax period.
  • Disabled people from childhood and disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are given a special right to a tax deduction when calculating the amount of personal income tax in the amount of 500 rubles (several times less compared to the previous example) for each month that is included in the tax period.
  1. On income tax. One of the parents who supports a child with a disability is granted a tax relief.
  1. According to the property tax in physical. persons. Inv-dy 1 and 2 groups, as well as people with disabilities from childhood are exempt from paying this type of tax collection (for property, that is). To receive this benefit, an ITU disability certificate and an application to the tax office at the place of residence of the disabled person are provided. A sample application is given below.
  1. By land tax. Inv-ladies of groups 1 and 2, as well as for persons recognized as disabled since childhood, the taxable base (cadastral value) is reduced in the amount of 10,000 rubles for one taxpayer in relation to a piece of land assigned to an individual on the basis of ownership, permanent perpetual use, inherited possession for life. If a disabled person owns more than one (several) plots, which, however, are within the same municipality, the taxable base is reduced when the land tax is calculated only in relation to a single plot (at the choice of the taxpayer).
  1. For transport tax. Transport tax is not charged on cars owned by disabled people (of all groups), providing for a special design, devices necessary for their use, as well as cars, the engine power of which does not exceed the legal threshold of 100 horsepower, acquired through direct contact with social authorities. protection.
  1. Inheritance and gift tax. Residential buildings and vehicles of all types (for example, cars) are exempted from taxation, passing to persons who are recognized as disabled of groups 1 or 2, in the order of inheritance.

Below is a sample application of a disabled person to the tax authorities for processing the benefits and compensations due to him:

Inevitably coming into contact with certain financial difficulties, the state has to reduce its attention to social issues. protection of people with very limited opportunities. For this reason, the development of a full-scale program that would regulate all aspects of the medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people is currently being postponed.

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The decisions being made are of a non-systemic nature and create significant difficulties in their application in practice, especially since some issues are resolved not at the federal, but at the regional level (according to regional targeted programs). Many people with disabilities do not know that they can receive prostheses, hearing aids, bandages, orthopedic shoes, dental and other types of assistance due to them on preferential terms.

As a support, for this category of people, benefits and compensations are provided, which are expressed in money or useful services.

What benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group

Taking into account the difficult moments in the life of this category of people, the state is trying to support them. It is important to know what benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group. Persons with disabilities can directly benefit from discounts and free services or replace them with appropriate monetary compensation.

Benefits for utilities

Persons with restrictions provided for by group 2 receive privileges for paying utility bills. In the housing and communal services sector, a 50% discount is provided for electricity, heating, gas, sewerage, garbage collection and water supply. If there is no centralized heating in the room where the disabled person lives, he must apply for the installation of a heating boiler. You will have to pay half of its cost for this service.

Social package for the disabled

The package of social services for people with group 2 health limitations includes:

  • free distribution of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • providing treatment in a sanatorium or resort, when recovery is provided for by indications for health reasons;
  • travel by trains and commuter trains, if the treatment takes place in another region, the road is free.

Benefits for disabled people of 2 groups from the social package have their fixed cost. A person can replace them with cash payments. To do this, you need to visit the nearest branch of the Pension Fund of Russia before October 1. If the application for refusal was submitted earlier, the document is valid until the person with a disability changes his position on this issue. You can apply for a waiver of the entire package or a specific service.

Provision of necessary medicines

Non-working disabled people of the 2nd group can receive preferential medicines prescribed by a doctor free of charge. Those who work receive a 50% discount on drugs and some medical equipment and devices.

People with disabilities of group 2 can receive free of charge or at half price:

  • medicines from the List of Medicines, which is established by the state or regional authorities (Moscow and the Moscow Region have their own approved lists of medicines and medical devices for the disabled, which are under the responsibility of territorial social services);
  • medical products from the relevant list;
  • drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Treatment in a sanatorium

The referral to sanatorium-resort treatment provides for the following procedure for registration:

  • The attending physician of a disabled person who has not refused social services, and the commission of the relevant medical institution, select and refer to a sanatorium.
  • Indications for the appointment of such rehabilitation are identified by the attending physician and the head of the department. In addition, contraindications are taken into account. On the basis of the conclusions drawn, the identified diseases, a conclusion is issued, which indicates the possibility or impossibility of conducting sanatorium treatment for this citizen.
  • A handicapped person is given a certificate on the recommendation of sanatorium-and-spa treatment. This document is valid for six months. During this time, a person with disabilities must submit an application for the need for a voucher to the Social Insurance Fund.
  • Having received an application and a certificate, the social organization is obliged to inform the disabled person in 10 days about the possibility of providing a ticket and the date of arrival at the sanatorium.
  • The voucher itself must be given to the patient no later than 3 weeks before arrival. With her, the disabled person must again contact the attending physician for an additional check.
  • In order to undergo treatment, a citizen is obliged upon arrival to provide a ticket and a sanatorium card.
  • The course of treatment in a sanatorium for a disabled person of the 2nd group is 18 days, for a child with disabilities of the same category - 21 days.

Benefits for personal rehabilitation facilities

People with disability group 2 have the right to free or at a discount the purchase of the necessary individual rehabilitation equipment, these include:

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  • Hearing Aids;
  • wheelchairs;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • dental prosthetics and other means.

Orthopedic shoes can be issued free of charge, at a discount, or at full price. It all depends on its complexity. Dental prosthetics free of charge does not include the manufacture of prostheses from expensive materials designed to stop high abrasion of teeth, periodontal disease, based on implants, crowns or bridges made of porcelain, metal-ceramic.

tax incentives

What tax benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group:

  • receiving a deduction of 13% from the sold or acquired housing, other property, the limits on the amount are R.;
  • the cost of vouchers to health-improving institutions purchased at the expense of the employer's money is not taxed if the employer has already paid income tax;
  • the purchase of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people working at the organization is made without paying taxes;
  • cash assistance up to 4 thousand rubles received by a worker from a former employer does not require tax deductions;
  • they are not deducted from the compensation received for the purchase of medicines;
  • persons with disabilities do not pay property tax on individuals;
  • calculation of land tax for persons with disabilities of the 2nd group is made with a 50% discount. If the site belongs to them;
  • if a disabled person has independently acquired a vehicle with a capacity of up to 150 horsepower and uses it, he is charged half the amount of transport tax;
  • tax benefits for notary services are 50%;
  • this category of citizens does not pay state fees for applications to courts of general jurisdiction and filing a claim on property if the amount of damage is less than.

Is it possible to work with 2 disability groups

Disabled people of the 2nd group can carry out labor activities according to the legislation, if there are no following contraindications for working conditions:

  • high physical activity (tilts, weight lifting, long walking, etc.);
  • neuropsychic stress (monotonous work, night shifts);
  • work with microorganisms, spores, bacteria, infectious agents;
  • increased concentration of chemical compounds, radiation, extreme temperatures, toxic substances;
  • insufficient or excessive lighting.

Disability pension 2nd group

People with disability group 2 are entitled to a pension, which can increase if the citizen has dependents:

  1. The pension for disabled people of the 2nd group who do not have children is 4383.59 rubles.
  2. In the presence of 1 child - 5844.79 rubles.
  3. Two children - 7305.99 rubles.
  4. If a pensioner has 3 dependent children, he is paid 8767.19 rubles a month.
  5. Additionally, people in this category are paid social assistance 2397.59 rubles.

Monetization of benefits for the disabled

The monetization of benefits for the disabled affected housing and communal services, travel by public transport, medicines and treatment in sanatoriums. In the case of utility bills, a citizen pays their full cost on a receipt, and then he must calculate compensation, which will go to a bank account. A monthly cash payment, involving the cost of travel in public transport, paying for a home phone, and others, is possible provided that the beneficiary prefers to receive a cash equivalent.

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Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Disabled status 2 groups

The laws of the Russian Federation provide for various types of support for citizens who are in a difficult life situation, who are in special need and due to any reasons, difficulties and obstacles in their daily activities. The category of citizens protected by special benefits includes people with disabilities who have congenital or acquired physical dysfunctions and diseases that prevent them from being fully realized in educational, labor or other activities. The Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995 No. 181 stipulates that 3 degrees of disability have been adopted in Russia, which in some circumstances provide for various benefits for each of them.

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Disability of the 2nd category is assigned to people who, due to any congenital malformations or subsequent injuries, need specially designed medical equipment or the constant care of relatives or other people, as well as special measures of social protection. Citizens with a disability of the 2nd degree may experience difficulty or inability to perform the following activities:

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  • physical and mental labor;
  • learnability;
  • interpersonal communication;
  • physical activity;
  • control of behavior in society;
  • orientation in space.

The limitation of the following functions in disabled people of the 2nd group is expressed to an average degree (stronger than in disabled people of the 1st degree and weaker than in disabled people of the 3rd degree).

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The list of diseases that affect people with a disability of the 2nd degree includes:

  1. Deterioration of vision, hearing and other sensory functions.
  2. Complications of the functions of the respiratory system and the circulatory system.
  3. mild mental disorders.
  4. Some speech disorders.
  5. physical disorders.

The category of disability is appropriately assigned by professional medical experts in a specially authorized institution. Establishing disability is a medical, social and economic process at the same time. As a result of the medical and social examination, the following are established:

  • Facts about disability.
  • Degree of work capacity.
  • Individual program of medical, social, professional correction.
  • Statistical registration of citizens with disabilities.
  • Medical and social protection program.
  • Information orientation of citizens with disabilities is carried out.

Social benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Citizens with a disability of the 2nd group are entitled to certain types of benefits at the federal level. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 in 2018 form the following list:

  • Payment of a special social pension.
  • An insurance pension paid on special, facilitated conditions.
  • Home social assistance.
  • Free travel by public transport (to the place of treatment and back).

It is important to know that often, in addition to federal benefits, benefits are provided for people with disabilities of the 2nd group at the regional level. For example, in Moscow, special regional supplements for disabled people have been introduced, in St. Petersburg - support for people with a 2nd disability group in the labor market.

Benefits for training disabled people of the 2nd group

People with disabilities have access to significant educational benefits. Citizens with the 2nd group of disability have the right to be enrolled in any institution of higher professional education of their choice, bypassing the stage of entrance examinations.

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Disabled people of the 2nd group studying in an educational institution may receive additional special scholarships. The availability and amount of these payments depend on the financing of scholarship funds of educational institutions.

Housing benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

People with disabilities of the 2nd group living in apartments owned by the state or other public housing stock are entitled to compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of housing and communal services. In addition, other utility benefits are provided for disabled people of the 2nd group, a discount is possible when paying receipts for electricity, light, water, buying fuel for houses without city heating. When carrying out a major overhaul of an apartment or house, half of the cost of the work is returned.

Some social housing benefits are also provided for disabled people living in privately owned houses.

When purchasing land plots for construction, the candidates of disabled people of all categories are subject to consideration in the first place.

Medical care for disabled people of the 2nd group

Citizens with disabilities enjoy significant benefits in the medical field, which are designed to maximize their opportunities.

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People with disabilities of any category can undergo free diagnostics and treatment in public hospitals and clinics, as well as receive free medical care from qualified people at home.

The state provides disabled people of the 2nd group with the provision of vital medicines free of charge or at a discount of 50 percent, while a prescription is not required. Also, for disabled people with sensory impairments, free installation and purchase of medical equipment that supports this function (for example, a hearing aid for hearing impaired people of the 2nd group) is provided.

In addition to free medical care, once a calendar year, people with a disability of the 2nd category have the right to provide vouchers to a sanatorium at the expense of public funds. Travel to the sanatorium-dispensary and a place for a relative or other accompanying person (if accompanying such a person is necessary) are also paid.

The procedure for applying for benefits

The process of applying for disability benefits of the 2nd group includes the following steps:

  1. Appeal to medical specialists.
  2. Passage of ITU.
  3. Providing a package of documents to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence.

List of required documents

The list of documents required for obtaining disability benefits of the 2nd group:

  • Certificate of assignment of disability of the 2nd group.
  • The passport.
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy.
  • Pension Certificate.
  • Other documents proving preferential status.


In the Russian Federation, citizens with the 2nd and other disability groups are a socially protected category of the population. This means that the state cares about their well-being in every possible way and provides them with numerous benefits designed to compensate for the relative limitations of such people.

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So, if you or your loved ones have or apply for a 2nd group of disability, it is useful to know that the state provides the following benefits to disabled people of the 2nd group:

  • Appropriate cash payments.
  • Free diagnostics and treatment in municipal hospitals and clinics.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses when sent to medical care institutions.
  • Provision of necessary medical preparations at a discount of up to 100 percent.
  • Provision of home medical and social care.
  • Free provision of vouchers to sanatorium-prophylactic institutions once a year.
  • Free education for children and adults in general, secondary and higher educational institutions and social scholarships.
  • 50% reimbursement of rent and maintenance of housing (from the state fund), payment of housing and communal services.
  • 50% discount on the purchase of housing plots.
  • Other social or medical benefits provided for by the legal documents of the region.

The most popular questions and answers to them on benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Question: I am 58 years old, I am a pensioner, as I took early retirement pension due to my extensive experience in production in the heavy industry. A few years ago, I received a work injury and was recognized as a hearing impaired group 1. In addition, a year ago I developed an articular disease that does not allow me to move long distances on my own. I would like to apply for the recognition of me as a disabled person of the 2nd group, which I am now, but I have lost some of the necessary documents. What should be done in this case? And am I entitled to additional benefits when changing the disability group?

Answer: In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled”, when applying for a disability, if the necessary documents are lost or missing, the underlying disease (the most severe) is indicated. The state contributes to the restoration of the necessary documents of the applicant, thereby facilitating the process of registration.

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Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

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Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group - compensations, payments, discounts, social services and other privileges, including means for individual rehabilitation (prostheses, wheelchairs), provided to persons with dysfunction of organs or body systems of moderate severity.

A disabled person of the 2nd group has the right to privileges in various areas of life. To find out what preferences of federal and regional significance are due to a disabled person and to receive them in a timely manner, you need to contact the pension fund, as well as visit the social security and tax authorities. The most significant benefit is the pension, which varies in size. A non-working person is entitled to a social pension, a person with seniority can choose a labor pension benefit.

Who should receive benefits?

To obtain a certificate and apply for assistance, you need to undergo an examination at the ITU Bureau, and then submit the following documents to the pension fund and social security authorities:

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  • certificate of disability from the ITU Bureau;
  • the passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • pension and other documents.

The effect of disability and the right to appropriate preferences lasts until the next medical examination.

What are the preferences

Disabled people of the 2nd group are prescribed the following basic preferences:

  • monthly pension allowance (about 4400 rubles) plus additional payments if there is 1 child in the care of a disabled person - 5844 rubles, 2 children - 7305 rubles, 3 children - 8767 rubles;
  • UDV - a monthly cash payment in the amount of about 2124 rubles. (when deciding to use the social package or some of the components, its cost will be calculated from the EDV);
  • discounts on housing and communal services: 50% for electricity, gas, water, heating, garbage disposal and sewerage (if there is no central heating in the dwelling, a disabled person can install a boiler at half price);
  • in their homes, people should be partially reimbursed for the cost of fuel;
  • medicines prescribed by a doctor free of charge for the unemployed and with a 50% discount for the employed;
  • rest and treatment in a sanatorium for medical reasons (vouchers are issued free of charge to the unemployed and at a discount to the employed, as well as at the expense of the employer if a person was injured at work);
  • payment for the road to the health resort;
  • free travel on trains;
  • tax preferences;
  • admission to educational institutions out of competition;
  • privileges in employment and vocational training;
  • 50% discount for notary services.

Additional preferences

Disabled people of the 2nd group are entitled to additional social services: care for a disabled person at home, assistance in obtaining certificates, etc.

Additional benefits include free breakfast and lunch for students in a school with children with a disability. To qualify for this benefit, parents must write to the school principal and provide a certificate of disability.

Also, disabled people should remember that their share in the division of the inheritance is at least 50%.

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Privileges in the field of medicine and healthcare: nuances

In addition to free medicines for the treatment of the pathology that caused disability, and sanatorium therapy, citizens with the 2nd group of health restrictions are provided with the following benefits:

  1. discounts on medical equipment, prostheses, including dental ones (except for expensive implants and crowns), various devices (wheelchairs, hearing aids, bandages, etc.);
  2. medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  3. orthopedic shoes on preferential terms.

Moscow has an expanded list of free or subsidized medicines and medical devices for the disabled.

To get a referral to a sanatorium, you need to contact your doctor and then follow his instructions. The duration of stay at the resort for adults is 18 days, for disabled children 21 days. The ticket must be handed out no later than 3 weeks before arrival.

tax incentives

In the tax area, preferences can be used when paying personal income tax, taxes on land, transport (up to 150 HP) and real estate, as well as when contacting a notary. In some cases, a person with physical disabilities is completely exempt from state duty. Do not pay beneficiaries and property tax.

Taxes are not deducted from payments from the former employer if they do not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

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An employee with a 2nd disability group has a favorable tax deduction (500 rubles). It is calculated as follows: 500 rubles are taken from the salary. and calculate a 13 percent income tax.

The tax deduction from the purchase / sale of housing and other property is 13%.

Employment of the disabled

Disabled people of the 2nd group should work no more than 7 hours a day (35 hours a week). They do not have the right to work forcibly in excess of the norm, on holidays and on weekends (only with the written consent of the employee).

Disabled persons are entitled to 30 days paid leave plus leave at their own expense up to 60 days.

Contraindications to the work of a disabled person are:

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  • high level of physical activity in the workplace;
  • work at night and in conditions of neuropsychic stress;
  • inevitable contact of an employee with microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, etc.;
  • radiation at work;
  • strong concentration of toxic substances, chemical compounds;
  • work in conditions of extreme temperatures;
  • insufficient / excessive lighting.

How to get a travel allowance?

People with disabilities pay half the cost of a ticket in urban and suburban transport. For travel in municipal transport, a disabled person is issued a single social travel card.

How to apply for a discount on utilities?

To receive benefits in the housing and communal sector and compensation payments, the following documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund:

  • the passport;
  • utility bills;
  • certificate of disability of the 2nd group;
  • certificate of all registered in the housing.

What you need to enter a technical school or university on preferential terms

A disabled person of the 2nd group is given the opportunity to enter out of competition in any state educational institution, subject to the successful passing of tests, exams and the compliance of medical and social indications with the profile of the educational institution and the chosen specialty. In this case, the scholarship will be paid regardless of academic performance.

Law on monetization

Knowing exactly what benefits he is entitled to, a disabled person can significantly improve his life, so you need to follow changes in legislation at the federal and local levels, because the list of benefits is constantly changing, new opportunities are emerging. Thus, in connection with the law on monetization, persons with physical disabilities can replace certain discounts and free services with an equivalent amount in rubles.

The law on monetization applies to payment for medicines, housing and communal services, travel by municipal transport, and sanatorium therapy. Regarding the payment of a communal apartment, the following scheme applies: a person pays in full according to the receipt, and then 50% of the amount paid is recalculated to a bank card or account.

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Benefits from the social package have a fixed "price". To replace one or more services with a ruble equivalent, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. This decision can then be reversed by writing a new application.

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What benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group?

What benefits are provided to disabled people of group II:

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation”, part of the benefits are provided to the disabled in monetary terms in the form of a monthly payment (UDV) from the federal budget. In addition, persons with disabilities receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services, which includes free travel by suburban transport to the place of treatment and back, free provision of medicines, and vouchers for sanatorium treatment if there are medical indications. These measures are provided to disabled people by the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Disabled people and families with disabled children are entitled to social support measures for paying for housing and utilities, as well as services for the removal of household and other waste.

This measure is provided in the form of a cash equivalent discount (CDE) for paying for housing and utilities. Social support measures for travel by all types of urban passenger transport are provided to disabled people in the amount of no more than 30 trips using one electronic transport card during a calendar month, regardless of the type of transport and locality. Trips not used during the month are transferred to the next calendar month and added up with the number of trips falling on it during the calendar year. Trips not used during the calendar year are not carried over to the next year.

Free travel by suburban water transport and suburban and intercity motor transport within the area of ​​residence is provided to disabled people without limiting the number of trips.

Disabled persons have the right to be provided with technical means of rehabilitation (RTM), manufacture and repair of prosthetic and orthopedic products, subject to the availability of relevant recommendations of individual rehabilitation programs (IPR). If the TMR provided for by the IPR cannot be provided to the disabled person, or if he independently acquired the specified TMR at his own expense, the disabled person is paid compensation in the amount of the cost of the TMR, which must be provided to the disabled person in accordance with the IPR.

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Official site for people with disabilities

When group 2 disability is established, a person does not lose the rights to a normal life and communication. Such people belong to an unprotected category of persons. Accordingly, the state is trying to help them. Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group are established at the legislative level. To get them, you need to contact certain authorities with an individual package of documentation.

The concept of a disabled person of the 2nd group

A disabled person is a person who has limited physical abilities due to illness or injury. However, it is long-term. Depending on the severity of the loss of physical vital functions, a disability group is determined.

The second group of disability is determined by Order No. 1013 n. Here are the main conditions for belonging to this category, namely the 2nd degree:

  • Opportunities to take care of yourself. This implies the need for partial assistance from third parties or technical devices that are of a regular nature.
  • Movement with assistance.
  • Perception of the world around with the use of special devices.
  • Communication with the involvement of third parties.
  • Adjustment with medicines prescribed by the doctor.
  • Work in specially created conditions with the help of special technical means.

Diseases for which people are given a second disability group:

  • Impairment of hearing or vision, or other sensory functions.
  • Violation of the circulatory function, as well as the respiratory system.
  • Minor mental disorders.
  • Speech disorders.
  • Physical failures.

It turns out that the disabled of the second group are full-fledged participants in public life. They are able, with outside help, to:

  • general education;
  • work;
  • speak;
  • walk and enjoy life.

Also, at the same time, special technical means are provided that perform functions that the body no longer performs. This includes, for example, wheelchair users. They can realize themselves in many professions, but with the help of strangers. They also need state support in the form of approved legislative acts, on the basis of which benefits are provided.

In 2017, the pension for people with disabilities in this category is:

The second disability group is assigned after a special examination by medical personnel. Determination of disability is not only a medical, but also a social and economic process.

How is disability status determined?

The norms of Decree No. 95 stipulate not only the conditions for selection and the degree of disability, but also the very procedure for establishing disability.

It consists of several stages:

  • Referral of a person to a special medical and social examination by the attending doctor. The following papers must be attached to the direction itself:
    1. written request for examination;
    2. identification;
    3. photocopies of medical documentation on a general disease.

Other documentation may also be required. For example, in case of injury at work, a package of papers from the organization is required.

  • The documentation package is submitted for consideration by the ITU Bureau at the place of residence.
  • The bureau creates a special commission, consisting of several specialists, to determine the degree of loss of vital functions. The data is recorded in the protocol.
  • By the number of votes, a decision is made to establish a group. A special act is created with the number of votes.
  • If a person is recognized as disabled, within three days he is issued an appropriate certificate of the established form. Additionally, an individual rehabilitation program is created for him with a description of the necessary loads.
  • With this certificate, a disabled person must apply to the Pension Fund to apply for a pension. There he will be issued a pension certificate.

A disabled person uses his status only from the moment it is properly issued. After receiving a pension certificate, you can apply for a number of benefits. It is recommended to find out their exact number at the place of residence.

Types of benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

Not all people with an established disability are able to work and provide for themselves. Also, having health problems, they are supposed to:

  • regular treatment;
  • implementation of rehabilitation measures;
  • purchase of special funds;
  • pay for services to third-party citizens for care;

Therefore, disabled people of the 2nd group need state support in the form of social assistance. Therefore, persons with disabilities have various benefits.

According to the legislation, people with disabilities from childhood of 2 groups are supposed to:

  • disability pension;
  • social grants and benefits.

Each disabled person of the 2nd group, approved by law, is entitled to apply for a disability pension. It doesn't matter what the person's experience and age. This pension is paid for health reasons. There are basic benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group and benefits for disabled children:

  1. social benefits;
  2. for education;
  3. housing privileges;
  4. medical benefits;
  5. labor;
  6. tax.

What benefits are provided to disabled people of the 2nd group are of interest to many people with disabilities. As can be seen from the list, disabled people of the second group have a decent amount of privileges. These benefits are approved at the legislative level. Sometimes, a person is a disabled child. Then, until the age of majority, his parents use the benefits.

Social benefits

What benefits a disabled person of group 2 has at the federal and regional levels is of interest to many citizens. There is a basic list of benefits:

  • Social pension.
  • Insurance pension.
  • Social assistance at home. If there is no one to care for a person with disabilities, social protection provides a person who will help him.
  • Provision of free travel in public transport, except for taxis.

You can also apply for a set of social services:

  • receiving medicines;
  • obtaining a voucher for sanatorium treatment;
  • trip to the resort and back.

Individual benefits may be introduced in regions. For example, in the capital there is a regional surcharge for disabled people.

When a pensioner has dependents, they receive the appropriate supplement for each of them.

The following services can be rendered to a person with an established disability:

  • care;
  • catering;
  • assistance in obtaining medical services;
  • organization of leisure;
  • funeral services;
  • etc.

Assistance can be provided free of charge to:

  • disabled people left without the support of loved ones;
  • disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is less than the subsistence minimum in the region of residence.

Social benefits are handled by the Pension Fund and the body of social protection of the population. Accordingly, if you need social assistance, you need to contact these authorities personally or through a representative. Social security specialists have the opportunity to visit people with disabilities at home.

Privileges in the field of education

Disabled people of the 2nd group have benefits in the field of education. This category of citizens is enrolled in higher educational institutions of their choice without entrance exams. To do this, it is enough to write an application and collect the required documentation.

Students with disabilities receive additional special scholarships. Their availability and size depend on the budget of the institution, which can be clarified at the place of study.

Housing allowances and supplements

Benefits for group 2 disability exist in the field of housing. Persons with an established disability are entitled to claim reimbursement for utility bills in the amount of fifty percent of the cost of services. If the family of a disabled person has insufficient income, he has the right to apply for a subsidy. The calculation of the average income takes into account the earnings of all family members living with a person with disabilities. The main indicator here is the subsistence level of the region of residence. When utility bills exceed 22% of a family's earnings, they are entitled to a subsidy in the form of reimbursement of expenses. To apply for a subsidy, you must contact the management companies or the MFC.

Also, persons with disabilities of the second group are entitled to receive a discount for paying:

  • Sveta;
  • water;
  • fuels for city heating houses;
  • etc.

Half of the cost of the work is refunded during the overhaul of a house or apartment.

When acquiring land for construction, the second group of disabled people is always considered in the first place.

You can apply for housing benefits in the social security authorities or management companies.


Since the disabled are considered an unprotected category, the state solves many of their housing issues.

Such situations include:

  • complete lack of real estate;
  • accommodation in a hostel, except for the time of study and seasonal work;
  • if a disabled person shares a living space with persons who are not related to him by family ties;
  • when one of the family members living with a disabled person is a sick person;
  • housing for a person with a disability does not meet the criteria for:
    • Technical and sanitary requirements.
    • Norms of 18 square meters per tenant.

State assistance in solving housing issues can be expressed as follows:

  • allocation of an apartment from the fund of the region;
  • financial assistance for the purchase of housing.

Features of housing that is allocated to persons with disabilities:

  • The property is selected taking into account the state of health of all family members.
  • The area of ​​the premises under a social tenancy agreement may be higher than the established norm.
  • There are special rehabilitation devices in the house. For example, a ramp.
  • It is possible to allocate land for construction.

To resolve the housing issue, it is required to submit an appropriate application to the administration of the region of residence. Attached are the papers:

  1. house book;
  2. certificate of a disabled person;
  3. identification;
  4. help from BTI.

Previously, the applicant is placed in a queue for housing. When distributing housing, persons with disabilities come first.

Disability Medical Benefits

Benefits for disabled people of group 2 also operate in the medical field. They are aimed at empowering people with disabilities.

Medical benefits for the disabled include:

  • free diagnostics;
  • treatment in state medical institutions;
  • receiving free medical care at home;
  • free or 50% discount provision of essential medicines;
  • free installation and provision of medical equipment;
  • once a year, a voucher to a sanatorium can be provided at the expense of the state.

It is allowed to provide preferential travel to the sanatorium and back, for the disabled person and the person accompanying him, if required.

All medical benefits are issued in the relevant institutions through the attending doctor. When issuing vouchers, after collecting all the necessary documentation, you must contact the FSS department with an appropriate application. The agency will respond within 14 days. It is recommended to ask the FSS employee which resort has the least queue.

labor benefits

Persons with disabilities enjoy the right to work. Therefore, the state also established labor benefits for this group of people:

  • the ability to work no more than 7 hours a day, while maintaining a full salary;
  • provision of a monthly income tax deduction of 500 rubles, when calculating personal income tax.
  • regular vacation once a year for thirty calendar days;
  • the opportunity to take up to 60 days of additional unpaid leave per year.

It is impossible to attract a disabled person of the second group without his consent:

  1. to overtime work;
  2. on holidays or weekends.

It is impossible to refuse a disabled person of the 2nd group in employment, because of his status, this can be attributed to discrimination. Employment benefits rely and are issued only at the place of employment. In case of violation of rights, a disabled person has the right to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office.

Tax incentives and privileges

There are also some tax exemptions for the disabled. There are tax benefits for a disabled person of group 2, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • This category of citizens is exempt from paying property tax.
  • If a person with disabilities officially works and pays personal income tax, he has the right to claim deductions:
    1. for education;
    2. for treatment;
    3. property.
  • Cars converted to food for a disabled person are not subject to transport tax. The power of the car should not exceed one hundred horsepower.
  • If the land plot is registered in the possession of a person with disabilities, there is a chance to reduce the tax base by ten thousand rubles.

To apply for tax benefits, you need to contact the tax office at the place of residence.

Also, a person with disabilities of the second group, who applied to the court with an application, is exempted from paying the state fee, if the amount of the claim is less than one million rubles. Additionally, this category of persons is entitled to a fifty percent discount on notary services.

Additionally, it is recommended to find out what tax benefits are due to persons with disabilities in the inspection at the place of residence. Sometimes there are more privileges at the regional level than at the federal level.

Procedure for obtaining privileges

To obtain privileges, you must adhere to the following steps:

  • Appeal to the doctor.
  • Passage of a special commission.
  • Transfer of the required documentation to the social security authority or another authority, depending on the category of benefits.

The list of documentation for receiving a subsidy depends on the basis for its provision and the instance of application. The main package of documentation for obtaining the entitlement benefits:

  1. certificate of disability of the 2nd group;
  2. identification;
  3. SNILS;
  4. pensioner's ID;
  5. other papers proving the reason for applying for benefits for the disabled.

None of the benefits are automatically granted. To obtain it, you need to contact the appropriate authority with a specific package of documentation.

In case of violation of rights, a disabled person can file a complaint with the appropriate authorities.

In Russia, people with disabilities belong to an unprotected category of people. Accordingly, the state takes care of them by issuing various legislative acts that approve tax benefits for the disabled. All persons with an established disability are entitled to benefits. This helps to compensate for the limitations of the disabled.

Citizens with disabilities are recognized as a socially vulnerable category in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the state develops and implements special programs aimed at helping the disabled.

Social guarantees for disabled people in 2018

Before the subject will be assigned disability payments, he must undergo an examination that will certify the fact of violations of body functions. A medical and social examination will not only establish the presence of a disability, but also determine its group. In particular:

  1. implies a lack of employment. A person, due to various traumatic circumstances, loses the ability to self-service and self-sufficiency. The need for the help of third parties is expected.
  2. disability implies a partial lack of ability to independently provide for one's life. That is, the subject can work in special conditions, but in everyday life he needs the help of a third party or special technical devices to maintain life.
  3. implies the ability to self-service and work, but a person needs special technical means to maintain his life. At the same time, he performs his work somewhat more slowly than people whose health does not deviate from the norm.

Social guarantees are concluded for the disabled in material monthly assistance. So, in 2018 it is:

  • for minors with disabilities - 12432.44 rubles;
  • for category 1 - 10.360.52 rubles;
  • for group 2 - 5180.24 rubles;
  • for 3 - 4403.24 rubles.

A disabled person has the right to refuse to provide any benefits, then he is entitled to a lump sum compensation (UDV). EDV is a monetary compensation for benefits provided to persons with disabilities. In 2018, such compensation is:

  • for 1 disability group - 3538.52 rubles;
  • for category 2 - 2527.06 rubles;
  • for 3 - 2022.94 rubles;
  • for minors with disabilities - 2527.29 rubles.

Also in 2018, the state reimburses disabled people for the following costs in the form of a set of social services:

  • travel in municipal transport, including suburban routes;
  • rent, as well as partial (up to 50%) reimbursement of utilities (electricity, gas, water and heat);
  • telephone bills. Only landlines are considered.

Benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group in Moscow

Citizens with group 3 disability can count on the following benefits:

In addition to the stipulated, a disabled person of the 3rd category should not be discriminated against on the basis of limited employment opportunities. In labor activity, the subject in question is entitled to the following benefits:

  • persons with a third category of disability may not pass;
  • such subjects are given the opportunity to work or have an additional day of rest;
  • workers with disability group 3 can be involved in or to work at night, however, a written consent of a citizen is required for such a procedure. The employer has no right to force such work;
  • such a person should be out of order, if the subject declares this in writing;
  • if the state of health of a citizen has deteriorated sharply, he has the right to terminate the employment agreement without any compensation payments to the employer.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow

Citizens with disabilities of the 2nd group are entitled to receive the following benefits:

  • Possibility to use social taxi. However, this benefit is valid only for citizens who have problems with the musculoskeletal system and are unable to move independently;
  • annual treatment in a sanatorium. It is supposed to pay both the voucher to the sanatorium itself, and travel in both directions. A similar procedure can be performed once a year;
  • free movement by public transport;
  • obtaining the necessary medicines free of charge from the list of drugs regulated by the Ministry of Health;
  • additional material payments from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as a social protection of the subject. It is assumed that additional funds will be spent on prosthetics or other medical procedures;
  • utility bills become cheaper by half;
  • if a disabled person is registered as a person in need of better housing conditions, he may be provided with new housing in the order of priority;
  • provision of free necessary technical equipment;
  • assistance by the employment service in employment, if this is possible, based on the physical abilities of the disabled person;
  • enrollment in a university under a preferential program.

In working life, a disabled person of group 2 in Moscow and the Moscow region can also count on additional leave outside the corresponding schedule, as well as on irregular working hours.

Benefits for disabled people of the 1st group in Moscow

Benefits for disabled people in Moscow are assigned in accordance with the category of disabilities. So, group 1 is entitled to the following preferences:

  • free treatment in public clinics, including procedures on high-tech equipment. In addition, a citizen with category 1 disability is also entitled to free medicines based on a medical report;
  • providing the subject with prostheses, as well as other attributes and technical products to maintain human health. At the same time, repair and replacement of such equipment is also carried out free of charge;
  • the subject has the right to go for treatment in a sanatorium, which is paid for at the expense of municipal funds. The road in both directions is also paid;
  • obtaining education of any level, adapted to the developmental features of a disabled person;
  • Moscow disabled people can be provided with targeted financial assistance in kind. For example, food or things. It is carried out upon sending an appropriate application to the social service of a particular district of the capital;
  • if the disabled person is alone, has no relatives and parents, the social service will provide him with a personal assistant who will take proper care of the person. Household assistance is expected, for example, cleaning the apartment, cooking, paying utility bills, etc. To receive such a benefit, you will need to submit an application to the center of social services for the population.

For disabled people of the 1st group, the following other benefits are also provided:

  • social taxi services in Moscow. It is assumed that a disabled person orders a taxi 12 hours before the time of travel, while paying only half the fare with hourly coupons;
  • free public transport.

Tax benefits for disabled people in Moscow

Persons with disabilities are eligible for tax credits. So, benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group in the Moscow region and Moscow are mainly assumed on the basis of employment. For other groups, there is such a list of tax preferences:

In addition, there are such tax benefits for people with disabilities:

  1. 500 rubles are deducted monthly from the income tax base if the subject is a disabled person of 1, 2 or 3 groups or a child with disabilities.
  2. A personal income tax deduction is provided to the guardians of a disabled minor in the amount of 3,000 rubles. A deduction is also provided to guardians if the subject is under 24 years of age and is a full-time university student.
  3. If a disabled person has the status of a liquidator of the consequences of the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, his monthly deduction from the tax will also be 3,000 rubles.

The procedure for obtaining preferential payments to people with disabilities in Moscow and the region

First of all, a disabled person needs to fill out an application with a request to start providing benefits to him. To do this, you need to contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the MFC, it is also legitimate to go to the social protection authorities of the population or tax authorities.

The application must be accompanied by a package of documents, which consists of:

  1. Identity cards of the disabled.
  2. SNILS.
  3. An extract from a medical expert, which records the fact of the assignment of a disability, as well as its specific group.
  4. Assigned rehabilitation program.
  5. If available, a document certifying ownership of real estate.
  6. Extracts on the composition of the family, which can be obtained from the housing and communal services.
  7. Receipts confirming the payment of utility bills.
  8. In circumstances where the disabled applicant is a dependent, it is also necessary to provide passport details of persons living with him.
  9. The act of checking the situation of the place of residence of the applicant.
  10. Bank details of the person.

The issue of providing certain benefits will be resolved within 10 business days from the date of application.

A subject who has a disability does not have the right to refuse to provide a set of benefits. However, in order to avoid refusal, the subject needs to know what benefits are provided in Moscow for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3. In some situations, the refusal is still legitimate:

  1. The subject provided an incomplete package of documents.
  2. A disabled person has no reason to count on a benefit that is not due to him in accordance with his category of limited abilities or based on any other characteristics of his health.
  3. The person provides false documents, or documents that were drawn up with errors.
  4. The citizen did not pass the re-examination procedure. It is assumed that a disabled person must undergo a similar procedure annually to record his current state of health and confirm disability. If this procedure is skipped, it is considered that an updated extract of a medical examination was not provided to the RF Pension Fund bodies, therefore, the benefits are canceled until the violation is corrected.
  5. The disabled person is listed as a debtor on utility bills.
  6. A citizen cannot count on any discount on medicines if there is no medical prescription for it.

Thus, there is a clear list of benefits for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in the Moscow region. In order to receive them, subjects with disabilities, firstly, need to know what kind of benefits are provided for them in accordance with the category of disability, and, secondly, to be informed about the legal basis of the issue.

Benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group - compensations, payments, discounts, social services and other privileges, including means for individual rehabilitation (prostheses, wheelchairs), provided to persons with dysfunction of organs or body systems of moderate severity.

A disabled person of the 2nd group has the right to privileges in various areas of life. To find out what preferences of federal and regional significance are due to a disabled person and to receive them in a timely manner, you need to contact the pension fund, as well as visit the social security and tax authorities. The most significant benefit is the pension, which varies in size. A non-working person is entitled to a social pension, a person with seniority can choose a labor pension benefit.

To obtain a certificate and apply for assistance, you need to undergo an examination at the ITU Bureau, and then submit the following documents to the pension fund and social security authorities:

The effect of disability and the right to appropriate preferences lasts until the next medical examination.

What are the preferences

Disabled people of the 2nd group are prescribed the following basic preferences:

  • monthly pension allowance (about 4400 rubles) plus additional payments if there is 1 child in the care of a disabled person - 5844 rubles, 2 children - 7305 rubles, 3 children - 8767 rubles;
  • UDV - a monthly cash payment in the amount of about 2124 rubles. (when deciding to use the social package or some of the components, its cost will be calculated from the EDV);
  • discounts on housing and communal services: 50% for electricity, gas, water, heating, garbage disposal and sewerage (if there is no central heating in the dwelling, a disabled person can install a boiler at half price);
  • in their homes, people should be partially reimbursed for the cost of fuel;
  • medicines prescribed by a doctor free of charge for the unemployed and with a 50% discount for the employed;
  • rest and treatment in a sanatorium for medical reasons (vouchers are issued free of charge to the unemployed and at a discount to the employed, as well as at the expense of the employer if a person was injured at work);
  • payment for the road to the health resort;
  • free travel on trains;
  • tax preferences;
  • admission to educational institutions out of competition;
  • privileges in employment and vocational training;
  • 50% discount for notary services.

Additional preferences

Disabled people of the 2nd group are entitled to additional social services: care for a disabled person at home, assistance in obtaining certificates, etc.

Additional benefits include free breakfast and lunch for students in a school with children with a disability. To qualify for this benefit, parents must write to the school principal and provide a certificate of disability.

Also, disabled people should remember that their share in the division of the inheritance is at least 50%.

Privileges in the field of medicine and healthcare: nuances

In addition to free medicines for the treatment of the pathology that caused disability, and sanatorium therapy, citizens with the 2nd group of health restrictions are provided with the following benefits:

  1. discounts on medical equipment, prostheses, including dental ones (except for expensive implants and crowns), various devices (wheelchairs, hearing aids, bandages, etc.);
  2. medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  3. orthopedic shoes on preferential terms.

Moscow has an expanded list of free or subsidized medicines and medical devices for the disabled.

To get a referral to a sanatorium, you need to contact your doctor and then follow his instructions. The duration of stay at the resort for adults is 18 days, for disabled children 21 days. The ticket must be handed out no later than 3 weeks before arrival.

tax incentives

In the tax area, preferences can be used when paying personal income tax, taxes on land, transport (up to 150 HP) and real estate, as well as when contacting a notary. In some cases, a person with physical disabilities is completely exempt from state duty. Do not pay beneficiaries and property tax.

Taxes are not deducted from payments from the former employer if they do not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

An employee with a 2nd disability group has a favorable tax deduction (500 rubles). It is calculated as follows: 500 rubles are taken from the salary. and calculate a 13 percent income tax.

The tax deduction from the purchase / sale of housing and other property is 13%.

Disabled people of the 2nd group should work no more than 7 hours a day (35 hours a week). They do not have the right to work forcibly in excess of the norm, on holidays and on weekends (only with the written consent of the employee).

Disabled persons are entitled to 30 days paid leave plus leave at their own expense up to 60 days.

Contraindications to the work of a disabled person are:

  • high level of physical activity in the workplace;
  • work at night and in conditions of neuropsychic stress;
  • inevitable contact of an employee with microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, etc.;
  • radiation at work;
  • strong concentration of toxic substances, chemical compounds;
  • work in conditions of extreme temperatures;
  • insufficient / excessive lighting.

How to get a travel allowance?

People with disabilities pay half the cost of a ticket in urban and suburban transport. For travel in municipal transport, a disabled person is issued a single social travel card.

How to apply for a discount on utilities?

To receive benefits in the housing and communal sector and compensation payments, the following documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund:

What you need to enter a technical school or university on preferential terms

A disabled person of the 2nd group is given the opportunity to enter out of competition in any state educational institution, subject to the successful passing of tests, exams and the compliance of medical and social indications with the profile of the educational institution and the chosen specialty. In this case, the scholarship will be paid regardless of academic performance.

Law on monetization

Knowing exactly what benefits he is entitled to, a disabled person can significantly improve his life, so you need to follow changes in legislation at the federal and local levels, because the list of benefits is constantly changing, new opportunities are emerging. Thus, in connection with the law on monetization, persons with physical disabilities can replace certain discounts and free services with an equivalent amount in rubles.

The law on monetization applies to payment for medicines, housing and communal services, travel by municipal transport, and sanatorium therapy. Regarding the payment of a communal apartment, the following scheme applies: a person pays in full according to the receipt, and then 50% of the amount paid is recalculated to a bank card or account.

Benefits from the social package have a fixed "price". To replace one or more services with a ruble equivalent, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund. This decision can then be reversed by writing a new application.

Hello! My name is Belova Olga Borisovna. I have been working in the field of law since 2013. I specialize primarily in civil law. She studied at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty: Jurisprudence (Lawyer).

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